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The Impact of Your Generosity

How your generosity to the brings hope, to

joy, understanding & more

children and adults in need.



through your support of the Geffen Playhouse Story Pirates


Residency Program


The opportunity to work year-round in their classrooms with highly inspiring and gifted teaching artists (Geffen Playhouse Story Pirates) who ignite their language arts skills and creativity by teaching writing and story-telling concepts through theater.


The opportunity to feel successful as writers, often for the first time in their lives.

opportunity to see their stories come alive on stage through performances by the Story Pirates C The (who steal their stories and act them out in front of the whole school, either at their school or at the Geffen).

C The opportunity to see themselves as creative, entertaining, and capable contributors of ideas, stories, and more.

C The opportunity to develop a life-long foundation for and appreciation of writing, the arts, creativity, and more.


At the start of the year, it was painful to read most of the students’ written work. After years of test prep with a lack of emphasis on writing, many students lacked the skills necessary to communicate effectively in writing.

By the end of the school year, the students had gone through a complete transformation. The Geffen Playhouse Story Pirates had managed to both motivate students and provide the effective instructions necessary to greatly improve their writing.

My students have been running wild ever since, making all kinds of progress and gains with their writing. What your donors provide to our school and community is priceless!




During the first part of the year, James had many difficulties in class. His report card was filled primarily with “2’s”.

His attitude and work habits improved tremendously after partcipating in the Geffen Playhouse Story Pirates Program writing workshops. When the Story Pirates performed his story in front of the school, he sat in the audience literally glowing! The audience was entranced by the performance of his story. What a terrific way to celebrate and encourage writing and to jump-start a child’s success!



James learns that the story he wrote was selected by the Geffen Playhouse Story Pirates to be performed in front of the whole school.

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James lifts his head to watch his story come to life. Professional actors (AKA Story Pirates) delight the whole audience with James’ story. James celebrates with his teacher and his classmates an experience he will never forget.


The Geffen Playhouse’s Story Pirates start off with giving the children ‘permission to be weird’ and with

‘every idea is a good idea.’ Those two things are really empowering for the

students. It makes them a lot less intimidated about writing.

For a lot of kids, writing is something they do not want to do at all. But when the Geffen Playhouse Story Pirates come, they WANT to do it. They LOOK FORWARD to doing it!

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The students gained immensely from the work the Story Pirates did with them in the



Our students are now completely inspired by the joy and excitement of writing and live theater.


Can you find one child

who is not full of joy in this picture?


The Geffen’s work with our students has given them permission to feel free and to think outside the box.

Students now see themselves as thinkers, writers, and creators.

What a priceless gift your donors have given these children.


The Geffen Playhouse Story Pirates Residency Program is transcending grade levels, creating connectedness, and teaching students to be analytical thinkers.

Your program aligns beautifully with the new Common Core Standards. Thank you for the amazing work you do.

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Our students found writing to be enjoyable and less of a chore! What they learned from the Geffen’s Story Pirates stayed with them through the whole year.

My class had perfect attendance when they knew the Story Pirates were coming. This program really improves attendance and motivation!


“ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ You gave us our favorite part of school this year!

We loved the way they taught us. They made writing fun.

I will remember the Story Pirates forever.

The Story Pirates’ assignments are the best we’ve ever done in school.

Thank you for sending the Story Pirates to our

school. We learned so many things that help us with our writing.


This program has made a strong and forever lasting impact on me as a teacher. I have learned many new ways to help my students with writing and with creativity. I am very grateful for all of the exciting skills the Geffen Playhouse Story Pirates have taught me.

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This program brought me out of my shell. I’ve been more animated as a teacher and still get things done! Students have come out of their shells, too.

The way this program gives the students an experience of writing as fun and within their reach is


The unwavering enthusiasm these artists use throughout their lessons is something very valuable I’ve learned from them.

The Story Pirates have brought joy to so many children.

Thank you for providing such an unforgettable and meaningful educational and artistic experience for

our children.

Dear Geffen Playhouse Board and Donors, This past year thanks to you, we had the Geffen Playhouse Story Pirates Residency Program at our school working with all three of our third-grade classes.

I cannot begin to tell you how impressed I was with this program and with the individuals who were assigned to work with our students. This was an exciting opportunity for our students and teachers. The students became very motivated about writing. Observing their faces throughout the year

when the Story Pirates came was priceless. I cannot thank you enough for this wonderful, incredible program.

Patrizia Puccio, Principal Pinewood Elementary School, Tujunga

IMPACT OF YOUR GENEROSITY ON CHILDREN AS IDENTIFIED BY THEIR PARENTS: C 100% of parents reported that their children benefited from having the Geffen Playhouse Story Pirates Residency Program in their child’s classroom.

C 87.5% of the parents reported that their child is now more interested in writing because of the program.

C 79% of the parents stated that the program helped their child become more interested in school overall.

C 100% of the parents who attended the Story Pirates’ Child-Parent Workshops stated they would recommend them to other parents.

1,450 children at 5 Title 1 Elementary Schools in LA County (where 75% or more of the students are from families living at or below poverty) participated in the Geen Playhouse Story Pirates Program this past year because of people like you who cared about their success and futures.

On behalf of every child who gained the opportunity to be in this program and achieve new levels of success and life-changing skills as writers, creative thinkers, and participants in the arts because of your generosity,

our profound gratitude to you.





PROGRAM Immersive, one-of-a-kind learning and life experiences with artists and live theater, through programming built around a whole season of Geffen plays, developed and delivered in collaboration with educators, master teaching artists, and arts-integration experts.


89% of the students felt the plays would have a long-term impact on them.


81% of the youth felt significantly inspired after seeing a play at the Geffen.


80% of the youth felt that seeing a play at the Geffen opened their eyes to a new idea or point of view that they hadn’t considered.

C 72% felt motivated to take action or make a change after seeing a play at the Geffen. C

69% felt that the performance caused them to reflect on their own opinions and beliefs.

Impact on youth of seeing RAPTURE, BLISTER, BURN:

This was the first play I have ever seen. The experience was beautiful. I loved the play. I loved watching live actors. The play was funny but it also had a serious lesson in it.

The whole experience really inspired me!

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The play was astonishing and inspiring.

After seeing this play, I felt stronger and more independent!

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I loved how they made a toast at the end and said that broken hearts will heal over time and that made me feel that women don’t need to hurt themselves by being with someone.

This was the best thing I have ever seen.

Impact on youth of seeing THE PIANIST OF WILLESDEN LANE:

Seeing this play inspired me in many ways. Now I know never to give up on my dreams.

Now I know that whoever raises us are heroes. I even went home and told my mother and she was fascinated. This performance taught me to never give up and lose hope.


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Mona's playing was beautiful and steady, sound effects were in perfect timing, and the overall

story was a complete inspiration.

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The way that she described everything really captivated my attention and made me want

to be more driven and passionate about the things that I do in life. I felt enlightened on something I knew nothing about, the Kindertransport.

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I now want to write down the story of my parents and my own story to pass it down through family generations.

I was truly honored to experience this as my first live play. The experience was incredible. I will never forget it.

It has been a privilege to participate in the telling of Lisa Jura's dramatic true story, chronicled in THE CHILDREN OF WILLESDEN LANE and the play, THE PIANIST OF WILLESDEN LANE. What has been doubly rewarding is taking this story to so many young people, like those that came to see it at the Geffen. What a fabulous program through the Geffen Playhouse — bringing theatrical productions to so many young students and engaging and building future audiences.

We were particularly moved by the students who attended the performance. The positive reactions, the thoughtful questions, and the conversations we had with students and teachers that day make us think of the close, personal bond that has been formed between the 10,000 children and teenagers rescued all those years ago by the Kindertransport and our children, our students of

today. Sometimes understanding history is a small step. My co-author, Lee Cohen, and I are proud that our work can be such a bridge.

—Mona Golabek


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Annette Bening was very wonderful. I was grateful to be able to visit the Geffen Playhouse and to have ‘Ruth Draper's Monologues’ as my first live play.

I was so impressed with Ms. Bening's performance on stage. She's a great actress. She made characters

who weren't really onstage come to life. While she performed, I imagined people

all around her. I also imagined what the other characters would look and sound like.

The Talk Back at the end of the show really inspired me. The advice Ms. Bening gave us

students had a big impact on me. To do something you would never picture yourself doing is worth trying — whether you succeed or not.


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I was amazed and in awe, feeling inspired and wanting more.

I'm an aspiring writer. I write short stories, poems and novels. The show really inspired me because

now I feel more empowered to go through with what I love and to work on my art (writing), and hopefully get others to see my writing too.

I like how we learned some background about Ruth Draper and how she started a career that nobody else

thought was possible. This inspired me to make sure I never give up, even when

what I'm doing is not liked or approved of by others.


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This program is a life-changing experience for these students. Most of them have never attended a professional production. This is an excellent program and so valuable to my students.

How do I know this impacted them? Many times throughout the year, students brought up

the plays in class discussions. They remembered the content and how they felt when they saw them.

One student who is completely not interested in academics and had never seen a live play had a strong emotional response and said that he would like to see more. It awakened a lot in him.

My students had a hugely positive response to the performances they saw at the Geffen.

They felt a lot more confident about expressing themselves after working with Geffen Teaching Artists in our classrooms (before and after seeing a play). This whole experience has really opened their minds.


“ “ “ “

The Geffen Teaching Artists and this program have definitely helped me to step up my

game as a teacher.

This program reinforces curriculum and inspires the students to continue to work hard.

This program has a huge impact. It allows me to use examples of what we see at the Geffen to illustrate lessons that I am teaching.

It is always interesting and instructive to see other educators (Geffen Teaching

Artists) work with your students. It gives you the opportunity to observe and to reflect on your own teaching practices.

All around very inspiring for our staff and students!


I just want to personally thank you for the amazing experiences our students participated in through your High School Partnerships Program and the workshops your teaching artists provided before and after each Geffen show. Our teachers cannot stop talking about the level of professionalism, artistic analysis, and support they feel from the Geffen and how much the students are

It is easy to see how this program has deeply helped light a fire in the students’ learning. Thank you for these wonderful experiencing through our partnership.

opportunities for our students and for this extraordinary partnership.

Bruce Bivins Principal, Roosevelt High School


Jordan High School, Watts • Mendez High School, Boyle Heights • Roosevelt High School, Boyle Heights • Santee Education Complex, South Los Angeles • Westchester Enriched Sciences Magnet, Westchester




Thanks to your support, 10th graders living in an area of Los Angeles where more than 50% of their peers drop out of high school where less than 5% of the adults have a college degree and where over 60% of the adults have less than a high school degree gained access to a year-long injection of the arts and state-of-the-art critical thinking & writing challenges that have put them on a whole new path in life.

In September:

By the end of the year:


Actively participated in discussions about plays.

Had zero to little confidence in their own thoughts about a play.


Responded to questions asking them to offer their own opinions and/or to provide evidence from a play to support their opinions.

Weren’t willing to express their own thoughts about a play in front of the whole class.


Actively participated in meaningful and reflective discussions with their peers.

Had very little ability to focus in the classroom.


Had the ability to concentrate and focus significantly better.

Didn’t think they had the capacity to ever learn how to write.


Had new insights about themselves and their abilities.

Student writing was disorganized.


Students wrote essays that were thoughtful and coherent.

Gave few or no responses when asked a question.

Student writing was simplistic.

Didn’t think they belonged at the Geffen Playhouse.

The details, depth and complexity of their writing

C increased significantly. C

Now feel the Geffen (and the arts) are resources that they and their families have in their lives.



I know I was a train wreck at the start of this. My writing skills were horrible. But with this program, and the patience and knowledge you brought me, I learned a lot.

Not only have I learned how to write, but my eyes were opened to live theater. I always thought it was cheesy and boring but now after experiencing it, I am motivated to see a lot more.

And I hope this program stays at our school so that the upcoming 10th graders experience


these great new things. I want their eyes to be opened up too so that they know that

there is much more to the world and to life. Martin


I love this program!

It has helped me in many ways.

In the beginning of the year I disliked writing a lot. The plays and learning how to write through them and through the teaching artists and writing coaches have

opened my eyes to a whole new perspective.


This program has given me a tremendous amount of confidence. Adriana


This program helps us in ways that are hard to describe. It opens our minds. It shows us that anything is possible with a little help! Without the people who give to make this program possible, I would not have experienced any plays. I would not have explored all of the new ideas.


We all appreciate the help and experiences we received from you all.

successful in life because of this program. Ashley

I know I will be more

Before the Geffen came here, I hated writing and reading. But this program made a big difference. I now see the beautiful thing about writing. I learned how we can do so much with writing. I now write and read a lot better.

Years from now, we will all remember that this is when we learned how to write. We will remember how your generosity made a difference. Wendy

You would be amazed at how much this program has benefitted us.

Our teachers, family, friends – they’ve all noticed that we use words in our daily conversations that we never did before. Our confidence has improved. We don’t just sit and watch anymore.

We actually get up and ask to be involved. I can see how it has helped my fellow classmates. I remember at the beginning of the year the majority of us would get stuck and not know even how to begin to write an essay. We are now able to write much more fluently and independently.

The plays left me almost speechless each time. I loved seeing the plays. I loved working with the teaching artists. I loved the writing. Thank you for all of the help you have given us. Itzel


You are giving students the opportunity to BE someone, to MAKE something with their life. This program has inspired many students to search for what and who they want to be in life. THANK YOU. Ruby




Geen Playhouse led by Jennifer Zakkai, Director of Education & Community Outreach (3rd from right) and her team: Kristen Smith Eshaya (far right); Teaching Artists (l-r) Corky Dominguez, Jesse Bliss, Denise Iketani and Kristina Leach (not pictured), and Jessica Brusilow Rollins, Director of Education Partnerships (not pictured). Also critical to the project are the artists associated

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with each Geen production that the students see, study and respond to through their writing and classroom work.

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Partnership for Los Angeles Schools led by Joan Sullivan, CEO (not pictured), Ameer Kim El-Mallawany, Director of Family and Community Engagement, and Claudia Martinez, Manager of Family and Community Engagement (not pictured).



Mendez High School led by Mauro Bautista, Principal (center) and his team: Assistant Principals Alejandro Macias and Fred Simmons (not pictured) and 10th Grade Teachers Peter Olson and Emily Grijalva.


UCLA Graduate School of Education, Center X led by Shervaughnna Anderson-Demiraz, Director of the California Reading and Literature Project (not pictured) and her team of UCLA Teacher Leaders & Writing Coaches: (l-r) Johnetta Fleming (center), Negretta Freeman, Resa Nikol, Lois Clark and Spencer Robins (not pictured).


Vital Research led by Dr. Harold Urman, Partner, and Andrea Nee, Senior Research Associate.


The Geffen Playhouse answered our call for help. The organization worked with us to develop a year-long runway of theater experiences and classroom work with teaching artists and literacy experts from UCLA to gradually build our students’ comfort and success with writing and critical thinking —

skills that will jet propel them for life. My deepest gratitude to all of the donors to the Geffen who made this outstanding program possible for our students. We have to share this model and get it out to more schools and students across Los Angeles. Mauro Bautista Principal, Mendez High School


I am a strong believer that the arts can add a whole layer of literacy development — one that is often lacking due to budget cuts an emphasis on standardized testing. The Geffen Project brought so much

more than a theatrical piece for students to analyze. The plays introduced complex themes that led to rich discussions. In the essay writing that followed, all students wanted to reference the play as it had been so impactful and timely. But the Geffen Project also brings community building. Teaching artists transformed my room into a safe space where we could play, laugh, and share. Students were eager to learn about the different components that go into creating a production. Even shy students participated in creating frozen scenes and running to form a ‘house’ in theater games. After the play, the teaching artists helped lead meaningful discussions about the issues of the play and the importance of connection. Connection — that is exactly what the Geffen Project encourages — connection between theater and school; connection between the stage and the written word; connection between artists and students; connection between teachers and students; and lastly, connection amongst the students themselves. Relationships like these inspire students

to be active learners and participants in school. These lead to improved academic scores and attending higher education as they are eager to experience more.

Emily Grijalva Mendez High School Teacher

What makes the program unique is the connection between the writing process and the experience of live theater. The collective experience of seeing the plays at the Geffen and returning to school to reflect, discuss — and even act —creates a context and purpose for writing.

The small group component of the writing workshops allows me to connect more

meaningfully with my students than would otherwise be possible, and be more focused and thoughtful in the way I provide feedback and support. I love seeing students become more expressive and take more risks during the workshops led by the teaching artists. I have had several students who started the year quiet and reserved, then caught the acting bug through these workshops and ultimately signed up for classes at our local Casa 0101

Theater. The role of the Geffen Playhouse in connecting teachers and students with arts resources and institutions in our own neighborhood has been another important aspect of the program.

Peter Olson Mendez High School Teacher

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This has been an extraordinary year for our students at Mendez High School. Principal Bautista cannot stop raving about the positive changes he and his team have seen in their 10th grade students who participated in the Geffen Playhouse Literacy Project. In addition to the significant gains students have made on the writing section of the California High School Exit Exam, what is perhaps even more critical is the dramatic change in students' confidence and belief in themselves. Students who couldn’t write more than a few sentences at the beginning of the school year now see themselves as writers and are confident sharing their thoughts and writing multiple pages by the end of the year. Our partners at the Geffen have created a one-of-a-kind program, infusing theater and literacy to help these students learn, grow andelevate their expectations of what they are capable of achieving. It’s hard to imagine the Mendez campus three years ago, before this partnership with the Geffen Playhouse had materialized. The Geffen’s team of master Teaching Artists, expert staff and Literacy Coaches from UCLA’s Center X has become fully integrated into the culture of the school. This kind of intensive collaboration with the leadership and educators at Mendez is a model partnership for our other high schools throughout Los Angeles. A tremendous thank you to the Geffen ‘s

Board and donors for making a major investment in our students and for helping us transform the schools in our city that need it most. Joan Sullivan, CEO Partnership for Los Angeles Schools


We are proud to be partnering with the Geffen Playhouse in developing and implementing “The Mendez Project.” We are a community of educators working to transform public schooling to create a more just, equitable, and

Our mission— to dramatically change schooling for the most underserved students of Los Angeles — is aligned perfectly with the Geffen’s belief that theater can be used as a tool for accelerating the learning and achievement of Los Angeles’ most economically and educationally disadvantaged youth. I have worked closely with the Geffen for over two years now to help develop the

humane society.

writing curriculum, as well as three summer institutes to provide professional development for the teachers and teaching artists engaged in the Mendez Project. It is inspiring to see how the Geffen has collaborated so successfully with education experts and has used a full season of plays to weave theater arts and literacy together in such an

innovative way. I’ve never seen an arts education program like this before, nor have I seen a professional theater that is as committed to literacy as the Geffen Playhouse.

Shervaughnna Anderson-Demiraz Director, California Reading and Literature Project UCLA Graduate School of Education, Center X

My driving passion is creating avenues of success for both students and teachers, no matter the

Successful students and successful teachers are inextricably bound. But teachers need support. Teaching can be a lonely and frightening experience without support. I relish the chance to create innovative ways to motivate and engage students and teachers. I refuse to be daunted by the challenges. challenge.

Helping the children at Mendez has confirmed the truth contained in the words of author, James

Agee: ‘In every child who is born, under no matter what circumstances, of no matter what parents, the potentiality of the human race is born again.’

Johnetta Fleming, Retired Teacher Teacher Leader, UCLA Graduate School of Education, Center X California Reading & Literature Project

2014 marks a marvelous third-year journey for me to work as a Teacher Leader with an outstanding cadre of students and educators in the Geffen Playhouse Literacy Project at Mendez High School. As I reflect on my interactions and experiences with the students, I am overcome by the tremendous

opportunities this Project creates for students to develop and extend their understanding of theater and later use this knowledge as a catalyst to critically analyze and respond to classroom writing assignments. As part of these activities, the students begin to look back at their own work and reflect on both the choices they had made as writers and the effect of those choices on the pieces written. As a literacy consultant, I have the wonderful opportunity of being part of a significant experience: Listener, not leader, confidante, not critic. This is one of those opportunities I’d like to savor and

These remarkable opportunities will inspire, sharpen, and shape the lives of students well beyond the classroom.

hang on to.

Lois Clark, Teacher Leader, UCLA’s Graduate School of Education, Center X California Reading & Literature Project

The Geffen Playhouse Literacy Project is a wonderful program that empowers students to become better writers, readers, and critical thinkers. As a literacy coach, it is very inspiring to engage with students as they jour-

It is extremely rewarding to watch a student grow in their capacity to recognize strengths and challenges in their writing. In carefully designed lessons and ney through the process of writing, revising, editing, and publishing their essays.

collaborative opportunities with peers, they ardently set out to produce essays that showcase their abilities to accurately address prompts that span all genres.

Negretta Freeman UCLA Writing Coach

Students are able to make big jumps in their writing ability because they have the extra support of writing coaches to respond to their individual writing. Coaches and English teachers are able to coax students’ thinking by asking guiding questions and offering areas of strength and challenge. This kind of

learning environment is invaluable. It creates a safe place for students to express themselves and get immediate feedback during writer’s workshops.

I’ve seen students broaden their understanding while sharing with a partner, in a small group, and in writing. Coaches ask specific questions that stretch students’ thinking about how to connect ideas and provide evidence to make their positions clear. The result is students develop more complex

thinking and gain confidence in their writing. Students become invested in sharing their point of view and see that their ideas have value.

Resa Nikol UCLA Writing Coach


It all begins when the teaching artists come together to discuss the plays and the strategies for what we will be teaching in the classroom. I love working with my colleagues. We discuss the play, go over the play’s educational study guide and attend the production. All of this is taken into account as we plan the objectives, the areas we want to focus on, and the activities the students will engage in. This preparation process is key to supporting the theater-going experience for the students. The best part for me is the students’ reaction to what they saw. I see and hear it in their eyes, face, gestures and the tone in their voices. The power

and strength of the program is also evident when the students begin to articulate in speaking and writing their observations, opinions, and feelings. Being part of a team of professional theater teaching artists, and a theater director myself, I am simply thrilled to be doing this work with the Geffen Playhouse!

Corky Dominguez, Teaching Artist

Many people say that empathy can't be taught. You either have it or you don't. I disagree with that. Theater is the most effective way to teach empathy. It allows students to explore other roles and perspectives in a safe environment. During one post-show discussion this past year, numerous students saw themselves in the bully role. They realized at times, even when they may have been joking, that they had hurt people with their words and actions.

The opportunity for the students to see and learn about something different from their everyday routine is life-changing. They see opportunities and choices that they may not have realized existed. Opportunities and choices that they might want to pursue. We talked about the MacArthur Fellowship that Tarell McCraney was awarded. They had no idea that you could be awarded a grant to continue pursuing something that you loved doing like writing.

Just that knowledge alone is enough to plant a seed in a student’s mind of ‘Hey, maybe I could . . . ‘ Denise Iketani Teaching Artist

This project opens participants up to their humanity, a strong sense of empathy, and a dramatically increased understanding of themselves, community, and the world. The lens of theater allows them a transformative experience. Students often come to the program shy and uneasy to participate or share their voice. After the workshops with teaching artists, literacy coaching sessions, and the experience of seeing the Geffen’s amazing

They participate in the workshops with and excitement, thrilled to be in an environment that cultivates their highest creativity. They develop the skills to share their thoughts and feelings — their voice — and it feels extraordinary. They grow a passion for critical thinking, sharing, and storytelling, becoming self-motivated learners with the skills to work collaboratively. plays, students are forever changed .

Jesse Bliss Teaching Artist


Education and outreach at the Geffen are all about having a powerful impact on those we serve. By attending plays, young people enter the “worlds” created by renowned and emerging playwrights, which are expertly rendered by directors and designers and brought to life by dynamic actors. Teaching artists help them deepen their knowledge of how theater is created and presented as well as the key themes and topics of each play.

Through all of these experiences, they encounter provocative ideas and complex situations that can expand and renew their thinking and inform their lives. Wherever possible, we seek to help program participants ‘raise their voices’ by enhancing their skills as speakers and writers. Learning experiences range from conducting discussions in which they share their responses to the plays, to providing individualized support to high school students as they write essays centered on themes

from the plays, to engaging children and community group members in writing activities that connect them to the power of telling their own stories.

Jennifer Zakkai, Director of Education & Community Outreach Geffen Playhouse



On behalf of every young person who gained the opportunity to be in this program and achieve new levels of success and life-changing skills as writers, critical thinkers, and participants in the arts because of your generosity,

our profound gratitude

Through your support of our Lights Up Program

Young adults, Adults, and senior citizens gained this: We believe that all people of all ages are entitled to experience the arts, to engage their imaginative powers, and to learn through the arts. We also realize that thousands in our community are completely left out of art experiences, not only because they cannot afford them but also because they are not aware of how to access them or even what is available. We developed LIGHTS UP to address this gap in access to the arts and the unmet need for arts programs that serve adults, not just youth. But instead of simply opening our doors and offering free theater tickets on a first-come, first-served basis, we directed our outreach through L.A. social service organizations that serve disadvantaged and socially isolated young adults, adults and senior citizens. This past season, 44 nonprofits partnered with us to send group leaders to support the participation of constituents who have the least access to the arts and who could benefit the most from such immersive, year-round opportunities to see plays, receive and read our Study Guides, attend workshops with our teaching artists, and meet and interact with Geffen playwrights, directors, designers and more. Target Audience: The most underserved and disadvantaged adult populations of Los Angeles County including: • Veterans who are recovering from PTSD and other major physical and emotional challenges as a result of their service, • Seniors who are socially isolated and economically disadvantaged, • Young adults who have recently transitioned out of foster care and who are without a support system, • Adults who are transitioning out of homelessness, • Adults who are challenged by serious health or physical issues, including those living with HIV/AIDS and those who are recent amputees.

We are a nonprofit serving amputees in the Los Angeles area. People come to us for support when they are in a very dark time

I attended WAIT UNTIL DARK without knowing much about the play, other than it was a thriller. I did not know that the lead actress was portraying a woman with a disability, just like

in their lives.

me. Not only was the acting beautiful, it was such a personally inspiring and motivating show

Having the ability to give newly-injured people the opportunity to know that they have been invited to the Geffen Playhouse to attend the play and

for me. The way she took her ‘disability’ and turned it into an advantage to overcome the men who were after her was just AMAZING!

that the theater wants their feedback is very empowering to them.

I cannot tell you how much having this opportunity means to our community.

Katy Sullivan, Board Member

I walked out of the theater so empowered! I just want to say thank you for producing shows that accurately portray disability. And for having programs like LIGHTS UP so that

the people of our community can benefit from seeing them.

Mutual Amputee Aid Foundation Katy Sullivan,

MAAF Board Member

Our mission is to reward positive behavior from at-risk youth through educational, cultural, and recreational programs. Rarely have any of the kids we serve ever attended a play; many have never even been outside their neighborhoods.

Although we take youth to Lakers and Clippers games, horseback

riding, and more, it is always the plays they talk about most. When I walk through their school, the kids call out, “Miss, when is the next play at the Geffen?” Often a young man will say to me after being at the Geffen, ‘The woman next to me asked me how I liked the play!’ — in complete surprise. Then I say, ‘Of course she did. She wants to know. Did you tell her?’ And then the young man will give me a detailed account of what he told the Geffen patron, elated that he or she wanted his opinion.

This would never happen without the generosity of the Geffen Playhouse and its donors. These kids would never know about theater and how much it would bring to their lives. Thank you.

Kendall Wolf, Executive Director It’s Time for Kids

It is my sincere pleasure to express appreciation to your Board and donors on behalf of those served through your LIGHTS UP Program. Our constituents are typically lower-middle class seniors with all of the challenges that aging brings, especially in this difficult economy, which means diminishing opportunities for furthering our cultural education and affordable socializing. The LIGHTS UP Program graciously offers both.

The Geffen offers respite in other ways, too. One woman, generally bound at home with the care of her extremely elderly mother looks forward to the plays at the Geffen as her one escape from the onus of responsibility. She especially enjoyed Ruth Draper’s Monologues as a great diversion. Another constituent told me, ‘It is always good to get out of your

She cited the excellent production of The Country House as being particularly impactful and completely transformative.

comfort zone and visit another world, to be transported to another reality.’

We are grateful to the donors who allow us to continually expand our horizons through the magic of high-quality theater. We look forward to what the next season has in store!

Pat Box Claude Pepper Senior Club

I represent the adult immigrant students of the West Valley Occupational Center, a vocational training school in Woodland Hills.

My students are from Africa, Europe, Asia, Latin America, and the

Middle East and range in age from 18 to 80. I thank the Geffen, its Board, and donors for providing such a unique and invaluable opportunity for my students and all of the other deserving groups served through this program — a wide range of Angelenos who do not have access to theater. The Geffen’s vision of community outreach has helped the LIGHTS UP Program grow into an in-depth, highly impactful theater experience. Through pre-show discussions, comprehensive study guides, attending the plays, completing surveys, and participating in post-show discussions, our students are gaining entrance into an exciting and inspiring place: the world of theater. They are very grateful new theater lovers who become

ambassadors for the Geffen and who understand the important role they play in evaluating and strengthening the Geffen’s connections to the diverse communities of Los Angeles.

James Palumbo, ESL Instructor West Valley Occupational Center

At Urban Possibilities our governing truth is — what you believe about yourself is absolutely everything. It determines your experience of life, your choices, and your trajectory. And when you’ve faced traumas like severe abuse, incarceration, life-long poverty, sudden job loss, military scars, and homelessness like our students, your belief in what’s possible is often trampled under the weight of overwhelming circumstances, and all you see are the scars. That’s why empowerment is key to our mission to serve inner-city job seekers and

our partnership with the Geffen Playhouse is a lifeline. Participating in Geffen Playhouse programs and walking through those doors immediately expands our students’ views of what’s possible and brings light to internal dark places. This program continues to help folks recover from drowning in hopelessness. Thank you for helping us invigorate the imaginations of inner-city jobs seekers. Investing in their creativity and self-efficacy is key not only to job success, but to building communities that thrive.

Eyvette Jones Johnson, Founder & Executive Director Urban Possibilities

PROOF THAT YOUR GENEROSITY IS A LIFELINE I have been part of the Geffen’s wonderful outreach program through Urban Possibilities @ Chrysalis for the last two seasons. I wanted to take this time out to express my deep, heartfelt gratitude for your construction of this program and tell you a little bit about myself and how the Geffen Playhouse has assisted in jump-starting not only my career in acting and theater but has also given me newfound confidence and ideas that I can use to help others in need. I came here from New York after studying film and acting. I obtained my union card and was cast in a network sitcom with my idol Danny Glover and also became the voice of Macy’s, the national department store chain. But the sitcom was cancelled before it started and the voice-over work dried up. Struggling to maintain and not having any family in California, I found myself homeless. While searching for work, I found Chrysalis and joined the Urban Possibilities program held at their downtown facility. When I found out that the Geffen Playhouse was partnering with Urban Possibilities, it felt like a lifeguard threw me a raft after I'd been wrestling in twenty feet of water for hours. The program is fantastic. It takes people who’ve never had a ‘theater experience’ and gives them a new world where they can go home and use those lessons to help create a ‘new life.’ With the pre-show sessions, the study guides and the post-show

discussions, we feel comfortable and eager to see a play and to discuss what we saw, what we learned and how it made us feel. For me it’s a reminder that theater and ‘real life’ are often one and the same.

David Lee Thomason

Thank you for the resuscitation.

The Geffen’s LIGHTS UP Program is a priceless gift to the seniors who are living in our Salvation Army Silvercrest non-profit residence home. Participating in a program of this caliber is an extraordinary experience for our residents and contributes tremendously to their quality of life and sense of well-being.

It gives our residents a chance to get out and feel like they are

culturally and intellectually alive! Not only are they attending first-rate theater in one of the most wellregarded theaters in America, but also they have the added benefit of pre- and post-show workshops with the Geffen’s Teaching Artist, Connor White, who is wildly popular at Silvercrest. Our residents read the Geffen’s study guides from cover to cover. All of this stimulates their minds, provokes lively discussions, and gives them something to look forward to! The commitment and generosity of the Geffen and its donors in offering this program sets the highest standard for educational and community outreach in the city of Los Angeles.

Of all the programs we offer our seniors, none is more appreciated that our partnership with the Geffen Playhouse. We are forever grateful. Amy Malina, Program Coordinator Silvercrest Senior Residence

I am writing you on behalf of all the residents of West Hollywood Community Housing Corporation who benefit from the Geffen’s LIGHTS UP Program. We are deeply grateful and see how each play deeply affects the hearts, minds, and views of our affordable housing project residents, who would have no access to theater without this program. As an older citizen living on a fixed income and trying to make ends meet on a daily basis, it's tough to come up with the money for entertainment. Theater tickets are way beyond the budget of low-income persons. Due to your donors’ generous donations, we now have access to great possibilities and cultural experiences at the Geffen!

As an immigrant from the former Soviet Union, I am always looking for cultural education. Every play I see at the Geffen makes a big impact on my knowledge of American life and helps my immersion into and understanding of the American culture, as well as improves my English skills. For example, after I saw Reasons to Be Pretty, I had long discussions with my friends about the play. Until my visit to the Geffen, I was not familiar with the work of Neil LaBute, but seeing Reasons to Be Pretty struck a

chord with me and I am determined to read more of his plays. Being able to attend the plays is like a breath of fresh air to me and has taken my thoughts out of my sometimes depressive state. When I am at the theater, watching wonderful actors live on stage greatly enhances my life and

changes my perspective. It makes me think about other people and their problems, relationships and life experiences. I can assure you that the Geffen’s Lights Up program is definitely a most powerful tool that helps transform lives! Thank you!

Maya Genova

On behalf of every person who gained the opportunity to participate in our LIGHTS UP Program because of your generosity,

our profound gratitude to you.



veterans gained this through your support: veterans’ Nights at the Geffen: Year-round access to Geffen plays for veterans who are struggling with re-entry, feeling isolated and disconnected from society, and/or who are living with significant challenges as a result of their service (physical, economic, psychosocial). Veterans are invited to attend the final dress rehearsal of Gil Cates Theater shows and to enjoy an elegant pre-show dinner at which they are formally thanked for their service to our country and have the opportunity to meet veterans from all over Los Angeles. The Gary Sinise Foundation covers the cost of the dinners, while donors like you fund all of the other costs, including the time of the casts and stage crew, and those who help us welcome the Veterans. The artists and production staff stay after each performance to meet and greet the veterans and to participate in a formal “Talk Back” to answer questions and give these special guests an inside look at the artistic process.

As an inaugural member of the Blue Star Theatres Program, the Geffen Playhouse now offers four complimentary tickets to any main stage show for anyone who presents a military service card. While most every other theater in California offers tickets at discount, the Geffen Playhouse is the only theater that offers completely free tickets to Veterans, thanks to donors like you, who are passionate about the Geffen reaching out to and removing all barriers for veterans to feel welcomed, honored, and wholeheartedly connected to the cultural assets of Los Angeles.

There are many inspiring, life-changing activities that occasionally present themselves to our veterans; none more exciting than the veterans' Night at the Geffen Playhouse. Since the program's inception, we have shared this magnificent evening with many of our more than 200 full-time residents here at the Veterans Home of California in West Los Angeles.

Discussing these plays before attending, bringing our WWII, Korean, and Vietnam War Veterans to the Geffen and sharing their responses following the performances, has added immeasurably to the dynamics and vitality of these honorably discharged vets. We truly appreciate the generosity of the Geffen’s donors

and the impact this program has on those fortunate enough to attend. Please continue to welcome our veterans to these outstanding experiences.

Chaplain DOV Cohen, Veterans Home of West LA United States Air Force 1962-1966

We really enjoy the opportunity to come to the theater, have a nice dinner and see such extraordinary, professional productions. We are especially touched that people are so

kind to sponsor so many vets and make this opportunity possible for those who are often so isolated and in need of this kind of culture and connection to others. I’m looking forward to attending more Veterans’ Nights at the Geffen in the future!

Veterans’ Night Attendee


I hear over and over again about how thoughtful it is to include the Veterans in this. They feel it gives


them insight and inspiration into the industry that no one else is willing to give them.

Please keep doing it. Dana Commandatore Veterans in Film & Television

I am so proud that the Gary Sinise Foundation is partnering with the Geffen Playhouse. The Geffen’s plays are a cornerstone of our Arts & Entertainment outreach here in Los Angeles. We’re honoring our defenders, veterans, first responders, and their families, by providing them with inspiring cultural experiences throughout the year.

My deepest appreciation to Geffen supporters who make our Veterans’ Nights possible.

Thanks to you, our nation’s veterans may experience the joy of live theater absolutely free of charge. Gary Sinise, Founder The Gary Sinise Foundation

An evening at the Geffen Playhouse with Veterans can be described in one word: Magical.

I look forward to every opportunity to go. Pamela L. Scott Veterans’ Night Attendee

I can assure you that these special Sunday nights for Veterans are very much appreciated by all the active duty servicemen and women and so many Veteran groups that we have connected to this wonderful support program by the Geffen Playhouse. This program

ensures that ‘no soldier, young or old, will be forgotten’ and complements our non-profit’s mission and objectives.

We look forward to inviting many more of our troops to enjoy this wonderful Geffen support night with their colleagues and brothers-in-arms in the future.

Tom Fick, Founder/Executive Director Project: Hollywood Cares Navy Veteran

On behalf of every veteran who gained the opportunity to enjoy live theater because of your generosity,

our profound gratitude to you.


you helped make this possible:


Benefit from master classes with world-class actors, playwrights and directors who are part of Geffen Playhouse productions during the year.

Gain real world experience through professional internships in directing, playwriting, dramaturgy, acting, stage management, production management, lighting, sound, public relations, arts education, development, marketing and more. (To date, 130 UCLA students have interned at the Geffen)

Employment. At least 25 students a year are employed by the Geffen in positions that give them paid, resume-building experiences as members of our Production, Front of House, Box Office and other teams.

Special access to the art on stage. Complimentary tickets to dress rehearsals and preview nights, low-cost tickets to all other regular Gil Cates main stage shows, invitations to special readings and workshops of new plays, and performance space for showcases. (Annually, more than 1,000 UCLA students attend performances at the Geffen, thanks to your generosity).

NEW: A Professional Theater Practicum — a 10-week course giving students a detailed understanding of what it takes to run a LORT B Regional Theater.





The Geffen course helped me realize that my interest in theater can go further than college, that there are ways to work within an industry that I love, and that I can contribute to keeping an art form going that I have a great interest in. Whether that be in other various roles of running a theater (development, education, or marketing), there is ample opportunity to be a part of the theater community. It also let me gain more appreciation for the Geffen and strive to work with the Geffen leaders whom I got to learn about on a personal level.

The Geffen allowed this class to be a gateway to exploring other careers that I would have otherwise never of thought about. I hope that the class continues

and that other college students will have the same eye-opening experience as I did. I am hoping to be able to continue to work for this amazing theater that I call my second home.

Taylor Cerny UCLA Student


“ “ “ “

I greatly enjoyed getting insider perspectives on parts of the theater I do not normally consider or think about. My eyes were opened to the intricacy of all of the various departments, not just the usual parts we learn about or experience in our usual classes.

I enjoyed how we got so much one-on-one time with all of the heads of the

Geffen departments.

I loved being able to hear directly from theater professionals and their journey to their position. I also like that we could

better understand the workings of a theater from all perspectives.

“ “

This was the best class I have taken in a while!

I have taken away so much more from this class than I had expected, and I love the Geffen more so now than ever!

We dedicate this report to joan rivers

On behalf of UCLA students who gained the opportunity to advance their love for and knowledge of theater arts,

our profound gratitude to you. in recognition of all she gave to the geffen playhouse and the people we serve — through her time here on our stage and through everything she did, without hesitation, to raise funds for our education programs. a legend in every way

San Fernando valley Winnetka

Burbank North Hollywood Pasadena Toluca Lake Glendale Eagle Rock

Elementary Schools Served through our Story Pirates Residency Program Beachy Avenue Elementary, San Fernando Valley Lorena Street Elementary, Boyle Heights Nora Sterry Elementary, West Los Angeles Rockdale Elementary, Eagle Rock Toluca Lake Elementary, North Hollywood High Schools Served through our Geffen Playhouse Literacy Project Mendez High School for College and Career Preparation, Boyle Heights

West Hollywood Lincoln Heights Downtown Los Angeles

Boyle Heights

Santa Monica

Culver City

South Los Angeles

Huntington Park



Inglewood Watts


East Los Angeles

High Schools & Organizations Served through Student Matinees of Geffen Productions Jordan High School, Watts Mendez High School – College and Career Preparatory, Boyle Heights Roosevelt High School, Boyle Heights Santee Education Complex, South Los Angeles Westchester Enriched Sciences Magnet, Westchester veterans served through our veterans Initiatives New Directions PATH Homeless Organization Project Hollywood Cares Serve the Warrior Team Rubicon UCLA Operation Mend United States Veterans Artists Alliance Veterans Home of West LA Veterans in Film & Television Veterans of West LA Schools & Organizations Served through our Saturday Family Programming Beverly Vista Elementary School CoachArt The Growing Place Kehillat Israel Palisades Elementary West Hollywood Elementary

Redondo Beach

Long Beach

Schools and Organizations Served through our LIGHTS UP Program Affordable Living for the Aging Being Alive Beverly Hills Adult School California Lawyers for the Arts Challengers Boys and Girls Club Choreographer’s Theater Ensemble Claude Pepper Senior Community Center Country Villa Terrace Create NOW Cultural Education Project East Los Angeles College Felicia Mahood Senior Center Fifty-Fifty Leadership Get Lit - Words Ignite Heal the Bay Hollywood Arts Holman United Methodist Church Arts Council Inside Out Community Arts Israel Levin Senior Center It’s Time for Kids Long Beach Central Area Association Mar Vista Gardens Recreational Center Math/Science Upward Bound Mutual Amputee Aid Foundation Oasis West LA Phoenix House Reading is Fundamental of Southern California Russian American Choir Santa Monica Emeritus College Self-Realization Fellowship Sheenway School and Cultural Center Silvercrest Senior Center SRO Housing St. Monica Senior Ministries Step Up on Second Sunset Hall Thomas Safran and Associates Urban Possibilities Venice Service Center West Hollywood Community Housing Corporation West Valley Occupational Center – AEWC West Valley Occupational Center - ESL Zeta Rho


Amy Brenneman


Peter DuBois

Blythe Danner

Daniel Sullivan

Orson Bean

Bart DeLorenzo

Scott Foley

Donald Margulies

Austin Butler

Steven Drukman

Emily Swallow

David Clayton Rogers

Joe Mantello

Beth Dixon

Gina Gionfriddo Annette Bening

Bette Midler

John Logan

Teller virginia Kull

Kellie Overbey

Lee Tergesen

Eric Lange

David Rasche

Sarah Steele

Lyndon Smith

Todd Robbins

Brighid Fleming

Matt Shakman

Nick Gehlfuss

Rod McLachlan

Jerey Hatcher

Shawn Hatosy

Dixie Longate

Randall Arney

Kris Andersson

Patrick Richwood Matt McTighe

Alison Pill

Adam Stein

Mather Zickel

Hershey Felder

Trevor Hay

Mona Golabek

Hershey Felder

Amber Tamblyn

Alicia Witt

Neil LaBute

William Petersen

Rae Gray

Greg Pierce



Our founder, Gil Cates, was often asked why one should support arts organizations Martha Henderson Co-Chair

Pamela Robinson Hollander Co-Chair

Gil Cates, Jr. Vice Chair

Patricia Kiernan  Applegate

Beth Behrs

Dr. Gene D. Block

Harold A. Brown

Michael Centeno

Mary Ann Cloyd

Miranda Tollman

Annette Blum

Stephanie Carson

Debra Davis

Lori Collins


when there is so much need to help families who are struggling to pay for food, who are losing their homes (or have already lost them), or who are in need of health care and other basics. He would respond with deep conviction that we should all give generously to organizations that help provide such urgent human

Kirsten Combs

Robert A. Daly

Dennis Doty

Dr. Brad Edgerton

Mark Fleischer

David Geffen

Herbert M. Gelfand

Patricia L. Glaser

Adi Greenberg

Valarie de la Garza

Colin Egglesfield

Priscila Giraldo

Kirsten Hansen

Eric Heer

needs. He would also remind us that, in addition to the need for food, housing, jobs, and health care, there are also intangible basic human needs — including the fundamental need to feel connected to others, to feed the soul, to be stimulated by stories about who we are and who we can be, as well as the basic

Arthur Greenberg

Quincy Jones

Joan Kaloustian

Jeffrey Katzenberg

Glorya Kaufman

Loretta Everett  Kaufman

Dr. Gerald S. Levey

Carla Malden

Susan Mallory

Lanre Idewu

Wendy Kurtzman

Jason Lee

Yvonne Lee

Hannah Linkenhoker

and recurring need for catharsis and hope. From day one, Gil’s vision for this theater included making sure that programs were in place to welcome with open arms the most disenfranchised, disconnected and disadvantaged children and adults of Los Angeles. No matter how pressing the financial pressures are to sell

Ginny Mancini

Frank G. Mancuso Victoria Mann Simms

Barry Meyer

Ron Meyer

Scott Minerd

Leslie Moonves

Jerry Moss

Steven A. Olsen

John McCrite

Rollin Ransom

Allen Shay

John Sonego


Laurie Ziegler

every seat in the house each night, we believe that the theater is to be shared with children and adults who could use some uplifting, catharsis and meaningful connection to the world. Thank you for helping us share this theater with so many, and for helping us continue the vision and legacy of Gil Cates, pictured above with

Jerry Perenchio

Bruce Ramer

Holly Rice

Loren Rothschild

Linda Bernstein  Rubin

Teri Schwartz

Richard Sherman

Andy Spahn

Fred Specktor

his son, Gil Cates, Jr., who just like his father, is a complete inspiration in his commitment, compassion, and leadership. Thanks to your generosity,

Steven Spielberg

Lorraine Spurge

DeeAnna Staats

Cynthia P. Stafford Howard Tenenbaum

Steve Tisch

Dr. Charles E. Young

Randall Arney

Regina Miller

Ken Novice

Artistic Director

Chief Development Officer

Managing Director

more than 15,000 children and adults experienced and benefitted from the one-of-a-kind power, joy, and inspiration of live theater this past year.

Please contact any of us if you have any questions about our programs or about your report or any ideas or feedback to share.

Education & Outreach Team Pictured left to right: Connor White, Resident Teaching Artist & Education Associate Jessica Brusilow Rollins, Director of Education Partnerships Jennifer Zakkai, Director of Education & Community Outreach Kristen Smith Eshaya, Education Programs Coordinator and More!

Phone: 310.208.6500 10886 Le Conte Avenue Los Angeles, CA 90024

WITH PROFOUND GRATITUDE TO YOU FROM YOUR FAMILY AND FANS AT THE GEFFEN PLAYHOUSE Special thanks to Je Lorch for his beautiful photography throughout the year and throughout this report.

a non-profit organization dedicated to enriching the cultural life of Greater Los Angeles through plays and educational programs that inform, entertain and inspire.

this report to you was funded throughthe generosity of the Marilyn & Jeffrey Katzenberg Fund for Arts Education at the Geffen Playhouse

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