pOpCMS Key Benefits
pOp…advanced technology made simple
Search Engine stays Optimized.
pOp is an amazing way to build great websites in a short period of time. It's packed with many
When you add new content and
compelling features, an advanced theme layer, and solid core code. pOp is designed for
pages, pOp formats it properly for the search engines and renders them
building enterprise-class websites with unlimited possibilities. The primary purpose of pOp is to make the true power of CMS accessible to all.
correctly for maximum SEO. pOp
pOp is a collection of open source code that is packaged, optimized where required, customized
also renders clean code so the
where required so that pOp becomes simple, easy to use, fast and affordable. pOp is constantly
cleaner the code, the easier it is for
maintained and updated, so you get the latest technologies more rapidly than otherwise
the spiders to understand and rank
possible. The bottom line is it is simple, it is becoming better and better, without costing a dime.
your site higher.
pOp offers the best combination of functionality, flexibility, security, SEO-friendly and ease-
Amazing built-in modules: pOp has
of-use for your web site. In fact, pOp is an appropriate choice for a range of websites, from
numerous built-in modules such as
small to large sites and everything in between. pOp provides powerful theme engine that allows
banner ads, blog, calendar, chat,
you to change the look and feel of your website easily. Any valid HTML CSS can be converted
forms creator, and many more. Your site scales to your requirements without extra cost.
to a pOp theme and numerous free themes are available, and can even be customized to fit your needs. Alternatively, we could develop a special custom theme for your site. Commercial themes can also be purchased from Phoenix Template Store.
Incredibly flexible: You can easily turn your pOp site into a forum, faq, blog, wiki and many other types of web sites. Powerful theming engine: pOp contains a powerful theming engine that separates content completely from presentation; a pOp site's look-
Specifications Admin environment is supported on major browsers (IE, Firefox, Safari) Linux with MySQL database environment Additional modules can be easily integrated to meet your needs
and-feel is limited only to the constraints of imagination and the modern web browser.
pOp CMS features Blog Enables keeping easily and regularly updated user web page or blogs. Comment Allows users to comment on and discuss published content. Contact Enables the use of both personal and site-wide contact forms. Poll Allows your site to capture votes on different topics in the form of multiple choice questions. Search Enables site-wide keyword searching. Statistics Logs access statistics for your site. Automatic URL Automatically generate aliases for the content. (SEO friendly URL) Google Analytics Adds Google Analytics javascript tracking code to all your site’s page. Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) Manages configuration of questions for a FAQ page. Webform Enables the creation of forms and questionnaires Calendar Displays Calendar and add events. Advertisement Displays and manages advertisement such as text, HTML or image advertisement. Chat Room Enables the creation of rooms that provide access to chats and chat archives. Sitemap Enables use of a sitemap Photo Gallery For adding images and displaying photo albums CAPTCHA Captcha for form spam filtering