“Hello Kitty” Anthony I wanted to speak about gender specifically, and how you choose to identify, present yourself, or lacktherof. Where are you with all of that? Is it something that you feel confident about or something that you struggle with? No like, I’m confident about it, but I don’t really, anymore at least, I don’t actually see myself as an actual gender. Because I’m very girlish, but i’m also very guyish, you know. I could be wearing a fucking dress, but if shit hits the fan, like, I’m going to fucking act a role. My sexuality is flexible for the most part. I never
dated a guy, but I’ve made out with a few dudes. There’s this one that I enjoyed making out with. He’s a really pleasant make out. He’s a guy that, if he just came up here right now and said ‘You want to make out?’ I’d be like “Yeah, I’ll make out with you! You’re a really good kisser!” For the most part I have relationships with people who identify themselves as female, female bodied and stuff. The last relationship I had, the person and I still communicate, and I’m happy with that and we still talk. They let me know they miss me and I let them know I miss them. Cause it’s a female born person but they
identify as ‘they,’ not ‘she’ or ‘he’ but ‘they’.
Are you the same way? I don’t really care. I don’t really care what pronoun is used for me. Most people just call me ‘he’ because they assume I’m a he, but I’m as much a he as I am a her, and I’m as much a her as I am a they. I don’t really care. For me, my sexuality depends on the person. If its a guy, like [redacted], he’s someone who I’m semi attracted to, and like he , him and I used to hang out and bullshit. Not sexually, but mentally, like oh my god, like you are a cute guy, and don’t get me wrong, I really don’t care about that. It’s his intellect, its what he has to say. It’s like wow, a turn on. You have a big mind behind your fucking face, that’s really cute, I want to continue hanging out and talking to you.
all of that noise. But I would not, not pursue a relationship with them in any form. And even when it comes to friends, and people that I know, when its people I can’t talk to, I’m really awkward around them. I do not feel right.
I’m curious when you see elements of patriarchy, how would you describe patriarchy, how you feel about it, and if it affects you? The patriarchy thing. That’s a semi weird and a funny one for me because the people that have a big influence upon me is my mother and my grandmother. I was raised by my grandmother until I was 11, and then my mom picked up after that. And I was raised in Colombia, though I’m Venezuelan, I was raised in Colombia. I left Venezuela when I was 6-months-old.
Describe what the influence was. Do you think that a major part of your attraction to other people is from their minds? Yeah! On an intellectual level, yeah, big, that’s big. The way I feel about it is if I cannot hold a conversation with you then I can’t be with you. I can be attracted to you as fuck, but if you and I cannot have a talk, then like, I don’t want nothing to do with you.
Do you still pursue sexual relationships with people that you are not attracted to intellectually? No, I do not. I might find the person hella fucking attractive, and like I said, I might lust for them a bit, and
Just the fact that the person I had to answer to was a woman. The two elders of my house in my household, cause my mother didn’t live with me, she was in the States and I was in Colombia. The two elders in my house were my cousin, who is now, I believe in her early 30’s, I’m 7 or 8 years younger than she is, I’m not really sure, I haven’t seen her since 2000. I haven’t seen any of my family from Colombia since then.
So would you say you grew up in a matriarchal household? Oh fuck yeah, I looked up to my mother and my grandmother. They
were my leading figures. When I go over to my mom’s house now, and me and my mom will chat, you know, I’m hugging my mom, fucking kisses, cause like, I love my little lady to death. She is the love of my life. My old love of my life was my grandmother, that was the woman who I appreciated most in the world and cared about most in the world. She was the one who brought me up and raised me. Then my mom took over, and brought me here. Not that I was willing to come here, I didn’t want to come here. I wanted to stay in my country.
“Society teaches us, more or less, that as a guy you should have several women, and you shouldn’t be devoting yourself to others, others should be devoted to you, and the devotion that you choose, to the person that you’re giving it to, they should be grateful for it.” My last question has to do with the intersection between the gender struggle and the anti-racist struggle. Do you see connections? The way that they oppress, it’s very similar and then its very different. For example, for a woman, in the society we live in at least, like if a man looks at a woman, like if she is what is, quote unquote, the stereotypical attractive, kind of like in a joking manner, the barbie figure, cute butt, pretty
face, nice boobs, semi-submissive, like oh yeah, thats an attractive woman. But if its a woman, she might be fucking beautiful, but if its a woman who’s strong in her principles, strong minded, oh no shes kind of cute but like something isn’t right about her, but its just because shes boisterious, she doesn’t let herself be put down. You know what I mean? And I feel like its kind of that way for men a bit too, the way the quiet guy is considered the nice guy, or the loser, or the dork, but the guy whos calling girls bitches or trying to be the player, he is the guy who gets more female attention, and hes the guy who is more confident because our society teaches us more or less that as a guy you should have several women, and you shouldn’t be devoting yourself to others, others should be devoted to you, and the devotion that you choose, to the person that you’re giving it to, they should be grateful for it, rather than like, you being like, oh X girl, she likes me, and I like her back, and I’m happy because she likes me, and she’s happy cause I like her, the way that society tries to teach people is more of a backwards way, people should like me, and they should be grateful cause I like them, cause I’m a guy. As a man, I get to do whatever the fuck I want. I have more. Your rights go this far, and my rights go twice as far, cause I’m a man. And I should know whats right, women are emotional, they’re weak. Quote unquote. You know what I mean.