6th Gender Mainstreaming Awards 2018 www.genderawards.co.za 6 September 2018 Vodacom Dome Midrand
Other Partners
Why Gender Mainstreaming Awards • The Gender Mainstreaming Awards have been developed by Business Engage to encourage private sector and government to buy-in to achieving more meaningful representation of women in the mainstream of organisations, and to reward companies that have understood the business case for gender diversity and started their programmes. • The fifth awards were successfully held at the Vodacom Dome on 7 September 2017 for 590 attendees.
Categories The ten private sector categories are: • Women on boards • Women on Executive Committees in Multinationals • Equal representation and participation award • Diversity and transformation award
• Women empowerment in the workplace award split into JSE/SOEs and non-JSE listed companies • Economic empowerment award • Mainstreaming gender and disability award • Women empowerment in the community
• Investing in young women • Gender Reporting by JSE listed companies
There is then an overall Gender Mainstreaming Champion
Previous Winners • 2013 PPC • 2014 T-Systems
• 2015 Business Connexion • 2016 Vodacom
Gender Mainstreaming Champion 2017
Additional Entrants, Category Winners and Attendees •
Group Five
AngloGold Ashanti
Hilton Worldwide
Hogan Lovells
Barloworld Equipment
Imperial Group
Coface South Africa
Mineworkers Investment Company
Norton Rose
Standard Bank
Thomson Reuters
Gauteng Provincial Legislature
Table Bookings • Cost per table of 10 = R25000 plus VAT; Cost per person = R2500 plus VAT • 20% discount applies for tables booked and paid for by 28 February 2018 • http://genderawards.co.za/the-awards/table-reservations
Sandy Ehrenreich
Master of Ceremonies
Entertainment 2017 • Vicky Sampson • Cantare Children’s Choir
• Jessica Mbangeni
Filming of Event Academy of Television and Arts is a TV and Film school with cutting-edge programmes that open doors to various careers in screen media. A division of Academy of Sound Engineering. Filming of the event formed part of their deliverables to graduate as 3rd year students. http://www.screenarts.tv/index.html
Recommendations The Awards are quickly becoming the premier event in gender diversity in South Africa. • Sbu Gule, Norton Rose Zanele and I would like to wholeheartedly thank you for the invitation to the awards and for seating us at a table with you and the other dignitaries which gave us a good networking opportunity. I am sure that I not only speak for Zanele, but my partners who attended the event when I say that it was a well organised and classy affair. The speeches were on point and the entertainment was excellent. We all had a good time. What is also heartening is that it was all for a good cause. I must congratulate you for all the hard work that you have put into ensuring that diversity does happen in the workplace, and it is just not talk. I look forward to participating in your other initiatives. • Andy Henderson, UKTI Many congratulations to you, Malcolm and the whole team for another inspiring evening in the company of very special people.. You should be very proud of what you have achieved. We enjoyed being with you.
Recommendations cont’d • Dr Len Konar, Steinhof Well done on a stupendous achievement! Long may it last. The trick now is to get traction on the HUGE PERSONAL INVESTMENT you and Business Engage and GMA have made and build on it going forward. • Gert Schoonbee, T-Systems It is easy to be your partner since you really make a big difference and you expect so little back. Congratulations with a BIG evening. The fact that the awards were spread out between so many different companies is another indication for me how the whole initiative is maturing. Brilliant! I know this will not be the end of the journey. Because it will feel like a failure if it is. We will remain on your side. • Shirley Machaba, PwC It was an awesome night for all including our clients. Thank you for the opportunity to be part of such an event to keep profiling our firm as well as strengthening our networks.
Recommendations cont;d •
Hein Boegman – Africa CEO, PwC
Making the decision to sponsor the GMA was one of the first " at risk " decision I took coming into the South Africa CEO role just more than 4 years ago. I wanted to consolidate what I considered to be a somewhat scattered approach to a very important issue , to a single meaningful contribution that would have the potential to make a difference. Looking back I want to thank you for making this such a meaningful relationship and a cause with much more than what I could have imagined. Dion , whom I have known for just about half his live, is probably one of the few who really understand my passion for gender equality . His words on Thursday regarding my focus on gender came as a surprise to me , but I felt a sense of immense pride with what I saw that evening - with the unique and unexpected opportunity to have one of my daughters with me! May GMA continue to help change perceptions and reality - and hopefully we will continue to part of the journey. You have a lot to be proud of.
Dion Shango – Southern Africa CEO, PwC
Congratulations on another fantastic event last week. It just seems to get bigger and better! It is a real privilege for us to be involved with the GMAs, and we look forward to many more years of collaboration.
The Event
The Event
The Event
The Event
Celebrating Women Supplement • Celebrating Women in conjunction with Business Engage and the 30% Club Southern Africa, is a platform to showcase businesswomen and organisations that are committed to empowerment and transformation in South Africa. • The Gender Mainstreaming Awards are covered in the publication. • Published as a large-format glossy magazine, Celebrating Women is distributed to 70000 Sunday Times subscribers nationally.
• Copies of Celebrating Women are available at the Gender Mainstreaming Awards and then distributed as a supplement the Sunday following the event. • Celebrating Women is also accessible as an e-zine.
Women on Boards Design and Award (including Innovation Executive Committee and Management Pipeline)
Detailed Overview of the Programme
Design, Innovation, detail and planning of the programe
How the programme is/was managed
People involved / Frequency of meetings / Monitoring of implementation / Systems Utilised
How the programme was/is communicated
To Whom / Medium / Frequency / Format
Return on 40 Investment / Business (Economic) Impact
Impact of the programme
Contribution to sustainability / profitability/ROI
Gender Targets (Broad Base)
Who the beneficiaries were/are
Number of women/percentage of staff/targets achieved
Steps involved in the application process: •
STEP 1 Complete the application by 25 June 2018. Either online or by downloading a copy of the entry form onto word and completing the document. If entry forms are downloaded, please e-mail the completed form to colleen@businessengage.co.za.
STEP 2 Applicants are shortlisted by the judges.(Refer to our awards criteria)
STEP 3 Shortlisted companies are interviewed by the judges on 2-6 July 2018, depending on which categories were entered. (See below for dates)
STEP 4 Notification of finalists for the Gender Mainstreaming Awards ceremony - 17 July 2018. Finalists submit hi-res company logo. Finalists agree to use of logos for marketing purposes (specifications to be provided).
STEP 5 Gender Mainstreaming Awards – 6 September 2018.
Judging Dates 2 July
Investing in Young Women Women Empowerment in the Community Economic Empowerment
We reserve the right to
• • •
increase the number of days for judging and increase the categories and allocate additional judges merge categories where appropriate
depending on the number of shortlisted companies 3 July
Women Empowerment in the Workplace Equal Representation and Participation Private Sector and Government Departments Diversity and Transformation Women and Disability Private Sector and Government Departments
4 July
Women Empowerment in the Workplace Private Sector and Government Departments
5 July
Women on Boards Women in Multinationals Mainstreaming Human Rights - Government Departments
6 July
Gender Reporting by JSE Listed-Companies
T’s & C’s
* finalists attend the Awards event
It is a condition of entry that the
* Gender Mainstreaming Champion attends the following event as Ambassadors and hands over the Gender Mainstreaming Trophy to the next winner as per the precedent set by the previous winners. Business Engage will meet with the Gender Mainstreaming Champion to discuss process.
Sponsorship Opportunities GOLD PACKAGE : 2018 GENDER MAINSTREAMING AWARDS: R375 000 (excl VAT) •
SPONSOR logo on all invitations sent after the signing of this Agreement.
Logo on all correspondence sent to exclusive data base/address list.
Logo on all advertising.
Logo on multimedia presentation at event.
Branding at event - 1 x banner wall (1.5m x 1.5m); 8 pull up banners (standard size) in a predefined area.
Web advertising.
SPONSOR Ad in Agenda at the Awards.
Five free tables of 10 people. Option to seat senior representatives at specific VIP tables where possible.
2 minute video at the Awards. Video to be supplied by SPONSOR in agreed format.
First right of refusal for sponsorship of future GMA events.
Times Media supplement in Sunday Times (At additional cost apart from coverage of actual event)
Sponsorship Opportunities SILVER PACKAGE : 2018 GENDER MAINSTREAMING AWARDS: R175 000 (excl VAT) •
SPONSOR logo on all invitations sent after the signing of this Agreement.
Logo on all correspondence sent to exclusive data base/address list.
Logo on all advertising.
Logo on multimedia presentation at event.
Branding at event - 1 x banner wall (1.5m x 1.5m); 6 pull up banners (standard size) in a predefined area.
Web advertising. SPONSOR Ad in Agenda at the Awards.
Thee free tables of 10 people. Option to seat senior representatives at specific VIP tables where possible.
2 minute video at the Awards. Video to be supplied by SPONSOR in agreed format.
Times Media supplement in Sunday Times (May attract additional cost)
Times Media supplement in Sunday Times (At additional cost apart from coverage of actual event)
Sponsorship Opportunities • Any other initiative which enhances the SPONSOR brand and fosters the SPONSOR association with the Awards that is mutually agreed in writing between the Parties.
Contact Colleen Larsen Chief Executive : Business Engage
colleen@businessengage.co.za 084-353-9865