'The Doch' Edition 4 2020

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The past week has been the most enjoyable period of time, since my arrival at GGS. The students have been remarkable. They have embraced the 14 week isolation period, making the most of all the opportunities which have been on offer. They have been super active; running, walking, kicking footballs, riding the spin bikes, completing circuits, leading their own fitness sessions through the help of YouTube, the list goes on. They have been creative; painting, colouring mindfully, choreographing dances. They have been engaged in their learning; working through their learning sequences, attending zooms and the best part, working collaboratively with their peers. I think the 14 day isolation period has made the house closer and stronger, which is a scary thought for other houses, considering the dominance of EM early in 2020. There is a great feel when you walk through the place. Students are connected, happy and seem to feel a sense of belonging. The hardest part for many has been trying to remember to maintain the 1.5m distance. Even, Arthur needed to adhere to the social distancing rule when he met his idol, Gary Ablett Jr, on the weekend. We do recognise that not all students could return to Corio, and we look forward to welcoming them back at the start of Term 3. For those who have returned, it has been great having you back in the house!

Ms Bower Head of Elisabeth Murdoch House

Stayin’Fit and

Lovin’ It!

This is Day 2 and already the EM students are into the fitness opportunities, like ‘Crossfit’, ‘Crossie’, ‘Pop Sugar’ workout, exercise bikes, ergos, footy etc.

This is the first evening back to School after lockdown. As you can see, it is a very different Dining Hall, when only one House at a time may attend. Careful queueing protocols are in place and, as you can see, careful seating arrangements. Its also been a bit of an adjustment to later dinners, as, for the first couple of weeks, EM is the final house to eat.


NAME: Caitie Remen YEARS AT GGS: 2 Involvements at GGS: Year 10 EM Away from GGS, What does this mean? Best thing about being a boarder in EM: The people and constantly being with my friends. Future Ambitions: Not sure yet. Favourite moment this year in EM: The music festival and last Saturday’s talent show. Someone who you would want to live with and why? Hannah Montana because she would always be interesting as she is two different people.

NAME: Jemma Griffiths YEARS AT GGS: Started in year 8 Conne, currently completing my 4th year Involvements at GGS: Hockey, Rowing, Fitness, JLS, Duke of ed bronze and silver, and the Giving for a better world programme. Away from GGS, Representative hockey, love going for runs with my dog Soda :). Traveling the world and experiencing different cultures, visiting my farm, hanging out with friends and most importantly family time!! Best thing about being a boarder in EM: My favourite thing about EM is how all the girls in different year levels come together, connect and socialise. Future Ambitions: I would love to pursue a career in fashion design or possibly filmmaking/ producing. Favourite moment this year in EM: Probably the swimming carnival. We came together as a house and supported each other and showed lots of spirit with the creative chants, and of course we won!! Someone who you would want to live with and why? Either LeBron James as he is a gun basketball player (and plays for Lakers) it would be cool to be around him and play basketball with him. Or, Ellen DeGeneres because I LOVE HER SHOW and she would be a really funny and positive person to be around, and I respect how she stands by her values.

Mr Ian Cochrane What is your idea of perfect happiness? Being with good friends and family What is the quality you most like in other people? Anyone who laughs at my jokes Where in the world are you happiest? National Park in India ( Bengal Tigers etc) or Far East Russia (Amur or Siberian Tigers and Amur Leopards) Which talent would you most like to have? Play musical instrument well If you were to die and come back as a person or a thing, who/what would it be? Amur Tiger What is your most treasured possession? Photos – especially family and friends over life’s journey Who are your favourite writers/musicians or film makers? Writer – Will Shakespeare, Musicians – Mozart and Creedence Clearwater Revival, Film director -Eastwood and actor -Robert Duvall (specially in Lonesome Dove – humane /heroic = great combination) Which historical figure do you most identify with? Ernest Shackleton – survival journey from Antarctic to South America - explorer and adventurer. Anyone who courageously faces overwhelming adversity


The ButterFly Effe This last weekend saw the emergence of an art

project that is sure

(sigh!). Each of the girls will, eventually, decorate one of these perspex

that will then be joined and mounted as a 3-dimensional mural. Hopefu to preserve the memory of these shared weeks, in a very positive way.


to have wings

butterfly shapes

ully it will serve


What do you do When you’ve been stuck in front of a computer screen all week? Analysing Shakespeare, balancing equations, trying to remember the right pronoun for a transitive French verb. Dance, of course! And sing and just about any crazy that you wish you had seen on TikTok.

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