Fagott/Bassoon - Horn
Högberg, Fredrik (*1971)
Koch, Erland von (1910-2009)
Bogo bogo
for any instrument within range and disc (2004) For optional Bb or C instrument and CD (included). Range: eb1-eb3. Also free to octave any note outside range of the instrument. Dur. 7’ Gehrmans Musikförlag GE 10664
ur Monolog Nr. 14 [Cantilena from Monolog No. 21] (1977) Version for optional instrument in Bb or C, with or without piano or organ. Dur. 2’30’’ Gehrmans Musikförlag CG 6022
Invisible Duet
for instrument within range and disc (2002/03) For optional Bb or C instrument and CD (included). Range: d-a3. Also free to octave any note outside range of the instrument. Separate parts for C and Bb instrument. Gehrmans Musikförlag GE 10469
for any instrument within range and disc (1996/99) For optional Bb or C instrument. Range: d1-f#3. Separate scores for C and Bb instrument. Also free to octave any note outside range of the instrument. CD included. Gehrmans Musikförlag GE 10008
Pulsmusikk for any instrument within range and drums (1997) For optional Bb or C instrument and drums. Range: d-eb3. Also free to octave any note outside range of the instrument. Separate scores for C and Bb instrument. Gehrmans Musikförlag CG 7401 (spelpartitur/ performance score)
Monolog 5 för fagott [Monologue 5 for Bassoon] (1975) Dur. 5’30’’ Gehrmans Musikförlag CG 5933
Larsson, Lars-Erik (1908-1986) Concertino för fagott och stråkorkester [Concertino for Bassoon and String Orchestra] Op. 45:4 (1955) Piano reduction and solo part. Dur. 11’ Gehrmans Musikförlag CG 5136U
HORN Ahlin, Sven (*1951) Solo per corno
(1976) For solo horn. Gehrmans Musikförlag CG 6869