LightBlue September 2012

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Issue 87 September 2012


CONTENTS Foundations for Exceptional Futures 2-5 From our Principal 6-7 Making a Positive Difference 8-9 Positive Education 10-11 Bostock House 12 Toorak Campus 13 Middle School 14 Timbertop 15 Coriobald 16-17 Winter Sport 18-19 RoboCup World Champions 20 Languages 21 Reflections 22-23 Performing Arts 24 Careers Discovery Day 25 Past Parents' Network 26 South East Asia 27 Foundation 28-29 OGG President 30 OGG News 31 OGG Gatherings 32-33 OGG Reunions 34 OGG Sport 35 HOGA 36 COGA 37 OGG in focus 38 From the Curator 39- 43 Upcoming Events 44

Editor Brendan McAloon Design Claire Robson Printing Adams Print Photography Mark Elshout Glen Ferguson Cormac Hanrahan Linda Hartskeerl Peter Lemon Drew Ryan Steve Solomonson Website Email CRICOS 00143G 2


Foundations for exceptional futures Geelong Grammar School is embarking on its most ambitious fundraising campaign since the School moved from Geelong to Corio in 1914. The name for our new campaign is Foundations for Exceptional Futures. We want to ensure that we continue to provide an exceptional education for students who will go on to flourish in their lives. To do this, we seek philanthropic funding for a number of strategically important and exciting projects that will make a positive difference to our students’ learning environment. The Principal, the School Council and the Geelong Grammar Foundation – with the support of the Old Geelong Grammarians Association – are committed to ensuring the success of the campaign. We have consulted widely with the School community in drawing up our plans. Our aim is to prepare the School for the next 100 years of educational innovation and leadership.

The School is in excellent heart and student numbers are strong. Our School Council continues to invest in the School, refurbishing boarding houses and renewing units at Timbertop. But together, we have the opportunity to do more to prepare the School for its ongoing role in our fast changing society. We have a history of looking forward. We are known throughout the world for our innovative educational programmes, including Timbertop and Positive Education. We are Australia’s world school, reflected in our membership of the G20 Schools and the World Leading Schools’ Association. This is our time and our opportunity, a hundred or so years after others led the way, to cement Geelong Grammar School’s position as a leading school in Australia and the world. Our students and those who follow them deserve no less.

Please do not be surprised if little seems to be happening in the campaign during the next few months – much will be done quietly, out of sight, apart from an occasional progress report as we go along – but we did want you to know now of our exciting plans for an exceptional future. You will find more background and details of the initial projects on which we will focus outlined on the following two pages. If you have specific questions or are interested in becoming involved in some way, or want to make an early contribution to one of our projects, please do contact a member of our Campaign Executive through our Community Relations Office on +61 3 5227 6349. Campaign Executive (left to right): Jeremy Kirkwood (FB‛79), Chairman of Council; Stephen Meek, Principal; Tony Bretherton, Executive Director, Geelong Grammar Foundation; Bill Ranken (M‛72), Chairman, Geelong Grammar Foundation



Foundations for exceptional futures OUR VISION

Philanthropy has always been a transformational force at work within Geelong Grammar School. Since the foundation of Geelong Grammar School in 1855 under the leadership of George Vance, we have enriched not only our own students and their families, but many others as well. Our School’s capacity to innovate has brought experiential learning (Timbertop) to a great many schools around the world. Our leadership in exploring Positive Education, developed from the science of Positive Psychology, has challenged schools in many countries to explore this essential aspect of learning and human development. The quality of pastoral care within our co-educational boarding environment continues to bring visitors from other schools to Corio to learn from our staff.

In 2014 Geelong Grammar School will mark the 100th anniversary of its move from Geelong to Corio, with a variety of special events and enhanced activities. The move did not take place without a clear vision for a vibrant future. There was careful planning by inspired leaders, strong commitment by staff and parents and a visionary philanthropic commitment. We now recall the effort, commitment and leadership of those who took innovative and inspired choices in their day; choices that have inspired the exceptional future in our day. As we look back with gratitude, it is also our responsibility and privilege to look forward with our own inspiration and vision, ensuring the School is positioned as well as possible for the next 100 years. As they planned, committed and provided resources, so should we, for those yet to be born depend on the decisions and commitments we make now.

The School cannot move forward as quickly as it would wish without Geelong Grammar School represents, philanthropy, which has always been a provides and inspires Exceptional Education. transformational force at work within Our vision of Exceptional Education is founded Geelong Grammar School. In consultation on our character, spirit, beliefs, purpose and with our community we have identified focus. We believe our rigorous academic significant strategic initiatives aimed at programmes create wonder, curiosity and strengthening and enhancing the School’s the desire to learn. Our focus is learning exceptional offering and which cannot be to flourish. Our character includes being fully funded by our operating activities. authentic, courageous, inquiring, passionate Working in support of carefully chosen and trusting. Our purpose sums everything projects that will strengthen the learning up: to inspire our students and community experience offered to our students, the to flourish and make a positive difference wider School community is asked to through our unique transformational support our campaign, to ensure that education adventures. our students continue to receive an exceptional education now and into the future.



Why does the School believe it needs a comprehensive campaign?

So there are lots of projects – are we expected to give money to all of them?

To continue to be the leading school in Australia, we need to do more to provide the environment in which innovation, creativity and personal development of our students and staff can flourish. Our School has always offered an exceptional education, but only because people have believed in our future and have made philanthropic commitments to ensure our success. This campaign continues that tradition.

No – the campaign assumes that people will be asked to support just one project in a way that is appropriate for them. Some people may want to support more than one project, but that is not the general expectation. Will this mean lots more mail and when will I be asked to contribute? Annual Giving is our annual small gift programme that seeks wide involvement by mail every year and it will be continuing. The comprehensive campaign is much more about gaining an in-depth understanding about a project and conversations about what you might like to do in support of one

There are four projects that will lead the way. Enhanced funding for Scholarships will ensure that we can continue to attract students who would be unable to attend the School without financial assistance from throughout Australia and across the world. Gifts towards the further embedding of Positive Education within the School will assist not only our own community, but many others who look to us for guidance and leadership. We believe we should demonstrate that Positive Education enhances student wellbeing and that we should lead in establishing wellbeing as an essential component of a thriving education system. We need more resources to bring this vision to life. Perhaps the feature project, and certainly the most extensive and expensive new facility on our approved list, will be a (yet to be named) complex sited on the corner of School Road and Biddlecombe Avenue, comprising of a new 800 seat hall (working title ‘The Forum’) and a 250 seat theatre (working title ‘The Studio’). This new facility will have a large foyer and extensive backof-house spaces. It will solve immediate School shortcomings, provide a symbol for creative potential and inspire exceptional futures. The Senior School at Corio cannot all fit into the Bracebridge Wilson Theatre for assembly – one House sits on the stage behind the staff and another House watches the assembly via video screen from two adjacent classrooms. This is a problem that needs to be addressed. Our new facility will provide much needed space, and a launching pad for creative

project or another. It will take years for all those conversations to take place and some amongst us may not be approached about the campaign for a long time. Others of us will be involved more quickly. So are all the projects going to be put forward at the same time? No – we simply cannot work with all the projects at once. We have selected four projects which will receive most of our attention to begin with. As we go along, other projects will be brought forward and people likely to be interested in those projects will then be approached for support.

energy within the School. Here we will find students being curious, courageous, inquiring, passionate and trusting, experiencing educational adventures that will transform and inspire. We are already creative and our staff members bring character and richness to the teaching of our students. The Arts play a very important role in the education of a child and recent neuroscience is proving the benefits of music, art, theatre, dance and play in the development of the brain.

Our proposed new complex will become another symbol of how important the Arts are to Geelong Grammar School. They are not peripheral subjects or activities, but are at the core of each student’s learning experience. The Handbury Centre for Wellbeing has enriched the student experience at Corio and has become a symbol for the emergence and growth of the Positive Education programme at Geelong Grammar School. To “flourish” now has a greater meaning. To “enhance resilience” is now a concept that is more deeply understood and is taught within programmes which did not exist in classrooms a decade ago. Educational institutions throughout Australia and around the world are looking to our leadership in Positive Education as they assess what they should do in this field – and how.

Can I give my gift over a period of time?

The Toorak Wellbeing Centre has been something the School has wanted to develop for some time but it seemed out of reach until a number of anonymous gifts have brought it on to our immediate agenda. The Centre will be a symbol of Positive Education on the Toorak Campus and will provide a special focus on the importance of positive nutrition. The building will include a swimming pool and spaces for meditation, movement, social interaction, cooking and nutritional education.



Other projects include our Visiting Fellows Programme, a new sailing facility, a new rowing building, an extension of the Corio Music School and a new Technology building. These projects (and possibly others) will be brought forward in due course. Tony Bretherton Executive Director Geelong Grammar Foundation

So does the School believe each of these projects really matters to the future of the School?

Absolutely yes. For many of us, this will be our one significant gift to the School and, because it will be a more significant contribution than we Yes – and the School will be contributing usually make, it will be important to be able to funds towards each of the projects for spread it over three to five years. which funds are raised. The percentage will vary but the commitment is real in each case. The campaign is about a partnership Are all gifts tax deductible? between the School and those who want to All the building projects are tax deductible, support it philanthropically. as are gifts to Scholarships. Gifts to Positive Education and the Visiting Fellows Programme are not tax deductible – but we seek funding support for these projects because they are so important to our future

How much do we want to raise? It is too soon to declare a final overall target, but it will be the School’s most ambitious campaign.



From our Principal

From our Principal Teaching is a wonderful profession. It is just such a pleasure to work with young people and with dedicated teachers who want to make a positive difference on a daily basis. When we are encouraged in Positive Education to count our blessings, I always include, in broad terms, that I have spent my working life as a member of the teaching profession and, in particular, that I work at this School. I am very fortunate. Every year, some of our students decide to become teachers as they leave school, but not many. In some ways this is not surprising as they have been in schools for the last 13 years and it is quite understandable that they want to explore other worlds and to consider other professions (and then, in some case, change to teaching at a later date). In other ways, I think it is surprising that we do not have more students looking to become teachers, as so many of our students are committed to making a positive difference to the lives of others while they are at school and becoming a teacher would be a way 6

of continuing to make such a contribution. However, in the end, it is making a positive difference in whatever capacity which is the key and I am pleased that this is something which so many of our students wish to do. Making a positive difference is the theme of this edition of Light Blue and has been chosen because it highlights the “spirit” of the School – one of the terms which defines the philosophy underpinning Exceptional Education, as was explained in the last edition of Light Blue. It is the spirit of the School, because it is a core belief about a shared value and a common approach which unites staff and students. Psychologists say that the environment – the morals, values, standards etc of the immediate society in which we live – has an enormous influence on the way that we behave and accelerates our acceptance of ideas, both positively and negatively. I have no doubt that this spirit has helped encourage generations of students and staff to want to make a positive difference. There are many examples on all campuses at an individual and a group level. Mariah Kennedy (Yr10 A) is an inspiring example and is someone who epitomises the idea of making a positive difference. When she was in Year 8 she mobilised the students

in both the Middle School and the Senior School to raise money for the Haiti appeal on behalf of those who were suffering in such terrible circumstances after the devastating earthquake had destroyed so much in that country. I remember listening to her speaking to the 650 students in Senior School about this appeal and being impressed by her confidence and her courage. For many of us, our reaction to such a disaster is that the scale of the problem is so great that there is nothing meaningful that we can do. Mariah’s reaction is to do something practical and to mobilise others. I have no doubt that this spirit within her is one of the reasons why she has been chosen this year (as a Year 10 student) to be one of UNICEF’s Youth Ambassadors. You can read about her recent appointment and what it means on page 8. Bostock House has developed a strong connection with the local disability service, Scope, in the course of the past 18 months. As is clear from page 12, the students have raised money for Scope, but equally importantly, they have learnt something about how society can help those with disabilities to help themselves to make the most of their lives. Interestingly, the Year 4 classroom has been decorated all term with signs promoting the Paralympics in London, rather than the Olympic Games


Left: Principal, Stephen Meek, with President of the newly formed Past Parents’ Network, Cathie Vickers-Willis, at a Cocktail Party for Year 13, 14, 15 and 16 parents on Friday 10 August. Above, clockwise: Entries in the 2012 Coriobald Prize portrait exhibition included ‘Bryan’ by Haytham Chernov (Yr12 Cu), ‘Self portrait’ by Thomas Walker (Yr10 Cu), ‘Self portrait’ by Clarrie Smith (Yr10 A), ‘Self-less Self portrait’ by Peter Bajer, ‘Gordon’ by Martin Beaver and ‘Self portrait’ by Eda Corr (Yr10 Fr).

which preceded it. That is where the focus of the students has lain – and, inspired by this connection, will now lie for many years to come. Let me give one more example about our students seeking to make a positive difference. I stated in my Speech Day report in 2011 that the philanthropic energy in our School is remarkable and how, in the course of last year, our students raised more than $100,000 for a wide range of charities. In the end, we had so many students suggesting good causes which they wanted to support (over and above the 20 which they did support), that there was not time to help them all, but the energy, passion and commitment which the students bring to helping others is humbling. Equally important is that the students also gave up time as an act of solidarity with those who had suffered through the Japanese earthquake and tsunami. They made 1,000 origami cranes which they sent to a school in Japan as a symbol of ongoing support for their grief and loss. Empathising with other people is the first step towards helping other people. Mechai Viravaidya (P’59) has devoted his life to helping others and he has made a positive difference on an enormous scale in Thailand. Earlier this year, Charlie Scudamore (Vice

Principal) and his wife Ann went to visit Mechai at the school he has established for the poor in Thailand, the Mechai Pattana School, to give the school some advice about school policies. Charlie was very impressed by the school and spoke in Senior School assembly about it. James Treweeke (Yr10 P) went to visit the school in January of this year and he has written about his experiences on page 9. We are hoping that we may be able to develop links with the school. On a totally different note, I am delighted to say that we are world champions – at least in one area of human endeavour! All the details are explained on page 20, but suffice it for me to say that a group of students from the Toorak Campus became RoboCup World Champions in June when they won the world finals in Mexico. They were already Victorian and then Australian champions, but have now added a world title. When I spoke to them about what they had done, I was impressed that they had developed their ideas through each stage of the competition and had worked so collaboratively when they had problems to solve. It was an excellent team event. What a great achievement! Stephen Meek Principal



Making a positive difference MARIAH’S PEACE PROJECT Mariah Kennedy (Yr10 A) believes everyone can make a difference. “There is a common misconception that it isn’t possible to make changes because of the enormity of some of the problems we face,” Mariah said.

“But I like to show young people that it is possible and we do have the capacity to make a real and tangible difference to the lives of others.” The 15-year-old has been passionate about combating global poverty since co-ordinating a school fundraising day that raised more than $10,000 for victims of the Haiti earthquake when she was in Year 8. Mariah’s fundraising campaign resulted in her being named Geelong Young Leader for 2011, recognising her exceptional leadership, kindness and courage to make a difference.

Mariah is putting all of these qualities into practice by co-ordinating the Peace Project book that will bring together contributions from well-known Australian authors and illustrators about “peace, poverty, war, child labour and other issues”. The book will include poems, short stories and personal reflections from the likes of Jackie French, Morris Gleitzman and Deborah Ellis, and will be published by Harper Collins. It will raise money for UNICEF’s East Africa Emergency Appeal – Mariah was recently appointed as the youngest of nine UNICEF Australia Young Ambassadors selected from across Australia to help promote UNICEF’s advocacy campaigns. “Young people care about what’s happening and want to make a difference,” Mariah said. “The aim of the Peace Project book is to inspire the kids of my generation to create change within our world.” She believes that making a difference is central to the spirit of Geelong Grammar School. “There are so many social justice and charity groups. It is often surprising to see how many students give their time and energy to support different causes. It is a big part of the School’s atmosphere and the students get a lot out of it – the sense of helping someone else who is not as fortunate as you.” To find out more about Mariah’s Peace Project book please visit: everydayhero.


In January this year I went to Thailand to represent Geelong Grammar School in the forming of a school for underprivileged rural children in north-east Thailand. This school was going to be based on some of the things that Timbertop does. As I had just finished the Timbertop experience, I was invited to give fresh input from a student’s perspective into the new school being established in Pattaya on Thailand’s east coast. I was really thrilled to be asked by Mechai Viravaidya (P’59), the founding member of the Mechai Pattana School, which has its main school campus 400 kilometres away in Buriram Provence. My family has had a long association with Mechai and Mechai has had a long association with Geelong Grammar School – it is because of the experiences of his schooling in Australia that he was inspired to form this new school based on the Timbertop experience. Timbertop has an emphasis on offering its students new and unusual challenges; obstacles and hurdles that resemble those which they will encounter throughout their lives. The Mechai Pattana School’s Campus by the Sea does the same, giving the 40 Year 10 students that attend the school an opportunity to do many things that most children in Thailand are not able to. They will be able to do work experience at hospitals and other service industries. They will be working on the grounds of the resort that the school is located on, learning about renewable energy and water resource management. They will be educated in IT, business and agricultural skills as well as the compulsory Thai curriculum.

Mechai had contacted the Head of Timbertop, Roger Herbert, to ask him about the trip and tell him about the purpose of the school and what it has to do with Timbertop. Mechai was very insistent on getting another person to accompany me to Thailand. In the end this did not happen so I was all by myself and enjoying my first overseas trip immensely. The places that I visited on the trip were amazing. I was lucky to have a driver to take me everywhere and sometimes had Australian teachers who worked at Mechai’s school to accompany me. On one of these trips I was able to give a PowerPoint presentation on my home life and the past year’s experience at Timbertop, as well as answer questions from students. The area the Mechai Pattana School is in is very poor so the parents and children have to do community service to pay their school fees (they plant 365 trees and do 365 hours of community service). This provides the villages with fresh fruit and vegetables – they also sell some food to get a little money for other items. The old Hindu temples that I visited were very interesting with a lot of history and I was amazed at how they were constructed. I was given a tour of Thailand’s Grand Palace and this was full of colour and a lot of gold.

Some Year 10 students from the school and I were treated to a visit on board the US aircraft carrier Abraham Lincoln. I was also able to do some shopping for my family, visit all different types of markets and see lots of exciting and busy sights in Bangkok. I hope Geelong Grammar School can strengthen its relationship with Mechai, possibly providing exchanges, assistants or teachers to work at his schools. GGS has had a long connection with Thailand and I hope that it can extend further, providing opportunities to help underprivileged children in Thailand but also giving the GGS community a better understanding of what Mechai is doing for his country. In taking this trip I was able to appreciate where and how I live and, as I have a lot of friends at GGS who come from Thailand, a better understanding of their country. To learn more about Mechai’s schools visit:



James Treweeke (Yr10 P)



Meaning and Purpose The study of purpose dates back to the time of Aristotle, who wrote of human potential and the importance of meaning in life. Eudaimonic conceptualisations of wellbeing are reflected in American psychologist Abraham Maslow’s conceptualisation of the self-actualising individual (1968) and Carl Rogers’ concept of the fully functioning person (1961). Eudaimonia is often contrasted with hedonism, which is associated with the pursuit of pleasure and enjoyment or the maximisation of pleasure and the minimisation of pain (Deci & Ryan, 2008). Central to the idea of living a life according to one’s eudaimonia is the concept of purpose. Kosine, Steger and Duncan (2008) define purpose as the identification of valued, overarching goals which provide fulfilment and help people to grow and attain their potential. Purpose provides people with a central mission or vision for life and a sense of directedness (Ryff & Keyes, 1995). It can be viewed as a framework around which other goals and behaviours can be arranged (McKnight & Kashdan, 2009). Life meaning provides an important path to purpose. Meaning is defined having a sense of where one fits in the world (Steger, Kashdan, Sullivan, & Lorentz, 2008). Steger et al. posit that people experience meaning when they: (1) understand and accept themselves, (2) understand the world around them, and (3) understand where they fit within the world and with others. Meaning is closely related to purpose and there is a lot of overlap between how the constructs are defined and operationalised (Damon et al., 2003; Steger, Kashdan, Sullivan et al., 2008). One useful distinction is that meaning is often associated with intrinsic factors that represent personal significance, worth, or value, whereas purpose is associated with an overarching mission in life that is both meaningful to the self and that has external components such as a desire to help others (Damon et al., 2003). Empirical research supports the importance of meaning for wellbeing. In two daily diary studies, Steger, Kashdan, and Oishi (2008), compared the impact of activities associated with meaning (eudaimonic activities) such as volunteering or expressing gratitude, with activities associated with pleasure (hedonic activities), such as buying jewellery or electronics. In both studies, regular engagement in meaningful activities was associated with higher reports of life satisfaction, positive affect and meaning relative to hedonic activities, leading the authors to conclude that a lifestyle high on meaningful activities leads to enhanced wellbeing.


Within the Geelong Gramma School Model for Positive Education, Positive Purpose is defined as understanding, believing in and serving something greater than yourself, and deliberately engaging in activities for the benefit of others. The intrinsic value of contributing to others and the community provides a strong rationale for a focus on purpose within schools. Instilling students with a sense of responsibility to the world and a commitment to helping others is a valuable objective. In addition to being worthy in their own right, there is evidence that doing things for others, and having a sense that life is purposeful and meaningful, contributes to students’ psychological and physical health. Eudaimonia is defined as living life in accordance to one’s daimon or true nature (Ryan & Deci, 2001).“Making a positive difference” is the explicit declaration of Geelong Grammar’s School’s daimon – it has been at the centre of our journey to now and will no doubt continue to be a guiding light for our future endeavours. Justin Robinson Head of Positive Education

YEAR 11 POS ED FOCUS DAY Year 11 students recently participated in a Pos Ed Focus Day which was run by a dedicated committee of Year 11 students and built around the Five Ways to Wellbeing – Connect, Take Notice, Be Active, Keep Learning and Give. The students participated in a whole year level Zumba class, enjoyed a master class on healthy lunch options and benefited from listening to a personal experience of understanding deaf culture before participating in an Auslan sign singing workshop. Students connected in a variety of creative ways over lunch and through a range of team-building activities. A highlight of the day was the team games organised by the Year 11 students for all Year 7, 8 and 11 students to participate in. To see the Year 11s give of their time and energy to run a session for the Middle School students and to see the enjoyment on the students’ faces and the bonds being created across the year levels was very special. The Five Ways to Wellbeing is a set of evidence-based public mental health messages aimed at improving the mental health and wellbeing of the whole population. It is the result of a project commissioned by Foresight, the UK Government’s futures think-tank. All students received a set of the Five Ways to Wellbeing postcards at the end of the day describing in detail the five important wellbeing messages.

YEAR 8 POS ED FOCUS DAY The theme for the Year 8 Pos Ed Focus Day was Community. Students shared what a positive community looked like and sounded like prior to participating in a History Trail around the School as they developed a greater understanding of the history of their school community. Relationships were a focus of the day and a powerful play, Who Stole the Sole?, by the Phunktional theatre company, addressed a wide range of cyber relationship issues which were discussed in small groups. Students reflected on their role within the community and recognised the responsibility each member shared in upholding the values of the Golden Rule.

BLACK DOG INSTITUTE Our community was enriched by a recent visit by Matthew Johnstone, Creative Director of the Black Dog Institute. Matthew is an accomplished author, illustrator and public speaker who uses stories and images to de-stigmatise mental illness. He shared his personal story of Living with a Black Dog with our Year 10 students, which highlighted the importance of building resilience. He also shared key messages of understanding mood disorders in adolescents to our wider community, provided an illustrative guide to meditation to an early morning gathering of staff and students, and presented his A-Z of the Human Heart to our Year 7 students.

STAFF TRAINING Positive Relationships was the theme of the Term 3 staff refresher training in Positive Education. The session commenced with a sharing of what went well over the holidays before Vice Principal, Charlie Scudamore, provided an insight into how we can build and strengthen our relationships amongst our colleagues, students and all members of the GGS community. Charlie referred to the ‘10 Essential Elements of Dignity’: Acceptance of Identity, Inclusion, Safety, Acknowledgement, Recognition, Fairness, Benefit of Doubt, Understanding, Independence and Accountability. These elements are referred to in Donna Hicks and Desmond Tutu’s recent book, Dignity: The essential role it plays in solving conflict. Staff then moved into break-out groups where they refreshed their knowledge of the important relationship building skill of Active Constructive Responding.


Top: Year 11 Pos Ed Focus Day. Above: Year 8 Pos Ed Focus Day. Right: Music teacher Rita Jenkins with Will Clarke (Yr8 Bb) and Hugh Dabkowski (Yr8 Ot) at the Year 8 Pos Ed Focus Day.



MAD (Make a Difference) “How wonderful it is that nobody need wait a single moment before starting to improve the world” – Anne Frank Children are frequently looking for ways to make a difference and they are very good at identifying injustice and things that they believe to be unfair. They not only recognise these things but are also keen to address the inequities that they see. They hope to make a difference at all sorts of levels, from global issues to things that might concern them in their local community or amongst their friends. At Bostock House we set out to inspire, empower and encourage our children in the belief that they can make a difference. Through our leadership experience in Year 4, we endeavour to equip our children with the skills, confidence and experiences that will help them be successful and confident in making a difference both now and in the future. In the last week of Term 2, our Year 4 children conducted a MAD (Make a Difference) Market. The market was many weeks in the planning and the result of much hard work, a great deal of good learning and a genuine desire to help others. The class had decided that they would like to raise funds for the Scope disability organisation and for Brett Reynolds in particular, an inspirational artist whom the children met at a Scope Conference in 2011. Scope is one of the largest providers of services to people with a disability in Victoria and their mission is to support people with a disability to achieve their potential in a welcoming and inclusive community. Brett has cerebral palsy and paints with a brush 12

attached to his head and communicates via a pointer and voice module. He had been invited to attend a conference in the USA and was in need of financial support to make the trip. It was decided that the MAD Market would be an ideal vehicle to raise money to help Scope and Brett – the children also chose to donate funds to the Red Cross, Heart Kids and Breast Cancer Research after researching the work and contribution of each organisation. The Year 4 class was divided into five groups and each of those groups then decided on what sort of small business they were going to establish for the MAD Market. Each group then had to formulate and present a business plan. Once the plan was accepted they designed a website for their business, created advertising material and sourced stock for their enterprise. On the day of the market the children were responsible for setting up their shops and displaying their wares as well as providing excellent service and advice for their customers.

It was a very successful day and the students, parents and visitors from Scope who attended were very impressed with what the students had achieved. The children gained a great deal from the exercise. Obviously very valuable academic learning took place, but the most rewarding aspect was that the children were able to see that their efforts would make a difference and they were able to see firsthand the palpable delight and appreciation on the face of Brett Reynolds and our visitors from Scope. At Bostock House we hope to show all our children that they have

Left: Head of Bostock House, Daryl Moorfoot, and Scope ambassador Brett Reynolds open the MAD (Make A Difference) Market. Above, left to right: Year 4 students Nadia Andrews, Angus O’Brien, Charlotte Branson and Geordie La Cava

the capacity to make a positive difference in the world. We hope to demonstrate that even though it may appear to be a daunting task, that it is the collective effort of everyone that will make the difference. It is our wish that our children will grow to become good and kind global citizens who wish to make a positive difference in the world in which we live. Daryl Moorfoot Head of Bostock House “I am very proud of the way our Sweet Hearts store went at the MAD Market because we raised lots of money. I hope that some of the money will change some women’s lives. I am very excited that Brett is fulfilling his dream because I know how happy I am fulfilling my own dream with my horse.” Sophie Browne (Yr 4) “On the day of the market I felt very nervous because I was hoping to raise lots of money for our charity, Heart Kids. When I heard that as a class we had raised over $3,000 I was stoked. I feel happy that Brett can attend his conference in America. It is important to help others because it could change their lives.” Geordie La Cava (Yr4) “It was a really good feeling to be able to help Scope and Brett with the money we raised at the MAD Market. Being able to help people not as lucky as us allows them to do things that they otherwise wouldn’t be able to do.” Amberlie Calvert (Yr4)


Above, left to right: Year 5 students Eleanor Gibbs, April Lewis, Yasmin Swann and Sally Lewis. Right: Amelia Maisano and Hannah Fox celebrate Whacky Hair Day

School spirit The spirit of a school or campus can be measured by the achievements within its learning environments, amongst its students and how this is embraced throughout the community as a whole. Part of this is reflected in the role-modelling of the morals and values that sit so strongly in our Purpose Statement and through the philosophy that drives the School, across all the campuses. As staff and parents, our role is pivotal in this process. Our students also have a significant part to play. It is through their drive and determination that a given outcome is achieved. Establishing connections within learning opportunities creates possibilities for new adventures and exciting outcomes. Toorak Campus students are encouraged to take responsibility for their learning and to seek out ways in which they can make a difference. I am constantly impressed by the way they respond to this challenge, undertaking action in a number of different ways. Garry Pierson Head of Toorak Campus

MY JOURNEY TO MAKE A DIFFERENCE During Term 2, I organised a Whacky Hair Day to raise money for Cerebral Palsy Australia. Earlier in the term our class watched a video clip about Team Hoyt, a special father and son triathlon team. The team is special because the son, Rick Hoyt, has cerebral palsy. Cerebral palsy is a condition where the brain and nervous system cannot send messages to the muscles in the body. This effects people’s ability to walk, talk, eat and play. The clip made me feel like I wanted to make a difference and help people with cerebral palsy. That night I showed the clip to my family and we talked about a fun way to raise money to help people with cerebral palsy. I thought of the idea of organising a Whacky Hair Day at school, so people could give a gold coin donation in exchange for wearing a wacky hair style to school. I came in to school the next day and asked my teachers if would could have this event. In class that day we learnt more about cerebral palsy, and about how special equipment, including wheelchairs and computers, could allow people with the disease to move and talk independently. I thought our money could help buy this equipment.

I wrote a letter to Mr Pierson and Ms Griffiths to ask them for approval to run the event. They said I could, so we set the date for the event in the school calendar. Then I did some research to find out who helps people with cerebral palsy in Australia. I discovered an organisation called Cerebral Palsy Australia. I started making posters to advertise the event around the School and made an advertisement for the Toorak Campus newsletter. I also wrote and delivered a speech at assembly, encouraging other people to participate and sharing information about cerebral palsy.

The day went really well. Teachers and students came to school with the wildest hairdos, and gold coin donations. With the help of some friends, we went around the classrooms collecting coins to raise $432 for Cerebral Palsy Australia. Finally we counted the coins and passed the money on to Ms Dunn in the office so she could make out a cheque for the organisation. I was pleased with the initiative I showed and think our community helped out others. It was great feeling to know that the money we raised would help people who could really use it to live better, more independent lives. Hannah Fox (Yr5)



A-Teen Run for Charity In Term 2, eighteen Year 8 students took part in an all-day Run for Charity. Students had to submit a specific application to be considered for this activity and make a commitment to participate in the run and to raise money throughout the term. We selected a local charity called AFAR (Athletics Funding Assistance for Refugees), which is based in Corio and assists children from refugee backgrounds (Liberian, Congolese and Karen) to be involved in the Little Athletics programme.

The students ran a combined total of 508 kilometres in five hours, raising more than $2,800. Several of the AFAR children attended our final term assembly where we were able to present a cheque to the group. It was a conscious commitment our students made to get involved in a challenging physical activity yet, more importantly, to experience the opportunity of knowing that one’s efforts were in support of others; especially those less fortunate than ourselves.

This was an amazing experience. On the day I ran 38 kilometres and as a team we raised money for AFAR. The highlight of the day was definitely the heavy rain. It poured the whole day but that just made it more challenging. Upon reflection I know it took effort, but it was incredibly worthwhile for we were able to make a difference to the lives of other children. Alice Bartlett (Yr8 Ot) The Run for Charity group collectively ran over 500 kilometres to raise money for AFAR. Some parts of the run were very challenging, but the highlight of the day would have to be seeing how happy the children were receiving the cheque at our final assembly. We know the money will be used to benefit many. I took much away from this experience and congratulate everyone that donated money and was involved in the relay. Tom Grills (Yr8 Hi)

Tony Inkster Head of Middle School

Liberian refugee Clinton Garley got a head start thanks to our Year 8 students. Photo courtesy Geelong News 14


Just keep running Year 9 educators generally strive to identify the individual talents and strengths of their students. To do so, most schools will place their students in an academic classroom and ask them to think critically, speak logically and work diligently. At Timbertop, we do the same. However, we take it a step further. While all of these practices have the potential to succeed, none of them expose the true grit and determination that young students possess like our running programme. Physical fitness, endurance and mental stamina are all benefits that runners commonly report and the runners here on campus would likely say the same. However, at Timbertop we live, work, study and play as a community and, therefore, we run as a community too. Running the trails around campus surrounded by the stunning bush on either side and almost 250 students and staff members in front and behind you is an experience unique to this campus. Each week includes two crossies and a long run. The Term 3 crossie is a 4.5-kilometre run that is the same each week, while the long run differs every time. The way the long run operates is as follows: on a Sunday afternoon after class (the Timbertop weekend is Wednesday and Thursday) the students and staff will prepare for the run and line up outside the library. After the roll is taken, we all start together. After each runner finishes, they wait on the veranda and cheer as others are finishing. We don’t leave until the last person crosses the finish line. Everyone has to put in the effort to finish. It requires effort from me, as well. This is what commonly runs through my mind during each of our weekly long runs.

Imagine lining up outside of Timbertop’s library with the entire school dressed in running gear; staff members chat amiably about how they love “Old Scrubby” and how they are looking forward to this run while some students prepare their stop watches and others stretch their muscles. The energy is high and the run begins. You start off down the school drive and head towards the swimming dam, prepared to tackle the first challenging hill of this particular long run. You run pass some familiar faces, offering encouragement and a smile. Other familiar faces run past you doing the same.

The first hill hits with full force and you begin to power up its unrelenting face with a positive attitude. The climb gets tougher after a few minutes and your speed slows. “Just keep running,” you tell yourself. Just keep running. Others around you are struggling too but together you manage to conquer the first few kilometres. After a bit of downhill terrain, you are feeling refreshed and ready for the next segment of the run. You wish that you had studied the map a little more closely as you are unsure of how much farther you have to go. You decide to pace yourself and continue to press on. The drink stop is now in sight. Are you halfway done? Are you a single kilometre away from the finish? You have no idea. Just keep running.

Others around you speculate that you have a bit more of trail running to do before you return to the driveway and finish the last hill. This thought is all you need to keep your head up and your feet moving. Kookaburras laughing in the trees are a nice distraction from the pain in your calf muscles. The trail is over and you are back on the driveway now. You know that this is the toughest part. The cheers of people waiting at the finish line get louder and louder as you approach the library once again. With a final burst of energy, you manage to sprint to the finish. You are greeted by students asking: “How’d you go?” You happily join the cheer squad to welcome more runners over the finish line. It was a tough run but you are proud of your effort. You glance around and take in the scene, smiling at another successful endeavour. If I, as an adult, can experience all of this during the long run each week, I can only begin to wonder what our students, with their young, developing minds are experiencing. This is the profound Timbertop difference – the trails hold challenges for each of us and with a significant amount of effort and a whole lot of encouragement, each of us can and will rise to them. Timbertop allows students to begin to realize their potential. It causes them to ask themselves: “If I can run 10 kilometres up a hill, what else can I accomplish?” Timbertop’s running programme is designed to uncover potential and develop a sense of the importance of effort. Timbertop students learn to give one hundred and ten per cent in their running, which will hopefully carry over into giving one hundred and ten per cent in the Unit and in the classroom. Roger Herbert Head of Timbertop




There are many characteristics that make Geelong Grammar School the distinctive place that it is. Without a doubt the School has a rich, noteworthy history. Its four separate campuses positioned in geographically distant locations make it special too. Corio has its elegant chapel, the clock tower, Lambert’s sculpture, the cloisters and other buildings all steeped in history. One cannot dismiss its perfectly maintained grounds, the trees, the hedges and wonderful vista overlooking Corio Bay. However, there is something fundamentally more significant about this place. The School was, is and hopefully always will be about the community: students, groundsmen, cleaners, teachers, coaches, cooks, administration officers, members of the management group, matrons, nurses, librarians, spouses of staff and their children. Ultimately, it is the people who are the soul of this busy place. It is therefore marvellous that once a year there is an opportunity to celebrate their achievements and contributions, big or small, in the day-to-day running of the School through the annual Coriobald Prize portrait exhibition. Martin Beaver, Art teacher and Head of Francis Brown, conceived the idea of the Coriobald six years ago – an exhibition organised along the lines of one of Australia’s oldest and most prestigious art awards, the Archibald Prize. Thanks to his involvement, over the years, the Coriobald slowly evolved from a modest exhibit of work created by Senior School Art students, to one of the most important events on the Geelong Grammar School Art calendar. Each entry is a portrait of a member of our community, past or present, accompanied by a submission statement reflecting how the subject has or is contributing positively to the culture of the School. This year’s exhibition was extended to include entries from nonteaching staff, Middle School and Toorak Campus students. As a result, this year’s Coriobald, curated once again by Martin’s wife Lilly Randall (the ‘mother’ of the project), contained some 150 works of art. The very well attended exhibition opening, held in the Sinclaire Centre on August 2, was officially inaugurated by Julian Twigg (FB’82), a professional artist, painter and printmaker, who worked with us last term


Capturing the spirit as an Artist-in-Residence. Julian agreed not only to judge and open the exhibition, but also made his own contribution in the form of a self-portrait. Moreover, in the Senior Art School, he has also assembled a small exhibition of work completed during his stay at Corio. Although, the Coriobald Prize, to paraphrase the Archibald’s motto, is ultimately about “Geelong Grammarians, by Geelong Grammarians, for the Geelong Grammar community”, and not about a “prize” as its name may suggest, nevertheless, the audience eagerly awaited the announcement of the winners. In a change from tradition, this year three different prizes were awarded in addition to the already existing honours. The most prestigious Judges’ Prize sponsored by Cavalier and Roydhouse was awarded to ‘Portrait of Medina’ by Sarah Fleetwood (Yr12 He, pictured). The inaugural Photography Prize donated by Roydhouse was awarded to Ben Fu (Yr12 FB, pictured) for ‘Its Black & White: Hash and Greg (Greg)’. The Judges’ Prize for Middle School (Years 5-8), donated by the Friends of the Middle School, went to Toorak student Joshua Devonshire (Yr6) for his oil pastel entitled ‘Colourful Josh’. Finally, the Judges’ Prize for a non-student entry was awarded to Peter Bajer for ‘Selfless Self-portrait’. Two more honours to be awarded in connection with the People’s Choice Award supported by Kardinia Framing and the Art Support Group will be announced later this term after all the votes from the audience have been tallied. We hope that next year the idea of capturing the spirit of our community through portraiture will also extend to Timbertop and Bostock House. We also hope to see an even bigger involvement from non-students, staff from other departments – not just Art – both teaching and non-teaching. I encourage those who take pictures around their campuses to next time look through their viewfinder with the intent of creating that perfect shot and entering the work in the 2013 Coriobald Prize. Dr Peter Bajer Head of Art



Winter Sport NETBALLERS WIN APS/AGSV PREMIERSHIP The School’s 1st Netball team won our first APS/AGSV Netball Premiership, completing an undefeated season with a nail-biting 41-40 victory against Wesley College on Saturday 4 August. It was a reversal of fortune for the GGS team, which had lost 4140 in the season decider against Caulfield Grammar in 2011. “We were so close last year, we basically lost the premiership by a goal,” 1st Netball captain, Simone Hickman (Yr12 Ga), explained. “We realised how much it meant, so this year we were very determined to make it our year.” The GGS team of Maddy Allan (Yr11 EM), Delia Chandler (Yr12 A), Sarah Fleetwood (Yr12 He), Simone Hickman (Yr12 Ga, captain), Jessica Leader (Yr11 Fr), Emily Mannix (Yr12 Fr, vice captain), Grace Prime (Yr12 EM, vice captain), Lizzie Slattery (Yr11 He), Charlotte St Baker (Yr11 Ga) and Juliet Bigelow (Yr10 He) had enjoyed a stellar season, taking revenge on Caulfied with a 53-37 win in Round 3 before breaking the 100-point barrier in a brilliant 10233 win against Yarra Valley Grammar in Round 8. However, the final round fixture against Wesley would ultimately decide the premiership – Wesley had suffered their only defeat of the season in the penultimate round against Penleigh and Essendon Grammar School (PEGS) and a win against GGS would balance the ledger.


“We knew they were going to be a hard game and that they would come out firing after losing to PEGS the week before,” Simone said. 1st Netball coach Di Honey, who has coached the team for the past seven seasons, had drilled the girls in various set plays in anticipation of another close finish. “I always knew it was going to be a lot like that so we had worked on it at training; the scenario of scores being level with 10-20 seconds left, which was exactly what happened,” Di said. Simone combined with shooter Maddy Allan (Yr11 EM) to score the winning goal, uncorking a bottle of emotions.

“It was so close and unbelievable to win – we were all in tears afterwards,” Simone confessed. The victory delivered the School’s first Netball Premiership since the APS Netball competition formed in 1993 (and amalgamated with the Associated Grammar Schools of Victoria (AGSV) in 2000), capping a remarkable season for the School’s Netball programme, with our 1st, 2nd, Junior B and Junior C teams all undefeated in APS competition.

APS REPRESENTATIVES 12 Senior School students were selected to represent the Associated Public Schools (APS) of Victoria in Winter Sports at Keilor Park on Saturday 11 August. Fresh from winning the APS/AGSV 1st Netball Premiership, Simone Hickman (Yr12 Ga) and Emily Mannix (Yr12 Fr) were members of the APS representative team that defeated AGSV 61-50. The APS team, coached by GGS 1st Netball coach Di Honey, went on to play a Queensland representative team on Wednesday 15 August, losing that game by just 1 point. Tim Austin (Yr12 M), Will Sloss (Yr12 M) and David Iaccarino (Yr12 A) and GGS 1st XVIII coach Adrian McCartney contributed to a dominant APS display in the Football, defeating AGSV 17.14.119 to 9.5.59. Claire Moore (Yr12 Cl) and Annabelle Evans (Yr12 He) were members of the APS Hockey team that defeated GSV 4-0, with Emma Hart (Yr11 Ga) also selected in the APS squad as an emergency. Nat Thaipun (Yr12 Ga) was a member of the APS Girls’ Soccer team that drew 2-2 with AGSV, while Sarah Thompson (Yr12 Cl), Jessie Sleigh (Yr10 Cl) and Walter Lawrence (Yr12 M) represented APS in the Cross Country, winning both the boys’ and girls’ divisions.


1ST XVIII FOOTBALL It was a case of so close yet so far for the 1st XVIII Football team, which finished the season in equal fifth place with five wins and five losses. While it was the best result for our 1st XVIII since 1986, with a bit of luck it could have been much better, having recorded an average losing margin of less than 11 points, including an 8-point loss to eventual premiers St Kevin’s in Round 7 and a 4-point loss to eventual runnersup Brighton Grammar in Round 10. There were plenty of highlights from the season, including the Year 10 team winning six games in a row, Nick Dixon’s (Yr10 A) selection in the Victorian Country Under-16 team (Nick has also been selected in the Australian Under-16 Cricket team to tour Dubai in October) and recent graduate Devon Smith’s (A’11) nomination for the AFL Rising Star Award.

Left to right: 1st Netball captain Simone Hickman (Yr12 Ga) in action; Shaun Khoo (Yr12 Cu) contests a line-out against St Kevin’s 1st Rugby team; supporters cheer our 1st XVIII to a thrilling 9-point win against The Geelong College; the big men fly – Dylan Weir (Yr12 Cu) rucking against The Geelong College



RoboCup World Champions A team of Toorak Campus students became world champions at the 16th annual World RoboCup Championships in Mexico City on Saturday 23 June.

RoboCup is an annual international robotics and Artificial Intelligence (AI) competition that attracts thousands of competitors from schools and universities from around the world.

A team of Year 3-6 primary school students from Toorak won the RoboCup Junior Dance Challenge, designing and programming a team of robots to move to the soundtrack of American sitcom Beverly Hillbillies. The clever sequence impressed the RoboCup judges, enabling the GGS team to take out the top prize ahead of competitors from Austria, Germany, Brazil, USA, Portugal, China and Japan. The team’s instructor, Sue Inness of Club Engineer, said the win was an outstanding achievement and just reward for the students’ tireless efforts. “The children had been spending countless hours on a weekly basis after school and at weekend sessions, programming and designing their robots,” Sue said. “They couldn’t contain their excitement when they found out they had won the World RoboCup Championships. All their hard work has

paid off in the end and I couldn’t be more proud.” The team had won the national RoboCup title in Hobart last September before joining more than 2,300 entrants at the World RoboCup Championships at Mexico City’s World Trade Centre in June. The six students who travelled to Mexico – Beau Sholl (Yr6), Andrew May (Yr5), Theodore Ong (Yr6), Max van de Merwe (Yr5), Lewis Levy (Yr5) and Oliver Levy (Yr3) – had to also attend interviews with the judging panel to discuss how they programmed each of the robots to ensure their entry was completed without parental assistance. However, they could not have won the title without the assistance of fellow team members – Andrew Kroger (Yr6), Joshua Devonshire (Yr6), Lucy Needle, Zoe Gillies (Yr6) and Raphael Raisbeck (Yr6).

Below, left to right: World RoboCup champions Lewis Levy (Yr5), Oliver Levy (Yr3), Beau Sholl (Yr6), Theodore Ong (Yr6) and Andrew May (Yr5)



‘Reflections’ was a fortnightly column Sir James Darling wrote for The Age newspaper from 1980-1994. He produced 319 essays in total on an incredibly broad range of subjects– the very last, entitled ‘The Business of Humanity’, was published on his 95th birthday.

A work in progress Icons have been described as “created for the sole purpose of offering access, through the gate of the visible, to the mystery of the invisible” (Henri Nouwen). The Chapel of All Saints has been enhanced by the icons created by Sophie Watkins (A’89) for many years and has recently been blessed by the presentation of a new icon, that of Christos Archeiropoietas, the original of which was created c1100 by the Novgorod icon school and is now to be found in the Cathedral of the Assumption, Moscow. This icon was written – for icons are written not painted – by an OGG the Reverend Donald Longfield (P’45, obituary The Corian 1991), under the tutelage of John Bayton, who is recognised as Australia’s foremost authority on the art of iconography. Bishop Bayton, a former member of the School Council and current Timbertop grandparent, presented and dedicated this splendid gift at a service in the Chapel on Sunday 17 June. Fr Howard Parkinson Chaplain All art, like creation itself, is a work in progress. Creation evolves, little by little, as we are able to understand its complexities. Every work in progress is an amalgam of conscious, thoughtful autonomy and inspired, intuitive response to the Muse which in Christianity we call the Holy Spirit. All art is autobiographical because the artist also is a work in progress, “smithing” the process of conscious and unconscious life, integrating the now with the not quite yet. There are two ways in which I as an artist learn. The first is by ‘apprehension’: by use of the senses, outsight and insight. But every artist intuits another way, that of ‘revelation’. Revelation comes by means of the Spirit. Outsight and insight integrate and something that we had never thought about consciously is transfigured: something new appears. 22

Because of the Incarnation (the birth, life, death, resurrection) of Christ material things have a holy capacity. Canvas, wood, paint, stone steel, bread and wine are transformed and become what they will be at the end of time. The artist employs the language of mystery, poetry. The artist must read poetry, for poetry is the language of art. Read the poetry of Welsh Anglican priest R S Thomas, or Anglican lay man T S Eliot.

The artist is to be like the poet in that we need the ability to transform dull or inexplicable images into plangent mirrors of our own preoccupations.

The sacred and secular find their union, not as opposites but as complementary concepts. We may learn more of this union from indigenous Australian culture where the people had ‘sacred sites’ rather than ‘religious institutions’. Sacred art evangelizes, religious art informs. There is spiritual art, ‘first generation’ art, total abstraction, the work of imagination. Then there is theological and philosophical art, second generation art, which is perfected by the study of anatomy (the anatomy of all things- human, trees, dogs, houses). The artist is both creator and inventor. The one thing that separates the true artist from the commentator is invention. The inventing artist presents an altogether new way of looking at things. William Blake was an inventor. Picasso was an inventor. So were Arthur Boyd, Fred Williams, Albert Tucker, Benjamin Britten, as is Peter


How do we measure success? Sculthorpe. These and many others challenge our pedestrian way of looking at things so that we are able to say: “Golly, that is the inner truth, the myth of us all!” We must also transform private preoccupations into persuasive abstractions. This is the task of the artist- to present work that may be understood at four levels of comprehension: literal, moral, allegorical and spiritual. In addition, every artist must study works of the past. Tradition is important. What do I mean by tradition? The notion of tradition is the constant adjustment of the experience of the past to meet the changing needs of the present. As a student of architecture I researched the great works of the past from Mesopotamia to Modernism. I asked myself many questions about the evolution of architecture and art. This became vital when I went to live in the Middle Eastied and studied the great works of architecture in Israel, Palestine, Egypt, Cyprus and the Gulf. My student knowledge of these places was overwhelmed by recent archaeology. In Athens, sitting on a marble edge drawing the front elevation of the Parthenon, I suddenly had a revelation. Not one single column was the same as any other. The width of each column varied. The integral shape of every column was different. The intricate decoration of the bases of every column was totally different. What did this say to me? It said, ‘symmetry is the enemy of art’. This is also true of me and you and every human face. Look into a mirror, hold a piece of card down the middle of your nose and observe two different ‘faces’: always, one masculine, always, one feminine. As an iconographer I have learned that the true artist is not simply a translator, even though there may appear in their work fragments of other works by other artists. For me the two most important words in relation to my art are: 1. Thinking and 2. Silence. These make for true art which is always autobiographical, prophetic and revelatory. Like every word of Jesus whom we call Christ. Amen. The Right Rev. John Bayton AM

“It is not the winning or losing in a competition that counts, it’s the effort you put forth. Don’t measure yourself against the standards of others. If you set your own standards high and try your hardest, then you are successful, regardless of the performances of others.” – Carolyn Birmingham With the London Olympic Games having just finished there has been much time to reflect on the definitions of success and failure. Those who watched the games would have seen competitors receiving silver or bronze medals responding with tears of joy or tears of frustration or anger. National TV, newspapers, social media and various commentators have been critical of Australia’s total medal haul at the games, calling for changes to sporting administrations or more money to be injected into the funding of Olympic sports or the resignation of the Australian Olympic Committee. Those who received silver or bronze, in the eyes of some, failed. If they failed, what about every other athlete who failed to come home with nothing hanging around their necks? To be the fifth or fifteenth or the fiftieth best in the world of your chosen sport is deemed not good enough by some. These messages do filter through into the psyche of those watching the games. Younger minds are influenced by such perceptions. The unconscious mind absorbs such messages, inevitably leading to the development of anxiety whenever a challenge is presented. What if I don’t come first? What if I don’t pass first time? What if my assignment does not get an A+? If a young mind is bombarded with a subliminal message that success can only be achieved by winning then paralysis can set in, stifling creativity, a love of learning and a willingness to learn from failure.

Earlier in the year Tal Ben-Shahar visited Geelong Grammar School as a Visiting Fellow. Tal is an international best-selling author. His books The Pursuit of Perfect and Happier have sold millions. However, in discussions with Tal, he emphasised the importance of failure: “One of the mantras that I repeat over and over again to myself, to my students, is to learn to fail or fail to learn. It’s through failure that we become more resilient and stronger. If you look at the life of any successful person, they’re always had major as well as minor failures.” Winston Churchill was not very successful at school. His school reports were far from encouraging and he was only admitted to Sandhurst Military College after two failed attempts. Churchill’s message during the dark days of World War II was: “Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts.” The emphasis placed on our students is to take advantage of the opportunities that are made available. To take risks, to get out of your comfort zone, to bounce back, to develop resiliency, to embrace failure – to learn from failure, to savour success, but to appreciate and learn from the processes that enabled that success to occur. The London Paralympics commenced a few weeks after the Olympics. These games always generate in me great emotion. I cry at the achievements of these outstanding individuals. None of the paralympians want my sympathy; all want respect and an acknowledgement of their athletic strength, skill and performance. How does society measure their success? Perhaps a greater emphasis needs to be placed on the intrinsic rather than the extrinsic. As educators it is important to emphasise the journey, not the destination. As a society acknowledging the efforts of all, and encouraging individuals to do their best, will engender in our young a belief that effort, determination, perseverance, failure and resilience are all part of what makes a successful person. Charlie Scudamore Vice Principal/Head of Corio



Carnival of Choirs Deakin University’s Costa Hall filled with the sound of over 220 choristers at the 2012 Carnival of Choirs on Friday 20 July. The Geelong Youth Choir, The Geelong College Choir, Bostock House, Toorak and Middle School students joined the Choir of Geelong Grammar School (with some extra parents and students), two grand pianos and a wonderful percussion orchestra, all led by guest conductor Andrew Wailes. The performance opened with individual choirs all performing a short set of their own repertoire. It was great to see such variety in the music performed – everything from Sweet Caroline (Neil Diamond) to Hotaru Koi (a traditional Japanese folk song). Actions and props were popular and added an extra dimension to some of the performances. In the second half of the performance, the choirs joined forces with the percussionists and pianists to pull off an amazing performance of Carl Orff’s great composition, Carmina Burana. The performance was a huge success and definitely worth the hours that were put into rehearsals. It was amazing to hear the combined force of so many choristers, percussion and piano. The four soloists, Nathan Lay, Miranda Orford (Yr11 A), Millie England (Yr11 Cl) and Lee Abrahmsen, were beautiful and added another layer to the wonderful performance. It was a huge effort and many people worked hard to make the night such a success, to whom we are all grateful. It was an unforgettable experience and all involved were lucky to have the opportunity to participate or listen to one of the most famous choral works. Georgie Dixson (Yr12 He) Top left: Carnival of Choirs at Costa Hall. Above: The Shoo Bops Girls and George Vickers Willis (Yr12 FB) in Little Shop of Horrors. Right: George Coltman (Yr10 FB) 24

Little Shop of Horrors ‘Little Shop, Little Shop Of Horrors, Bop Shoo Bop, You Never Stop The Terror, Little Shop Oh Oh No Oh Oh No Noooooo...’ Once again the Senior School Musical is over for another year. This year’s production of Little Shop of Horrors was a fantastic success, complete with fake eyelashes, a dentist’s drill and a very hungry man-eating plant. What more do you need? Yet don’t be fooled; anyone involved would verify that putting this spectacular spectacle together was no piece of cake. Rehearsal began early in Term 2 and ran during after school prep every Monday and Tuesday, as well as some Sundays. For anyone involved it was certainly difficult to maintain a stress-free balanced lifestyle. But every cast member would agree that the fun we had over the three performance nights was definitely worth it.

Little Shop of Horrors brought a group of people together from all Senior School year levels and Houses in order to create something amazing. Whether they were on stage the whole time or stuck inside a puppet, the sense of achievement at the end was far beyond uplifting. Everyone seemed to take a special moment away from it: whether it was Pat Miles’ (Yr11 A) adventure at the hands of ‘Doctor’ Hugo Tribe (Yr11 Fr), who has been described as “truly frightening”, the inspiring Shoo Bops Girls’ singing ability and entertaining dresses, the cheesy 60s dance moves, Tildie Hill Smith’s (Yr12 EM) and George Vickers-Willis’s (Yr12 FB) dramatic deaths or John Badgery’s (Yr11 Cu) ability to tango. I highly recommend the Senior School Musical to everyone. It is yet again another once-in-a-lifetime opportunity that should not pass you by. Jessie Newhouse-Rayson (Yr11 Fr)


Careers Discovery Day More than 40 Old Geelong Grammarians returned to the School to mentor Year 10 students at our 11th annual Careers Discovery Day on Sunday 29 July. The OGGs talked to students and parents about their careers since leaving the School, providing invaluable ‘real life’ information about deciding subjects, university courses and career paths. Each provided a unique insider’s perspective of their chosen career, exposing students to an incredibly broad crosssection of career paths, from architect Rich Austin (M’03) to environmental engineer Olivia Griffiths (A’04), fashion designer Oliver Wilkinson (M’03), physiotherapist Lauren Clifton (Fr’02), midwife Jenny Ames (Je’80), financial consultant Chris Sereika (Fr’01), senior policy officer Bridget Healey (A’01), surveyor Ben Couch (P’97) and event manager Phoebe Jefferson (He’99). The range of career paths was huge and was segmented into 16 specialist sessions, with students attending three sessions each and hearing from up to nine different OGG mentors.

Parents also had the opportunity to learn more about VCE/IB options and the transition from school to tertiary education. They keynote address was delivered by Tom Hyde (P’01), who is a social media strategist for Melbourne-based agency The Royals, having previously worked for UK social media agency Jam developing strategies for Sky, Samsung, News International, Specsavers and the UK Government. The Careers Discovery Day continues to provide a message that it is important to follow your interests and passions, and be prepared for a more meandering career path – it is OK not to have a specific job in mind when you are at school; it is more important to seize opportunities as they present themselves and enjoy the journey. Clockwise: Leader newspapers editor Kate Swan (Fr’03); The Smith Family’s Learning for Life co-ordinator Maggie McKeand (He’01); social media strategist Tom Hyde (P’01)


PAST PARENTS’ NET WORK Left to right: Louise Calvert-Jones, Kerry McKendrick and host Shadda Abercrombie; Charlie Scudamore, Michael Bellofiore and Sarah Dempsey (Gunnersen, Cl’80); Brigid Robertson (Gordon, Cl’77), Cathie VickersWillis and Sally Kincaid

Past Parents’ Network A Past Parents’ Network was officially launched at a Cocktail Party for Year 13, 14, 15 and 16 parents at the home of Andrew and Shadda Abercrombie in Toorak on Friday 10 August. More than 120 past parents attended the party, which was preceded by an Annual General Meeting of the newly formed Past Parents’ Network, with parents travelling from overseas and interstate. The mood was charged with enthusiasm and support for the new network with many of those present volunteering to assist.

Above: President of the Past Parents’ Network, Cathie Vickers-Willis; Ken Heal (P’69), Greg Smith and Hugh Robertson (FB’77)


Past Parents’ Network President, Cathie Vickers-Willis, said the new group would create a strong and vibrant network, connecting past parents to both the School and other past parents. “When our children left Geelong Grammar School it was for many parents a time of sadness as the immediate association with GGS came to an end, in some instances after a time span of over two decades,” Cathie explained. “Friendships that were made by the students over their journey will continue throughout their lives, but often those made amongst the parents fade, as the opportunities to communicate and meet disappear, and the tyrannies of distance and time take their toll.”

“The Past Parents’ Network will make it possible to keep these friendships fresh and alive and to retain the great depth of wisdom and experience that resides amongst the parent group.” Cathie said that the Past Parents’ Network will allow all past Geelong Grammar School parents to maintain links, share news, occasionally meet face-to-face for an event or function, and generally keep in touch with the wider School community. It is anticipated that the first Past Parents’ newsletter will be distributed to all past parents by email in September. For further information please contact Cathie Vickers-Willis on 0412 089 594 or email:


Left to right: Seth Tun-Ismail (FB’07), Quan Chan (M’05), newly appointed President of the OGG Malaysia Branch, Shafiq Saiful Aznir (Cu’07), Principal Stephen Meek, Chiou-Fong Thong (Ga’85), U-En Ng (Cu’93) and Tawfik Ismail (FB’71) at the Kuala Lumpur function

South East Asia This year’s visit to South East Asia included a function in Shanghai, and the strong attendance suggests we should return. Around forty people attended the Principal’s Reception, including a number travelling from Beijing and elsewhere in China. The Principal’s address was translated to ensure everyone could understand what was being said and here and throughout the tour, the welcome was warm and appreciative. Our Principal, Stephen Meek, and his wife Christine, Director of Community Relations, Tony Bretherton, and Registrar, Angela Mellier, travelled to Hong Kong, Shanghai, Bangkok, Kuala Lumpur and Singapore from the May 25 to June 10, holding receptions in each city, meeting with OGGs, past, present and future parents and friends of the School.

Above: Tim Tsiang (P’04), Adam Broomfield (A’93), William Abbott (M’99) and Caleb Nontapan (Cu’03) at the Shanghai function; Pailin Chitprasertsuk (He’97), Charlie Chanarat (Cu’75) and Dr Dejvit Santikarn (Cu’73) make up the new committee of the OGG Thailand Branch

“As always, it was really good to see so many members of our distant community and to be reminded of their ongoing commitment and affection for Geelong Grammar School,” Stephen said. “They make such efforts to attend, often travelling from other countries, and all because they are loyal to us and grateful for what the School has given to them. I just think it is wonderful.” In Bangkok the Old Geelong Grammarians Branch committee saw a change in leadership, with Charlie (Chawalit) Chanarat (Cu’75) taking up the position of President with Chai Pailin Chitprasertsuk (He’97) and Dr Dejvit Santikarn (Cu’73) joining the committee. In Kuala Lumpur there was also a change in leadership, with Shafiq Saiful Aznir (Cu’07) becoming President of the Old Geelong Grammarian Branch, and Seth Tun-Ismail (FB’07), Fong Thong (Ga’85) and U-En Ng (Cu’93) joining the committee.

Tawfik Ismail (FB’71) remains a stalwart of the committee, while past Chair Laurence Eu (Cu’76) continues to offer advice and encouragement during this time of evolution. The School has many friends in South East Asia and while Angela Mellier was meeting with an endless stream of future parents, Stephen Meek and Tony Bretherton undertook a range of other meetings with friends and supporters of the School.

It is gratifying to report that after discussions in Hong Kong, the Lee Hysan Foundation has decided to establish a scholarship that will enable one student per year from Hong Kong to join the Geelong Grammar School community, entering in Year 8. This is perhaps the most visible outcome of numerous interactions, with others likely to include support for the School over the medium and longer term. “I was able to thank people for their support for Annual Giving, outline initial plans for the next OGG Asia event to be held in Singapore in 2013, and to listen to people as they outlined their hopes and expectations for the School.” Tony said. “There were a lot of memories as well, as OGGs reflected with enthusiasm on their School days, and spoke of the School across the seas that they still think of as being their second home.”



The best education requires investment CONSTITUTIONS, BOARDS AND A NEW COUNCIL OF ADVISORS After a year of concerted effort and with much help from teams of people and friends of the Foundation, the most recent AGM voted to adopt a new constitution for the Geelong Grammar Foundation. There are a number of significant changes to the way we will organise our life together. Firstly, the number of membership categories has been raised to seven. The categories reflect a lift in the giving levels recognised within the Foundation. Members are still called Members, though the minimum giving level has been raised from $2,000 to $5,000. Associate Trustees were recognised at $10,000 and this category will now be called Associates and the new giving level will be $20,000. Trustees were recognised at $25,000 – they are now Benefactors and the minimum contribution to qualify in future will be $50,000. All present Trustees should note that they have been elevated up to the appropriate levels, so no-one has lost the status of membership that they held under the old constitution. Some of our supporters have given very significantly to the Foundation, and so they will find themselves at one of the other levels that have been added – as Partners ($100,000), Guardians ($250,000) and Governors ($500,000).


The other membership category is Biddlecombe Society Member, and this category is made up of all present Biddlecombe members plus everyone who in future notifies the Foundation of an intended Bequest of not less than $5,000. The Biddlecombe Society is now formally recognised within the Constitution, underlining its very significant importance in the life of the School. A number of other changes bring the Foundation’s Constitution more in line with the School’s constitution. Members of the Board will be elected to terms of three years service, whereas in the past the whole Board was re-elected every year. I hope the changes will help the Foundation better serve our School over the years ahead.



We have also been reviewing and enhancing our communications strategies and a new website will be in place in the New Year. The new smartphone application (GGS Mobile) is on more than 2,000 mobile phones. It is all part of getting ready for what is to come. Construction of the new Equestrian Centre is imminent, and there will be more details about our new projects in due course. I look forward to keeping you informed as we move forward. I hope you will be keen to get involved with building Foundations for Exceptional Futures.

I’m pleased to say that Brigid Robertson (Cl’77) and John Sevior (P’79) have been elected Deputy Chairs of the Foundation and that Warwick Johnson (FB’77) has been elected Chair of the Allocations and Investment Committee. Paddy Handbury (M’72) has been elected to the Nominations Committee while Neil Robertson (FB’72) continues as Chair of the Biddlecombe Society.

While not part of the formal structure of the Foundation, the Board at its last meeting set up the Geelong Grammar Foundation Council of Advisors. This will be a grouping of OGGs, past, present and future parents and friends of the School who are not in a position to join the Foundation Board but who are keen and able to engage with the School and the Foundation on occasions, offering advice and guidance, and thereby strengthening both Foundation and School. Members of the Council will be chosen carefully and welcomed warmly. I look forward to their wisdom and insights as we move forward with the very exciting comprehensive campaign in support of our School.

Bill Ranken Chairman, Geelong Grammar Foundation

FOUNDATION Left: Marcus Sevior (Yr12 Cu), Andrew McFarlane (M‛81) and John Sevior (P‛79) at the Dinner with James Sutherland Above: John Molesworth (M‛62), James Sutherland (P‛82) and Michael Fraser (M‛61)



Following the initiative of John (Cu’73) and Belinda Simson, The Smith Family Scholarship is currently being established. A partnership between Simson Greeting Cards and The Smith Family will provide around $200,000 from the sale of Simson’s Smith Family Charity Boxed Christmas Card programme over the next six years. It will enable a student from the Geelong region whose parents are currently being supported by The Smith Family to attend the School as a Day Boarder on a full scholarship from Year 7 to 12. The scholarship guidelines include that the recipient should be academically gifted and may come from a background that has not viewed education as a high priority.

A wonderful dinner was held in June and many gathered to hear excellent speeches by James Sutherland (P’82), CEO Cricket Australia, and Principal Stephen Meek, as each spoke of their love of cricket and the many advantages that would come with the building of a new Indoor Cricket and Sports Centre. It was special to see and touch a ‘baggy green’ and know that it would go to the next Australian Test player. It was a wonderful night as those present recalled past successes, and dreamed of what might yet be. Over $100,000 of further funding has been committed, and the work continues to identify and ask those who are keen to support this project. We still lack the major gift that will move this project forward and make it possible in the near future.

Belinda and John have also joined the Biddlecombe Society and have made provision for a bequest that will establish a full fee Boarding Scholarship in perpetuity to support a student that excels in the visual arts and/or a student whose parents derive the majority of their income from primary industry. We are most grateful for this leadership and commitment. John chairs the Scholarship Committee within our Fundraising Campaign and anyone wanting to learn more about making a positive difference to someone else’s life through a scholarship at Geelong Grammar School can contact John at or call John on +61 3 9316 0700.

YOU’RE INVITED TO LUNCH The Biddlecombe Society will be hosting lunches in Adelaide on October 19, Sydney on October 24 and in Melbourne on November 22. With Society President Michael Collins Persse in attendance, and speeches from Michael (Adelaide), Stephen Meek (Sydney) and John Simson (Melbourne), these events will be interesting and enjoyable opportunities to meet those already committed to making bequests in favour of the School, and others who are considering that opportunity to make a real difference to

how our students learn and live. We would be delighted to offer invitations to anyone keen to attend. Please contact Rebecca Howard on +61 3 5273 9185 or email if you would like to join us.

ANNUAL GIVING IS FOR EVERYONE We have made great progress, and there is still time to participate in this year’s Annual Giving. The Old Geelong Grammarians Association has committed $25,000 towards the refurbishment of the War Memorial Cloisters at Corio and their leadership and commitment is very much appreciated. The work is now well advanced, and we look forward to seeing the Cloisters fully restored and again reminding students, staff and all who visit, that our community includes many who have gone to war and not returned. Our Annual Giving Scholarship is YOUR Annual Giving Scholarship – so far 639 people have provided the capital sum that is now distributing $16,000 a year to assist students to attend Geelong Grammar School. You are warmly invited to join the family of people who make this scholarship possible. Others support our libraries, which can do more for our students because of the Annual Giving funding they receive. Every gift matters, whether it is $5 or $5,000. Many thanks again to all who are part of the Annual Giving family – every year a little more – and every year, so much appreciated. 29


OGG President The “spirit” of the Geelong Grammar School community is in striving to “make a positive difference”. In preparing for the 2012 Founder’s Day celebrations, I reflected on the role of some of our founders and how their spirit made a positive difference and resulted in the establishment of GGS then, and which led to the vibrant community that it is today. One of our founders, Hussey Burgh Macartney, was an aristocratic Irishman. The youngest son of Sir John Macartney and Catherine Hussey Burgh, after graduating from Trinity College in Dublin, Macartney joined the Church of Ireland in 1822. However, he suffered ill health due to the damp, moving first from County Cork to County Kildare. His younger cousin, Charles Griffith, had migrated to the Port Phillip District in 1840. A lawyer, Griffith had also become a successful pastoralist and was active in the local Anglican community in Melbourne. Griffith convinced Macartney to migrate, and he sailed with his family and Bishop Perry’s party in January 1848 (Charles Griffith’s older sister, the widowed Mary Chomley, would also migrate to Australia with her seven sons later that year – more than 70 of Mary’s descendants have since attended the School). After 10 months in the Heidelberg parish, Macartney was appointed Archdeacon of Geelong, where he was tasked with the opening of new schools and extending the ministrations of the Church. However, Macartney was appointed Dean of Melbourne in 1852, and it was a successive Archdeacon of Geelong, Theodore Stretch, who instigated the opening of a school with his Curate at St Paul’s, George Vance, as Headmaster (Vance had previously served as Macartney’s Curate at St James’s Cathedral and prior that had spent 18 months as a schoolmaster at Exmouth Grammar School). Also vital to the School’s existence was the role of Bishop Perry and George 30

Goodman, who was Vicar of Christ Church, Geelong. The School moved to its “splendid quadrangular building of bluestone” in McKillop Street in 1858 (the foundation stone was laid by Sir Henry Barkly on 24 June 1857, thus Founder’s Day has been annually observed on or around this date). The economic conditions in Victoria in 1860 were turbulent and the School was forced to close in June 1860.

A master from Vance’s staff, John Bracebridge Wilson, kept about 40 boys together and was teaching them in three rented weatherboard cottages in Pakington Street (coincidentally, Bracebridge Wilson was himself taught by Rev. William Scudamore, rector of Ditchingham in Norwich, possibly an ancestor of our current Vice Principal, Charlie Scudamore). In 1863 Sir Charles Sladen, together with Alfred Douglass (owner of the Geelong Advertiser) and others, had managed to revive Geelong Grammar School and the School resumed in its old bluestone building with Bracebridge Wilson as Headmaster. Alfred Douglass’ oldest son, Henry ‘Percy’ Douglass, was an early student who went on to serve on the School Council (including a period as acting Chairman), become OGG President and chair the committee that selected our current Corio site, continuing the family commitment to the School – he also played football for Geelong (he was named Champion of the Colony in 1878, which was the equivalent of today’s Brownlow Medal), was President of the Geelong Art Gallery, Commodore of the Geelong Yacht Club, President of the Geelong Law Association, Honorary Secretary of The Geelong Club, Director of the Geelong Theatre Company, President of the Royal Society of St George, a member

of the Barwon Rowing Club, Rotary Club and Soldiers’ Fathers Association (his son George Douglass was killed in World War I). Henry Douglass’ obituary in the Geelong Advertiser described “a man of unique and fine character”, who had “a high conception of the duties of citizenship”. As you can see, each of those early founders embodied the spirit and strove to make a positive difference. At the recent OGG AGM we celebrated the contributions of more recent members of our community, presenting Honorary Old Geelong Grammarians awards to long-serving Perry House Assistant Jenny Jackson (He’67), Toorak Campus teacher Ange Renwick and Maintenance Department carpenter Dale Bennett. As the modern philosopher Wittgenstein said, responsibility (accountability for our actions) is the price of freedom, so we should all strive to make a positive difference in whatever we attempt to do. Peter Chomley (Ge’63) President, Old Geelong Grammarians


Left to right: Lachie Stevens (M’96), newly elected OGG Committee member Will Caldwell (P’83) and Nina Anderson (Thomas, Cl’93) at the OGG AGM; The School’s first Headmaster, the Very Reverend George Vance; Peter Chomley congratulates newly appointed Honorary OGG Jenny Jackson (Doak, He’67), one of three new Honorary OGGs who have celebrated over 20 years of service as staff at GGS; Bronze sculpture by Geoff Lambert peaks above scaffolding erected around the Cloisters



The 26th Annual OGG Golf Day is once again being organised by OGG Vice President, Andrew Ramsay (Cu’68), and will be held on Derby Eve, Friday 2 November, at the Barwon Heads Golf Course. The event is open to OGGs, current and past parents, but you must have a current club handicap to enter. Invitations are via email, so if you would like to receive an invitation to the Golf Day, please register your interest with

Three Old Geelong Grammarians, including novelist Peter Carey (FB’60), were made Officers of the Order of Australia (AO) in the 2012 Queen’s Birthday Honours List on Monday 11 June. Peter was joined by The Honourable David Hawker (M’67) and Professor Simon Molesworth (Bb’72) as recipients of the honour. For more on these exceptional OGGs, see Michael Collins Persse’s pages in this edition.

OGG MOTORING EVENT This year’s OGG Motoring Event will celebrate ‘the ute’. Organised by OGG Committee member David Henry (FB’70), the scenic drive from South Yarra to Corio will be held on Saturday 10 November and is open to all members of the OGG and wider GGS community. The first official entrant is Gus Syme (M’77) with his wife Michelle, who have entered Gus’s 1982 WB Holden ute, which has covered 370,000 kilometres and is on its third engine. Visit the School’s website for more information.

RESTORATION OF THE CLOISTERS The restoration of the School’s War Memorial Cloisters, installed in the 1920s as a memorial to Old Geelong Grammarians killed during war, commenced on Tuesday 5 June. Designed by leading Australian architect Harold Desbrowe Annear, the War Memorial Cloisters are very important to the heritage of Geelong Grammar School. They were originally built with funds raised by Old Geelong Grammarians and stand in honour of the 246 past students and staff who died in active service (alongside a bronze sculpture by

George Lambert symbolizing the triumph of heroism over evil). The OGG Association will contribute $25,000 towards the refurbishment of the Cloisters and, as part of this project, the Association is also, with the assistance of James ‘Bim’ Affleck (Cu’67), researching those OGGs who have given their lives in service to the country since World War II. The result of this research will be the commissioning of a new memorial plaque to be placed in the refurbished Cloisters near the existing memorials. Bim and others have identified some other OGGs who gave their lives in earlier conflicts but were not recorded in the existing plaques, so their names will also be included in the new memorial. You can still support the restoration by donating through Annual Giving to the War Memorial Cloisters. For further information on Annual Giving, please contact Jennifer Wraight, Associate Director, Community Relations, on Tel: +61 3 5227 6297 or email



OGG At the London Dinner were Tamara McDonald (EM‘11) and James Calvert Jones (FB‘11)

Left: Janet Matton was the guest speaker at the OGG Business Lunch initiated by OGG Committee member Nina Anderson (Thomas, Cl’93); Above: Rosemary Shisler (A’94), Sian MacPherson (Je’92) and Tamara Mactier (Ga’94) at the Business Lunch

OGG Gatherings ANZAC DAY One of our most inspiring Old Geelong Grammarians, Tony Gaze DFC** OAM (M’38), laid the wreath at our annual ANZAC Day Service at Corio. Tony attended with his wife Diana* and family members Chris Davison, Catherine Davison and Claire Grieg (Cl’92). Tony has the very rare war-time award of three Distinguished Flying Crosses in recognition of “gallantry whilst flying in active operations against the enemy” during World War Two. He was the first Australian pilot to fly a jet fighter in wartime operations and the first Squadron Leader to operate over enemy territory. A Spitfire pilot, Tony’s plane was shot down over German-occupied France but he survived and escaped from France with the help of the French Resistance. He was able to make his way back to Britain, was soon back in the air again and was the first Allied pilot to land in France after D-Day in June 1944. Tony has donated a series of paintings that depict many of these moments to the School and they are on display in the Hawker Library. 32

Tony’s brother, Scott Gaze (M’39), was also a WW2 Spitfire pilot but tragically Scott was killed while flying over Sussex in England in low cloud looking for a Ju88 German intruder when his plane crash landed. He was just 19 years of age. Scott’s name was read out at the bitterly cold and wet ANZAC Day service (Irvine Scott Owen Gaze) – one of 246 names read from the School’s Roll of Honour by our Principal, Stephen Meek. Current staff and students as well as many OGG attended to honour those killed. *Sadly, Diana passed away on August 5 making it all the more special that she was able to join us for the day.

SYDNEY OGG BRANCH COCKTAIL PART Y NSW OGG Committee member Fiona Newman (MacGillivray, He’66) chose the venue for the Sydney OGG Cocktail Party this year and the Andrew (Boy) Charlton Pool was a fabulous setting for the mild May evening. Around 70 guests, including current parents, OGG, past parents and some prospec-

tive parents enjoyed each other’s company on the open-air terrace. NSW OGG President, Will Wilson (P’78), introduced the Principal, Stephen Meek, who spoke about recent happenings at the School. OGG Branch events are open to all members of the GGS Community, whether they be visiting or living in a particular region, and South Australians Carol and Bas Seymour (FB’55), who were in Sydney visiting son Tom (P’92), joined the gathering, making it all the more special. Will Wilson, Fiona Newman and Fiona Ratcliffe (Archer, Je’77) are the senior members of the NSW Branch Committee and thanks go to them all for another terrific evening. Not sure how they go about ordering the weather but every year they seem to hit the jackpot!

LONDON DINNER More than 50 Old Geelong Grammarians attended the annual OGG London Dinner at the Travellers’ Club in Pall Mall on Thursday 28 June. Guest speaker was long-serving staff member and honorary OGG, Anthony ‘Strazz’ Strazzera, who was awarded the



Tony Gaze (M’38) and his late wife Diana at School on ANZAC Day with a print of Tony landing his Spitfire in France immediately after the D Day landings, one of several generously donated to the School and on display in the Hawker Library.


Mark Muller (FB’88), Carol and Bas Seymour (FB’55) and their son Tom Seymour (P’92) at the Sydney Cocktail Party


2011 Australian National University (ANU) Prize for Excellence in Secondary Teaching. Strazz currently teaches Year 11 and 12 English and is resident Tutor in Elisabeth Murdoch House. Other special guests included OGG Fellow, Boz Parsons (M’36), and his son Bill Parsons (M’66), whose visit to England for the Bomber Command Memorial dedication coincided with the London Dinner. Remarkably, Boz attended the ceremony at noon, a huge day in itself, and then attended the OGG London Dinner that night. A very impressive itinerary for one of our cherished OGGs at the age of 93! Also at the London Dinner were a diverse group of OGG and GGS community members, who were in London on holidays, gap years, travelling, as expats and of course as residents of the UK. Many thanks to UK Branch President, Tim Tyler (P’54), and Branch Secretary, David Hudson (Ge’68), whose tireless efforts continue to ensure the success of this annual event.

BUSINESS LUNCH The OGG Association held a Business Lunch at the Journal Canteen, Flinders Lane, Melbourne, on Thursday 17 May. A diverse group of around 60 OGG attended to hear guest speaker, Janet Matton, Vice President, Operations, IBM Australia and New Zealand. Janet has held a variety of key positions in the IT industry in Australia, America, Japan, China and Europe. She spent seven years working for IBM in the USA and Europe before returning to Australia in 2009, where she is 2IC to the General Manager of IBM Australia and New Zealand. Janet is passionate about the need to tap into a diverse portfolio of skills and capabilities to identify and execute the changes required for organisational survival and growth. She shared her insights on how the world is becoming smarter with the aid of technology and the importance of diversity in the workplace. Many thanks go to OGG Committee member Nina Anderson (Thomas, Cl’93), who initiated the day.





Above: Rachel Fields (He’02), Hugh Cumming (Fr’02), Tom Peterson (Fr’02) and Fi Hawker (Cl’02) Below: Harri Beevor (Cl’02), Tom Lyons (M’02) and Annabel Southey (Cl’02)

Top: Genevieve Milesi (Ga’02), Alice Landale (Finlay Cl’02) and Phoebe Lucas (Ga’02) Above: Andrew Treweeke (P’02), Champ Chungyingruangroong (P’02) and Samson Leung (M’02)

Top: Monte Morgan (P’02), Annabel Kilpatrick (He’02) and Mioh Yamamoto (Ga’02) Above: The organising committee included Genevieve Milesi (Ga’02), Larissa Hall (A’02) and Ben Harrison (A’02)

2002 reunion On the afternoon of Saturday 14 July over 100 OGG from the 2002 class gathered at The Botanical in South Yarra to catch up on a decade of stories. Many travelled from within Melbourne, Geelong and surrounding areas, whilst others came from interstate and even some from overseas. It was amazing to see how many from our year group have moved into creative roles and how many have become teachers – which is amazing as so many of us would never have thought we would go on to teach ourselves. The group reconnected so well that the event lasted well into the night as many kicked on after the estimated finish time. Thank you to all who attended and made the night so much fun, and for those that were regrettably absent, we look forward to seeing you all at the next reunion! Genevieve Milesi (Ga’02) 34

Top left: Chris Copulos (P’02), Zoe Baker (He’02) and Melissa Harvey (A’02) Bottom left: Jan Kokavec (Fr’01), Ryan Merrett (Cu’02), Marcus Beames (Cu’02) and Tamzin Byrne (F’02) Above: Sam Arnold (M’02), Sarah Baklien, Ryan Andrews (M’02) and Chris Cordiner (M’02)


OGG Sport OGS FOOTBALL The Old Geelong Football Club are excited to report that all four of our teams enjoyed September action to cap one of our most successful seasons ever. The influx of new players to the Club has played a big part in providing; 1) the Seniors with great success, 2) our Reserves with enhanced depth and 3) our Club XVIII with their first ever premiership. Of most excitement though is the culture building within our Under-19 team. After struggling with numbers last year, our leadership group of Andy de Fégely (FB’10), Rupert de Crespigny (Cu’10) and Rupert Kemp (M’10) – who have all gone on to play Senior Football at the Club this year – have resurrected the team and encouraged their fellow leavers to get aboard the OGS train. Of further benefit has been the input from the current GGS footballers during the school holidays with Will Sloss (Yr12 M, pictured), Jock Grimshaw (Yr11 FB), Charles Burbury (Yr11 FB), Hamish MacMillan (Yr11 Cu), George McFarlane (Yr12 M), Will Evans (Yr12 M), Will Holmes (Yr12 Cu), Charlie Youngman (Yr11 Cu) and Sam Youngman (Yr11 Cu) all pulling on the blue and white hoops for the OGS. All nine of these school boys helped reinvigorate the side during the winter months to see the Under-19s climb to second on the ladder and book a berth in the grand final.

To follow the progress of the OGS ensure to sign up to the Newman Club, where you will receive the weekly Newman Noises newsletter, or regularly check the Club’s website: Jimmy Legoe (M ’97)

OGS NETBALL The Prahran and Albert Park Netball competitions have kicked off for another ripping season. OGS Red, Blue and Black have all pulled on their skates and have been skirting around the courts for the last few weeks. OGS Black have a big season ahead of them as reigning premiers in the Albert Park competition – showing their confidence by opening the season with 42-1 win. OGS Blue and Red are warming to court both with early wins on the board. OGS netball continues to encourage all female players, sisters, mothers and supporters to come down to support our netballers. You can see the likes of Liv Fleetwood (He’07) and Rosie Wilson (He’09) at Orrong Park on Tuesday and Wednesday nights respectively, while reigning premiers OGS Black play at Wesley College on Punt Road on Wednesday nights.

OGS CRICKET The MCC Club XI competition is splitting into two divisions for the 2012/13 season. The OGS 1st XI will be in Division One but we are also entering a 2nd XI in Division Two. Consequently, we are looking for OGGs keen to play cricket to join us, even if only for a game or two. While we will have weekly training sessions in both Melbourne and Geelong, having a 2nd XI gives more opportunity to those who just want a causal hit as well. If you are interested, please contact Roly Imhoff (Cu’95) on 0419 003 264 or email

Ginnie Hope-Johnstone (OGC)



The Hermitage Old Girls’ Association THE HERMITAGE HISTORY Any history is made up of thousands of separate stories and The Hermitage has a particularly rich store of them. Here is a taste of one: “In January 1942, during the darkest days of World War II when the Japanese were crushing the allied forces in South-East Asia, a group of children from the Highlands School in Sumatra made their way slowly by boat to Australia. The vessel was a small coastal trader, the Bontekoe. Alone, unarmed and vulnerable to U-boat attack, the little boat zig-zagged around the west coast of Australia, across the Southern Ocean, and finally arrived safely in Sydney. Among the evacuees on board were a number of girls and two teachers who made their way to The Hermitage. There, they found welcome, kindness and a safe haven for the duration of the war.” We have managed to track down some of these girls – in Spain, England, America and Australia. They have kindly shared their memories with us so that their words will enrich our history book project. Theirs is an amazing story of courage but their experience also tells us a lot about The Hermitage community. Parents and friends of the school opened their doors and shared what they had with these homeless wanderers. The School kept them safe in a quiet corner of the world. It was a “hermitage” in the fullest sense of the word. Memories differ and each story is unique but if we weave them together, a picture of the whole school emerges. Seemingly random elements cohere when we put them in a wider context. So a school history is not just about syllabuses, building programs and budgets, although those are important. History is really about people: their personalities, actions and experiences. Of course, the five headmistresses take centre stage, but every girl has her own memories


which are just as vital. Their stories are funny and sad, upbeat and reflective, positive and negative, and each one enriches the whole picture. So if you have not yet shared your memories of The Hermitage with us, please consider doing so. It is not too late. Please contact the author Melanie Guile ( or Kristeen Hunter (Horne, He’66) on 03 5221 1001 or email:

AUTUMN LUNCH A lovely autumn day with sunshine and no rain saw 60 Old Girls meet at Dromoland House for our annual Autumn Lunch. Two members of the Sacred Heart Old Girls’ also joined us along with Jennifer Wraight from Geelong Grammar School. The guest speakers were from Consumer Affairs and what an interesting address they presented; warning us of the many con men and scams that are out there. We were advised not to listen when you are offered cheap deals for ‘today only’, or asked for cash up front. They pointed out the many ‘rights’ we have as consumers and that it is illegal for stores to display a ‘no refund’ sign. If you take a telemarketing call and agree to the offer, you have a ‘cooling off’ period which many people were not aware of. Many questions were asked and I think we all went home slightly more knowledgeable and informed of the rights of consumers. General HOGA event enquires to Ann Tyers via email: or 03 5250 4055 or 0448 504 055 History Book enquires to email: or telephone Kristeen Hunter on 03 5221 1001

Left: Beverly Lee (Morrish, He’46), Bev Kroger (McCracken, He’47) and Barbara Fryer (Perry, He’49) Top: Betty Rechenberg (Jenkyn, He’49), Shirley Williams (Blyth, He’61) and Marie Jordan (Hill, He’65) Above: Janette Bennett (Anderson, He’48) and Val Anderson (McQualter, He’48)


Diary Dates WEDNESDAY 10 OCTOBER 2012 REUNION FOR 1951, 1952 AND 1953 LEAVERS Reunion Lunch at Dromoland House, 258 Pakington Street, Geelong Enquiries: Lesley Robinson on 03 5221 1207 MONDAY 22 OCTOBER 2012 GOLF DAY AT BARWON HEADS Time: 8.00am for 8.30am shotgun start, lunch at 12.30pm Cost: $80 for golf and lunch $80 ($30 for BHGC members) and $30 for lunch only RSVP: Monday 15 October – bookings essential. Enquiries: Lib Nicholson (Calvert, He’68) on 0419 398 067. SUNDAY 4 NOVEMBER 2012 1962 50 YEAR REUNION To be held on the Bellarine Peninsula. Enquiries: Susie Austin (Wall, He’62) or Susie Marriott (Cantor, He’62) SATURDAY 10 NOVEMBER 2012 1972 40 YEAR REUNION To be held in Castlemaine. Enquiries: Zoe Thomas (Thompson, He’72) on email:


Clyde Old Girls’ Association

The Class of ‛72 enjoyed a 40 year reunion lunch at Lubra Bend, Yarra Glen, on 28 April, hosted by Susie de Vienne (Lloyd-Jones) and organised by Liz Cartwright (Cameron) Above: Sue Piper (Blakiston, Cl’72) (right) and Jane Read (Gunn, Cl’72) at the 40 year reunion




All Clyde Old Girls are invited to our annual gathering on Sunday 21 October at Clyde House, Geelong Grammar School. Full details will be in The Cluthan, which will be posted out later this month. After the COGA AGM, there will be a ceremony to honour Dame Elisabeth Murdoch’s (Greene, Cl’26) lifelong contribution to COGA and the “spirit and traditions of Clyde”. We will dedicate a small buttonwood tree (platanus occidentalis), nurtured as a seedling from the original tree growing on the fruit-tuck lawn at Clyde School, Woodend, and now located at the entrance to Clyde House. Dame Elisabeth’s integrity, wisdom, generosity of spirit and steadfast energy epitomise the values that COGA wishes to inspire in students at Clyde House.

Jane Loughnan (Weatherly, Cl’70) organised another successful annual Clyde Jumble Sale on Thursday 28 June. Two hours’ frantic trading of donated bric-a-brac and household goods, together with cash donations of $715, resulted in a cheque of $3,004 being forwarded to the Isabel Henderson Kindergarten in North Fitzroy. More than 30 helpers enjoyed biscuits and morning tea before entering the fray in St John’s Church Hall. The produce stall was a winner with dazzling protea blooms, jams, chutneys, cakes and cookies. The books offered everything from original Scottish folk tunes in leather-bound sheet music, to the history of mediaeval embroidery and tapestry. High quality fashion labels filled the bags of bargain hunters. At 12 noon the unsold goods were piled into a Prahran Mission charity truck to fill the shelves at their opportunity shops, thus contributing to the education, re-training and employment of those needing a fresh start in life.

Please contact COGA database co-ordinator Sue Schudmak (Sproat, Cl’64) for recording changes of name, addresses, phone numbers and death notification on 03 9867 2663 or email:

CLYDE HOUSE COGA Committee member, Katrina Carr (Moore, Cl’75) has compiled a list of current Clyde House students who are related to Clyde Old Girls. Printed every year in The Cluthan, this list has become a remarkable record of the strong family links which have been maintained between Clyde School and GGS. In 2012, there are 12 girls at Clyde House who are related to 32 Clyde Old Girls, from daughters and nieces, to great-great grand-daughters and great-great nieces. For example, Dame Elisabeth Murdoch is the great-great aunt of Polly Ritchie (Yr11 Cl). And this doesn’t include the dozens of cousins, whether removed or not! Each year, Clyde House students compile a report of their activities for The Cluthan which is avidly read and greatly appreciated. The Clyde energy, generosity, sense of humour and lively team spirit (with a quirky dose of self deprecation) is alive and well at GGS.

CLYDE GIRLS IN THE ARMED SERVICES After months of dedicated research and collation, COGA archivist Jackie Mackinnon (Kelly, Cl’69) has compiled a list of Clyde girls who joined the armed services. The information was derived from different sources and the names are listed in several categories, including army medical service, land army, auxiliary national service, nursing yeomanry, voluntary aid detachment, auxiliary air force, RAAF and RAN. The COGA list will join other valuable reference material being collated by the School concerning OGG war service records.

GARDEN TOUR 2013 COGA Vice-President Fern Henderson (Welsh, Cl’59) and Dizzy Carlyon (Clapham, Cl’58) are planning another spectacular spring garden tour in the Mornington Peninsula region, with a new and exciting itinerary in mind. Contact Fern on 03 5989 2664 or email:


Diary Dates SUNDAY 21 OCTOBER COGA AGM & OLD GIRLS’ DAY Clyde House, Geelong Grammar School Time: 10.30am morning tea, 11.00am AGM, 11.40am ceremony to honour Dame Elisabeth Murdoch (Greene, Cl’26), 12.15pm lunch Enquiries: Margie Gillett (Cordner, Cl’71) on 03 9525 3698 or email: gillett22@ MONDAY 29 OCTOBER FUN CUP GOLF Peninsula Golf Course Enquiries: Anna Tucker (Kimpton, Cl’71) on 0408 540 252 or email: 37


Prince Charles His Royal Highness The Prince of Wales, KG, KT, GCB, AK, ADC

In the May holidays he joined the fifth of the seven GGS parties that I took annually to visit Anglican mission stations and schools in Papua New Guinea – a visit that made a deep impression on him, as on many others (he wrote afterwards of the vitality of Christian faith that we experienced there, resembling that of the Early Church). He then paid visits in Australia. He matured.

Prince Charles, Heir Apparent to the Throne since the death of his grandfather King George VI and the accession of his mother as Queen Elizabeth II on 6 February 1952, when he was just three, came for most of 1966 to GGS in circumstances that in several interrelated ways were highly unusual. For a start, he was the first Heir to go to school in a normal way (his predecessors having been tutored at home). Secondly, his schooling in the United Kingdom – at Gordonstoun in Scotland, where his father, Prince Philip, had been an early boy – was interrupted (in itself, at that time, an unusual occurrence) after it was announced, in October 1965, that he would go on exchange for a time with a boy from Geelong Grammar School (David Manton [P’67], as it turned out).

His guardian, Squadron Leader (later Sir) David Checketts, said “I brought out a boy; I took home a man.”

Academically, he was treated in many ways like the undergraduate that he did become. He was given large assignments to get on with, being tutored by correspondence and telephone when at Timbertop, and personally when at Corio by his tutors, the heads of his A-level subjects: Peter Westcott for English, John Glover for French, and I for his main subject, History (and for the sort of general essays that Cambridge would set, and for some attention to his dynastic destiny, based on the lives of the monarchs since Queen Victoria). He returned to Gordonstoun for a final year, became Guardian (head boy), got a rare Distinction in Scholarship-level History on “the Age of Cromwell” (he is a natural historian and had read a fine paper on Thirdly, it was decided by the School (in effect, the Head Master, Tommy Garnett) that, Charles I to the Historical Society at Corio), although in what would today be called Year and in three years at Trinity College, 12, he would be based at Timbertop (the fact Cambridge – punctuated by a term in Wales that he was two or three years older than the to learn Welsh before his Investiture in July other boys gave rise to the fairly widespread 1969 as Prince of Wales and Earl of Chester – read History, and Archaeology and but mistaken assumption that he was an Anthropology. He graduated well and went Assistant, not a pupil). Fourthly, although on to a career as an officer in the Royal Navy he would from time to time be at Corio (no other pupil has thus been shuttled back and as well as to mounting and multitudinous forth) and a member of the top year-group in royal duties, and to pursuing a wide range of interests and concerns through which he the School, he would be pursuing different studies from the others at Corio since he was has become one of the truly remarkable people of our time. aiming at A-level and S-level results good enough to secure him entry to Cambridge on So much could be written about the his own academic merits. directions taken by his services and his achievements. His books alone deserve While it was announced that he would be attention, especially Harmony: A New coming to us for a term (still then a third of a school year, not yet a quarter), he himself Way of Looking at Our World (Blue Door, knew that during that term, if he wanted to, Harper Collins, London, 2010). One book he could ask for a second term. This he soon reproduces many of his watercolour did, so that, having started at Timbertop late paintings (mostly of landscapes), some of which have appeared on British stamps. At in January, he stayed at the School until he left (from Corio) on July 29 to join his parents Highgrove, his own estate in Gloucestershire, and sister, Princess Anne, in Jamaica for the he has led the way in the creation of a beautiful garden and a highly instructive Commonwealth Games. 38

farm – a blend (like himself) of tradition and innovation. His approach to life, at once spiritual and down-to-earth, is reflected in the building raised beside the garden in celebration of the Millennium: a Sanctuary for prayer and meditation. He is actively involved in helping at least 700 organizations for the public good, nationally and internationally, and in promoting many worthy causes and his own deep interest in our religious heritage, sound education, congenial architecture, good literature, organic farming and gardening, holistic medicine, and other fruits of nature and civilisation. They are too numerous to name, but it would be unthinkable not to mention his Prince’s Trust, which has saved countless thousands of young people from the tragic effects of homelessness, hopelessness, depression, and various addictions. A man of exceptional insight, wisdom, and compassion, he intervenes – some would say interferes – where conscience directs. His position imposes certain restraints, but equally it gives him unique opportunities both to get and to give good advice. So often he speaks the voice of commonsense in counter-balance to the experts; so often he is right. Few in the media seem to understand him or appreciate his work; but he soldiers on uncomplainingly. I sometimes hear regret expressed that his reign – if he outlives his mother – is bound to be a shortish one. My response is a reminder that we have a double blessing: a Queen whose whole life has been one of dedicated and exemplary service, in channels largely constrained by constitutional requirements; and an Heir who has long had the opportunity himself of similarly dedicated service, but service of a freer kind. We are the richer for them both – with a third blessing now apparent: two Princes in whom great promise resides. Prince Charles’s first marriage, for all the tragedy in which it was engulfed, brought not only them but scope and opportunities for humanitarian work to their beautiful mother. His second – which took place just after his return from Australia (including his third revisit to GGS) in 2005 – has brought him peace and happiness, the surest foundation for continuing his life of exceptional service to the United Kingdom, the Commonwealth, and humanity. Michael Collins Persse Photograph by David Rowley

From the Curator John Beswicke (OS c1863) is the subject of a biography by his grandson (a retired architect) K. C. B. Bethell, John Beswicke, 1847-1925: Heritage Architect (Rotha Press, Camberwell, 2011). He was a leading architect in Melbourne for some 40 years, particularly the 1880s and ’90s, and much of his work still stands: shops, offices, warehouses, churches, hotels, stables, private houses (in Harcourt Street, Hawthorn, more than a dozen mansions, including Balmerino, form a fine Victorian streetscape), and the Shire (now Town) Halls at Hawthorn, Malvern, Brighton, Essendon, and Dandenong. Alan Hamer (M’35), who died in July 2012, had survived his brothers, Sir Rupert (Dick) Hamer AC, KCMG (M’34) and David Hamer DSC (Co’36), and their sister, the historian Alison Patrick. An outstanding record during six years at GGS – Senior Prefect and (like Dick) captain of Manifold House, he won colours for cricket and football, was tennis champion and a cadet-lieutenant, edited The Corian, and sang in the Choir – was followed by an equally impressive one at the University of Melbourne where he achieved exhibitions in chemistry and natural philosophy and represented both Trinity College and the university at cricket and football. The third OGG in four years to be awarded the Rhodes Scholarship for Victoria, he had three years at Magdalen College, Oxford, where in 1941 he obtained first-class honours in chemistry. He attempted to join the air force but was declared a non-combatant in order to use his knowledge of chemistry for the war effort. Joining Imperial Chemical Industries, he worked on the neutralisation of carbon monoxide to save bomber crews from being poisoned, and was also a ground spotter for enemy aircraft. Long work for ICI, mainly in Australia, though in India from 1968-71 as chairman and managing director of the group’s companies there at a time when Indira Gandhi was fostering a transition from expatriate to national leadership at

Mary Mackay Sim née Cobb (He ’27 and Cl’35), who died in July 2012, was not only an Old Girl of both The Hermitage and Clyde but also the wife, mother, sister-inlaw, aunt-by-marriage, and cousin of OGGs. A great-granddaughter of Edward Willis, a squatter who was briefly a Trustee of GGS in the 1850s, and descended also from Raleighs who from the 1840s were pioneers on the Maribyrnong side of Melbourne, she was born in Geelong in 1918, the only surviving child of Frank and Gwen Cobb. As a little girl she attended The Hermitage until the family moved to Brighton, where she had the company of cousins. After Clyde she studied at Melbourne University until, in 1938, her parents moved to Sydney. There she did wartime work in censorship – and met John Mackay Sim (M’32), who with the outbreak of war had joined up as a Gunner, been promoted Lieutenant (later rising to the rank of Captain), and served in the Middle East. They married in 1942 while he was on leave before service in New Guinea. Between 1944 and 1951 their sons were born: James (M’62; Staff 1972-75), Robert

(M’63), and William (M’69). After the war they settled on the North Shore in Sydney, close to her parents (whose influence on her sons was strong), and Mary proved to be a wonderful wife, mother, and homemaker. In 1985, with two sons living in Canberra, they retired there and had five happy years before John’s death in 1990. This was a huge blow to Mary, but she continued living in Canberra, involving herself with family, friends, and community work. Among her closest friends were Michael Thwaites (Cu’33) and his wife, Honor née Good (He’32), the latter a childhood friend from Geelong, and Michael a contemporary of John’s at GGS. A stroke in 2007 deprived Mary of her ability to speak, read, or write. Her suffering in her last years was alleviated by the love of James, Rob, Bill, and their families.


Michael Collins Persse

all levels (so that his work was as much diplomatic as executive), culminated in his roles as executive director from 1959-68 and from 1971-79 managing director and deputy chairman of ICIANZ. He also held several other chairs and directorships, undertook charitable work, and after study at the Harvard Business School in the early 1960s sat for some years on the Federal government’s science committee, advising on which projects (such as the giant radio telescope at Forbes) were worth supporting. In 1948 he married Margaret Angas, sister of Alastair Angas (Cu’48) and the first woman in Australia to graduate as an aeronautical engineer. They had four children – Angas, Michael, Victoria, and Jonathan – and were together for more than 63 years until her death less than two months before his. Alan also farmed cattle in Victoria and Queensland. He skied and played many ball games, especially royal tennis, all at full stretch. He was President of both the Melbourne Club and the Royal Melbourne Tennis Club. He loved the arts, especially music: a friendship from schooldays with Sir William McKie MVO (Director of Music 1934-38; later organist and choirmaster at Magdalen during Alan’s time there, and from 1941-65 at Westminster Abbey) led to Alan’s commissioning, with others, both a biography of William by the Reverend Canon Howard Hollis (Chaplain 1959-64) and a portrait (that hangs in our Music School) by Hugh Colman (P’63). He played the oboe, for which he fashioned his own reeds. A true Renaissance man, he was described at his funeral in the Chapel of Trinity College by his friend David Lee (P’48) as the epitome of Wordsworth’s “happy warrior”.

Ian Kilpatrick (Cu’41), who died in July 2012, is gratefully remembered at GGS, with his mother, for their gift of the W. R. Kilpatrick Memorial Swimming Pool which from 1954 gave more than 50 years’ service until it reached what was judged the end of its natural life, to be replaced in 2008 by the Pool in the nearby Handbury Centre for Wellbeing, where a plaque records the Kilpatricks’ generosity. Ian was very close to his brother, Flight Lieutenant William Robert (Bob) Kilpatrick (Cu’39), a fighter pilot with the RAAF who lost his life while attacking enemy shipping at Boulogne in 1943. Country boys who grew up on their family property Allanvale, near Great Western, they were both in Barwon (Ian from 1934) and Cuthbertson Houses. In 1942 Ian followed Bob into the RAAF. His eyesight denied him training as a pilot, and he served as an aircraft fitter in Victoria and the Northern Territory until the illness of his father led to his release late in 1944 to take over the management of Allanvale. In 1947 he married Eleanor (known as Pat or Trish), daughter of Baron and Baroness de Fégely, from another well-established family property in the Ararat district, Quamby, near Dobie, and sister of Richard (Dick) de Fégely (FB’46). With four sons – William (Bill) (Cu’66), John (Jo) (Cu’67), James (Jim) (Cu’69), and Peter (Pete) (Cu’70) – they were a close and hospitable family. A good farmer, Ian loved fishing and tinkering with boats, vehicles, and machinery. He succeeded his father (who died in 1947) as a Stawell Shire Councillor, serving for 15 years (in 195152 as Shire President). For more than 40 years he was a CFA volunteer with the Great Western Fire Brigade. Latterly he and Pat lived in Ararat, where she died in 2009. Six granddaughters attended GGS. At his funeral Ian was described as his family’s “beloved patriarch” and “a man who had the ability to make everyone feel important …. gracious, loyal, gentle, generous, caring, and loving …. a gentleman who touched so many lives”. 39


David Darling (P’43; Council 1970-74), who died in April 2012, was a gentle and self-effacing member of a family prominent in business and noted for generosity to worthy causes; but he had great inner strength. The younger son of Leonard and Winifred Darling, and brother of Gordon Darling AC, CMG (Council 1964-69), he was born in Melbourne but spent most of his early years in England while his father represented John Darling & Son, a firm of grain and flour merchants, in London. From Selwyn House, a preparatory school in Kent, he came to GGS in September 1939 on the family’s return to Australia. Senior Prefect and Captain of Perry House in 1943 (the Headmaster, James Darling, who was no relation, found him exceptionally kind and helpful through a difficult year), he was also Captain of Cricket and won his colours for both cricket and football. Loyalty and integrity were already the hallmarks of his character. His history master and cricket coach, Manning Clark, wrote that he had “the soul of a poet”. On leaving school he enlisted in the RAAF, and was discharged late in 1945 as a Leading Aircraftman. For three years he read Philosophy, Politics, and Economics at Brasenose College, Oxford, playing much cricket and making many friends. Through the 1950s he worked with the family firm, selling flour to bakeries across the Pacific. In 1955 he married Joan MacMillan, from Dalby in Queensland, and the births of Anthony (M’73), Annabel (Montgomery), and Ian (P/L’80) followed. A close family, they never moved house. David was chairman of the Koitaki/Clayton Robard Investment Group in the 1980s, and a director of Carlton and United Breweries (1969-84), EZ Industries (1973-82), Elders IXL and Foster’s Brewing (1981-92), and Caledonia Investments (1992-2009), going daily to his office in Collins Street, even in the frailty of old age. He was a keen pastoralist with a family property, Culbara, in southern New South Wales, and received a “Farmer of the Year” award in that district. A passion for photography, especially portraiture, showed the artist in him. His generosity to individuals and causes was characteristically private, with no thought of recognition. As well as the School Council, he served on that of International House; and for GGS he was active in a major appeal, a committee member of the OGGs, and chairman (from 1967-73) of the advisory committee for Glamorgan. From the Centre for Independent Studies he received their Distinguished Fellow award. As well as Joan, their children, and Gordon, nine grandchildren survive him, and a third generation is represented at the School. Richard Woolcott AC (Cu’45), who in 2010 was awarded an Honorary Doctorate of the University of the Sunshine Coast, was in April 2012 admitted “as a person of


distinguished eminence in public service” to the degree of Doctor of Laws honoris causa in the University of Melbourne. Alan Hawker (FB’47), who died in April 2012 at Dimboola, was a newsagent there with a lifetime’s involvement in radio and wireless communication including two ANARE expeditions in Antarctica (he was awarded the Polar Medal in 1959) and work in the Gilbert and Ellice Islands (now Kiribati) as Colony Radio Operator for the Western Pacific High Commission. Latterly he spent much time repairing radio and television sets for residents in the Dimboola district. He married in 1959 Audrey Harrison, and they had two children, Peter and Terry. Peter Carey (FB’60) was appointed an Officer of the Order of Australia (AO) in the 2012 Queen’s Birthday Honours “for distinguished service to literature as a novelist, through international promotion of the Australian identity, as a teacher, and as a mentor of emerging writers”. Mick Lodge (Cu’60), hitherto better known as a newspaper cartoonist, enjoys increasing recognition as a painter, especially of Australian historical scenes. His The Man from Snowy River won the Class 4 Figurative Painting award at the 2012 Royal Easter Show in Sydney, and he has since been at work on The Battle of Vinegar Hill. Anthony Crichton-Brown (P’61), who had a long career with the Lumley Insurance Group (one of only three privately-owned insurance underwriting companies left in the world), at first in Australia and latterly in London as Chief Executive and Chairman, bought the Riverina property Deltroit from Tom Barr Smith (M’59) and his wife, Jenny, in 1990. Since 2006 he has lived there with his wife Nicola, a former London solicitor, whose book Deltroit and the Valley of Hillas Creek (Melbourne Books, 2012), a beautifully written and produced volume, draws parallels between their recent life, improving the historic property, and that of its nineteenth-century (Richardson) pioneers. Anthony is the father of Samantha, Georgina, and Matthew by his earlier marriage (to Edwina Sparke-Davies), and by Nicola of Antonia. He often competed in the Sydney-to-Hobart Ocean Yacht Race, being a member of the winning crew in 1970 and of the Australian crew that won the Admiral’s Cup in the United Kingdom in 1967. Flying and polo have also been passions, and from 2000-05 he was vice-chairman of Guards Polo Club in Windsor Great Park (described on his retirement by Lord Patrick Beresford as “an inspiration to us all”, memorable for “impeccable manners, modesty, sportsmanship, and affection for his ponies”).

Jonathan Brown (Cu’65), diplomat (he has been Australia’s High Commissioner to the Republic of Zimbabwe), international lawyer, and Wagnerian (author of the discographies “Parsifal” on Record [1992] and “Tristan und Isolde” on Record [2000]), has produced what he describes as his magnum opus (certainly it shows magnificent scholarship), Great Wagner Conductors: A listeners’ companion (Parrot Press, Canberra, 2012). He has very generously given a copy to swell our collection of works by and/or about OGGs. He lives in Canberra. The Honourable David Hawker (M’67) was appointed an Officer of the Order of Australia (AO) in the 2012 Queen’s Birthday Honours “for distinguished service to the Parliament of Australia, to public administration and monetary policy reform, and to the community through local government, health, and sporting organisations”. Adjunct Professor Simon Molesworth AM, QC (Bl’68) was appointed an Officer of the Order of Australia (AO) in the 2012 Queen’s Birthday Honours “for distinguished service to conservation and the environment, to heritage preservation at national and international levels, to the professions and natural resource sectors, and to community health organisations”. Nigel Austin (FB’71) has again added to the pastoral history of Australia in his book The Australian Livestock Export Trade: From the First Fleet to the World’s Greatest Livestock Breeding Country (Hardie Grant, Melbourne, 2011). OGGs depicted in it include Tom Peddie (Cu’89), Paul Holmes à Court (P’90), and Andrew Ingle (P’97). Richard (Salty) Baillieu (M’71), who died in July 2102, was a son of the late Ronald Baillieu (P’41) and of Gabrielle (Gay) née Money, and the brother of Andrew Baillieu (M’68). A colourful identity in Broome, pearl diver and dealer, hotelier, tour guide, traveller, he endeared himself alike to the local community, tourists, and customers whom he would visit on his tours around Australia once or twice a year. He leaves two daughters, Eleni and Niqui, and a son, Venn (named for his great-uncle Venn Money). He was cared for lovingly through a long illness by Colleen McKenzie. Dave Gardner (A’75), who died in May 2012, grew up in Werribee, the son – with two sisters – of Merle and Graeme Gardner. After his schooldays, during which – as throughout his life – he made good friends easily, he worked at various jobs such as bank-telling and mining, travelled, and became an A-grade squash player. At Bribie Island, where his parents had retired, he purchased a smallgoods business. In 1990 he married Kay Turnbull, from Oamaru in

Professor Matthew Ricketson (M’75), who was appointed Professor of Journalism at the University of Canberra in 2009, has edited Australian Journalism Today. For some months from September 2011 he assisted the former Federal Court judge Ray Finkelstein QC in an independent inquiry into the media in Australia. He ran the journalism programme at RMIT from 1995 to 2006 before a period as Media and Communications editor for The Age. In 2010 he was awarded the degree of PhD by Monash University for a thesis entitled “Ethical Issues in the Practice of Book-length Journalism”. Michael Winchester (P’78) is the writer and, with Owen Elliott, co-producer of the film Bathing Franky, in which he plays the part of Raven. He trained at the Victorian College of the Arts and has appeared on stage for the Sydney Theatre Company, the Griffin Theatre Company, and The Q Theatre, and on television in A Country Practice, Sons and Daughters, GP, the longrunning Prisoner, and several miniseries. He is the father of Isabella (HeYr11) and Georgina (HeYr10), who represent the third generation of Winchesters at GGS. Andrew Dodd (T’80), who has contributed a chapter, “The hidden underbelly of the journalism-public relations nexus”, to the book edited by Matthew Ricketson (M’75) that is noted above, has himself written (and kindly given to the School a copy of) J. J. Clark: Architect of the Australian Renaissance (New South Publishing, Sydney, 2012), a thorough (and beautifully illustrated and presented) book about the man who at the beginning of a 63-year career was (at 14) the youngest practising architect in Australia and towards its end the oldest. In 1857, at 19, he designed his masterpiece, the Melbourne Treasury in Spring Street, which Andrew calls “the finest example of the Renaissance Revival style in Australia”. Neville Clark MC (Staff 1973-78) is a greatgreat-nephew. Bill Perry (A’80; Timbertop Assistant 1981), who died in July 2011 at Christchurch in New Zealand from a meningococcal infection, was the eldest son of Pam née O’Donnell (He’55) and Barry Perry, and brother of Robert

(A’83) and John (A’87). The three brothers are all fondly remembered by GGS contemporaries and staff, not least for their impeccable manners. For three years Bill had been the CEO of Fulton Hogan, a civil engineering firm with a staff of 5,500. He played a crucial role in the forming of an alliance between government, council, and contractors charged with the rebuilding of Christchurch in the wake of its devastating earthquake in February 2011. Bill’s first thought had always been for others, and he is appropriately commemorated in the quarterly Bill Perry Safety Award competed for by these contractors. At GGS, of which he was a member for 14 years (winning colours for rugby, the William Elliott Murray Prize for Military Efficiency, an RSL prize for Personal Achievement, a Yellow Belt in jiu-jitsu, and the ranks of House Prefect and Cadet Under Officer), his special love of Timbertop was reflected not only in his return there as an Assistant but also in the joy that he later took in the outdoor wonders of New Zealand’s South Island. Graeme Joy (Staff 1980-85) and David Maggs (T’77; Timbertop Assistant 1981), who became Bill’s very close friend, remember his combination of compassion and strength, his ability to lead by example, his warmth of heart and friendliness, his great sense of fun combined with responsibility to and for others. “He had,” writes David, “that uncanny ability …. to lead in a way that made it inevitable others would want to follow.” His wife, Nicole, and children, Sam, Eliza, and Angus, survive him. Elisabeth Murdoch (Bl’81), who recently gave the annual James McTaggart Memorial Lecture at the Edinburgh International Television Festival, is chairman of the television production company Shine Group, which she founded in 2001. Tom Gubbins (M/L’86) was named Australia’s Livestock Producer for 2011, the Year of the Farmer, in a competition run by the Kondinin Group and ABC Rural. The Te Mania Angus stud has been a family concern through three generations. Founded by Tom’s maternal grandfather, Edwin Wilding, in the South Island of New Zealand, it had its beginning in Australia in 1971 when his father, Andrew Gubbins (M’52), imported two young sires and 58 ewes from Te Mania. Data-collection has distinguished it throughout. Long based at Pardoo, near Colac, it is now near Mortlake. An article about Tom by Katrina Weatherly née Kelly (Cl’71) in Western District Farmer for May 2012 tells how his use of computers and other modern technology has enabled him, in a team effort with his wife, Lucy, to overcome problems caused by dyslexia. Using computers to record the cattle’s performance and to assess their quantitative

genetics has been Tom’s passion. Te Mania Angus is one of 12 enterprises (and the sole Victorian one) featured in the 2012 “Australian Pastoral Properties” issue of the R. M. Williams Outback magazine, which illustrates the family involvement of Tom with his parents, Andrew and Mary, his sister, Amanda McFarlane (Cl’79; Council 2011-), and her husband, Hamish (M’78). A four-generation family association with GGS remains strong through both Gubbins and McFarlane grandchildren of Andrew and Mary: the Gubbins connection began in 1914, the School’s first year at Corio, and includes Tom’s grandfather, the late Norman Gubbins (M’25), and his brother, Charles (M’81), as well as many cousins; the McFarlane connection, which also involves a wide cousinage, stems in this line from Hamish’s maternal grandfather, the late Hubert Black (M’24; Council 1949-63), and includes his uncle William Black (M’57) – brother of his mother, Juliet McFarlane – and his own brothers, David (M/L’76) and Andrew (M/L’82).


New Zealand, and visits with her to that country led to many further friendships. Theirs was a close and loving union, and he adored their daughter, Teagan Genevieve, whose 21st birthday and engagement he was able to enjoy before he died.

Edwina Barber (Ga’88) has followed her first children’s book, It’s about time! (Oryx, Melbourne, 2008) by writing and illustrating 20 more, printed in China as a result of her visit there with her children, Valentina and Maximillian. Tales with morals, several have Magnus Monkey as their hero (see her website: Laura Smith (He’93) and Simon Berger (Fr’93), though friends at school, were brought together permanently as a result of their ten-year reunion. In September 2006 their daughter, Matilda, was born – a beautiful child who began, when 3, to suffer seizures, eventually hundreds a day, changing her from a running, smiling child into one unable either to walk or to talk. In June 2011 she was diagnosed with the rare genetic condition (borne by only 30 children in Australia) known as Batten Disease, at present incurable and always fatal. Matilda is not expected to live past 10. Simon and Laura are running an appeal to raise money for buying a wheelchair-accessible van so that they can take Tilda out to things she loves such as swimming. Information about it can be found on either of two websites ( and www. James Parkinson (Fr’95) has a senior position with Professional Diving Services managing some of their contracts including one with the Royal Australian Navy for the underwater inspection and maintenance of the Fleet. Recently he managed a dive in Port Phillip on a 19th-century wreck together with Heritage Victoria and the Western Australian Maritime Museum. Craig Mottram (A’98), representing Australia in the 5,000-metres event, ran in London in August 2012 in his fourth Olympic Games.



Catherine Krause née Parkinson (Fr’00), whose marriage is recorded below, graduated BA, DipEd from Melbourne University in 2005, and in 2006 began teaching at Lancing College in England. At A-level, as well as at other levels, she teaches History, Religious Studies, and English. In 2011 she became Housemistress of Manor House, comprising 40-50 girls. She has also been Head of Girls’ Games and a leader of two school trips to Malawi to undertake welfare projects. In Lancing’s huge and very beautiful Chapel she is a Eucharistic assistant and runs a Sunday School for staff children. Ashleigh Seymour (A’03) is working as a winemaker at Avignonesi in Italy. Her marriage there, at Cortona, is recorded below. Henry Meek (A’10) has continued a distinguished career as an oarsman with wins at the Henley Royal Regatta in England in three successive years (in 2010 the Fawley Challenge Cup in a GGS crew and the Quad Sculls in a composite crew representing Banks Rowing Club, Melbourne University Boat Club, and GGS; in 2011 the Thames Challenge Cup in an Upper Yarra Rowing Club VIII; in 2012 the Temple Challenge Cup in the University of Washington VIII), gold medals in the Australian National Championships (in 2011 in the MUBC Under 23 Coxed IV and Coxed VIII, and for Victoria in the Interstate Youth VIIIs), and in 2012 a gold medal in the Inter-Collegiate Rowing Association section of the United States National Championships, in the University of Washington’s Freshmen VIII.

and developed a love of rowing, which he coached, as well as teaching, at both GGS and, from 1957-86, Shrewsbury School where in 1967 he became housemaster of Churchill’s Hall. In 1954, at All Saints’, Geelong, he married Janice Meakin (He’50), and they had three children: Jonathan (born in Geelong), Penelope, and Victoria. An affectionate tribute in The Salopian mentioned his “laid-back teaching style” and said that he “was known to address more than one anxious parent as ‘my dear old trout’.” In retirement from Shrewsbury, while continuing to coach rowing (that school is second only to Eton in its provision of future Oxford and Cambridge rowing Blues), he became a marriage-guidance counsellor. He was an enthusiastic gardener and traveller, especially to see Penny and Vickie (now living in Ireland and Tasmania, respectively). Jonathan’s death, shortly before his own, was a great blow. Roger is fondly remembered by his GGS pupils and colleagues.

David Wade (Staff 197192), who died in March 2012, taught Music at all levels from Kindergarten to Year 9 at Highton, and from time to time taught also at Corio, particularly as Choirmaster for some years after the departure of Mervyn Callaghan (Director of Music 1966-74), with whom he shared previous experience on the staff of Wells Cathedral School in England. A Yorkshireman, he came to us with Certificates in Teacher Training from St John’s College, York, and as an Charlie Esnouf (P’11), who died in June organist from the Royal Academy of Music 2012 as a result of a car accident, is fondly in London, to which in Australia he added remembered by those who knew him, so qualification as an Associate of Music and a recently, at GGS, and our loving thoughts are degree in Education from Deakin University. with his family. David is fondly and gratefully remembered, at both GGS and Geelong College, as a warm, Joyce Stewart OAM, née friendly, dedicated musician and teacher Roddick (Matron, Barwon whose scholarship, integrity, and firmness House, 1941-42), who of purpose were an inspiration – one from died in April 2012, lived which the musical life of Geelong continued for most of her life in the to benefit, particularly at All Saints’ Church, Point Lonsdale district Newtown, where his funeral was a feast of and was very active wonderful music. Our loving thoughts are in the local historical with his wife (and colleague), Jennifer (Staff society. She was awarded 1973-2001), and their sons, Richard (Fr’85) the Medal of the Order of Australia in 2010 and Christopher (Fr’87), both of whom spoke “for service to the community of Queenscliff eloquently of their father at that service – through the promotion of local history and and recalled, amid other endearing habits, heritage”. Shortly before her time at GGS his infectious delight in sharing what seemed as a Matron, she married McBean (Mac) an inexhaustible stock of corny stories. Stewart, and they were the parents of Andrew, Janet, and Alex. Fay Tran (Staff 1984-2010), whose book Teaching Kids to Read: Basic skills for Roger Blomfield (Staff Australian & New Zealand parents and 1948-56), who died teachers (Wilkins Farago, Melbourne, 2010) recently, was born in was reprinted in 2011, is now privately England in 1925 to a tutoring children as a literacy consultant for civil-servant father and Learning Difficulties Australia. an artist mother. He went from Hurstpierpoint to Anne Hurley (Staff 1996-2012), who died St Edmund Hall, Oxford, in May, began work at Timbertop making where he read History curtains, cleaning, and overseeing the 42

laundry. In 2003, after a computer course, she became PA to the Deputy Head, a position from which she became an invaluable organizer and supporter of so much of Timbertop’s complex life. One of her roles was the care of the 12 Gap-year Assistants from all over the world. She was wise, loyal, and a constant influence for kindness and good sense. At her funeral the Head of Timbertop, Roger Herbert (Staff 1996-2000, 2006-), said that she had displayed the “amazing ability never to criticize anyone publicly and yet in a very subtle way let her feelings be known”. He described her as “one of the gems in Timbertop’s crown”. Dr Peter Paul Bajer (Staff 2001-), is the author of Scotsmen and the Polish Nobility from the Sixteenth to Eighteenth Century (2008) and Scots in the Krakow Reformed Parish in the Seventeenth Century (2011), and now, in the series entitled “The Northern World: North Europe and the Baltic, c400-1700 A.D.: People, Economics and Culture”, Scots in the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth, 16th-18th Centuries: The Formation and Disappearance of an Ethnic Group (Brill, Leiden/Boston, 2012). Peter this year became Head of Art at GGS. Graeme Gunn, father of Cullen (Cu’84) and Emma (Ga’85), and architect of Perry House (opened in May 1986), was appointed a Member of the Order of Australia (AM) in the 2012 Queen’s Birthday Honours “for service to architecture, to the promotion of innovative urban design, to professional education, and as a supporter of emerging architects”.

BIRTHS Lauren Whitaker and Will Ainsworth (Fr’99), a son, George Geoffrey, on 23 November 2011 Penny née Lowenstern (Staff 2002-) and Ben Apted (A’94), a daughter, Arabella Patricia, on 29 May 2012 Susannah Scott-Barber née Scott (Ga’93) and Timothy Barber (FB’84), a son, Digby Kip, on 8 August 2012 Aimée and Adam Birrell (A’99), a daughter, Freya Rose, on 16 January 2012 Carly Mills-Blunden née Mills (A’01) and Luke Blunden, a son, Thomas Harrison (Tom), on 25 April 2012 Pennie née Lord (Fr’94) and Damian Bradford, a son, Bailey Alistair Lord, on 22 May 2012 Alicia and Richard Brown (P’96), a son, Henry Richard, on 16 July 2012 Susan née Rush (A/L’89) and Matthew Browne (Fr/L’89), a son, William Matthew, on 4 August 2011 Kathryn O’Neill (A’93) and Paul Burns, a son, Jarvis Michael, on 4 June 2012 Catherine née Grayland (Staff 2003-) and Ryan Carey, a daughter, Audrey Joan, on 18 July 2012

Sarah née Murray (Cl’94) and Stuart Crosthwaite, a son, Otto John, on 13 July 2007 Joanna née Hawker (Cl’92) and Richard Dowling, a son, Digby Anthony Hawker, on 11 August 2012 Lucinda and James Edward Earl (M’96), a daughter, India Lily, on 27 June 2012 Michelle and Andrew Edgar (FB’94), a daughter, Camilla Katherine, on 25 March 2011 Sardie and Richard Edgar (FB’95), a son, George Walter, on 24 November 2010

Justine and Adam Stansen (T’86), a son, Edward Lloyd, on 23 May 2012 Naomi and David Stevens (Fr’93), a son, George David, on 11 April 2012 Julie née Grills (A’87) and Simon Steward, two sons, Archibald Edgar on 1 November 2006 and Wilfred Henry on 23 December 2009, and a daughter, Margot Victoria, on 22 January 2012 Skye Wilson (Cl’91), twin son and daughter, Finn James and Isla Diana, on 6 April 2012 Brooke née MacLachlan (Cl’86) and Simon Yates, a daughter, Atlanta MacLachlan, on 31 August 2011


Lucy à Beckett (Cl’96) married Cameron Barrett on 26 November 2011 Deborah Griffiths (Fr’89) and Tim Edwards, a daughter, Mietta Jean, on 16 July 2005 and a Will Ainsworth (Fr’99) married Lauren Whitaker on 14 April 2012 son, Harrison, on 25 January 2009 Emma-Rose Boylen (A’04) married James My Anh née Tran (A’93) and Saba Elkman, a Finnie on 4 February 2012 daughter, Chloe, on 13 May 2006 and a son, Tara Cooper (Staff 2009-) married Adam Clark Joseph, on 27 June 2010 on 31 December 2011 Caroline née Ranicar (T’89) and Ferruccio Ferrara, a son, Leonardo, on 31 October 2011 Kate Cox (Fr’01) married Edward Polk on 19 May 2012 Larissa née Sinclair and Mathew Griffiths Sam Cox (P’98) married Julia Taylor on 16 (Fr’96), a daughter, Ruby Jean, on 5 April October 2010 2012 Eloise Di Cristoforo (Staff 2008-) married Jane and Thomas Griffiths (A’99), a son, Adrian Nardi on 14 April 2012 Henry William, on 6 May 2012 Sarah Edgar (Cl’98) married Gerald Grogan Mai Linh née Tran (A’91) and Christopher on 11 November 2011 Hordern, two sons, Oliver on 10 March 2005, Davyn Edwards (A’96) married Molly Wojcik William on 16 July 2007 on 30 June 2012 Rebecca Joyce (Ga’88) and Lachlan Elmer, a Jonathon Geddes (FB’94) married Jodi Cryan daughter, River, on 20 June 2011 on 18 February 2012 Emma née O’Brien (Je’85) and Martin Mason, Mathew Griffiths (Fr’96) married Larissa a daughter, Isabel Ellen (O’Brien), on 18 Sinclair on 8 May 2010 September 1995, and a son, Henry Francis Matthew Heine (FB’96) married Alexandra Mason (O’Brien), on 16 February 2000 Vondra (He’01) in January 2012 Karen née James and Brendan McAloon Daryl Keasberry (A’97) married Beverly Sim (Staff 2010-), a son, Theodore James, on 13 on 17 September 2011 July 2012 Jeremy Koren (FB’02) married Juleiaah Bianca Durose-Curtis (Fr’06) and Mark Boheme on 7 April 2012 McCormack, a daughter, Harper Willow, on 6 Jimmy Legoe (M’97) married Sarah Peterson June 2012 on 2 June 2012 Belinda and Hamish Murray (P’91), two sons, James Lillie (M’84) married Georgia John Campbell on 13 June 2010 and Hugh Coverdale on 26 November 2011 William on 28 April 2012 Georgina Macneil (Cl’98) married Lachlan Andrea Lawrence (Cl’97) and Rodney Herbert on 22 October 2011 Rasmussen, a son, Arthur Lawrence, on 18 Alyce Rose Moore (Fr’04) married Luke Aaron February 2012 Davis on 20 June 2012 Alexis Dumaresq (He’96) and Malcolm Reid Nicholas Morshead (M’01) married Maria (Cu’94), a daughter, Clementine Joyce Janet, Grasso on 4 August 2012 on 28 July 2012 Hamish Murray (P’91) married Belinda Penny née Harvey (Cl’95) and George Thompson on 17 March 2007 Rigney, three daughters, Arabella Jane on 26 Catherine Parkinson (Fr’00) married Michael December 2006, Abigail Sally on 16 October Krause on 1 July 2012 2008, and Harriet Frances on 17 November Dan Patching (Assistant, Timbertop, 2001) 2011 married Michela Anna Luisa Chiappa on 4 Geraldine née Thien (Fr’96) and Roland June 2012 Rodriguez, a daughter, Isabella Jade, on 16 Claire Robson (Staff 2010-) married Nicholas October 2011 Bryant on 21 April 2012 Amelia and Edward (Woody) Roydhouse Janet Ryle née Bone (Fr’76) married Mark (Fr’98), a son, Ollie Edward, on 16 January Yeates (Staff 2009-) on 18 August 2012 2012 Ashleigh Seymour (A’03) married David Jonathan Raggett on 7 July 2012

DEATHS (2012 unless otherwise noted) Judith Appleton (The Hermitage 1954-56) on 4 August Stuart Leslie Austin (1938-44) on 3 May Richard Francis (Salty) Baillieu (1966-71) on 19 July John Kent Frederick Blackburn (1970-75) on 6 June 2008


Meg née Mactier and Hunter Champion de Crespigny (FB’98), a son, Sam Hunter Philip, on 27 April 2012

Roger Marsh Blomfield (Staff 1948-56) recently David Oram Cox (1955-60) on 12 July David Ian Darling (1939-43; Council 197074) on 12 April Jean Gray Davies née Carson (The Hermitage 1934-44) on 8 July Nicholas Carson Keeble Davies (1973-74) on 14 April 2012 Prudence Lesley (Prue) Dufty (The Hermitage 1956-62) on 11 June Michael Robert Levinge Dunn (1959-67) on 12 April Charles Philippe Esnouf (2008-11) on 9 June David Robert Gardner (1971-75) on 21 May Peter Ronald Gunnersen (1950-60) on 22 August Alan William Hamer (1930-35) on 3 July James William Bell Hamilton (1931-39) on 26 July Alan Charles Hawker (1945-47) on 19 April Charles Anthony (Tony) Hawker (1959-64) on 26 May Charles Geoffrey Hayne (1947-58) on 31 July Rosemary Anne Hurley (Staff, Timbertop, 1996-2012) on 27 May David Henry Johnstone (1944-47) on 21 February Ian Forbes Kilpatrick (1934-41) on 2 July Mary Adeline Mackay Sim née Cobb (The Hermitage 1925-27, Clyde 1934-35) on 24 July Alexandra (Sandra) Maclellan née Anderson (The Hermitage 1937-43; Clyde 1944-47) on 8 July George Lewis Brodie MacLeod (1929-36) on 1 June Maurice James Newton (1944-51) on 13 May 2009 Henry Pat Granville Osborne (1941-45) on 18 May Barbara May Reed née Wheatland (The Hermitage 1943-49) on 13 June Albert John Schofield (1955-63) on 17 April Elaine Margery Sherrin née Read (The Hermitage 1949-50) on 12 April Joyce Allison Stewart OAM née Roddick (Matron, Barwon House, 1941-42) on 21 April Jean Thompson née Hill (The Hermitage 1931-32) on 22 March









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