Selling 33 Angus and Charolais Bulls
Massena Livestock Sales, Massena, IA · Lunch provided · Sale starts at 1pm
My family and I invite you to our Annual Bull Sale on Saturday, February 8, 2025 at Massena Livestock Sales, Massena, Iowa starting at 1:00 pm CST.
What a great time to be in the cattle business! With feed prices retracting, the cattle industry is certainly the bright spot in agriculture today and should be for awhile. We hope everyone gets to share in the profits from this record market. We really enjoy seeing our customers rewarded for their hard work. That is why we do what we do, and we are humbled to be a small part of your success.
Again this year, you will find a few bulls on the sale that are from the herds of our daughter’s family and our grandson, Zach Steward. Zach has a keen interest in continuing the hard work and tradition of raising Angus and Charolais seedstock. We welcome his passion for agriculture and specifically, raising purebred cattle.
Every year before A.I. season, we spend a lot of time studying pedigrees and EPD data of nationally-acclaimed bulls to
Mark Venteicher: 712-779-0169
Al Venteicher: 712-779-0168
Sale Barn: 712-779-3636
Mark Venteicher 712-779-0169
Dean Carstens: 641-745-5884
Zach Steward: 515-423-8639
Kyle Carstens: 641-745-0952
Directions to sale barn: At the intersection of Highways 92 and 148, continue south approximately 1/2 mile. Turn right onto Clark Ave. In 1/2 mile turn left onto Spruce St. and make your way to Massena Livestock Sales, 78 Main St., Massena, IA.
Terms: Terms of the sale are cash or check payable upon the conclusion of the sale and before the animals are removed. Cattle will sell under the standard terms and conditions as recommended by the American Angus Association.
Breeding Guarantee: Carstens Farms guarantees all bulls sold are fertile and sound breeders. If a bull is proven to not be a breeder he may be returned if healthy and in adequate condition. The buyer may select a suitable replacement or receive credit at the next sale for the purchase price minus the salvage value. At no time is Carstens Farms liable for more than the bull’s purchase price.
Food and Refreshments: Will be available sale day.
Trucking Arrangements: We believe that it is much better for you to take your bulls home sale day or shortly after. This allows the bulls to become acclimated to their new environment and new owners. A $150 per yearling bull deduction will be subtracted from the price of all bulls taken home on sale day.
determine which ones to use as potential sires. This year Conneally Commerce, Patriarch, Baldridge’s Gibson, Kramers’ Rebound, WDZ Kingsman and WDZ Warroad have done quite well for Zach and myself. The bulls selling in this sale once again exemplify the performance genetics that their pedigrees indicate they should possess, they are sound footed, and packed full of red meat and muscle. We do everything that we can to give you the information that you need to make the right selection for you, including all performance info, scrotal measuring and genomic testing.
We sure hope you can join our family on February 8 for a sandwich and a chance to talk cattle. If not, we encourage you to reach out to us for any additional information or let us know if there is anything that we can help you with. Remember, this is a small family operation where everyone gets to enjoy a little manure on their boots.
Thanks for your interest, Dean Carstens
Bull Care: As a service to you, we will winter the yearling bulls not taken home sale day free of charge until May 1, 2025. After May 1, 2025, a $3.00 per day yardage fee will be charged unless you have made other arrangements with Dean. They will be semen checked and ready to be picked up by May 1, 2025. After the bulls are sold, they are your property and responsibility. We recommend mortality insurance for your bulls.
Livestock Mortality Insurance: If you would like livestock mortality insurance, we will assist you with it.
Online Bidding: View and bid online for those customers who are unable to attend the sale. For information on bidding via DV Auction, please visit DVAuction.com where you can create an account prior to the sale beginning and then can bid remotely and also view the video footage of the cattle selling.
DOB: 3/17/24 BULL AAA# 21089172 TATTOO: 44 ACT BW: 70 ADJ. WW: 802
G A R Sunbeam
Connealy Commerce 20132642 Avira of Conanga 814R
Connealy In Sure 8524
CFL Miss Erica 348 17653028 CFL Miss Kodiak 148
G A R Sunrise
G A R Ingenuity 3132
Connealy Cade
Avie of Conanga 624P
Mytty In Focus
Entreena of Conanga 657 Soo Line Kodiak 9194
• An impressive individual with a high CED, good growth & carcass EPDs with an ADJ WW of 802#.
• His dam and granddams are both outstanding Pathfinder cows.
• A calving ease bull with great growth. This bull does it all.
DOB: 2/20/24
G A R Sunbeam
Connealy Commerce 20132642
Avira of Conanga 814R
Deer Valley Growth Fund
CF Miss Elba 272 20516621
CFL Miss Elba 9772
G A R Sunrise
G A R Ingenuity 3132
Connealy Cade Avie of Conanga 624P
Basin Payweight 1682
Deer Valley Rita 36113
Tehama Tahoe B767 CFL Miss Elba 772
• Outstanding bull that blends a double digit CED with growth EPDs in the
• His dam is a direct daughter of the #3 AI sire in the breed with the grandam sired by
DOB: 3/19/24
- Roy Sargent
DOB: 2/20/24 BULL
Tehama Tahoe B767
CF Miss Erica 268 20516611
Miss Erica 068
Connealy Thunder
Tehama Elite Blackbird Z630
Tehama Upward Y238
Tehama Mary Blackbird Y684
U-2 Coalition 206C
• One of the standout bulls in the offering is this son of the popular ABS sire, Patriarch, who ranks in the top 10% for BW EPD, 10% Milk, and 15 for WW & YW EPDs. He also has a 2% $W value.
• This bull just missed the bellringer for weaning weight at 799#.
• The dam raised one of the high sellers last year in Lot 4 and the granddam raised the Lot 1 bull last year.
• This bull is top 10% YW and Milk, and top 5% $F.
DOB: 3/16/24 BULL AAA# 21089209 TATTOO: 415
ACT BW: 86 ADJ. WW: 756
Connealy Confidence Plus
Baldridge Gibson G859 19581696
Baldridge Isabel B061
S A V Resource 1441
CFL Miss Blackcap Lass 415 17967933
CFL Miss Blackcap Lass 115
Connealy Confidence 0100
Elbanna of Conanga 1209
G A R Prophet
Baldridge Isabel Y69
Rito 707 of Ideal 3407 7075
S A V Blackcap May 4136
Connealy Right Answer 746
CFL Blackcap Lass 915
• Another Gibson son who has excellent EPDs of top 10% for Milk, 10% for foot quality, and 10% for $M & $W values.
• Dam is a heavy milking, moderately framed 10-year old Pathfinder cow.
DOB: 3/13/24 BULL AAA# 21089202 TATTOO: 403
BW: 74 ADJ. WW: 685
Connealy Confidence Plus
Baldridge Gibson G859 19581696
Baldridge Isabel B061
Ellingson Ribeye 3195
CFL Miss Bessie 623 18574151
CFL Miss Traveler Id 223
Connealy Confidence 0100
Elbanna of Conanga 1209
G A R Prophet
Baldridge Isabel Y69
Ellingson Plateau 1155
E A Blackcap 0360
Ellingson Identity 9104
C F L Traveler 0263
• An excellent son of Gibson to use on a set of heifers in this negative
REBOUND 409 He sells as Lot 16
DOB: 3/11/24
Heiken Broadview
Kramers Rebound 233
Kramers Evergreen Erica 017
Tehama Tahoe B767
Miss Elba 097 19871773
Miss Elba 9427
Vermilion Spur E119
JCH BHA Karen 7815
Tehama Patriarch F028
Kramers Evergreen Erica 813
Tehama Upward Y238
Tehama Mary Blackbird Y684
HARB Pendleton 765 J H C F L Bushwacker 427
• If you’re looking for unbelievable performance in your next calf crop at both weaning and yearling time, this son of Rebound dominates contemporaries throughout the breed to rank 2% for WW and 4% for YW EPDs.
• He also has impeccable foot quality, carcass merit, and $M and $W values.
• His dam represents one of the dominant cow families in the herd.
DOB: 3/11/24 BULL AAA# 21099460 TATTOO: 453
ACT BW: 80 ADJ. WW: 762
Heiken Broadview
Kramers Rebound 233 20415473
Kramers Evergreen Erica 017
Koupal Advance 28
CFL Miss Elba 53 18292201
CFL Miss Elba 33
Vermilion Spur E119
JCH BHA Karen 7815
Tehama Patriarch F028
Kramers Evergreen Erica 813
Koupal Juneau 797
Koupal Ebonette 734
Ellingson Identity 9104 CFL Elba Worth 033
• For producers looking for a sure shot low birth, calving ease bull, this son of Rebound has the right ingredients, plus will not sacrifice growth while maintaining high foot quality and excellent carcass numbers.
• His dam is a Pathfinder.
DOB: 3/13/24
Heiken Broadview
Kramers Rebound 233 20415473
Kramers Evergreen Erica 017
Myers Cornerstone M233
WW: 695
Tehama Patriarch F028
Kramers Evergreen Erica 813 Connealy Capitalist 028
• Power and performance in this Rebound son.
• Low birth and solid growth in this Windfall son whose granddam is a prolific Pathfinder.
• This bull has a well balanced EPD profile with top foot EPDs.
ACT BW: 70 ADJ. WW: 698
Ellingson Chaps 4095
Ellingson Chaps 8374 19203568
EA Erica 4243
LD Capitalist 316
Zach’s 843 19427896
CFL Elba 434
S A V Resource 1441
E A Blackcap 0360
Ellingson Format 2205
Werner Erica 487
Connealy Capitalist 028
LD Dixie Erica 2053
Lisco Final Answer 120
Miss Famous 397
• He will sire a fancy set of calves with added frame and
• This low birth weight bull is extremely thick and deep.
DOB: 3/11/24 BULL AAA# 21103433 TATTOO: 414
ACT BW: 79 ADJ. WW: 748
Basin Rainmaker 4404
Ellingson Rangeland 19590500
EA Emblynette 7009
Poss Rawhide
Zach 149 Miss Rawhide 20231356
CFL Miss Elba 019
Basin Rainmaker 2704
Basin Joy 1036
CTS Remedy 1T01
EA Emblynette 5241
Poss Maverick
Poss Blueblood 6502
S A V Pioneer 7301 C
Elba 0857
• This bull combines the popular Ellingson Rangeland with Poss Rawhide.
• This bull’s dam is just a 4 year old and she is quickly becoming one of our favorites in the herd. This bull is an example of why.
• Expect this bull’s daughters to be the keeping kind.
22 CF MR CHAPS 463
DOB: 4/9/24 BULL AAA# 21089207 TATTOO: 463 ACT BW: 84 ADJ. WW: 675
Ellingson Chaps 4095
Ellingson Chaps 8374 19203568
EA Erica 4243
K C F Bennett Fortress
CFL Miss Elba 863 19227588
CFL Miss Elba 630
• The dam goes back to the ET daughter 830.
S A V Resource 1441
E A Blackcap 0360
Ellingson Format 2205
Werner Erica 487
Connealy Consensus
Thomas Patricia 9705
Ellingson Ribeye 3195
CFL Miss Elba 830
DOB: 4/9/23 2-YEAR-OLD
Silveiras Conversion 8064
Hickory Hill Erica 009
Rider Pride 7282
Blackcap Lass 091 19886863 CFL Blackcap Lass 791
G A R Momentum KM Queen May 360 Ellingson Roughrider 4202 EA Queen Dolly 3246 Ellingson Ribeye 3195
Blackcap Lass 9791
• A coming 2-year old calving ease bull that we kept for a spare. He was not on last year’s sale just because of his youth.
• A good calving ease bull with solid growth, good docility, good feed efficiency, good feet, and ready to cover a lot of heifers or cows.
• This coming 2-year old bull does not qualify to go back to Carstens after the sale.
• This bull posted an impressive WW ratio of 106 with a weaning weight of 842#.
• The dam of this bull is a stand out. Her sons have an average WW of over 800#.
• Expect this bull’s daughters to be the keeping kind.
3/16/24 BULL CHAR# M1001668 TATTOO: 494
BW: 86 ADJ. WW: 752
• Another excellent calving
BW: 90 ADJ. WW: 842
MS4909 8006 P
• Big time calving ease in this son of WDZ Kingsman.
• He ranks in the top20% of the breed for calving ease and top 10% for birth weight while weaning 842#.
• His 4-year old dam has raised 3 bulls with weaning weights of 842, 771, and 842#.
• One of the best put together bulls you’ll find.
Dean & Melodee Carstens
1709 Fallow Ave.
Adair, IA 50002
Selling 33 Angus and Charolais Bulls
Massena Livestock Sales, Massena, IA · Lunch provided · Sale starts at 1:00 pm