Vol.XXXVIII No.3 Dec 1914

Page 1


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D E C E M B E R , 1914

No. 3

Xorb IRoberte' Hast Message to tbe public Scbools, There is not one of you boys who may not take his part in this great struggle, and now is the time to show what you are made of. In the days, weeks, and months ahead of us there are bound to be many dark hours. Great calls will be made upon our courage and patience. Let each one of you then, who for one reason or another, is not able to take up arms for your country, determine to fight as courageously and as doggedly at home. Show a cheerful countenance to the world, and never let others see you give way to despondency. Preach to all around you the " glorious r i g h t " of this war, in which we had to take our part or else for ever hide our heads in shame. Be careful to spread no rumours or gossip, and be

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Vol.XXXVIII No.3 Dec 1914 by Geelong Grammar School - Issuu