How to Take Care of Gold, Kundan, Diamond and Precious Stones?

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How to Take Care of Gold, Kundan, Diamond and Precious Stones?

Jewelry’s are considered being one of the most sought gifts particularly by women all around the globe. It is also declared to be the best companion of women. Besides, women, men also yearn to wear jewelry items. Therefore, it suggests that jewelry is integral and most cherished accessories in the wardrobe of a human being since ancient time. Thus, in order to preserve its astounding luster and grace, one should take care of their jewelry items efficiently in order to maintain its elegance and charm for a long period of time.

Careful about Light and Heat:

Gemstones and jewelries are sensitive to light and heat. The quality and color characteristics of these jewelries and gemstones can be damaged by its exposure to excessive light and heat. The jewelry and gemstones like pearl, amethyst and topaz will bleach over exposure of light. Moreover, the excessive heat and sudden rise in the temperature could fracture gemstones and remove moisture’s from the gemstones like pearl that will lead to extrusion of crack in the gemstone.

Protect Your Jewelry From Chemicals:

There are ample amount of chemicals that may destroy or damage Royal Gold Jewelry the quality of the jewelry’s items such as gold, platinum and silver. Besides, dangerous chemicals, the quality of jewelry items may decline due to the exposures of these jewelry items to hair spray, body lotion, perfume and several cosmetic products. It is also possible that these harmful chemicals can destroy the jewelry products completely. Therefore, while applying hair spray, lotion, and household cleaners delicate jewelry items should be removed for the sake of their convenience. Since, all these products contain ammonia or chlorine bleach that is capable of damaging the jewelry products like silver, gold and platinum.

Remove Ornaments before swimming:

If you are fond of swimming, then while swimming does remove your jewelry products because swimming with these jewelry items can destroy ornaments. Since, pool water is chlorinated water, which is known to be dangerous for metals, especially for diamonds, gold and silver. Hence, while going to swim, take out your all precious metals and gems.

Remove Your Jewelry before taking a bath:

It would be appropriate if you bath without wearing jewelry because applying soap on your ornaments can form a thin layer or film over the top of the metal that scale down the luster and gleam of the ornament especially in case of diamond and gold ornaments. Therefore, you must remove all your jewelry items before taking bath.

Clean Jewelry with soap water:

The most easiest and effective way to clean your jewelry item is with warm water, mild soap and a soft brush. To clean your jewelry prepares a mixture of warm water with mild detergent powder. Put your metals and ornaments in the mixture of detergent powder. Keep it in the solution for more than 15 minutes to let the detergent soak all the impurities that reside in the jewelry item. After that, use soft brush to clean jewelry items softly doesn’t use a harsh brush as it will slash the shine and luster of a jewelry item. After cleaning the stone use a cotton cloth to rub the stone.

Proper Storage of Jewelry items:

The proper storage of jewelry products goes hand in hand with the cleaning of jewelry items. The jewelry items are composed of metals that can be destroyed if they are not being properly taken care of. Therefore, it is utterly important to know that how to store these jewelry items properly in case if you are not wearing these items. To guard your jewelry items from getting scratched or damaged, you must store it in an isolated place where they reside securely.

On the ground of above context, the jewelry items should be stored in jewelry pads which are composed of cotton cloth and fabric lining. This technique will properly guide your metal from external materials or sudden fast movements.

Another good method to secure jewelries is to put it in special jewelry cases where separate pouches or zippers are being made to put items.

Visit Once a Year to Jewelry Experts: To preserve or guard the scintillating features of your jewelry items take your jewelries once in a year to a jewelry expert who will properly examine the quality of your jewelry and will guide you properly in case if any problem arises.

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