WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 5, 2025 // 12:30 PM
Welcome to our 49th Annual Bull Sale!
As I sit down to welcome you to our 49th Annual Bull Sale, I am very appreciative of all our acquaintances and valued customers and friends that we have made through this great adventure. Approaching the 1/2 century mark, is both exciting and exhausting. I just can’t express the amount of gratitude and respect that we have for our customers, friendships, neighbors, and family members that help and support us throughout the years. Developing a breeding program and producing a production sale does not come without a great deal of planning. So first and foremost, thank you one and all.
As for the cattle industry we all have to feel very fortunate of how the future looks. Our responsibility of feeding the world is not an easy task. You, our fellow ranchers, are the behind the scene folks, that do the lion’s share of producing that enjoyable eating experience that many take for granted. On those cold stormy nights calving cows in a blizzard or dealing with a hot dry drought, when the scoring sun delivers very little relief to a set of thirsty cows, with dry ponds and low water supplies, along with scarce grass supplies, makes raising cattle difficult. You may not even be noticed or appreciated for your efforts, even though life on the ranch is not always a bed of roses. We all have to admit, it is a way of life very few of us would want to give up. Having the opportunity to raise our family in an environment that instills great work ethics around a clean environment that provides our children with a wealth of knowledge and memories that way too many children will never experience.
We are about to embark on a new chapter of opportunity that will take a lot of hard work and dedication by our leadership. They have a huge task ahead of them to level out a playing field that will make all facets of life more livable. As for you our fellow Ranchers and Farmers, all signs point toward some very good years ahead. We can all improve our ability to be more profitable and comfortable in this great industry.

There is no greater opportunity to be more progressive and profitable in the cattle business then now. Although it will take work and planning with today’s opportunity to utilize top genetics from operations that include all the tools that are available, both genetics and science based. It has and always will be our commitment to provide you the rancher with top genetics that will be loaded with the right blend of cow producing ability to be profitable on your ranch. These cattle will be packed with efficient cow making maternal genetics that will withstand harsh environments, stay easy fleshing and passes the right eye appeal, performance, and carcarass merit to increase value. Their calves should demand top prices and produce the extra pounds to bring an extra $200-300 per head. Cross breeding is that free lunch that will produce extra value.
We want to invite you to be a part of our valued customers that not only use our genetics, but have become some of our best friends. On February 5th, we will offer the opportunity to enhance your genetic lineup with profitability. We want to thank you our valued customers, all you past supporters, and invite new customers to enjoy good cattle, good fellowship, and valuable genetics that will take us into the next decade loaded with OPPORTUNITY.
Sincerely, Bill &
John, Alicia, Charlotte, Maggie, Harrison & Gabe Virginia

Rodeway Inn, Wibaux, MT
February 5, 2025 // 12:30 PM MST // At the Ranch, Wibaux, MT
Buckboard Inn, Beach, ND 701-872-4794
406-796-2326 // 406-796-2380 // 406-796-2327
Bill Begger, darbegger@gmail.com ....................
482 Custer Trail Rd, Wibaux, MT 59353
John Begger, cell
Roger Jacobs
Jeff Thomas, Prairie Star
Kirby Goettschd, Farm and Ranch Guide ............... 605-380-3939
John Goggins, Western Livestock Reporter 406-698-4159
Wyre Williams, Tri State Livestock
J. Todd Daniels, RanchWise LLC/Pelton Livestock 406-426-8090
The sale will be held at the ranch located south of Wibaux, Montana. Go 4 1/2 miles south of the Wibaux County Fair Grounds on Highway #7, then turn left on Black Diamond Road (east) go 1 1/2 miles, then turn right (south) on Custer Trial Road, go 2 3/4 miles, sale location is on the left hand side of the road.
From Beach, North Dakota, take Exit One, turn left, go past both Truck Stops, approximately 1 mile to the first stop sign (please note the 4 way stop), turn right at 4 way stop, go 7 miles west, then turn left on Custer Trail Road and go 2 3/4 miles, sale location is on the left hand side of the road.
From Baker, Montana, take Highway #7 north, approximately 35 miles, turn right on Red Top Road at mile marker 71, where you’ll see the large black bull ranch sign, go 1 1/2 miles east (Custer Trail), turn left, go 1 1/4 miles, sale location is on the right hand side of the road.
As recommended by the American Angus and American Simmental Associations. Cattle will only be released from the sale after they have been settled for. In no instance, will any cattle be allowed to be loaded for shipping without full settlement, unless prior arrangements have been arranged. Simmental EPDs listed in the catalog were populated on December 31, 2024. The Angus bulls have EPDs shown from the American Simmental Association. Please note that EPDs may change from time sale catalog is printed, until registration papers are transferred.
We will offer free keep of your bull until the first of April. At that time we will semen test and give your bulls a breeding exam and deliver them free of charge up to 500 miles. The bulls will be delivered to your ranch or in some cases when there are multiple owners of cattle on the truck and there is a need to unload and sort cattle, we may ask that you meet us at a central location that is convenient to both parties. For cattle selling over 500 miles away, we may have to hire a trucking firm to help with delivery, if so, we will guarantee delivery cost not to exceed $300 per bull. In most cases, we will deliver them ourselves, but occasionally we will put the bull on a commercial truck that is reputable and conscientious. For purchases of cattle a long distance away, we ask that you be flexible on delivery dates in case we have the opportunity to send your bull your direction earlier than April 1st. When purchasing a bull from Begger’s Diamond V Ranch, we take responsibility in delivering a healthy, breeding bull. We will take responsibility of injury or death loss while the bull is on our ranch. Responsibility of your bull purchase begins when he reaches your ranch or delivery point. We guarantee buyer satisfaction. If you have any problems with your bulls ability to breed and settle cows, let us know so we can make it right.
All bulls selling will pass a complete breeding soundness exam before delivery on or about April 1st. All bulls are guaranteed for fertility and genetic soundness for the first breeding season. If a bull is proven to be a non-breeder for fertility or a genetically caused soundness condition, we will replace the bull with a satisfactory replacement, issue credit of the purchase price to be used in future sales, or refund the purchase price. This guarantee does not cover broken legs, infectious disease, miss-management, neglect or frozen scrotal or foot rot. We will stand by any breeding tool injury. This guarantee does not cover death loss. When a bull is warranted, we will deduct a $2,000 salvage value. The reason behind this is, this makes the owner of the bull to take care of the animal before his salvage value gets worse. The balance will be refunded or credit will be given on a fair replacement. Money warranted must be used on only 1 bull, if the replacement bull brings more than the warranted balance, buyer must pay the balance at settlement. If the replacement bull brings less, then the warranted balance there will be no refund or credit on the balance. Before a bull is sold, you must claim the warranty, a vet analyses or picture should accompany a claim. Most of all, give us a call as soon as a problem is discovered, so we can make things right. All warranty claims must be reported to us by November 1st of that year.
We welcome your visit anytime that you are in the area. Please call before you come, so that we are here to show you around.
Announcements made sale day and from the auction block during the sale take precedence over printed material associated with this sale. Anyone attending this sale attends at their own risk. Begger’s Diamond V Ranch or any of the sale force will not be responsible for any personal injury or loss while attending this sale.
Bulls will sell in catalog order, selling Angus bulls last.
The Bulls were vaccinated at branding with Pyramid 4, with Presponse and Vision 7 with Somnus, Enforce 3 Nazelgen, Bovi-Shield Gold and again at weaning, they were poured with Ivermectin on September 3 and again in December.
We guarantee all sight unseen purchases. Call ahead and we will go over the bulls and try and match you up with a bull that meets your needs. You can leave a bid with us or any Sales Rep, or by phone, whichever is convenient for you. We know our cattle and strongly recommend that you call and visit with us on all sight unseen purchases.

Our sale will be broadcast over the Internet on DVAuction. If you cannot attend the sale in person we have set up this method so you can view the sale and make a purchase. Make sure you pre-register with DVAuctions before sale day. We likewise will offer phone service sale day for those who prefer making their purchase that way.
Our goal is to offer the best when it comes to total profitability. When we select our genetics, we consider all the avenues in the beef business. First of all we look at what will keep you the cow-calf man profitable. Things such as calving ease, fleshing ability, udder quality, disposition, and phenotype, along with mature cow size, and their ability to raise a calf that is worth more at sale time, and is efficient. Producing cattle that the feeders and packers desire. How do we select our genetics? We use EPDs, dollar based Indexes such as API and TI, DNA and genomic testing, and eye appeal, along with the ability for an animal to be productive, wean a satisfactory calf, breed back on time, and have the ability to use the feed source that our environment provides. We try to run our cows in the same way that most commercial outfits run their cattle and the cows are still in excellent condition. We believe that the API is a valuable tool to consider, but feel that it is simply a guideline, and like all EPDs and dollar indexes, should be used as a way to split the difference
between a choice of 2 animals that appear to be alike. It is just one equation that needs to be considered along with an animal’s performance, eye appeal, and ability to survive in its environment. When you purchase your seedstock, take the time to look at your suppliers’ cow herd, what do they look like, are they functional, what is their udder quality like, what is their frame size, and do they calve easy, stay in shape, and do they produce a high percentage of their body wt. We consider it all and believe we offer a good solution and end point.
Come take a look, we will have the majority of our cows available to observe, so you can see for yourself what you can expect your cowherd to look like if you use Begger’s Diamond V Ranch genetics.
Every bull in the sale has been DNA tested and parent verified to ensure accuracy and improve predictability.

For General Questions Please Contact Our Office: (402) 316-5460 or dva@dvauction.com

This set of bulls were born and developed on the range, everyone born unassisted. They were raised on mother’s milk, and what they ate alongside their dams when we began feeding them in November, NO CREEP! We weaned them in late March and fed them a TMR mix of hay, silage, and some corn to develop them along until the last week of May. They were summered on grass and free choice mineral until October, at that time we brought them in to develop them for the sale. These bulls are the ones that survived our strict guidelines, we were hard on them for structure, disposition, and performance. If they had a hiccup we steered them. Rest assured these bulls were never pushed hard, so they are athletic and ready for their new job. They should not melt much. Most people tell us they stay together very well. They are the cream of the crop, no excuses, only the best are offered to you , our valued customers.
This is quite a bull and he should probably be staying right here. I don’t know how you can make one any thicker or put together any better. You must admire this guy for his overall balance and substance. Any way you look at him, he shines physically, with performance, and on paper. He has the goods! A real herd bull.

moderate framed cattle that are strong topped, clean fronted, and easy keeping this is a bull you will want to own. This is the first set of these Value sons, and they show as much promise as any sire group at the ranch.

This Eagle


It has been fun to observe this set of fall bulls, they have so much to offer. This bull is a tank, deep, soggy, and wide bodied. This SimAngus bull has the looks, the balance, and the performance to sire sale topping calves. They say if they weigh more, they pay more and that fits this bull. No, he is not a big horse of a bull but he has balance and style in a nice moderate package.
A big strong Nightcap son out of a heavy milking dam. This one is all bull, big and rugged, and full of muscle and volume. 185L has a big sweeping rib cage and is going to sire power. He will work like a dream on a set of Angus or baldy cows. This is a true herd bull that will sire cattle the industry demands. A bull that will sire the gas and efficiency that feedlots love. His dam is a no miss cow and always brings in one of the best at weaning.
Another bull that closely resembles lots one and two. Very thick, moderate framed and full of the genetics that will sire efficiency. His dam is moderate framed female with big capacity and has a perfect udder. Keep the heifers and reap the
Sometimes, I feel like I am describing the same bull repeatedly. Again, the bulls in this first pen mirror each other. He is very moderate, thick, and well put together. This is one of many good Align sons we will drive through the sale, and everyone is very useful and powerful. The dam of this bull is moderate, thick, deep, and wide. She is very easy fleshing and always stays in shape, and you cannot put a better udder under a cow. I will emphasize the maternal value this bull brings to the table.

A very long, clean made bull that is a 1/4 Sim and 3/4 Angus. He is very attractive in his makeup, and his dam is a big, high volume cow that is heavy milking. This bull is sired by one of Bob Miske’s good Angus herd sires. We neighbor pastures and did find his bull in with our cows. When we blood typed for parentage, he did not type to our bull. So good notes tell us he is out of a Miske Angus herd sire. He is a real eye catcher, you will like him!
Every bull sells in his entirety. We do retain the right to collect 200 units of semen, at our expense and your convenience, for in herd use only. If an AI stud purchases the bull we do reserve the right to buy semen at cost, as if we were a share holder, but will not receive any revenue. In most cases very few bulls will ever be collected. If you have questions on our retained semen interest please ask.
worry, he will sire them right and loaded with performance.


You have to like this big guy! A Rarity son out of a real nice two year old Topshelf daughter. This combination brings out excellent performance from two of our very top cow families. Expect feeder calves that grow and have the style to catch your buyer’s attention. The heifer calves will have excellent udder quality as well.
This bull will work well on a set of British based cows to add some excellent performance and length of body. A purebred bull that will sire extra pay
and power in his calves. He is heterozygous black, so he does carry the red gene.
I like this bull, he takes after his dam, long, strong, and powerful. This bull will add a little extra dimension to a set of calves. They will be a bit bigger framed and have some extra punch at weaning as well as in the feedlot.
Fancy bull here that is real clean in his makeup. A bull fits the mold when it comes to cow size and udder quality. If you like cattle that look good and work hard then this is a good one.
A young Heyday son out of a very consistent Angus cow. If you like power and performance then take a strong look here. He is one of the youngest fall bulls but stands up very well in this strong set. Heyday needs no introduction after last year’s sale, where they all sold well above the sale average throughout the day. The D606 cow has led off the fall division before, so take note of this bull, a young one but very good.
This is a very well put together son of Align and out of a very good producing cow. He should sire longevity and fleshing ability. His twelve year old dam has never disappointed us. She always stayed in condition, always got pregnant, and always brought in a useful calf. This bull will be her last. His individual performance is a little lower, and I feel it is because of his dam’s age. She always brought in one of the best, and with Align backing him up, expect the best.

A Nightcap son out of a Topshelf cow, what a nice combination. A great cow family that offers a classy look and very good udder quality. This bull will offer excellent body length and gainability, and the calves will be heavy at weaning and valuable as mother cows.
A calving ease Nightcap son that has performed very well. He will sire long bodied cattle that will do well on feed and in the packing plant. I feel his daughters will be nice cows with good udders. He maybe a little more terminal in his type and kind. BCLR NIGHTCAP J6041
A very good calving ease prospect that was only 75 pounds at birth. These Jailbreak cattle shine from birth to the dinner plate. They are calm to be around, and the daughters will make nice, moderate cows. His dam is a clean made, classy cow with a very nice udder.
A light birth weight Tahoe son out of a two year old Conoco daughter. This combination will make excellent calving ease daughters that will be very nice uddered. The feeder cattle should feed very well and go on to do very well as top carcass cattle. TEHAMA
This is a virgin two year old that was not raised on our ranch. He was purchased from Sys Simmentals when I thought I was going to need a bull for a customer. We were out of bulls but I told him I could help him find a bull. I acquired this bull and it turned out we did not need him, so here he is. A darn good, well put together bull. He is thick, thick, thick, and very gentle. We will back him just as if he was bred and raised here. He is not a cull in any way. Here is an opportunity to own a two year old virgin bull. He wintered with the herd bulls, so he is in his everyday clothes.
Here is a younger purebred bull that offers excellent maternal qualities. He will sire nice, classy feeder calves that will do well from birth to the dinner plate. His dam is a heavy milker so his daughters will be good hard working cows. A nice choice for those British based Angus and baldy cows.
This is a thick, big bodied bull that has what it takes to make the next generation very good. Out of a two year old Topshelf daughter that goes back to one of our favorite thick, moderate framed cows. Sired by Varsity, this bull has the calving ease backed by a cow family that has done no wrong.
This is a well put together Value son out of a Vermillion cow. This bull should sire very nice feeder cattle that have excellent carcass values being both his marbling and ribeye EPD’s are strong. His dam was hurt so this did affect his weaning performance, along with a very cold January and February last winter. Don’t let that fool you. He has the genetics to be a top producer and a cow making machine.
If you are looking for a good heifer bull prospect here is one to check out. This is what he is bred to do, sire calving ease. A Varsity son out of a Gipper daughter, calving ease bred in from top and bottom.
This bull was born a twin. We raised him on a bottle for about a month and then put him on a cow that never really took him, therefore he had to work to survive. Don’t be fooled with Heyday and the G11 cow backing him. There is power in the blood here. You will not find a more gentle or easy to be around bull in the whole sale. That says a lot because there are no bad ones in the sale. This guy may be the sleeper of the day.
BDV G932
This is one of the youngest of the fall born bull being born in late November. This bull just about qualifies to be run with the spring calves. His dam is a big, stout, full bodied Angus cow that has a very nice disposition and is very easy keeping. She has a real neat, well put together udder. Being out of Align should really make this bull a valuable breeding piece. He should sire nice, good doing feeder cattle and his daughters should make nice cows.
A twin brother to Lot 38, these two bulls are born to be excellent calving ease sires, This one reads with more calving ease per genomics but still very similar to his brother above. A great opportunity to turn out full brothers.
This bull was born a twin and is nicely put together. A bull that will project calving ease. Born light at birth and raised on his dam, here is a bull that could be used on these cows that need a little protection at calving.
moderate sized calves.
These bulls were raised on mother’s milk and grass. They were preconditioned in late August and the 205 weights were taken they then they stayed on the cow until October 7th. They were then weaned and brought home to be developed for the sale. When you look at the ADG remember that there is a 6 week period when they were on the cow. Many operations wean calves and start their ADG after the calves have balled off. We develop these bulls to be sound and athletic. We know we could make them gain more or be fatter or heavier but that is not in the best interest of the bull. We are not trying to win an ADG contest. We have a zero tolerance for bad dispositions so you can be assured each and every bull has been through a one on one experience at least 4 times. Bad acting bulls will never be sold as breeding bulls and they have been castrated and their life will end as fat cattle in a packing plant. Any cow or bull that is nervous or sires nervous cattle also leave our program. We do not care how good they look or how nice their calves are. We simply went to a no excuse program that has zero tolerance for bad disposition.

A nice way to start off a powerful set of spring borns. This son of Heyday earned the lead off position by being the top weaning bull calf this fall with an adjusted weight of 822 pounds to a ratio of 122. If you like cattle that are long sided with a touch of frame then this bull is a great candidate. He is the kind that will sire calves that weigh heavy and pay big. His dam is a herd favorite that is big volumed and has a super udder. She is the kind many would flush. This bull is very gentle and easy to get along with.
Just a tank of a bull, we are on the fence of adding this bull to our own herd bull line up. He is an absolute stud, big volumed, deep sided, and very complete. If you demand easy fleshing cattle that smash the scale down on sale day, this bull needs your attention. In today’s world of chasing carcass, you won’t come across this kind very often, yet this bull does possess excellent carcass merit as well along with top performance and excellent maternal traits. His dam is a power cow with a top notch udder. BDV EGO 78J CLRS GUARDIAN 317G BDV A306 OF 9969
A Purebred son of Honor that likewise offers every serious cowman a load of potential. He is another bull that should be staying right here on the Ranch. We truly feel he offers top notch genetics to the industry. This guy is moderate, thick, and long. He is very eye pleasing and straight in his lines. Very clean made and classy. This bull is born a twin and has a brother that sells as Lot 97, he likewise shows excellent value. 33M was the one that their dam raised. He is powerfully good, and offers excellent opportunity, every serious cowman and woman should want to own his kind, you will enjoy his disposition.
Oh boy this is one thick high performing bull. He is out of a 2 year old heifer and our heifer bull Clicker, born at 83 lbs. and weaning at 786. He is for the cowman that want it all, elite performance from birth to weaning and yearling. This bull is massive in his body type, thick, deep and wide. He will sire cattle that possess the easy fleshing wide bodied look. His 2 yrs old dam out of Heyday, only cements the deal. There is power in the blood, easy to be around to boot.

This bull is an eye catcher, very clean with all the power any cowman could desire. This bull is a no nonsense cow bull. He will sire calves that will perform on the cow in the feedlot and on the rail. He possesses the power to sire pay weight and still has the look and cow family to sire daughters that will make any replacement pen valuable. This bull is the first of the Value sire group. These cattle shine in performance eye appeal and both maternal and carcass merit. The cow families on both sides of his pedigree are flawless. I feel he is a true herd bull candidate, excellent docility.

So many times I see sale ads that state over 80% of their bulls will work on heifers. Most cowherds consist of 80% mature cows and 20% heifers and first calvers. Do you really want a 65-75 lbs calf out of your mature cows? (It may be costing you more than you realize). Lighter birth weight highly correlates with lighter replacement heifers with a smaller pelvis thus creating more calving difficulties along with weaning weights that result in less money in the bank.

This bull is easy to like, big bodied, thick made, deep ribbed and very gentle to be around. His dam was as easy to appreciate as any Angus cow in the breed. She sold for $30,000 as a heifer calf to the Hays Ranch. We purchased her in their dispersion. His sire Align is a super bull that is consistently stamping his calves with a very eye catching look. He is the kind to sire value to any program. They weigh heavy and have that look every cowman desires. Buy his with confidence.
Another great Ego son that will put a lot of good in his calves. His young dam is a daughter of the $40,000 Main Event that lit a fire under the breed. This guy is just a very nice breeding piece, loads of performance, nice cow family and a super disposition, absolutely a bull to consider if you want it all.
He is the Diamond V kind, so well put together and balanced in his makeup. He is moderate in size, thick, deep, and wide. He has got a ton of middle and a big wide butt end. He is out of the performance King Heyday, and a very efficient dam that knows how to wean a large percentage of her body weight. If you are looking for a bull that will sire calves that are born easy, grow like crazy to weaning and will perform well in the feedlot, and will mature into sensible sized cattle at maturity you may have found your bull. His dam has a flawless udder. This one is easy going and easy to appreciate.
What a way to start off the 2nd pen of the yearlings. He is a true performance bull. Out of a heavy milking 3 year old dam and our power packed Growth Fund son. This bull will sire some frame and power. Weaned over 800 lbs. on grass and mother’s milk. He is for the cowman that demands pay weight. He is the kind that should deliver value on sale day. ELLINGSON
Here is another Ego son that came to the weaning pen weighing over 750 lbs. He will sire a little more frame and length. His dam is consistently good, always bringing in a top performing calf. He should really work on these smaller type cows that need a little more power. No matter how you use him, he should add pay weight and value.

The scrotal circumference of each bull was tape-measured on December 28, 2023. The scrotal measurements were adjusted to yearling, and sometimes will vary one way or another as actual yearlings. We guarantee our bulls 100% for fertility, unless damage is induced at your ranch, and then it’s out of our control.
Recommendations for Scrotal Circumference:
Smooth, smooth, smooth, is how I describe this one, so classy, and easy on the eye to raise cattle with
and stylish, you should like this guy, he is very docile to boot. Note, this bull is heterozygous black, so he carries a red gene.


A Rarity son out of a real nice sensible sized cow with a perfect udder and great personality. If you enjoy cattle that look good perform well and make cattle that excel in harsh environment, this bull maybe the ticket. We certainly appreciate his cow line and feel he will sire daughters that will be the keeping kind, excellent disposition here.
I like this Tesla son and truly feel his dam is one of our elite cows. I would take a whole herd of her kind, excellent uddered, easy fleshing, big ribbed, and very docile, and she knows how to raise a top calf. The blend of G25 and Tesla looks to be a solid mating. He is excellent disposition and looks to be a top herdsire.
If we ever had a cow that consistently out produced herself the D39 cow would be at the top of the list. NO DOUBT, this cow is as efficient as any cow that ever ate grass on the Diamond V, always brings in a top calf no matter the mating. If moderate sized cows with elite calf raising abilities are your goal, you need to take a look here. If this bull sire’s daughters like his dam, his value is limitless. One word described D39 EFFICENT. All BS aside, this cow will go down as one of our best, great udder, and superb disposition to boot.
I don’t know if you can make them any deeper
Here is a purebred Tesla son, out of a hard working cow. This bull was born a twin. He is one that will put some power in his calves, expect a little larger mature size out of him. If you like cattle with a little more grow power, he may be a good choice. I feel he will add value to a set of British bred cows, he’s nice to be around.
Very easy on the eye. His young dam is a heavy milker, and has a great udder. He blends together, top performance, with Growth Fund and Preacher in his lineup. You won’t find a better personality. He has what it takes to be a real nice bull candidate with an exceptional performance record. ELLINGSON JACKPOT K272
A real nice package here. A Value son that will certainly sire value. His dam was our choice out of the Vermillion Ranch 7 year old cow dispersion a few years ago. There is power in this bull, both in performance and maternal. This guy is very easy to like, he is loaded with eye catching style, along with top performance. The best part maybe his genetic potential to sire great daughters. He is the Diamond V kind, buy with confidence. He has got a very mellow disposition.

Oh boy, this bull is thick. If you like cattle with extra body and a powerful rear
here is your bull, you just won’t find them any deeper, thicker, or easier fleshing. He comes by it naturally, the F72 cow always comes in with this kind. His sire Nightcap was the top seller out of Doug Bichler’s

Long and strong. This Value son will put some length in his calves. Value is doing what I expected he would do, add performance and fleshing ability. This bull should take those Angus and Baldy cows to a new level. He will add extra pay weight and punch to your calf crop. His dam is a very nice uddered cow with very good calf raising ability. Real nice to be around to boot.
The Scale Crusher bull certainly lives up to his name. He puts some punch in his calves. I like the type he puts into his calves. They are thick and deep, while still possessing the length they need to weigh up and pay up. This bull is strong in his makeup and will sire performance cattle.

Yes, you can have it all, calving ease, performance, and a classy look. The proof is in this powerful Clicker son, he is strong topped, flashy looking, and possess excellent performance. He has a great personality.
A rugged bull that will add performance. He is out of a big volumed, easy fleshing cow, with a superb udder. These Tesla’s are performance cattle, they are long and deep. Strong in their makeup and design to perform in the feedlot. Want extra pounds, own a Tesla.
An Honor purebred that is full of muscle. He is moderate in frame, bold sprung in his ribcage, and has the look of a herd bull. His dam is a
in the
in the
Yes sir, this bull is right for the
He is classy and loaded with breed greats, he has some of the very best cow families we have owned in his pedigree. No doubt, you will want to keep his daughters, they will make great cows. He will sire top performance and add a very eye catching look. He is one to own.
Looking to add some sensible sized cow making genes with superb udders here you go. The Hercules daughters have udder quality like no other, then add Southern Charm, you know you won’t go wrong. But that’s not all, you will have cattle that work on the range, feedlot, and rail, yes you can have it all. Here is a well-designed bull with a perfect disposition.
Like all the Ego’s, he is good. He comes from a big, strong, cow family that is maternal and performance packed. This bull will add another layer of soundness and value to his calves. Try to own these Ego sons, they sure look like the right kind.
Looking for a calm easy to be around with a sensible size, you won’t be wrong here. He comes from a great cow line that always seems to produce the right kind. Add Jack Pot to the mix, you can expect excellent performance and great personalities.
bull is so well put together, long, strong topped, deep sided, and big butted. He is going to sire cattle with a lot of good in them. They will be easy fleshing, moderate framed, and will pack a punch weigh up day, his daughters will be the best. Very quiet and easy to be around. Not extreme
Another big stout Range Boss. I admire how the Range Boss cattle have that easy fleshing, big deep body type that will keep you in business. We have used him for several years now, and the reason is he works on about any cow you breed him to. This bull is a good example.
A younger bull is the sale, but takes a back seat to very few. Here is a great example of the increased value you got by using Simmental on Angus cows. This bull has that quality that every outfit should strive to obtain. So smooth, clean made, and loaded with performance and eye appeal. His young Angus dam has a great udder and is productive. Mated to Align brought out the best of both Angus and Simmental breeds. Try to own an Align son, I feel he has as much to offer as about any bull in the breed. They are docile, excellent performers and very eye appealing.
These Tesla’s are performance cattle, they are pound makers. You have to admire their ability to covert feed to pay weight. You will enjoy big calf checks, excellent eye appeal, and calves that press the scale down hard. The bonus will be excellent dispositions, and ease of handling.
What a thick bugger here! These Scale Crushers are for real. They absolutely are some of the thickest, deep sided, cattle in the Angus breed. Mate him to good Simmental genetics and the power comes out every time. This bull will sire moderate, thick, deep sided, cattle that look good. Better than that, they have what it takes to survive tough environments. No doubt the females will be the best.
A Kansas son loaded with maternal and carcass genetics. These Kansas cattle are smooth and easy on the eye. They are the kind that feeders want pens full of. They are efficient feed converters and have the carcass quality that pay the big premiums. His daughters
Here is a big numbered bull, minus birth, nice growth, very good carcass. He is for the cowman that has end product in mind. He likewise could be used on those cows that need protected for calving ease. Sired by the $102,000 Honor and his dam is by Pay weight one of the most respected bulls in the Angus breed. Here is a bull that genetically rings a bell. He is very nice dispositioned and should sire a useful set of replacement females.
A nice Value out of a very hard working 10 year old dam. She has been a corner stone in our Angus cows, we have used her to make top notch Sim-Angus cattle that work. If you like cattle with capacity here is a good one. We really like this first crop of Values, he should sire excellent feeder calves and real nice replacement females.
PayDirt son is a big bodied deep sided bull that is bred a little more terminal, although PayDirt makes exceptional nice females as well. This bull should sire scale smashing calves that create more pay. He has a very good disposition as well
This bull is very smooth in his design. I purchased him alongside his dam as the leadoff pair in Steve Eichacker’s’ sale. She was definitely a feature and was hard on the pocketbook to own. This bull is her first and he is a good one. A total outcross to ours and many Simmental programs. He will make a nice calving ease bull with a lot of carcass and maternal. He is one you might want to take home. He is well put together and well bred.
A Bed Rock out of a high producing Data daughter going back to the high producing B95 cow a solid cow family in this bull’s linage. The Bed Rock bull is new blood here and what we see is an excellent calving ease bull with a good performance. This guy tipped the scales heavy and has some eye appeal. Disposition is very good.
Smooth from end to end. This bull is easy to like, very nice in his makeup, and offers a new twist from our program. His Boise Dam is one of the classiest Boise Daughters on the ranch, then mated to the great scale crusher Angus bulls from Schaff Angus Valley, you have a moderate easy fleshing bull loaded with excellent opportunity. This bull is very maternal, should sire daughters with excellent udders. He is very easy to be around.
A real eye pleaser out of Align. The more I am around these Aligns the more I like them. Lots of eye appeal and excellent performance. Align is a home raised bull, that we like as good as any bull in our lineup, and there are some very expensive and powerful bulls in the group. If cattle with class, eye appeal and performance is where you want to be, try a Align son. I feel he
destined to be one of the elite.
A good performing Ego son like all the Ego’s he has some body to him. We raised Ego and sold him to the Mavencamp ranch. Today we are proud of where he is, but wish he was still here. This bull is a very nice Ego son. BDV EGO 78J
This bull could be the sleeper of the sale. A twin brother sells as the lead off yearling purebred on the sale as Lot 45. He is a very similar in his build. He was raised on a foster dam. Maybe didn’t wean quite as heavy, but I feel he might be every bit as good. If you are looking for a purebred that offers excellent EPD valves and a pedigree to match don’t overlook him, he could be the hidden gem. I would not be afraid to use this bull in our own program. Very nice disposition here.
I like this one, he is out of a very nice Capitalist daughter. If you want to make a top set of replacement heifers here is a bull that will get you started in the right direction. He has all the pieces, moderate sized, think made, powerful, Top line, big ribbed and wide butted. His dam is flawless in her makeup and has an udder I would put under every cow in the herd. She is hard to beat when it comes to eye appeal and structure.
A cool cat here. I admire this bull, he is long, strong topped, very clean and well balanced. The Rainfall cattle are so good. They calve easy and grow very well. The best part might be the excellent daughters. This bull is quiet and easy to be around. Might be the one for you, if you keep your cattle up tight, and have the family around all the time.

Here is a classy Scale Crusher. If you like them fancy here is a nice one. I feel this bull leans a little more to the terminal side although Scale Crusher is going to make excellent daughters. A very nice bull with the right genetics to sire calves that produce pay weight and crush the scale.
Out of a great 2-year-old dam and Clicker, these Clickers are about all out of 2-yearold heifers and are very nice. I believe he is one of the elite
bulls. Most calving ease bulls will never sire calves that perform
comes with the package.
Out of a very nice 3-year-old dam by PayDirt and Value, a great prospect to advance any program in the right directions excellent maternals, top performance and very respectable carcass no matter the program. This bull should enhance it. He has got a very appealing look being long bodied,
An Align out of a very well-bred 3-year-old Pay Weight daughter, that is backed by one of our favorite Angus cow families. There is a lot of promise in this bull. He is the result of blending the best in both the Simmental and Angus breed. No matter how you breed this bull, expect eye appeal and performance. His daughters should be the keeping kind and his feeder cattle should be the eye-catching sale topping kind. These Align cattle are easy on the eye and easy to be around. He is very nice easy going bull.
A very nice Bed Rock out of a real nice Hercules 2-year-old dam. These are our first Bed Rocks. They are calving ease with top carcass and acceptable growth and very nice eye appeal. This bull’s dam by Hercules guarantees superb udder quality and lots of eye appeal in a very nice balanced package. I believe the Bed Rocks will become popular and very well received. You might want to be one of the first to own one. They are gentle in nature, calve easy and have the genetics to enhance all segments of the industry.
Here is a nice outcross to most programs, out of our $24,000 Kansas bull and a Blue Print dam that offers top genetics from the Quandt’s. This bull leans a little towards the terminal side to me, but has very good maternal’s in his pedigree. He is easy to look at and smooth in his design. He will sire calves that demand attention.
This Valve son is a real balanced bull. His 10-year-old dam was one of our top picks as a heifer calf. She has not disappointed us. She raises a solid calf every year bred back and has stood the test of time. I feel this bull will really work on a set of British bred cows to make an excellent set of Sim-Angus replacements that are moderate framed, deep sided, easy fleshing, calf raising machines. The udder quality should be excellent and they will be easy to be around and easy on the eye.
A nice purebred Tesla Son. It looks like the Tesla’s as a sire group were some of the top weaning weight calves, both years we used him expect calves that are born to excel in the pasture, feedlot and hang a useful heavy high yielding carcass. The cow family behind him are moderate and easy fleshing with very nice udders. So, I feel this bull should sire valuable replacements as well the Tesla’s are very gentle as well.
The Jailbreaks are moderate framed easy fleshing, calving ease cattle, with very nice carcass values. This is the 3rd year we have used him on our own heifers with excellent results. They are born easy and make nice first calf heifer calves. This bull’s 2-year-old dam is out of a very nice uddered high performance cow line. Want to make good replacements, this bull will help you get there. He will sire them moderate, efficient, and good.
We are firm believers in the use of yearling bulls and feel it is one of the best years of their lives. It is a time when they are easy to manage and their only concern is breeding cows. We have found that yearling bulls that are managed carefully during the second year of their lives, not only do well, but they will perform better, over time. Below are some suggested guidelines for the care of yearling bulls.
Upon delivery to your ranch, keep yearling bulls separate from older bulls and feed them a maintenance ration of 5-8 pounds per head of grain and free choice hay. Reduce the amount of grain fed gradually, so that bulls are on straight hay or grass 2-4 weeks prior to the breeding season.
Where possible, try to limit the bulls to 45-60 days of pasture service the first year. At this time or as soon as possible, remove the bulls and put them in separate pastures with plenty of good quality grass.
It is best to feed yearling bulls separate from older bulls until after their second breeding season. This allows them to achieve the growth and strength to compete with older bulls for feed and space.
You will see the benefit of a little added cost and care of feeding a yearling bull by probably two or three more years of service from a well managed and healthy bull.
It is our belief when breeding cattle the “BALANCED TRAIT APPROACH” is the right one! We want as much performance as we can get while maintaining that “Critical Balance” of calving ease, cowherd and feedlot efficiency and proven carcass value. All the while, never forgetting the unmeasured traits of structural soundness, udder quality, and attachment, mothering ability, vigor at birth, disposition, fertility, and longevity.

LOT 111
sized cattle that have super udder structure and very desirable EPD’s.
A Bed Rock out of a 2-year-old Topshelf daughter going back to the dam of 52M, Lot 57, the Heyday son in the front pen. There are top cows in this bull’s linage. If you like cows with great udder quality, consider this bull. The Bed Rocks are new but there is a lot of talk about him. He is supposed to be the new generation bull that does everything right. So, this
He looks
be a good heifer bull candidate.
This bull is out of our high performing, high selling son of Growth Fund. The Jackpot bull offers a nice blend of eye appeal and performance. They are long sided cattle with a nice easy on the eye appearance. This bull is quiet to be around and even though he is born in April he has that power we desired already. This bull will add value on sale day. Look for his calves to have added length.
This is my favorite of the Jailbreaks just a nice calf. He has eye appeal, the best disposition in the pen and he has a light birth weight that qualifies him to be an excellent heifer bull candidate. His 2-year-old dam by Hercules is likewise a favorite, eye appealing, very gentle and has perfect udder. He is for the outfit that demands excellent dispositions.
Here is another thick, deep Ranged Boss son. This one is very eye catching. I certainly appreciate these Range Boss cattle, just so complete. They look good, weigh heavy at the same time and the daughters are good cows. His 3-year-old dam by PayDirt is destined to be a very good producer right along with her Sitz Wisdom, sired granddam. Note, he carries the red gene.
is a younger bull that is very deep sided and powerfully constructed. He is out of a real deep soggy
Isn’t it neat how cow families breed so much alike. This bull’s dam is a maternal sister to the 134M bull that is Lotted right before this bull. This Pounder son is out of a real well designed 2-year-old heifer that should go on to be a top producer. No doubt, out of a top cow family and layered with excellent longevity.
This purebred Epic son is out of a very nice 2-year-old HeyDay daughter. Blending calving ease and the smoothness of Epic with the powerful HeyDay brings out some real qualities from both Sires. You will enjoy a great set of easy going calves and a set of replacement heifers that will be the envy of your neighbors.
A young Align son that offers as much power and potential in the sale. Both his sire and Dam are true testaments to our program, both offer the best in performance fleshing ease and maternal. You just can’t go wrong with this bull, a little later in the sale, but you will want to add him to your bull battery.
BDV A306 OF 9969
This is a bigger framed rugged power bull. He will sire cattle that grow. His dam is a bigger framed cow with a lot of gas. He will add some punch to his calves. We went to a zero tolerance on disposition in our herd and have removed all the unruly cattle. We stand behind them all but this bull is not crazy at all but is still a little more alert than the rest, so just take note. We think he is fine, but maybe better suited in a larger environment.
4415589 • Tattoo: 113M •
3/20/24 Act. BW: 97 lbs. • Adj. WW: 685 lbs. • WW Ratio: 101 Adj. YW:
From day one this stout son of a Value, strutted around and told us he is a bull. Today he still has the look of a top herd sire prospect. Moderate in size, very stout in his body type, and eye catching as can be. This bull should add fleshing ability, and a lot of rib shape, his linage runs deep with big stout bold ribbed cattle. The udder quality will be the best.
A Growth Fund out of Franchise. There will be easy fleshing deep ribbed calves in the pen for the owner of this bull. A nice cow producing potential here. No doubt his progeny will be moderate, thick and easy on the eye, udder quality will be really nice as well.
We are in a younger set of bulls that offer top quality. This Growth Fund is so smooth and well-designed if you like cattle that stay sensible sized thick and easy keeping and are easy to handle. You are looking at a good choice. Out of a top herd sire and a very consistent top producing dam. The homework is done, here is a great herd sire prospect.
A306 OF 9969
An Ego son that is long, strong, and classy. Like all Egos he is a performance machine. He has the look and performance to sire pay weight and performance. His daughters will make great replacements. Use him on a smaller set of cows and enjoy the results.
A bull out of one of our finest. His dam Z26 is a proven producer we raised. The Lot 1 bull in the past and consistently brings in a top indexing calf. Her kind is what I value as the best. At 12 years of age, she still weaned a 104 weaning Index and bred back to do it again. The Nightcap bull was the $27,000 high seller in Doug Bichler’s’ sale so the sire likewise has great potential. Udder quality is the best. Don’t overlook him, he is a little younger but the genes are in his blood.
A very well put together Jailbreak with a light birth weight. His 2-year-old Topshelf momma is a good one, very easy on the eye, and she has a very nice tidy udder. Her Cow family brings stoutness to the table. He should calve easy and pack a punch at weaning. He has a very nice personality as well.
have never experienced this kind of performance out of a true heifer bull, and the dispositions are good too.
A Kansas son out of a bigger framed stout cow with the ability to bring power into the blood. Here is a bull that will sire cattle that have the look and style to get your calf buyers attention. There is a lot of potential here to sire heavy weaning cattle with excellent maternal and carcass values. A very nice attractive bull here.
A very well put together bull here. Moderate in frame, stout in his
deep ribbed and wide in his rear. I appreciate him, he has the right parts, super balanced and loaded with eye appeal. He will calve easy and protect those smaller type cows at calving time. Expect great udder quality as well.
Black • Homo Polled • 1/2
A Growth Fund out of a 3-year-old Supreme daughter that hails from one of our top Angus cow families. There is a lot of cow power, sire power and top blood lines lined up in this guy’s pedigree. Look for good calving ease and replacement type heifer calves here. The steer calves will be top quality as well.
Golly this 5/8 blood son of the Align gets your attention, always profiling with that style we all like. No wonder out of a young Hoover dam and out of one of our very best cows as his Granddam. The guess work is done. Here late in the sale and bulls that possess excellence throughout. If you demand gorgeous
Here is a light BW Honor that offers safe calving for that set of young or smaller type cows that need a little protection on calving ease. But there is more to offer here, excellent maternal’s, real nice disposition and very good carcass qualities as well. He should put a beautiful udder on his daughters as well.
This bull is a twin to the previous Lot 48M, Lot 132, I truly admire this set of twins. They are no slouches, very uniform in kind and performance. I might call them identical. Their 205 weight maybe a little behind, but do not let that scare you, these bulls are top notch. If you need a pair buy them both, they won’t disappoint. Thick, deep and wide bodied, very gentle and the right kinds. They are sired by the great Step Up Angus bull from Select Sires.
Many breeding programs have moved to video sales, and like the idea that it takes less help and you don’t have to upset or hassle the bulls. We feel that by bringing them in helps you validate your choice, watch their disposition, and also helps the rancher that didn’t get his first choice to select another bull without having to move and go outside while the sale is going on. We also believe some videos don’t necessarily offer quite as much true image as the actual animal presents. Yes, it takes more work and effort but you’re our valued customers are worth it.
This is a new twist to our program, and we like the result. Kansas-RainMaker going back to the Pride bull that should produce a ton of maternal and great udder quality. But likewise, the efficiency will be there as well. His progeny will be eye appealing and valuable with a good disposition. CCR KANSAS 21K LBRS GENESIS G69 BJ COWBOY UP 8253 BDV MS RAINFALL J23 S A V
We have been using PayDirt for several years now, as ABS states Pay Weight’s best son. We
We are offering a large group of these Ego’s, and they are a powerful set. This bull is like the rest, thick and deep. Need a little more fleshing ability take a look here. The D84 is always in great condition, so I expect this bull to sire the easy keeping kind, udder quality and carcass values will be included as well. BDV EGO 78J CLRS GUARDIAN 317G BDV A306 OF 9969 BDV MS ARSENAL
Yes, Align is a true asset, just go through the group they will get your attention. He stamps them alike and that is with eye appeal and quality. This bull has a lot to offer very classy, great performance, and excellent maternal traits. His disposition is good and his Angus mother is a nice asset to the herd.
A Growth Find cross, out of an Eagle cow. This bull is long and has the genes to sire excellent feeder cattle, and excellent carcass as well. He should work well on a more moderate set of cows. His granddam was a power cow, so there is great potential for loads of performance as well.
This is a classy well balanced Baldy bull. He is out of a big full bodied Baltic daughter that really puts a lot of eye appeal in her calves. This bull has the potential to sire them deep, and strong, with a lot of eye appeal.
Another good performing Range Boss, these cattle always weigh heavy and possess that deep full bodied look. If pounds and a deep soggy easy keeping look is what you like, here is a bull late in the sale that still offers it all.
is a true heifer bull, yep, another Clicker out of a 2
old Eagle daughter. This bull is quite a calf, only 75 lbs. at birth, coming up with a big 205 wt of just short of 700 lbs. The udder quality should be exceptional on his daughters. Here is a big spread bull with some punch, super disposition here.
These bulls were bred for generations to all homozygous black and polled genetics. As you can see everyone is either tested or genetically proven to be homo black. The ones identified as homo polled are genetically proven. Every single one of the bulls are several generations homo polled and all are smooth polled. The ones that just say polled are not tested but we firmly believe that they likewise are homo polled. As for the black factor you will find a few hetero black red carriers in the sale, as they have carried that gene on
recessively, they may throw a red calf if their dams are red or hetero black. The majority of the time they will sire black calves on black cows. All the bulls except the hetero black bulls will sire black calves, never a red one. The red carriers will be identified as heterozygous black and in the footnotes they will be identified as red carriers. There are a few bulls listed as Black, we will try to have color results back by sale time, likely most will be Homo Black.
Here is another Clicker with a light 80 lb. birth wt, out of a 2 year old Falcon daughter. He’s got the right parts to sire value both in his feeder calves, and his daughters. There is excellent udder quality in his cow family.

Bred to sire them moderate, thick and deep ribbed. This Range Boss son has an elite family tree, Range Boss, PayDirt, Pay Weight, and the very good D63 as his granddam. Expect sensible sized cattle that have excellent fleshing ability.
A great way to end this Simmental part of this great set of bulls. Sired by Bed Rock, and out of a big bodied Range Boss daughter, and back to the B90 cow that most years puts a bull in the front of the sale. I truly feel this bull is a genetic blend that offers the best. If you like them moderate and soggy, here is one to own.
Expected Progeny Differences (EPDs): EPDs are the most accurate and effective tool available for comparing genetic levels. In using EPDs, the difference between two sires’ EPDs represents the unit difference expected in the performance of their progeny. For example, if sires A and B have EPDs of +10 and –5, a 15-unit difference would be expected in their progeny (moving from -5 to +10 yields 15 units). Key to using EPDs is knowing what units they are expressed in. For example, if the above case referred to weaning weight EPDs, A would be expected to sire 15-pounds more weaning weight than B. If calving ease were the trait, A would be expected to sire 15-percent more unassisted births in first-calf heifers; in other words, if B sired 30 assists in a group of 100 heifers, we’d expect A to require 15 assists. A percentile-ranking chart is required to determine where a bull’s EPDs rank him relative to other bulls in the breed. For percentile rankings or more detailed information about EPDs and $ indexes visit www.simmental.org.
Listed below are the units ASA EPDs are expressed in:
All-Purpose Index (API): Dollars per cow exposed under an all-purpose-sire scenario. (See below for more details.)
Back Fat (BF): Inches of backfat.
Birth Weight (BW): Pounds of birth weight.
Calving Ease (CE): Percent of unassisted births when used on heifers.
Carcass Weight (CW): Pounds of carcass weight.
Maternal Calving Ease (MCE): Percent of unassisted births in first-calving daughters.
Milk (MLK): Pounds of weaning weight due to milk.
Marbling (MRB): Marbling score.
Maternal Weaning Weight (MWW): Pounds of weaning weight due to milk and growth.
Ribeye Area (REA): Square inches of ribeye.
Warner-Bratzler Shear Force (WBSF): Pounds of force required to shear a steak.
Stayability (STAY): Percent of daughters remaining in the cowherd at 6 years of age.
Terminal Index (TI): Dollars per cow exposed under a terminal-sire scenario. (See below for more details.)
Weaning Weight (WW): Pounds of weaning weight.
Yearling Weight (YW): Pounds of yearling weight.
Yield Grade (YG): Yield grade score.
$ Indexes: Though EPDs allow for the comparison of genetic levels for many economically important traits, they only provide a piece of the economic puzzle. That’s where $ indexes come in. Through well-conceived, rigorous mathematical computation, $ indexes blend EPDs and economics to estimate an animal’s overall impact on your bottom line. The same technology that led to the dramatic progress in swine, poultry and dairy genetics over the last several decades was used to develop the following $ indexes:
All-Purpose Index (API): Evaluates sires for use on the entire cow herd (bred to both Angus first-calf heifers and mature cows) with the portion of their daughters required to maintain herd size retained and the remaining heifers and steers put on feed and sold grade and yield.
Terminal Index (TI): Evaluates sire for use on mature Angus cows with all offspring put on feed and sold grade and yield.
Using API and TI: First, determine which index to use; if you’re keeping replacements use API, if not, TI. Then, just as with EPDs, zero in on the unit difference between bulls. (As described above, index units are in dollars per cow exposed.) The difference can be used to determine how much a bull is worth compared to another. Or, put another way, how much you can pay for one bull compared to another. For example, when buying an all-purpose-type sire, you can quickly figure a bull scoring +100 for API is worth an extra $6,000 over a+50 bull if both are exposed to 30 cows over 4 years ($50 diff. x 30 hd. x 4 yr. = $6,000). A percentile-ranking chart is required to determine where a bull’s index value ranks him relative to other bulls in the breed. For percentile rankings or more detailed information about EPDs and $ indexes.
We are offering a small group of Angus bulls this year. Most are heifer safe and all are moderate, thick and the easy doing kind. They will sire excellent daughters.

Begger’s Diamond V Ranch offering the genetics that provide the world with a consistently tender, flavorful, and enjoyable eating experience.
A nice heifer bull that offers that calving ease package we all appreciate. We really like these Rainfalls, they calve easy, are very easy natured and are thicker made than most Angus. They mature out to be moderate, easy keepers, and the females are very good.
148 We have maxed out what mother nature will allow us in weaning weights in these drier, short grass environments, without heavy supplementation, still maintaining the ability to produce cows that stay, and steers that weigh and pay.
I like this bull, an absolute beef bull. He is out of our high selling Angus bull 5 years ago, selling to the Mury Murnion Ranch. This bull will add muscle, keep them thick, and easy keeping. The females he sires will be the keeping kind. He’s got a light birth wt, and he offers very nice calving ease as well.
Here’s a deep bodied Scale Crusher out of a 3 year old Down Pour dam. I believe he is heifer safe on bigger type heifers. This bull is 2 generations Schaff bred, so you know there is cow power and excellent udder quality in him.
A well put together Scale Crusher going back to the Peterson Southern Charm, and back to a very deep Capitalist cow. There is a lot of fleshing ability and keep ability in this guy. If you like them moderate and good, here is one to take home. This cow line is loaded up with good calving ease. I feel you could us him on bigger type heifers.
We truly enjoy producing Black Simmental, Sim-Angus, and Angus cattle that work for operations in all segments of the livestock industry. Since 1974 it has been our passion to raise high quality Black Simmental cattle that can grow, produce, and thrive in any condition. This year’s offering is no exception. We are confident that only the top performance bulls will be offered in this sale. They are ready to go to work in any environment. We continue to use proven sires that produce the results we demand, along with a select set of exciting new sires that offer new genetics to the industry, and our valued customers.
We are driven to produce Simmental genetics that are structurally correct and highly reliable that yield offspring that are vigorous at birth, efficient in converting grass, into excellent weaning weights, all the while exhibiting a phenotype that you’ll be proud
to have in your pastures. Our cattle undergo constant evaluation for efficiency, sound feet and legs, and udders that require no assistance or maintenance.
In our opinion these bulls are as good as we have ever offered. The bulls have been developed slowly to ensure soundness that should be long lasting. The fall bulls were summered on grass with only free choice mineral ensuring longevity. Regular culling occurs multiple times throughout the development process for structure, disposition, performance, and phenotype. Whether you choose genetics from the front of the sale or the last one to enter the ring, be assured they will provide benefits to any commercial cow/calf operation and many are of seedstock quality. If possible, stop by before the sale, we would love the opportunity to show you the cowherd, and how we run them in Eastern Montana.


This bull was our choice out of the Elliot Sale. He is a stud, very deep, and big volumed. He comes from a very top cow family in that herd. He had a 191 Ratio for marbling, that is about unheard of, but 91% better than average. This bull is the real deal, he works on Purebred Simmental or Angus cows with excellent results.
Absolutely as good as any bull in the herd bull battery. Align is a home raised Favor son out of the powerful C26 cow. They just don’t come much better, breed him Simmental, breed him Angus, don’t matter, excellent results either way. He sires clean made easy fleshing calves that are the right kind, his sons are headliners.
A home raised ½ blood Sim-Angus bull, his sons are headliners in the sale. ‘They are very deep and thick. We absolutely love his calves and for the right reasons. He offers more fleshing ability than any Sim-Angus bull we have ever used. Moderate, high performing cattle is what you get here.
The $27,500 acquisition out of Doug Bichler’s sale. Nightcap sires them thick and fleshy. He is out of one of Doug’s top donor cows, and he is her natural calf.
This bull needs no introduction, high selling Impact son out of the Rydeen Program. His sons are in demand everywhere they are offered, very thick, high performing cattle. He is a pound maker. He improves disposition as well.
We have used Jailbreak for 3 years with very good results. As a heifer bull they come easy and develop into moderate good doing cattle. He sires excellent dispositions.
This is quite an Angus bull, his full brother topped the Schaff sale in 2022 at $275,000. We purchased Scale Crusher in 2023, he was again one of the top picks of 6 full brothers. In 2024, another full brother again topped that prestigious sale, we are fortunate to own one of these full brothers. This bull is a moderate thick deep sided bull. He sires fleshing ability and works very well on Simmental cows. If you like them moderate and thick, his sons are ones to own.
Without a doubt one of the most elite Sim-Angus calving ease sires we have ever used, we are very fortunate to own this bull. Clicker is heifer safe and a very high octane herd sire. His calves are performers in every sense of the word. They wean heavy and look to have excellent body mass and structure, yet they will be moderate easy keeping cattle that will be very efficient in the pasture, in the feed yard, and on the rail. We can’t wait to put his daughters in production. The neat part is these cattle have excellent eye appeal, they are very classy.

A real valuable outcross to our program. These cattle are easy fleshing and have the vigor to get up and grow. We purchased this bull because of his extreme body mass. He is a sire of excellent bull and heifer calves. if you like them stout and rugged, here you go.
We purchased this bull alongside Growth Fund, 2 half-brothers. They sire more calving ease than we thought we would get, but the calves grow and are maturing into some very eye catching cattle. Jack Pot will add length and a neat clean profile.
This genius son was the talk of the Cow Camp Spring sale. An embryo transplant out of a very impressive Cowboy Up Angus mother. He is loaded with an EPD profile that take a back seat to no one. His calves are smooth, easy to look at cattle, that offer top performance, carcass and maternal values.
This is the second year we have used Tesla. These cattle are performance cattle, they flat out perform very heavy at weaning and onto yearling. These cattle are for the cowman that demands heavy calves on sale day. They will be heavy muscled and have a lot of eye appeal.
A Sim-Angus Patriarch son that took the Sim-Angus breed by storm. We find them to be calving ease cattle that have nice performance, His sons and daughters have a nice clean look, and his EPD profile is very impressive.
Is a bull that demanded $102,000 to own. We used this bull AI and are happy with the results. Honor is a calving ease bull that puts some thickness and style in his calves. He works well on bigger framed cows with power, his EPD profile is second to none. He has some very special sons in the offering.
This bull was the top selling bull out of the Lassle Program 7 years ago. We have used him on every type of cow we own. These cattle are all good cattle, they are vigorous when born and perform well.
An older bull that we use AI, and have for many years. This bull just works his calves, always demand buyer attention, and many are sale features. Some say he is old school or old genetics, we say he is proven and well excepted by good cattlemen.
We found these 3 breeding philosophies quite interesting and felt they were spot on to our own breeding principles. With permission of a 3 nationally known highly respected Angus breeders we thought they were worth sharing.
By Ellingson Angus, Chad and Stetson Ellingson, St. Anthony, ND
Discovering the ideal percentile range for every trait we measure and understanding how those traits correlate with one another guides us to create the phenotypic makeup desired by our customers. We breed cattle toward ‘the middle’ for most all commercially relevant traits that’s the best method to drive genetic progress on all traits. By continually breeding our cowherd to the middle, we feel our matings can be more about matching kind to kind and less about mating one extreme to the other, thus creating more consistency in the ascending generations.
By David Brown, Montana Angus
The Angus breed’s position as the number one beef breed in the world was built on the back of the Angus cow. She was reliable, productive, predictable, and built for the environment she inhabited. That Angus cow was fertile, functional and possessed a maternal instinct and intelligence that bordered on mythical. In the hills of California, the northern plains of Montana and the Dakotas, the arid Southwest, the corn belt of the Midwest and the hot, humid Southeast, that Angus cow went about her business of keeping countless ranches in the black.
The Angus cow began to change with the consolidation of the packing industry and the growth of grid-based marketing taking place over the last twenty five years. During that time span, industry experts began proclaiming that we must add more marbling, more growth and basically more of everything. Genetic trend in the beef cattle business became driven by theory developed in the board rooms of packing houses and in the class rooms of universities. Breeding programs began taking their cues from sale reports, semen companies and marketers intent on creating constant churn.
At first the changes were subtle. Today, it’s painfully obvious that the pursuit of more carcass merit and growth came at the expense of the attributes that made the Angus cow the most efficient factory in the business. Ultimately, those paying the steepest price for this conversation are the ranchers whose livelihoods depend solely on efficiently raising cattle in our nation’s harshest environments. These ranchers have seen their margins lessen and inputs increase with every calf crop. That Angus cow which was their most valuable asset twenty five years ago has become one of their costliest liabilities today. That Angus cow has gotten too big for her environment, failing to breed on time; her calf has more genetic potential for weaning growth that can be realized in most real world ranch environments. That Angus cow is often poor footed, poor uddered and requires supervision at calving time. The maternal instinct and intelligence which was a trademark of that Angus cow has been replaced by an instinct to run for the feed truck when the going gets tough.
I saw this article in Sydenstricker’s catalog, and thought this article was quite interesting, and spot on to what we observe. Breed Associations still believe a lighter calf at birth is better and calculate that in their EPD’s, and dollar Indexes. We feel many of the real small have problems in the cold and at times with their lungs, and definitely they show up small at weaning time. No,
we don’t like the huge born either, but on cows there is more rewards than losses with 90-95 lb calves.
Many of us have a predisposed notion that we want calving ease/low BW herd sires. But, in the Angus breed, do we really have that much problem with big calves? It seems like most of the problems at birth are more linked to abnormal presentations than actual calves that are too big for the cow or even heifer. And, it seemed like maybe those smaller calves just were not as thrifty. We decided to see if we could dig into the data, and see what survivability to weaning really looked like. After all, a small calf at birth doesn’t really help the bottom line if he dies prior to weaning anyway!
We divided up four years of spring calf crops into three groups: (light) 69 lbs. or less; (medium) 70-89 lbs.; and (heavy) 90 lbs. and up. We edited out any abortions and all twins. In a nutshell, the death loss at birth through weaning was twice as high on the light calves as it was on the medium calves. The death loss on the heavy calves was the least of the three groups, and it was the least in every one of the four years. We did not differentiate according to cause of death, or whether it was right at birth or later on pre-weaning.
We’ve all heard someone say the growth rate of a dead calf is distressingly poor, and took that to mean we needed lighter calves at birth so we would get more of them born alive. Every operation is different, but it certainly appears to us that bigger calves at birth are more likely to still be around at weaning. We would never advocate breeding heifers to anything but a true heifer bull, but our cowherds might be much better served by sires that give their calves more of a head start.
A study by the University of Illinois on Sim-Angus cattle reported the same conclusions.
From Bill Begger, Begger’s Diamond V Ranch
When I read David’s article it struck a strong note with me the past couple decades, the technical world took over the cattle breeding business. Just like David says AI studs universities, and packing houses started dictating how to breed cattle. I believe using EPDs and all data sources when breeding cattle, but it does concern me when all emphasis is put on extreme EPD’s and numbers with little or no consideration given to physical and mental traits. Many of Americas’ cattleman have lost a lot of ground by doing so. Like David states, bad feet, poor cow efficiency, lack of fertility, and fleshing ability, cows that can’t have a 90 lb calf, mostly due to too much EPD hype and not enough experienced eye. Folks we find it is a true give and take the best way to create uniformity, balance and cattle that work in the real world is from experience day to day observance and blending the best of both worlds. Like Chad and Stetson Ellingsons’ little article states, it is breeding towards the average and understanding that matching kind and not shooting for extremes every time makes for more consistency and will contribute more uniformity and consistency creating less cowherd fall out. The three articles were written by some of the Nation’s well respected Angus breeders. They see the writing on the wall as many astute cattlemen do. We believe our Simmental and SimAngus program will help propel your operation down the right road. They will compliment the Angus, Hereford, and baldy cattle very well. They will enhance fleshing ability, udder quality, and maternal traits. We run our cows rough and tough, we know how genetics work and we have the experience to know the difference. “Yes, we do have to eat them, but we also have to breed them and feed them.” Our genetics are designed to put cow efficiency back in your herd, and they still work very well in the feedlots and packing house, qualifying for carcass premiums, and creating an enjoyable eating experience for the consumer.
The decision you make today will influence the next 20 years. Make it a good one. Use Begger’s Diamond V Ranch seedstock.
There is a lot of hype out there about EPDs, genomic testing and carcass traits. We believe in the use of all of these genetic enhancement tools. We also know that you can ruin a good cowherd in a blink of an eye if you chase paper traits with no directive or focus put on the mother cow and what it takes to keep her in production with as few inputs as possible. There are breeding programs that only provide EPDs with no actual data. Be careful, at times these cattle might not offer a total package, the upkeep, loss of production, and lack of fertility may cost more than the rewards. Every breeder has the actual data, we believe that as a customer you deserve to access it, if it isn’t there, ask for it. Any competent breeder
shouldn’t be afraid to share it. Raw data such as actual birth weights, 205 wts., 365 wts. and performance data and indexes allow you to observe how an animal has performed within his contemporary group. It shows you his potential to sire calves that may increase or decrease certain traits. There are way too many cattle out there with excellent EPDs and dollar indexes that are not worthy of anything but a castrating knife. You can breed for all the highest EPDs and indexes in the world, but if you sacrifice cow efficiency, foot structure, fleshing ability, maternal and physical traits, such as udder quality, along with an animal’s ability to produce pay weight, all you will gain is a cull cow with good EPDs.
They are a useful easy fleshing bunch. They are as consistent in type and kind, as you will find. Just like the bulls we offer not much variance from top to bottom. Their consistency will rivel any program. Our mission is to make our worst cow as good as our best. We don’t have a favorite cow and we don’t make excuses for any of them. If they fail to stay productive or get bred, they go to town and tour the inside of a packing plant. Udder quality, ease of handling, fertility, and the ability to stay easy fleshing without extra care or pampering is a must. Our cows must be able to withstand tough harsh weather conditions whether it is the extreme cold or heat. These cows have one mission and that is to bring a top quality calf to the weaning pen. We do not do any embryo transplant, but truly feel that our herd runs deep with donor quality females. One thing I have a problem with is when I hear, oh she was open, so we decided to flush her. I wonder why anyone would want to multiply poor fertility. Our
herd bull battery is rock solid. We are very aggressive when acquiring bull power. We seek top bulls from top cow families from top programs around the nation, but feel the need to buy genetics that come from operations with weather conditions similar to our environment. We run a very aggressive AI program, breeding over 450 females every year. We don’t go crazy over the next hot bull and use a lot of proven genetics, but always sampling new breeding options that show promise. When we find a bull that works, you will find his service for several years. We feel strongly in using bulls that are proven and sire consistency. There are a lot of bull stores out there with a lot of different options. The folks behind every program are what makes the difference. We would like to believe we offer the best in genetic value and service. We are the outfit with a true genetic blend that will keep your cowherd profitable.
We hear so many say, it doesn’t matter if our calves were light, they bring a lot of money per pound. As we begin to rebuild America’s cow herd, ask yourself “IS IT MY COWS OR MY CALVES THAT PAY THE BILLS!” For the past 10 to 20 years, we have heard a lot of chatter about carcass traits. Many have put a very high emphasis on them. Yes, it is very important to produce cattle that are end product oriented. But overemphasis on terminal trait selections doesn’t necessarily have the cow/calf man’s best interest in mind. Carcass selection is necessary but remember it is a terminal trait. Most cow/calf men rarely capture the rewards. It is a well-known fact that terminal traits are antagonistic to maternal traits. Many have found out the hard way that their cow herds have become less efficient, productive, and profitable. Is a small premium today worth jeopardizing your cowherd. A good balance of all traits is the key. Don’t sacrifice your own cowherd by over emphasizing any single trait. Just remember THERE IS NO GOOD OR BAD EPDS. They are designed to help you increase profitability by making it easier to increase or decrease and improve efficiency traits that need adjusted. Just remember extremes are not always desirable or profitable EPD’s are no different. The highest or biggest number does not always offer the best efficiency or outcome. It takes more than a set of computer generated numbers to create a balanced program. First of all, choose genetics that complement your environment. Choose a program that
puts in the extra effort and is built by the owners and operators that calve the cows and do the day to day work. They are the ones that understand how to use a common sense approach. They understand how to blend the genetics to add value WHETHER THE HIDE IS ON OR OFF. First of all, the cowherd must be sustainable. It is important to understand that all cows are not created equally. There are vast differences in cowherd efficiencies, fertility, longevity, her fleshing ability, cow size, udder quality, calving ease, dispositions, foot quality, and a cow’s ability to withstand extreme temperatures, both hot and cold. Some cows are better mothers and better calf raisers. The perfect cow must be efficient, sensible sized, easy fleshing, fertile, and problem free. She must be able to survive the tough times with as little extra imputes and labor as possible. She must be productive and produce the performance and pounds to pay the bills. Small calves bring a lot of money per pound, but always come up short compared to efficient heavy calves at sale time, at times over $300 per head difference. Calves from efficient cows put more money in the bank, it is just that plain and simple. So ask yourself again, is it your cows or your calves that pay the bills. At Begger’s Diamond V Ranch, we use a well-blended common sense approach that is profit driven to generate dollars and cents. So, the cow-calf man, the feeders, and the packers will all stay profitable and the consumer can enjoy the results. We invite you to come reap the rewards.
Begger’s Diamond V Ranch
482 Custer Trail Road Wibaux, MT 59353