Blazer volume 36 issue 1

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Blazer Multi-Activity Center Finished

Meet the new principal Mr. Meyer

Get to know

NEW staff members

October Events Calendar

Homecoming 2014

King Candidates

Photo by: Taylor Jones

Ashton Vega - Jacob Haywood - Dylan McDonald - Jake Huppe - Colton Mullin

Queen Candidates

Krista Long - Jewelry Aphayarath - Amy Hurd - Carly Graceffa - Alli Koelzer

2014 Editorial Policies

The Blazer is the official high school publication of Gardner Edgerton High School, printed by Osage Graphics in Burlingame, Kan. This is a student publication and may contain controversial matter. Gardner Edgerton School District No. 231 and its board members, officers, and employees disclaim any responsibility for the content of this student publication; it is not an expression of school district policy. Operating with an open forum, students and editors are solely responsible for the content of this student publication. Editorial opinions represent the views of the individual writer, not the staff as a whole. Letters to the editor are welcome. All submitted letters to the editor must be no longer than 300 words, typed and signed by the author. Letters will be considered and published on a space-available basis. The Blazer staff reserves the right to edit all submitted material for content and libel. For advertising or other information, please call or write: Journalism 425 North Waverly Road Gardner, Kansas 66030 (913) 856.2640

2014 Newspaper Staff Editors-in-Chief Shelby Simpson Kracinda Mitchell Copy Editor Starla Stephens Staff Writers Jaclyn Adamson Brooke Boyer Savannah Cox Alex Cross Connor Nuessen Ryan Shirley Jaycee Zeck Adviser Lindsey Ross

New Guidelines

cause changes to your school lunch New rules and changes are hard for some to get used to. This year the new food and drink rules and guidelines that where put in place by the federal government go in to effect. While some treats are still offered, students have noticed a difference caused by new recipes. “I miss the way the old cookies taste,” junior Kara Pine said. The high school food service manager Donna Wikstrom said the food service workers wish they could bring back the pop tarts, muffins, and old cookies, but they had too much sugar and did not

pass the new guidelines. However, they did get a new cookie recipe that passes the guidelines and a coffee bar in place of the cappuccino machine. Not only are the new guidelines a change for students, but also for the food service workers as well. To plan out all the meals is not an easy task; every meal outline has to stay within the correct calorie, sodium, and fat limits. On top of having to stay within the guidelines, the food service workers also try to pick foods that students like and incorporate a variety so students do not feel they are being served the same food every day. The food service workers provide a large variety of fruits and vegetables for the students, the difficulty is

Smart Snacks:


*All schools can sell plain water *Unflavored low fat milk *Unflavored or flavored fat free milk *Milk alternatives permitted by NSLP/ SBP*100% fruit or vegetable juice *100% fruit or vegetable juice diluted with water and no added sweeteners Middle school and high schools may sell 12 ounce portions

*Calories in the snack must be less than 200 *Sodium less than 230mg *Sugar 35% of weight from total sugars in food *Fat limits -Total fat less than 35% of calories -Saturated fat less than 10% of calories -Zero trans-fats

reminding the students that they have to take servings of these fruits and vegetables for their lunch to count as a meal. If students do not grab a fruit or vegetable, they could be charged for each individual item on their tray, which often will cost them more than a meal that follows the new guidelines. The goal for the new guidelines is for school lunches to impact how students eat on their own, helping them make healthier choices. But some question if guidelines will actually make a difference in how students eat. “It is difficult to force people to make (healthy eating decisions); ultimately it is up to the individual to make the right choice”, nutrition and wellness teacher Gayla Anderson said.

Guidelines for any food sold by the school:

*The food must be a whole grain rich product or first ingredient is a fruit, vegetable, dairy product, or protein food * Combination food that contains at least 1/4 cup fruit or vegetable *Contains 10% of the daily value of calcium, potassium, vitamin D, or dietary fiber


*5 cups of fruit and *5 cups of vegetables *10 - 12 ounces of grains *10 - 12 ounces of meat *5 cups of fluid milk *Calorie count of at least 750, but not more than 850 *Less than 10% of total calories from aaturated fat *Less than 740mg of sodium *Trans-fat nutrition label or manufacture specifications must indicate zero grams of trans-fat per serving Amounts are based on a 5 day span outline

Information from:

Connor Nuessen Staff Writer

During passing period, Meyer oversees students from the mezzanine. Meyer strives to maintain an active presence in the building. Photo by: Alex Cross

Alex Cross Staff Writer

The Past: Principal Mark Meyer has and always will be a Blazer through and through. The new leader of Gardner-Edgerton High School was once a student here himself, 25 years ago. Meyer has fond memories of growing up in Gardner. “I was born here, and grew up in this community. Over the years it changed tremendously,” Meyer said. Among those changes were traditions. Many of which are still around today—activities like Powder Puff football, Homecoming and Prom. One event that was different at the previous building was the back to school dance. It was outside in a courtyard and took on a Hawaiian theme. Much like today, the back to school dance was an event that, according to Meyer, the school, the staff and the students looked forward to. “We had more of a back to school day. Yearbooks were handed out

so everyone would gather in the commons to get them signed, even some previous seniors came through to grab their yearbooks,” Meyer said, “Then that evening we would all go to the courtyard for the dance. We had a blast.” To Meyer, changes are a good thing-they show that the community’s growing and evolving which is one tradition he would like to continue. He even received an administration start here, working in the office as an aide while he was a student at GEHS. “It was a good fit. I had the opportunity to experience more of how it all worked,” Meyer said.

The Present: Meyer is pleasantly surprised with the new position he has acquired. He never expected to be the principal of the school he is from. “It is surreal. I wouldn’t have ever dreamed that I would have such an opportunity,” Meyer said. Meyer believes GEHS, and the community as a whole, have several traits that are special to Gardner. Traits such as unity and ability adapt with the times, yet remain traditional—like

a family. Meyer is looking forward to reacquainting himself with that family over the course of the school year. “I knew many of this year’s seniors when they were freshman, and I remember a lot of the names but their faces have changed. I can’t wait to get back into it and really meet the students,” said Meyer. This connection with his student’s is what created his “Open Door Policy”. This policy is one Meyer will follow whenever possible. “As your principal, I am here for you. My door is open to everyone, and if it is in my power, I will stop what I am doing to have time for my students,” said Meyer, “I will push the paper aside, I will turn the monitor away whenever I can for my students.” Meyer’s other favorite quality about GEHS is its identity—the school spirit. The “reason you still see GE stickers in the backs of windows in Olathe” said Meyer. “GEHS is always striving to be its best, not the best, just the best it can be—and that is awesome.” Meyer is excited for this year. Meeting the students, connecting with the community and settling back in to what has long been his home.

Mark Meyer The Past, The Present, The Future

My Dad is the Principal Q&A with Kennedy Meyer Q: How does it feel to have your father be principal of your school? : “[I am] kind of used to it. He has been principal of some of my old schools.”


Q: Have students treated you differently since he has become principal? : “They come to me for questions now like: ‘Is today odd or even?’, or when it storms I get asked ‘Are we going to have school today?’”


Q: While at school, do you call him “Dad” or “Mr. Meyer”? : “Dad, because that’s just what I am used to.”


Q: How did you react when you learned your dad would be your new principal? M ey er an d hi s da ug ht er Ke : “I was really mad at first because now nn ed y. Ph ot o by : Al ex Cr os s he would know all about me at school, but as the summer went on I was more okay with it.”


The Future: The future holds a lot of mystery but one thing is for certain: Meyer wants to spend it here, upholding the traditions while maybe adding one or two of his own. “One thing I wouldn’t mind doing is

for a kind of “Spirit Week”, the classes could have a competition decorating their hallways,” said Meyer, “I think it could be a fun way for students to show their school spirit.” Whether or not this tradition will take hold cannot be determined now, but this year looks bright through the

eyes of Meyer—this year, and the many years to come.

Construction Completed

on the newest addition to GEHS athletics Ryan Shirley Staff Writer


he construction at the back of the school is finally complete and now the gym can be shown off. The new athletic center known as the Multi-Acivity Center or M.A.C. houses several classes, brand new machines and new and refurbished equipment such as benches, bars, weights and dumbbells. “The gym brings a renewed energy to kids, coaches and teachers it makes us work hard, and looking at it we want to take care of the

equipment,” athletic development and varsity football coach Kris Henry said . The M.A.C. does not contain any bleachers and will not be host any indoor sporting events, but it does provide new space and equipment for athletes to take classes, train, and prepare for events. One of the most far reaching impacts of the M. A.C. is new lifetime fitness course. This semester alone, there are five lifetime fitness classes each with approximately 34 kids. Lifetime Fitness teacher and girls varsity basketball coach KC Hilgenkamp said there are a myriad of options for the class that focuses on cardiovascular exercises including treadmills, bikes, and Synergy 360 Strength Machines Because the M.A.C. contains a brand new

locker room, the previous ones were remodeled. The large locker room is now the football locker room and contains 174 lockers, while the small locker room was turned into a media center for football. The basketball and baseball teams now use the old football locker room, and the third boys locker room is used for various PE classes, lifetime fitness, and athletic development classes. These locker rooms contain 468 lockers for a grand total of 642 new lockers. Across from the M.A.C are the new tennis courts. Over the summer, the school completely tore out the old courts and replaced them with a new set of courts. “It makes practice easier, more efficient , and provides a team-like atmosphere,” Head Girls Tennis coach Derrick Abromeit said. In addition to the courts he is also excited about the two hitting walls “which will really help the team[s] hitting.” Left: The M.A.C. is located on the south side of the building. Photo by: Ryan Shirley Below: During lifetime fitness, senior Baudilo Aguirre , freshman Hailey Apperson, freshman Peyton Dial, senior Bailey Drennan, junior Brandon Estes, senior Hayes Favinger, senior Dakota Foster and freshman Taylor Hill use the ellipticals to exercise. Photo by: Ryan Shirley

Courses spark new opportunities, stretch academic abilities Jaycee Zeck Staff Writer


his school year brought several changes from stricter school lunch rules to new classes. Both the science and physical education departments have new course offerings this semester including field biology, genetics and lifetime fitness. Opportunities for choices are continuing to grow. Junior Paige Sheehan is one of many students taking advantage of these opportunities. Sheehan is currently in Hayes Farwell’s field biology class. According to Sheehan, field biology gives students a deeper insight in to the genes and evolution of the animals, and focuses on this aspect of biology than the general course she took last year. “I love that field biology is so hands on!” Sheehan said. “You have the opportunity to [...] get an insight on what organisms surround you while in regular biology you do not take time to analyze it.” Senior Ashton

Vega is enrolled in Jerad Gorney’s new genetics course, and just as field biology differs from the regular biology courses, genetics also has a different, more in depth curriculum. “It delves deeper into the discoveries of Mendel and how genes and other traits affect the human body and how each person looks,” Vega said. The physical education department’s new course, lifetime fitness, taught by KC Hilgenkamp gives students the opportunity to get in shape and start healthy habits. Lifetime fitness does unit based workout such as heart rate and weight loss. Junior Christian Herndon is taking lifetime fitness this semester. “The opportunities are great,” said Herndon. “You get [...] to expand your knowledge of the machines, and to do it with friends. Plus, the teacher is pretty rad.” Whether you are part of one of the new science courses or you are part of getting in shape in the new gym class, all students at GEHS this year are faced with new opportunities to stretch their acdaemic and physical abilities.

work on in Stearns an and Just ’s genetics rm ey te rn Pe o G er er in Jerad Seniors Tyl h et g enetics g to t nmen plore how their assig issues students ex e al ic rs h u et co d is class. In th al, moral an ci so n o t pac make an im ee Zeck Jayc Photo By:

Steps to build a class First the teacher or administrator proposing course 1 makes a thelist to determine the needs of the class. Some classes however, are mandated by the state. After the list is made, the person proposing the course and the administrators have a conference where 2 the proposing party provides support as to why the class is needed. If

the proposal is accepted, it then moves to 3 the curriculum committee, which is a representative body that reviews and approves all curriculum and program requirements. Lastly, if the new course is approved by the curriculum committee, the idea is then purposed to the Board of 4 Education with an explanation of materials needed. If the Board of Education approves the course it can then be offered.

Serving Time R


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What is one rule in your class that can never be broken? “Don’t mess with my Mountain Dew” What are you looking forward to this year? “Publishing the yearbook and the newspaper and building up the publications department”

fficient rickson

If you could describe yourself in one word what would it be, why? “Flexible, because otherwise life is too stressful” If you could compare yourself to a famous person, who would it be, and why? “Joseph Gordon-Levitt, he seems like a guy who likes to have fun and enjoys what he does.”


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If you could describe yourself in one word what would it be, why? “Big-Hearted. Because I always care!” Why do you love teaching Lifetime Fitness? “Because I get to help kids learn the importance of physical activity which goes a long way in life.”

owerful eavey

If you could describe yourself in one word what would it be, why? “Energetic because if I get bored teaching, I know everyone else is bored, so I try to keep the energy up” Where did you graduate from college? “University of Kansas”

dventurous nderson

Meet the newest staff members of GEHS

So far, what does it mean to you to be a Blazer? “Finding your talent and using it to make your school and world better” What are you looking forward to this year? “Getting to know more of the staff and students”


ossy rewer

If you could describe yourself in one word what would it be, why? “Competitive - losing a game of Candy Land ruins my day, I am working on being a better ‘loser’” What is one rule in your class that can never be broken? “No Mizzou apparel, and if you bring food you must share with Ms. Brewer”

Not Pictured E. Yancey J. Thomas P. Logan A. Hartman


cientific tevenson

If you could describe yourself in one word what would it be, why? “Outgoing, I like to go with the flow” So far, what does it mean to you to be a Blazer? “Being a part of a family, people are always checking on me”



estive arwell

acky alker


What are you looking forward to this year? “Helping my students to better understand chemistry and enjoy the amazing world of science” If you could describe yourself in one word what would it be, why? “Compassionate- I live my life by putting others ahead of myself in all that I do”

assionate earson

What are you looking forward to this year? “Starting football and pi day” If you could compare yourself to a famous person, who would it be, and why? “Michael Jordan mixed with Neil deGrasse Tyson, it is the perfect mix of brain and brawn”

Shelby Simpson Layout Editor


What are you looking forward to this year? “Every aspect of entering my career as a teacher. A lot of “firsts” are coming up, such as first my first round of Parent Teacher Conferences” Why do you love teaching science? “Biology is the study of life, and life is fascinating to me. The human body functions in some mind blowing ways, and I love learning about Animal Behavior”

erry orrell

If you could compare yourself to a famous person, who would it be, and why? “Taylor Swift – only because she has two cats that are named after characters from my favorite shows (Olivia Benson from Law and Order: SVU and Meredith Grey from Grey’s Anatomy and I like cats.”

A Whole New World Foreign exchange students adjust to life in the United States

Savannah Cox Staff Writer


his year there are five foreign exchange students and they are from diverse areas of the

world. Senior Fanny Nagy chose to come to the United States because she said it was the place for her [and] it is really cool to be here. By joining the tennis team, Nagy is demonstrating her newly found GEHS spirit. “I’m not very sporty and the first few practices were hard, but I enjoy tennis because it is fun,” Nagy said. Jan Kubes feels that he fits in with the American life style causing him to not miss his family. “I never get home sick,” Kubes said. “I can just call if I want to talk to my family.” Even though he does not find missing home to be a challenge, there are other obstacles he is facing. “The only struggle for me was the food here. I eat lots of vegetables and

Fanny Nagy ◊ Nagy said that

Romanians are really good at gymnastics.

◊ A favorite food of hers

to eat in Romania is “cabbage with meat stuffed in it,” Nagy said. “It is very good.”

with English and ◊ Along Romanian, Nagy also speaks Hungarian.

fruit in the Czech Republic,” Kubes said. Emilia Paz Ojeda is also a Senior at GEHS. “This school is very different from Peru but I like it,” Paz Ojeda said. She said the greatest difference between GEHS and her school back home was that there are a lot more people here, especially during passing period. Marit Holst is also a senior new to America. One fun fact Holst had about Norway is that there are a lot of mountains, compared to Kansas. One reason Holst came to the U.S.A. was to learn about the culture and language. “I wanted to learn English,” Holst said. If she were ever to come back to the United States Holst would want to visit Florida or New York for the holidays. “I would love to learn to surf,” Holst said. Also from Norway is Hanne Bellika. She is from the north and she is looking

Marit Holst ◊Although Norwegians

play many similar sports, Football is much “bigger” in America according to Holst.

◊ One thing that Holst

has learned as a foreign exchange student is that “every American is very friendly and willing to help and everyone cares.”

Jan Kubes ◊Sports in the Czech

Republic are similar to the ones in America. “I play American football,” Kubes said.

◊Kubes can also speak

other languages. “I can speak a little bit of Russian,” Kubes said.

◊He has traveled to

many different areas of Europe was well as the Dominican Republic.

forward to many activities this year. “I’m looking forward to soccer,” Bellika said. “I want to play for the school.” Much like other seniors, she is also looking forward to prom and graduation. According to Bellika, the food here is very different from in Norway. “We eat a lot of fish, seafood, and salad in Norway, but here we eat fast food many times a week. I don’t like fast food,” Bellika said. Bellika would like to come back to the U.S. but only to visit tourist destinations. Students travel from all over to come to America. Nagy, Kubes, Paz Ojeda, Holst, and Bellika are only a few of the many students who receive the opportunity to come to America. These students came to learn about U.S. culture, try American food, and go to activities such as prom.

Hanne Bellika ◊ Everything has been so

fun for Bellika since she has been here.

◊ Bellika already knew

English, “It is required in school from first grade up. I’ve been learning it for eleven years,” Bellika said.

◊ Although this is Bellika’s first time here she has traveled all over Europe and Africa.

Emilia Paz Ojeda ◊According to Paz Ojeda schooling in Peru is more challenging compared to America. “There is a lot more homework,” Paz Ojeda said.

◊The most interesting

thing she said she has seen is how organized everything is here compared to Peru.

Graphic By: Brooke Boyer

A Splash of Fall Sports Brooke Boyer Staff Writer


hether it is the feeling before the swing, the adrenaline before the shot, or the sensation before the spike; everyone has a reason for getting involved in a sport. Athletes are often introduced to a sport when they are young, but that is not always the case. Take senior Emelia Paz Ojeda for example, who is currently in her first season of tennis. Paz Ojeda is a foreign exchange student from Peru. She wanted to try something new in America; therefore she gave tennis a swing. So far, she loves it. Another student who did not become interested in sports until later in life is senior Tim Visos-Ely who is a member of the cross country team. Visos-Ely was inspired by his older sister to start running. He began with track in seventh grade, and then did both track and cross country the following year. At the high school level, Visos-Ely has achieved many personal goals such as breaking into the 17’s on a 5k. His record is 17 minutes and 58 seconds. “There is always a challenge no matter how fast you are. You’re always looking to improve yourself. It’s you against yourself,” Visos-Ely said. Visos-Ely also plans to continue running in college. He would like to participate in street races and other related events. Senior soccer captain Dakota Steuber has been playing since he was a toddler. Steuber’s parents got him started with soccer at the age of three. He has been playing for nearly 14 years. “It is a people enjoyed game, it can make any problem disappear when you step on the field.” Steuber said.

her older sister cheer and knew In addition to GEHS, Stueber she wanted to as well. currently plays for TOCA club. He plans “My sister was my inspiration.” to play in college as well. Steuber said it did not matter where as long as he Mullin said. Her favorite memory from last was playing. One more college hopeful is golfer, season was the Little Blazer Cheer and junior Hope Bruno. Bruno would Clinic. She said for the reason that she like to go to Grand Canyon University loves kids and teaching them what she loves most just warmed her heart. in Arizona for golf. Freshman Maddy Linden’s passion Bruno started playing golf in sixth grade because she enjoyed the sport. for volleyball is just as strong as She has had much success too. Last Mullin’s passion for cheer. Maddy Linden started playing season, Bruno made it to state and volleyball in third grade. She loves placed. Unless you hear “fore” you won’t how competitive it can be and enjoys experience as much contact in golf as being on a team with her friends. “I’ve been playing for a long time you will in football. Senior football captain Nick and it is pretty much the thing I love.” Wohlford started playing football in Linden said. Linden is one of six freshmen on seventh grade because he wanted to varsity this season. Making varsity was “get out and try something new.” “I love football, the contact is great, said to be her biggest accomplishment. Gardner Edgerton High School is and the feeling before going out on jam-packed with athletes, and each Fridays is the best,” Wohlford said. It has not all been positives for one has their own story. This fall Wohlford though. He tore his ACL in sports season is going to contribute a game last season, on his birthday. many memories, one step at a time, His biggest accomplishment was on or off the field. recovering from this. But what is football without cheerleaders? Sophomore Natalie Maddy Linden Mullin cheers for football. “I’ve got hit Mullin also participates in the face in competitive cheer with the ball at KC cheer. three times Mullin started in the past cheering in seventh week.” grade. She Dakota Steuber watched “During a game a player pulled down my pants. He tripped and grabbed onto my Tim Visos-Ely pants.” Natalie Mullin “We were doing a “At Kc cheer M&M (run in opposite everyone was directions and finish doing a full out facing each other) and I totally face and this guy and I planted and left a finished at the same foundation mark time and we collided. on the mat.” I fell and he didn’t...”


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Adventures Starla Stephens Copy Editor


ver the summer GEHS current and former students and teachers flew to Europe for an educational vacation. From Switzerland to Germany, 13 students got to see the world in a different light because they chose to surround themselves in a different culture , according to the teenagers and adults that went. AP European History teacher Deb Osborn chaperoned the trip. She has chaperoned many trips and led students throughout Europe. Osborn has also gone on several personal trips to Europe with her family and friends. Osborn stated that she has worked with very diverse groups when she has gone, but this group was extraordinary. “This group of kids was fantastic. They listened and prepared well,” Osborn said “I enjoyed being with them because they were very go with the flow and all were open minded about trying all of the new things and experiencing the culture.” Osborn not only chaperoned this trip, but also helped teach the crowd about cultural history and enlightened them with fresh points of view by guiding them through different cultures. Juniors Alexa Wilden and Emily Smith said that this trip gave them a new insight to the world, helped them understand different cultures and they got to know themselves more personally.

St u d e n ts e mb a rk on two “I learned a lot about myself through this trip. Where I may want to live, where I may want to travel,” Wilden said “It made me more independent and open minded because at times you would go off into small groups by

yourselves and do your own thing.” The 13 students who traveled through Europe are not the only ones who gained insight to the world. Osborn, for example, said that each trip she takes changes her life each


a n d o n e hal f wee k Eu rop e a n tou r time. “It made me appreciate where we came from and their lifestyle. The acceptance of others and different cultures is what drew me in,” Osborn said.

The students who visited Europe, mentioned how beautiful and different it was compared to America. The various lakes and mountains that they visited were the highlight of the trip for some students.

“Mount Pilatus [In Switzerland] was my favorite part of this trip because it was just so big and beautiful and refreshing,” Smith said. Wilden and Smith enjoyed the trip and are already thinking of their next visit. If they ever got the opportunity to travel to Europe again, both would like to visit Greece for the first time and return to Switzerland. For their peers who may be considering about crossing the ocean themselves, Wilden had this advice to offer, “if they are going by themselves, embrace the culture. Visit the suburbs. Not the well-known cities because the suburbs is where all of the authentic European culture is held.” The Europe trip of 2014 was very educational, and well worth the experience in the eyes of Wilden, Smith, and Osborn. It expanded the students’ horizons. The new sights and the hands on experience provided a deeper level of thought and independence that could not have been offered to the students in America Osborn said. Left: The Eiffel Tower is a very iconic symbol of Paris, being as it is 986 feet tall. Photo by: Alexa Wilden Top Right: The Arc de Triomphe in Paris is one of the most important neoclassical monuments in Europe. Photo by: Alexa Wilden Bottom Right: The boat ride in Switzerland was along Lake Lucerne with the well known Pilatus mountain. Photo by: Alexa Wilden

a Hate Crime or Excessive Police Force A long transpiring debate has occurred after police shot down a black male in Ferguson. Today the debate is laid to rest. Kracinda Mitchell Story Editor


black male was shot down by the cops in Ferguson, Missouri, on August 9, 2014. Some are arguing that the shooting was race related, but is this argument viable after cops shot down a white male in Ottawa, Kansas on August 23, 2014? After a call to 911 was received about a robbery at a convenience store in Ferguson, cops responded and encountered 18-year-old Michael Brown and one of his friends. Although it has yet to be determined if Brown was the one who robbed the store, at the time officer Darren Wilson assumed Brown was the robber. Joe Belmar, St. Louis County Police Chief, claims that Brown was unarmed, but did assault Wilson and eventually reached for the officer’s gun, a detail that is still in speculation ( In the events to come, Brown, according to the autopsy report, was shot six times. Citizens in the area are calling this a racist hate crime, due to the brutality of the events. A series of riots occurred after the fact, which among other events caused school closings because of the parents’ fear of having children walking down the street (USAtoday. com) and be shot for inconspicuous reasoning. In my opinion, the citizens are becoming more afraid of the police, rather than relying on them for protection. It was easy to see why the citizens in the area would be afraid and say it was race related, until a similar incident

occurred, but this time involving a white male in Ottawa, Kansas. Joseph Jennings, 18 years old, was killed by police outside of a hardware store. Jennings, according to his aunt in an interview with KCTV5, was experiencing yet another psychotic episode when the shooting unraveled. The night before the shooting, Jennings was hospitalized for being suicidal. One cop involved in the shooting was also an attending officer during Jennings’ previous suicidal episode, a detail that deeply upset Jennings’ aunt. Police claim that Jennings had a gun in his possession at the time of the shooting; however that detail is still being debated. Several officers shot at Jennings with beanbag guns, a weapon that is used for compliance, not deadly force. However, with Jennings’ history of seizures the large amount of force used against him did eventually lead to his death even after being treated at the local hospital. A large number of policemen shooting at one person at once seems outlandishto me. When discussing the topic of the officers’ use of force, SRO Anthony Garcia said “each officer will determine the level of force to use based on their individual perception of the threat.” I believe the officers’ actions were obvious overkill and most likely not necessary, much like in Brown’s situation. Even though the situations were different, both resulted in the loss of a life that could have been avoided. According to Officer Garcia, if any policeman is in a situation where he feels his life is in danger or even that

bodily harm may come from this, he will do what he perceives as necessary in order to prevent that from occurring. Now that the logistics of the altercations have been discussed, the debate of a race related, hate crime still exists. In my opinion, citizens in the area need to take off their blinders because none of this was race related. It is simply a case of trigger happy officers who took a bad situation and made it worse. Some situations, when involving violence, get out of hand very easily and that is just what happened. Those around Ferguson are just looking for an excuse to make a scene and make the local police department look bad and even racists. It is important to remember that the whole police department is not to blame and that not every cop is quick to pull the trigger. I feel as though the policemen involved in the situation should be reprimanded for their actions because there was no need for guns to enter the situation. Altercations can be handled in several different way and in ways that do not involve death as an effect. According to Matt Agorist, a writer for TheFreeThoughtProject. com, police brutality is frighteningly increasing in this country. He adds that in the last decade police have murdered a number that is quickly sky rocketing to 5,000. This is astronomically high and the only way this issue can be addressed is if people see the problem. If people let go of the obscene race related argument, it is possible for this complication to be fixed soon.

D o I t Yourself Jaclyn Adamson Staff Writer

Whether you are dressing up or down, this quick and easy bun is perfect for all occasions. All you need are a few hair ties, some bobby pins, and five minutes to create your new favorite up do.

1 Step 1: Divide hair into three sections. Pull the back and largest section into a low ponytail, leaving the sides hanging loosely for later.

3 Step 3: Tuck the bottom of the braid under the elastic securing the top of the braid, then pin the loop that forms to your head.

2 Step 2: Loosely braid the ponytail and secure it at the bottom.

4 Step 4: Wrap the loose hair on the sides of your head around the braid, twisting them as much or as little as you like. Secure with more bobby pins.

October 2014 - GEHS Events Calendar Monday




Neon Spirit Day Emporia Marching Fest JV/V Girls Golf - Mult Opp Powder Puff Game


JV/V Girls Golf - Mult Opp Soph Football vs. BVN V Soccer @ HC Academy Fresh Volleyball @ Mult Opp


Seniors: Grad Mtg (sem) V Golf @ Mult Opp V Tennis vs. Mult Opp V Volleyball vs. Mult Opp


School Picture Retakes V Golf @ Mult Opp





Blazer Spirit Day Hippie Spirit Day Homecoming Pep Assembly C Team Soccer vs. STA V Football vs. STA JV/V Soccer vs. Ottawa JV/V Volleyball - Mult Opp





Fresh Volleyball - Mult Opp JV Football @ STA SMA Race N’ Roll Homecoming Dance 9-11 *DOORS CLOSE @ 10


End of 1st Quarter Seniors: Grad Orders Early Dismissal Fresh Football @ BVN V Football @ BVN Varsity CC @ Mill Valley C/JV/V Soccer vs. BVN JV Volleyball @ Mult Opp Chamber Orchestra Concert

TBA V Tennis vs. Mult Opp Soph Volleyball @ Mult Opp (Mill Valley Tourn) V Volleyball @ Mult Opp (Manhattan Tourn)



















NO SCHOOL NO SCHOOL NO SCHOOL NO SCHOOL NO SCHOOL V Golf @ Mult Opp Fresh Football @ Blue Valley Parent/Teacher Conferences Parent/Teacher Conferences V Football @ Blue Valley Soph Football vs. Blue Valley 2pm-8pm 12pm-8pm TBA V Tennis (State Tourn) JV/V Soccer @ Lansing Varsity CC @ Mult Opp JV Volleyball @ Mult Opp

V Golf @ Mult Opp Fresh Football vs. BVNW C/JV/V Soccer @ BVNW

Scholars Bowl @ Mult Opp Senior Citizen Luncheon Soph Football @ BVNW KU Honors Program C/JV/V Soccer vs. BVW at Olathe South

TBA V Soccer

Scholars Bowl @ Mult Opp Soph Football @ Olathe Fresh Football vs. Olathe South South


HAPPY HALLOWEEN V Football @ Olathe South TBA V Volleyball TBA Varsity CC

NO SCHOOL TBA V Tennis (State Tourn) V Volleyball @ Mult Opp JV Football vs. Blue Valley

ACT @ GEHS JV Football @ BVNW TBA V Volleyball TBA Varsity CC

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