1375301378 rapture

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welcome to the geffen playhouse

Photo by Andrew Southam

rapture, blister, burn

From the artistic Director Welcome to Rapture, Blister, Burn, the first play of our 2013/2014 season. With eight productions in our lineup, we have sought to bring together the comedic and tragic, the classic and contemporary, and the expansive and intimate. We are so pleased to open with Gina Gionfriddo’s smart, funny look at what it means to be a woman in this millennium. Gina has created characters who articulate the arguments of feminist perspectives through the ages and who then fall victim to the very traps condemned by these philosophers. Within the character of Catherine, we recognize the struggle of balancing a drive to succeed professionally with developing personal relationships on which she can depend. Having worked for years to disabuse students of the construct that women are defined by spouses and children, Catherine finds her point of view cold comfort when faced with impending loneliness. Gina weaves these vast questions into a story with humor and pathos, making the ride a pleasure. It is also a delight to welcome Peter DuBois, Artistic Director at Boston’s Huntington Theater, with this critically acclaimed production. In our West Coast premiere, we reunite Peter with his original New York ensemble of talented actors and designers. They have enthusiastically re-visited this provocative story, deepening and enriching the production. Thank you for joining us as we launch our most ambitious season to date. Your continued loyalty and patronage allow us to evolve and grow, and with your help we’ll continue to do just that. Enjoy the show!

Randall Arney Artistic Director


letter from the chaiRman

BOARD OF DIRECTORS Frank G. Mancuso Chairman

Patricia Kiernan Applegate Randall Arney Behnaz Ataee dr. Gene d. Block Harold A. Brown Gil Cates jr. Mary Ann Cloyd Dennis Doty John Ebey Mark Fleischer Herbert M. Gelfand Chairman Emeritus

FRANK G. MANCUSO I am delighted to welcome you back to the Geffen Playhouse as we launch our 2013/2014 season, which promises an exciting and varied theatrical experience bringing in new stars and old friends. I would like to extend a special thank-you to all of you who have renewed your subscriptions into this new season. We remain grateful for your continued dedication to the theater year after year. Welcome to all of our new patrons as well. We are excited to have you with us this season. It is my pleasure to inaugurate the season and welcome you to Rapture, Blister, Burn by Gina Gionfriddo. We believe that theater has the power to heal and to inspire and it is our duty to use our plays and resources to serve those who have served and fought so bravely for our country. We have always offered complimentary tickets to those who have served and continue to serve our country. Recently, our work with veterans has expanded. We formed a partnership with the Gary Sinise Foundation and together, we have created a program called Arts and Entertainment Outreach. We invite veterans to join us for dinner and the final dress rehearsal of every show in the Gil Cates season. At each show, we bring over a dozen veterans programs to the Geffen including Operation Mend, Veterans in Film and Television, New Directions, VA Hospital, and The American Legion of Hollywood. The pilot of this program was a huge success and we are thrilled to announce that we will be continuing this program for every show in the Gil Cates Theater season. We would not be able to continue this and other vital programs without our donors. The Geffen Playhouse Board of Directors joins me in thanking our donors for their generous support and for making this kind of outreach programming possible. If you are interested in supporting our community involvement, please contact our Chief Development Officer, Regina Miller at 310.208.6500 ext. 112.

Patricia L. Glaser Adi Greenberg Arthur Greenberg Martha Henderson Pamela Robinson Hollander Joan Kaloustian Glorya Kaufman Loretta Kaufman Dr. Gerald S. Levey carla malden Susan Mallory Ginny Mancini barry meyer Susanna Midnight Regina Miller Ken Novice Steven A. Olsen Loren Rothschild Linda Bernstein Rubin Teri Schwartz Richard Sherman Fred Specktor lorraine spurge deeanna staats Cynthia P. Stafford Howard Tenenbaum michael walsh

FOUNDING TRUSTEES Suzanne Deal Booth Kirsten Combs Robert A. Daly David Geffen Quincy Jones Jeffrey Katzenberg Ron Meyer Leslie Moonves Jerry Moss Jerry Perenchio Bruce M. Ramer Founding Chairman

Victoria Mann Simms Andy Spahn Steven Spielberg Steve Tisch Dr. Charles E. Young

Thank you again for joining us here at the Geffen Playhouse. We look forward to an exhilarating 2013/2014 season. Now sit back and relax as we enjoy Rapture, Blister, Burn.

Chairman Emeritus

Respectfully yours,

marcia israel-curley audrey skirball kenis charles kenis Karl Malden lawrence j. ramer Edie wasserman lew wasserman

Frank G. Mancuso Chairman, Geffen Playhouse P2  PERFORMANCES  MAGAZINe

IN MEMORIAM gilbert cates founder

Peter rosen

LEGAL COUNSEL, latham & watkins LLP

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feminism 101 by amy levinson

Gina Gionfriddo has written a play wherein a feminist scholar debates feminist theory only to discover she has fallen victim to the very constructs she has always deplored. But Rapture, Blister, Burn is not a feminist polemic or diatribe. It is, instead, a heartfelt, intelligent, moving story of women (and men) finding their place in the world. While this play certainly isn’t about the feminists to whom Gionfriddo refers, this crash course in feminist theory may be useful. Below are just a few of the women who have analyzed women’s roles and perspectives. Love ‘em, hate ‘em — as the character Catherine points out it’s as important to study ideas with which you disagree as it is to study those which validate our points of view. 1777 All states pass laws that forbid women to vote. 1860 Connecticut becomes the first state to prohibit all abortions after the American Medical Association announces its opposition to abortion. 1866 Congress passes the 14th Amendment, which grants all citizens the right to vote. It is the first time that “citizens” and “voters” are defined as “male” in the Constitution. 1869 Susan B. Anthony and Elizabeth Cady Stanton form the National Woman Suffrage Association, while Lucy Stone and others form the American Woman Suffrage Association. The territory of Wyoming passes the first women’s suffrage law in the U.S. 1896 The National Association of Colored Women is formed out of more than 100 black women’s clubs. 1920 Congress passes the 19th Amendment, granting women suffrage. It passes in the Senate by only two votes. 1923 Alice Paul drafts the Equal Rights Amendment (ERA).


Betty Friedan Betty Friedan founded and became the first president of The National Organization for Women. (NOW). NOW advocated fiercely for legal equality between women and men. They lobbied for enforcement of Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 which outlawed major forms of discrimination against racial, ethnic, national and religious minorities and women. It ended unequal application of voter registration requirements and racial segregation in schools, at the workplace and by facilities that served the general public. NOW also pushed for execution of the Equal Pay Act of 1963, a United States federal law amending the Fair Labor Standards Act, aimed at abolishing wage disparity based on gender. Friedan’s book The Feminine Mystique, published in 1963 would become one of the most influential books describing the plight of women in industrialized societies. In it she points out that the average age of marriage was dropping and the birthrate was increasing for women throughout the 1950s, yet the widespread unhappiness of women persisted. American culture insisted that fulfillment for women could be found in marriage and housewifery. She summarized, “we can no longer ignore that voice within women that says: ‘I want something more than my husband and my children and my home.” She depicted the full-time homemaker role as stifling and asserted that she had never seen a positive female role-model who worked outside the home and also kept a family, while many existed. This was vehemently disputed by the mass media, educators and psychologists, not unlike the current debate of women assuming combat roles in the military. The Feminine Mystique has been a critical influence to authors, educators, writers, anthropologists, journalists, activists, organizations, unions and everyday women taking part in the feminist movement.

Phyllis Schlafly As the most visible and effective critic of the Equal Rights Amendment (ERA), Phyllis Schlafly squared off against the National Organization for Women and other pro-ERA groups in one of the most bitter battles of the 1970s. Critics called her a hypocrite: though she lauded stay-at-home mothers and wives, she herself was a full-time political activist and lawyer. Nonetheless,

1936 A federal law is modified, making birth control information no longer classified as obscene. 1945 Millions of working women lose their jobs when servicemen return from World War II, although surveys show that 80 percent want to continue working. 1960 The Food and Drug Administration approve birth control pills. 1963 The Feminine Mystique is published. 1964 Title VII of the Civil Rights Act prohibits employment discrimination on the basis of race and sex. 1966 The National Organization for Women (NOW) is founded. 1968 The EEOC rules that sexsegregated help wanted ads are illegal, a ruling later upheld by the Supreme Court. Shirley Chisholm is the first black woman elected to Congress. 1972 The ERA is passed by Congress and sent to states for ratification. Title IX bans sex discrimination in schools. Ms. Magazine is first published. 1973 In Roe v. Wade, the Supreme Court legalizes abortion and overturns anti-abortion laws in many states. My Secret Garden is published.

betty friedan

phyllis schlafly

Schlafly’s grass-roots efforts prevailed, and the ERA went down to defeat. Schlafly remains a force in conservative politics, with a busy lecture schedule. She is the president of the pro-life, anti–gay marriage Eagle Forum, which has 25,000 members. (TIME Magazine, 2009) Schlafly’s version of the women’s movement was born in 1972, when, as she put it, “some of us realized we had to protect ourselves against the takeaway of the legal rights of the homemaker that was embodied in the ERA.” She defined a Positive Woman as dedicated to truth, faith, service, God, family and “this great country” (the United States). Positive Women, she said, did not seek self-fulfillment as the highest value, but instead, “had their scale of values in order: no matter what they may seek for their own self-fulfillment, they know that the family is more important.” Her arguments against the ERA included claims that it would: undermine traditional families, remove legal protections of wives, subject women to the military draft, remove barriers to women in combat, promote abortion on demand, open the way for “homosexual marriage” and require that public bathrooms be unisex. Like Friedan, who many considered Schlafly’s political and literary rival, Schlafly was an influential voice during the fight for equality. But unlike her adversary, she believed that “motherhood must be a self-sacrificing role. The mother must be able to subordinate her self-fulfillment and her desire for a career to the well being of her children so she can answer her child’s call any hour of the day or night. This is what marriage and motherhood are all about.”

Nancy Friday Nancy Friday’s successful novels (My Secret Garden, Forbidden Flowers) have seen her placed among feminist pioneers on the subject of women and sex. Her writings argue that women have often been reared under an ideal of womanhood that is outdated and restrictive. Her thesis posed that fiction found women largely under and misrepresented in regards to their inner lives. By drawing a more intimate

1976 The first marital rape law passes in Nebraska, making it illegal for a husband to rape his wife. The Pregnancy Discrimination Act passes, banning employment discrimination against pregnant women. 1978 More women than men are entering college for the first time in American history. 1981 Sandra Day O’Connor is the first woman ever appointed to the U.S. Supreme Court. Ruth Bader Ginsberg joins her in 1993. 1982 ERA ratification efforts fail. 1986 The Supreme Court rules that sexual harassment is a form of illegal job discrimination. 1993 The Family and Medical Leave Act goes into effect, allowing women workers to take employment leave after giving birth. Men, Women and Chain Saws is published. 1994 The Violence Against Women act increases services for rape and domestic violence victims, as well as federal penalties for sex offenders.

nancy friday

carol clover

and rich portrait of women in her writing, she hoped to open a door for women to express themselves more fully and therefore enjoy being women more completely. Friday has explained how, “in the late 1960s I chose to write about women’s sexual fantasies because the subject was unbroken ground, a missing piece of the puzzle ... at a time in history when the world was suddenly curious about sex and women’s sexuality.” She stood to reverse the long held belief that, “women do not have sexual fantasies.” Friday posited that women were consumed with guilt where sex was concerned primarily based on societal expectations of what it means to be a “good girl.” Her follow-up to My Secret Garden, My Mother/My Self took on that very subject. Friday, like other feminists, was especially concerned with the idea of “good girls” vs. “bad girls” and how a woman’s sexuality was inextricably linked to these labels.

Carol Clover Clover, a medievalist, had written extensively on the literature and culture of early northern Europe, especially the Old Norse sagas. From her expertise in formulaic narrative grew her interest in contemporary cinema. Men, Women, and Chain Saws investigated the appeal of horror cinema, in particular the phenomenal popularity of those genres that feature female heroes and play to male audiences: slasher, occult, and rape-revenge films. Such genres seem to offer sadistic pleasure to their viewers, and not much else. Clover, however, argued the reverse: that these films are designed to align spectators not with the male tormentor, but with the female tormented — with the suffering, pain, and anguish that the “final girl,” as Clover calls the victimhero, endures before rising, finally, to vanquish her oppressor. (Princeton University Press) Clover’s new take on the slasher heroine became part of a larger dialogue dealing with female empowerment. Men, Women, and Chain Saws posited that the long held ideas of women being killed for hyper-sexuality in slasher films was an oversimplification and instead women were frequently the heroes of these stories. PErFORMANCEs  MAGAZINE P5

THE GEFFEN PLAYHOUSE Presents the Playwrights Horizons production of

Written by

Gina Gionfriddo Set Designer

Costume Designer

Lighting Designers

Sound Designer

Mimi O’Donnell

Alexander Dodge

Jeff Croiter and Jake DeGroot

Production Stage Manager

Young Ji

M.L. Dogg

Assistant Stage Manager

Michael Vitale

Casting by

Alaine Alldaffer, CSA

Directed by

Peter DuBois The Blanche and Irving Laurie Foundation provided generous support for Rapture, Blister, Burn. Rapture, Blister, Burn is the recipient of an Edgerton Foundation New American Plays award. Special thanks to the Harold and Mimi Steinberg Charitable Trust for supporting new plays at Playwrights Horizons and for providing the funds to commission Rapture, Blister, Burn. Special thanks to Time Warner Inc. for its leadership support of The American Voice: New Play and Musical Theater Development at Playwrights Horizons.

Opening Night: Wednesday, August 21,282013 Opening Night: Wednesday, November , 2012 OPENIN G NI G HT SPONSOR s


(In order of appearance)

Gwen Harper.......................................................................................................................... Kellie Overbey Catherine Croll ................................................................................................................ Amy Brenneman Don Harper............................................................................................................................... Lee Tergesen Avery Willard.............................................................................................................................. Virginia Kull Alice Croll.........................................................................................................................................Beth Dixon

Time/setting A college town in New England, summer. running time Approximately 2 hours There will be one 15 minute intermission

The Geffen Playhouse gratefully acknowledges the following media sponsors for their generous support of Rapture, Blister, Burn.

The Geffen Playhouse is supported, in part, by the Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors through the Los Angeles County Arts Commission. This project was also funded in part by the Department of Cultural Affairs, City of Los Angeles. The Geffen Playhouse, a non-profit theater company, is proudly affiliated with the University of California at Los Angeles.


rapture, blister, burn

cast of characters

production biographies Theatre of Louisville); Our Town (Geva Theatre); The Dining Room (Dorset Theatre Festival); A Doll’s House (NC Stage); As You Like It (Dallas Shakespeare Festival). TV: Boardwalk Empire, The Following, Nurse Jackie, The Good Wife, Person of Interest, Law & Order SVU. Training: Meadows School of the Arts at SMU. AMY BRENNEMAN (Catherine Croll) Theater credits include: Cornerstone Theater (Juliet, Clytemnestra, Natasha in Three Sisters), CSC Rep, Lincoln Center, LA Theater Works, South Coast Rep, Yale Rep (title role in Brecht’s St Joan of the Stockyard) and most recently Rapture, Blister, Burn at Playwright’s Horizons where she originated the role of Catherine Croll. Amy created, executive produced, and starred in Judging Amy (3 Golden Globe nominations, 3 Emmy nominations, SAG nomination, People’s Choice nomination, Producer’s Guild nomination, two TV Guide awards). Other TV: NYPD Blue (SAG Award, 2 Emmy nominations), Frasier (episode won an Emmy Award for writing) and most recently starred as Dr. Violet Turner for six seasons on Private Practice. Amy wrote and starred in Mouth Wide Open at the American Repertory Theater, and directed the documentary The Way the World Should Be about special education in America. Films include: Heat, Your Friends and Neighbors, Casper, The Jane Austen Book Club, Daylight, Nine Lives, Mother and Child, the upcoming Look of Love and the upcoming Words and Pictures opposite Clive Owen. Amy stars in the new drama The Leftovers on HBO.


BETH DIXON (Alice Croll) Broadway: Major Barbara, Wrong Mountain, Royal Family (u/s Rosemary Harris). OffBroadway: Wings, Vieux Carre, The Cripple of Inishmaan, Mary Stuart, Endpapers, Terese Raquin, Booth is Back, America Dreaming, Unbound and The Grille Room. Regional: Long Day’s Journey into Night, On Golden Pond, Three Tall Women, Tartuffe, All My Sons, The Grapes of Wrath, The Glass Menagerie, Vincent in Brixton, The Constant Wife, Fuddy Meers, King Lear, etc. Film and Television: Infinitely Polar Bear, Non-Stop, Zero Hour, Off-Ramp, Ballad of the Sad Café, Dark Tides, Storm of the Century, Queen, Law & Order, Law & Order Criminal Intent and Game Change.

VIRGINIA KULL (Avery Willard) Broadway: The Heiress, Man and Boy, Dividing the Estate, Old Acquaintance. Off-Broadway: Rapture, Blister, Burn, Assistance (Playwrights Horizons); Sex Lives of Our Parents (Second Stage); The Orphans’ Home Cycle (Signature Theatre); Dividing the Estate (Primary Stages); Theophilus North, The Breadwinner (Keen Company). Regional: The Orphans’ Home Cycle, To Kill a Mockingbird, Dividing the Estate (Hartford Stage); A View from the Bridge, Death of a Salesman (Arena Stage); The Tempest (Actors

KELLIE OVERBEY (Gwen Harper) Broadway: The Coast of Utopia, Twentieth Century, “Q.E.D.”, Judgement at Nuremberg, Present Laughter and Steppenwolf Theatre Company’s Buried Child. Numerous offBroadway includes most recently Page 73’s Sleeping Rough (Drama Desk nom) and The Savannah Disputation (Lortel nom.) Notable film & TV: 30 Rock, Sweet and Lowdown, Outbreak, The Good Wife, Law & Order, Unforgettable, The Job, The Stand and the upcoming The Girl in the Book. Also a writer, Kellie’s screenplay That’s What She Said (directed by Carrie Preston) premiered at the Sundance Film Festival 2012 and is available on Netflix. Plays: Girl Talk, Once Around the Sun and My Wife’s Coat (Samuel French).

LEE TERGESEN (Don Harper) Lee Tergesen will next be seen starring in the Independent Film: Desert Cathedral. Tergesen also recently starred in No One Lives as well as The Collection. Other selected film credits include Monster opposite Charlize

Theron, The Forgotten with Julianne Moore, Wayne’s World, Red Tails, Shaft, Point Break, Silver Tongues and Helena From The Wedding. Tergesen has also been very busy in television as a series regular on the ABC drama, Red Widow. Probably best known for his starring role as Tobias Beecher for six seasons on the acclaimed HBO series, Oz, he has also starred in HBO’s Emmy Award winning mini-series Generation Kill and Bury My Heart at Wounded Knee. Additional television credits include BBC America’s Copper, Showtime’s The Big C, CBS’s Criminal Minds and The New Adventures of Old Christine and Fox’s House. This coming television season, Tergesen can be seen on the A&E series, Longmire. Tergesen’s theatrical credits include Good Boys and True at Second Stage Theatre, The Foreigner at The Laura Pels Theater, The Exonerated at The Bleeker Street Theater and the New York production of Rapture, Blister, Burn at Playwrights Horizons. GINA GIONFRIDDO (Playwright) Gina Gionfriddo was a 2012 Pulitzer Prize finalist for Rapture, Blister, Burn (commissioned by and premiered at Playwrights Horizons) and a 2009 finalist for Becky Shaw, which had its world premiere at Actors Theatre of Louisville’s Humana Festival of New American Plays and its New York premiere Off Broadway at Second Stage Theatre. Ms. Gionfriddo’s other plays include After Ashley (Humana Festival and Off Broadway at the Vineyard Theatre) and US Drag (Off Broadway by the stageFARM). She has received an Obie Award, a Guggenheim Fellowship, The Susan Smith Blackburn Prize, an Outer Critics Circle Award, The Helen Merrill Award for Emerging Playwrights, and an American Theatre Critics Association/ Steinberg citation. She has written for the television dramas Law & Order, Law & Order: Criminal Intent, Cold Case, Borgia and House of Cards. Ms. Gionfriddo has contributed essays on rock music to the

production biographies

PETER DuBOIS (Director) New York Stage and Film: The Power of Duff. Playwrights Horizons: Rapture, Blister, Burn. West End/London: All New People. Almeida Theatre: Becky Shaw. Roundabout Theater Company: Sons of the Prophet. Second Stage: Becky Shaw, Trust, All New People. Public Theater/NYSF: Measure for Pleasure, Richard III, Mom How Did You Meet the Beatles and Biro. LAByrinth Theater Company/Public Theater: Jack Goes Boating and View From 151st Street. Also: American Conservatory Theater, Trinity Repertory Company, Humana Festival of New Plays, Manchester Opera House, Kings Theater Glasgow. Associate Producer, Public Theater/ NYSF (2003-2005), Resident Director, Public Theater/NYSF (2005-2008), Artistic Director, Perseverance Theater Company, Juneau, Alaska (1997-2003). Peter is in his sixth season as the Artistic Director of the Huntington Theatre Company in Boston. Peter’s productions have been on the annual top ten lists of The New York Times, Time Out, New York Magazine, The New Yorker, Newsday, Variety, Entertainment Weekly, The Evening Standard and the Improper Bostonian. ALEXANDER DODGE (Set Designer) Broadway: Present Laughter (Tony Nomination), Old Acquaintance, Butley, Hedda Gabler. West End: All New People Off-Broadway: Playwrights Horizons: Rapture Blister Burn, Maple and Vine; Second Stage: Modern Terrorism, All New People, Trust, The Water’s Edge; Roundabout: The Understudy; Public: Measure for Pleasure; Lincoln Center: Observe the Sons of Ulster… (Lortel Award), Chaucer in Rome. Regional: Geffen: The Underpants, Rabbit Hole; Alley, Arena, Centerstage,

Hartford, Huntington, Guthrie, La Jolla, Long Wharf, Old Globe, Taper, Shakespeare DC, Westport Country Playhouse, Williamstown, Yale Rep. Opera: Deutsche Oper Berlin: Il Trittico; Minnesota Opera: Cosi Fan Tutte; Munich: Der Waffenschmied; Würzburg: Der fliegende Holländer; Budapest: Lohengrin. Training: Yale. MIMI O’DONNELL (Costume Designer) Previously designed Rapture, Blister, Burn at Playwrights Horizons and Huntington Theater Co. Broadway: The Motherf**ker With The Hat, Other credits include Where’s My Money?, Pump Girl (MTC); Modern Terrorism ( Second Stage); Family Week, Fifty Words, Some Girl(s), Fat Pig (MCC); 100 Saints You Should Know, (Playwrights Horizons); 2000 Years, Comedians (The New Group) Unconditional, Jack Goes Boating, The Last Days of Judas Iscariot, Our Lady of 121st Street, Jesus Hopped the ‘A’ Train (Labyrinth Theater Company). Film credits: Jack Goes Boating. Mimi is the Artistic Director of Labyrinth Theater Company. JEFF CROITER (Lighting Designer) Broadway: Jekyll & Hyde, The Anarchist, The Performers, Newsies; Peter and the Starcatcher (Tony Award); The Pee-wee Herman Show; Next Fall; Kiki and Herb. Upcoming: Soul Doctor, A Time to Kill, The Miss Firecracker Contest. Other NYC includes: Comedy of Errors & Love’s Labour’s Lost (NYSF), The Madrid, Old Jews Telling Jokes; Silence! The Musical; Love, Loss, and What I Wore; Meet Vera Stark; Side Effects; A Lie of the Mind; Ordinary Days; Streamers; Family Guys Sings; Jerry Springer The Opera; Rufus Wainwright’s Judy Garland Concert at Carnegie Hall (London, Paris too); Love Child; Adrift in Macao; The Voysey Inheritance; The Internationalist; Jacques Brel; I Love You Because; Almost, Maine; The Dazzle and Jennifer Muller/The Works. Regional: The Shakespeare Theatre, Dallas Theatre Center, Williamstown Theatre Festival, Barrington

Stage, McCarter Theatre, Kennedy Center, The Old Globe, La Jolla Playhouse, Center Theatre Group, The Huntington, Geffen Playhouse, George Street Playhouse, Trinity Rep, Berkshire Theatre Festival, Cincinnati Playhouse, Ford’s Theatre, Goodspeed Opera House, and NY Stage and Film. JAKE DeGROOT (Lighting Designer) NY: Standby, Under the Greenwood Tree (NYMF); The Crucible (The New Ohio); disOriented (Theatre C); Neither Heaven Nor Earth (PoliglotTheater); Emilie’s Voltaire (LIA, The Beckett); The Erpingham Camp (WorkShop Theatre); The Mushroom Pickers (alloy theatre). Regional: Rapture, Blister, Burn (The Huntington); Fly (Cincinnati Playhouse); SILENCE! The Musical (Los Angeles); One Slight Hitch (W.H.A.T.); Spring Awakening, Dreamgirls (ReVision); Caroline in Jersey, Big Money (Williamstown); Parade (Yale Dramat). Associate/Assistant: Broadway: The Performers, Born Yesterday, Time Stands Still; Mary Stuart; Old Acquaintance. Off-Broadway: Roundabout; MTC; The Vineyard. Regional: Hartford Stage, Ford’s, Westport, Yale Rep, George Street, Repertory Theatre of St. Louis. International: TheatreWorks Singapore, National Theatre of Norway in Oslo, Norwegian Cruise Line, Holland America Line, Regent Seven Seas. Co-Lighting Supervisor: Williamstown Theatre Festival 08-09. Programmer: Blue Man Group. USA Local 829. BFA, Carnegie Mellon. www.jakedegroot.com M.L. DOGG (Sound Designer) M.L. Dogg has designed for such companies as: The Debate Society, The Dorset Theatre Festival, The Huntington Theatre, Ars Nova, The Public Theatre, The Milwaukee Repertory Theatre, Second Stage Theatre, New York Stage And Film, Playwrights Horizons, Waterwell Productions, Nicholas Ward Productions, Fordham University Theatre, Roundabout Theatre

Company, The Pearl Theatre, Out Of Balanz, Shelby Company, Scott Sanders Productions, Why Not Theatre, The Boise Contemporary Theater, The Living Room For Artists, Inc., Stillpoint Productions, 13P, Two River Theater Co., NYU/Tisch School Of the Arts, Working Theatre, Epic Theatre Ensemble, The Women’s Project, Theatre B, Classic Stage Company, Clubbed Thumb, Wash And Fold Productions, Shakespeare & Company, Monster(less) Actors Inc., and The Actors Theatre Of Louisville. He is an IRNE, IT, and Drama Desk nominee, and received a fringeNYC award for Go-Go Kitty, GO!. YOUNG JI (Production Stage Manager) Geffen Playhouse: Yes, Prime Minister, American Buffalo, Nothing to Hide, Build, The Exorcist, The Jacksonian, Radiance: The Passion of Marie Curie, The Elaborate Entrance of Chad Deity, Extraordinary Chambers, In Mother Words, Love Loss & What I Wore, Ricky Jay: A Rogue’s Gallery; Louis & Keely: Live at the Sahara. Other Los Angeles: Center Theatre Group: The Cherry Orchard (Taper); Wrecks, Trial of the Catonsville Nine, Pyrenees, A Very Old Man with Enormous Wings (Kirk Douglas Theatre). Antaeus Company: Cousin Bette, King Lear, The Autumn Garden (Producer); La Ronde, The Glass Menagerie (Director); Tonight at 8:30, Phaedra (Getty Villa), Mother Courage and Her Children, Pera Palas, Chekhov X 4. Michael vitale (Assistant Stage Manager) Michael has been working as a professional stage manager in LA and Orange County for the last 7 years and is a proud member of Actor’s Equity Association. Rapture, Blister, Burn marks his first production with the Geffen Playhouse and he is ecstatic to be on board. Some favorite projects include Miss Saigon, A Snow White Christmas, Front and Center featuring Reba McEntire at the Honda Center, Hairspray, The Producers and Chicago at the


rapture, blister, burn

literary journal The Believer and short fiction to Canteen. She is currently working on a new play commission from Center Theatre Group in Los Angeles.

production biographies Hollywood Bowl, La Boheme and I Due Foscari with the LA Opera and The Marriage of Figaro with the LA Phil. Michael received his B.A. in Theatre Arts from California State University, Fullerton and his M.F.A. in Stage Management from the University of California, Irvine. Alaine Alldaffer, csa (Casting) Casting Director for Playwrights Horizons along with Lisa Donadio, Casting Associate. Credits include Clybourne Park (B’way and PWH) Grey Gardens (B’way and PWH) and Circle, Mirror, Transformation (Artios Award). Present Laughter (Artios Award) with Victor Garber for The Huntington Theater and The Roundabout. TV credits include Knights of Prosperity aka Let’s Rob Mick Jagger for ABC. Associate credits include ED (NBC) and Monk (USA). Theaters include Berkeley Rep and ACT in San Francisco and The Arena in DC, The Alley Theatre in Houston. Festivals include Williamstown and Humana. Alaine casts for The Huntington Theatre in Boston and the Women’s Project Theatre NYC.

RANDALL ARNEY (Artistic Director) Randall Arney has been a theater professional for over 30 years, and has served as Artistic Director of the Geffen Playhouse since 1999. In addition to his artistic programming and oversight at the Geffen, Arney has helmed more than 10 productions for the theater, most recently American Buffalo, Superior Donuts, The Female of the Species, The Seafarer, Speed-the-Plow and All My Sons. Arney is an ensemble member and former Artistic Director of Chicago’s Steppenwolf Theatre where he most recently directed Slowgirl which will have its West


Coast premiere at the Geffen Playhouse in March 2014. Other Steppenwolf directing credits include: The Seafarer, The Beauty Queen of Leenane, Death and the Maiden, Curse of the Starving Class, Killers and The Geography of Luck, as well as the world premiere of Steve Martin’s Picasso at the Lapin Agile, including the subsequent national and international acclaimed productions. Mr. Arney’s acting credits with Steppenwolf include Born Yesterday, Ghost in the Machine, The Homecoming, Frank’s Wild Years, You Can’t Take it with You, Fool for Love, True West, Balm in Gilead and Coyote Ugly. As the Artistic Director for Steppenwolf from 1987 to 1995, he oversaw the creation of a new state-of-the-art theater which is Steppenwolf’s current home. Broadway transfers under his leadership include The Rise and Fall of Little Voice, The Song of Jacob Zulu (six Tony Award nominations) and The Grapes of Wrath (1990 Tony Award, Best Play). Mr. Arney has an MFA degree in Acting from Illinois State University and has taught master classes and workshops at UCLA, Steppenwolf, around the U.S. and in Tokyo.

KEN NOVICE (Managing Director) Ken Novice’s career in the professional theater spans 25 years and over 250 productions. Prior to joining the Geffen Playhouse, he served as Managing Director and Director of External Affairs at Pasadena Playhouse where his credits included the revival of Fences starring Laurence Fishburne and Angela Bassett and the world premieres of Sister Act the Musical, Ray Charles Live, Stormy Weather starring Lesley Uggams and many others. He was Director of Marketing and Public Relations for San Diego’s

Tony Award-winning Old Globe Theatre where his credits include Jack O’Brien’s acclaimed revival of Damn Yankees, the Tony Award-nominated musical The Full Monty, Henry IV starring John Goodman and Sheldon Epp’s Tony-nominated hit Play On! among many others. His credits also include marketing and public relations for the Tony Awardwinning Denver Center Theater Company and New York’s Circle Repertory Company. As Director of Programming for YouthStream Media Networks he developed national marketing and public relations programs for most of Hollywood’s major motion picture studios. Novice also served as Head of the Theatre Management MFA/MBA program at California State University, Long Beach and has been a guest lecturer at San Diego State University and the University of California, San Diego. He holds a BA from the Pennsylvania State University and an MBA from San Diego State University. Novice is a member of the League of Resident Theaters (LORT) Executive Committee and has served in various capacities including as a member of the negotiating team for the LORT/ Actors’ Equity Association collective bargaining agreement.

BEHNAZ ATAEE (General Manager) Behnaz Ataee is a financial professional with more than 25 years of experience in forprofit and nonprofit financial management and auditing. Behnaz joined the Geffen Playhouse in 1999 and this marks her ninth season as the theater’s General Manager. She began her career in the Bay Area as a partner in a small family start-up before joining FBS Management where she acted as Director of Accounting, overseeing the finances of more than 25 nonprofit organizations. Behnaz

continued her work with nonprofits as an auditor for Trump and Van Sloten CPA and then returned to the for-profit sector at Ultratech, before ultimately landing at the Geffen Playhouse. Behnaz has a Master’s degree from Pepperdine University.

REGINA MILLER (Chief Development Officer) Regina has been a development professional for over 18 years, working with non-profit institutions, foundations and corporations on strategy, analysis and fundraising. She has worked for Simon Wiesenthal Center, The Clinton Foundation, Ben Affleck’s Eastern Congo Initiative, Hank Azaria’s Determined to Succeed, The Millan Foundation and Whole Child International, among others. Prior to the Geffen, Regina served as the Director of Partnerships for Big Brothers Big Sisters of Greater Los Angeles and the Inland Empire where she led strategic planning and development while executing policies that advanced the organization’s visibility and growth. Regina also has a strong passion for teaching. After graduating from University of North Carolina School of the Arts, she taught in preschools and kindergartens in New York. From the age of 13, Regina worked as a professional dancer on Broadway as well as with a number of prominent modern dance ensembles. Fusing two of her interests, she created a highly successful program which incorporated dance therapy and creative movement into an early childhood curriculum as well as wrote and produced a television show based on this concept. In addition to being a published author and photographer with Tallfellow Press and Prometheus Books, Regina has taught and lectured at numerous schools in New York, Los Angeles and abroad.



PRODUCTION STAFF FOR RAPTURE, BLISTER, BURN Assistant to Director Katherine Carter Assistant to Director Vicki Schairer Associate Set Designer Colin McGurk Assistant Costume Designer Mary Lauve Production Electrician Yelena Babinskaya Automations Operator Jackson Campbell Stage Crew Brad Ashten Stage Crew Katie Polebaum Dresser Carol Ann Sparks Production Assistant Ally Bolognini

Geffen Playhouse 10886 Le Conte Avenue Los Angeles, CA 90024 Administrative Offices.......... 310.208.6500 Weekdays.........................10:00 am — 6:00 pm Box Office Phone Line........... 310.208.5454 Daily......................................7:00 am — 6:00 pm Subscriber Hotline.................. 310.208.2028 Weekdays.........................10:00 am — 6:00 pm Weekends........................ 12:00 pm — 6:00 pm Please visit geffenplayhouse.com for hours, parking and more information

ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Set provided by Scenic Highlights Lighting Equipment provided by Entertainment Lighting Services Sound Equipment provided by Jon Sound Inc. Production Photographer Michael Lamont Media Filming Four Leaf Media Key Art Design Rogers Eckersley Design Key Art Illustration Sam Hendricks SPECIAL THANKS UCLA School of Theater, Film and Television Scene Prop, Sound and Costume Shops; London Cleaners; Peet’s Coffee & Tea

TICKET SERVICES Box Office Window When shows are not in performance, the box office window is open: Weekdays.........................10:00 am — 6:00 pm Weekends........................ 12:00 pm — 6:00 pm During the run of a show, the window will be open until curtain. Please note: the box office is unable to process exchanges and future sales one hour prior to curtain time on any performance day. access

UCLA SCHOOL OF THEATER, FILM AND TELEVISION The Geffen Playhouse is affiliated with the University of California at Los Angeles, specifically the UCLA School of Theater, Film and Television. The Geffen Playhouse values its role as an important educational resource by providing students with master classes, workshops and internships. Students are also able to work and learn from distinguished visiting Geffen artists such as Alan Ayckbourn, Jon Robin Baitz, Annette Bening, Ed Harris, David Ives, Neil LaBute, David Mamet, Donald Margulies, Terrence McNally, John Rando and Kathleen Turner in areas of directing, playwriting, acting, design, dramaturgy, management and production. The Geffen Playhouse also draws upon the distinguished experts in the university to enhance the theater’s programs and research. The actors and stage managers employed in this production are members of Actors’ Equity Association; The Union of Professional Actors and Stage Managers in the United States. The director is a member of the society of Stage Directors and Choreographers, Inc., an independent national labor union.


Accessible Accommodation The Geffen Playhouse is fully committed to ensuring a satisfying theater experience for our patrons with special needs or disabilities. Please contact the box office or an usher to discuss your needs.

AT THE THEATER Late Seating Should you arrive late to the theater or vacate your seat during the performance, please expect to be held in the lobby until an appropriate pause in the action on-stage. To minimize disturbance to other patrons, you may be sat into the first available location by the house staff even if different from your assigned seat. Be advised that some productions or circumstances may not allow for late or return seating.


up next

in the gil cates theater at the geffen playhouse

written by

frederick knott adapted by

jeffrey hatcher directed by

matt shakman october 8 — November 17, 2013 world premiere adaptation in the gil cates theater at the geffen playhouse

Don’t let the quaint 1960s apartment of Susy and Sam Hendrix fool you; hidden within is a score for which thieves and con men would kill. Employing disguise and deception, three newly acquainted crooks become all the more desperate and depraved but must wait until dark to play out this classic thriller’s chilling conclusion.

the suspense will kill you

written by

written by

teller & todd robbins

harold pinter


directed by

todd robbins

william friedkin

november 5 — december 15, 2013

west coast premiere in the audrey skirball kenis theater at the geffen playhouse

written by

greg pierce directed by

randall arney featuring

william petersen additional cast to be announced

march 4 — april 20, 2014

west coast premiere in the audrey skirball kenis theater at the geffen playhouse

february 2 — march 16, 2014

the classic returns in the gil cates theater at the geffen playhouse

“A tour de force for an actor at the top of her craft.” written by

ruth draper featuring

annette bening april 8 — may 18, 2014

world premiere performance in the gil cates theater at the geffen playhouse

written by

written by

steven drukman

donald margulies

directed by

directed by

bart delorenzo

daniel sullivan

may 20 — june 29, 2014

world premiere in the audrey skirball kenis theater at the geffen playhouse

june 10 — july 20, 2014

world premiere in the gil cates theater at the geffen playhouse

subscribe for the best seats, free parking, easy exchanges & more! — packages starting at $175

310.208.2028 • Geffenplayhouse.com/subscribe

geffen playhouse literacy project

The Geffen Playhouse Literacy Project The Geffen Playhouse Literacy Project (formerly known as the Mendez Writing Project) at the Mendez High School College and Career Preparatory in Boyle Heights, empowers 10th grade students as thinkers, readers and writers within the engaging and stimulating context of attending plays at the Geffen Playhouse. Through sessions with teaching artists, students learn about elements of theater, which deepens their ability to experience and respond to the plays. They broaden their understanding of what is possible in life by entering the “worlds” created by playwrights, performers, and designers at the Geffen Playhouse. In classes with their English teachers and literacy coaches from UCLA’s Graduate School of Education, students increase their capacity to generate and communicate their ideas by practicing essay writing, using themes and topics from the plays. The goals are to: • Advance students’ “ownership” of their ideas. •

Deepen their knowledge and appreciation of theater.

Strengthen their essay-writing skills and help them pass the California High School Exit Exam.

Increase their confidence and skills as critical thinkers and speakers.

Help us achieve these goals and serve this year’s 10th grade class at the Mendez High School College and Career Preparatory through the Geffen Playhouse Literacy Project.

To support this program or to learn more, contact 310.208.6500 ext. 141 P14  PERFORMANCES  MAGAZINe



Enhance your experience while giving back Director


Education Advocate

Bring 150 students from a Title 1 school to a show at the Geffen Playhouse (includes pre and post-show workshops and free transportation) All Education Advocate benefits plus… • Two (2) house seats to the five-play season in the Gil Cates Theater • A unique behind-the-scenes experience for one show in the season — possibilities include attending a rehearsal, design presentation, set tour or meeting with the casting director • A signed copy of a Geffen Playhouse script from the current season

Bring 60 students from a Title 1 school to a show at the Geffen Playhouse (includes pre and postshow workshops and free transportation) All Artistic Advocate benefits plus… • Access to the Marcia Israel Curley Founders Room, featuring complimentary drinks, snacks and private restrooms • Access to our VIP theatrical concierge who can help book house seats at theaters nationwide • Recognition on a glass panel in our lobby • Personalized assistance with renewing your subscription from someone in our development office • Ability to exchange your subscription seats into house seats (Subject to availability) • An invitation to attend the Winter Cocktail Party (Date and Location TBD)

Gifts of $5,000 or more

Gifts of $3,000 or more

Artistic Advocate



Bring 30 students from a Title 1 school to a show at the Geffen Playhouse (includes pre and postshow workshops and free transportation) All Associate level benefits plus… • VIP parking directly across the street from the Geffen Playhouse

Bring 15 students from a Title 1 school to a show at the Geffen Playhouse (includes pre and post-show workshops and free transportation) All Affiliate level benfits plus… • Recognition in program • Season-long coffee card good for unlimited coffee and tea at the Geffen Playhouse bar • Two (2) complimentary glasses of wine at Tanino Ristorante

Bring 10 students from a Title 1 school to a show at the Geffen Playhouse (includes pre and postshow workshops and free transportation) • Two (2) complimentary drinks at our Geffen Playhouse bar • A voucher for a complimentary treat or snack at the Geffen Playhouse

Bring 300 students from a Title 1 school to a show at the Geffen Playhouse (includes pre and post-show workshops and free transportation) All Sponsor benefits plus… • Two (2) tickets to a five-play season of Geffen Playhouse Opening Nights, which are by invitation only and include valet parking, a pre-show cocktail reception and a post-show cast party • Access to our VIP Concierge Service, which will assist you with everything from dinner reservations to parking assistance when you attend a show • Two (2) house seats to all shows in the Audrey Skirball Kenis Theater at the Geffen Playhouse • Ability to have the Geffen Playhouse donate a pair of tickets for one show in the Gil Cates Theater to the charity of your choice

Gifts of $500 or more

Gifts of $250 or more

Gifts of $1,000 or more

Gifts of $150 or more

to donate or for more information Please call development 310.208.6500 ext. 128 P16  PERFORMANCES  MAGAZINe

signature series sponsor spotlight

Prosecco, Italy’s renowned sparkling wine, comes from the Veneto region in the northeast part of the country near Venice and Verona. Influenced by the Adriatic Sea and the surrounding Dolomite Mountains, the region experiences the optimal conditions for cultivating Glera, the varietal used to make Prosecco. The cool temperatures give the grapes higher acidity and intense aromatics, resulting in a crisp wine that complements a variety of foods. OGIO Prosecco is crafted at a family-owned winery that dates back to the 1900s. For three generations the family has embraced both longstanding Italian winemaking tradition and modern winemaking techniques to produce wines of exceptional character and quality. We graciously thank OGIO Wines for their support of Lounge Fridays at the Geffen Playhouse for Rapture, Blister, Burn and Wait Until Dark. From our family to yours, we raise our glass and say THANK YOU!

Fourth and Fifth Friday of every Gil Cates Theater production Sponsored by

Rapture, Blister, Burn September 6 & 13

Wait Until Dark November 1 & 8

The Birthday Party February 28 & March 7

ruth Draper’s Monologues May 2 & 9

The Country House July 4 & 11


backstage at the geffen








BACKSTAGE AT THE GEFFEN We are truly grateful to our incredibly generous donors and sponsors who helped make this year’s Backstage at the Geffen event on May 13, 2013 a record-breaking fundraising event for the Geffen Playhouse. Honoring Billy Crystal and Bruce Ramer, Founding Chairman of the Geffen Playhouse, the evening raised funds to support the Geffen’s artistic initiatives as well as our education and outreach programs, which provide arts experiences and educational programming to over 25,000 underserved community members each year. A special thanks to our Title Sponsor, City National Bank, for their leadership and tremendous generosity again this year. P18  PERFORMANCES  MAGAZINe

backstage at the geffen



Photos by Jordan Strauss






1. Backstage at the Geffen artists enjoying the show 2. Honorees Bruce Ramer, Founding Chairman of the Board and Billy Crystal 3. Storyteller Annette Bening 4. Carl Reiner presenting the Distinction in Theater Award to Billy Crystal 5. Alan Horn with Board member and head of the Backstage at the Geffen Committee, Pamela Robinson Hollander 6. Chairman of the Board, Frank Mancuso with Gil Cates Jr. 7. Board members and Backstage at the Geffen Committee members Patty Applegate and Martha Henderson 8. Rita Wilson and Jackson Browne performing 9. Bruce Ramer with Clint Eastwood, who presented his Distinction in Service Award 10. Musical performance by Josh Gad 11. Storyteller Topher Grace 12. Geffen donor and previous honoree Barry Meyer with Wendy Meyer 13. Our wonderful partners at Audi of America Alan Cruciani and Michael Patrick with Rene Cruciani and guest 14. Musical guest Mona Golabek 15. Billy Crystal and Storyteller Morgan Freeman 15

To find out more or join us next year Backstage at the Geffen Please contact Regina Miller at 310.208.6500 ext. 112


annual donors The Geffen Playhouse recognizes the following individuals and organizations for their generous support of our Annual Fund and Backstage at the Geffen. Donors are listed at the Associate level and higher for gifts made between May 1, 2012 and June 25, 2013. In appreciation, donors enjoy a host of special benefits including house seats, complimentary drinks, receptions and much more. For more information, please call Jamie Sherman at 310.208.6500 ext. 128.


Anonymous Patricia Kiernan Applegate Aria Resort & Spa Audi of America, Inc Ben/Joyce Eisenberg Foundation City National Bank Mary Ann Cloyd Susan & John Ebey Edgerton Foundation Joyce Eisenberg-Keefer & Melvin Keefer Fox Entertainment Group Herbert M. & Beverly J. Gelfand In Memory of Alice Ghostley & Felice Orlandi Jim & Ann Gianopulos Adi & Jerry Greenberg Guggenheim Partners Carole & Bill Haber Harold & Mimi Steinberg Charitable Trust Martha Henderson J.P. Morgan Private Bank Marilyn & Jeffrey Katzenberg Glorya Kaufman Keyes Automotive Group Sandra Krause & William Fitzgerald Latham & Watkins LLP Mr. and Mrs. Jason & Yvonne Lee Los Angeles County Arts Commission Ginny Mancini Fay & Frank Mancuso Donna McKenna & Flynn Chernos Ron & Kelly Meyer Ann & Jerry Moss Moss Foundation OneWest Bank PricewaterhouseCoopers Ralph M. Parsons Foundation Madeline & Bruce Ramer Linda Bernstein Rubin & Tony Rubin Richard & Barbara Sherman Shubert Foundation Skirball Foundation Kate Capshaw Spielberg & Steven Spielberg DeeAnna Staats, Staats & Co. Cynthia P. Stafford & Lanre Idewu Jodi & Howard Tenenbaum The UCLA Dream Fund Deborah & Michael E. Walsh The Walt Disney Company Westfield Group Judy & Chancellor Charles E. Young Dirk & Natasha Ziff


$25,000 — $49,999 Anonymous A&E Television Networks The Backyard Robert C. Baral Belvedere & Grand Marnier Bulgari Corporation of America Stephanie & Jonathan Carson CBS Corporation Classic Party Rentals The Douglas Foundation The Edward A. & Ai O Shay Family Foundation Gang, Tyre, Ramer & Brown, Inc. Greater Los Angeles New Car Dealers Association


Hilton Bora Bora Nui Resort & Spa J.P. Morgan Chase Foundation Loretta & Victor Kaufman The Lear Family Foundation Los Angeles magazine Susan & Peter Mallory Marcia Israel Foundation, Inc. Nancy & Sir Paul McCartney Montage Hotels & Residences Leslie Moonves & Julie Chen Morgan Stanley Napa Valley Grille Northern Trust, NA The Richenthal Foundation Judith & Bruce Stern Shel & Cynthia Stone Universal Studios Variety W Hotel Westwood Warner Bros. Entertainment


$10,000 — $24,999 Ariel Investments, LLC Charles A. Black, Jr. James L. Brooks Brotman Foundation of California Eileen & Harold Brown Brunello Cucinelli Mark Burnett & Roma Downey The Capella Resorts Capital Group Companies Valarie de la Garza & Michael Centeno City of Los Angeles Department of Cultural Affairs Carole Bayer Sager & Robert A. Daly Dan Hartman Arts & Music Foundation Destination Fit4LA DreamWorks Studios Dr. & Mrs. Paul Eisenberg Susan & Mark Fleischer G.E. Foundation Patty Glaser & Sam Mudie Arthur Greenberg C. Curtis Grisham In Memory of Morrie Hazan HBO Eric & Samantha Heer Mellody Hobson Cindy & Alan Horn Joseph Drown Foundation Joan Kaloustian Kenneth T. & Eileen L. Norris Foundation Leo S. Guthman Fund Peter & Janine Lowy Carla Malden Mona Malden Malibu Family Wines Nancy & Michael McClelland Susanna Midnight & Charlie Midnight Sandra E. Milken Hope Mineo & Jeffrey Kitchen Occidental Petroleum Corp Paramount Pictures Lee & Lawrence* J. Ramer Rollin Ransom & Chris Lacroix Readers Fine Jewelers Dr. Judith Reichman Pamela Robinson Hollander & Robert Hollander Loren Rothschild & Hon. Frances Rothschild Richard Ruskell Pastries Ronen Levy Events The Simms/Mann Family Foundation Karen & Vic Smith

Sony Pictures Entertainment Fred Specktor & Nancy Heller Tanino Ristorante Heather Thomas & Skip Brittenham Steve Tisch Transamerica Insurance & Investment Group Union Bank U.S. Bank Wells Fargo Foundation William Morris Endeavor Entertainment Rita Wilson & Tom Hanks Ruth Ziegler Ziffren Brittenham LLP Ken & Ellen Ziffren


$5,000 — $9,999 Jehan F. Agrama & Dwora Fried Jack & Hilary Angelo Anschutz Film Group/Walden Media Neal Baer & Gerrie Smith Annette Blum Mara & Jonathan Blum Bobcat Productions, Inc. Jerry Breslauer, Mickey Rutman & Tammy Anderson Linda & Jerry Bruckheimer Creative Artists Agency Creative Intelligence Incorporated Jordan & John Davis Fielding Edlow & Larry Clarke Mica Ertegun Melinda & Peter Farrelly Andrew Fickman Eric Flamholtz & Yvonne Randle Four Seasons Gary Sinise Foundation George Hoag Family Foundation Priscila Giraldo Gloria & Peter Gold Stanley & Ilene Gold Jay Gordon & Meyera Robbins Brian & Myra Greenspun Rabbi Uri D. Herscher & Dr. Myrna Herscher Lynne & Michael Heslov Stanley Iezman & Nancy Stark Hugh Jackman & Deborra-lee Furness Wendell & Bernice Jeffrey Mannon Kaplan Wendy Kurtzman La Valencia David & Susan Leveton Drs. Gerald & Barbara Levey LuxFit Spa Marlene & Sandy Louchheim LucasFilm LTD Michael & Summer Mann Des & Bryna McAnuff Tobias Meyer & Sotheby’s MOCA Foundation Morris & Libby Singer Foundation My Vienna Gelato Neda Nobari Foundation Christine Marie Ofiesh Carol & Bill Ouchi Shana & Don Passman Kay & Bob Rehme Mayor Richard Riordan Jane Rissman & Richard Sondheimer Jay D. Roth & Sherry E. Grant Paula & Allan Rudnick Thomas L. Safran Safran & Associates Judi & Bruce Schindler

Jody & Arthur Schmid Gabi & Lowell Sharron Sidley Austin LLP Mr. & Mrs. Keong Sim Simon Strauss Foundation Sondheimer Foundation St. Regis Bora Bora Resort St. Regis Princeville Resort Ben Stiller & Christine Taylor Larry & Kiki Taylor Larry & Barbara Tenan Thomas L. Safran & Associates David Tillman, MD & Karen Zoller, MD Miranda & Brett Tollman The Travel Company Daniel Truly Alice & Norman Tulchin UBS Private Wealth Management US Playing Card Company Tony & Tanya Vincent Gail Zappa Robert & Leslie Zemeckis Ruth & Stan Zicklin


$3,000 — $4,999 Anonymous Janis Adams & John Lyons Chancellor Gene D. Block & Mrs. Carol Block Marcy Carsey & Leo Yoshimura Terri ann Cooper Konheim Dora & Neil Kadisha Sally & Dr. Manny J. Karbelnig Julie & David Kavner Thea & Neal Koss Robin & Seth Kugler Phyllis & Ken Lemberger Pam, Amanda, Lianna & Eddie Renee & Meyer Luskin Michael & Cecil Pulitzer Anne C. Taubman & David Boyle William & Karen Timberlake Leslie White & Al Limon Karen & Rick Wolfen Uniworld River Cruises, Inc.

EDUCATION ADVOCATE $1,000 — $2,999

Anonymous (2) 23rd Street Jewelers Harry & Gay Abrams/Abrams Artists Agency Dr. Richard Ackerman & Miriam Shakter Richard Acosta Tamara Aden-Llewellyn Miriam Aguiar Olga S. Alderson Richard Alonso Nicole Alpe Merryl & David A. Alpert Amgen Foundation Patti & Harlan Amstutz Arizona Biltmore Margaret & Howard Arvey D.C. & Carol Ann Bakeman Robert E. & Maria H. Barron Battista Family Richard & Shelley Bayer Robert Beitcher Susan & Eric M. Bender Peter & Barbara Benedek Patricia & Mark Benjamin

annual donors Michael Grunwald The Guerin Foundation Madeline Gussman Andrea & Marc Guth Monty & Marilyn Hall Alan & Michelle Heilpern Mel & Faith Henkin Hernand Family Grant & Lysa Heslov Heys USA Jean Himmelstein & David Coleman Stephen Sass & Steven Hochstadt Dr. John D. Hofbauer & Dr. Laura E. Fox Mrs. Dorothy Hoffman Gail & Stanley Hollander Roger & Linda Howard Vicki Iovine Lynn Hunt & Margaret Jacob Terry & Marc J. Jacoby Jerome & Linda Janger Lori Johnson Jordan Strauss Photography Joseph B. Gould Foundation Linda & David Kagel Carol Kahn Karney Guren Family Foundation Robert Katz Patricia Keating Lenny & David Kelton Barbara & Stuart Klabin Kent Klavens Klingenberg Family Leslie & Norman Koplof Carol Krause Eric & Melissa Kurtzman Deborah Lacusta & Daniel Castellaneta Despina Gianopulos Landers & Jay Landers Las Ventanas al Paraiso Helene & Arthur Laub Laura & Harvey Alpert Charitable Foundation Joyce Lederer Charles & Lydia Levy John Liebes Steven & Nancy Lippman Dorothy Lipsky Judith Locke & Dennis Massie Karen & Frederick Lorig William E. Low & Hana Ptacnikova The Jennifer & Greg Malins Foundation Brian & Renee Mann Eric G.C. Mark John McCrite & Juan Lopez Janis B. McEldowney Sue McHugh & Herb Seese Melia Cozumel All Inclusive Golf & Beach Resort Dianne & Burton Merrill Barbara & Fred Miller Andrew & Laura Mintzer Joanne & Joel Mogy Laurie & Chuck Mondrus Lowell & Jackie Morgen Bill & Gail Morino Garry Morris & Kent Harrison Hayes Greg Morrison In Loving Memory of Harvey S. Morse Rio & Frank Morse Lon Morse & Toni Hollander Morse Joan & Fred Nicholas Albert & Barbara Nichols Ornest Family Foundation Guy Oseary London, Alex & Marty Padilla Paradigm Talent & Literary Agency Michael Parks & Judith Hayward Philip & Leslie Paton Jennifer Peltz Herbert & Marilyn Piken In Memory of Michael Piller Jack & Jane Pollock Ruth Popkin Popland Studios Portico by Exclusive Resorts

Jeanne McDonald-Powers & Travis Powers Pure Cheesecakes Gary & Gail Racheletsky Daniel Rappaport Richard Rasiej & Joan Herman Harvey & Joyce Reichard Donald B. & Susan F. Rice In Memory of Frances Richman Esther & Howard Richmond Beth Roberts & Warren Smith Ric Robertson Ron Robinson Rikki Rosen Brad & Nancy Rosenberg Sue Weiss Rosenwasser Lori & David Rousso Russ August & Kabat Laura & John Saade Sabrina Kay Charitable Foundation David A. & Karen Richards Sachs Richard & Amber Sakai Mark San Filippo Joseph Schrage Jonathan Schwartz Steve & Paula Schwartz Screen Engine, LLC Alex & Danielle Shahidi In Memory of Diane Barnett-Shapiro Traci Shelton Sherak Family Diane Sherman-Smith Showtime Networks Inc. Holly & Larry Shulman Rita & Jose Sigal Greg & Amanda Silverman Ron Silverman & Soraya Ross Snyder Family Foundation Drs. Matthew & Marion Solomon Bruce & Patti Springsteen Sprinkles Cupcakes St. Regis Monarch Beach St. Regis Punta Mita Mitch & Sherry Stein Joannie Stern Eric Strom & Eileen Goodis Elaine & Radoslav Sutnar Fred Tatasciore Family John Teeples & Nicolas Martinez, Jr. Audri & Stan Tendler Daniel Tongbai Jenno Topping The Lodge at Torrey Pines Laura Trice, M.D. Peter & Susan Van Haften Anthony Vasek Alan Van Vliet Paula Wagner Peter & Denise Walsh Joanne & Ken Weinman Roberta Weintraub Alison Whalen & Steven Marenberg Geoffrey & Susan Wharton Young Family Ms. Patricia Youngman Marcie & Howard Zelikow Ellen & Arnold Zetcher In Loving Memory of Herman Ziegler David & Ellie Zuckerman


Anonymous Norman & Toshka Abrams Terry & Richard Abrams Ross & Lindsey Avner Sheila & Raymond Bangs Janet & Irwin Barnet Dawn & Marshall Bein James & Diane Berliner Joe Blackstone & Jamie Mohn

Frances & Thomas Booth Deanne Bosnak Dr. R.W.G. Bugental David & Kathy Burke The Busch-Schifino Family In Memory of Gil Cates Ms. Martha Chase David Copperfield Ted Cordes Donald & Zoe Cosgrove Cameron Crowe Jeffrey S. Davidson The Milton L. & Betty J. Dranow Family Foundation Richard & Lauren Donner Patricia L. Eisenberg Roni & Ethan Eller Mimi Feldman Abby & Malcolm Field Marjorie & Arthur Fine Sydney M. Finegold, M.D. Michael & Lynne Flynn Glenn & Jane Fowler Fran Fredella & Scott Rubin Lora Fremont Gwen & Jacob Friend L.T. Friesen Lois & Gerald Gallop Sharlene & Sol Galper Benita & Bert Ginsberg Richard & Lori Glucksman Louis & Linda Goldsman Ellie & Barry Goldstein Abner & Roz Goldstine Ellie Goodman Lori & Robert Goodman Diana & Ronald Granit Robert & Gabrielle Greenberg Lance Hagenbuch Mary & Alan Halkett Peter E. Hall Ronald Hansen Ms. Tess Harper Sheila Hasday Murray & Gail Heltzer Helene Hendrickson Andy Heyward Rand Hoffman & Charlotte Robinson Kelley M. Hogan Judith Hohman Paula Holt Carol Hove-Ahmanson Gerald Isenberg Robert & Gail Israel Bill & Tiiu Jacobson Edward & Aya Jakobovits Ruth & Marvin Kalin Trudy & Albert Kallis Drs. Elaine & Jeff Kamil Mr. & Mrs. Bernard Kamine Roy Kaufman Susan & Greg Kay Milly & Robert Kayyem Ann & Jonathan Kirsch Kouy T. Kolar Ron & Joanne Kramar Carol & Richard Kurland Rick Kurtzman Jeanne & Christopher Lavagnino Peter Levin & Audrey Davis Levin Marla E. Levine Barry Levinson Jordan & Sheri Levy Donald Lipschutz Loris & Kory Lunsford Sacha Malin & Dori Levanoni Neil L. & Ora D. Macfarlane Cindy Mediavilla Robert Mercer Philip & Joan Miller Allan M. Mohrman Jr. Sherri & Arnold Nelson Mark Paluch & Bryan Ozamoto


rapture, blister, burn

Shelly & Libby Bergen Wendy & John Bergquist Cathy & Bill Bindley Ruth & Jake Bloom Susan Booth The Bordy & Leibovic Families Brenda & Alan Borstein Brentwood School Dr. Wallace P. Brithinee Carolyn & Gerald Bronstein Robert Brook & Jacqueline Kosecoff Wendy & David Brotman Janet & Mark Brown Mr. & Mrs. Todd Brown & Family Marcia Burnam Scott Carlberg Chancellor Emeritus Albert Carnesale & Mrs. Robin Carnesale Dr. Fanya Carter & Dr. Harold J. Delchamps David Cates & Christine Vavak Gilbert Cates, Jr. & Elizabeth Lacey Jane Cates Jonathan & Elena Cates Melissa Cates & Roger Claman Lisa, Michael & Rachel Chalfin The Chatwal Sheldon Cherry & Carolyn Runowicz Rich-Chiocchi Family Roy & Dorothy Christopher Laurel & Aaron Clark Linda & John Coleman Lou Colen Tim & Charlene Conway James Costa Shelley Wike Cranley Janine Cristiano In Loving Memory of Ed Cypert Ruth Daugherty Lawrence G. David Shirley Lu & Norman Davidson Roger Davis Gavin de Becker Deluscious Cookies Daniel & Gayle Devin Carolyn Dirks & Brett Dougherty Dennis & Jeralyn Doty Dr. Laura’s Wholesome Junk Food Jan & Thea Drayer Dream Warrior Group Gerald & Sally Ducot Victoria Dummer William Duncan Colleen M. Ellis Terri & David Elston Kevin Watts & Christine Enlow Carl & Courtenay Enright Carol & J.B. Esterkin Fairmont Miramar Stacey Feinberg Marc Feldman Susanna Felleman & Erik Feig Lawrence N. Field Gloria & Morton Field Burt & Nanette Forester Joan & Charles Fox Steve Freedman Tom & Kathy Freston Future Lighting G2 Graphic Service, Inc. Jim Garfield Kathleen Garfield Jeanne & Arnold Geffner Rose Gilbert Kiki & David Gindler Cherna & Dr. Gary Gitnick Charlotte Gold Dr. Irene Goldenberg Adrienne Grant & Paul Jennings Ken Greenblatt & Peter Walsh Jill Grey Jack Grossbart & Marc Schwartz Allen & Deborah Grubman

annual donors Dr. & Mrs. Emil & Dolores Pascarelli C. Alexander Payne Carol F. Phillips Lisa Pierozzi Lynda Rick Linda & Manny Rider Carlene Ringer Richard Robertson Dolores Rogers Ronda & Fred Rose Lawrence Ross & Linda Nussbaum Samantha Roth Paul A. Rudnick, M.D. Nancy & Ted Sanborn Nadine Schiff Malcolm Schneer & Cathy Liu Elaine Carey & Vincent J. Schodolski David & Margaret Schwanke Bob & Susan Schwartz Dr. & Mrs. Jack Schwartz Susan Schwarz Michele & Peter Serchuk Robert Shadur Annette & Leonard Shapiro Peggy & Robert Shapiro Danelle Sherrod Pearl Shultz Melinda & Yossi Sidikaro Steven Siegel & Lily Carey Significance Foundation Carol & Arthur F. Silbergeld Robin & Robert Sills Steven Sills Don & Marie Sirney Dione & Joe Smith Karen Smits Trudy Sokol Sold Out Crowd Melvin Spears Roberta Spero Ms. Rita Spiegel Susan & Alfred Stern Thomas & Lisa Stern Sally Stevens Edith L. Stoell & Linda Gach Ray Mr. & Mrs. Robert Sugar Jerry & Diana Swartz Lance & Maureen Tan Mr. & Mrs. David Tann Brigitta Troy Deborah Valdez Ira & Laurie Waldman Marcia & Dr. Charles Wasserman Jay Weinstein & Lori Woldar Pat West Rae Jeane Williams Herb Wise Ben & Anne Youngblood Andrew & Kimberly Zakanych Arnold Zane

ASSOCIATE $250 — $499

Anonymous (5) Herbert Ehrmann & Constance Abell Elaine & Michael Agran Theo Alexander Charles & Annick Allen Sylvia Almstadt Jan Altemus Clayton Anderson Robert C. Anderson Elise Andrews Philip Angerhofer & Stephen A. Jones Nancy Antoniou Eloise Appel Audrey & Martin Appel Barbara & Ethan Aronoff Marc & Betsy Axelrod Lynne & Lee Babbitt Anne Barry Cecile Bartman


Randall C. Bassett Arnold & Susan Becker Terry & Lionel Bell Carole A. & Charles Bennett Barbara Bereny Roger P. Berg Richard N. Berger Karen Berkowitz JoAnn Bernard Mr. & Mrs. William Birnkrant Adrienne & Michael Blackman Pamela & Bill Bohnert Toby Bornstein Mary Bosak Wanda Boulgarides Paula Brand Mona Brandler Laura Brawner The Schifino Family Laura D. Campbell Cindy Carlin & Jeff Rousso Barry Charles Marjore Chronister David Conney, M.D. Dino Conte Gail Cottingham Susan Georgine Craig Hedva & Dr. Dudley Danoff Jaye T. Darby Diana Davidow & Deborah Constance Debra Davis Ruth B. Davis & Pearl Schultz Hal & Roberta Delevie Virginia DiBona Carol Jean Doehring Fred & Marilyn Dorer Steven & Beverly Dorfman Daryl & Paul F. Doucette Ms. Susan Downey Dr. & Mrs. William M Duxler Mr. Chris Easley David & Joyce Evans Phyllis Factor Alan & Barbara Faiola Carole Faxon Gladys Fellman Carolyn Fernandez Lila & Fred Fink William & Elisabet Fleischman In Loving Memory of Frank & Eileen Flood Janet Fourticq Francine Freid Kenneth J. Friedman & Marilynn J. Friedman Family Foundation Ms. Laurelle Frome Yury & Yelena Furman Sandy Gage Lee Gardenswartz Adleen & Richard Gibbs Karen Berko Gibson Diane Glazer Ann M. Goldberg Francine Golden & Marvin Schlossman Marilyn & Allen Golden Dr. Peter Goldman Mark Gordon Roger Gordon Susie & Bruce Goren Susan & Michael Gregory Gary Gross Marcy & Edgar Gross Eve Haberfield & David Johnson Mark & Monica Haloossim Carolyn & Bernard Hamilton Kay Harrington Salli Harris Dr. & Mrs. Samuel Haveson Penny & Steve Held Jackson Henry Carla & Alan A. Herd Gunter Herman Michael & Candice Herman Neal Hersh & Lynda Klein Cina Hodges Jackie & Dr. Irwin Hoffman

Dr. Sharron Holman Ada & Jim Horwich Fred & Nancy Jacobus Mr. & Mrs. Vernon D. Jones Seymour Kahn Joyce Kaiserman Marlene Kane Harris Katleman Owen Kato Claudia Kazachinsky & Richard A. Sherer Mr. & Mrs. William Keast Jordan & Nicola Kerner Family Stuart Kessler Irwin Kishner Phyllis Klein Dr. Phyllis Klein Donna & Jeffrey Klein Annette & Charles Kleeman Laurie & Milton Klorman Judy Knapp Charles Kolstad Donald Kottler Janice White & Eugene Krieger Charles Kristenson Doctors Mark & Lena Labowe Joan & Christopher Larkin Jill & Michael Lasky Dr. & Mrs. Eric Leibovitch Ann Leland Dr. Isaac & Barbara Levy Nan Lewis Mae & Hugh Lichtig Lee & Therese Linden Victor & Madeline Lindenheim Joanne Lindsay Irma & Allen Lipin Leslie & Adam Lobel Geri Loe Lori & Tom Low Ann & Bill Lucas Anne L. Lynch Teresa L. Maguire Jeannette & Mervyn Mandelbaum Myrna & Irving Margol Connie & Leslie Martinson Phyllis & Bert Massing Stewart Mayeda David Israeli & Dr. Marie Mazzone Cheryl McCormick Kimberly Meye Bettina Michaels Teddie J. Milner Ankica Milosavljevic Thomas Mitchell Andrew Molasky Susanna Morgan John Moschitta Bonnie Nash David Neilan Fran Neiman Mark & Diane Neubauer Sheila Newman Robert & Anita Nitta Napoleon & Afra Nobay Shelby Notkin Elad Offer Sandy & Alan Olick Adrienne & Arthur Omansky Martin Ordman Judy Orlanski Donald Ott Allen Pack & Rikki Gordon Bob Paris Edward Parker Dara & Greg Payne Kathy & Jeff Perkins Naidu & Jane Permaul

William Pesetski Frank J. Pfizenmayer & Josh Brown Frank Piontek Lily & Rick Pollack Zazi Pope David Posner Philip Pritchett Mr. & Mrs. Howard Privette Drs. Laurence & Isabell Purdy Lisa Quateman Joan & Martin Ransohoff Karen Reckamp Mildred Reid Vicki Reiss Linda & Steve Richman William Ridgeway Lee Rodgers Barbara & David Rognlien Adrienne Rosenthal Joyce & Deane Ross Blanche & Bruce Joel Rubin Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Sackheim Janet Salter In Memory of Hon. Maxwell Hillary Salter Charlene & Victor Sands Susan & Kenneth Sarno Maxine Savitz Carole & Michael Scheinberg Carole Scherzer Gary & Karen Schneider Nancy & Steven Schneider Jane & Bill Schopf Susan & Peter Schwab Mr. Charles Schwartz & Mrs. Carol Schwartz Arlene & Arthur Schwimmer John H. Scott Rodolfo Segovia Scott Shagrin Mary & Paul Shane Tom & Judy Sharp Madeline & Robert Sharples Seymour & Dorothy Siegel Diane Good & Frank Smith Marcia L. & Mark J. Smith Fanya & Sidney Soll Michael & Millie Sondermann Anne-Marie & Alex Spataru Debra & Bruce Spector Ms. M.L. Stearns Mr. & Mrs. Tom Stempel Gloria Stroock Stern Holly Strom Mr. Kayser Sume & Dr. Renee Sabshin Katherine Sung Jay Tobin Mr. & Mrs. Art Tompkins Joan Townsend David Trainer Anthony Vasek Carole Wagner-Vallianos & Peter Vallianos Jane Wang Elisa Wayne Annette & David Weil Julie & Peter Weil Marsha & Steven Weiss John Weston Bruce & Marci Wiseman Rowie & Jeffrey Wolf George Wolfberg Albert Wolsky Kenneth & Teresa Worley Karen & Frank Wurtzel Kevyn Wynn Barbara & Stanley Zax Lynn & Meir Ziv Dayle & Abram Zukor Sandy Zwirn

Have we made an error? To report a misspelling or omission in these listings, please contact the Development Department at 310.208.6500 ext. 128

Coming up at the geffen playhouse

audrey skirball kenis theater at the geffen playhouse

gil cates theater at the geffen playhouse










5 wait until dark

wait until dark

10 2:00/7:00pm

wait until dark


play dead



wait until dark


wait until dark



play dead

play dead


opening night

wait until dark

18 wait until dark

24 8:00pm

wait until dark

25 8:00pm

31 8:00pm

wait until dark


wait until dark

7 2 8:00pm

wait until dark


play dead

wait until dark


play dead

1 8:00pm

wait until dark

wait until dark



8:00pm superior

play dead

playdonuts dead

15 8:00pm

wait until dark


play dead


wait until dark

9 8:00pm

extraordinary wait until chambers dark


wait until dark



14 8:00pm

wait until dark



wait until dark

26 8:00pm

wait until dark


wait until dark

19 8:00pm


wait until dark


12 8:00pm


wait until dark


wait until dark





6 8:00pm




29 wait until dark



23 8:00pm




wait until dark

wait until dark


15 wait until dark

wait until dark



wait until dark


wait until dark





MONDAY october



wait until dark


play dead

16 8:00pm

wait until dark


play dead


wait until dark


play dead

17 2:00/7:00pm

wait until dark


play dead

talk back tuesdays

girls night out

lounge fridays

wine down sundays

Please visit geffenplayhouse.com/signatureseries for more event details.


geffen playhouse staff Randall Arney Artistic Director

Ken Novice Managing Director


Behnaz Ataee General Manager

Regina Miller Chief Development Officer


Mary Garrett Amy Levinson Phyllis Schuringa Shannon Noel Kristina Leach

Artistic Manager Artistic Associate / Literary Director Artistic Associate / Casting Director Artistic Coordinator Literary Associate

DEVELOPMENT Ellen Catania Director of Major Gifts & Corporate/Foundation Partnerships Jessica Brusilow Rollins Associate Director of Donor Relations & Strategic Partnerships Jamie Sherman Associate Director of Individual Giving Kristen Smith Grants Manager & Major Gifts Executive Assistant Scott Kriloff Development Associate & Database Manager Ava Bogle Development Assistant Jessie Sherman Development Assistant

Joseph Yoshitomi Marketing Director Karen Gutierrez Director of Advertising & Sponsorships Mark San Filippo Ticket Services Director & Database Administrator Stephanie Strand Audience Services Manager Brian Dunning Graphics / Production Artist Jodi Feigenbaum Advertising & Promotions Assistant L.J. Stevens Group Sales Janice Bernal Associate Box Office Manager Bryan Martin Associate Box Office Manager Korie Benavidez, Audrey Cain, Zack Hamra, Richard Martinez, Lilach Mendelovich, Martin Wurst Box Office Staff

public relations Andy Perez Public Relations Director Tim Choy, Peter Goldman Davidson & Choy Publicity



Frankie Ocasio Executive Assistant to the Managing Director Maryam Meehan Accounting and Payroll Manager Francisca Lopez Accounts Payable Marguerite Harris Receptionist

Jeni Pearsons Director of Special Events David Gerhardt Supervising House Manager Michelle Cantrell, Amy Farkas, Tommy French, Matt Jones, Erik Odom, Julianne Tveten House Managers Abdoulaye N’Gom Head Usher Sevana Baghdasarian, Kevin Cernansky, Vianney Cossyleon, Josiah Davis, Caroline Harrison Kohler, Brennan Kelleher, Rebecca Zoe Leigh, Rebecca McGroerty, Nathaniel Meek, Roxana Meyers, Katie Mitchell, Lindsay Nyman, Jonathan Schwartz, Chelsea Smachetti Ushers Rob Mersola Bar Manager Manuel Mayorga Weekend Bar Manager Adam Carr, Jared White, Kimberly Legg, Lyndsi LaRose Bartenders

EDUCATION Jennifer Zakkai Education Projects Leader Connor White Resident Teaching Artist & Education Associate

PRODUCTION Daniel Ionazzi Jill Barnes Matthew Carleton Thomas Watson Rich Gilles James Grabowski Darren Rezowalli Leah A. Lewis

Production Manager Associate Production Manager Technical Director Assistant Technical Director Properties Master Sound Master Master Electrician Wardrobe Supervisor

FACILITIES MANAGEMENT Miguel del Castillo Mario Santillan-Perez Juan Carlos Umaña

Facility Manager Custodial Cleaning Custodial

This theater operates under agreement between the League of Resident Theaters and Actors Equity Association, the union of professional actors and stage managers in the United States. The scenic, costume, lighting and sound designers in LORT theaters are represented by United Scenic Artists Local USA-829, IATSE. P24  PERFORMANCES  MAGAZINe

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