“It’s something I have always wanted to do ever since I saw the water and my dad on a board…”
AIDAN Have you ever seen a twelve year old be so interested in one par cular thing? Well I think I have just found one his name is Aidan Jones. Aidan has one brother and a beach house and a dog sounds like a normal kid right? Well he is not this surf crazed kid eats lives and breathes surďŹ ng not normal for a 12 year old kid. Most kids his age would sit in front of a screen the whole day on the couch, while this amateur is out in freezing cold water surďŹ ng.
o Aidan when did you find out that surfing was the sport for you’? Ahhh well I started at the age of six but got really into it at the age of nine’. ‘So where would be your favourite spot to get in the water and have a bit of fun’? Well that would have to be third car park Eastern View, Fair Haven. 'So who got you into surfing, how did it all happen’? Well, when we went down to the beach house dad went surfing a lot and obviously went to the beach as well and so I went in the water a lot, I start-
ed of on a ‘So, apart from your dad who else surfs in your family’? Well my brother dose a fair bit of surfing but I know lots of dad’s friend’s kids that surf as well’. ‘How big is the biggest surf you have been out in’? Biggest would have to be that day I was at Eastern View it was about 3 foot solid on the set with dad’. ‘Favourite board what would it be’? Probably the ozzie wrong board, I like the way it’s shaped and the way it’s designed’. ‘And what
‘And who do you look up to who do you want to be’? ‘That one’s tuff…. probably Joel Parkinson’. ‘And last of all your favourite wetsuit’? I dunno probably one of the ripcurl ebombs.
“It’s something I have always wanted to do ever since I ever saw the water and my dad on a board”.
The Basics Of Duck Diving
Under water shot of a person who has How To Duck Dive
perfected the art of duck diving
1.Grab the board with two hands just above the middle.
TIPS When you are duck diving do a dle under water to get you under and wave so you can pop out the other side.
quick single padin the roll of the
When you are paddling for a wave make sure you do long hard strokes not flapping about.
To find a good peak look up from a car park or just somewhere high where you can get a good view and take a long look at where the waves are breaking consistently, work out which brake you want then go out in and have fun.
2.Push the board under water with one foot placed in the middle but at the bo9om as far under water as you can. 3.Keep the other foot above the water so you can get more momentum on the other foot. 4.About now you should be fully submerged about two feet underwater so the wave will just wash over you. 5.Try to hold the surf board for as long as you can under water, when the wave is going over you, you should try to be as flat as possible. 6.Just when the ming is right pull the board up with two hands and you “should” pop up the other side.
ave you seen those crazy people that go out in 1012 foot surf on a 5.0 and don’t get a wave the whole day? Yeah short boards make you like a pro and you can duck dive except you need something you can paddle and duck dive like a long gun. Because if you have short board it is harder to get out the back and it takes more energy,
energy that you should be was ng catching waves. But if you have a longer board you can get much more waves and you can have much more fun. And if you are young and you feel embarrassed about having to ride a mal to get out the back here is another reason to get a long gun it makes you look like a pro not like when your
out on an ancient mal or though if you don’t like the long gun I don’t think a mal would be to bad the only problem with that is it is a bit hard to duck dive except it is not impossible it is just not as easy and manoeuvrable as a gun. If you wan ta good brand or a recommenda on I would say that any long gun would be alright just have a look at it before you get. The only thing I wouldn’t
Mick Fanning Kelly Slater Taj Burrow Joel Parkinson Stephanie Gilmore Other