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An alternative voice since 1984 An SBI publication 04292014 Vol. 31 Issue: 14

Student Union Lobby

Table of Contents



05 EIC Letter 07 Agenda Hit or Bullshit What’s on our Playlist 09 Senior Sendoffs 10 He Said She Said 11 Mean Girls COLOR PAGE 12 John Jennings: Professor and Artist FEATURE 14 Les Miserables Interview PULSE 16 Global Scholars-ISEP 17 The Genocide Stigma BUFFALOVE 18 Meet Your SA President 19 Social Experiment ARTS 20 Burchfield Penny Reading 21 Submissions PARTING SHOTS 22 University Z Stop Selling Me Stuff 23 Visual Studies Senior Thesis Show

Cover designed by Emily Butler. Photos taken by Keighley Farrell. Photo source from all credits goes to respective photographer. (11), (17) Generation Magazine is owned by Sub-Board I, Inc., the student service corporation at the State University of New York at Buffalo. The Sub-Board I, Inc. Board of Directors grants editorial autonomy to the editorial board of Generation. Sub-Board I, Inc. (the publisher) provides funding through mandatory student activity fees and is in no way responsible for the editorial content, editorial structure or editorial policy of the magazine. Editorial and business offices for Generation are located in Suite 315 in the Student Union on North Campus. The telephoane numbers are (716) 645-6131 or (716) 645-2674 (FAX). Address mail c/o Room 315 Student Union University at Buffalo, Amherst, NY 14260. Submissions to Generation Magazine should be e-mailed to by 1p.m. Tuesday, a week before each issue’s publication. This publication and its contents are the property of the students of the State University of New York at Buffalo 2011 by Generation Magazine, all rights reserved. The first 10 copies of Generation Magazine are free. Each additional copy must be approved by the editor in chief. Requests for reprints should be directed to the editor in chief. Generation Magazine neither endorses nor takes responsibility for any claims made by our advertisers. Press run 5,000. ≠≠≠

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Hours of Operation

Monday to Friday 8:30am to 5pm

until May 16th at 5pm May 19,20,21- 8:30am to 4pm May 22 - 8am to 5pm May 23 - CLOSED May 26 - CLOSED May 27,28,29,30 - CLOSED 716.829.2368


Discrimination, Health, and Support: Panel and Information Session

Topic to be covered: Come learn about LGBTQ Issues in the Workplace including Employment Discrimination and Wrongful Termination; LGBTQ Policies in Higher Education & Student Support Programs; and LGBTQ health issues and disparities!

Presenters: Lindy Korn, Esq.James Bowman LQBTQ Wellness & Special Project Coordinator, UB Wellness Education Services Jorien Brock Senior Director, Pride Center of WNY

April 29th at 4pm O'Brian Hall room 102 716-645-3056

Editor’s Letter

Dear Readers,

We made it, our last issue of the semester is complete and you are probably reading a printed copy right now! It has been a wild ride this semester since taking over as EIC and I am excited to announce that I will be filling the position once again next year. I have learned so much from this past semester alone. I plan to use what I have learned here and the skills I develop as an intern this summer at The Buffalo News to really bring Generation back to its journalistic roots.

Miserables to discuss how they prepared for their roles in the show running until May 4th. Emma Fusco even wore a very embarrassing ensemble in public to write her piece.

This is also a bittersweet time for us here at Generation. Just as we have all gotten into a rhythm together as a staff, more than half of our editorial board has decided to up and graduate on us. Check out their sendoffs on page 9 and the I Spy Seniors search on page 8.

While we will miss our seniors, we are looking forward to hiring We have made so much progress for positions including, Creative this past semester and I am proud of all the hard work the staff has put Director, Assistant Creative in for each issue. In this issue alone Director, Photo Editor, Web Editor, Copy Editor, Associate Editors, our writers met with professors, and Circulation Director. If you artists and even conducted their are interested please email me at own social experiments. Zainab for more Alkhamis and Rachel Sawyer both information and look out for our covered UB professors and the coming ads! projects they devote their time to in addition to teaching courses in the Classics, Chemistry and Visual Until next time, Studies departments. Audrey Foppes met with the cast of Les

STAFF 2014 Editor in Chief Angelina Bruno Managing Editor Audrey Foppes Creative Director Emily Butler Assistant Creative Director Babita Persaud Photo Editor Keighley Farrell Web Editor Guyin Yu Copy Editor Sushmita Sircar Associate Editors Laura Borschel Jori Breslawski Adam Johnson Circulation Director Matt Benevento Business Manager Nick Robin Ad Manager Andrew Kim Contributing Staff Zainab Alkhamis Lisa Gagnon Jacqueline Stoebe Rachel Sawyer Emma Fusco


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May 2nd marks the third year anniversary of the day when Seal Team 6 gave Osama Bin Laden the worst surprise party ever.



Just a quick reminder, the NCAA made well over $1,000,000,000 off the unpaid labor of student athletes last year.


We finally get to do a hit about nice weather! Hip hip hooray for spring!



Replay- Zendaya Worms- Youth Lagoon The End (Reprise)- Jack Wall Better Now- The Vespers Let it Go- “College Edition” Pork and Beans- Weezer Stay With Me- Sam Smith Girls Chase- Ingred Michaelson Feelin’ Myself- Will.I.Am. ft. Miley Cyrus Empire-Shakira


The latest Dove ad posits that all women need to do to lead better lives is to believe that they are beautiful. I guess if I don’t happen to think I’m pretty that dooms me to a life of misery.


Meb Keflezighi won the 2014 Boston Marathon while wearing the names of the victims of last year’s bombing. He is also the first American to win the race since 1985. Go Meb!



Ferryboat captain Lee Joon-seok, has been arrested for abandoning the ship Sewol that sank off the coast of South Korea. A captain always goes down with his ship.

May 3rd:

SINTHESIS: Visual Studies Senior Thesis 2014 Art Exhibition!

The Visual Studies Senior Thesis Art exhibition will take place on Saturday May 3rd at 6pm. For more information check out page 23! 07

i SPY Seniors Edition

Hidden Objects:

golden crown purple metallic pom pom princess tiara newsboy cap blue vuvuzela clear umbrella red pitchfork

star-tipped fairy wand bouquet of flowers red light saber white light saber maraca banana green bowler hat

tan straw hat pipe purple cape Mickey Mouse wizard’s hat rainbow lei


Send Offs Jori Breslawski Pulse Editor

Laura Borschel Buffalove Editor

Over the past two years Generation Magazine has been a huge part of my life and has given me a lot of great experiences. From running around the office in footy pajamas to writing the He Said She Said column, I have been truly gifted with my time here. As far as the rest of my nearly four years at UB, I spent a large amount of time establishing and really trying to connect with the queer community on campus and have made some life long friends and mentors. While I figure out where to go next on my path all of you will be in my thoughts and I wish everyone nothing but the best.

“You came here as caterpillars, you’re leaving as butterflies. Now into to the Real World, which will tear off your wings and shatter your dreams.” – A.D. Johnson

Jori Breslawski will be graduating with degrees in International Studies, French, and Psychology. Next year, she’ll start her PhD in Political Science at the University of Maryland, where she will focus in International Relations and Conflict Resolution and the Peace Process. Her favorite part of being at UB has been all the different things she has been able to try, like sailing and belly dancing. Her most memorable experience was studying abroad in Morocco during the summer following her sophomore year. After school, she hopes to become a diplomat.

Matt Benevento Circulation Director

I would like to thank everyone at Generation for a great year, some fantastic memories, and most importantly a place to put my bag and coat when I used the restroom.

Sushmita Sircar Copy Editor

Everyone tells you that college is supposed to be your best four years ever. Corollary: it’s all downhill from here. Right? So many great things have happened over the past four years that I can barely recognize my eighteen-year-old self. I’m glad that version of me chose to major in English, because this version of me gets to pursue a PhD in English come next fall. I’m glad that version of me became friends with the people she did, because present-me is still very much enamored of those friends.

Emily Butler Creative Director

Well, this is it. My four years of undergrad are officially over. As much as I am excited to start my career and enter the “real world,” I’m scared as hell. School is all I have known my whole life, and finding a job is harder than I thought it would be. It’s hard out here for a college grad! I have really loved my two years at Generation. I met a lot of amazing people and I love the experience I have gained working on an editorial team for a magazine. I will definitely make sure to keep up with my favorite student magazine after graduation!

“Imagination was given to man to compensate him for what he is not; a sense of humor to console him for what he is.” -Bacon

But writing this is also a reminder that five years from now, things will change, and I refuse to believe that these coming years will not be better than the ones past. Meanwhile, spring has always been my favorite time in Buffalo, and I am glad that my last days in Buffalo will be among the best in the year.

Babita Persaud Asstistant Creative Director

Like most seniors, Bittersweet is the only word I can think of to describe my years at UB. I started off thinking I was going to med school one day, and now I’m leaving with more knowledge on how to use the knife tool in Adobe Illustrator than a scalpel in a bio lab. Like everything else in life I’ll take my memories good, and bad, pack them into my suitcase and take them with me to wherever I end up. With fingers crossed I’m heading back to New York City in hopes of becoming an amazing graphic designer who will one day have her own firm, and like always I plan on “keepin it pushin” because that’s been my motto since I started here and will be the motto that gets me to wherever I end up.

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By :

Bors Laura

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Sendoffs, Scousers, and Scientology

What is the deal with all of the people wearing red shirts that have an advertisement for a bank on the front and why do they have such smug, punchable, faces?


That would be the fans of the Liverpool FC soccer team. The reason there are so many is because they have finally enjoyed a little taste of success and have either switched back from following teams like Manchester City or PSG or have finally worked up the courage to wear their jerseys in public again. Not to worry, they will soon be put back where they belong in midtable mediocrity.


I think it’s because they are all frat bros to begin with. What I suggest doing is luring them with a somewhat average looking Long Island girl to an undisclosed location. Once there you can do with them as you please. I have been dating my boyfriend for two years and I think it’s a good time to get married but, every time I bring up the subject he becomes evasive. What can I do to get him to propose?



Why would you want to get married, it sounds like you have a good thing going for you now. If he hasn’t proposed yet he’s probably never going to but that doesn’t necessarily mean anything. At this point you should just implement a coercive, systematic, attack of nagging about how he doesn’t love you if he doesn’t want to marry you. Then when he is at his weakest go ahead and place a large nonrefundable down-payment on a wedding venue.


You know there is a good chance that he could be straight. What sort of gay man wouldn’t want to get married? I suggest checking his poop every now and then to make sure there is still glitter in it. So I hear you guys are graduating and therefore won’t be doing He Said She Said anymore. Is this true? How will I go on without you two?


While I could graduate this year I am choosing to stay for an extra year. My sources have informed me that the newest crop of freshman girls is supposedly one of the best ever.


It is true; I am graduating and am

leaving UB. I think that the new people coming in to fill our spots will be quite funny and talented. However they won’t be as funny or good looking as us, so really it will be a downgrade… On second thought, I volunteer as tribute to stay an extra year. I hear we are getting a celebrity for the commencement speech this year. Who did you guys hear it was?


Tom Cruise has agreed to be the 2014 guest speaker so long as the university holds up its end of the bargain to reopen and include Scientology research in their critically acclaimed Shale Resources and Society Institute.


I heard that the 2014 speaker is going to be Chris Brown. I think it’s clear that he beat all the other competition hands down. The main points he will be hitting on are the current job market, student loan debt, and gender studies. Who would you guys like to thank for supporting you throughout college?


I would like to thank all of the great services and tutors that the

university offers like Gradesaver. com,, Sparknotes. com,, Bartleby. com, and


I would like to thank my 5 dead grandmothers, alcohol, Marcellas, attractive women, Google translate, the English department, and Wikipedia. What are you guys going to miss the most about UB?


I’m really going to miss the parking. Walking a half-mile to and from my car in freezing, swirling winds has given me the opportunity to enjoy all of the beautiful green space around campus. I will also miss the confidence boost of watching people with PhDs struggle to turn on a computer or activate the subtitles for a DVD.


I think I’m going to miss the quality bathrooms in Knox, the food in the Baldy walkway, the smoke-free campus policy, the best weekly on campus periodical, UB 2020, the wonderful athletic department, and the piles of semester old puke in the Ellicott tunnel.

Send your questions to!


PINK Celebrating the Anniversary of



Article By: Angelina Bruno


n 2004 the movie Mean Girls first hit theaters like a big yellow school bus. April 30th marks the ten-year anniversary of the film’s release as well as ten years of cultural resonance. Unlike Lindsay Lohan’s career, Mean Girls has created and sustained its status of pop culture phenomenon because it is relatable, quotable, and above all—it is hilarious. When my dad and younger sister came home from Blockbuster (you can tell it was 2004 right?) with the movie, I was pretty annoyed. I thought it was going to be exactly like Lindsey Lohan’s other contemporaneous film Confessions of a Teenage Drama Queen. I almost opted out of watching the movie altogether. After laughing at Damian’s hilarious oneliners “her hair is full of secrets” and “she doesn’t even go here,” swooning over Aaron Samuels, gagging over Cady vomiting on him, and marveling over Karen’s omniscient breasts, I was sold. Mean Girls had officially become one of my favorite movies. We ended up renting the movie almost every weekend thereafter until we finally realized that we should just buy the DVD. It had become a sleepover staple. I can recite most of the lines, mostly because they are constantly applicable to my life and have been since I was an awkward sixth grader watching the film for the first time. Personally, I connected with Mean Girls in a series of stages. In middle school, my friends and I tried to emulate the plastics. After all of the viewings amid sleeping bag and popcorn-strewn living room floors, we bought short mini skirts, flip-flops and army pants. We tried to make fetch happen to the point that the word was banned from use in my math class. We dressed up as the plastics for Halloween and even ran a Christmas candy gram fundraiser through student council inspired by Glen Coco. The question is—did we really learn the lessons the movie was trying to impart? Based on the book Queen Bees and Wannabees by Rosalind Wiseman, the film was supposed to help us learn how to navigate girl world in a healthy way. While we may have attempted to copy the titular mean girls fashion and mannerisms in real life, the answer is yes, we did learn from their mistakes. We went to high school and realized that middle school politics, which if you really look at it, are what’s

at play in Mean Girls, cease to have an important impact on daily life. Cady realized that making fun of Caroline Krafft was not going to make her life any better, and we took her words to heart over time (and also got excited every time we got to write the limit does not exist as the answer on a math test.) Mean Girls also resonates because it is a film about groups of girls that can be watched together by groups of girls. There is a fantastic, yet realistic juxtaposition between jungle-style cat-fights and feminine solidarity represented that other films and shows cannot quite capture. If Regina had actually died when hit by the bus, the film would have taken on characteristics of its predecessor Heathers, but Heathers was a deeply ironic social commentary on teenaged suicide that is anything short of feel good film. Mean Girls also differs from shows including Gossip Girl and even Pretty Little Liars, because it is a comedy written by a truly talented and smart female comedian, Tina Fey. She takes the unrealistic and far-fetched drama out of dramedy that these other shows thrive on. Nothing about Gossip Girl or Pretty Little Liars can even remotely stand up in real life but Mean Girls appeals to girls, guys and even teachers as a key to understanding social behavior through shared experiences. Cady had to form real friendships and face real consequences when things went awry, but it was ok to root for her because she handled her situation with grace and took personal responsibility for her actions. Humor provides the bridge to allow everyone to truly get through to one another, an underutilized and often poorly executed tactic. Looking for ways to celebrate this auspicious occasion? Cut holes in all of your shirts so that your bra will show through and dance to the Tina Fey Amy Poehler performing the Kevin G. rap. Or you can purchase Etsy creations including t-shirts, earrings, and even cross-stitch samplers with Damian’s hooded and sunglassesclad face embossed on them. There are also fancier options like Stella and Bow’s new jewelry line which includes bracelets and necklaces featuring favorite quotes including, “stop trying to make fetch happen” and “you can’t sit with us.” As for me, I’ve learned not to care where I sit in the cafeteria anymore as long as there isn’t a bus anywhere nearby.


John Jennings: Professor & Artist Article By: Rachel Sawyer


t is both a blessing and a curse to go to a large school like UB. On the one hand, there are multifarious amounts of opportunities, majors, clubs, and people to meet. On the other, there are many things students miss out on because the volume of activities is overwhelming! Scattered across UB’s departments are hidden professor gems. One such lucky find is John Jennings. John Jennings is an assistant professor here at UB. He teaches in the department of Visual Studies. He mainly focuses his artistic talents on comic books. Jennings focuses on capturing the underrepresented in his art and giving them a voice through picture. His works are multi-cultural, ranging from science fiction to African American representation. Jennings uses his art to dispel racial stereotypes of blacks, women, and gays who might feel misrepresented in the traditional comic book. From a young age, Jennings has been interested in comic books, but it wasn’t until he was older that he found a passion for studying the representation of blacks in comics. His goal is to create more dynamic characters instead of the stereotypical athletic black man. Jennings is an avid stereotype finder. When he sees a stereotype, he focuses on it and tries to destabilize. By exposing and abolishing the stereotype, the group being stereotyped can act against their given roles and be who they want to be.

In his effort to rid comic books of stereotypical black figures, John Jennings, along with co-author Damian Duffy, created Black Comix: African American Independent Comics, Art, and Culture. This book is a collection of relatively unknown black graphic novelists who masterfully portray the history and culture of often stereotyped blacks. John Jennings has a new book, Pitch Black Rainbow that will soon be available to purchase. Jennings’ art and influence in black comics and his integration of hip hop culture make him a very knowledgeable professor of graphic design. I encourage you to take is class to learn more about his passion for comic books!

Many of the early images of blacks in comic books evolved from blackface minstrels. One of the first black appearances in comics was in Captain America in the 1940’s. The character, Whitewash Jones, was a continuous nuisance whom Captain America had to constantly save. He only spoke broken English and was regarded as less intelligent than the white characters. We may find this shocking and racist today, but this discrimination portrays the way black were typically drawn in the mid-1900’s. The artists saw nothing wrong with their depictions. Today, we understand the unfounded negative connotations associated with those characteristics. Yet, we still marginalize black characters both in comic books and in all mediums. Jennings writes to obliterate these racist historical traditions so minorities have a realistic voice in comics.

Stereotypes are always going to exist. When they become the norm, when they become the only way to express a certain group of people, that’s when it becomes problematic. -quote from John Jennings interview on

Check out more online

Off the Paper and Onto the Stage Bringing Les Misérables to Life Article By : Audrey Foppes


wonder if Victor Hugo knew when he published his staggering five-volume novel in 1862 that his story of human suffering, redemption, and love would come to be considered one of the greatest novels of the 19th century and be adapted into one of the most renowned operas in the world. Over a century after its debut, Les Misérables still captures the hearts and minds of audiences. This year, the Buffalo community has the distinct pleasure of seeing the work presented in the UB Center for the Arts Drama Theatre. To better understand what is involved in bringing the show to life, Taylor Gray, Gina Tarrou and Zoë Tchapraste, three leads of Les Misérables, generously met for an interview, expanding on their experience and the dramatic process. Tarrou, who will be performing the role of the tragically broken and beautiful Fantine, described the audition process, which was where her love of her character began. Hopeful actors were asked to audition by preparing a song from the show that corresponded to the character they were auditioning for and performing it in a private trial, which required significant character study and vocal training. Originally, Tarrou auditioned for the younger, yet equally tragic Éponine, but was called back for Fantine. As Tarrou explored this new role in preparation for her second audition, she began to feel connected to Fantine and suddenly realized this


was the role she must play. “I wanted it,” said Tarrou. “I was Fantine.” Gray plays the show’s protagonist, Jean Valjean, whose harrowing journey to redemption propels the story. He agreed that the audition process was the first step to connecting with his character. In his case, connecting to the story required real dedication. “I read the entire, unabridged novel in two months over the summer,” said Gray. After reading the story, Gray was inspired by Valjean’s capacity for change, which is something he will have to perform in the role. “It came down to how much better I could make myself,” said Gray. Besides honing his acting skills and voice, Gray also underwent significant physical changes required to play the part, including building up muscle mass and growing a beard. Tchapraste, who plays Éponine, is eager to make her debut as a lead her senior

year. After an undergraduate career in the CFA with little success at landing major roles, Tchapraste knew this was her last chance to show off her talents. “When I was called back for Éponine, I attacked it,” said Tchapraste. Despite having landed their dream roles, the work for these, and all the other cast members, was far from over. To truly bring this show to life, Gray, Tarrou, and Tchapraste had to begin the demanding process of becoming their characters. Although, as students, they all receive vocal lessons and attend acting classes, the actors were left to develop their characters independently, with little direction from director Nathan R. Matthews, the director of the Musical Theater Department. Each actor had to complete an astonishing amount of paperwork. For every line that they spoke, or more likely sang, they had to have an action, a personal experience, and a subtext to associate with those particular words in addition to remembering their physical blocking and the actual line! For Gray, this paperwork served as the basis, a “diving board,” for understanding his character. He described that after having completed the paperwork, he could then “dive in deeper” and see how his character developed from there. Tarrou preferred using a character diary to process her role. She created memories and reactions as though her character were writing them. She also used the method of substitution—essentially make-believe for professionals—to help her

connect to Fantine. Tchapraste said that Éponine’s melancholic isolation resonated within her. She drew on personal experiences for inspiration. All three actors agreed that the beauty of the musical score helped them immensely to stay in character and connect with the sheer tragedy of the events portrayed in Les Misérables. The music works in tandem with impressive set pieces that are several stories tall and often move. The cast and crew have worked together tirelessly to create a truly stunning show they hope the audience will love. Tarrou concluded the interview by noting that much of our entertainment today revolves around impersonal technology. She hopes that this and future shows will change that. “Live theater is often overshadowed by movies,”said Tarrou. “Since we live in such a touch and go world, I hope we can open their minds to theater.” She and the rest of the cast and crew invite everyone to experience the show for themselves, discovering the heart-wrenching majesty of this timeless masterpiece. Les Misérables runs from April 24 to May 4 and tickets are $10 for students. Find out more at


UB Global Scholars Program The Global Scholars Program offers UB students the opportunity to become truly global scholars through diverse experiences. Whether studying abroad, taking a foreign language course, or working with the local international community, students who participate are exposed to international cultures and gain a new world perspective. The program’s distinguished director, Dr. Donald McGuire, is an adjunct associate professor in the Classics Department and directs the Office of the Dean of Undergraduate Education. Many students know Dr. McGuire through his World Civilization course, which takes students to different destinations, from African deserts to the Middle East. McGuire recommends that freshmen and sophomores with good academic standing enroll in the Global scholars program because it is an intensive program which after completion will distinguish students with a transcript notation. The first new notation at UB in many years, McGuire is thrilled that the University has recognized the program in such a significant way. “I think students should join because it will testify to their global interest in a way that graduate and professional schools and employers will appreciate,” said McGuire. In order to receive the notation, students are required to complete two semesters of a foreign language as well as a minimum of 12 credits in globally oriented coursework. With over 500 credit bearing courses to choose from, there are plenty of options. One of the most exciting options for credit completion is participating in a study abroad

Articles By: Zainab Alkhamis

program. Students can study abroad for a year or semester or take advantage of the many Winter Session study abroad options. This past Winter 2013, McGuire helped to lead a trip to Istanbul, Turkey, a particularly interesting place as it is located partly in Europe and partly in Asia. The unique nature of Turkey’s cultural diversity is what inspired me to visit the country myself. Other programs travel to Rome and Naples, London, and Hong Kong. Co-curricular activity completion is another important aspect of the program. Students engage in local service experiences with community agencies that have an international or cross-cultural focus. Students can also earn credits by sharing their experiences. Many students create video presentations to highlight their work at UB’s annual celebration of student academic excellence. The Global Scholars program provides a unique opportunity for students to enhance their undergraduate experience. Not only is the exemplary academic coursework noted on students’ transcripts, but students gain the benefits of profound experience in global exploration, social connection, UB study abroad program students in Istanbul at and an expanded world view. the construction of the new Bosphorus Bridge

Interdisciplinary Science and Engineering Partnership Program The goal of the University at Buffalo program, Interdisciplinary Science and Engineering Partnership (ISEP), is to contribute to bettering middle and high school science and math education in Buffalo. It is the first program of its kind in New York State; targeting students in high need schools in the Buffalo area. Dr. Joseph A. Gardella Jr., UB John and Frances Larkin Professor of Chemistry and a SUNY Distinguished Professor, uses his significant experience linking academic work with civic engagement through many different projects to assist UB students with making connections between their academic productivity and community involvement. The project received a $9.8 million grant from the National Science Foundation to help revitalize education systems by engaging the students in higher education research opportunities, and preparing students for college level courses by instilling the spirit of inquiry in their lessons in order to foster a love for learning about science and math. ISEP aims to achieve its goals of keeping students interested in the STEM fields; science, technology, engineering, and math, by providing these inquiry based classroom work and research opportunities. They hope to make lessons, especially in the sciences, more interesting for students and teachers alike. Instead of limiting classroom methods to fact memorization and regurgitation, the program ensures that students become a part of visual and tangible projects. Partnering young students with university students at this stage in their academic careers exposes them to the possibility of eventually earning a STEM degree in college. Students from all majors at the University at Buffalo can become involved with serving the community through this project. Students can enroll in UE252: Service-Learning: Buffalo Schools, a 3-credit hour seminar that meets once a week. Students spend a minimum of six hours a week outside of class in one of 12 assigned Buffalo public schools.


“It was an amazing experience working with kids in different sciences and talking to them about what college is actually like,” said Jennifer Merckel, a UB student who participated in the course. Through the program, all students become familiar with various Buffalo-based institutions who serve as program partners to ISEP including, Buffalo State College, The Buffalo Museum of Science, Roswell Park Cancer Institute, and The Buffalo Public Schools District Parent Coordinating Committee. Classroom work is not the only aspect ISEP helps to improve. I participated in the program, by translating 12 chapters of a textbook from English to Arabic. As a Biological Sciences major, I was able to use my familiarity with the information as well as key terms in the textbook to translate the text. The book was also translated into Nepali, Burmese, and Somali. These translations will open doors formerly closed to international students and those who struggle with language barriers. The ISEP program is a great opportunity for the Buffalo community. ISEP provides the chance to use knowledge and insight into various STEM subjects to transfer an excitement for learning and discovery to those still in the beginning stages of their engagement in academic exploration.

Dr. Joseph A. Gardella Jr.

THE GENOCIDE STIGMA: Overcoming One of the Most Insidious Events of the 20th Century Article By: Jori Breslawski


arlier this month, thousands of Rwandans, ambassadors, and world leaders gathered in the capital city of Kigali to remember the victims of the 1994 genocide. April 7th marked the 20th anniversary of one of the 20th century’s most brutal massacres, in which members of the majority Hutu population attacked the then ruling Tutsi minority and Hutu moderates with guns and machetes. Close to a million people were killed in the span of 100 days. Rwanda’s name has since become synonymous with genocide, and although it has risen from the ashes, many Americans continue to associate the country solely with the horrific brutality that occurred two decades ago. However, in the last twenty years, Rwanda has transformed into a modern state with a large middle class. The country has developed impressive education and healthcare systems, recognizing that beating back diseases like malaria and educating younger generations will help to pull their country out of poverty. Rwanda created an impressive gender balance in its government; in fact, at 38.5% of legislative seats being held by women, it is one of the world’s leaders in terms of gender equality in government. Rwanda is where it is today because of deliberate steps taken in order to prevent the

country from descending back into chaos. The country is not blessed with the precious minerals found beneath the earth of neighboring countries. The nation has slowly recovered from the tragedy because of decisions made by the government and the will of the people to rebuild the social, economic, and political foundations of their country. Following the genocide, the Rwandan Patriotic Front adopted a policy of decentralization in an attempt to give Rwandans a chance to rebuild trust, as well as to give them a greater voice in local governance. The shift also contributed to an increase in transparency and political stability. A mechanism was put in place to hold officials responsible for their duties. This mechanism is rooted in the pre-colonial Rwandan practice of imihigo, which prescribes the public humiliation of leaders if they fail to achieve certain goals. President Kagame put together a small team tasked with adapting the concept of imihigo to the modern political situation. The term spread around the country, quickly gaining popularity due to its traditional roots and familiarity. It came to be used to represent a combination of planning tool, performancemanagement system, oversight mechanism, and a way to push local government officials to do their best work. The concept was successful.

“People wouldn’t understand if you talk about performance contracts, but if you say imihigo, they understand,” said a government official. Rwanda has also paid close attention to the environment, arguing that comfortable environments help people to think better, not to mention the attraction for foreign visitors and investors. Upon exiting Kigali’s International Airport into the streets of the capital, travelers are greeted by a large sign declaring, “Non-biodegradable polythene bags are prohibited”. The piece de resistance of Rwanda’s environmental consciousness is umuganda—the mandatory day of community service in which all Rwandans (even political figures) participate once a month. In Kigali, even poverty seems less severe than in other African capitals. Instead of haphazard shacks, the vast majority of the city’s poor live in mud-brick huts, and the streets are free of sewage. Beggars and homelessness are rare. The Rwandan economy has also taken a turn for the better, and the government has announced its goal of making Rwanda a middle-income range country, on par with Brazil and Thailand, by 2020. The plan is to skip past industrialization, straight to the country’s transformation into a service economy. The country

has seen its real GDP more than double in the past decade, and according to the World Bank, Rwanda has created an environment where it is easier for entrepreneurs to be successful. Corruption is relatively rare, but the country’s clean economic development is not mirrored by the development of their political system. Rwanda has been accused of becoming more and more autocratic. Journalists, opposition politicians, and critics of the government face serious risks from Kagame, who has been in power since 1994. In order for political freedom to catch up with its economic success, Rwanda will need to allow more political parties and more opinions, while simultaneously enforcing the rule of law. There are few who fear another genocide, though there are many that speculate whether Rwanda will continue to see prosperity, or fall short due to residual weaknesses. Paradoxically, although the world seems stuck on entwining the words genocide and Rwanda together, the world’s promise of “never again” does not seem to ring true. The world seems to stand idle as violence and the possibility of genocide build in the Central African Republic. Although war weary, we must remember the guilt that echoed through developed countries in the months after the Rwandan genocide.


Meet your 2014-2015 President

James Ingram Article By : Angelina Bruno


n March 27th the SA election results were announced. After a grueling few weeks of campaigning, James Ingram, became the SA President elect. James will head the largest organization on campus, managing a budget of 3.5 million and working in the interest of the undergraduate student population, consisting of 20,000 students. When you look at the numbers, the task seems daunting, but what really counts is the person behind the title. James grew up not too far from Buffalo, a native of Fairport, just outside of Rochester. In fact home is only about an hour and twenty minutes away. He even lives with roommates from his alma mater Fairport high school where he enjoyed playing soccer and was captain of his team.


At home James lived with his parents, his sister Megan and their dog, a cockapoo named Ally. “A lot of people when they come to my house don’t even know that we have a dog because she’s scared of people and she hides behind the couch a lot,” said James. James also enjoys Harry Potter books and, of course, streaming TV shows.

“I have a bunch of different TV shows I binge watch on Netflix when I have a chance,” said James. These shows include House of Cards, Breaking Bad, and Game of Thrones, but sadly, even winning SA president cannot save you from spoilers. “I’m trying to get caught up on Game of Thrones right now and someone tweeted what happened last night and I saw it,” said James, visibly exasperated. “But I’m going to try to catch up today if I can.” Between the election and the planning process for next year, James has had little time to spend binge watching his shows. He also must find time to study for the LSAT. James is a political science major and plans to go to law school in the near future.

“I’d like to end up either for law school in DC, New York City or Chicago,” said James. While James originally wanted to be a dentist when he grew up, he first became involved with SA through political clubs. “I first got involved with SA through clubs such as College Republicans, College Democrats, UB Conservatives. I wanted to get more involved so I joined the assembly,” said James. “I did that for a year and at the end of—that was my sophomore year—I ran for academic coordinator which is what I have done this past year.” James has had plenty of experience as Academic Coordinator, responsible for overseeing the academic clubs in the Student Association. He also serves on the SA Senate. Through working with the many clubs, as well as other SA departments, James learned valuable skills to carry over to the presidency. “You have clubs that are planning events and they need things from the finance department or they need flyers printed through the media and marketing department,” said James. “It’s been good to have a better understanding of how SA as an organization works.” His familiarity with the organization will be an asset as he attempts to fulfill the goals he and his fellow candidates set at the beginning of election season. Organizations both large and small must fight to reach out to the large population of students at UB.

“We have so many qualified people, it’s a huge undergraduate population,” James said. “So to reach out to more people and to help them get involved in the Student Association is really what I’m looking forward to and just working together as a staff to try to put on events that students are excited about.” James’ advice to undergraduates who want to get the most out of their time in college: get involved in SA. “When I was a freshman my first semester, I really wasn’t involved in SA, no clubs, Assembly, anything like that. I didn’t really take advantage of any of the events that clubs put on or that SA put on,” said James. “As I started getting more involved, I just felt like I was gaining a more complete college experience outside of just going to class and going back to my dorm.” While the hiring process for this year is already underway and general staff applications are no longer being accepted, there is always the SA mentee program. Potential mentees interview in the fall to shadow and work with different departments throughout SA. The program is helpful in providing the training it takes to gain experience to later apply for a paid SA position. As for James, he is ready to take on his role as president. “I’m just excited to see it all come together,” said James. “I’m looking forward to working as a staff to put on events that students are excited about.”

As if walking down the hall one-on-one with a stranger isn’t anxiety inducing enough, what do you do when they’re dressed in clothes that are way more fashionable and professional than yours? For my first experiment, I became the very well dressed stranger I have often shied away from. That is not to say that I dressed in a suit and tie, but I did look pretty dapper with the help of some weekend shifts at Banana Republic. I walked all around North Campus in my getup in order to cover as large a sample size of subjects as possible, not leaving any building out. While dressed in more professional clothing, people didn’t seem to really notice me, or react in any way out of the ordinary. Seeing as I dressed like a professor, they seemed to think I was a professor. While grabbing a mid-day coffee at the Starbucks on campus—because I was feeling really pretentious with a blazer on—a stranger, whom I have never met before, looked over at me as I sat down to do some work. She kindly interrupted and asked if I was a professor “or something.” I responded that I wasn’t and we got to chatting. Despite my not being a professor, she asked me to look over a paper she was writing. Now, this seemed too good to be true, but being treated differently, like I was important, happened again and again. Many people held doors open for me, smiled at me, and were just generally polite.

Now, let this be a disclaimer: I wore the robe

Generally, people would stare until I caught them looking. Many averted their eyes to the floor, or more likely to the ultimate social handicap, their cell phones. I caught most of them sneaking another quick glance before they moved on. While walking outside of Jacobs, I saw a girl’s jaw drop, followed by a look of utter disgust and a very loud, “Oh my god.” The thing is, the kids that stared the most were dressed pretty scummy too. These people, who stared and gawked, were dressed in yoga pants and sneakers or sweatpants and zip-up sweatshirts. How exactly does that add up? Maybe it was because they were thinking about wearing a robe that morning too. They were jealous because I, Emma Fusco, had actually worn a robe in public. Interestingly enough, those dressed professionally, did not gawk, nor did they vocalize their opinion on my attire. I still received a friendly nod, and a smile as if I were dressed normally. Perhaps a person’s attire actually speaks to their personality? That kind of goes against the cliché of judging a book by its cover, but have we not learned anything from What Not to Wear? My experiments have led me to the conclusion: when you dress better, you generally feel better. Not only will people perceive you as a figure of authority, they will treat you like one too. As Oscar Wilde put it, “You can never be overdressed, or over educated.” You’re an educated person, why not look, act, and be respected like one too?

Article By : Emma Fusco

Having observed these reactions, I inferred that if I had dressed in sweatpants, I would have been passed over and avoided. In fact, when I dress really lazily, I get that exact reaction. The less effort I put into my appearance on a given day, the less respect I receive from people on campus and the more I am avoided. The worst case I have experienced by far was for my second social experiment; I went out in public dressed in a bathrobe.

for a maximum of one hour on campus, and all of this unfolded within said hour. I couldn’t go through my whole day of classes with the robe on out of pure humiliation, so my experiment had to wait until after class. I went out to my car and changed around 2 o’clock, which was perfect because lots of people were out and about because of the beautiful weather. Starting in Clemens, I worked my way up and down the entire campus, both inside and outside each building. Walking by myself, pretending I had somewhere to go was so frustrating. I knew people were staring and laughing, but I told myself they were jealous and all wished they too had a robe on too.

Social Experiment: Dressed for Success


rom the classic college hoodie and sweats, to professors dressed to the nines, UB is a petri dish of fashion. Recently, I took it upon myself to conduct a small social experiment. Throughout the week, I dressed in different grades of professionalism from wearing a blazer, dress pants, and penny loafers, to wearing a bathrobe, sweatpants, and Birkenstocks. The results were interesting and, I hope, informative.


Article By : Adam Johnson

in the Burchfield Penney ART Center

Poetry 20


o the practicing poet, poetry doesn’t so much appear as emerge. By this I mean it is the result of time and effort, spilling forth from the poet in varying-sized waves. The monolithic ‘poem’ only exists when the process is all over. Judith Goldman, assistant professor in UB’s English department, spoke of something similar during her recent poetry reading at the Burchfield Penney Art Center. Her poetry often starts from what she terms a “sound seed,” a short phrase said out loud that spawns most of what follows. It is a musical approach to poetry, an approach defined more by the aural than the logical. Hers is a poetry meant to be read aloud, before others, preferably in a room with nice acoustics and perhaps a bit of warm silence. Hers is an exercise in the playfulness of language, the artificialness of music, and the unnaturalness of spoken language. The soundscape becomes a place of play, to toy with the very words we so often take for granted. The key to Goldman’s eclectic reading was the idea that every poem has its own unique voice. No two poems can be read in the same way because no two poems are the same. The voice becomes a fundamental part of the text, inseparable from the written word’s meaning. Yet, at the same, the necessity of the voice comes into question. “Why is reason a voice?” she asked with an almost childlike wonder. The question implies others: Can reason exist without a voice? Does it truly have a voice? What is reason anyway? Besides voice, Goldman’s poetry examines the idea of recycling, not only in its ecological connotation but in its artistic possibilities as well. In a world plagued by austerity and the disappearance of nonrenewable resources, we are forced to reuse materials of the past. In Goldman’s poetry, past poetry is reduced, reused and recycled. To better her poetry’s bottom line, she proudly declares, famous verses are reused and cut by 20%. Slices of Shakespeare intermix with Allen Ginsberg and Ezra Pound to create a flowing chaotic poem that plays on the listener’s expectation. Incomplete, these famous lines are uncanny, strange and funny. It is perfect poetry for the hyper-capitalist world,

sleek and cost effective, trimmed of all its possible inefficiencies. Of course, the poem becomes chaotic. Trimming something that works as a whole inevitably leads to its own collapse. Sadly, the literary world is not the same as the business world: the poet cannot bet on their own product’s failure, short-selling their poem’s stock for record profits. Although I can’t help but imagine Walt Whitman in a $1,000 Versace suit, hands running through his slick-backed hair as he angrily yells into his Blackberry: SELL SELL SELL!!!! Such an image would probably be quite at home in Goldman’s poetry, a slight reminder that reality is really quite silly and absolute seriousness will perhaps lead only to pain. A reading like Judith Goldman’s is a refreshing reminder that poetry is at heart a vocal medium, the text being there only to guide the voice. Meaning and non-meaning emerge from the slight changes in tone or half-second pauses, linguistic tics and exaggerations drawing out the endless possibilities emergent from language. Poetry is an active experience, one that emerges from the interplay of speaker and listener, text and voice.

Goldman, author of several poetry collections, spoke as part of the Burchfield Center’s WORDS, a celebration of the written word. The launch was a four day festival from April 9-13 that featured local and visiting poets, as well as theater, music and dance performances. Besides Goldman, readers included Ishmael Reed, Ed Sanders and UB’s own Steve McCaffery. “It meant a lot to me to be gathered into the Burchfield’s 35-year tradition of readings—I guess I’m really becoming Buffalonian!” said Goldman. “It felt terrific to have so much support from the university community there, both colleagues and students. A special night for me, to be sure.”

you to casually find your way)

which is significant because i had forgotten

and who am i, to write poems?

they were ever coming back; i have been falling

hacking up history and struggling to

asleep with my heart half out the window,

sketch tentative lines between stars just so that

in some measure secure now that the

my world might make sense the way

purpled dawnish air is broken by such

shakespeare makes sense (because in literature

good company. (they are not

every movement is so

untamable hair or steady warmth but they

deliberate) i should try harder to remember

will do, won’t they)

what jacques derridas was talking about, but

i so wanted, feverishly, to be

at the end of the day i will remember only how the clouds

cheerful for once—to waltz on down

were stirred up like the murmuring tide or how

the sidewalk and look at the sky and smile

i know that you will recognize the song i have returned to

just a smile or the right words not anything

mockingly, with sincerity, and how i

bitter that i’d have to roll around in my mouth and flinch at.

will see it in your eyes

(this was never meant to be a love poem—

when you realize that april has worn down to may

people think they are tacky and i am the worst

(and perhaps it might be foolish but

at being in love, but after all isn’t

i pray that when you say you’ll come

every poem a love poem into which i allow

you will come after all)

Beside Still Waters

I Changed my Tune


he birds have been singing again


Poems By : A. Hunt

o lie down in the grass—suddenly

it’s startling in the moment but if left

not aggressively—unobtrusively, i

untouched for long enough

mean well but that just doesn’t

it’s indistinguishable from dirt—on paper

cut it, huh. blood on concrete

it weathers dull, cheap ink that loses its

is poetry that cannot be improved upon

luster and dries away to rusty minerals

to drag my knuckles through it would be

but we call it so precious in

reminiscent of that other afternoon i

our veins; this and that about endorphins

lay bloodied on the shoulder of the road, trapped beneath

and pain that doesn’t altogether strike

my bicycle but there was a caterpillar

a person as ill-advised.

in all that blood somewhere, i remember

to hear birds in my peripheral

moving it from the street with my good hand and

vision and squint through bent spectrums of light

“butterflies are not born

at the sun, hold it in my sight until i gradually cease

butterflies…” of course

to see it and feel the back of my head

every caterpillar i have ever tried to raise

warm or my limbs cool or whatever is

has died in the cocoon.

inappropriate for the season—

to stare up past the leaves and take in

i would hold a vigil for the sun until long after

that freshness of the sky, cool

it had become moon and study

in the hot shade of aluminum bleachers

unblinkingly those blue star telegrams it left

the funny thing about blood is that



Parting Shots University Z

Article By: Matt Benevento


ummer is almost here and if we have learned anything from movies, television, and video games it is that an attack of brain-craving zombies is imminent. If you are unfamiliar with proper zombieapocalypse protocol or are confused by conflicting tactics used in popular media, this guide may be the difference between surviving or turning into a mindless people-muncher. The first step to survival is to be prepared. Like for any disaster, be sure to have a detailed evacuation plan or a predetermined defensible stronghold for your friends and family. Stock up on necessities like food, bottled water, and sanitary items. Make sure to have a large stockpile of various weapons and ammunition so you can defend yourself and your possessions.

Once the outbreak occurs, it is important to assess what kind of zombies you are dealing with. Zombies break down into three major categories. The first, and least likely scenario, are dark magic raised zombies. These zombies will most likely have superhuman powers and will be very difficult to kill. If this magic exists, your best bet it to learn how to use magic, as it will be the best way to combat the undead menace. Try out some different religions until you figure out what works best, then hone your skills until you become the avatar of holy vengeance. The second type of zombie to watch out for is the mutating variety. These zombies will also possess super human powers but will be explainable through scientific law. Survivors should proceed with extreme caution. Try to stay on the move and find a place that is as remote as possible like a small island or mountain plateau. The third scenario is the ideal type of zombie. They are less powerful than regular humans and rely on surprise and numbers to eat sweet, sweet brains. These zombies are slow, stupid, and pose a small threat to prepared survivors.

Stop selling me stuff


For optimum efficiency remember to never limit yourself to one weapon. Before you leave your home/ stronghold, check that you have a primary weapon, and secondary weapon, and at least one melee weapon. Primary weapons are ideally some type of shotgun or battle rifle. AK47s are great because of their high stopping power and resistance to jamming. Your secondary weapon should be some type of pistol, preferably with a silencer if you are fighting the type of zombies that are attracted to noise. Melee weapons with a long reach are ideal, preferably a sword or spear that will keep you out of a zombie’s reach. Despite what you have seen in movies and television be sure to never: leave behind a perfectly good gun, ignore someone that is bitten, trust a really scummylooking group of men, split up, go anywhere alone, waste ammo, assume a zombie is dead, not check the corners/ceiling, etc… And remember the most important thing is to properly communicate with your fellow survivors. Just call it what it is: a zombie. It will save a lot of time, explaining and hopefully your life.

Article By: Sushmita Sircar

s it just me or is the extremely corporatized and advertorial language that UB uses incredibly annoying? It is hyperbolic language, of course, but it is also blatantly aimed at making money. It makes me, as a student, doubt anything the university says in its official communications.

it adds something to their résumé. My personal take is that I refuse to pay for an organization just to put a line on my résumé that is shorthand for saying I have a high GPA. I further resent the continuous stream of emails I received throughout this semester that insisted I pay the membership fee.

Let’s begin with the University Bookstore website’s insistence that I buy the egregiously overpriced cap and gown for graduation. In addition it offers the possibility of buying diploma frames, class rings or other superfluous paraphernalia as a “symbol of accomplishment, pride and recognition.” I find it disconcerting that one should be asked to pay for an “accomplishment.” I’m not suggesting that these objects are without value, or that graduating college shouldn’t be celebrated, but when the university implies that celebrating this milestone is quintessentially tied to buying over-priced items from its’ retailers, it comes across as dishonest.

To quote an email in its most annoying fragments: “I’m sorely puzzled why you would NOT accept our previous invitation…We’ve reminded, cajoled, and informed you; AND YET WE’VE HEARD NOTHING BACK NOTHING… Other so-called “honors” societies may be useful and may be nice, but we’re the real thing—if you can’t figure that out, ask your advisers to take a look at these web-sites and these materials… And so that the honor can be noted in the UB Commencement Program please pay by MONDAY, MARCH 3rd.”

To provide a final example: the constant emails to take summer or now winter classes, because they will help me “stay on track or get ahead.” That may be true but they will cost me extra money. Same for the emails or signs encouraging students to stay on at UB for graduate school. I’m sure that the graduate programs are a great option for some people, but for the love of god, let me make up my own mind!

I kid you not about all the caps and the condescension. Note again the fact that I am being asked, basically, to pay in order that an “honor” be recognized. Their belligerence does nothing to convince me to pay them $80, and undermines their so-called prestige.

Let me temper all this by saying that I received a great education at UB, and I am immensely grateful for it. There is so much UB has going for it, and it certainly does a great job of providing an affordable education. All of this speaks for itself, and the self-promotion can surely be done away with.

Another instance of this is when students are invited to join the honor society Phi Beta Kappa. Sure, it might be prestigious to be a member, and I’m not saying people shouldn’t choose to join if they think

“During their Senior Thesis year the students gradually clarify the trajectory, aspirations and intentionality of their work and working progress. This process results in a public exhibition showcasing their accomplishments.” Unlike the usual structured classes of the K to 12 sequence, the Senior Thesis class of UB’s Visual Studies department takes a completely different approach to education. Each student is an independent artist with input, support, and criticism from a community of fellow students and experienced local artists. For a full year, these students channel their whole college career in to one night of exhibition. For most, this experience will help determine their first professional showcase. Come support your fellow students on Saturday, May 3, at Hi-Temp Fabrication, 79 Perry Street, Buffalo NY. The gallery will be open from 6:00pm to 9:00pm.

Check out the website at: for more information!

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Application Submission Deadline is Friday, May 2, 2014.

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