Geminus Head Start Annual Report 2008 2009

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a positive impact on families

children and staff through

early childhood Education


Head Start

Year End Report

Fiscal Year 2008-2009

GE M I N U S HEAD START Parent Policy Council Officers Fiscal Year2008

Chairperson: LeBarron Burton Representing: 4900 - Gary, Indiana

Vice-Chairperson: Wendy Acevedo Representing: Wallace - Hammond, Indiana

Secretary: Terri Gibson Representing: Irving - Hammond, Indiana

“I believe that by nurturing, engaging and supporting our children, we have an opportunity to create nurturing, engaged, supportive adults. Satisfaction on the faces of children and parents is directly reflected in the dynamics and outcomes realized by our society.� Dr. Leonard Jozwiak Vice-President, Geminus Head Start

A MESSAGE TO PARENTS & THE COMMUNITY from the Vice-President of Geminus Head Start I have always believed that children are our most valuable resource and that their productive development is foundational to a successful future for our society. Child development and learning begin at birth, accelerating through age 6 and needs to be nurtured and cultivated, particularly during early formative years. Head Start, providing standardized professional education and social service supports in tandem with Dr. Leonard Jozwiak schools and community agencies, successfully provide high Dr. Leonard Jozwiak quality and comprehensive services to assist children along with their parents to engage in a collaborative effort of healthy living, productive development and meaningful learning. Parents, as their child’s first teacher, can utilize the resources of Geminus Head Start to become the best parents raising the best children by providing enrichment opportunities throughout the preschool years, as they prepare them for transition to school and maturation into adulthood.

It is our obligation as providers and stewards of Head Start services to purposefully offer quality education and supports to every child, every parent, every family, every day, if we intend to make a difference in their lives as well as in enriching our own. With the scope of Geminus Head Start services offered to more than 1,300 children and their parents, we have the capacity to make a difference in more than 2,000 lives on a daily basis! In sustaining this impact, we can expect that much of what we do will not only help to motivate and shape and improve the lives of many for today, but will make a positive difference for many years, and in fact, will make a difference for many generations to come.

Dr. Leonard Jozwiak, Vice-President, Geminus Head Start

CHALLENGES IN EARLY CHILDHOOD EDUCATION As our nation faces enormous challenges in education, over 4 million children under the age of 5 are being raised in poverty. Our urban centers and rural communities are facing unparalleled challenges and as financial inequality increases and the number of children in poverty grows, more and more families are unable to overcome the risk factors that perpetuate multigenerational poverty. In the midst of these financial and familial struggles, too often our Schools are unable to meet the challenge of preparing children for success. More and more children are arriving at school with severe emotional distress and may already significantly behind many of their peers. That’s where Head Start can help.

SUCCESS is much more likely when the entire family is engaged and empowered to succeed.

WHAT IS HEAD START? Head Start is our nation’s premier program of developmental and educational services for pregnant moms, babies, toddlers, preschoolers and families that struggle to meet the daily needs of life.* Head Start promotes school readiness by enhancing the social and cognitive development of children through the provision of educational, health, nutritional, social and other services to enrolled children and families.

Head Start is a program of the United States Department of Health and Human Services Administration for Children and Families Children and Families *For Fiscal Year 2007-2008 Geminus Head Start was not funded for Early Head Start.

MISSION Our Mission Geminus Head Start is the Indiana of leader in Geminus Head StartNorthwest is an organization early childhood education , making a positive impact excellence, supporting a highly qualified and on families, children andinspires staff through creative dedicated staff that personal growth, partnerships that inspires personal growth, fosters fosters empowerment and provides quality empowerment services and provides comprehensive for all. quality comprehensive Our Visionservices for all. Geminus Head Start is an organization of VISION excellence, supporting a highly qualified and Geminus Head Start is an organization of excellence, dedicated staff that inspires children, supporting a highly qualified and dedicated staff families and children, staff to families achieve and theirstaff full that inspires potential which prepares them for to achieve their full potential a successful and fulfilling which prepares themlife. for a successful and fulfilling life.

ABOUT GEMINUS HEAD START ABOUT GEMINUS HEAD START Who We Are: Geminus Head Start is a free, comprehensive interdisciplinary, preschool child development program for eligible children of low income families and students who have diagnosed disabilities. Geminus Head Start is Indiana’s second largest grantee receiving funding for 1,319 children ages 3 to 5 years old throughout the Lake and Porter Counties of Northwest Indiana. Head Start provides a wide variety of developmentally appropriate practices in the areas of education, health and nutrition and upholds many community partnerships with local social services to assist families in meeting their everyday needs.. What We Do: Geminus Head Start has been an approved Head Start grantee since April of 1997. Currently, there are 25 sites throughout Lake and Porter Counties P Program options available to parents include morning and afternoon sessions meeting 4 days per week, 128 per year from September through May. Many sites are expanding to full-day-full-year programs and meet 5 days per week, 168 days per year, September through June. All teachers have a degree in Early Childhood Education and have been trained in a curriculum to provide Head Start children with a variety of learning experiences to meet their individual needs. Bilingual staff and services are also available to help promote a diverse learning place.



Providing children with quality education regardless of race, creed, economic status, language or special need; Preparing children and families for future success; Children learning through S.M.A.R.T. play. Self Directed; Meaningful, Appropriate & Active; Reflective & Respective ofneeds, interests, differences; Teacher supported; Parents playing a pivotal role in children’s education; Everyone having and being entitled to their own opinion and those opinions being respected. We can agree to disagree; Staff and parents being equal partners in the education of our children; Uplifting the community by providing a high quality program; Giving children a Head Start; Nurturing a healthy mind, body and spirit; Creating a positive environment (home, work, community); Meeting people “where they are”; Leadership; Loyalty, Duty, Respect, Selfless Service, Honor, Integrity, Personal Courage; Building on people’s strengths; Providing people with the tools that they need to be successful.

Education Statistics Literacy 57% of children progressed as least one level 22% progressed two levels 1% progressed 3 levels Identification of Letters of the Alphabet: At the end of the 2007-2008 school year, 80% of children were able to identify at least ten letters of the alphabet, especially the letters in their own name. Mathematics 58% progressed at least one level 18% progressed two levels (Reference: Geminus Head Start Gains Report for the 2007-2008 school year)

THE EDUCATION OF OUR YOUNG CHILDREN Typically parents choose to participate in Head Start to increase school readiness and provide opportunities for their children to interact and learn in a diverse environment. Additional results include quality care and education while parents are at work or continuing their own education, the enhancement of parenting skills, and the goal of meeting the needs of children with disabilities. Geminus Head Start implements The Creative Curriculum for Preschoolers which is a standardized comprehensive curriculum with a clear organizational structure and a particular focus on interest areas.. It is a blueprint for planning and implementing a developmentally appropriate program and shows teachers how to guide learning in literacy, math, science, social studies, the arts, and technology while also supporting children’s social and emotional development. Creative Curriculum goals and objectives are directly aligned with The Indiana Foundations for Young Children and Head Start Outcomes Framework. Available to staff and families is a state-of-the-art Resource Center that includes books, materials, study kits and computers. Most importantly, our employees are dedicated to the program and to the children and families they serve.

HEALTH STATISTICS Physical Health Last year, Geminus Head Start served 1674 children. 98% received a physical examination Physical examinations are set up to follow the Early Periodic Screening, Diagnosis & Treatment Program Dental Health Dental Health is an important part of the overall health of a person. Geminus Head Start realizes the importance of good oral health and encourages all of our students to receive a dental examination within 90 days of enrolling in our program. We also remind parents when it is time for a six month check-up. Last year, of 1674 children: 92% received a dental examination 257 children needed follow-up dental treatment 90% of the follow-up dental treatment was completed Immunizations Geminus Head Start follows the National Centers for Disease Control requirements for childhood immunizations. By the end of the school year 97% of our students were up-to-date with required immunizations.. 7 students were on a “catch-up� schedule. Health Care Coverage

Geminus Head Start works closely with parents to ensure that children have healthcare coverage.

THE HEALTH OF OUR YOUNG CHILDREN Geminus Head Start embraces a comprehensive health vision for children families and staff. Our commitment to wellness ensures that through collaboration with families, staff and health care professionals, all medical concerns are identified. Once Identified, children and families are linked to an ongoing source of accessible continuous health care so that all needs are addressed and treated. Since the health status of young children can change quickly, Geminus Head Start continuously monitors students. If new concerns are identified, parents are referred to an appropriate health care professional. Early intervention is important to keep children healthy!

Behavioral Health and Emotional Wellness Statistics Children referred for behavioral health services during school year 2007-2008: 49 Children who actually received behavioral health services::


Social/Emotional Domain: 74% of children progressed at least one level and 21% of the 74% progressed at least two levels

BEHAVIORAL HEALTH & EMOTIONAL WELLNESS Geminus Head Start embraces a vision of attention to behavioral health and emotional wellness. The objective is to build collaborative relationships among children, families, staff behavioral health professionals and the community in order to enhance awareness and understanding of behavioral health and emotional wellness and the contribution that behavioral health services can make to the wellness of all children and families. Geminus Head Start is proud of the Behavioral Healthcare System that is in place for the program. The program engages multiple resources to address a child’s social/emotional development and well-being. Behavioral Health Services are accessible for every child enrolled in Geminus Head Start.

Disabilities/Special Needs Statistics During the school year 2007-2008 there were a total of 142 (or 10%) of our children enrolled with a disability or a special need. To further enhance our services, we collectively worked with 16 school districts and 6 special education districts within Lake and Porter Counties, Indiana.

DISABILITIES & SPECIAL NEEDS CHILDREN “ARE ALWAYS WELCOME AT GEMINUS HEAD START” “Disability Services within Geminus Head Start’s Program provides inclusion experiences for all children.” Dr. Leonard Jozwiak, VP Head Start Geminus Head Start promotes an environment of respect and acceptance for all children and their families. Our program offers family-based support which means support to the entire family – not just to the child. The program encourages parents not to put limitations on their children. this gives all children the opportunity to experience the uniqueness of others.. The program promotes awareness that not everyone is the same, but everyone deserves a chance to receive the best possible education. The uniqueness of this program is to focus on the abilities of all students enrolled within Geminus Head Start. .

Children with disabilities consists of (but is not limited to): children with cognitive impairment, hearing impairment, speech or language impairment, visual, orthopedic or health impairment, emotional disturbances, autism, traumatic brain injury and /or developmental delay.

Focus on the Family Statistics

71% of Geminus Head Start families participated in the family goal-setting process. Numbers of families who received the following services: Emergency Crisis Intervention: 286 Housing Assistance: 233 Transportation Assistance: 11 Behavioral Health Services: 107 English as a Second Language: 47 Job Training 236 Health Education (included Prenatal): Parenting Education: Marriage Education Services: Other Services: Total Families that Received at Least One Service:

68 329 2 103 697



Geminus Head Start Works with Families…. Parents are their child’s first and most influential teachers and their home is the primary learning center. Head Start’s success is based upon the creation of compassionate partnerships between Head Start staff and parents on behalf of their children. Whether in center-based settings, home-based settings or a home visiting relationship, Head Start works with families to remove barriers to their success and to deepen their ability to support their children. Geminus Head Start Believes…. Continuing, meaningful involvement of parents in the education of their children as they leave Head Start will be an important part of the solution to improving public education. We are committed to partnering with the schools to make this happen. The Key to Geminus Head Start’s Approach… Our approach is by actively involving parents and the community in all aspects of the Head Start program. We offer parents support and opportunities that foster growth, identify strengths, and find satisfactory solutions. Our staff are advocates within the community for parents and provides them with the resources they need to effectively advocate for themselves. Partnerships with parents begin at the intake process and continue throughout their participation in the Head Start program. Family Partnership Agreements provide opportunities for families to set goals and design an individualized approach for achieving their goals. When families are in need, our Family Support Specialists assist them in identifying the concern and defining the goals to meet measurable outcomes.


“OUR MOST PRECIOUS CARGO� When your child is enrolled in Head Start,, staff will notify you if you are eligible to receive transportation services. If your site does not provide transportation, it will be your responsibility to bring your child to Head Start and pick your child up at the end of the day. During enrollment, you will decide who will be allowed to pick up your child. Whoever brings and picks up your child will also be required to sign in and out each day.

Geminus Head Start does, however, provide transportation at many program sites.. It is important to understand that transportation service is an added benefit, not a requirement of Head Start. If your site has transportation available, you will be expected to follow the transportation policies and guidelines. Not doing so, could result in your losing transportation privileges..

NUTRITION “CARING ABOUT WHAT OUR KIDS EAT” Children are never too young to establish a foundation of good nutrition and healthy eating habits. At our sites, we make meal time enjoyable, giving children plenty of time to eat and enjoy their food. We use the USDA’s Child and Adult Feeding Program guidelines for foods and portions that we serve. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, childhood obesity has risen dramatically in the United States in the past decade, particularly among young children. As a result, we are planning to institute, “I am Moving, I am Learning,” beginning with the 2009 school year which will increase the quantity of time the children spend in moderate to vigorous activities in conjunction with the improvement of healthy food choices, as a practical response to aid in prevention of childhood obesity.

Nutrition Statistics: February 2007 to June 2008 Number of meals served to our children: Breakfast: 78,134 Lunch:




Total Meals: 252,734 The Geminus Kitchen Staff is CERTIFIED in SERVE SAFE

TRAINING AND TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE In 2003, the Office of Head Start initiated the Training and Technical Assistance Program to ensure program quality and development. This program enables our Geminus Head Start Staff at all levels to develop professionally by allowing them to take coursework coinciding with their job roles, attend local and national conferences and receive annual pre-service and in-service training.

Statistics Head Start Teachers: Bachelor Degree Associate Degree

20% 80%

Teacher’s Assistants: Associate Degree: Child Development Associate

12% 88%

Trainings attended by staff during the 2008 school year included the Northwest Indiana Early Childhood Conference at Purdue University Calumet Campus, Hammond, Indiana; IAEYC Early Childhood Conference in Indianapolis, Indiana; NAEYC Conference in Chicago, Illinois; National Head Start Association Parent Training in Indianapolis, Indiana; National Head Start Association Conference in Nashville, Tennessee; and The Leadership Institute in Washington, D.C., Dual Language Institute. This past year, parent involvement was optimal. So many parents were involved and committed at the site, area and policy council levels. Parents were able to attend the NHSA Parent Training as well as the National Head Start Association Conference. Every year, new parents to the policy council receive Governance Training to give them an understanding of their roles and their importance to the policies and planning of Head Start so that they can be effective members on the Parent Policy Council. Geminus Head Start Parents were asked to give a presentation during an open summit sponsored by Geminus’ Circle Around Families, Child Mental Health Initiative Conference entitled “How to Reach Difficult to Engage Parents.”

Geminus Corporation is assisting teachers in meeting the current federal mandate that 50% of teachers must have a Bachelor of Arts Degree by the year 2011.

Enrollment Data Fiscal Year 2007-2008 Geminus Head Start along with delegate programs Lake Ridge Head Start and Hammond Head Start are funded to serve 1,319 Head Start eligible children within Lake and Porter Counties in Indiana. Total number of children served was 1,674 Total number of families served was 1,568 Total Average Monthly Enrollment for 1319 funded children was 1315 meeting a percentage of 99.6% enrollment

Health and Human Services Head Start Review December 2008 Our most recent federal monitoring took place in December of 2008 All program operation standards were met. Changes for fiscal year 2009-2010:  Two Geminus Corporation (grantee) Board Members with current or past Head Start experience will be added to the Geminus Board of Directors. The Geminus Corporation by-laws will be amended to accommodate this change.  The Geminus Corporation Board of Directors will no longer include Geminus employees.  An improved method to track and summarize fiscal expenditures is being implemented to ensure that federal reimbursements approximate current expenditures.

Geminus Corporation General Audit 2007-2008 Blue and Company are the auditors for Geminus Corporation. A general audit of Geminus Corporation is conducted each year. The 2007-2008 fiscal year was audited with no deficiencies or findings. Geminus Corporation was in 100% compliance with state and federal regulations.

FINANCIAL DATA February 2008 through January 2009 REVENUES Head Start Grant Revenue: Operations









Dual Language Institute Grant



Education Grant (less carry forward amount)





Head Start Grant Revenue: Training Head Start Grant Revenue: Capital Spending Special One-Time Grants





Total Personnel



Total Fringe









Total Contractual



Total Other






Total Personnel and Fringe Total Equipment Total Supplies

OUR COMMUNITY PARTNERS Organizations with a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with Geminus Head Start FY 2008 Portage Township School - Porter County Education Services (PCES) Lake Ridge School - Northwest Indiana Special Education Cooperative (NISEC) School City of Hammond - Special Education Department Lake Central Community School - West Lake Special Education School Town of Highland - Northwest Indiana Special Education Cooperative (NISEC) Boone Township School—Porter County Education Services (PCES) East Porter School - Porter County Education Services (PCES) Valparaiso Community School - Porter County Education Services (PCES) River Forest Community School - Northwest Indiana Special Education Cooperative (NISEC) School City of East Chicago - East Chicago Special Education Tri-Creek Schools (NISEC) Merrillville Community Schools - Northwest Indiana Special Education Cooperative (NISEC) School City of Hobart - Northwest Indiana Special Education Cooperative (NISEC) Lake Station Community Schools - Northwest Indiana Special Education Cooperative (NISEC) Hanover Community Schools (NISEC) Duneland Community Schools (PCES) O. Ishmael, M.D. , MBA, Medical Consultant for Geminus Head Start Northwest Family Services, WIC IVY Tech State College—Northwest, Health Sciences Division Gary Health Department Holy Innocents Shelter for Small Children - Carmelite Home East Chicago Community Health Center Healthlinc Health Centers Lewychyj, Taglia, Felton (LTF) Eye Clinics MDwise Porter County Health Department Maternal Child Health Clinic The Answer for Pregnancy Aid Geminus Prevention Services Diane Spoljoric, Ph.D. (c) R.N. Family Nurse Practitioner Lakeland Creek Family Dental Sickle Cell Disease Association of Northwest Indiana

Head Start Administration Geminus Corporate Center 8400 Louisiana Street Merrillville, Indiana 46410 Dr. Leonard Jozwiak, Vice President, Geminus Head Start Geminus “A Good Place” by David Lee Csicsko

(219) 757-1840 Toll Free: 1-888-893-6891

GEMINUS “Partnering for the Future” “Geminus Corporation is here to support Head Start in its efforts to work with young children and their families through partnerships in education and family services.“The Geminus motto, “Partnering for the Future” in partnering with Head Start, rings true to the promise that all of our young people deserve an opportunity to succeed. Geminus Corporation fully supports that effort.”

Sanford R. Kauffman, President, Geminus Corporation GEMINUS CORPORATION BOARD OF DIRECTORS FY 2008 Robert D. Krumwied, Chairperson Ronald Borto, Vice Chairperson Charles Nagy, Secretary Edmund Gunn Daniel Klein Connie Manous Leslie Rittenmeyer


Geminus Head Start 2008 Annual Report

Geminus Head Start 8400 Louisiana Street Merrillville, Indiana 46410 Dr. Leonard Jozwiak Vice-President Geminus Head Start Sanford R. Kauffman President, Geminus Corporation Dear Parents: You are invited to visit any one of our many Geminus Head Start sites to see what Head Start is all about. We will be happy to talk with you to determine if your family qualifies for this wonderful no-cost program that truly readies your child for kindergarten, the community and the world ahead. Please help us give your child a Head Start! Sincerely, The Staff of Geminus Head Start

Call us and we’ll determine if your family is eligible

(219) 757-1840 or Toll Free: 1-888-893-6891


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