Proposed by: Third Year Malaysian Students Kasr Al-Ainy Faculty of Medicine Cairo University
Prepared for Vice Dean of Education & Students’ Affairs Kasr Al-Ainy Faculty of Medicine Cairo University
Proposed by Third Year Malaysian Students Kasr Al-Ainy Faculty of Medicine Cairo University
Copies to i. ii.
Supervisor of Malaysian Students (Pathology) Head of Academic Bureau, Association of Malaysian Medical Students in Egypt (Cairo University)
Introduction …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… i Executive Summary ……………………………………………………………………………………………………….. i Lists of Problems and Recommendations ………………………………………………………………………. ii
INTRODUCTION This proposal has been devised to bring some issues to the attention of the faculty’s administration, especially the Education & Students’ Affairs Department regarding the inconveniences subjected to the third year Malaysian students in the Pathology course. The need to discuss this issue arises following the administration’s acknowledgment that a lot of our students are taking private tutoring outside the faculty. Such practice is deemed inappropriate as it may tarnish the reputation of the faculty on the international level. In fact, private tutoring is identified as one of the weaknesses the faculty has to overcome to achieve the first goal of its Strategic Plan. However, for any action there must be a cause. The students do not take private tutoring just for the fun of it, or following blindly the recommendations from their seniors. There must be several factors, whether from the faculty or the private centres, that come into play which lead the students to join private tutoring. It is the aim of this proposal to identify what are those factors, principally from the faculty, to help improving the quality of the teaching staff, facilities and curriculum of the faculty. It is also in our intention to minimise, at the very least, the number of students who take private tutoring and increase the commitment of our students to the faculty’s academic support.
EXECUTIVE SUMMARY The findings in the next page are categorized into three (3) parts: Theoretical Lectures, Histopathology, and Museum. Data in each category are organised in tables, in which included the problem statement and our suggestions to the faculty administration especially the Pathology Department. The problems in the Theoretical Lectures are the most important factor that contribute to private tutoring, since students feel that 3 hours per lecture in the afternoon is too exhaustive and they can only concentrate up to 2 hours. In addition, the performance of the lecturers in disseminating the curriculum needs more improvement in terms of content and delivery. In Histopathology sessions, much time is spent waiting for other students to finish examining the glass slides. For each microscope, there will be around five to eight students queuing up for their turns. It would be more comfortable and conducive if there are more microscopes, in addition to an increase in the number of lecturers present during the session. During Museum sessions, the most stressful problem that students face is none other than the pitiful manner by which the data show of jars is presented. Investing in the equipment suggested is much appreciated. Too much pressure has been exerted to the sole lecturer in the session because he/she has to explain each jar (up to 10 jars in total) for two (2) separate groups of student successively. It is also disadvantageous to the second group for they have to wait the first one to finish. It would be helpful to the students and the lecturers themselves if there were two lecturers to conduct the museum sessions.
I. NO 1
2 3
REGARDING THEORETICAL LECTURES PROBLEMS Pathology lectures are held two (2) times a week. The duration for each lecture is three (3) hours. Pathology lectures are held either at noon or late afternoon Monotonous lecturers’ teaching concepts (only teach and explain limited to the department’s book)
SUGGESTED SOLUTION Lectures are held three (3) times a week. Each lecture lasts for two (2) hours. Lectures are held in early morning (exchange with the practical session) Use some videos or other visual aids on top of the images/pictures themselves. Appoint lecturers who have suitable qualities and character to teach Malaysian students (e.g. fluent in English, interactive)
The department has been rushing through the syllabus.
II. NO 1
2 3
Plan extra-classes (e.g. academic support). Students should be allowed to ask any lecturer they prefer to teach in the classes.
REGARDING HISTOPATHOLOGY SESSION PROBLEMS Microscopes are insufficient to cater to the number of students.
SUGGESTED SOLUTIONS Provide more microscopes to examine the slides of the week.
The current microscope-to-student ratio is between 1:12 and 1:9
For each glass slide, about seven (7) microscopes may be adequate.
Two lecturers are not enough to provide assistance behind the microscope. Some of the lecturers are too young and inexperienced in guiding the students.
For example, if there were three (3) slides for the week, there would be 21 microscopes available. Increase the number of lecturers. Allocate senior and experienced lecturers.
REGARDING MUSEUM SESSION PROBLEMS The fine details of each specimen in data show slides are LOST due to:
a) The LOW QUALITY of the slides with no specimen number. The students are unable detect the lesions that are to be mentioned.
Replace the photos with higher resolution ones and put the specimen number for each jar in the data shows.
b) The slides are projected on the creamcoloured wall of the museum. c) Sunlight radiating from the windows further aggravates the situation.
Use a projection screen.
For each session, only ONE lecturer is present. Since we have two (2) groups, one group has to wait for their turn with the lecturer. Some lecturers just present the data show but do not explain the jars physically.
Install a curtain, blind or shade to block the sunlight. BOTH lecturers should be present so that both groups can start at the same time. After the data show, they should explain the jars once again in the groups.