unity LGBTQ PROJECT ‐ My LGBTTQ Commu The lesbiaan, gay, bi‐sexxual and transgender community has bbeen identified by DMHA aand SAMHSA as an underservved populatio on in regards to services fo or substance aabuse preven ntion and mental health awarenesss. Geminus P Prevention Se ervices surveyyed over 250 individuals th hroughout no orthwest Indiana that self‐identify as LGBT which resulted in the following finddings: hows evidencce of statisticaally significan nt levels of su icidal ideation; Sh Sh hows statisticcally significan nt levels of de epression; Sh hows statisticcally significan nt levels of so ocial isolationn at least in so ome pockets of the populaation; Sh hows evidencce of statisticaally significan nt levels of low w income desspite high levvels of employment; Iss subject to vaarious forms o of violence th hroughout lifee Sh hows elevated level of riskk tolerance co oncerning alc ohol and tobacco Ellevated level of engaging in risky behavvior while drinnking Th he gender‐no onconformingg people are m most vulnerabble, experiencing low inco omes, workforce exxclusion, depression, lack of social supp ports, and suiicidal ideation n. Through ccommunity co ollaboration, Geminus Pre evention Serviices is offerin ng alcohol preevention services to the LGB BTQ Commun nity as well ass cultural com mpetency trai ning for behaavior health p providers as to ensure that the LGBTQ Q population h has access to appropriate and effectivee services.