Commercial Documentation of Fire Sliding Gates mcr TLB EI60/EI120 The Commercial Documentation concerns fire sliding gates of the mcr TLB type, single-leafed, doubleleafed or telescopic, manufactured by MERCOR SA, 80-408 Gda sk, 2 Grzegorza z Sanoka Street, at the Production Plant in Gda sk at 10 Sztutowska Street.
Issue No.: 1
Date of issue: 24-08-2007
CONSTRUCTION CONDITIONS ................................................ 10
ADDITIONAL INFORMATION...................................................... 24
Design and Construction Specialist
Marcin Podolak
Verified by
Construction Section Manager
Witold Siwiec
Approved by
Development Director
Robert Jaroszy ski
Approved by
Fire Partitions Division Director
Piotr D bog贸rski
Gelco Nordic ApS . Hylkedamvej 70 . DK-5591 Gelsted . Tel.: +45 6346 5408 . Fax.: +45 6346 5404 .
1. TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION OF THE PRODUCT Steel sliding fire gates mcr TLB have been designed as the closure of openings in partitions of buildings and structures, where the required fire resistance class is EI60 or EI120. Steel gates mcr TLB feature an upper guidance that does not require installing any lower guidance elements in the inside diameter of the opening. Free traffic or passage is possible in the inside diameter of the gate when the gate is open. Gates may be utilized in two positions: as permanently open or permanently closed. Permanently open gates are maintained in this position with electromagnetic holders connected with the fire protection system of a facility. During fire an electrical magnet is automatically triggered and the gate closes mechanically due to the operation of a counterweight. Permanently closed gates function as the closure of openings in a structural partition of a specified class of fire resistance. Such gates are opened only if it becomes necessary to pass or drive through the opening. It is possible to build a door into an mcr TLB EI60 gate. Mcr TLG gates are produced also in the telescopic version, either as single- or double-leafed gates (with two or three segments). Due to special conditions of installation and requirements of a customer a fire gate may be produced in the form of a single- of double-leafed gate with a passage door, a moved counterweight or with a front door stop. Gates may be mounted both on a head or a ceiling. All installation conditions for different types of gates have been presented below. Gate sizes according to the inside diameter of all types of gates are as follows: • width from 1500 to 16000mm, • height from 2200 to 4500mm.
2. STRUCTURAL SPECIFICATION OF THE PRODUCT A complete set of a gate comprises the following elements: • leaves of a gate consisting of panels and vertical joints (sections), • door stop (only for gates with a single leaf), • labyrinth lock of a gate, • drive and suspension system, • mcr ALPE EI60passage door, optional.
2.1 Gate Leaves In all versions a leaf consists of panels and elements that combine them, i.e. sections (Fig. 1). The number of panels depends on the width of a gate. Panels of every leaf are combined with bottom sections along the whole length and upper sections (half-metre omegas) (Fig. 2). The minimum width of a panel is 525mm, while standard panels are 1010mm wide. Leaves are min. 90mm thick.
panel Vertical joint (section)
Fig.1. Vertical joints – sections Upper joint (omega)
Bottom connections
Fig. 2. Upper and lower joints of a panel
2.2 Door Stop For single-leafed structures a door stop is fitted in a wall, wherein a gate is slided in the closed position. In case of double-leafed gates, a door stop does not occur – a gate is closed by sliding one leaf (active) into the stop seat of the other leaf (passive). A standard door stop is made in the corner (Fig. 3), however it is also possible to order a front door stop that is fitted on a wall perpendicular to a gate leaf (Fig. 4). In this option it is necessary to move the counterweight to the other side of the gate.
standard door stop counterweight
Fig. 3. Door stop of a single-leafed gate
panel front door stop
Fig. 4. Front door stop of a single-leafed gate
counterweight protection
2.3 Labyrinth Gate Lock A vertical labyrinth lock of a gate is made of two elements fitted on a gate leaf and the wall (Fig. 5). The elements operate as the fire sealing of a gate in a closed position. The labyrinth is fitted to the wall with steel anchor frames. The labyrinth is fitted to the gate with self-tapping screws. wall labyrinth
gate labyrinth
Fig. 5. Labyrinth lock of a gate
2.4 Drive and Suspension System of the Gate The suspension of the gate is made of trolleys fitted on panels and a track. One trolley is fitted on each panel in the middle of its width. A track is suspended on anchored supports under the head every 633mm (Fig. 6). A drive system is made of counterweights connected with gate leaves with steel multi-weave ropes. The counterweight closes a gate when a fire hazard occurs. The correct vertical drive of a gate is provided with a guide roll fixed to the floor at the end of a gate leaf in a closed position (at the wall edge – Fig. 7). In case of a double-leafed wall, every leaf is guided by a separate guide roll.
track assembly support guide track
minimum head height
Fig. 6. Fitting a track on the head
Guide roll
Fig. 7. Bottom guide of leaves A single counterweight moving vertically in a protection is fitted on a gate with a single leaf. In this case a counterweight (and a protection) may be fitted next to the gate stop (in an ordinary gate) or, if structural conditions prevent this solution, on the opposite side (a transferred counterweight).
In case of a gate with two leaves, two counterweights are fitted that close each of the leaves independently. In gates of the area above 9m2 there is an additional closure speed controller (CSC) as a part of a track system (in the steel rope guiding system). It makes a closing gate move with a fixed and controlled speed of 0.08 – 0.20 m/s. CSC is fitted at the end of a track in the box that closes a track. In case of gates with the area below 9m2 a bracket is added to guide the rope, fitted also to the track closing box. In the final phase of closing the impact of the gate is absorbed by a shock absorber fitted on the first panel (Fig. 8). A part that holds a gate in the open position is a set of an electromagnetic holder, with one part fixed at the end of a leaf while the other mounted on the bracket. The bracket is fitted on the wall or the floor with gate frame anchors. track closing box track panel
shock absorber with a support mounted on a panel
check of the shock absorber fitted on the track
Fig. 8. Fitting a shock absorber on a gate leaf
2.5 Mcr ALPE EI60Passage Door As an additional element of the mcr TLB EI60 gate it is possible to mount a steel door mcr ALPE EI60, in the quantity depending on the width of a gate leaf. In order to build in a single passage door, the minimum width of a leaf, both for singleand double-leafed gates, amounts to 2375mm. A standard height of a gate in the internal diameter of the wall that enables building in a passage door amounts to
2160mm. In non-standard options it is possible to adopt the minimum gate height in the inside diameter to be 2120mm. Moreover, taking account of 2000mm inside diameter of the door passage from the floor level (without a threshold), the minimum height of a gate in the inside diameter of the wall amounts to 2070mm. In this case a gate is fitted to the ceiling and the minimum height of a room amounts to 2160mm. The dimension (‘in a wall’) of a passage door fitted in the place of a standard panel (1010mm) amounts to 1144x2067mm (Fig.9, 10). A passage door is provided with a lock with a dorn mass 100mm and adjustable hinges 3D as well as a round and flat knob fitted on the wall side or a panic lever on the emergency exit side. The door is made with a high threshold 55mm. Ho H Hx Hz Hw
wymiarat w przejścia Dimension the świetle passage inside di. wymiarat w Dimension the świetle wall insidemuru di. -Dimension wymiarofpuszki a leaf boxskrzydła -Dimension wymiarinw ościeŜnicy theświetle frame inside di. wymiarin ościeŜnicy Dimension the frame cut we wrębie
Fig. 9. Passage door built into the gate – vertical section
A round knob or a panic lever
Dimension at the passage inside di. Dimension at the wall inside di. Dimension of a leaf box Dimension in the frame inside di. Dimension in the frame cut
Fig. 10. Passage door built into the gate – horizontal section
3. CONSTRUCTION CONDITIONS For a gate to be built into a selected passage, certain construction conditions have to be fulfilled. The necessary conditions and sizes that have to be met for the correct fixing and operation of a gate have been presented below.
3.1 Single-Leafed Gates The following drawings present detailed configurations of single-leafed gates in the parametric form. The important construction sizes of gates depend on the width of the wall inside diameter (L) and the height of the inside diameter of the wall (H). The dimension ‘A’ (required space for a gate leaf in a wall) and the dimension ‘C’ (head) are necessary to place an order in a suitable order template.
Dimension ‘C’
track length
Opening direction
dimension ‘A’
Fig.11. Single-leafed gate (a regular counterweight)
Dimension ‘C’
track length
Opening direction
dimension A
Fig.12. Single-leafed gate (a moved counterweight) 12
Dimension ‘C’
track length
Opening direction
dimension A
Fig.13. Single-leafed gate (a front door stop)
3.2 Double-Leafed Gates The following drawings present detailed configurations of double-leafed gates in the parametric form. The important construction sizes of gates depend on the width of the wall inside diameter (L) and the height in the inside diameter of the wall (H). The dimension ‘A’ (required space for an active leaf of a gate in a wall), the dimension ‘B’ (required space for a passive leaf of a gate in a wall) and dimension ‘C’ (head) are necessary to place an order in a suitable order template. When ordering asymmetric gates, it is necessary to provide the width of an active gate together with ‘blades’ (LC). The correct reading of this dimension has been presented in Fig. 14. The width of a passive leaf (LB) is a result dimension.
LB of a leaf = L – LC +213 (passive leaf)
LC of a leaf (active leaf)
Fig. 14. Sizes of leaves in asymmetric gates
Dimension C
track length
Opening direction
Opening direction
dimension A
Dimension B
LC of a leaf = L/2 +275 (active leaf)
LB of a leaf = L/2 +1415 (passive leaf)
Fig.15. Symmetric double-leafed gate
Dimension C
track length
Opening direction
Opening direction
dimension A
Dimension B
LC of a leaf (active leaf) (dimension given by a customer)
LB of a leaf = L - LC +213 (passive leaf)
Fig.16. Asymmetric double-leafed gate
3.3 Telescopic Gates The following drawings present detailed configurations of telescopic gates, single- or double-leafed, double- or triple-segmented, in the parametric form. The important construction sizes of gates depend on the width of the wall inside diameter (L) and the height of the inside diameter of the wall (H). Telescopic gates may be also made with a moved counterweight, mounting to a ceiling, with a front gate stop and passage doors mcr ALPE EI60.
Dimension C dimension A
Note: After placing a bracket of an electric holder on the floor a required dimension of wall ‘A’ amounts to S/2 +225
Fig. 17. Single-leafed double-segmented telescopic gate
Dimension C dimension A
Note: After placing a bracket of an electric holder on the floor a required dimension of wall ‘A’ amounts to S/3 +215
Fig. 18. Single-leafed triple-segmented telescopic gate 19
Dimension C Dimension A
Dimension B
Note: After placing a bracket of an electric holder on the floor a required dimension of wall ‘A’ and B amounts to S/4 +2385
Fig. 19. Double-leafed double-segmented telescopic gate
Dimension C dimension A
Dimension B
Active leaf Passive leaf Note: After placing a bracket of an electric holder on the floor a required dimension of wall ‘A’ and ‘B’ amounts to S/6 +385
Fig. 20. Double-leafed triple-segmented telescopic gate
3.4 EI120 Gates The construction conditions of mcr TLB EI120 gates (single- and doubleleafed) are identical as for gates EI60. Only the dimension of gate ‘depth’ changes (195mm instead of 175mm – Fig.21). EI120 gates are additionally provided with a protection of the track and they cannot be fitted with passage doors.
track protection
Fig. 21. Track protection of gates mcr TLB EI120
3.5 Fitting Gates on the Ceiling It is possible to fit mcr TLB gates on a ceiling with special supports (800mm spacing). The height of the inside diameter is reduced by 82mm. The track is fitted on both sides with protections made of GKF plates (Fig.22).
passage inside diameter
ceiling support track fitting track protection filled with GKF plates
Fig. 22. Fitting an mcr TLB gate to the ceiling
3.6 Mounting an Electric Holder The foot of an electromagnetic holder is mounted on a gate labyrinth (standard), while an electric holder on a special bracket is mounted on the wall (Fig. 23). It is possible to mount a foot of an electric holder on the panel coating, and the bracket with an electric holder on the floor. As a result the required space on the wall is reduced by 200mm (dimension ‘A, B’ -200mm), however the ‘depth’ of a wall increases (Fig. 24). Note: for telescopic gates there are different dimension dependencies, see details on drawings 17÷20. dimension A (B)
bracket with an electric holder
Fig. 23. Standard fitting of an electric holder 23
dimension A
bracket with an electric holder
bracket with a foot
Fig. 24. Optional fitting of an electric holder
4.1. Weight of Parts The mass of one square meter of a gate that has to be used in strength computing of a support structure on which a gate is to be fitted amounts to 50 kg. The mass of one meter of a track with supports amounts to 15 kg.
4.2. Mounting Conditions for a Gate on the Wall Mcr TLB gates with the fire resistance EI60 should be fitted on the following types of walls: • made of ceramic bricks, ceramic blocks and silicate bricks of the minimum thickness of 240mm, • concrete (including cellular concrete) and reinforced concrete of the minimum thickness of 140mm, • steel structures lined with a fire resisting material with the minimum fire resistance REI60.
Gates of the fire resistance EI120 should be fitted on the following types of walls: • made of ceramic bricks, ceramic blocks and silicate bricks of the minimum thickness of 250mm, • concrete (including cellular concrete) and reinforced concrete of the minimum thickness of 150mm, • steel structures lined with a fire resisting material with the minimum fire resistance REI120. Steel anchor screws and beam connections should be used to fit a track as well as a gate stop and labyrinths, depending on the type of wall.
25 Gelco Nordic ApS . Hylkedamvej 70 . DK-5591 Gelsted . Tel.: +45 6346 5408 . Fax.: +45 6346 5404 .