G2 gao ge rep2 17 final version

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GE GAO A1680322



Stage one Plan &Elevation views Access analysis Day & night time Site information Case study

3 5 7 8 9 11

Stage two Concept&precedent Design Idea one Design Idea two Inside views Case study

13 15 17 19 21

Stage three Plans&elevation Section&approach Ground&aerial view Inside view case study

23 25 27 29 31

Stage four To-scale structure Details&exploded perspective inside view case study

33 35 37 41


To-scale plan of the whole site



Barr Smith Library building


Elevation of three building

hese three buildings are the most important buildings in this site. So they were put in an individual page. The first building, named Barr Smith Library, has a long history in campus. Moreover, it is the oldest architecture in that three. The whole style of this building is like Britsh architecture. It is based on early Australian history. The second building is Engineering building, and it also the most complicated 3D model in this site. Its surfaces are contained by plenty of glass. Because of this feature, inside spaces are well lighted and airy by these windows,

Engineering building

At the bottom of the image line, it is Math building. Although this elevation is with colorful textures, it still not really clear to present glass material. Its surfaces are also made up of plenty of dark glass.

Math building



Airal & Ground views


eft four images are airal and ground views of the whole site. Pictures in first level are

ground views and other two pictures are airal views. But in ground views, it is hard to get a screenshot of the whole site. Basically, if you try to use different angles to see thsi site, one of these buildings will not show in the view at least. That is why one of my ground views cannot see all of these buidling in same images.


Summer & Winter summer 9am

summer 12noon

summer 9am

winter 9am

winter 12noon

winter 3pm


Access & Movement

Orange lines show paths for people and bicycles to access. Black lines show paths for car to access.




These two images are shot at 8pm. At this time, campus was quite peaceful, and few students walked around site place in rainy night.

These two images are shot at 2pm. At this time, campus was not quiet and peacful like night, but there was still not too much students walked around.


ADITIONAL SITE INFORMATION First of all, this green open space located in the north-east campus of Univsersiy of Adeladie. Math, Engineering building and Barr Smith Library surround this large empty spaces. In some level, it provides a good view for students studying in these three buildings. At the same time, because of this site, Math and Engineering building will have enough space to allow sunlight inluminates inside of buildings. In other aspects, this site place also has more meaningful in social and cultural feild, because it is a large empty green open space, so that means lots of activites for communication will be held there. For example, at the beginning of each semester, orientation will be held at this place and union house or somewhere which is similar to this site. most clubs will be concentrated in there.


Meanwhile, recently, open day of University of Adelaide was held around campus, and this site was one of activity venues. Many students were walking around this place, site there and communicate with each others.

So according to the above content, we can claim that this place is mainly used as an area which can provide a relaxing, pleasant and spacious for studnets to communicate and meet different people. Also, it provides a large space to make inside of Math and Engineering buildings get better. These informations are important for our next stages, design an underground spaces for students. Features of this site can bring some points for us to consider. In next stage, our idea should not just provide a peaceful space for studnets to study. At the same time, it has to provide a good environment for social work. Therefore, comfort and facility will become the most important thing we should think about, not just effect of light. Besides that, it should contain any kinds of activites which will be held in there such as BBQ and club events.


That is why people can see the world they living. For this reason, people can claim luminosity creates the reflection and reflection cannot exist without luminosity. On the other hand, reflection provides an opportunity for people to see other objects in some levels. If all surfaces on this world do not reflect any light then the only one thing people can see is the original luminosity. Buildings, furniture even other species existing will all disappear in people’s sight. Therefore, to some extent reflection accomplishes luminosity. Moreover, because of combination of reflection and luminosity, people can get a colourful and significant world.



enerally, luminosity is defined as an object which can give out light to other things. Linguistically, this word is more frequently used in astronomy field, because there are lots of stars, galaxy and astronomical object which have massive energy to lighten the dark universe. Meanwhile, it is also used as electromagnetic energy. This essay will investigate the philosophical meaning and its architectural meaning by a case study. On the basis of philosophical meaning, Luminosity can extend plenty of other physical characteristics, such as illumination and reflection. So in this case study, it will focus on luminosity and reflection and discuss the relationship between it and illumination. Basically, luminosity is the original object for any other physical phenomenon. It brings light eyes of people can collect. Thus, people can catch sight of everything around themselves. But in this process, another physical characteristic, called reflection, cannot be ignored. Actually, when light hits on some objects, surfaces of these objects will reflect amount of light and get into people’s eyes.


In the field of architecture, luminosity is not just something can light inside space rather an element can accomplish the whole work produced by architects. Especially, in modern architecture, electronic illuminant is gradually becoming essential role. Plenty of architects and designers prefer combining luminosity with structures and materials of their buildings. According to the reading, named The Architectural Lighting of Zaha Hadid, it is clear that Zaha Hadid produced lots of significant architectures in this world, and moreover, most of them were applied various luminosities to influence her buildings for making the most impressive effect. Meanwhile, her projects are famous for her terrific theories of fragmentation and fluidity. For performing these linear shapes and particular materials used in buildings, usual ways she has are luminosity to match the construction and render inside views.

For example, the MAXXI Museum (Rome, 2009), Guangzhou Opera House (Guangzhou, 2010), Heydar Aliyev Center (Baku, 2012) and Nanjing International Youth Cultural Center (Nanjing, 2016) are typical works which used luminosity to perform the whole fluidity and seamlessness. Especially last three projects, because these three architectures are opera houses, which means daylight cannot be allowed to access into these buildings. So at this moment, electronic illuminant appears particularly important. Zaha Hadid used thousands of light pixels in the ceiling of Guangzhou Opera House and Nanjing International Youth Cultural Center. In addition, pixelated luminosity directly accomplished lines and reflect quality of materials in the interior of these buildings to a great extent. Besides that, in another type of architecture, like the MAXXI Museum, in contrast to opera house, it needs more daylight. In the MAXXI Museum, Zaha Hadid improved and combined the feelings of unison between fluid forms, daylight and lighting. Its ceiling and louvers can ensure sunlight will softly access the glass during the daytime. Also, these black stairs in the museum can strongly contrast white walls by illumination of sunlight. This essay provides some other images which is similar to The MAXXI Museum, strongly contrast in black and white with luminosity. To sum up, the above content introduced the definition of luminosity, discussed philosophic meaning of luminosity and claimed that it and reflection cannot be separated. Then in the last paragraph, the conclusion is that luminosity is a necessary element in architectural field. It is one of the most essential methods for architects to present their awareness, creation and aesthetics. Therefore, flexibly controlling luminosity and forming personal style by using luminosity are important lesson each of architects should consider about.


LIGHT METAPHOR -CONCEPT Sub Cruce Lumen - The light of learning under the Southern Cross. This sentence is the motto of Adelaide unviersity. Also, it is the light metaphor or concept in my design. The reason I chose school motto as my concept is that, Southern cross is the guide star for sailors to find direction. As students, we travel in ocean of study, school(Southern Cross) is our Southern Cross. Meanwhile, because this whole assignment, most part of our building is underground, and this study is for light pavilion. So I got two different design for this stage2. At the beginning, I want to do more landscape at entance, but if I do this, inside underground part may not have some light expression. For that, I changed the orginal idea. Below two models are what I want to introduce in this stage.

PRECEDENT STUDY The inspiration of my all design is from this building, MIT Chapel. It is a liitle church. For this building, the most intreseting thing is its light. At the spot of altar, designer used lots of reflector to make an atmosphere about raising. And also, it looks like a guide for leading people to god. Meanwhile, another light expression is on the wall, like left pictures showed, strong light hits on curved walls, and then a pretty interesting effect would be presented on walls. Because my light metaphor is Southern Cross, I want to present a feeling like guiding. Thus, this precedent got lots of things I look for studying.





This is my first desgin for light pavilion. Following the cross star concept, the ground part is all glass corss. for let sunlight access through adn get into ungderground part.

This diagram shows light access, and in this picture it just provide an example for showing how light access into underground level. Acutally, all cross wall can let light access.



This is the diagram of the first cross design about people access. These orange parts are paths for people to get into the underground level. It provides two ways, stairs and elevator. M o r e o v e r, e l e v a t o r i s mainly used for disablity.


light access

people access






This is the second desgin for cross star concept. It has less ground part including two elevators. This desgin has two levels. Light mainly through the biggest circle, and inisde got lots of reflectors can reflect sunlight to everywhere.

This diagram is mainly presenting how people get through this building, There are two elevators for diable people and one stair.



This diagram is maynly presenting how sunlight get through this building, It is very clear that light through that circle and reflectors can brighten inside spaces.


light access


people access




ground view

aerial view

inside view 1

inside view 2

VIEWS - IDEA2 ground view

aerial view

inside view 1

inside view 2




s the last essay topic luminosity in stage one, reflection is also commonly used in physical field. So the definition about reflection, it is a physical phenomenon when light hits on surfaces from something, light will change light direction of a wavefront between two different objects. For the philosophical meanings of reflection, it is hard to explain. So in this case study, this essay will focus on reflection and dig the depth inside of its theory. Basically, because reflection cannot exist without other phenomenon. That means reflection exist everywhere, plenty of physical phenomenon need reflection to present themselves well. So it is kind of like air, people cannot see it, but it still appear in the any corner of world. Not just in physical field. Reflection is one of three “logical acts of the understandings by which concepts are generated as to their form�. This sentence means reflection is that some objects send something and another one gives back in different presentations. It is a really important process for people to realize this world. No matter what is the meaning in physics, philosophy or architecture, reflection is always one of the most necessary roles.


In the field of architecture, reflection is used in a large range of architecture design. It is gradually becoming an important design method for modern architecture design. Plenty of designers and architects like using reflection to present the sense of future and technology, and also it can perform the quality of material. On the basis of this reading, Veiled in Brilliance: How Reflective Facades Have Changed Modern Architecture, from this article, in some level, application of reflection is presentation of using glass and mirror in buildings. Because when people mention future and technology, that feeling in architectural field will mean putting more metal and glass materials on facades. So in modern cities, structural glazing skyscrapers can be found in everywhere. This author provided some examples, such as Willis Faber & Dumas Headquarters, Guggenheim Museum Bilbao, National Grand Theatre of China, Messe Basel New Hall and South Australian Health and Medical Research Institute. In the Glass Skyscraper in Berlin, it applied glass mirror effects, but for this building, designer did not use this effect for presenting the technological feeling. It is for making this architecture integrate into local environment, because around this glass skyscraper, there are lots of ancient buildings. Using glass mirror can more reflect ambient environment. Moreover, that will be like this building hided in the air. This reading also gives another classic example in architectural history, it is Guggenheim Museum Bilbao.

This building is a classic building about using reflection of materials to present its concept. Because the inspiration of Guggenheim Museum is fish scales. Thus, metal materials is the best presenting form to correspond to concept. But for using reflection to facades of buildings, indeed it has some function for making this building or local environment better. In this reading, it provides some examples for explain how reflection work. On the other hand, there is no a doubt that over reflection cannot bring more benefit to human and environment. Too much reflection will make people get visual fatigue. Moreover, if designers apply plenty of glass and mirror in urban architectures. The whole modern city will look so terrible, strong reflection people can see them everywhere. In some level, they will become light pollution. Although we cannot deny reflection is indeed useful. Like the first one the author mentioned in the beginning of his paper, reflection from glass and mirror can help modern and technological buildings hide in the air for avoiding to break the local old environment.

In conclusion, the above content introduced the definition of reflection, discussed philosophic meaning of reflection. Then in last two paragraphs, the summary is that reflection is really important element in modern architecture design. But it is different from luminosity, over using reflection will bring an opposite result in design. Thus, this problem is every architects should think about.





This picture shows the first level of the underground building, I did not put furniture in there so this plan may not present the form clear. But it still shows clearly the postion of stairs and elevator.




1:100 This plan is about the second level, the biggest room is the small library. And other two small room is the seminar rooms. So the function of the level two is mainly for study. underground space can provide a peacful area for students to focus on their works.



SECTIONS & DIAGRAMS APPROACH These two secitons are the final version of my design, I took them in different direction for clear because the shape of my whole building is long and un-order. By these two pictures, you can observe the composition of this building. It has two levels, the first level is more public, I set exhibition and public rest area and toilet in there. Meanwhile, the second level is more privacte and quiet. Small library and two seminar rooms are put there. The reason I manage this form is students need a peaceful space for study, and underground level two can satisfy this requirement.



ground part

These three pictures are showing the approach of people, how to access into this building and move in that. the red one is elevator which mainly works for disable people, the orange one is stairs for accessing. the second picture is level one movement. the left area is exhibition, and right part the rest area. So all movements are just like I mark in these three pictures.






These two pictures are mainly about ground view of my desgin. For matching the style of this magazine, I set it into black and white, so they are little bit hard to see clearly. But it still can present my concept. cross star. for let sunlight access into underground part. All materials of ground part are blue glass.



These two pictures are aerial views of my design, and these two are more clear than ground views. You can see the glass cross next to each other, and combined them together. and two of them are really high because for hide the glass elevator. Meanwhile, glass material can make sure the view from Barr Smith will not be destroyed.



inside 3D VIEW 29







asically, opacity in physics is the measure of impenetrability to electromagnetic or other kinds of radiation, especially visible light. But this physical phenomenon cannot be separated with other physical process. Different processes can lead to opacity including absorption, reflection, and scattering. In terms of philosophical meaning, opacity has another definition, especially with reflection. Generally, when people determine the opacity of an object, the reflection is one of the determinants. As the first study says, people can see the object because the light is reflected by the surface of objects and got into human eyes. Similarly, the material of an object is presented by reflection, and opacity is one of the descriptions of objects’ material. So for that, light can penetrate objects, then in human eyes these objects are transparent. If light cannot penetrate objects will be defined as opaque. So opacity cannot be studied separately from the physical phenomenon of reflection.


According to this case study reading, Whiteness in Nordic Countries, light is really important element in architecture design. Also, opacity is very essential for applications in light and buildings. Because of the geographical position of Nordic countries, light in four seasons cannot get into buildings vertically. For this situation, designers eventually use all white walls in their works through plenty of investigations and studies. Besides that, they opened lots of windows on walls, so that light can get into the inside of buildings for making sure each room can get sunlight. As Steven Holl’s Herning Museum of Contemporary Art, white surfaces can offer a high reflectance to improve interior brightness for winter periods. Moreover, this high reflectance is related to the opacity of this material which was used in the building. For getting high reflectance, color is one of the most necessary elements. Basing on physical theories, black will absorb all sunlight and not reflect back, but white is totally opposite, white can reflect all sunlight. Therefore, plenty of architects will use white color to maximize brightness of inside of buildings. This reading also provided some early examples of white architecture in Denmark’s medieval churches. Actually the importance of light is not just for Denmark’s churches, throughout the history of Western architecture, light takes an essential role in religious architecture, because these religious buildings need light to create an atmosphere of the mystery and sacredness.

But the location of Nordic countries is at a high latitude. Thus white buildings would be more used in its architectural history, such as Dybkar Church of Regnbuen Arkitekter. White ceilings and walls can make inside of church always keeps high brightness. For creating these interesting effect of light, the role of opacity cannot be ignored. The effect of opacity is complementary to material, reflection and color. Rough material can case diffuse, so that the intense sunlight will become gentler by reflecting, and smooth material will make the natural light become more intense. Using these effects flexibly can create stunning phenomenon in the interior of buildings. To sum up, opacity in architectural field cannot be ignored. At the beginning, this essay explain the linguistic definition of opacity. In terms of physical phenomena, opacity never emerges, and it always exists with more other physical phenomena. Moreover, it simply talked about the relationship between reflection and opacity, and provide some examples to present how it works in architectural field. So as architects, exploration of more creative shape or structure is indeed necessary, but the wealth given to human by nature should also be used. How to use the light to enhance the concept and awareness, that is a lesson which all architects must explore and delve deeply.


TO-SCALE STRUCTURE This whole spread is mainly shows the to-scale structrue of the final version of my desgin. Because the underground part has two levels, so I exported two more pictures to clearly present the structure of each level. This building didn't have column to support. The only supporter is wall. Meanwhile, the material of these walls and ceilings are mainly concrete.





Details&composition This spread shows two structure details and compositon. The structure of stairs is insert concrete wall for fastening the whole stairs. and another structure details is about glass walls. The way to fasten these glass walls is similar to the structure of stairs, It is also inserting into concrete walls. On the right exploded perspective show the composition of this building. Each color match each room. the list is next to this introduction.













inside 3D VIEW

Level1- rest area


Level1- exhibition

Level1- rest area


inside 3D VIEW

Level2- small library


Level2- small library

Level2- seminar room




asically, for the definition of the filtration, it is usually considered that various mechanical, physical or biological operations that separate solids from fluids by adding a medium through which only the fluid can pass. So for physic, filtration means using an object to divide two different parts.


For its philosophical meanings, it is really complicated for explain this single thing. Because filtration cannot be divided with other principle to discuss, so it should be combined with other phenomenon to consider, such as reflection and theory. As publics known, filtration should depend on reflection. In people’s mind, they get an response from other people, for giving back, they should use their brain to filtrate these information, and choose what they really need and think out an answer. The process was called filtration. The principle is similar to its linguistic definitions. All in all, the simply explanation of its philosophical meaning, is translation. Translating something into another thing by some devices or equipment. For philosophy, this device is human brain. Also, this process is a study process. People learn from books or experiments, and then analyze what they got, finally translating it to become their own knowledge. This paragraph is mainly about its philosophical definition, and next part will be talking about this phenomenon in architectural field.

Light application is one of the most important elements in architectural field, filtration is just one above plenty of methods. The easy way is using different glass to filtrate sunlight. But lots of great architects will use different architectural material and combine with reflection, the light will be produced in significant effect. In Light Matters: Le Corbusier and the Trinity of Light this reading. it shows lots of examples to explain the relationship between light and building materials. Le Corbusier designed three sacred buildings, he created kinetic architecture with daylight by orientation, openings and textures. Because of his skilled design and application, the light effect shows on walls of these building. and that is different from direct solar radiation. It should be mentioned that light has been linked with divinity and holiness in many different religions. Which means the success of one religious building is related to the light effect. It need sunlight to lead human emotion. In Le Corbusier’s building, he expressed an exceptional sensitivity for the interaction of colors and light. Sunlight was translated into different color, or shard into smooth. That is kind of filtration. Henry Plummer is another person who really good at play with light. He has heightened the transformative power of daylight. Meanwhile, he said “a further significance of daylight as a creative tool in architecture is that it has moods, which are able to infuse physical things with a metaphysical spirit, and can totally alter the character of a building. These mysterious phenomena not only illuminate architectural form but also give it emotional depth, while keeping us tuned to the universe outside as well as the world hidden within us. ” Henry travelled lots of places and took plenty of photos about light effect in architecture.

In his opinion, lighting fixtures are something added to architecture, natural light is inherent to it since every built form is a form of light. By contrast and despite its necessity, artificial light is inert and in this sense dead, for even when made to electrically mover or transform. But in modern world, artificial light cannot be ignored. Most of time, for making good effect at inside of building. Architect will use dozen of artificial light. In this situation, sunlight applied in architecture will show its importance. Therefore, light translation, also called filtration, has an unshakeable position in architectural field. In conclusion, at the beginning of this essay, it was talking about the linguistic definition of filtration, it was clear that filtration means something was translated into another things or forms by some devices. Then next step is mainly discussed that light filtration was applied in architecture design by analyzing case study reading. During this semester of light study, I realized why light work is really important for architecture, and what architecture is.


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