Speeches Against violence B

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JA: WHERE IS THE VIOLENCE? When the people say, in Spain there isn’t violence, the violence is only in the North of Africa and in the wars I don’t think the same, I don’t agree. The violence is when a pupil of a school hits a partner or says to the other pupil bad things like idiot or asshole to another pupil or you laughed of him. The violence is when in a football match the fans of a team says bad things the other team’s fans. For me this is the meaning of non-violence. Tomorrow 10th of December, day of the human rights and the non violence I want that in my school anyone practice the violence with another pupil because if my wish and the wish of a lot of persons like M.L.K, Nelson Mandela, Gandhi, Steve Biko and a lot of people more who fight for the human rights and the non-violence don’t come true this day have not meaning for all of us.

MG: Violence is an intentional behavior that causes physical and psychological damage to other people. A violent person most of the time tends to be selfish too. It is said that great things start with something small and I support this idea, as every day we see parents using violence against their children, but not just that, but they are also not giving an example which forges a violent mind that could later cause serious damage. The violence did not end until we understand the value of people, and decide to put a stop to this, the most accurate definition for violence is “The man will finish with the manâ€?. A respect that is forgotten is that there are more victims of crime, those in which more than 90% are women. For example: family violence, sexual abuse, rape, harassment, economic violence... Â

PF: IT'S TIME TO DO SOMETHING Violence in our houses, violence in our schools, violence at the streets, violence at cities, violence at towns, there is violence in many places. I say to you today that people hurt each other every day; so I think it's time to do something. Our society has changed, but violence has not disappeared in some places of the world. Many people die every day and it's not possible! Together, we have to fight for our rights. Racism should disappear because it divides us in groups. Black and white people have been always separated. And we have to stop that. Our friend, our classmate, our neighbor, or someone that we know very well can have another skin colour or can have another religion. We have to start respecting us for what we are and not judging, because we all have the same rights. The most important thing is not our skin colour. It's not important if your are different. Everyone is free. If we start from that point, we could understand better the others and ourselves. It's time to do something! Â Â

AP: No Violence The non violence is possible. We have a good world with bad people, our world has a lot of good things for us, and we only think about money. This is a bad situation, because everybody thinks about him/herself, and we don’t think for other people. I think that the worst thing is violence around the world. Everyday it dies a lot of people, because there are a lot of wars today, and we have to stop it. The no violence is possible! We have to stop wars, the violence is not helpful. So, we have to talk when we have a problem, we don’t have to start wars for stupid things, we have to think about the problem, and talk to solve it. The no violence is possible.

AS: SPEECH ABOUT NOT VIOLENCE Women ? Men ? Children ? We have all suffered some violence , everyone in contact with violence , for what? There are still wars to gain territory , to be better than others and even in the name of God! We believe that violence serves to fix things , but it's quite the opposite. The violence that makes you attack another person creates even more violence. The fault is not with weapons , or other things , but people who can not use things that were created to make things easier , using them as ways of attack and destroy our planet with nuclear bombs, guns. .. We are victims of geniuses that created spears to eat but someone used them to make suffer. Someone did something without bad intention or maybe, and thereby hurting not only who did it but the family of that person, but have exceeded that by making people suffer totally innocent people. Finally, they are not only wars but also in the daily life of people, two friends who fight, a father who beats his son, his wife ... Violence is something in the mind of foolish people that believe about someone just being stronger or have more support. So you know, if you're somebody smarter ... Do not use violence.

AC: First of all, I want to say that violence is everywhere: at school, in the houses, in the streets, in the countries… But, I want to focus on domestic violence. Domestic violence is when somebody shouts at you, insults you or controls you for example. I think that this is a big problem nowadays because this affects a lot of girls and women. There are a lot of centers for women that need help but I also think that we can help other girls If we see domestic violence. To conclude, I want to explain that we have to think about domestic violence because it is an important problem. IF YOU WANT TO CHANGE THE WORLD START WITH YOURSELF.

DG: There are a lot of words in the dictionary but the most remarkable is violence. It means behavior which is meant to hurt or kill people. But the meaning isn’t important because you don’t read it if you don’t live it. Why does domestic violence exist? Why does racism use violence? Because nobody fights against violence. The society doesn’t see that violence hurts and kills people. We have to fight to make violence disappear. We must be united to enhance a new world without violence. We can. The violence is everywhere in the school, in the street, etc. We can make violence disappear and have a better life. Why does violence exist? Violence was created by people to hurt and they have more money. But now violence is for more things and we can stop that. We will win and say: STOP VIOLENCE!

ER: I would like to share with you a few thoughts of non violence around the world. This actual situation in the world has to change because it’s terrible. We have to do many things for making this world a little bit better, a more peaceful place to live. There are many inequalities, between rich and poor people, between men and women, children, and slaved people without liberty. Also there are inequalities about countries or cities, the richest exploit the less developed leverage their resources and means, the racism. There is much discrimination with the people who come to other country or with the people with different colour of skin… These big problems can not be resolved with violence, weapons or insults... Although it seems impossible, if everyone makes an effort now in their daily lives, if everyone things about the problems that there are in the world and want that this situation to change without violence. Only speaking, talking, debating, listening and respecting, we would be on our way to a free world of hatred and violence, so maybe one day we could all live in peace.

EN: We can stop it I have something. I have it inside me during most part of my life. This thing is called “money wars”. In this world there are a lot of wars only to have more square meters in the country, but that costs a lot of money and innocent lives that they haven’t got offence. The money and lives invested in wars are too much for earning more money and other stupid things. So we could finish with wars together if we don’t help people that need us to do wars, because one can’t but all together yes. Let’s sum up. We can stop it!!!

HE: THE VIOLENCE The violence is an action brought by one or more persons, who intentionality were subjected to abuse, pressure, pain, manipulation or other action that harms both physical and psychological and moral integrity of any person or social group. We can find 3 types of violence: Physical violence Verbal violence and emotional Sexual violence I am against the violence because the violence cause bigger problems, as: The children learn violent behaviour The children who watch violence on televison become aggressive There are more people who play violent games There are a lot of problems‌ Every day in the world there are more violence than you can not stop.

JB: Good morning, Â Today we are gathered to speak in favour of non-violence. In this room are over 200 representatives from all over the world and we have to step forward to fix it. These countries like Egypt, Syria, etc... need to stop the war elsewhere in order to live in peace. There are many people and many children also innocents, the problem is that these policy goes from bad to worse. A consequence of wars is migrations of resources where there is war. All other countries must help putting peace. Another topic of non-violence is favour not allowing sexual inequality between male and female. We are all equal and no one is having different sexes, or a mouth bigger. Â And with that said I finish this speech that I hope a different mentality in this country who is involved. Â

OM: Hello everybody, I'm here because I want to explain you the dream I had. This dream is about the no-violence around the world. You have to remember the equality of the black people, the equality of the women, the equality of the children ... You have to think what you are feeling if someone is hitting you. In our society there isn't justice ,my friends, but today it starts to change. We have the power to do a society a little better than the society we found. If we can do it, the world will be better and all the people will be happy. We have to respect the other people, they are equal. Think about the no-violence. If you see violence in the street, in your houses, in a stadium, you have to do all you have in you hands to reduce the violence, because it can changes a lot of things. You only have to do one thing: BELIEVE.

PL: We have to say “stop”.. It is enough pretending that it doesn’t exist. It’s time that the society wakes up and opens the eyes, we can! We have to say “stop” to the sexual violence, domestic violence, child violence, labor violence.. Sometimes we have it near us, but we don’t see it.. With the languages, with actions. We have to say “stop” at the wars between the different religions and cultures. When we don’t agree with other people the solution is not violence, the solution is using words. We have to know that we live in the same world and being from the different colour isn’t a problem, everybody has the same right and have to respect the other people. We have to say “stop” at the racism. Sometimes we aren’t conscious about what we do, because we discriminate other people because they are from a different race, different colour, different culture or different religion. We have to say “stop” if we want that this things finish. We have to say “stop” at the violence!

SE: The Violence… What is this? What is the cause? Why does it exist? Why? It’s a bad reaction. The violence is one form of expressing the feelings, but it hits the people. It is horrible and you hurt the people but also you hurt yourself. You destroy your dignity, your courage, your life. You show that you are a coward. The people that resolve the problems with the violence show that they don’t have the capacity of speaking with the people, they don’t accept the opinion of the other people and it is a big problem. And are we cowards? No, we are responsible people that speak about the problems, give the opinions and help to resolve the problems. We are in favour of non violence. We have to help the people to think that the violence is the correct answer for a problem. We have to help to control the rage, the feelings, the way to do the things. We are in favour of non violence and we have to defend this. If all people think that the violence is correct, the future will not exist because we will destroy it. Violence hurts the people that we love. In Spain there are 10% women that suffer physical and psychological abuse by their couples, husbands. It is sad saying this, because if we don’t respect the others, we don’t respect ourselves. We are in favour of non violence and we fight for a better world.


NON VIOLENCE Why do humans fight? Why do humans allow war? Why can’t people have a conversation? Why do they need to fight to understand others? Why don’t we work against these injustices? Violence is not a technique to resolve conflicts nor the solution for any problem. First of all, we must recognize that violence takes many forms: war, terrorism, robbery, murder, racism, poverty... The most powerful weapon is having a conversation and negotiating with others. We don’t need guns to understand our dad, or our mum. We don’t need a rifle for understanding politicians or kings. Maybe with these examples we can understand that we don’t need any weapon to understand all these people that are different of us. They are humans, too. We can talk. We have to leave guns and rifles at home, because weapons are not going to solve the differences between us. These are just a few things that we can start with: having more compassion, to show more consideration and be willing to compromise. We need to have more compassion. With this, maybe, we learn how to listen to others, although we don’t agree with them, we can understand their opinion or their point of view. I we show more consideration, people will leave weapons at home, because they will see that we want to negotiate with them. With this, people will suppose that we will be willing to compromise. All we want is talk and negotiate, and with all these, at the end, we will get our objective: suppress violence and create a new world without wars or weapons, where the mos powerful arm will be dialogue. I think non violence isn't always easy, it can be hard work, bu we can work together. It is necessary if we want to build a better world.

MA: Firstly the violence doesn’t solve anything. Now we can change this. Say no at wars, no at domestic violence because the women aren't less than man. I think that if two or more countries are in war is worst because there are more murders. Another thing is the politics. These are the commonest guilty people of violence. Why can’t the people protest? I think that all we have something to say. I think that if we change, all change because we are the world! We all have the same rights!

NM: NON VIOLENCE The violence doesn’t solve anything. There are different types of doing violence. One for examples is domestic violence, or killing someone or another is wars. The racism is a type of violence, when the white people marginalize the black people because the black people go to the countries of the white people

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