THE EQUAL OPPORTUNITIES INTER-FACTION UNION Newsletter / № 7 (August-September 2015)
UPCOMING EVENTS October is marked around the world as a month of breast cancer awareness. This disease is the leading cause of cancer mortality of women in Ukraine. Therefore, on October 9, 2015 MPs of Ukraine, members of the "Equal Opportunities" InterFaction Union together with the Charitable Foundation "Women's Health and Family Planning" plan conducting an awareness raising campaign in the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine as a part of the International Campaign against breast cancer. It is planned to exhibit themed banners/stands, distribute information materials and pink ribbons that are the symbol of the campaign against breast cancer.
STATEMENT OF NONCOMPLIANCE WITH GENDER QUOTAS MPs of Ukraine, members of the "Equal Opportunities" InterFaction Union called the leaders of political parties and all participants of the electoral process for strict adherence to the Article 4 of the Law of Ukraine "On local elections." This article contains a provision on 30% representation of candidates of the opposite gender and is aimed to ensure equal participation of women and men candidates in 2015 local elections. The full text of the statement: B7VdX7_1U7MkVWlwTTlvdlAtQ Xc/view?pli=1
MEETING WITH THE REPRESENTATIVES OF THE INTERNATIONAL INSTITUTE FOR DEMOCRACY AND ELECTORAL ASSISTANCE On September 10, 2015 MPs of Ukraine Maria Ionova, Aliona Babak and Iryna Friz had a working meeting with Nana Kalandadze and Rumbidzhai Kandawasvika-Nhundu, the representatives of the International Institute for Democracy and Electoral Assistance (International IDEA) with Headquarters in Stockholm, Sweden. International IDEA is implementing a number of projects aimed at gender mainstreaming in democracy promoting. The International Knowledge Network of Women in Politics and the global database of quotas for women (Gender Quota Project) are among the most successful projects of the organization. The participants of the meeting exchanged opinions on the most topical intiatives in the spheres of women’s empowerment in Ukraine. Local elections and non-compliance with gender quotas were the main focus of the discussion. According to MPs of Ukraine this year’s local elections will be an important step towards intensification of women’s political activity both on the local level and nationwide. Thus, the participants agreed that training women candidates for 2015 local elections is highly important now. However, it is important to keep working with women leaders and civil society women activists after the elections. It will help engaging them more effectively into political activities. The international experts pointed out that the issue of women's participation in politics in Ukraine should be considered in the context of the broader problem of changing social stereotypes and perception of gender roles. MPs of Ukraine and representatives of the International IDEA agreed to continue cooperation and to coordinate activities aimed at strengthening women's leadership and women’s political participation with other civil society and non-governmental organizations. d=1568562916710855
STRATEGIC PLANNING MEETING FOR THE “EQUAL OPPORTUNITIES” INTER-FACTION UNION ACTIVITIS UNDER THE CONFLICT IN THE EAST OF UKRAINE On September 18, 2015 the working meeting of the "Equal Opportunities" Inter-Faction Union with the representatives of the Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights (OSCE/ODIHR) was held. Olena Kondratiuk, Maria Ionova, Iryna Lutsenko and Iryna Friz, MPs of Ukraine, co-chairs and members of the "Equal Opportunities" InterFaction Union and Serhii Ustymenko, the Deputy Minister of Social Policy of Ukraine took part in the meeting. The OSCE/ODIHR was represented by Lana Ackar, Kateryna Ryabiko, Iryna Sukhinina and Sonia Lokar, the international gender expert, former director of the European Women's Lobby. The strategy for the “Equal Opportunities” Inter-Faction Union to strengthen women's political leadership and women’s political participation under the conflict in the East of Ukraine was a key theme of the meeting. Ukraine at the present stage of development faces difficult challenges caused by military operations in the Donbass region and by simultaneous comprehensive democratic reforms. The participants underlined that under these circumstances it is important to actualize in the society understanding that increasing the level of women's participation in the decision-making process is a key condition for the stability and further socio-economic development of Ukraine. Strengthening women’s role in the decision-making prosess in the sphere of national defense and security should be an important step towards the resolution of the conflict in the East of Ukraine. This will facilitate development of the concept of comprehensive security and will help to ensure more effectively humanitarian needs of the soldiers. Participants underlined the importance of realization of the National Action Plan to implement the UN Security Council Resolution 1325, which is on the final stage of development. The participants of the meeting also discussed the state of ratification of the Istanbul Convention. Implementing this Convention is crusial of because the conflict and the rise of domestic violence cases. The legislative changes required for the implementation of the Convention are already developed. It is expected that the basic law, which provides amendments to the existing legislation, including the Criminal Code Procedure, will be submitted to the Parliament in this October. The problem of social and economic integration of internally displaced women was among other issues raised at the meeting. Olena Kondratiuk, MP of Ukraine, in particular, underlined the importance of professional trainings for women potential entrepreneurs and of providing them with micro-credit to finance their businesses. Sonia Lokar advised members of the “Equal Opportunities" Inter-Faction Union to establish cooperation with a number of European donor organizations. According to experts of the OSCE/ODIHR Ukraine has achieved a significant progress in changing public perception of gender roles. So now it is important to continue the work and to consolidate efforts of government, representatives civil society and international organizations. An effective tool for collaboration of interested actors can be a woman's lobby. Therefore, on September 19, 2015 the OSCE/ODIHR initiated the discussion on the prospects of women’s lobby in Ukraine among civil activists, politicians, representatives of the executive authority and gender experts. Sonia Lokar told about the role of women’s lobbying in strengthening influence of women in public life and politics and ran a "brainstorming" about the possible pattern of women's lobby and directions of it’s work. Maria Ionova, co-chair of "Equal Opportunities" Inter-Faction Union joined the participants of the meeting.
THE ROLE OF WOMEN AND GENDER POLICY IN RESOLUTION OF THE ARMED CONFLICT IN THE EAST OF UKRAINE On September 21-22, 2015 a two-day workshop "The Role of Women and Gender Policy in Resolution of the Armed Conflict in Ukraine. Implementation of the UN Security Council Resolution 1325 "Women, Peace and Seccurity "and Related Resolutions" was held. The representatives of the Ukrainian authority, civil society and non-governmental organizations and delegates from NATO and the Institute of International Relations (Rome) gathered to discuss the issue of women’s equal participation in resolution of the conflict in the East of Ukraine and in further peaceful restoration of the Donbass region. The "Equal Opportunities" Inter-Faction Union was represented at the event by Iryna Lutsenko, MP of Ukraine. In her speech, Iryna Lutsenko underlined the necessity to implement the UNSC Resolution 1325 and its main principles into the state policy under the conflict in the East of Ukraine. The resolution envisages improvement of strategies aimed at preventing violence against women in armed conflict and at broader participation of women in conflict prevention, crisis management, and peacekeeping efforts. For this reason there is a need to develop measures to put into action the National Action Plan for the implementation of UNSCR 1325. Iryna Lutsenko also said that the problem of advancing women's rights in conflict is part of a more complex issue of women’s equal participation in the decision-making process both in the sphere of national security and defense and in politics in general. For two days, government officials, civil socity activists and gender advocates discussed the international experience of implementing UNSC Resolution 1325 and National Action Plan "Women, Peace and Security" for the period until 2020, which is in the final stage of development. A set of recommendations on the implementation of the National Action Plan will be formed as a result of the workshop.
«WILL GENDER QUOTA BE EFFECTIVE IN 2015 LOCAL ELECTIONS?» On September 23, on the initiative of the International Centre for Policy Studies (ICPS) a roundtable "Will Gender Quota be Effective in 2015 Local Elections?" was held. Experts and representatives of civil society organizations, including Tamara Martseniuk, gender expert, Olena Yena Senior Program Manager, Women Lead, NDI/Ukraine and Vasyl Filipchuk, Olena Zakharova and Anatolii Oktysiuk, representatives of ICPS, discussed the prospects of implementation of the norm on 30% women’s representation and attitude of political parties towards gender quotas as temporary measures aimed at involving more women in decision-making. Experts positivelly assesed the introduction of gender quotas in the local elections law as such, showing respect for the values of equal rights and pro-European policy direction. Gender quota created a "window of opportunities" for women on the regional level to participate in politics more actively. At the same time, through following the gender quota norm and involving more professional women, political parties will get an opportunity to meet the public demand for "new faces" in politics and government, and therefore will get support of voters. But the issue of compliance with gender quota remains relevant. Results of a survey conducted by the experts showed that political parties demonstrate commitment to quota, but are not inclined to give any promises that gender quota in local elections will be followed. The participants of the round table were unanimous that gender quota’s adoption is really important because women candidates have become more visible, and the question of the important role of women in politics is actively discussed in the society.
WOMEN’S LEADRSHIP IS A KEY TO SUCCESS AND DEVELOPMENT OF COMMUNITY Before 2015 local elections a number of Ukrainian and international organizations conduct professional trainings for women activists aimed at involving women in local government activities more effectivly and enhancing their participation in decision-making in local communities. On September 25, 2015 Ukrainian Women's Fund with the support of the National Democratic Institute for International Affairs (NDI) launched a new project to support women's leadership – Women’s Leadership Academy. Women’s Leadership Academy brought together 30 women activists, who wish to achieve results in social and political life of the in local communities. On the opening day the participants had a chance to talk to MP Oksana Prodan, member of the "Equal Opportunities" Inter-Faction Union. MP of Ukraine shared with participants her experience of a politician and described the professional qualities of a successful and effective politician. The participants took part in a 3-day training, where they received theoretical and practical knowledge and skills in leadership development, election campaigns, fundraising, interaction with the local community and mass-media. (Photo was provided by the Ukrainian Women’s Fund)
“FUTURE OF EASTERN EUROPE: EMPOWERNMENT OF WOMEN” On September 29, 2015 a roundtable discussion "The Future of Eastern Europe: Empowerment of Women" organized by Dalia Grybauskaite, the Head of the Council of Women World Leaders was held in New York. Representatives of governments and civil society organizations of Eastern European countries and Kolinda GrabarKitarović, president of Croatia, George Margvelashvili, president of Georgia and Madeleine Albright former Secretary of the United States took part in the event that was dedicated to women’s role in economic and political reforms in Eastern Europe. Maria Ionova, Iryna Gerashchenko, Ivanna Klympush-Tsintsadze and Svitlana Zalishchuk, MPs of Ukraine, members of the "Equal Opportunities" Inter-Faction Union were invited to participate in the discussion. The participation of women in peacebuilding and their role in achieving international peace and national security was a key issue of discussion. Massage from Nadia Savchenko read by her sister Vira, was delivered at the event. At the end of the roundtable participants held an improvised event in support of Nadia Savchenko. A delegation of women MPs appealed to the participants to unite the efforts of the international community to release Ukrainian hostages held in Russian prisons.
INFORMATION ON THE STATE OF GENDER EQUALITY IN UKRAINE The report "In the Crosscurrents: Addressing Discrimination and Inequality in Ukraine"
On August 14, 2015 the report " In the Crosscurrents: Addressing Discrimination and Inequality in Ukraine" made by the Equal Rights Trust, the "Nash Svit" and a number of Ukrainian human rights organizations was presented. The report presents a comprehensive assessment of the main forms of discrimination, society's attitude to the problem of inequality in Ukraine and a review of anti-discrimination legislation and practical mechanisms for its implementation. One of the issues highlighted in the report is the problem of gender discrimination and its manifestations in Ukraine. The main concern of experts is the gender inequality in the labor market and discrimination in employment. The extremely difficult is currently the situation of internally displaced women on the labor market. They face double discrimination - suffer from harassment both as women, and as representatives of IDPs. In addition, it is necessary to address the problem of domestic violence and human trafficking that have worsened during conflict in the East of Ukraine. Experts and representatives of international and civil society organizations, who were present at the event, emphasized that Ukraine has achieved significant progress in adapting anti-discrimination legislation to the EU legislation, but the part of non-discrimination norms do not have mechanisms for implementation. Public authorities and representatives of civil society have to work together towards the implementation of existing legislation. To read the report follow: Follow us on facebook – МФО «Рівні можливості»/ Equal Opportunities Caucus
The report on Human Rights for a First-Half Year Period
On September 8, 2015 Ukrainian Helsinki Human Rights Union presented the report "Human Rights in Ukraine: the first half of 2015", which among other issues analyzes women's rights and status of gender equality in the country. According to a report there is a positive dynamics in promoting gender equality in Ukraine. However, reforms towards European integration of Ukraine put new challenges for country to provide equal opportunities for men and women in employment, education and training, economic and social activities as well as decision-making. So Ukraine has to intensify the process of adapting the national legal system to the requirements of EU law on gender equality. To read the report follow:
UN Women Annual report UN Women presented the 2014 – 2015 annual report. It provides information on the progress of the UN member states in the sphere of gender equality, particularly in sphere of women's leadership and political participation, women’s economic empowerment, increasing women’s role in peace and security. According to the report, Ukraine in recent years actively implemented the gender budgeting at the local level and is now successfully implemented it at the regional and national levels. To read the report follow: