Healing Circles: Suicide Support Group
Group in Dyer: Dyer United Methodist Church 2016 Church Street Dyer, IN 46311 Take Joliet St (Route 30) Turn at the TCBY
Healing Circles uses locations for support groups only. We are not associated with any university or religious organization.
Contact Information Facilities Provided by: Purdue University Calumet: Couple and Family Therapy Center & Dyer United Methodist Church
Information Gathered from: American Association of Suicideology & Suicide Awareness Voices of Education
Please call or email ahead: Facilitators Karen Lawrence at: clawrence5198@sbcglobal.net (219) 718-2933 or Karen Casey-Keller: (219)845-3119 Find us on Facebook www.afsp.org
Healing Circles is a support group for those in grief over the loss of a loved one or friend to suicide.
May I be at peace May I come to know the beauty of my own true nature May my heart remain open May I be whole and healed - Anonymous