30% club southern africa annual review 2016

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30% Club

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30% CLUB SOUTHERN AFRICA Annual Review 2016. 1


INDEX 5 6 9 11 11 13 14 16 17 18 19




FOREWORD This is the second annual review of the 30% Club Southern Africa (30%CSA) and records the main endeavours and achievements during the past year 2016. Much has been achieved in the past fifteen months since the last review and the growth in 30%CSA both in terms of members and activities has been most pleasing. Membership of 30%CSA has grown from 10 members at the time of the previous review to a current 28. We have been clear from the start that we are looking for quality over quantity, commitment over indifference. Globally the numbers have grown from about 200 members to over 600 members. Whilst our offerings have also grown, the most energising new project for me during 2016 is the Board Walk programme. I really do believe that the Board Walk will mature into a positive vehicle to facilitate women climbing the corporate ladder right to the top. At the other end of the time scale the Gender Mainstreaming Awards, completing its fourth year in 2016, has nicely bedded down as the premier gender diversity event in South Africa for corporates. PwC has been confirmed as the Naming Right Sponsor for the next three years. The Honourable Minister of Women in the Presidency, Ms Susan Shabangu, has formally endorsed the Awards. Numerous blue chip companies have indicated that in 2017 they will be joining those companies who have already entered the Gender Mainstreaming Awards over the previous four years. This will consolidate the Gender Mainstreaming Awards’ position. We are delighted that in 2016 we have been able to add Cape Town as a locale for many of the 30%CSA events and look forward to more, bigger and better events there in 2017. Not only have we expanded in terms of location, we have also been privileged to be able to form active working relationships with organisations such as the Institute of Directors Southern Africa and Brand South Africa. In addition, not only has Minister Susan Shabangu endorsed the Gender Mainstreaming Awards, she has also endorsed the 30%CSA as a leading organisation advocating best practices in gender mainstreaming. In conclusion, I would like to recognise the time and effort put in by all the members of the Steering Committee. Without their lively input and dedication, we could not achieve as much as we do. Colleen Larsen F. Inst. D. President 30% Club Southern Africa 5



Monica Singer, CEO: Strate Ltd. Wendy Lucas-Bull, Chair: Barclays Africa Maria Ramos, CE: Barclays Africa Shirley Machaba, Chair: PwC South Africa Nikki Webb, Partner: Hogan Lovells Gert Schoonbee, MD: T-Systems


Sir John Parker (UK member), Chairman: Anglo American PLC Stephen Koseff, CEO: Investec Ltd. / PLC Sbu Gule, Chair: Norton Rose Fulbright Tom Creamer, CEO: Telesure​Investment Holdings

MEMBERS WHO HAVE JOINED DURING 2016; • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

Sipho Pityana, Chairman: Anglo Gold Ashanti Catalina Fajardo, Partner: Bain & Co. Emmy Leeka, CEO: Barloworld Equipment Keith Thompson, Regional Head: Bloomburg Marina Bidoli, Partner: Brunswick Grace Dipale, Group Human Resources Director: Business Connexion Peter Crawley, Country Officer: Citi ​South Africa​ Trevor Brown, Chairman: Deloitte Tima Nork​i​e, Partner: EY Parmi Natesan, ​Executive: Centre for Corporate Governance​ Mary Bomela, CEO: Mineworkers Investment Company James Formby, CEO: Rand Merchant Bank Megan Nicholas, Managing Executive Sales and Distribution: Telkom Sneha Shah, MD Africa: Thomson Reuters Sally Hutton, Managing Partner: Webber Wentzel Faith Khanyile, CEO Women’s Development Bank Investment Holdings



Brand South Africa Tuesday Consulting Manpower SA African Women Chartered Accountants Novate Legal Vuma Reputation Management Search Partners International SA Women in ICT Forum

New members are constantly being encouraged to join the 30%CSA.


Steering Committee The Steercom met nine times since the first review, now meeting bi-monthly. Attendance varied between ten and twenty-one Steercom members depending on individuals’ work commitments and other availability. The hosting of the meeting is rotated between the members; • • • • • •

September 2015; Investec October 2015; Investec November 2015; PwC January 2016; Manpower SA March 2016; Investec September 2016; Anglo Gold Ashanti

In April 2015 it was decided to initiate focus groups to attend to various matters being attended to by the Steercom. The initial focus groups were Membership, Research, Events and Communication. This year a Mentorship and Training group was added. Focus groups are dynamic and will be reviewed from time to time for continued relevance and effectiveness.



Members’ Dinner March 2016 The second Members’ Dinner was held on 1st March 2016 which was again hosted by T-Systems in Midrand. One hundred and twenty five invited guests, the majority of whom are respected business leaders, enjoyed a wonderful night of good food, wine and networking and were briefed on the initiatives of the 30% Club. It is an opportunity to introduce South African business leaders to the work and the aspirations of 30%CSA. The speakers for the event were the; • • • • •

Cheryl Carolus; Chairperson Gold Fields Ltd. (Keynote Speaker). Dame Judith MacGregor; British High Commissioner to South Africa. Adv Joyce Maluleke (on behalf of the Minister of Women in the Presidency, Susan Shabangu). Nyiko Mogale; Board Support MD; T-Systems South Africa. Colleen Larsen; CE Business Engage and President 30% Club Southern Africa.

The Members’ Dinner is becoming an integral part of the 30%CSA calendar of events and is an important form of communication between 30%CSA, its members and potential members. T Systems South Africa have confirmed that they will be hosting the third Members Dinner on 8th March 2017.

The Board Walk Started in September 2015, The Board Walk is fast becoming an essential programme for women aspiring to make it to the executive committees and boards of South Africa Inc. Whilst there are many “Women on Boards” programmes, these tend to be quite theoretical. The Board Walk is split into two phases. The first involves business breakfasts and the second phase, to be initiated in 2017 tie in formal leadership programmes to the work of the breakfasts. See “The Year Ahead” below for phase 2 of the programme. The breakfasts, which are held at least five times a year in both Johannesburg and Cape Town, allow aspiring executives and board members to interact with existing, experienced executives and board members in a relaxed environment. Attendees look to the guest speakers and table hosts (the experienced directors) to impart practical advice to those who are wishing to make the step up.


The Board Walk continued... The events held so far are; • • • • • • • •

30 September 2015; Hyatt Rosebank (Sponsored by Strate Ltd.) 2 February 2016; RMB Sandton 11 May 2016; T Systems Midrand 26 July 2016; PwC Sunninghill 8th September; RMB Cape Town 28 September 2016; Webber Wentzel Sandton 2nd November; T-Systems Bellville 23 November 2016; Telesure Steyn City

Guest Speakers have included Shirley Mashaba, Chair PwC; Gert Schoonbee, MD T-Systems; Dion Shango, CEO PwC; Sally Hutton, Partner Webber Wentzel. Table hosts have included Kuben Pillay, Chair Primedia; James Formby, CEO RMB; Prof Shirley Zinn, NonExecutive Director various boards; Jo Pohl, CFO Telesure; Vanessa Olver, Deputy CEO Business Connexion; Getty Simelane, Non-Executive Director T-Systems; Faith Khanyile, CEO WDB Investment Holdings; Christine Ramon, CFO Anglo Gold Ashanti. To date, three attendees have secured minor board positions with a further two alternate director positions being discussed with a JSE listed company as at the publishing of this report.


The Connected Workplace The second Connected Workplace Conference took place on 8th March 2016 at Investec in Sandton. 80 people The panel discussion was represented by 5 senior leaders in industry : Stephen Koseff, Nosipho January-Bardill, Grace Harding and Marc Khan


Gender Mainstreaming Awards The 4th Gender Mainstreaming Awards were held at Vodacom Dome on 1st September 2016 and for the first time held in association with the 30% Club Southern Africa. The keynote speaker was Rania Anderson (see Rania Anderson Visit to SA below). PwC were yet again the naming right sponsors. Minister of Women in the Presidency, Ms Susan Shabangu was in attendance. Blue Chip Companies who entered the awards include;

• Accenture • Anglo Gold Ashanti • Barclays • BDO • Clover • Dell • DHL • Distell • EY • FNB • RMB • Telkom • Thomson Reuters • Transnet • T Systems • Standard Bank • Vodacom

In addition, high level representatives from the flowing companies attended the awards. Many have indicated their desire to enter the awards next year.


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Business Connexion Citi Group

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Deloitte Group 5 Hilton Hotels Hogan Lovells Nandos Nedbank Primedia PwC Royal Bafokeng Platinum Telesure Webber Wentzel

The entertainment was provided by the Soweto Gospel Choir. The Gender Mainstreaming Champion for 2016 is Vodacom; Previous winners are PPC, T-Systems and Business Connexion. In 2016 we were able to conclude an agreement with the Times Media Group to produce a gender suppliment, Celebrating Women, to the Sunday Times which was inserted in 70,000 copies. In addition to the 30%CSA, a number of the 30%CSA participating companies were profiled. PwC has committed to being the naming rights sponsor for the next three years.


Rania Anderson visit to SA Rania was initially introduced to the 30% Club by 30%CSA Strate Ltd. She is a foremost expert on professional development of women in developing and emerging economies. She is the author of Undeterred; Six Success Habits of women in Emerging Economies, the first career advice book expressly written for educated women in growth markets. Originally from the Middle East, Rania has lived and travelled all over the developing world. Her early career success was at Bank of America where she progressed to a senior leadership role before leaving in 1997 to start and grow an executive coaching and consulting business. In 201 Rania founded The Way Women Work, now a thriving advice platform visited by hundreds of women around the world.


Her visit to South Africa was sponsored by 30%CSA members, Telesure and RMB.

The seminars and talks by Rania were as follows;

On 19th April 2016 prior to arriving in South Africa, Rania held an hour long trailer of her seminars for 25 people hosted by RMB.

1st September; Keynote speaker, Gender Mainstreaming Awards 2nd September; Telesure 5th September; GIBS 6th September; Maslow Hotel 6th September; FNB Sandton 7th September; ABSA Women In Finance 8th September; Board Walk RMB Cape Town 9th September; Table Bay Hotel Cape Town

Gender Mainstreaming E-Zine Launched December 2015, the Gender Mainstreaming E Zine is an e-magazine distributed at lease four times a year profiling 30%CSA and non-30%CSA members in their gender activities and initiatives. Many people argue that nothing is being done in corporate South Africa. This is not true, however it is submitted that organisations are not, for various reasons, getting the story out to their stakeholders and the public at large. The E Zine provides a platform to correct this. The E Zine is sent out to all members, contributors and interested parties. Recipients are encouraged to distribute the E Zine, which is free of charge, widely to their employees, clients and other stakeholders.


THE 30% CLUB GLOBALLY 2016 has seen the 30% Club continue making great strides globally with representation now in the following countries; UK, USA, Canada, Australia, Hong Kong, GCC, Italy, Malaysia, Ireland and of course Southern Africa. Individual membership globally has increased to over six hundred members. In line with these changes the 30%CSA has aligned its website with the global website (www.30percent.org). The various chapters now have their own landing pages. The 30% Club held a global conference on 23rd June 2016 in London. 30%CSA participated in a virtual access to the conference, facilitated by AngloGold Ashanti.


THE YEAR AHEAD The focal point for 2017 will be to capitalise on the gains made in 2016 and continue on a structured and sustainable growth. With the success of The Board Walk, preparations for phase 2 are being made to partner or align with external service providers to provide a structured programme which would culminate in the participants achieving the necessary credentials, in a practical manner, to climb the corporate ladder. Increasing our communication capabilities, with the assistance of our members and associate members who are in the communications and public relations field, will be an imperative. The investment community is an important aspect of the 30% Club globally. It is the third leg, members and executive search being the other two. In Southern Africa the investment community will be a major focus in 2017 and we have a number of members / associate members on board to assist us in this regard. Finally, the 30% CSA has entered into a collaboration agreement with Bain and Company for the Gender Parity in South Africa research project. The first report will be published in May 2017. It is expected that this is research will be updated and expanded on over many years.


CONTACT : Colleen Larsen 084-353-9865 colleen@businessengage.co.za www.30percentclub.org 20

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