Profile of the Batterer Domestic violence doesn’t discriminate. Batterers could be doctors, lawyers, teachers, therapists, convenience store clerks, mechanics, coaches, etc. Their actions are rooted in the psychodynamics of domestic violence batterers observed and learned in childhood. While most batterers appear to be aggressive on the outside, it is frequently a mask for the passive, powerless, manipulated, abused victim on the inside. They lack the assertiveness needed to communicate in everyday relationships with significant others, and resort to domination to maintain a sense of control over the immediate environment and the people in it. Batterers express at home what they are unable to express in public. Services: • Domestic Violence Assessments • 26 Week Group Intervention classes • Safety Planning • Referrals for Other Community Relationships • Community Presentations on Domestic Violence Prevention • Collaboration with Courts, Probation, Therapists and Law Enforcement Agencies • Collaboration with agencies which provide Domestic Violence Services
Abuse Intervention Management Program Geminus Abuse Intervention Management 8400 Louisiana Street Merrillville, Indiana 46410 Phone: 219-757-1831 Fax: 219-738-5283
Geminus will not discriminate against any individual because of race, religion, color or sexual orientation.