FSC Season Guide13 14 web

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Frankfurt Ski, Snowboard, S p o r t s & S o c i a l C l u b e .V.


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N O S A E S E D I GU 4 1 / 13 路 Wan se




HOW / WHERE TO GRAB No, we are not talking babes, boys or beers! We are talking freestyle grabs! For those with an untrained eye, it’s hard to tell if “that was a ...” back side, slob or melon! So here’s a little grab under the arm if you pardon the pun. Now the real question is: was that riding forwards or riding backwards?! Have fun – stay safe – enjoy your season!


N O S SEA E D I U G 4 1 / 3 1

Frankfurt Ski, Snowboard, S p o r t s & S o c i a l C l u b e .V.




Authors, Editors, Trip Text, Proof Reading, Help and Advice: Executive Board





Advertising: Ray Morin, Kelvin Trigg and Brian Polley Design: Gary Proffitt g.e.n.a.u. Visuelle Kommunikation design@genau-design.de FSC e.V. is a private, non-profit membership organisation. Please address all general correspondence to: Frankfurt Ski, Snowboard, Sports & Social Club e.V. Kosel Str. 9 60318 Frankfurt am Main

Information regarding any aspect of the Club may be obtained by telephoning any of the FSC e.V. Board members’ numbers on the contact page. WE CAN ALSO BE FOUND ON THE INTERNET: WWW.FSCEV.ORG AND ON FACEBOOK: WWW.FACEBOOK.COM/FSCEV





























SPONSORS Without our advertisers this Season Guide would not be possible. Please support them, and TELL them you saw their ad here. Sport65 (p. 9), Imagine Arthouse (p. 11), Teacher Aid (p. 13), Dr. Pamela Fitzgerald (p. 15), CurrencyFair (p. 17), Scherer Tours (p. 19), Waxys (p. 31), The Four Corners Pub (p. 35), Zaboos (p. 39), Sabine Kruse - Life Coach (p. 49) and Alpin Basis (back cover)


PRESIDENT’S MESSAGE This year we celebrate the 50th Anniversary of the Frankfurt Ski Club. Originally known as the Frankfurt International Ski Club or FISC, the Club was part of the US Army community in Frankfurt. Eight years ago we became a German e.V. or not-for-profit organization. We are an international English language club open to individuals from around the world. For the entire 50 years we have organized ski trips to the Alps, Europe and now the world as well as a summer activity and summer socials. In 2014 we will offer our first trip to Chile in South America. The basic structure of the Ski Club has remained the same over the past 50-years. For many of us the Ski Club has become a wonderful social outlet to make friends and meet new people. We are the only English-speaking ski club in Frankfurt and this adds to the quality

of life that we enjoy living in this city. I encourage each and every one of you to distribute this Ski Guide wherever you might be including your work, favorite bar or restaurant, or where you socialize. The best advertisement is word of mouth. You can help to keep the club strong and by bringing a new member to one of our socials. The more members the club has the more trips we are able to offer each season. We are able to offer the ski trips because of the unselfish sacrifice of time and energy that the board and members give to the club. I would now like to give special thanks to the following individuals: Kelvin T. our immediate past president and now


senior advisor; Ellen M., trip director for the prior two years for her hard work in planning the trips for this season; Alex J. our trip director dealing daily with our trips to assure that everything goes smoothly; Amy W. our Activity Director making sure that our socials are a success with the assistance of Brian P.; Ray M. our treasurer for keeping up with the collection of monies for memberships and trips,

Caution girls (and boys), Charlie may seem quiet, but he will be stealing as much cheese as possible whilst you pose for your photos.

paying the bills and dealing with the club’s finances; Jill G. our secretary for keeping the club minutes; Haig T. our membership director, for welcoming new members and signing up returning members; Jon L. our webmaster for helping getting the new website online. A very special thanks goes out to Gary P. who for the past 10-years has been in charge of publicity. Gary is responsible for all of our newsletters, flyers and Season Guides in addition to his contributions to our Website and Facebook page. He manages all of this in addition to being a husband, father and owner of his own business. Thank you very much Gary for everything you have done for the Club.

Special recognition is also given to all of the trip captains and volunteers, who helped with the audit, election, accounting advice and various other activities. Julie, Kristine, Ben, Elke, Trisha, Yuko and Gabi to name a few. Our ski trips would not be possible without our tour operators, John Schwartz of Scherer Tours, the team at Sport65 and the guys down at Natur Pur in Austria. Without them none of our trips would be possible. We also want to thank our advertisers without whom this Season Guide would not be possible. We encourage all of you to support them. Thanks to Marika for providing the boutique and Waxys for inviting us back for the socials.

Thank you to Seda, who was our marketeer for most of last season and organises the ski club’s participation in Race for the Cure. Most of all, I encourage “all of you” to become active in the club. Sign up for trips, become a trip captain or volunteer to be a member of the board. You are the Club and the Club is for YOU to be a part of. I wish you all of good and safe ski season. Ski Heil! Charlie Austin


S C T S F .V.FAC E YOUR CLUB NEEDS YOU! The FRANKFURT SKI, SNOWBOARD, SPORTS & SOCIAL CLUB e.V. (FSC e.V.) is a private, non-profit membership organisation. Membership is open to any individual, regardless of age, gender, race, creed, nationality, mental or physical handicaps. FSC e.V. originated from the Frankfurt International Ski Club which ran under the auspices of the American Government (SOFA), and as such retains the operating language of English.

Board. All members should read the Constitution and By-Laws, a copy of which is available at the membership table during scheduled FSC socials. Executive Board meetings are held regularly and are open to the general membership.

The PURPOSE of FSC e.V. is to promote sports and social activities, especially winter sports, and provide its members with an opportunity to enjoy them as often as possible. FSC e.V. also strives to promote cordial relations between its members and the Frankfurt and European skiing communities, via its sporting and social activities. Our MEMBERSHIP consists of a multitude of different nationalities reflecting the international flavour of Frankfurt. All members (including children) will be issued with an FSC e.V. membership card which should be presented when you sign-up for trips. FSC e.V. is governed by an EXECUTIVE BOARD composed of five elected officers and appointed committees (see below). We operate under a Constitution (Satzung) approved by the general membership, with FSC e.V. policies established by the Executive

SOCIALS are normally held every other Wednesday evening during the ski season (see schedule on page 16) beginning at 19:00. There will also be summer socials that will be advertised through our usual communications media. FSC e.V. socials feature membership and trip sign-ups, general socialising... and official FSC e.V. business where required. ACTIVITY TRIPS are offered throughout the ski season. The standard trip is a 2-day weekend, but the duration does vary from one day to one week (see trip schedule on page 18). In addition, FSC e.V. offers organised lessons or activity programs on many trips. TRIP SIGN-UP schedules are announced in advance; details are available on the website. Trips remain open for three consecutive socials unless otherwise stated (see “How do I sign-up?“ on page 10). FSC e.V. makes every effort to return to Frankfurt by midnight on the last day of the trip, again unless otherwise stated.

FSC E.V. BOARD 13/14 Amy Walters (Vice President Communications) socials@fscev.org 0176 30720352 (Mob)

Charlie Austin (President) president@fscev.org 0171 6230739 (Mob)

Jill Greaves (Secretary) secretary@fscev.org 0151 26680159 (Mob)


Alex Jesionek (Vice President Activities) trips@fscev.org 0152 22880819 (Mob)

Ray Morin (Treasurer) treasurer@fscev.org 0162 258 3355 (Mob)

1. Respect for others A skier or snowboarder must behave in or moving upwards on the slopes must look up and down the slopes that he can do so without endangering himself or others. such a way that he does not endanger or prejudice others. 2. Control of speed and skiing or snowboarding A skier or snowboarder must move in control. He must adapt his speed and manner of skiing or snowboarding to his personal ability and to the prevailing conditions of terrain, snow and weather as well as to the density of traffic.

6. Stopping on the piste Unless absolutely necessary, a skier or snowboarder must avoid stopping on the piste in narrow places or where visibility is restricted. After a fall in such a place, a skier or snowboarder must move clear of the piste as soon as possible.

7. Climbing and descending on foot A skier or snowboarder 3. Choice of route A skier or snowboarder coming from behind must choose his route in such a way that he does not either climbing or descending on foot must keep to the side of the piste. endanger skiers or snowboarders ahead. 4. Overtaking A skier or snowboarder may overtake another skier or snowboarder above or below and to the right or to the left provided that he leaves enough space for the overtaken skier or snowboarder to make any voluntary or involuntary movement. 5. Entering, starting and moving upwards A skier or snowboarder entering a marked run, starting again after stopping TRANSPORTATION is via modern, fully equipped buses (reclining seats, toilet, and entertainment systems). There are also U-Drive/U-Fly trips during the season for which the individual must arrange their own transportation to the resort (FSC e.V. arranges the accommodation). Bus rules are shown on page 14.

8. Respect for signs and markings A skier or snowboarder must respect all signs and markings. 9. Assistance At accidents, every skier or snowboarder is duty bound to assist. 10. Identification Every skier or snowboarder and witness, whether a responsible party or not, must exchange names and addresses following an accident. Our FSC e.V. E-NEWS, consists of our bi-weekly E-mail and notices posted on our website are the official media for notifying the membership of any changes in our social or trip schedule, announcing new FSC e.V. policies or policy changes and general FSC e.V. business, so please ensure that we have a current, accurate E-mail and postal address and that you READ the newsletter.

KEEPING IN CONTACT There are several ways to keep in contact with FSC e.V.: p The World Wide Web: p E-mails: If you have an E-mail Point your browsers to www.fscev.org. address you can receive reminders about socials, upcoming trips and p The Board: If you have any the news-letter and be notified of problems or discussion themes official FSC e. V. business. Your you want the Executive Board to E-mail address will not be given to monitor or deal with, feel free to third parties. To subscribe, send an send an E-mail to this address: E-mail, visit our website or contact board@fscev.org our Memberships’ Director.


hand l e w ith C are!

Haig Tavitian (Memberships Director) memberships@fscev.org 0173 3202174 (Mob)

p Facebook Group: You can also find us on facebook: www.facebook.com/fscev p General Enquiries: Info regarding the Club: info@fscev.org.

NON BOARD ASSISTANT Gary Proffitt (Publicity Director) publicity@fscev.org 0172 656 1498 (Mob)

Fran kFur t Sk i Clu b

Jon Lavender (Webmaster) webmaster@fscev.org 0151 46502113 (Mob)

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Snow brai ner!





FREERIDING TO PARADIS Freeride rule of thumb Avalanche Level 2 Avoid very steep slopes (over 39 degs) Avalanche Level 3 Avoid steep slopes (over 34 degs) No cornice-jumping & skiing areas where the cliffs show through Avalanche Level 4 & 5 Avoid off-piste areas & free-riding! Equipment and checklist

P Avalanche transceiver, shovel & probe Helmet Medical kit, food & water Checked avalanche report Checked warning signs Checked position Checked intended route


Freeriding, the new term for off-piste, is a state of mind that unites skiers and snowboarders in appreciation of the freedom to glide off the beaten track and commune with the environment. The freerider enjoys the unbelievable sensation of powder, the challenge of negotiating difficult terrain, the joy of making first tracks, escaping from crowded pistes, the beauties of nature, and perhaps above all, the camaraderie of like-minded souls. But of course this does not come without significant risks - most significantly the risk of avalanche and crevasses, the risk of getting into technically dangerous situations, and for those who venture further afield the risk of getting lost, or closed-in by a change of weather.

SO HOW CAN YOU REDUCE THE RISKS TO AN ACCEPTABLE LEVEL? You should of course be informed, be equipped, be adequately trained and sufficiently fit for the terrain, and ideally be accompanied by a guide who knows the local area and can gauge the terrain that suits your level. Avalanches are notoriously difficult to predict, as can sadly be attested by the number of mountain professionals who become victims of them – though they do of course spend a considerable amount of time in prone areas.

Tools that save lives. If you don’t have them with you, you shouldn’t be there! “Virtually all avalanche victims survive the initial slide with the snow. However, around half of them end up completely buried. Three out of four victims (75%) who are completely buried either have blocked airways or can hardly breathe because of the enormous pressure on their chest. In this situation, buried victims can only survive for a few minutes. After a maximum of 15 minutes, the chances of survival tail off rapidly. It (ABS) cannot stop you being caught up in the avalanche, but it can keep you at the surface, maximizing your chances of survival.” (ABS Airbag System – www. abs-airbag.de/en) 6 FSC E.V. SEASON GUIDE 13/14


Avalanche Websites General: www.avalanche-center.org Austria: www.lawine.at Switzerland: www.slf.com


“Should I stay or should I go now?”

Check the current avalanche/snow report

p What are the dangerous altitudes/orientations/

how severe is the warning level? #2

Check the warning signs

p Listen for “whoompf” sound of compacting snow layers underneath

when on slope.

p Look for cracks in the snow cover when entering slope – indicative of slab formation.

if old crust showing, where did the new snow go?

(continued on page 8)

p How steep is the slope? p What is the slope orientation? p New snow – how much? p Waves or dunes in the snowpack – indicative of



Slopes with a steep incline – above 30° – are susceptible to slides. North facing slopes (where of course you will find the best snow!) – are usually more dangerous. Weather conditions leading to poor bonding of snow layers can promote slides – particularly the situation when a substantial amount of fresh snow, especially when this snow is wet and heavy, falls on a layer of snow that had frozen into ice.

Check your position

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p Look for wet-through snow cover. p Look for signs of blasting and for avalanches in nearby or similar areas. p Look for ripples in the new snow surface – indicative of wind –

helmet! wear a ORG .FSCEV.

WWW wind-drifted snow leading to overloading p Amount of wind-drift (wind-accumulated snow in the lee of rocks/ridges etc.) p Are you in shadow where the snowpack may take longer to stabilise? p What are your get-out/run-out points? p Are you underneath a cornice or have you entered halfway down a slope? p Do you know where you are going to end up?


Check your logic

p Is the slope over 30 degrees? If yes, slides can occur. p Were there warnings about this area or slope in the avalanche report, or signs on entering the area?

p Who is with you – experienced skiers or beginner/intermediates?

And how many – could lead to slope overloading

p Is this a traditional slide area? FSC E.V. SEASON GUIDE 13/14 7

Emergency Numbers European Emergency Nr: 112 Alpine Emergency Numbers: Germany > 19222 Austria > 140 Switzerland > 1414

Italy > 118

What you need to do!

1 Evaluate the situation 2 Switch your beeper to search 3 Overview/search (EYES & EARS), organise search group

4 Rescue, apply first aid > If you have a telephone signal: call the emergency services What they need to know

Where has it happened? What has happened? How many are missing, require help?

What injuries have occurred? Wait to be called back...

Winds will increase the risk by blowing snow off the windward side, and depositing it, poorly bonded, on the lee (sheltered) side of the mountain. Please remember not to be concerned just for your group and yourself – do not risk starting a slide that could endanger people below you. Allow at least 50 metres between members of your group if you are crossing a suspect area – let’s keep the number of possible victims to a minimum and the number of rescuers to a maximum! Remove the ski pole straps from your wrists – better to lose a pole than increase risk of injury. If you feel a slide start try to ski to the edge.

Check out: www.whiterisk.org For ca. €16,00 (plus postage) you can order your own avalanche awareness DVD or download it for your computer. It is also available for your smartphone. Language (CD): English, German & French Jettison equipment that could endanger you. Put your arms in front of your face to create an air pocket if being submerged. Those not in the slide should look hard to spot the latest sighting of victims and begin your search at this point.

Avalanche warning scale (Note: avalanches can occur at any time!!) LOW GERING

1 2




Generally safe conditions. Avalanches only likely on fewer, much steeper slopes with large extra weight on the snowpack. Use caution. Groups skiing the orientations mentioned in the report can trigger slabs. Snow cohesion on high, steep slopes only moderate, a single skier can set off a slide. Large spontaneous avalanches not expected. Avoid 39 degree+ lines. Great caution required. Snow cohesion weak on steeper slopes. On these, slides can be easily triggered by only light pressure. Larger avalanches more frequent, remote-triggering & medium-size,occasionally larger spontaneous avalanches now possible. 70% of victims killed with this warning level, avoid 34 degree+ lines.


Extremely dangerous situation. Very weak snow cohesion widespread, slides can be triggered on moderate slopes with light pressure & can be very big. Remote triggering over longer distances likely. Medium-sized, sometimes larger spontaneous slides common. Freeriding anywhere extremely unwise.


Greatest level of danger. Large quantities of fresh snow mean spontaneous, large avalanches can occur anywhere, even on flatter slopes, & right down into the valleys. Stay in safe shelter, do not even think of skiing off-piste!



Major rules!! q Be your own risk-manager – never over-estimate your abilities q Do not be pressured by others q You can never be 100% safe, but risks can be minimised q Check the avalanche report every day! Speak to locals q No beeper – no riding!

q q q q

Never alone or in too large groups Look above & below you Rocks & trees do NOT stabilise the snowpack – quite the opposite Slopes in shadow are more dangerous than sunny ones – they claim around 70% of all victims – the snowpack takes longer to bind than on slopes that get the sun

Basic facts q Avalanches, slabs & slides occur in slopes over 30 degrees steep q The steeper the slope, the more dangerous it is q Slopes with cliff rocks showing through are over 39 degrees q Slopes that accumulate the best & deepest powder are often the most dangerous q Wind-drifted snow often packs & releases as slabs more easily when weighted by skiers/boarders q Cornices forming above slopes are indicative of heavy wind-drift loading on the lee (sheltered) side q On the windward side, wind-drift builds up on the steeper slopes, below rocks & in gullies & couloirs q The first nice day after snowfall is the most dangerous – the snow layers have had less time to bond together Crevasses (open cracks in glaciers) are very often impossible to see as they may be lightly covered with snow. They are particularly dangerous early season as the snow inside will not be at all packed. The only way to freeride a glacier with any degree of safety is with a guide. FSC recommends that anyone going off-piste to attend an avalanche awareness training session this season and consider signing up for ski patrol training – checkout: nspeurope. org for further information. In addition to learning how to provide essential first aid in an

outdoor environment, important signs of problems developing in members of your group, and awareness of the risk factors, you will significantly improve your skiing or boarding skills and have the opportunity to participate in advanced avalanche rescue and ski touring courses. Not knowing the risks can easily turn a sublime day in the back-country into a tragedy, so be prepared, be aware and enjoy your freeriding this season!

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www.sport65.de www.sport65.de FSC E.V. SEASON GUIDE 13/14 9

“HOW DO I SIGN-UP?”... A You must be a current member of FSC e.V. to go on an FSC e.V. sport activity trip. B To reserve your place on a trip you must complete a “Trip Sign-up Sheet” and send it / present it to the trip’s TC on one of the sign-up nights. C Full payment, from the night you sign-up for a trip, will be deducted from your account by the last sign-up night of your chosen trip.

THE SMALL PRINT These two pages contain vital information regarding FSC e.V. (FSC) trip sign-up procedures and policies. Read them carefully to avoid delays and confusion. MEMBERSHIP & TRIP SIGN-UPS: May be made at the following locations and times: p Regularly scheduled membership socials, between 19:00 and 21:00 (see trip schedule on page 18 for trip opening and closing dates) p Other meetings, locations and times as announced by the FSC e.V. Board. MEMBERSHIP: (all membership fees are non-refundable) p SINGLE MEMBERSHIP: _35 p FAMILY MEMBERSHIP: _50 for married couples (with or without children) or single parents with children under 18 years of age. p A current FSC member may additionally sign-up the following for a trip: a. All members of their family, provided they are part of the family membership. b. Other FSC members or FSC family memberships provided they have proxy authorisation to do so (see Proxy Authorisation page 11). On opening night of a trip this is limited to one other member or family membership. p Members under the age of 18 desiring to sign up for an FSC trip without at least one parent/guardian in attendance on the trip must have a sponsor 21 years of age or older on that trip. Written permission from the parent/guardian must be submitted to the Trip Captain (TC) by the announced closing date. Sponsors of members under 18 years of age must have medical power of attorney for this individual. Documents will be checked by the TC prior to boarding the bus. 10 FSC E.V. SEASON GUIDE 13/14

SIGN-UP REQUIREMENTS: Simple: You must be an FSC member to go on an FSC trip. TRIP SIGN-UP LISTS: The TC is responsible for maintaining two lists per trip: p CONFIRMED LIST: For those members who have signed-up for a trip space. Spaces are filled on a first come, first served basis. p WAIT LIST: a. If the confirmed list is full a member may choose to be added to the wait list. b. Members are moved on to the confirmed list as others cancel up to the 21:00 deadline on the trip closing night, and it is the responsibility of the member to check their status with the TC. c. Members not moved to the confirmed list will receive a full refund, as will those who cancel from the wait list before being moved to the confirmed list. (see “Refunds/Rebates” on page 13) d. If on the wait list, be prepared to authorise payment in-full at the sign-up desk on the final sign-up night at 21:00, or have another member do this for you. PAYMENTS: General: p We do not accept cash or cheque for payment of membership or activity trip fees. p Payments are to be made by direct debit (Einzugs ermächtigung/Lastschriftverfahren) and you will need a Euro account with this capability. p You will need to provide your bank details on the membership application form and authorise the Club to use this account for paying the membership fee.

p If you do not have such an account, you will need

someone who can sponsor you, i.e who is prepared to pay for you on your behalf.

Activity/Trips: p Payment will be made by direct debit from the bank account you provided when becoming a member. p If your payment is to be made by another member, you MUST include that member’s number in the “Sponsor” box on the sign-up form. p The price for the trip is the one which applies to the evening of signing-up. This also applies to those on the wait list. p Given cancellations: at 21:00 on final payment night people on the wait list will be elevated to the confirmed list (in order, according to space available) and will be charged in full according to the sign-up night. Proxy Authorisation: p If you are unable to attend a social meeting to sign up for a trip and have arranged for another member to do this for you, it is essential that you provide him/her with written authorisation to a) sign you up for the trip and b) authorise payment from your account. This should be printed out and brought to the meeting by your proxy. LESSONS: p Some trips offer lessons. Unless otherwise stated there will be a _20 fee for participating in these lessons, which will normally be added to the trip sign up payment. The fee will be refunded if the member cancels his participation by trip closing night or the Club fails to provide the lesson. Cancellations after trip closing night will not be refunded. SINGLE ROOMS: p Some trips offer single rooms for a supplementary price. Except where special payment conditions apply the member must pay the trip in full to secure the single room. p If a child is sharing a room with two adults, the hotel will normally give a discount and we pass that on. The Club will also discount some of the other trip costs: An infant (0-5 years) will only be charged the hotel fee and will not be given a meal pack or drink tokens. A child (6-14 years) sharing a room with adult(s) will only be charged the hotel cost, 50% of the other trip costs, and 10 euro for the meal pack and

drink tokens. A youth (15 and above) may be entitled to a hotel discount but will bear all other trip costs as normal.


p Return transport from Frankfurt to hotel p Picnic lunch pack on the journey down and 2 drink tokens p Organisational services of a volunteer Trip Captain (TC) p Accommodation p Transfers: hotel & resort area with FSC bus where necessary p Breakfast & Evening meal (unless otherwise indicated) Not included: (unless otherwise indicated) p Lift pass (your TC will collect money for lift passes on the bus journey down to resort and will usually be able to command a group discount on the full purchase price of the lift tickets) p Ski/board rental & lessons p Drinks & lunches at hotel or resort p Transfers: hotel & resort area using local transport p Personal insurance FSC E.V. SEASON GUIDE 13/14 11


“So when does the Après-Ski start? I’m parched!”

DISCOUNTS: The earlier you pay for a trip, usually, the more money you can save. This encourages people to commit to a trip earlier, which facilitates hotel room reservations. BUS DEPARTURES: p Unless otherwise announced, buses depart from ErnstSchwendler-Straße (see map on page 15) at the exact time indicated by the Trip Captain. BUSES WILL DEPART ON TIME. Missing the bus is NOT cause for a refund. p Bus rules can be found on page 14. Note: some trips are U-Drive or U-Fly. One or two trips depart from Weinheim or Heidelberg. PRIORITIES: p On the first sign-up night a member may reserve only one place for themselves/their family and for one other member or family membership. On subsequent nights a member may sign-up as many members as desired and for whom they have proxy authorisation. p If an FSC member is unable to attend the opening signup of a new trip because they are on another FSC trip at the same time, they may reserve a place on the new trip through prior communication with the TC. This reservation is held until 21:00 on the second sign-up night for that trip, by which time the place must be confirmed (at the opening sign-up price). p Members who are not resident of Germany may reserve a place on opening night of a trip for themselves or themselves and family members through prior communication with the TC. The place(s) must be confirmed. p All Board members, and TCs involved in trip sign-ups, may reserve a place on any trip opening that night. This reservation is held until 21:00 that evening, by which time the place must be confirmed. p If more single rooms are requested by members signing up on opening night than are assigned to the trip then those present at the meeting have priority over those not present. 12 FSC E.V. SEASON GUIDE 13/14

“Ok – I’ve got the dirndl on, where do I sign-up?”

CANCELLATION POLICY: We obviously want as many members to come on each trip as possible! We do, however, understand that some members who have signed up for a trip may not be able to attend due to circumstances beyond their control. In situations like this we try to return as much of the trip price to the member as possible without the Club, which is a non-profit members’ organisation, being financially penalised. Before signing up for a trip, therefore, you should be aware of the following cancellation refund policy: p Members who wish to cancel from a trip MUST notify the Trip Captain immediately. MEMBERS MAY NOT SELL THEIR SPACE TO ANOTHER MEMBER. p On most trips any member who cancels before the end of the final sign-up night loses the minimum payment (for most trips this is _30). Some trips have a special cancellation policy.

p Any member who is a “no show” i.e. does not turn up at the bus, or cancels on day of departure generally loses the full trip price. p Any member who cancels after the final sign-up night and prior to trip departure loses a minimum of _60 plus a share of the fixed costs and any variable costs that the Club has incurred on behalf of that member (e.g. hotel room, sandwich packs etc. that could not be cancelled in time) up to the full price of the trip.

Exceptions when cancelling after closing:

p There is a wait list, and a wait-listed member replaces the person cancelling – Member cancelling loses _30 – Replacement pays the sign-up night price of joining the wait list. p There is no wait list and the member cancelling finds a replacement for himself – Member cancelling loses _30 commitment – Replacement pays trip price paid by cancelling member p The trip is one without a bus, i.e. “U-drive” or the member is not taking the bus – His share of the fixed costs is reduced by _30 Members who cancel from the wait list before being moved to the confirmed list will not be charged. Note: certain trips have a different payment schedule and/ or cancellation policy, and are therefore dealt with on an individual basis. Refunds will be made by the Treasurer after the trip reconciliation has been completed. Queries regarding refunds should be addressed to Trips Recs. Any objections must be brought before the Board in writing (email is acceptable) for adjudication. The Board’s decision is final.

CHANGES: p FSC ski trips are based on an anticipated minimum number of participants. If this minimum is not reached, the price may be adjusted, the trip altered or cancelled. p FSC reserves the right to alter or cancel trips and/or services as circumstances dictate.

REFUNDS/REBATES: p All commitments/payments will be refunded if a trip is cancelled by FSC. Members who cancel prior to an official FSC cancellation are subject to normal cancellation procedures/fees as stated above. p Children may be eligible for a discount/refund when residing in the same room with parents or two adults. See TC or Trips Director for child price information. p Refunds/rebates will be reimbursed following final closure of the trip by the Trips Director. p All refunds/rebates will be made by bank transfer. INDIVIDUAL RESPONSIBILITIES: p Individuals are responsible for providing their own equipment, paying for lift tickets (unless otherwise indicated), and all other expenses or items not specifically included in the cost of the trip. Trip participants are responsible for all proper border clearance documents and acquiring local currency. Members should ensure that they can pay any expenses arising from any accidents that may occur. p MEMBERS ARE STRONGLY URGED TO INSURE THEMSELVES ADEQUATELY (please see page 58) p Individuals must adhere to the directives of the TC. This includes taking responsibility for the behaviour and conduct of themselves and their family members. Individuals acting in a rowdy or obnoxious manner towards other trip participants (as observed by the TC) may be removed from the bus and/or reported to the Executive Board for further action.

www.teacheraid.org.uk | UK Charity reg no:1103660 A small secular charity educating orphans and vulnerable Zambian children. Please help us to pay the running cost of the schools we build and support. *** All money donated goes direct to the schools and ensures that hundreds of pupils benefit from a better future. *** NO admin costs! If you would like to donate either on a one off or regular basis, please visit our website or email KelvinTrigg_fsc@yahoo.co.uk SPONSORED BY TIM UNDERWOOD AND KELVIN TRIGG


“E petit’ champagne wiv yur croissant – Monsour?”



“I doo noot mind iv I doo. Merci”

The bus trip down to the resort is often the first chance for our new members to get to know their fellow FSCers and we DO want them to be enthusiastic about signing up for more trips. In order to please most of the people most of the time, please observe the following rules: “A Christian is never LOVE THY NEIGHBOUR late. He turns up at TIDINESS IS NEXT TO GODLINESS: p Your first impression may be our last. exactly the time he p Be sure to throw all rubbish into the bags provided and Respect other people on the bus. use rest-stop breaks to offload rubbish. intends to!” p Do not be sick on the bus! If you are, you are liable TIME, and the bus, WAITS FOR NO MAN: for a _50 fine (payable to the driver) and responsible p The Trip Captain is under no obligation to delay the for cleaning it up! Drink judiciously! bus departure for late-comers and probably won’t. p The bus toilets only have a limited capacity, and generally p Allow for traffic and time to find a legitimate the contents cannot be disposed of in other countries. parking place and to load equipment, i.e. arrive Please use the rest stops to best advantage so that the at least 20 minutes before departure. toilets don’t fill up and have to be locked. (If the holding p Be prompt getting back to the bus after tank freezes up, the toilet will also be closed for breaks (remember what the bus looks like and use.) If you do use the bus toilet, guys are also expected where it’s parked). to sit – let’s keep the toilet clean! p It is customary for you to buy a round of drinks for the entire bus if you are late and the bus has COVET NOT THY NEIGHBOUR’S SEAT: p There are no set seat assignments. The earlier you arrive, waited for you. the better your choice of seats. The seat you select is Post Commandment: FSC bus drivers are subjected yours until the bus returns to Frankfurt (unless you to strict drive time rules. (e.g. they must take a negotiate a swap with someone else). p Since April 2004 it is compulsary to wear your seat belt 45-minute break after 4.5 hours of driving) when seated in a moving bus. No passenger may stand This makes for punctual departures and more forward of the front seats. Passengers should also remain importantly, getting us to our destination in good time. seated throughout the journey where possible. These rules are enforced at the discretion of the bus driver. “Spare me. PLEASE!” THOU SHALT NOT LEAN SKIS/ SNOWBOARDS AGAINST or WEAR SKI BOOTS ON THE BUS: p Observe strictly, since German tour buses tend to cost as much as a small house and you don’t want to pay for a new paint job or carpet. NO SMOKING: p Anywhere on the bus, at any time. Unless you are on fire.



p DVDs (PAL Region 2 standard) are shown at the TC’s discretion. If you bring your own, remember that FSCers cover a wide range of ages and tastes, so choose appropriately. RESPECT AND OBEY YOUR TC: p Please cooperate! Your TCs are volunteers and are doing their best for our members. p The Trip Captain is in charge, is the only person who liaises with the Driver and their decisions are LAW throughout the trip. p Help load and unload skis and bags from the bus: at departure, at the hotel and upon return to Frankfurt. p If the bus stops for any reason, please stay on the bus until directed by the TC.

Stress, Anxiety, Depression, Relationship difficulties, Bereavement Assertiveness, Bullying, etc. Irish Psychologist, Dr.Pamela Fitzgerald PhD, MA, Psychotherapy, Hypnotherapy, MIACT; UKCP; BPS. Strictly confidential service for individuals and couples.

THEY WHO DRINK AND DRIVE TODAY WILL NOT SKI ANOTHER DAY: p On the way home, if you drink, don’t drive. If you drive, don’t drink. We want you around to enjoy more FSC ski trips with us.

Private practice in the Meissengasse 8 in Frankfurt's Hauptwache Tel: 0173-7831034 Email: drpamfitzgerald@googlemail.com Also EAP services to companies via Insite Interventions.

GRATUITIES: p Most of our drivers are swell guys (and gals!) who usually endure FSC festivities with good humour and a smile. They almost always do their best for us, and it is customary to give a small gratuity at the end of the trip to show your appreciation. FSC PICK-UP POINT: ERNST-SCHWENDLER-STR.










h/ usc rnb g Do chwe Am arba M U-Bahn U1, U2 & U3 Dornbusch











P = Parking



bJako ler-Str. Leis



No Parking in Lot











. str







It is requested that FSC members park where indicated and leave other areas for residents.

P = NO Parking


U-Bahn U1, U2 & U3 Miquel-/ Adickesallee




For security reasons parking availability may change without notice.



Ernst-Schwendler-Straße. (Some trips are U-Drive or U-Fly. One or two trips depart from Weinheim or Heidelberg) If entering Frankfurt on the A66 from Wiesbaden note that there is no left turn into Hansaallee. Take the Eschersheim exit from the A66 (there is a sign on the side to the Bundesbank). Take the next exit after approx. 300 metres and immediately get into the left lane signposted Bundesbank. Drive past the Bundesbank with it on your right. Take the first right into Ernst-Schwendler-Straße.


The Normal BUS PICK-UP point is in



13/14 # Date



“O’zapft is! Mei du siesche fesch aus!” Closing

1 25. Aug. 2013 AGM & Sölden I (free ski demo, welcome party) Season Opening BBQ & Avalanche Training (in Weinheim) 2 11. Sep. 2013 First regular social night Sölden II Sölden I (free ski demo, 3 25. Sep. 2013 General welcome party) 4 09. Oct. 2013 Oktoberfest Ischgl (Thanksgiving. Avalanche Training (in Weinheim) Nickelback concert) & Loetschental (freeride trip) 5 23. Oct. 2013 General Lech (Secret Santa) Ischgl (Thanksgiving) 6 06. Nov. 2013 General Ski Chile (South America) & Loetschental (freeride trip) Chur New Year Swiss Safari 7 20. Nov. 2013 General & Montafon Davos (Skipass included) & Mellau Lech (Secret Santa) 8 04. Dec. 2013 Advertisers’ Night Dachstein West, Dolomites Safari, Chur New Year Swiss Safari 9 18. Dec. 2013 Christmas Party Monterosa I & II (Freeride & Heli day) & Montafon Winterberg (or Schwarzwald TBC) Davos (Skipass included) 10 08. Jan. 2014 Resolutions Day & Mellau Andermatt & Zermatt Dachstein West, Dolomites Safari, 11 22. Jan. 2014 General (Zermatt Unplugged concert) Monterosa I & II (Freeride & Heli day) Winterberg (or Schwarzwald TBC) 12 05. Feb. 2014 2nd Advertisers’ Night Disentis St. Anton, Val Thorens / 3 Vallées Andermatt & Zermatt 13 19. Feb. 2014 General (self catering apartments) (Zermatt Unplugged concert) & Easter Trip (Follow the Snow) Disentis 14 05. Mar. 2014 General Summer Activities St. Anton, Val Thorens / 3 Vallées 15 19. Mar. 2014 St. Patrick’s Day (self catering apartments) & Easter Trip (Follow the Snow) 16 02. Apr. 2014 General 17 16. Apr. 2014 Last regular social night 18 11. May 2014 End of Season BBQ 19 -- Jun. 2014 Summer Social (TBC) 20 -- Jul. 2014 Summer Social (TBC) The venue may change at any time. Please refer to our website for the latest information: www.fscev.org


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SCHEDULE Good Snow + Good Weather + Good People = Good Party! # Trip Name



D ates

“Does this taste cheesey to you?”

Days Price in EUR*

L/G Opens



1 Sölden I AT 11. Oct. - 14. Oct. 2013 3 fixed at 295 25. Aug. 2013 25. Sep 2013 2 Avalanche D 19. Oct. - 19 Oct. 2013 1 10 / 15 / 20 25. Aug. 2013 09. Oct. 2013 Training U-Drive 3 Sölden II AT 07. Nov. - 10 Nov. 2013 3 fixed at 330 L 11. Sep 2013 09. Oct. 2013 4 Ischgl AT 27. Nov. - 01 Dec. 2013 4 410 / 420 / 430 09. Oct. 2013 06. Nov. 2013 (Thanksgiving. Nickelback concert) 5 Lech AT 13. Dec. - 15 Dec. 2013 2 275 / 285 / 295 06. Nov. 2013 04. Dec. 2013 (Secret Santa) 6 Chur Swiss Safari CH 28. Dec. - 01 Jan. 2014 4 **450 / 460 / 470 20. Nov. 2013 18. Dec. 2013 7 Loetschental CH 08. Jan. - 12 Jan. 2014 4 **745 / 755 / 765 G 09. Oct. 2013 06. Nov. 2013 (freeride trip) U-Drive or U-Train 8 Davos (ski pass incl.) CH 17. Jan. - 20 Jan. 2014 3 **450 / 460 / 470 04. Dec. 2013 08. Jan. 2014 9 Mellau AT 31. Jan. - 02 Feb. 2014 2 210 / 220 / 230 L 04. Dec. 2013 08. Jan. 2014 10 Montafon AT 07. Feb. - 09 Feb. 2014 2 195 / 205 / 215 L 20. Nov. 2013 18. Dec. 2013 11 Dachstein West AT 14. Feb. - 17 Feb. 2014 3 295 / 305 / 315 L 18. Dec. 2013 22. Jan. 2014 12 Winterberg D 22. Feb. - 22 Feb. 2014 1 55 / 65 / 75 L 08. Jan. 2014 05. Feb. 2014 13 Dolomites Safari IT 28. Feb. - 04 Mar. 2014 4 345 / 355 / 365 L 18. Dec. 2013 22. Jan. 2014 14 Andermatt CH 07. Mar. - 09 Mar. 2014 2 **260 / 270 / 280 22. Jan. 2014 19. Feb. 2014 15 Disentis CH 14. Mar. - 16 Mar. 2014 2 **290 / 300 / 310 L/G 05. Feb. 2014 05. Mar. 2014 L/G 18. Dec. 2013 22. Jan. 2014 16a Monterosa I IT/CH 22. Mar. - 29 Mar. 2014 7 (TBC) Special L/G 18. Dec. 2013 22. Jan. 2014 16b II (Heli Extreme) 25. Mar. - 29 Mar. 2014 4 Pricing Packages 17 St. Anton AT 28. Mar. - 30 Mar. 2014 2 225 / 235 / 245 19. Feb. 2014 19. Mar. 2014 18 Val Thorens FR 05. Apr. - 12 Apr. 2014 7 (TBC) 19. Feb. 2014 19. Mar. 2014 / 3 Vallées (self catering apartments) Special Pricing System 19 Zermatt CH 09. Apr. - 13 Apr. 2014 4 **360 / 370 / 380 L/G 22. Jan. 2014 19. Feb. 2014 20 Follow the Snow! (TBC) 18. Apr. - 21 Apr. 2014 4 (TBC) 19. Feb. 2014 (Easter Trip) 2 (TBC) 19. Mar. 2014 (TBC) 21 Summer Activities AT July 2014 22 Chile / CL 13. Aug. - 24. Aug. 2014 9 (TBC) 06. Nov. 2013 (TBC) South America Special Pricing System U-Fly

24 25 26 27 28 29 30 32 36 37 38 39 40 42 43 44 45 47 48 50 51 52 54

* Prices increase by EUR 10 per sign-up night. We recommend you to sign-up early to take advantage of our discount scheme. Please check the website for changes. You can also find us on facebook.com/fscev | CH trips: ** Subject to exchange rate. | Chile / South America trip *** 5 x Sign-up Nights (L/G) This trip also offers Lessons and/or off-piste Guides for a fee. See trip TC or website for more details. Trip 16a + 16b Monterosa: Special-Pricing-Packages Trip 18 Val Thorens: Special-Pricing-System. Trip 21 is operated by Natur Pur & Scherer Tours. Trips 2, 3, 7, 10, 13, 16,19, 20 and 22 are operated by Sport 65. All other trips operated by Scherer Tours. Trips are based on an anticipated minimum number of participants. If this minimum is not reached, the price may be adjusted, the trip altered or cancelled. FSC e.V. reserves the right to alter or cancel trips and/or services as circumstances dictate.


Scherer Tours Bayernstraร e 72, 97204 Hรถchberg Tel: +49 (0) 931-40 90 46 Fax: +49 (0) 931-40 80 20 E-Mail: info@scherertours.de Check us out at: scherertours.de


“Klaus, please give the lady a drink.”


Alex likes a happy bus ...

Hi! November is here, the snow has already started to cover the mountains, the season has started. Welcome to the 50th season of the having a ski club in Frankfurt, and the 8th season of FSCeV! This year we have prepared with our partners Scherer Tours, Sport65 and ‘Natur Pur’ 23 trips for you in Austria, Switzerland, Germany, Italy, France and Chile! We have kept some favourite destinations in the calendar such as Lech, Disentis, Andermatt, and we are bringing in new ones. After skiing on the Glacier of Sölden in October and November and refreshing your knowledge about Avalanches and safety we will join the Nickelback concert in Ischgl. This will be our traditional “Thanksgiving” trip. The Lächernhof will host us this year again in Lech where Brian P. will organise the “Secret Santa” dinner – a must. To Jump into the New Year we have picked Chur as our base location for the snow safari. Lenzerheide / Valbella

13/14 TRIP INFORMATION Most trips the final price varies according to which sign-up evening the final payment is made – earlier sign-up evenings may carry a discount. The discount system encourages early sign-up to allow the Club to commit to hotel reservations. 20 FSC E.V. SEASON GUIDE 13/14

and Flims / Laax / Falera are nearby, and may well venture slightly further afield to Davos / Klosters. The first trip of 2014 is a “Freeride Camp” with Sport65 in Lötschental. 4 days in a hidden away area with guides. Davos follows with a 3 day trips where the skipass is included. We start February this year in Mellau where we will have lessons for all levels (2 days of lessons for beginners) and the possibility to test the off-piste with guides. We will also explore the terrain in Montafon with Sport65 guides for 2 days. Then we continue to Dachstein West for 3 days. Our 1-day trip follows in Winterberg. Perfect for beginners’ lessons, fantastic for cross-country skiing and snowshoeing. We close the month in the Dolomites on a “safari tour” with Sport65 for 4 days.

Departure times, destinations, prices, and hotel accommodation are subject to change without prior notice. Passports and/or ID are required on all trips outside Germany. All trips include accommodation (except day trips), bus transport-

Andermatt starts March. If you have not been there yet, don’t miss it, especially if you like freeriding. The slopes and back country of Disentis follow shortly after. March also offers a special treat for all freeriders with Sport65 on a trip to Monterosa with heli-skiing and backcountry guide, staying in Gressoney – La Trinite. Here you have the choice of 4 or 7 days! This trip also caters for those who prefer the pistes. At the end of the month Scherer Tours will take us back to St. Anton to party! Early April you will be able to choose between the classic week in Val Thorens, with guiding from Scherer Tours, or the unplugged concert in Zermatt with Sport65 – lots of opportunities to have good snow and long days together.

ation (except U-Drives/Flys), and a meal on the bus. Unless otherwise explicitly noted in trip descriptions, the price does NOT include lift tickets, ski lessons, equipment rental, insurance or personal incidentals.

... a cosy bar ... ... and to be ...

... sandwiched between girls!

“What is e frenchman to do? When’s the ladies ave’s a poorly legs – ov course I’ll rurb its!”

Easter, being very late, we will “Follow the Snow” with Sport 65. We will tell you more about it in February – nearer the time. With the success of last year’s trip, we again return to the Ötztaler Alps with ‘Natur Pur’ for some more wild water fun in July. At last but not least we will close the season in Chile in August! The adventure looks fantastic with 2 days in Santiago de Chile to get used of the jet lag and 7 days of skiing and boarding in the 3 different resorts around Farellones, with guiding. See you all soon – on and off the snow – and I hope you all have a great 2013/2014 Season! Alex J.

Rooms are usually based on double occupancy with bath/shower and toilet. Half-board means breakfast and dinner included. FSC assumes no liability for accidents, injuries or loss of personal property that may occur during any trip, nor is FSC liable for refunding money

due to poor skiing conditions, accommodation, or other unforeseen events. FSC takes no responsibility for changes based on contract with third parties. FSC reserves the right to change or cancel trips as necessary should sign-ups not meet the minimum number.

In the following descriptions PIF means PAID-IN-FULL. € ppp means price-per-person.




1 Sölden I 3 Sölden II 4 Ischgl 5 Lech 9 Mellau 10 Montafon 11 Dachstein West 17 St. Anton 21 AA-Natur Pur







20 Follow the snow Destination?

2 AVA-Training in Weinheim 12 Winterberg

6 Chur 7 Loetschental 8 Davos 14 Andermatt 15 Disentis 19 Zermatt

Not to scale

Frankfurt Ski, Snowboard, S p o r t s & S o c i a l C l u b e .V.

18 Val Thorens / 3 Vallées

13 Dolomities 16 Monterosa (a+b) Heli-trip


22 Ski Chile

Resort Height

Bottom Lift

Cross Fun Half- Mtn Country Park pipe Rest




subject to change. *Details for trip 13 Dolomites: Dolomiti Superski area. **Details for trip 22 Ski Chile: based on Valle Nevado. Other areas include El Colorado & La Parva.

n/a Yes Yes Yes


12% 27 km Yes Yes 12 40% 40 km Yes Yes 20 n/a% 24 km no no 4 31% 75 km Yes Yes 35 28% 21 km Yes No 25 22% 45 km Yes Yes 31 12% 225 km 3 n/a n/a 10% 220 km Yes No 2 11% 20 km Yes Yes 24 29% 20 km Yes Yes 6 16% 35 km Yes n/a 4 10% n/a Yes Yes 47 12% 88 km Yes Yes 12 12% n/a Yes Yes n/a 21% 8 km Yes Yes 38

39% 32% n/a% 43% 46% 35% 78% 40% 27% 42% 34% 65% 48% 44% 46%

39% 0% n/a Yes Yes 2 56% 28% 74 km Yes Yes 14 38% 14% 19 km Yes Yes 4

Piste Length # Pistes Beginner Intermediate Expert


Top Vertical Gondola/ Lift Drop # Lifts Cable/Train Chair Drag

AT 1377 2675 3250 575 10 3 2 5 36 km 13 61% 4 Ischgl AT 1377 1400 2872 1472 41 11 25 5 238 km 52 16%  5 Lech AT 1450 1450 2444 994 34 5 18 11 110 km 54 38% 6 Chur New Year Swiss Safari (Lenzeheide / Laax) Lenzeheide / Valbella CH 1475 1910 2865 955 42 2 3 6 155 km 49% Flims / Laax CH 1100 1020 3018 1918 29 11 8 10 220 km 58 28% 7 Lötschental CH 1400 1419 3111 1692 7 2 2 2 55 km n/a% 8 Davos CH 1550 1110 2844 1734 55 16 10 29 320 km 110 26%  9 Mellau / Damüls AT 1311 1311 2009 698 23 2 14 7 109 km 29 26% 10 Montafon AT 900 2430 2430 1530 38 10 19 9 155 km 70 43% (Gosau, Russbach & Annaberg = 67 9 11 Dachstein West 12 46 130 km 10% 12 Winterberg DE 639 809 809 170 21 0 7 14 17 km 20 50% 13 Dolomities* IT 1270 975 2273 1298 25 14 8 3 100 km 37 62% 14 Andermatt CH 1445 1445 2963 1518 12 2 4 6 56 km 17 29% 50% 15 Disentis CH 1150 1215 2903 1688 10 1 3 6 60 km 16 Monterosa (a+b) IT 1212 3275 3275 2063 26 8 15 3 180 km 67 25% 17 St. Anton/Arlberg AT 1305 1304 2811 1507 79 11 37 31 276 km 310 40% 18 Val Thorens/3 Vallées FR 2300 1800 3230 1400 47 5 16 8 140 km n/a 44% 19 Zermatt CH 1620 1620 3900 2280 60 21 18 21 394 km 60 33% 20 Follow the Snow! depends on the snow conditions closer to the leaving date 21 Natur Pur AT Austrian Adventure summer activities 22 Ski Chile** CL 2860 2860 3670 810 11 0 5 7 37 km n/a 41%

1+3 Sölden

Trip # Trip Name Country




Austria | Fri 11. – Mon 14. Oct 2013 | free ski demo, welcome party

Info: www.soelden.com www.dominic.at

p 3 nights / half-board p Fixed Price: €295 (€ ppp) p Single supplement: TBC p Includes free ski/board testing p Welcome party p Glacier skiing ¢ Bus departure: !! 17:30 From Heidelberg!!


Scherer Tours starts our season with a welcome party and free beer, skis/ snowboards to be won, and many free gifts. We share this trip with American clubs in Germany – a great opportunity to see old friends and make new ones.

We return to the 3* Hotel Dominic, close to the town centre. The wellness area includes Finnish sauna, aroma steambath, and a jacuzzi. A great trip to tune up your leg muscles and technique for the demands of the coming season. You will also have the chance to sample free demos of this season’s skis from some of the major ski manufacturers.

“What do you mean full of air!”

“One more joke about boarders and I know who’s getting left behind!”

Remember to leave some room for the turkey!

Simon’s new delux avalanche backpack came with rescue girls when deployed!


Germany | Weinheim | Sat 19. Oct 2013 For your Safety... Freeriding, deep powder snow, touring and more – the greatest fun – but potential danger! The Club offers a local Avalanche Training – 1 day split into theory and practice. Our Tour Operator Sport 65 will instruct you during the day on the basic knowledge you need when going off piste. The information and the course are suitable for all levels. The practical part of the training will be outside. Please wear appropriate comfortable clothes.

Check out: whiterisk.org

Learn to read the terrain and be aware of snow conditions, which type of avalanches are particularly dangerous and how to avoid them where possible. You will also have first hand practise with an avalanche back pack – let‘s hope you‘ll never need it again!

“I am not sure I’d take you fishing!”

Info: freerideschule.sport65.de

p Price: 10 / 15 / 20 (€ ppp) p What’s included: all Equipment for the course

p Location: in Weinheim im Schloss and Schlosspark / Exotenwald

ç Time: 10:00 – 16:00 – BE ON TIME! U-Drive!!

TYPES OF AVALANCHES Avalanches either release as a slab avalanche along a fracture line or fan outward as a loose snow avalanche from a point. For skiers and boarders, the slab avalanche is particularly dangerous. Different types of avalanches may develop from both types of release in the snowpack. The snow may be dry or wet (wet snow avalanche). Avalanches can release naturally or be human-triggered. “NEVER eat the yellow snow!”


S P I R T “Klaus, you go first and take some photos of us as we ski by.”

Info: www.soelden.com www.rechenau.at

p 3 nights / half-board p Fixed Price:330 (€ ppp) p Single supplement: TBC p Includes free ski/board testing p Glacier skiing ç Bus departure: EARLY!! 15:45


Austria | Thur 07. – Sun 10. Nov 2013 Ski and snowboard testing again as we hit Sölden again for the second time this season, this time with Sport65 as our tour operator.

at the sportscentre with pretty much everything that you could want; a perfect place to restore yourself to health.

We stay at the 3* Hotel Rechenau, a short walk to the town centre. Sölden also has a great wellness area

A great trip to tune up your leg muscles and technique for the demands of the coming season. Maybe you would like to try it out?


“No – you are our HERO!”

“I’m the fire starter...”

Info: www.ischgl.com www.persura.at

p 4 nights / B&B p Price: 410 / 420 / 430 (€ ppp) p Single supplement: TBC p Party trip / après-ski


¢ Bus departure: EARLY!! 16:30

Austria | Wed 27. Nov - Sun 01. Dec 2013 | Thanksgiving Nickelback concert Want to spend Thanksgiving in the mountains? Ischgl is a snow-bound Ibiza, perfect for the party people FSCers are known for being! A mecca for skiers, snowboarders and après-skiers, join us for the season opening concert – with Nickelback – and lots of fun and games to help kick-off the season in style. Ischgl is an enormous area with some of the best snow in recent seasons and offers skiers of all standards a huge playground – you can even ski down to the duty-free area of Samnaun in

Switzerland and admire the beauty of the Or try some night-time sledging if you haven’t had enough of the mountains Silvretta mountains. during the day. This is definitely a trip Once you have finished your daytime ac- not to be missed! tivities, relax in the wellness area of our 3* Hotel Persura before moving back to one of the local watering holes – Trofana Alm, Fire & Ice (hope they still have the boxing machine!), Kuhstall, Schatzi’s, Pascha... the list is endless!



Austria | Fri 13. – Sun 15. Dec. 2013 | Pre-Christmas Trip / Secret Santa

Info: www.lech-zuers.at www.laerchenhof-lech.at

p 2 nights / half-board p Price: 265 / 275 / 285 (€ ppp) p Single supplement: €36 ç Bus departure: EARLY! 16:30 “Same procedure as every year, James!” and just like Miss Sophie’s quote in ‘Dinner for One’ we return for another fun packed pre Christmas weekend in Lech am Arlberg which is located in one of the most snow sure areas of Austria and offers superb skiing, snowboarding and cross country with the legendary ‘Weiße Ring’ of trails that encircle Lech and the linked resort of Zürs.


Our hotel is once again the family run 3* Lärchenhof which is located in a quiet part of this upmarket resort and just a few minutes walk from the lifts, so you can freely come and go to the 280 km of prepared pistes that run down from a height of 2450 m or take a slide down the 1.5 km rödelbahn from Oberlech. Our cross country skiers will be pleased to hear that our hotel is conveniently situated right next to the skiing ‘Loipe’ and also at the end of the well known Madloch run.

After a hard and active day on the slopes you can relax in the sauna or steam room in the hotel’s wellness area or enjoy the ambience that this upmarket resort offers by taking a look at the ice sculptures or by visiting the luxurious ‘Strolz’ store. As in previous years, we have arranged a delicious 3 course evening dinner for Sat evening followed by our ‘Secret Santa/Wichteln’ for those that wish to participate by bringing a wrapped up small, humorous and cheap present along with them. Make sure you sign up early on this popular 2 night trip.

PS Info: www.sommerau.ch

p 4 nights / half-board p Price: **450 / 460 / 470 (€ ppp) p Single supplement: €120 ç Bus departure: EARLY! 13:30


** Subject to exchange rate

Join the great value New Year ski safari and follow the paths of the Celts, Romans, Ostrogoths, and Franks to the historic town of Chur, also known as Coire, Switzerland’s oldest city. It has its own ski area, Brambuesch, linked to the city by the cable car. No doubt those who survive New Year’s Eve and the Gala New Year Dinner will venture here on the last day before returning home, and maybe take a ride in the Tschu-TschuBahn to have lunch. In the evenings we can wander into some of the bars and restaurants in the twisting alleys of the Chur’s Altstadt.

great mountain restaurants to enjoy. And you will have an opportunity to return here with the club in January. There are also possibilities for cross-country skiing, winter-hiking and snow-shoeing at these resorts and the area in general. Chur has plenty to explore for non-skiers and for those simply taking a day off.

Switzerland | Sat 28. Dec 2013 – Wed 01. Jan 2014 | New Year Eve Gala Dinner

When it comes to exploring nearby major ski areas we are spoilt for choice. We will certainly visit the nearby areas of Lenzerheide/Valbella and Flims/Laax/ Falera, and may well venture slightly further afield to Davos/Klosters. All of these areas have plenty to offer to freeriders, skiers and boarders of all levels, including snowparks. Lenzerheide is a gem we last visited when the club‘s identity was still FISC. There is skiing either side of the valley, reaching 2865 m, with an impressive vertical drop of 1900 m. Plenty of fun

for all – especially freeriders. By the time we arrive the planned link to Arosa could well be open, making it the largest combined area in the canton of Graubuenden, with 225 km of runs. Apparently it was Maggie Thatcher‘s favourite area, but don‘t let that put you off. Flims/Laax/Falera is a wonderful huge ski area well known to many FSCers, offering snow-sure skiing up to 3018 m on the Vorab glacier. We will enter the area at Flims, and no doubt many of us will be found at the Iglu après-ski bar at the base station at the end of the day. There are many excellent choices for lunch, but those wishing to enjoy a gourmet eating experience on the mountain could try La Vaca heated tent.

We stay at the Best Western Summerau Hotel ***, a short bus or taxi ride from the Altstadt, offering free use of the nearby Body Plaza fitness centre with sauna. After our 5 course gala New Year dinner, perhaps washed down by some wines from the local Buendner Herrschaft region, we can join the celebrations in the town centre and watch the fireworks on the Brambuesch.

Also well known to FSCers the internatio- All-in-all a great way to see in nally renowned Davos/Klosters areas is the New Year! most famous for long cruising red runs, but also offers much much more. We will drive to Klosters, from where you can take the Gotschna cable car to ski towards Davos on the Parsenn area, or ski Klosters‘ own area, the Madrisa. The main danger here is bumping into the British royal family – be prepared to doff your ski helmet. You will find many


Andermatt is still one of our favourite places to freeride – which is why we keep going back!

“Dude – how‘s the lip and landing?”

Info: www.loetschental.ch www.petersgrat.ch

p 4 nights / half-board p Price: **745 / 755 / 765 (€ ppp) p Single supplement: TBC p Includes lessons/guiding (TBC) ç U-Drive / U-Train ** Subject to exchange rate


Switzerland | Wed 08. – Sun 12. Jan. 2014 | Freeride Area Wowww! A dream come true for freeriders. Surrounded by impressive 4k mountains lies our hotel in the Lötschental, a side valley above the Rhône valley in the Valais. One of the most hidden spots in freeride destinations – lifts up to over 3100m altitude and descents with more than 1500 vertical meters! And the best: Nobody is there!


We always try to find out where the BEST spots are – which is not necessarily the most famous! That‘s why we always are searching for new destinations and with Sport65‘s guides you can find the best runs of the Alps. Without „powder-stress“ Á la Chamonix! It‘s pretty much for the advanced skiers and boarders of the club and getting close to some secret spots that some members know!

“Yep - clear to jump!”



Info: Info: www.davos.ch www.mountainhotels.ch

p 3 nights / half-board p Price: **450 / 460 / 470 (€ ppp) p Single supplement: €85 p Includes ski pass ç Bus departure: EARLY! 17:00 ** Subject to exchange rate.

This 3-day trip offers a golden opportunity to take advantage of one of the largest resorts in Switzerland, which covers 318 km of 85 prepared pistes served by 61 modern lifts. It includes the 2 main areas 32 FSC E.V. SEASON GUIDE 13/14


Switzerland | Fri 17. - Mon 20. Jan. 2014 | Ski pass included Jakobshorn and Parsenn- / Gotschna, the 3 traditional family-oriented Pischa, Rinerhorn, and Madrisa by the village of Klosters – and the new Schatzalp / Strela area accessible within 4 minutes form Davos-Platz via a renovated funicular. The intermediate to expert skiers and boarders can go carving and cruising on the long, wide and open runs, especially the 12 km long, 2000 m vertical mega-run to Küblis linking Davos to Klosters while ski touring afficionados may try to go touring around the Schatzalp / Weissfluhjoch area, from the top of which many routes take you down Frauenkirch for a wild ride. Enjoy the speedcheck run along Rapid chairlift

between Weissfluhjoch and middle station Höhenweg. And of course enjoy a Schümli Pflümli or two at one of the excellent Hütten beside the pistes. The newly built Hotel Ochsen 2 with its three stars has everything to make you feel like you’re on cloud nine. Thanks to the central location, you are only a few minutes‘ walk away from Davos Platz railway station, the Jakobshorn cableway or the local bus, which means that you are only a few minutes away from the summer paradise of Davos Klosters mountains. Night revellers are in for a treat, as the top clubs and bars can be reached in less than five minutes.




“He said something about a photo, cliff and deep powder!”

With the technological developments of the past few years, it may well be that these diminutive creatures will soon lose the attribute that distinguishes them – notably, getting horribly lost, frequently and irrevocably. You may have to walk back up for a second shot when you follow GP!

The Fucowee tribe, indigenous to the savannah grasslands, consisted of tiny little individuals, constantly frustrated by having to leap up above grass level to find out exactly where they were. This jumping was always accompanied by the characteristic identifying chant “Wheredafucowee?“. Aeons later, some of these little people got so terribly lost that they actually found themselves (or rather didn’t find “that‘s it I‘m themselves) in the European Alps, booking a Helibut experienced exactly the same Trip next time!” problems presented by the grasslands. Being such lightweights, they often sank into snow drifts, slipped into gullies and crevasses and became so disorientated by the glare of the snow, that they wandered far from the beaten track, often breaking new ground in wooded areas, streams, back gardens, other villages “You‘ll be fine.” and even different countries.


“It looks steep Keith, is it OK?”

Some of these little people thought that their predicament would be solved with the advent of the mobile phone. However, they often found that the only folks they had numbers for were in the same lost group, that batteries failed at critical moments, or that questions like “It’s us, do you know where we are?” often got the unhelpful response of “Howda-fucoweetoknow!” Surely this navigational ineptitude will change once the little people get to grips with GPS! But that time has not yet arrived, and the Fucowee tribe, together with those geographically challenged skiers and boarders who still insist on following in their tracks, will no doubt keep up the tradition and continue to get lost on slopes, in bars & hotels and even in car parks. Trip captains are particularly fond of recounting the exploits of these hapless souls and welcome your contributions to the lore of the lost.

“So he can see us smiling and turn us into party animals!”

“Why did we follow Gary?”




You too can become a SKIBUM. It’s quite simple, albeit a tad pricey. Anyone who participates in FSC trips totalling 20 days or more during the current season becomes a SKI BUM, receiving a specially designed trophy of recognition and an article of clothing (arguably the most expensive ‘freebie’ in the world). It’s our little way of thanking dedicated FSC members for the time (and money) they invest in their favourite pastime. “Once a Bum – always a Bum!” Spot the SKIBUMs – those FSCers who: r Are on a first name basis with all FSC bus drivers r Know all the Autobahn service stations towards the Alps r Take multiple boards or pairs of skis on a weekend trip, so that they are prepared for all conditions r Have their name embroidered on ‘their’ bus seat r Can always tell you what the snow conditions are in all the major resorts, but wouldn’t have a clue about the week’s news stories r Have their own on-bus entertainment centres, but only one set of headphones r Know all lift operators on a first name basis

r Never unpack, but instead take out the dirty clothes and immediately replace them with clean clothes so they’re always ready to go r Always carry their passport with them, ‘just in case’ r Are the most skilled at ‘active queuing’ in lift lines r Can’t remember what their apartment looks like, but can always find their way home r Endure all kinds of weather, terrain and conditions, and have, on numerous occasions, frozen various parts of their anatomy off in the pursuit of fresh powder r Are broke at the end of a good season “I guess I am the first skibum living in Wales”.

Most wanted or the most envied? That’s “T”-question!

“I think I could get use to this life.” 34 FSC E.V. SEASON GUIDE 13/14


















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Congratulations to: Gisela & Bruce Sarah & Keith


CA 1 25. LEN Date 2 11. Aug. 2013 Event DA R 3 25. Sep. 13/ AGM Sep 2013 14 & Seas 4 First . 09. Oct 2013 regul on Open 5 . 2013 Gene 23. ar socia ing ral # 6 06. Oct. l night BBQ 10 2013 General 7 20. Nov. 08. 2013 Oktoberfe 11 Jan Date 8 04. Nov. . 22. Event 2013 General st 12 Jan 2014 9 18. Dec. Reso . 05. Adve 13 Feb 2014 lution Dec 2013 Soci rtiser Gene . 19. s Day Gene . als s‘ Nigh 14 Feb 2014 ral ever 2013 ral 2nd . 05. t y othe Chris Adve 15 Mar 2014 Gene rtiser r Wed tmas Party . 19. 16 Mar 2014 ral s‘ Nigh nesd Gene . 02. ay from t 17 ral Apr. 2014 16. 2014 St. Patri 7pm , chec 18 11. Apr. 2014 Gene ck’s Day ral k the May 2014 Last regul web site End ar socia for loca of Seas l on BBQ night tion and chan (TBC ) ges.

195 EUR !

WHY NOT ADVERTISE WITH US? When you place an advert with FSC e.V. it will not only get passed amongst members but around the various businesses in and around Frankfurt!

Mila & Pete

It is not just the guides either, you will be seen by the thousands who visit our website or find us on Facebook, where we are linked to various other social groups with our information. We also have a global presence with vimeo.com (video) and issuu.com where the guide is available electronically.

Natasha & Nick

For any queries, please contact FSC E-Mail: marketing@fscev.org


Holly & John

... and all the best for the future:!



Live Sports Live Music Beer Garden Weekend Specials

Four Corners Pub Zeil 10 60313 Frankfurt am Main Tel: 069 / 21 999 024

Open for Lunch Mon – Fri 11:30 to 14:30 Opening Times Mon – Thur 16:00 to 01:00 Fri 16:00 to 03:00 Sat 12:00 to 03:00 Sun 12:00 to 01:00

Kitchen Open Mon – Fri 16:00 to 23:00 Sat – Sun 12:00 to 23:00 Follow us on Facebook The Four Corners Irish pub Zeil 10

www.fourcornerspub.de FSC E.V. SEASON GUIDE 13/14 35


Info: www.mellau-damuels.at www.taubebizau.at

p 2 nights / half-board p Price: 210 / 220 / 230 (€ ppp) p Single supplement: €34 p 1 day regular lessons/off-piste guide*

(2 days for beginners) * Subject to a €20 fee

ç Bus departure: EARLY!! 16:30


Austria | Fri 31. Jan. - Sun 02. Feb. 2014 It’s a fabulous resort, it’s got a lot to offer, and it’s the nearest weekend destination to Frankfurt this season. Situated in the Bregenzerwald (Vorarlberg) area Damüls/Mellau is renowned for being the “World’s Snowiest Town” with an average snowfall of 9.3 metres per season over the last 5 years. Mellau and its interconnecting Faschina and Demüls offer us 109 km of piste, 22 km of cross-country track, a Burton snow park and a huge freeride area – so something for everybody! Mellau became connected to Damüls and Faschina – nestled up between 1430-2100 m above sea level – in 2008. In 2010 the whole ski area was awarded “Aufsteiger des Jahres” by 36 FSC E.V. SEASON GUIDE 13/14

“What was the phrase he said? Steep and deep.”

the coveted ADAC SkiGuide due to the investment in the area’s lift system. The new 6er chair lift Ragaz sweeps you up to the 2100 m Ragazer Blanken with its wonderfully sunny slopes. Freeriders will be pleased to know that you don’t have to hike too much as there are lots of opportuni-ties to just nip off the piste and find that powder we all love so much. We will also organize lessons and guiding for those who are up to. Please remember, as always, once you leave the secure piste, have all your gear together and be aware of what you are doing out there.

“Mine – all mine!” We stay in Bizau just down the road from Mellau, at the Gasthof Taube which is a typical Austrian Pension that offers you Austrian hospitality and the flair of a family run business. We are looking forward to use the Ski Club bus to get us to and from the slopes. We will be able be having après-ski at the base station before we trundle back for our evening dinner. Those still up for a drink, other than at the hotel bar, may just want to investigate the one of the other “watering hole” around the village.


Info: www.silvretta-montafon.at www.hotel-Einhorn.at

p 2 nights / half-board p Price: 195 / 205 / 215 (€ ppp) p single supplement: TBC p 1 day regular lessons/off-piste guide* *Subject to a fee (TBC)


ç Bus departure:

EARLY!! 15:30

Austria | Fri 07. – Sun 09. Feb. 2014 Montafon vor Arlberg!!! 2 days of Snow and Party! This area offers a total 246 km of marked runs of various degrees of difficulty and an excellent snow record. The sunny area of Hochjoch is now connected by cable car to the Silvretta Nova, the biggest area of Montafon. Not only can you enjoy the abundant wellgroomed red and blue pistes but also exciting ungroomed ski routes. We stay at the Hotel Einhorn in Bludenz (ca. 20 mins from the resort) and take the Ski Club bus to the slopes. Our gateway to this skiing Mecca will be Schruns, the base of the Hochjoch area. We may also take the opportunity to explore the Golm area from Vandans.

From the Gargellen area you even can go for a one-day skiing tour to Klosters in Switzerland (keep an eye out though regarding the lift times for getting back). Cross-country fans will find abundant Langlauf Loipen. If you take the tunnelbus to Bielerhöhe, you can enjoy Nordic skiing around the Silvretta Lake.

“Let‘s go here.”

Saturday afternoon, you can après-ski with us. The après bars are located right next to the bus parking, so you should be able to change shoes and stash your material. Sport65 have organized our evening dinner in a Skihutte in St. Gallenkirch. Sunday, you can ski all day before returning to Frankfurt at about 16.30. FSC E.V. SEASON GUIDE 13/14 37


#11 DACHSTEIN WEST Austria | Fri 14. – Sun 17. Feb. 2014 The Dachstein West ski region cannot fail to impress: new fun pistes, delicious treats served by friendly Alpine hosts, a beautiful mountain panorama and 142 km of perfectly prepared white pistes with the Dachstein West ski ticket for more places to let off steam! 1 ski pass – 7 ski resorts: Freesports Arena Krippenstein / Dachstein West / Feuerkogel / Postalm / St. Martin am Tennengebirge / Lungötz (including floodlit skiing) / Karkogel-Abten

Info: Info: www.dachstein.at www.ruperti-hotels.de

p 3 nights / half-board p Price: 295 / 305 / 315 (€ ppp) p single supplement: €57 p 1 day regular lessons/off-piste guide* *Subject to a €€20 fee

ç Bus departure: EARLY!! 15:30 38 FSC E.V. SEASON GUIDE 13/14

Want to have fun skiing and improve your skiing skills at the same time while you enjoy yourself? Then you have come to the right place in the Dachstein West ski region: skiing is guaranteed to be exciting on our fun pistes! BUT NOTE: the ‘Wilde Hilde’, ‘Rock’n Roll’ and ‘Donnergroll’ are not just for technically gifted skiers – there are plenty of challenges for beginners too! As you can see fun is guaranteed – we will be staying at the Alpen Hotel in Bad Goisern, about 20 minutes from the lifts.

“I’m just happy to be standing!”

OK kids – mount up! You can play until it’s home time.

#12 WINTERBERG Germany | Sat 22. Feb. 2013

If you fancy a quick trip to the mountains but don’t want to give up the whole weekend, this day trip to Winterberg is perfect. Winterberg is a large resort with 22 lifts and 20 pistes in the area of Nordrhein Westfalen, the heart of the Winter-sport-Arena Sauerland!

Info: www.winterberg.de

p Day trip p Price: 55 / 65 / 75 (€ ppp) p Lessons for all levels/incl. x-country* * Subject to a €20 fee

ç Bus departure: EARLY!! 07:30 Winterberg is best suited to beginner skiers and snowboarders but there is some terrain for both advanced and intermediates. Everyone appreciating cross country skiing and snow-shoeing will be delighted – there are 100 km of

cross country ski trails at Winterberg and also snow-shoe trails. Families will find a colorful Kinderland and sledding slopes for younger children. We start out early in the morning in order to get in the best part of all winter sport activities and use the day until the slopes close (4.30pm) On the way home we stop for a cosy dinner. You can sleep at home after the short holiday trip and don’t have to worry about suitcases.



“Just hang about a bit then the girls will come to us!”

“Sorry girls I have to get going to my dance class.”


Italy | Fri 28. Feb. – Tue 04. Mar. 2014

Info: www.dolomitisuperski.com www.hotelstarkl.it

p 4 nights / half-board p Price: 345 / 355 / 365 (€ ppp) p 1 day regular lessons/off-piste guide* (TBC) *Subject to a fee (TBC)

ç Bus departure: EARLY!! 14:00

Early March we will take you back to one of your favourite destinations, the Italian Dolomites. This time you will be in the Hotel Starkl in Pfalzen right at the beginning of the Dolomiti Superski resort. From there we are at about 15 minutes with our bus from Kronplatz and close by the Sella Ronda. Imagine yourself skiing down on snow covered and sun-kissed slopes with the watchful eye of the colossal


Dolomite mountain looking down on you. This area has 230 km of slopes for all tastes, 9 connected ski areas (on skis or by convenient ski bus), 87 advanced lifts, plus the guarantee that it will be supplemented by artificial snow-making if necessary. 4 days or pure skiing or boarding with Sport65 guides in a super central location... this is not to be missed. And of course, the après-ski is also organised and the bus will drive you back home!

Hopefully all that pre-season exercising pays off when it comes to snake wrestling.



“Is it CLEAR?”



Identification: Sightings of this species are so rare that descriptions vary from coil-like form able to extend to triple resting length on provocation, to multi-tentacular creature with numerous distal gluey polyps able to produce an extremely sticky substance on contact. No matter what the appearance of this venomous beast, its presence is unmistakably indicated by the loud expletives from skiers and boarders alike, ensnared by disturbed specimens. “Not sure my doctor will allow this.”

Breeding Habits: Because of the difficulty of study of the snakes, the sexual habits have so far been undocumented, but they are known to rapidly reproduce, The FSC also with whole families wreaking havoc and mayhem on accepts lemmings crowded slopes. into it‘s midst ...

SnowSnake “It’s OK you are wearing your brace.”

“Not sure it’s snake proof though!”

Distribution: The snow snake is known to inhabit virtually any environment with snow cover that is also favoured by homo nonsapiens wearing plastic footwear attached to metal and polymer objects. It is surmised that the snakes actually feed on plastic and metal, though many would argue that it is carnivorous, with a taste for human flesh.

... or just ask Keith or Gary to try it first.

FSC, as an active partner in the world of scientific research, urges all its members to join the hunt for this particularly vicious animal. Any sightings or spectacular evidence of its presence should be meticulously recorded and recounted in graphic detail to TCs on return bus trips. Particularly favoured are accounts of victims being humiliated in front of friends and ski instructors, the latter apparently having developed immunity to the species. Especially impressive photographic records will be exposed on the FSC website. FSC has it‘s very own „snake detection“ group to handle any snakes that may get out of hand!



T R IP S Info: www.andermatt.ch www.hotelbadus.ch

p 2 nights / half-board p Price: **260 / 270 / 280 (€ ppp) p Single supplement: €34 ç Bus departure: 17:30 ** Subject to exchange rate

#14 ANDERMATT Switzerland | Fri 07. – Sun 09. Mar. 2014 If you like back-country then Andermatt is a must. It’s a small village located in the heart of the Gotthard region and is one of the closest freeride areas to Frankfurt. From the top of Gemsstock – Andermatt’s main peak (2963 m) – there are numerous backcountry routes which take you over to Guspis or Felsental down to Hospental.

On the opposite side is the “Giraffe” route down to Unteralp or the famous “Russi run” which offers steep slopes and untouched snow (if you’re lucky) and some hiking and walking to find those untouched lines if you’re more adventurous. The less adventurous will have the choice of blue, red, and black runs of the Gemsstock side. On Gurschenalp there’s also the G-Park for anybody wanting to practise their rail or jumping skills. There is also a chance to discover the skiing areas of Sedrun and Oberalppass, where the GotthardBahn (local mountain train) can take you in less than 30 minutes. Here


there is a greater range of skiing for intermediates and beginners and more fun park obstacles. We’ll be staying in the village at hotel Badus, where all lifts and the trains are within walking (or stumbling) distance from the well-earned Après-Ski at the Spycher and Alte Apotheke. The village is small, but offers enough opportunities to relax after skiing, including a sauna at the “3 Könige” and there is a very good chance you’ll be ending your day dancing in the local bar/club ‘Pinte’!

“V, I am so warm I need a beer and a bath!”

Info: www.disentis-sedrun.ch www.cucagna.ch


Switzerland | Fri 14. - Sun 16. Mar. 2014 It’s hard to tell what makes Disentis such a good place for a trip. Is it the easily accessible off-piste from the lifts? The fact that it is nicely hidden away from the masses so there are no big queues? Or is it the outside pool, with its sauna area, that makes it the perfect place for a little après-ski water party?

On the first day, lessons and off-piste guiding will be offered by the Club as in previous years: meeting at Caischavedra, (re-)arranging the groups and practising. The expert groups, will be following their guides probably along the sexy off-piste routes in the val Pintga, val Gronda or val da Lag Serein… or more.

The Club rendezvous’ with Disentis for the 7th time – last time was again waitlisted, so be prepared to sign-up on the first date!

On Sunday, more freeriding to be had and for the more adventurous and those who still have legs to make the short hike off the Péz Ault fresh powder, or teams will continue practising on blue and red runs between Caischavedra, Lai Alv and Péz Strem. There is something for everyone. There’s the tipi in Gendulas for lunch or relaxing after skiing or waiting for people to come

Our hotel, the 3* hotel Cucagna, is also becoming one of our favourite hotels. Outside pool, good food, a friendly bar and a games room with a pool table, what more do you want?

p 2 nights / half-board p Price: **290 / 300 / 310 (€ ppp) p Single supplement: €28 p *1 day group lessons or

1 day off-piste guiding (all levels) * Subject to a €20 fee

ç Bus departure: EARLY!! 16:00 ** Subject to exchange rate. back up after a run through the park. We had some great fun playing on the boarder cross again last year!



Italy / Switzerland | Sat 22. - Sun 29. Mar. 2014 | 7 day Extreme Heli / Experts only!

Hello Freeriders- I bet the name Gressoney La Trinité raises your heartbeat! Gressoney valley is the gate to the Monte Rosa group with Castor and Pollux, Lysskamm and more – a special treat for all freeriders. The spectacular view is breathtaking.

Info: freerideschule.sport65.de www.htlscoiattolo.com

p 7 nights / half-board p Price: TBC (€ ppp) Special Pricing Packages

p Incl. 6 days Mountain guiding p Organisation and special price for 1 day Heli skiing approx €180-250

Our tour operator Sport 65 runs the trip and their mountain guides will show you the best powder runs in the backcountry and take you on heli-flights once or twice. After skiing you can relax in the hotel’s wellness area, savour the fine dinner and look forward to another great day around the Monte Rosa. Due to its snow safe location and giant backcountry opportunities you can be sure to find the perfect ski adventure in the heart of the Alps!

p 4 day Liftpass approx €150 ç Bus pick-up in Weinheim!! or U-DRIVE! 44 FSC E.V. SEASON GUIDE 13/14

Around our hotel you can find the “who’s-who” of alpine peaks, such as Monterosa, Matterhorn, Castor, Lyskamm ...all waiting to be skied...

With more than 15 years’ experience in Gressoney and cooperation with local Montarosa Guides, Sport 65 is one of the most skilled tour operators for freeride in the Monterosa region! Snowboarders: You need to be in a group of 6-8 boarders or a mixed group of skiers and boarders who know each other. We are staying at the Charme & Relax 4* Hotel Albergo Lo Scoiatollo in Gressoney La Trinité at the bottom of Monte Rosa’s impressive massif, “Lo Scoiattolo” is a hotel, where relaxation and comfort merge with the exquisite hospitality of the owners. A large breakfast buffet with typical specialties of the region will get you started for the day. In the evening you can relax at the spa before enjoying your big dinner. The 1st ski day with a UIAGM guide is on Wednesday.




Italy / Switzerland | Tue 25. - Sun 29. Mar. 2014 | 4 day Freeride / Experts only!


This 4 day trip is a U-drive or U-fly: The closest airport is Torino Caselle – from there you can get easy by shuttle to Gressoney (ca. €50) or you can travel by car or train. The hotel and reorts are the same as the 7 day trip so you can meet up with friends that have chosen that package.

Info: freerideschule.sport65.de www.htlscoiattolo.com

p 4 nights / half-board p Price: TBD (€ ppp) Special Pricing Packages

p Incl. (TBC) days Mountain guiding p Organisation and special price for 1 day Heli skiing approx €180-250

p 4 day Liftpass approx €150 ç U-DRIVE! FSC E.V. SEASON GUIDE 13/14 45

It‘s possible we have a new breed of sloggo ... “But Brian, I am innocent. I swear I am!”

“No, No, you don’t have to put them on – just give me your arm to see it they fit.”

O G G U SL “I try not to force people. I just use my persuasive charm.”

“Now then Pat. Just let me help you out here.”

This is FSCs least coveted award. Should you manage to receive one you can be smug in the knowledge that you are an extreme menace to society and nobody likes you.

You have to earn your place in the posse. Whether it be snowboarding, riding or partying... we don‘t just accept anybody!

“I’m a Finn, of course I am ambidextrous.”

When the TC say‘s one for the road. It may be a long night! 46 FSC E.V. SEASON GUIDE 13/14

“My arm just wont stop Après-Skiing!”

Sluggos are those Italian driverstyle skiers and boarders who like to career out of control into anything living on the piste – man, woman, animal, or suckling child. They show no remorse for their actions – it was an accident and there was nothing they could do about it. The Trip Captain as a public service can confer one of these awards per trip (in an ideal world there wouldn’t be any, pray that it’s not a hard decision to pick just one person). Three strikes and you are out of the Club. FSC members are duty bound to report all cut-ups, near misses and full on crash-andburns to the TC.

TRIPS “Let’s just have one then go...”

Info: www.stanton.com www.basur.at

p 2 nights / half-board p Price: 225 / 235 / 245 (€ ppp) p Single supplement: €20


ç Bus departure: 17:00

Austria | Fri 28. - Sun 30. Mar. 2014 | Après-Ski For no small reason do we keep on returning to St. Anton - as it is the ultimate skiers’ and boarders’ paradise and a terrific party town to boot. In spite of the spectre of global warming threatening our winter activities, the region claims guaranteed snow at least until the end of April so this trip has the added advantage of extra daylight hours to make the most of the “Cradle of Alpine Skiing”. Some 85 cable cars and lifts service 440 km. of descents and offer choices for all skiing and boarding abilities. The longest run of 8.5 km from the top of the Valluga lift will take you past the Ulmer Hütte, then down into St. Anton along the Steissbachtal, or “Happy Valley”, where the incline is perfect for sweeping carved turns

Dotted all over the area are numerous bars and restaurants and a lunchrun down into St. Christoph is highly recommended but after a hard day on the slopes you will probably gravitate to either the Mooserwirt for its boisterous party atmosphere or the slightly (but only slightly) quieter Krazy Kanguruh. Our hotel, the Basur in Flirsch, is a short bus-ride from the resort. It has a gorgeous wellness area, cosy bar, excellent restaurant and exhibits the type of ambience we come to expect of Austrian resorts.



“So where is that air bag you were talking about?”

“Show you later!”

France | Sat 05. - Sat 12. Apr. 2014 | Self catering

Les Trois Vallées is almost certainly Europe´s best ski area and we will be staying in Val Thorens, lying at 2300 m, guaranteeing us abundant high quality snow. There are over 554 km of marked runs. There are over 200 interconnected lifts. We can choose among over 20 different descents, each over 6 km in length. The list of superlatives goes on and on and on.


all to ourselves. And, because we have “summer time” in April, the Alps stay bright until well past 20:00!

Make sure your ski boots are comfortable. The lifts run from 09:00 to 17:00. Sometime around 18:00, after après-ski on the mountain, we ski the last run

In spite of the 554 km. of marked terrain, many of our group will do their best to avoid it. There is even more offpiste available. We have a plan of attack to bring the best of the 3 Valleys to you in 6 days. “This is the life!”

“Darling are you happy to see me or is that a baguette in your hand?”

Info: www.val-thorens.com www.lechamoisdor.com

p 7 nights/self catering p Special pricing system, please check with the TC or visit our website

p Single supplement: n/a 5 U-Drive! or ç Bus departure: TBC

Each day, a different ski safari is offered to experienced skiers, including the 10,000 vertical metres day which explores the entire dimension of the 3 Valleys Circuit, neither skiing the same run twice nor taking the same lift twice. Snowboarders can make it as well, but it is tougher for them. Those who make it even receive a certificate.

Even more challenging is the day we ski only black runs. Another tour we offer is our “Off Piste” Special. The highlight of this day is the “Vallon du Lou” descent where you can actually “waterski“ across a semi frozen lake. Those who make it consider it the highlight of their week. Those who don’t get totally wet.

Val Thorens also has a dynamic après-ski life, if you still have the energy. There is also a huge indoor pool and sauna facility nearby. The apartments are relatively spacious and all offer Internet and TV.


Are you happy? Is your life balanced? Or do you sometimes feel caught in the treadmill? If you are ready for a change, contact me! As your certified LIFE COACH I can support you on your way to a happy & fulfilled life and to a job that matches your talents, interests and motives. Leave the treadmill behind! My speciality: Holistic & solution-oriented approach, setting & pursuing goals, finding your vocation & changing career, work-life balance, change management, (intercultural) communication. Coaching services offered in German, English, Spanish & French.

SABINE KRUSE, Frankfurt-Bockenheim, Tel.: 069/87207771, Mobile: 0173-8563966 E-Mail: krusesabine@aol.com, www.sabinekruse.com FSC E.V. SEASON GUIDE 13/14 49



Switzerland | Wed 09. – Sun 13. Apr. 2014

Info: www.zermatt.com www.rhodania-northwall.ch

Zermatt, a world of it’s own. The village at the foot of the Matterhorn.

p 4 nights / half-board p Price: **360 / 370 / 380 (€ ppp)

Almost one-third of the 4,000 m mountains in the Alps are grouped around this world famous health resort, which has been visited by mountaineers from all around the world since the first successful ascent of the Matterhorn in 1865.

(incl. train in Täsch)

p Single supplement: TBC p *1 day group lessons or

1 day off-piste guiding (all levels) * Subject to a fee (TBC)

ç U-Drive or U-Train!! ** Subject to exchange rate.

The hotels and restaurants are worldclass, and the ski area is not only the highest in the Alps – it is also one of the best developed and most convenient in the world, ensuring thrilling sporting experiences on the steepest slopes in the world. We will be staying in the Haus Rhodania in Zermatt. 4 days of pure ski or snowboard with Sport 65 guidance.


“I am not sure this was the best idea - now.” “Could you just stop the train I would like to take a photo!”

#20 FOLLOW THE SNOW! Austria | Fri 18. – Mon 21. Apr. 2014 | Easter Trip Right time, right place is the motto for this trip. Sport 65 will take us where the freshest snow has fallen and the best conditions are to be expected. A fixed date, a random destination. Follow the Snow! WEST: Regions Wallis to Arlberg. Follow the Snow! EAST: Grisons to Salzburg area. Follow the Snow! Means: We will be there, where snow conditions suppose to be best on this date!

That requires a lot of flexibility from you – 4-10 days before the trip departs we will tell you about our destination and give you all information you need!

Info: www.fscev.org

p 3 nights / half-board p Price: TBC (€ ppp) p Single supplement: TBC ç Bus departure: TBC Just make sure you have your passport ready, check your email and and some funds in your bank account. I don’t think we need to mention being “Packed & Ready”!


“Ok girls we are here to get you WET.”

Info: www.rafting-canyoning.de

p 2 nights / half-board p Price: TBC (€ ppp) p 2 days canyoning and rafting “Don’t worry I am soaked!”

ç Bus departure: EARLY!! 16:30

#21 SUMMER ACTIVITIES Austria | (TBC) Fri – Sun Jul. 2014 | Canyoning and Rafting Again we return to the Ötztal. Some of us remember the welcoming ‘base camp’ from ‘Natur Pur’ – our organiser for this spectacular summer adventure. If you are looking for an adrenaline hit outside the skiing season – this is the place for you! The weekend starts on the Saturday morning with “wet” canyoning. The routes involve everything from traversing rock faces to jumping from various heights into natural cauldrons and are graded to suit all levels from first-timer to fearless action man. For lunch we all meet back at the base camp, hang out, enjoy a pizza and exchange the first stories.


The plan in the afternoon is to run the white-water rapids in a large inflatable rafts. Again, we will form groups based on level of trepidation and experience and this will decide which river we use. After fishing everyone back out, we then return to base camp to dry out, exchange more stories, enjoy a “Spanferkel” dinner and of course a few beers! Sunday gives us an opportunity to dial it up a notch and tackle the next level of canyon, or for those who swallowed enough water for a lifetime on the Saturday, a chance to take a mountain bike out and explore the beautiful Tyrolean countryside.

Of course you also have the opportunity to experience a great Klettersteig or just go hiking. The warmest bathing lake in Tyrol, the Pieburger See, is also very close and offers beautiful views of the mountain landscape. We are staying at one of the cosy local B&B places. Please note: If you do not wish to participate in canyoning or rafting, the price will drop. Further activities:

p Klettersteig (approx. €41 pp) p Mountainbiking (Halfday tour €37 pp) p Cave excursion (€72 pp) p Guided hiking tours (€17 pp) p Outdoor Parcours (€34 pp)

RACE FOR THE CURE On a sunny Sunday 29th September 7213 runners und walkers made this Race to the biggest charity run in Frankfurt and our Team was a part of them. KOMEN Deutschland e. V. is the German affiliate of Susan G. KOMEN for the Cure® a non-profit organisation that works to support better breast cancer education and screening. The money donated and the enrolment fees finance the projects of the Komen Race for the Cure®

A special Thank you to: Our new host Erbgut (they were so flexible, friendly and had good food as well), also to Lea (Marion’s daughter and my assistant), to Bill (since years our personal photograph) and also to James who came over from UK to support our Team. Please save the date for the 15th race for the cure next year on the 28.09.2014! Cheers, Seda


“Chili con carne or guinea pig? I am staved.”


Chile / South America | Wed 13. – Son. 24. Aug. 2014 | Ski Safari and sight seeing Most people intend to add a week on and do their own travelling / sightseeing after the Club’s trip. Be quick as there are limited places available.

Sport65 will be taking us to Chile where an unbelievable Ski Safari will take place. We plan to fly to the capital Santiago and stay overnight in the downtown area. Next day, we transfer to Farellones which will be the base for the week’s skiing and boarding. We will be staying in a German family run hotel that offers all of the typical amenities that we have come to expect on FSC trips. There is also a large communal living room with an open fireplace, cable TV and free Wi-Fi. There is a restaurant and bar as well as hot-tub facilities! I am told that there will be wine and cheese served everyday after returning from the slopes. Throughout the 9 days Sport65 will be “tour guiding” us around and during 54 FSC E.V. SEASON GUIDE 13/14

the 7 days in resort we will have the opportunity to take advantage of their ski guiding, all included!

Take full advantage of each day at Valle Nevado exploring this tremendous white mountain range encompassing ca. 37 km of piste for all preferences and levels – beginners, intermediates, advanced and experts. With its location at 3,000 m the ski resort has some of the highest quality snow in South America. It has a modern infrastructure with the best equipment and offers excellent services to its visitors wishing to enjoy their snow sports in the Chilean Mountains. This resort was created with the inspiration of French ski resorts, with modern buildings, hotels and equipment – such as the Andes Express ski lift, the most advanced in the southern hemisphere.

TRIPS Info: freerideschule.sport65.de

p 2 nights/ B&B p 7 nights/ half-board p Transfers between Santiago/Fallerones p Daily transfers within the 3 resorts p 7-days of guiding, touring and freeride guiding with the Sport65/ freerideschule.de guides p Special pricing system double room: 1,649 EUR single room: 1,899 EUR or 3-4 people sharing: 1,539 EU Note: US Dollar rate may fluctuate! La Parva is renowned for a beautiful view of the valley of Santiago and has wonderful possibilities for skiers, boarders and freeriders. It also offers heli-skiing to give us maximum opportunity to take advanatge of its reputation for powder.




p Flights and transport to/from airport whilst in Santiago

The El Colorado ski area is linked to Farellones and connects the two villages of La Parva and Valle Nevado and probably has the best pistes in South America.

p Ski passes p Travel Insurance





We all know we should be doing it, but how many of us actually DO pre-snow season exercises? If your summer activities include hiking, climbing, cycling, water skiing and so on, you’re a long way to getting your body fit for the winter season. But if you want to top up with work-outs to build up your strength and flexibility for optimum enjoyment and safety on the slopes, here is a selection of exercises for both skiers and boarders, including warm-up and stretching routines you can use just before hitting the slopes.

Warm-up and stretching Start your routine by warming up your muscles as well as stretching them to allow for greater fluidity and reduce the possibility of muscle and tendon injury. Don’t stretch to the point of pain, but hold the position for 10-15 seconds when you feel a slight pull on the muscle, and breathe naturally. Warm up for 5-10 minutes in order to increase your heart rate, starting gradually and then speed up. 1. Knee Lifts: While lying down, slowly and smoothly, bend your knees up towards your chest. Hold the position for a few seconds. Return gently to the starting position and repeat the exercise. 2. Soleus muscle stretch: Stand with both feet flat on the floor, pointing forward, half a stride apart. Keeping your back straight, with your hands on your hips, exhale and lower yourself down, resting your bodyweight on the rear foot. Repeat with the other foot forward. 3. Normal leg stretch: Standing with feet shoulder-width apart, extend one foot half a step forward. Keeping the front leg straight, bend rear leg, resting both hands on the bent thigh. Slowly exhale, aiming to tilt both buttocks upward, keeping the front leg straight, and both feet flat on the floor, pointing forward. Inhale slowly, and relax from this stretching exercise. Repeat the stretch again, this time beginning with the toes of the front foot raised toward the ceiling, but keeping the heel on the floor. 4. Quadriceps Standing: Stand holding onto a secure object, or have one hand raised out to the side for balance. Raise one heel up toward your buttocks, and grasp hold of your foot, with one hand. Inhale, slowly pulling your 56 FSC E.V. SEASON GUIDE 13/14






heel to your buttock while gradually pushing your pelvis forward. Aim to keep both knees together, having a slight bend in the supporting leg. Side Lunge: Stand upright, with both feet facing forward, double shoulder-width apart. Place your hands on your hips, in order to keep your back straight, slowly exhale, taking your bodyweight across to one side. Avoid leaning forward, or taking the knee of the bent leg over your toes. As you increase the stretch, the foot of the bent leg should point slightly outward. To increase the stretch, relax upward, slowly sliding your feet out a few inches to the sides. Elbows Back: Stand or sit up right, keeping your back straight, head looking forward. Place both hands on your lower back, fingers pointing downward, elbows out to your side. Slowly exhale while gently pulling the elbows towards each other behind your back. Upper Body Twist: Stand with both feet facing forward, double shoulder-width apart, with legs slightly bent. Use a broomstick or bar to keep your upper body straight, with elbows high, as you slowly twist around in each direction, avoiding forcing the stretch. Foetal Stretch: Lie on your back, keeping your head on the floor. Slowly pull both legs into your chest, with your hands behind your knees, making a tight ‘package’. Exhale, pulling down on your legs while gradually lifting your buttocks off the floor. Once in this position, stretch your neck by slowly tilting your chin to your chest. Leg Over: Lie on your back, extending your left arm out to the side, while taking your left leg over your right, bringing the knee in line with the hips. Keeping your right leg

“Janet just let me show how it’s really done. Then you can try.” straight, use your right arm to push down on the knee of the left leg, exhaling slowly as you stretch. 10. Groin Stretch: Whilst sitting on the floor place your legs wide apart. Reach forward whilst pushing your knees apart and down towards the floor. Breathe and relax whilst holding for 20-30 seconds 11. Hamstring Stretch: Sit down on the floor with your legs straight and apart making a “V”. Reach towards one of your feet with both hands. Stretch until you feel the back of your upper leg tighten – keep your knee flat to the floor and let your back relax by breathing. Hold for 20-30 seconds and repeat on the other leg. Upper Body Strengthening Activities 1. Overhead Shoulder stretch: This focuses on keeping the shoulder flexible in overhead movements and stretches the large upper back muscles. This helps to keep your arms from being restricted by your muscles so you can adjust your arms for balance, particularly important for boarders. Whilst standing grab your right elbow with your left hand behind your head. Pull your right elbow behind your head and stretch until it feels tight. Hold for 20-30 seconds. Repeat on the other side. 2. Shoulder Stretch: This focuses on the rotator cuff and the back of the shoulder. Whilst standing grab the left wrist with your right hand. Pull your left wrist across your body and stretch your shoulder until it feels tight. Hold for 20-30 seconds. Repeat on the other side. 3. Push Ups: This is a great exercise for building shoulder, chest, triceps and wrist areas, all important to assist boarders getting up after a fall. Building up strong shoulders really makes the difference when you have those big falls. Also important for skiers tumbling in the powder when leg movement is restricted. You can do this exercise on the ground or to build stabilizing muscles try it on a balance board. Place your hands shoulder width apart.

“I am not sure Body Boarding will take off in the snow!”

Whilst keeping a straight back, lower your chest to the ground and breathe in. Without touching the ground with your chest, push back to the starting position. Lower Body Strength Building Exercises 1. The Squat: Stand upright with the bar or broom stick behind your neck. Put your feet shoulder width apart. Whilst looking ahead, flex your knees until you make a 90 degree angle. Try to flex at your hips and knees as you squat. Start to rise back up whilst keeping your back in a relaxed (nonrounded) position. To add some more resistance tape a plastic bag containing a package of sugar or flour to either end of the bar. However it is more useful to increase the intensity rather than the weight – more reps instead of weight. 2. The Lunge: Start in an upright position with your feet together. Step forward with one leg (lunge) – keep the back knee off the floor and the front knee behind the toe. Return to the upright position and then repeat with the other leg. To increase difficulty add a backward lunge and/or a weight in each hand. 3. Wall sits: An old favourite with skiers. With a ball between your back and the wall roll down until your knees are at right angles. Make sure your shins stay vertical and hold for one minute. 4. Super G Jumps: Balance on one leg with hands on hips then spring diagonally across to land on the other leg. Try to land in a balanced and controlled position. There are scores of exercises you can add to these, some aimed at strengthening specific muscle groups and others for improving your balance, which we all know is crucial for skiers and boarders alike. And finally, bear in mind that while you may think that those après-ski exercises might be doing wonders for your arm muscles, any excess weight your body carries does no favours for your heart muscles! FSC E.V. SEASON GUIDE 13/14 57


ins, mounta re in the hat caution a u o y r e d. T Whenev s neede is alway n nce. o ti ra u u a c with ins rt ta s overed? should – am I c lf e rs u o Ask y

“1000, 2000, 3000 check canopy!”

E C N A R U INS In Europe, mountain rescue, both in-, and out-of-bounds is provided by professional rescue services and you WILL be expected to pay. What is more, due to the size of most resorts, rescue is often conducted by helicopter and can run to the price of a small Porsche. Therefore, we recommend that every FSC member give serious thought to ensuring that you are fully insured for your ski holidays.

The following is a general list of the type of coverage you may expect to receive from reputable insurance companies: p Protection against snowboard/ski damage or theft. p Accident insurance including ski patrol expenses ... It is quite easy to get cover either for one trip, a few evacuation from the slope can be VERY expensive. weeks or even the whole year. You may insure just yourp Medical insurance, for illness or an accident if you become self, or your entire family under one policy. Many resorts an in-patient, including return travel expenses if necessary. offer a very reasonable insurance option when you buy p Liability insurance for property damage or personal injury your ski pass. For example in France snow insurance to others, or damage to someone else’s equipment. “carre neige” can be purchased for approx. €2.50 per p Legal assistance associated with a court case resulting day and includes all essential coverage for that resort. from an accident on the slopes. Buying insurance to protect not only your investment in p Additional advantages of some policies include price your equipment, but also yourself against the expenses of reductions on lift passes and at resort lodges, hotels injury or an accident involving liability, is a wise investment. and restaurants. In particular, you should be aware of the need to cover third-party, rescue and medical expenses. If you are going skiing off-piste then your insurance should cover that as well. You may also want to get cover for loss or theft of your equipment.

Some options are DSV & DAV: DSV (Deutscher Ski Verband) – comprehensive, affordable policies (*cost of basic winter cover _30,00) ski equipment insured against theft & damage www.ski-online.de DAV (Deutschen Alpenverein) – comprehensive policies including free Alpine courses, training, and discounted use of DAV huts. (*cost for membership including basic cover costs between _45,00 and _90,00 depending on which section is joined, plus _30,00 one-off admissions fee www.alpenverein.de www.alpenverein-frankfurtmain.de 58 FSC E.V. SEASON GUIDE 13/14

Policies vary from company to company, so it’s best to shop around. Be sure to check whether sports equipment, heli-rescue and European or worldwide cover is indicated. You should always get receipts for medical services, and you will need a police report if your equipment is stolen. * FSC takes no responsibility for the accuracy of information given in this section. All prices are based on minimum coverage available for single membership for one year.

“This little piggy went to market. This little piggy ... bugger!”

TRIPCAPTAINS... ... teach you to love Jägertee!

... demonstrate how to be sophisticated without a glas!

... guide you to the best bar in town!

OK, YOU HAVE DONE A FEW TRIPS - ASK NOT WHAT YOUR CLUB CAN NEXT DO FOR YOU, BUT WHAT YOU CAN DO FOR YOUR CLUB. THE ANSWER IS SIMPLE: OFFER YOUR SERVICES AS A “TRIP CAPTAIN” (TC). QUITE SIMPLY, WITHOUT A TRIP CAPTAIN, NO TRIP WOULD GO. Conventional package holidays have reps to look after their guests, and we do so too, but ours have a lot more work to do as they have to promote the trip, sign people up and then shepherd the whole flock there and back, all for negligible compensation (apart from the satisfaction of a job well done).

SO WHAT EXACTLY IS A TC THEN? They provide the information, organisation, energy and enthusiasm behind running each trip. They are the official FSC representatives in resort and have the final word when it comes to making decisions that affect the group. Please co-operate with the TC at all times. “I have a cunning plan – we may need to climb!”

... and take you to where the knalliest lines are!

The TCs duties are divided into tasks that are accomplished before, during and after a trip: Before TCs are responsible for selling the trip, manning the sign-up table at each social, taking signups, collecting payment details, answering questions about the trip and the area, maintaining a wait list if necessary, compiling a hotel room-list, and making sure the people going on the trip are fully informed of all pertinent information, such as departure times & locations, and if ski pass photos are needed, etc. During TCs are there to enforce the law and preserve the safety of decent citizens throughout the trip, ensure that any special wishes of the bus driver are known, co-ordinate rest stops with the bus driver & checkin at the hotel upon arrival, assign rooms and room mates, distribute keys, ensure everyone is aware of bus departure times to and from the lifts, times for breakfast and dinner, the time and place the bus departs on the last day, arrange for ski passes, and (optional, but traditional) arrange après-ski activities.

After TCs need to prepare and submit a detailed trip report (including a list of all participants, amounts paid, receipts and other applicable paperwork) to the Trips Director, a separate shorter trip report to Publicity (even just a paragraph is welcome), then hand everything into Trip Reconciliations. TCs should be the first to arrive and the last to leave. TCs can take pride in knowing that their trip, or any FSC trip for that matter, would not be possible – especially at our modest prices – without their help and time. If you’re interested in being a TC ask a board member at a social meeting. “I feel a little ruff today.”

INFO FSCers are advised to take down their TC’s mobile number, in case of emergencies. This season’s TCs will be delighted to show you the ropes... and bars! FSC E.V. SEASON GUIDE 13/14 59

EQUIPMENT & PROTECTION THE RIGHT EQUIPMENT JUST MIGHT SAVE THE DAY – IF NOT YOUR LIFE. The “AvaLung”: this nine-ounce shoulder sling may be the most important piece of life saving equipment you can wear when travelling in avalanche terrain. It allows an avalanche victim to breathe fresh air directly from the snowpack by diverting CO2 away from the fresh-air intake and can increase the time that oxygen is available from 15 mins to 53 min!

A more time-efficient option is to rent before you leave on a trip from one of the ski shops around Frankfurt. Try our sponsor, Alpin Basis, so check them out first. Finally, whatever option you choose, make sure you can recognise your own equipment and remember where you left it! It’s easy to misplace skis and poles after a jovial après-ski session... Fran ha n d l e wi th C are!

Renting in resort has the advantage that you can change equipment you are not happy with, but it’s almost always very time consuming thus making it harder to link up with fellow FSCers on the first morning, and leaving you less time on the slopes. Another problem can be if the trip involves bussing to different ski areas each morning. In this case returning equipment to where you rented it can be difficult and you must plan ahead for this eventuality.

Check the shop’s business hours to ensure that they are open when you come to return equipment on the last day, and do so in good time. Don’t forget, you will usually need ID and a credit card to rent. Ask your TC for advice.

all products c.o. individual brand

Those of you who do not already have your own skis or boards, don’t despair! There are opportunities to RENT snowboards, skis, poles, boots, and sometimes even clothing, both in Frankfurt before you leave, and of course, in resort.

kFur t Sk i Clu b


Children under wear a he 14 years of age are WWW l .FSC met! obliged to wear helmets EV.O RG in the Alps. Makes sense really. Imagine running and falling on your head. Now imagine travelling at 20-30 km/h and doing the same. Enough said! It’s cool to be safe.

it‘S a

Protection is also a subject that is very important to us as a Club. Nowadays the majority of members wear some form of added-protection, whether it be a helmet, padded shorts (great for boarders), wrist-guards, knee-braces, back shields or rucksacks. All are sensible and don’t cramp your style.

Snow brai ner!




You‘ll be greeted with a drink or two ...

... recieve your stomarch lining / food ...

... start sampling the delights of shots!


... so you can do your business ...

... and stretch your legs ...

... before settling down for the show.


... with Santa‘s (health)elfy helpers ...

... FSC‘s very own “Guitar Hero” Joe ...

.. and the backseat quartets.


... with you own lullabys ...

... and feel warm from below ...

... before the ventriloquist show starts.

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OutdoorOutdoor-und undFreizeitbekleidung Freizeitbekleidung· Wanderschuhe · Wanderschuhe· Rucksäcke · Rucksäcke· Klettern · Klettern· Ski · Skialpin alpin· Skitour · Skitour· Freeride · Freeride· Skilanglauf · Skilanglauf ·

S G 1

OutdoorOutdoorOutdoorund und und Freizeitbekleidung Freizeitbekleidung Freizeitbekleidung · Wanderschuhe ·· Wanderschuhe Wanderschuhe · Rucksäcke ·· Rucksäcke Rucksäcke · Klettern ·· Klettern Klettern · Ski ·· Ski Ski alpin alpin alpin · Skitour ·· Skitour Skitour · Freeride ·· Freeride Freeride · Skilanglauf ·· Skilanglauf Skilanglauf

Die Die Freiheit Freiheit beginnt beginnt hier! hier!

OutdoorOutdoorund und Freizeitbekleidung Freizeitbekleidung · Wanderschuhe · Wanderschuhe · Rucksäcke · Rucksäcke · Klettern · Klettern · Ski · Ski alpin alpin · Skitour · Skitour · Freeride · Freeride · Skilanglauf · Skilanglauf

Die Die Freiheit Freiheit beginnt beginnt hier! hier! Die Die Freiheit Freiheit beginnt beginnt hier! hier!

alpin alpinbasis basis– Ihr – IhrFachgeschäft FachgeschäftfürfürWandern, Wandern,Reisen, Reisen,Trekking, Trekking,Skisport, Skisport,Klettern. Klettern. Größte GrößteSchuhauswahl SchuhauswahlimimRhein-Main-Gebiet Rhein-Main-Gebiet– mit – mitindividuellem individuellemPassform-Service. Passform-Service. Unser Team aktiven Outdoor-Sportlern berät SieSie engagiert und Unser Team aktiven Outdoor-Sportlern berät engagiert undkompetent. kompetent. alpin alpin alpin basis basis basis –aus Ihr –aus – Ihr Ihr Fachgeschäft Fachgeschäft Fachgeschäft fürfür für Wandern, Wandern, Wandern, Reisen, Reisen, Reisen, Trekking, Trekking, Trekking, Skisport, Skisport, Skisport, Klettern. Klettern. Klettern. Größte Größte Größte Schuhauswahl Schuhauswahl Schuhauswahl imim im Rhein-Main-Gebiet Rhein-Main-Gebiet Rhein-Main-Gebiet – mit –– mit mit individuellem individuellem individuellem Passform-Service. Passform-Service. Passform-Service.

Unser Unser Team Team Team aus aus aus aktiven Outdoor-Sportlern Outdoor-Sportlern Outdoor-Sportlern berät berät Sie Sie Sie engagiert engagiert engagiert und und und kompetent. kompetent. kompetent. So fiUnser nden SieSie – aktiven nur Schritte von der Konstablerwache/Zeil entfernt: So finden –aktiven nurwenige wenige Schritte vonberät der Konstablerwache/Zeil entfernt: alpin alpin basis basis – uns Ihr –uns Ihr Fachgeschäft Fachgeschäft für für Wandern, Wandern, Reisen, Reisen, Trekking, Trekking, Skisport, Skisport, Klettern. Klettern. Größte Größte Schuhauswahl Schuhauswahl im im Rhein-Main-Gebiet Rhein-Main-Gebiet –der mit –Konstablerwache/Zeil mit individuellem individuellem Passform-Service. Passform-Service. So finden fifinden nden Sie uns uns uns –Friedberger nur –Friedberger – nur nur wenige wenige wenige Schritte Schritte Schritte von von von der der Konstablerwache/Zeil Konstablerwache/Zeil entfernt: entfernt: entfernt: | So |Sie | So |Sie Anschrift Große Str. 16-20, 60313 Frankfurt Anschrift Große Str. 16-20, 60313 Frankfurt Team Team aus aktiven aktiven Outdoor-Sportlern Outdoor-Sportlern berät berät Sie Sie engagiert engagiert und und kompetent. kompetent. |Unser ||Unser | Große |aus | Große Anschrift Anschrift Anschrift Große Friedberger Friedberger Friedberger Str. Str. Str. 16-20, 16-20, 16-20, 60313 60313 60313 Frankfurt Frankfurt Frankfurt | |Öffnungszeiten | |Mo-Fr: |Öffnungszeiten |Mo-Fr: 10-20 Uhr, Sa: 10-19 Uhr 10-20 Uhr, Sa: 10-19 Uhr |Öffnungszeiten | Öffnungszeiten |Mo-Fr: | Mo-Fr: Öffnungszeiten Mo-Fr: 10-20 10-20 10-20 Uhr, Uhr, Uhr, Sa: Sa: Sa: 10-19 10-19 10-19 Uhr Uhr Uhr SoSo finden finden SieSie uns uns – nur – nur wenige wenige Schritte Schritte von von derder Konstablerwache/Zeil Konstablerwache/Zeil entfernt: entfernt: | Anschrift | Anschrift | Große | Große Friedberger Friedberger Str.Str. 16-20, 16-20, 60313 60313 Frankfurt Frankfurt | Öffnungszeiten | Öffnungszeiten | Mo-Fr: | Mo-Fr: 10-20 10-20 Uhr, Uhr, Sa:Sa: 10-19 10-19 Uhr Uhr

www.alpin-basis.de www.alpin-basis.de www.alpin-basis.de

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