Bill Rudow, Rudow Family Cattle 217-273-2744
Nancy Rudow, Rudow Family Cattle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 217-246-0937
Jessica Ahrens, Rudow Family Cattle 515-230-1352
Stan Comer, Classic Genetics 580-504-4477
Rudow Family Cattle
875 N 100 East Road, Pana, IL 62557
Adam Swigart, Marketing Agent
Dan Naughton, Auctioneer 217-304-6502
Casey Jentz 608-234-1998
Harlan Powers 217-358-4418
Noah Benedict 217-372-8009
Adam Swigart, Swigart Marketing
All persons who attend this sale do so at their own risk, legal or otherwise, for their safety or for the behavior of the animals . The owners, sale management firm and the sale staff assume no liability for property loss or any accident that may occur
Jim Bessler 815-762-2641
Herd Veterinarian, Shelby Vet Service
Pregnancy checked all bred females on 9/12/2024
All cattle will be accompanied by proper health certificates for immediate shipment
Cattle will sell under the suggested terms and conditions of the American Angus Association
Brooklyn Graham
For online bidding and sale registration visit, www CCI live Online buyers, please register for bidding prior to sale time
Saturday, November 23rd
Cattle available for viewing all morning Bright and Early .
Coffee and Donuts
11:30 AM CST Lunch Served
1:00 PM CST Regret Free Female Sale
A supplement sheet will be available sale day Announcements from the auction block regarding the cattle selling in this sale take precedence over information listed in this catalog .
Holiday Inn Express
618-283-0010 21 Mattes Ave , Vandalia, IL 62471
30 miles from sale location
Country Inn & Suites
5150 Hickory Point Frontage Road, Decatur, IL 62526
Dick Coleman
2183 Seasons South Drive, Indianapolis, IN 46280
We are pleased to welcome you to our Rudow Family Cattle “Regret Free” Female Sale. If you are a first time visitor, Welcome! If you are a past customer please know that we truly appreciate the trust that you have shown in our program You make all of this possible! Our goal here remains the same, produce sound, functional cattle with good feet, good udders and able to thrive on forage! Thank you for your time spent looking over the offering
You’ll notice that again this year, along with our Angus based females, the offering includes a set of commercials Our friend, Stan Comer of Classic Genetics brought us another set of his fancy breds this year We appreciate the support Stan!
Feel free to give us a call or stop by the farm As always, contact us or any sale staff with questions We welcome your visit!
We look forward to seeing you on November 23rd!
Warm Regards,
Bill & Nancy Rudow
DCC New Look 101
SIRE Rudow’s Draft Day 667
O C C Primrose 932L
O C C You Bet 800Y
DAM Rudow’s Scarlet 670
CRCC Miss Scarlet 0326
O C C Genesis 872G O C C Dixie Erica 814G
O C C Just Right 619J
O C C Primrose 677H
O C C Jet Stream 825J O C C Dixie Erica 603N S A V 8180 Traveler 004 Jauer Broadside 799 3121
SIRE Silveiras Style 9303
Gambles Hot Rod Silveiras Elba 2520
O C C Missing Link 830M
DAM GCC Juanada W912
O C C Juanada 741K
7001 Champion Hill Lady 703 Twin Valley Precision E161 D A R Elba 55 O C C Headliner 661H O C C Dixie Erica 946K O C C Emblazon 854E
C C Juanada 709Z
O C C Emblazon 854E
SIRE O C C Jet Stream 825J
O C C Juanada 968G
O C C Joker 620J
DAM O C C Dixie Erica 603N
O C C Dixie Erica 816B
H D Traveler 6807 Dixie Erica of C H 1019 O C C Eureka 865E O C C Juanada 774A O C C Emblazon 854E O C C Juanada 709V D H D Traveler 6807
Dixie Erica of C H 1019
718P O C C Emblazon 854E O C C Juanada 668J
Duff Old Spice 16118
SIRE Rudow’s Gage 90
Rudow’s Empress 446
Rudow’s Ace In The Hole 318
DAM Rudow’s Miss Landmark 888
Rudow’s Miss Landmark 635
Carry On 252
Juanada 927K 235
O C C You Bet 800Y
Rudow’s Empress 929 O C C Bonanza 880B
Rudow’s 709
Rudow’s Ace In The Hole 318
Rudow’s Miss Landmark 369
Rudow’s Blacksmith 669 as well as Rudow’s Queen 460 are a pair of OCC Zenith 620Z daughters that have made a major impact on the herd at Rudow Family Cattle. Both 669 and 460 entered the donor lineup a year ago but before that have put the work in to earn that respected position. 460 was the lead off female in the 2023 sale selling to Classic Genetics in Oklahoma commanding $18,000. These donors stamp a cool look on their offspring. 460 has sired multiple sale toppers and has a powerful set of sons that will headline our 2025 spring bull sale. 669 had a direct daughter who raised the high selling open heifer calf in the 2023 female sale. The true test of any great cow family is the production record. Take a look at lots 1, 1A, and lot 2 and you will see why we are so excited about 669 and 460.
Riverstone Vegas 49H - Sire of Lot 1
WHOA….Welcome to the Big Leagues! WE don’t always follow trends of the show game. In fact we may go a little more in the opposite direction here at Rudow Family Cattle, but Riverstone Vegas intrigues us. When you combine Casino with breed leading genetics that trend more to our cow family principals like OCC Paxton, Coleman Dixie Erica 8277, SAV Final Answer, Coleman Donna 714, EXT, and Travelor 6807 just to name a few. 669 is a longer necked, more extended version of her elite full sister Queen 460 who was the 2023 high seller just last year. Lot 1 is so unique in her build. Stout, soft centered and sleek necked with a elegant presence. Rudow’s Blacksmith 43 is destined to be a show heifer but when you hang up the halter for the last time, she will really shine when she establishes her production records.
Rudow’s Blacksmith 669 - Dam of Lot 1A
Rudow’s Miss Blacksmith 247 1A
Duff Old Spice 16118
SIRE Rudow’s Gage 90
Rudow’s Empress 446
O C C Zenith 620Z
DAM Rudow’s Blacksmith 669
Rudow’s Edition 820
Duff Carry On 252
Duff Juanada 927K 235
O C C You Bet 800Y
Rudow’s Empress 929
O C C Rancher 680R
O C C Blackcap 872K
Duff New Edition 6108
P A R Queen 25
AI’d to Duff Absolute 216 (AAA# 17793338) on 6/1/24. Ultrasounded safe, with an estimated due date of 3/11/25.
It doesn’t take long to figure out when you visit the Rudow program that the blending of “great” established cow families is what they emphasize breeding principals around. Lot 1A blends all of the “GREATS” for the past 22 years of breeding Angus cattle. Blacksmith 247 is 669’s natural calf when we started flushing her. She is one of the many reasons 669 has entered the donor lineup. 669 is a OCC Zenith back to Duff New Edition and PAR Queen 25. What makes 247 so special is the blending of Rudow’s Gage 90 to her pedigree. Gage was the lead off sire group in the 2023 Rudow Family Cattle bull sale this past spring where his 7 sons averaged $9093. Rudow’s Gage is a Duff Old Spice which is a double bred Juanada 927K back to OCC You Bet 800Y out of Rudow’s Empress 929 (Duff New Look x E&B Empress Pride 142). As you page through the catalog and past catalogs you will see the impact these genetics have played on our program. By the time you finish reading this catalog you will get tired of reading about 927K, You Bet, and in particular E&B Empress Pride 142. She is the first bred heifer in the sale catalog of many, but 247 may possibly be one of the best if not the best bred heifer in the entire offering. Lot 1A possesses all the power, body, and dimension you would ever want.
POWER IN THE BLOOD……This is the best way to describe the 460 cow family! Rarely do you find a Purebred Angus female that connects all the dots like 46 or Lot 2. Rudow’s Administrator 333 was a past high seller in the Duff Power Plus sale and combines Rudow’s Wholesome and 962. 460, Lot 2’s dam is an OCC Zenith out of a Duff New Edition x PAR Queen 25. 46 is a carbon copy of her dam 460 which was the lead off female in the 2023 female sale selling to Classic Genetics in Oklahoma. Lot 2 is showy with body and power to back it up.
Rudow’s Wholesome 953
SIRE Rudow’s Administrator 333
Rudow’s Miss Erica 962 DAM Rudow’s Queen 460
Sells open.
Rudow’s Rosetta 961 - Dam of Lots 3, 3A, 3B
Rudow’s New Look 834
Maternal Great Granddam of Lots 3, 3A, 3B
Bred Heifer • BD 3/10/23 • Tattoo 320 • AAA# 21039230
O C C Genesis 872G
SIRE Duff New Edition 6108
O C C Dixie Erica 814G
Rudow’s Administrator 333
DAM Rudow’s Rosetta 961
Rudow’s Rosetta 68
Rudow’s Miss Erica 962
Maternal Great Granddam of Lots 3, 3A, 3B
O C C Doctor 940D Blackbird of R R 1204
O C C Anchor 771A
O C C Dixie Erica 764C
Rudow’s Wholesome 953
Rudow’s Miss Erica 962
DCC 814G Gunsmoke 564
Rudow’s New Look 834
AI’d to OCC You Bet 800Y (AAA# 17191783) on 6/1/24. Ultrasounded safe, with an estimated due date of 3/11/25.
A flush daughter from our proven donor Rudow’s Rosetta 961. 961 is a direct daughter of Rudow’s Administrator who has proven to make cattle with big legs, stout build and awesome maternal. We combined that with Duff New Edition 6108 that in our opinion is one of the best maternal bulls we have used. Lot 3 has caused a bit of controversy at the kitchen table because one family member in particular would like to keep her. Her pedigree reads strong. If you analyze her in person, she is really hard to fault. Look her up on sale day!
INVESTMENT OPPORTUNITY! In case you haven’t noticed we stack predictable genetics that we know work. These 2 heifers are resulting ET heifer calves by OCC Zenith back to 961. Lot 3A is so attractive in her look. Her neck ties high at the top of her shoulder and blends into a dimensional center body with tremendous shape from behind. Rudow’s love the 961 daughters and have high hopes for these as well. This powerhouse may very well be one of the best young donor prospects to sell in the sale or for that matter in the country. SHE IS SPECIAL!
Rudow’s Rosetta 961
of Lots 3, 3A & 3B
O C C Rancher 680R
SIRE O C C Zenith 620Z
O C C Blackcap 872K
Rudow’s Administrator 333
DAM Rudow’s Rosetta 961
Rudow’s Rosetta 68
Here is another flush sister. Wow….show heifer deluxe with calving ease, maternal, cow power all built in. We only pick out a handful of these open heifers to sell as opens for juniors to either show or pick out a year early to breed them how they wish the first time. She not only will show but has the predictability combined with look and power that gets you places. Zenith x 961 (Administrator x Gunsmoke / New Look) will get you places. Buy with confidence.
Rudow’s Administrator 333
O C C Emblazon 854E
O C C Juanada 775C
Papa Forte 1921
O C C Blackcap 787H
Rudow’s Wholesome 953
Rudow’s Miss Erica 962
DCC 814G Gunsmoke 564
Rudow’s New Look 834 Sells open.
SIRE O C C Zenith 620Z O C C Rancher 680R O C C Blackcap 872K
Rudow’s Administrator 333
DAM Rudow’s Rosetta 961
Sells open.
Rudow’s Rosetta 68
O C C Emblazon 854E
O C C Juanada 775C
Papa Forte 1921
O C C Blackcap 787H
Rudow’s Wholesome 953
Rudow’s Miss Erica 962
DCC 814G Gunsmoke 564
Rudow’s New Look 834
CRCC Reyna 0566
Maternal Granddam of Lot 4
Rudow’s Reyna 47 4
Musgrave Crackerjack
SIRE Schilling Crackerjack 1031
Schilling Ester 9068
O C C Joker 620J
DAM Rudow’s Miss Reyna 764
CRCC Reyna 0566
Schilling Crackerjack 1031 Sire of Lot 4
Musgrave 316 Stunner
Musgrave Rito Jet A649
G A R Ashland
Schilling Ester 7598
O C C Emblazon 854E
O C C Juanada 709V
Cane Ridge Patriot 9088J Jauer Anchor 643 3002 Sells open.
Rudow’s Reyna 47 was hand selected by Bill to sell in this sale to give everyone a chance to see these Schilling Crackerjack 1031 daughters. Not only are they good looking with a great build but he adds a new twist to the Rudow breeding program. These 1031 sons or “Shrek” as we call him have such sweetheart dispositions. Lot 4 is backed by the CRCC Reyna 0566 cow family. 0566 is one of the original cows we purchased from the Cane Ridge program in Kentucky when we got our start in the Angus business in 2002. She has been a mainstay here and Lot 4 is a granddaughter of hers.
266 is one of the bred heifers that we consider to be one of the elite matings in the entire offering. She combines Capital Gain with Reyna. These genetics have built our program. Look at the pedigree: Capital Gain combines You Bet, 262 (New Edition, New Look and E&B Empress Pride 142) OCC Joker, and Reyna 0566. She is feminine fronted, level topped, balanced with enough shape to make a tremendous cow.
O C C You Bet 800Y
Rudow’s Capital Gain 50
SIRE Rudow’s Capital Gain 74
Rudow’s Erica 814G 813
O C C Joker 620J
DAM Rudow’s Miss Reyna 764
CRCC Reyna 0566
Rudow’s Empress Pride 262
DCC 814G Gunsmoke 564
Rudow 410 P
O C C Emblazon 854E
O C C Juanada 709V
Cane Ridge Patriot 9088J
Jauer Anchor 643 3002
AI’d to GCC Missing Link 906U (AAA# 16183491) on 6/1/24.Ultrasounded safe, with an estimated due date of 3/11/25.
This spring yearling bred heifer is one stout, powerful bred female. She combines the “King of Maternal” Payweight 1682 with a granddaughter to Reyna 0566. We not only add more mainstream genetics with 1682 but one of the most proven sire groups we have ever had with the maternal grandsire of Lot 4B OCC You Bet 800Y. Come visit the pastures in Pana, Illinois sometime and you will load up this female and everyone of them that has OCC You Bet in the pedigree. Remember, most of the breds in this sale are October / Novembers. This March bred heifer fits right in with them. Deep, stout & powerful with a good look; what more can you ask for?
SIRE Basin Payweight 1682 Basin Payweight 006S
21AR O Lass 7017
O C C You Bet 800Y
DAM Rudow’s Reyna 084
Rudow’s Reyna 840
Vermilion Payweight J847
Basin Lucy 3829
HARB Pendleton 765 J H
21AR O Lass F24A
O C C Jet Stream 825J
O C C Dixie Erica 603N
Rudow’s Ace In The Hole 318
CRCC Reyna 0566
AI’d to GCC Missing Link 906U (AAA# 16183491) on 6/1/24.Ultrasounded safe, with an estimated due date of 3/11/25.
Cane Ridge Lucy 2270L
Maternal Great Granddam of Lot 5
Rudow’s Empress 929
Paternal Great Granddam of Lot 5
Rudow’s Miss Lucy 245 5
Duff Old Spice 16118
SIRE Rudow’s Gage 90
Rudow’s Empress 446
O C C Homer 650H
DAM Rudow’s Miss Lucy 13
Rudow’s 2270 Miss Edition 94
Duff Carry On 252 Duff Juanada 927K 235
O C C You Bet 800Y
Rudow’s Empress 929
O C C Focus 813F
O C C Dixie Erica 816B
Duff New Edition 6108
Cane Ridge Lucy 2270L
AI’d to Rudow’s Capital Asset 153 (AAA# 20551210) on 4/5/24.
Ultrasounded safe, with an estimated due date of 1/13/25.
GENERATIONS OF MATERNAL POWER! Here is a golden opportunity to purchase what may be the greatest investment opportunity of the entire offering. When you look at the genetic package that this female combines, it is the who’s who in the Angus breed. Rudow’s Gage 90 is a Duff Old Spice which doubles up Junada 927K. Gage’s dam combines Ohlde Cattle Company’s bests like OCC Emblazon, OCC Joker, OCC Dixie Erica, OCC Genesis and of course one of the females that has done it all here at Rudow Family Cattle E&B Empress Pride 142. Now looking on the bottom side of her pedigree it reads just as impressive with OCC Homer and stemming from one of the first cows purchased at Rudow Family cattle back in 2002, Cane Ridge Lucy 2270L. The guesswork is taken out of the equation when she is safe back to Rudow’s Capital Asset 153. He was the high selling bull in our 2023 bull sale combining proven calving ease and maternal genetics. Remember it’s not what they cost, it’s what they will make you.
Nowhere can you find this kind of power and stoutness in a set of Angus bred heifers. When you identify these legendary cows that never miss and combine elite predictable bulls like Gage you can’t go wrong. Gage is an Old Spice son who has topped the “Regret Free” female sales for several years now. He has now passed the torch to our favorite son, Gage. 275 is one of those breds we could keep and build a herd around, but only because we are committed to put in our very best she sells. You have the opportunity to purchase one that we feel is ELITE!
Rudow’s Persphone 275 6
Duff Old Spice 16118
SIRE Rudow’s Gage 90
Rudow’s Empress 446
Coleman Knight 524
DAM Rudow’s Persphone 789
Rudow’s Persphone 46
Duff Carry On 252
Duff Juanada 927K 235
O C C You Bet 800Y
Rudow’s Empress 929
Coleman Knight 209
Coleman Miss Wix 007
Rudow’s Wholesome 953
Rudow’s Persphone 83
AI’d to OCC You Bet 800Y (AAA# 17191783) on 6/1/24.Ultrasounded safe, with an estimated due date of 3/11/25.
Duff Juanada 927K 235 Paternal Great Granddam of Lot 7
Rudow’s Erica 248 7
Duff Old Spice 16118
SIRE Rudow’s Gage 90
Rudow’s Empress 446
Coleman Knight 524
DAM Rudow’s Erica 721
Rudow’s Erica 328
Rudow’s Empress 929 Paternal Great Granddam of Lot 7
Duff Carry On 252
Duff Juanada 927K 235
O C C You Bet 800Y
Rudow’s Empress 929
Coleman Knight 209
Coleman Miss Wix 007
ZWT 753L New Look 0223
Rudow’s Miss Anchor 1212 042
AI’d to OCC You Bet 800Y (AAA# 17191783) on 6/2/24. Ultrasounded safe, with an estimated due date of 3/12/25.
DEEP BODIED AND STOUT FROM EVERY ANGLE! When you start designing the ideal female to add to your program, you design one just like 248. You would never guess if you walked into this pen of bred heifers and didn’t have pedigrees that they would be purebred Angus but guess what, THEY ARE! This one might very well be the most ‘out there’ of any in the sale. When picturing this group of heifers Bill Rudow’s exact words were this is “One stout hussy.”
Paternal Great Granddam of Lot 8 E & B Empress Pride 142
Maternal Great Graddam of Lot 8
Rudow’s Bella 249 8
WHAT A LOOKER!!!! Lot 8 has a killer look with power. These Gage daughters absolutely blow you away with the presence and eye appeal. Put this one in motion and she is as fluid in her movement as any of the females in the sale. When you find the rare opportunity to add females of this quality with balance and power to your herd, you should take the chance and keep bidding. The calf she is carrying by OCC You Bet 800Y will pay for it all.
Duff Old Spice 16118
SIRE Rudow’s Gage 90
Rudow’s Empress 446
Leachman Saugahatchee 3000C
DAM Rudow’s Bella 726
Rudow’s Bella 911
Duff Carry On 252
Duff Juanada 927K 235
O C C You Bet 800Y
Rudow’s Empress 929
N Bar Emulation EXT
Leachman B C 7100
Duff New Edition 6108
E&B Empress Pride 142
AI’d to OCC You Bet 800Y (AAA# 17191783) on 6/2/24. Ultrasounded safe, with an estimated due date of 3/12/25.
SIRE Rudow’s Gage 90
Rudow’s Empress 446
Rudow’s Wholesome 953
DAM Rudow’s Miss Landmark 369
Jauer 841 Anchor 1212 4147
On 252 Duff Juanada 927K 235
O C C You Bet 800Y
Rudow’s Empress 929
DCC New Look 101
E&B Empress Pride 142
Jauer Anchor 841 4101
Jauer 160 Landmark 4147 9185
AI’d to Rudow’s Capital Asset 153 (AAA# 20551210) on 4/5/24. Ultrasounded safe, with an estimated due date of 1/13/25.
Looking for young, moderate power cows with proven pedigrees? Look no further than this Rudow’s Gage daughter out of a Wholesome 953. You have to appreciate this female for her killer look that has plenty of extras that never hurt when you’re breeding for replacements to make a premium. Females like these never disappoint and this one has the extra push with a stacked pedigree. This dandy has all the bells and whistles and is safe back to Rudow’s Capital Asset 153.
E&B Empress Pride 142
Paternal Great Granddam of Lots 9 & 11
Duff Old Spice 16118
SIRE Rudow’s Gage 90
Rudow’s Empress 446
Angus Alliance Winchester975
DAM ZWT Dixie Erica B 426
ZWT Dixie Erica 2565
Duff Carry On 252
Duff Juanada 927K 235
O C C You Bet 800Y
Rudow’s Empress 929
N Bar Emulation EXT
Coleman Donna 386
Duff Stimulus 856
O C C Dixie Erica 656N
AI’d to OCC You Bet 800Y (AAA# 17191783) on 6/1/24. Ultrasounded safe, with an estimated due date of 3/11/25.
It doesn’t matter who you are, or where you live or what your priorities are….you’ll want to take this heifer home. Rudow’s Dixie Erica 244 has been a unique individual since day one. For all of you phenotype gurus out there that love to evaluate cattle, I don’t know if you have seen a heifer that looks like this standout. Her mother, ZWT Dixie Erica B 426 stacks EXT, Coleman Donna, and Dixie Erica all in one pedigree. These genetics are phenomenal and imprint cows that make great udders, structure, perfect feet and massively stout build. Lot 10 is sired by Rudow’s Gage which if you have been following along provides powerful genetics on this female pedigree. Lot 10 is built flawless with a solid foot and moves so effortlessly. Wow!!!
Profile and pedigree overload. How could you sign one any better? This ultraattractive female gives you a little extra length and look, but still has the body and power to go along with it. Cows like this seem to work in our program maintaining efficiency. Bred heifers like this make power cows in the future for generations to come.
Old Spice 16118
SIRE Rudow’s Gage 90
Rudow’s Empress 446
Rudow’s Wholesome 953
DAM Rudow’s Erica 415
Rudow’s Erica 814G 826
Duff Carry On 252
Duff Juanada 927K 235
O C C You Bet 800Y
Rudow’s Empress 929
DCC New Look 101
E&B Empress Pride 142
DCC 814G Gunsmoke 564
PAR Erica 175
AI’d to Duff Absolute 216 (AAA# 17793338) on 6/1/24. Ultrasounded safe, with an estimated due date of 3/11/25.
SIRE Rudow’s Gage 90 Duff Old Spice 16118
Rudow’s Empress 446
DAM Rudow’s Dixie Erica 66 O C C Just Right 619J P A R Enchantress 425
It takes years of stacking proven genetic pedigrees to create females with mass, depth of body, dimension and productive look. 307 is one of these. Bred to our big time herd bull….Shrek. Lot 12 will add value with efficient performance.
Duff Carry On 252
Duff Juanada 927K 235
O C C You Bet 800Y
Rudow’s Empress 929
O C C Emblazon 854E
O C C Juanada 709V
O C C Hunter 928H
P A R Broadside Ambush 521
PE to Schilling Crackerjack 1031 (AAA# 20182243) from 6/13/23 to 7/30/24. Ultrasounded safe, with an estimated due date of 4/8/25.
Rudow’s Miss Erica 962
Paternal Great Granddam of Lot 13
O C C Primrose 932L
Paternal Great Granddam of Lots 13 & 14
Rudow’s Draft Day 667
SIRE Rudow’s Grit 928
Rudow’s Scarlet 670
Rudow’s Administrator 333
DAM Rudow’s Erica 82
Rudow’s Erica 055
Rudow’s Grit 928 Sire of Lots 13 & 14
C C You Bet 800Y CRCC Miss Scarlet 0326
Rudow’s Wholesome 953
Rudow’s Miss Erica 962 O C C Homer 650H
Rudow’s Erica 814G 89
AI’d to EZAR Safe Deposit 2140 (AAA# 20350573) on 4/5/24.
This is the kind of bred heifer that turns into a POWER COW!!! For years we have committed to offering only our best to our valued customers and freinds. This offering is no exception. This is one powerful female! This Rudow’s Grit 928 headlines this section of the Grit sire group. Grit is a Draft Day which is a New Look back to the Primrose 932L cow that has provided a major impact for us over the past 22 years of raising Angus cattle. Combine that with 268’s Administrator dam and powerhouse OCC Homer 650H Maternal Granddam the genetics sure align. Administrator as we know goes back to E&B Empress Pride 142. One of the more intriguing bred heifers in the entire offering selling as Lot 13. Value. Predictablity. Profitability. Bred Heifer • BD 10/25/22 • Tattoo 268
Ultrasounded safe, with an estimated due date of 1/13/25.
O C C Primrose 932L
Paternal Great Granddam of Lots 13 & 14
Wow!!! WHAT A LOOKER. You talk about a bred heifer with a killer look with power, here she is. Grit is a Draft Day that goes back to the proven pedigree New Look and OCC Primrose 932L. He combines that with You Bet on the bottom side. The Grit calves inject a little more power and grow and 269 is no exception. A good one is a good one, and this my friends is a GREAT ONE!!! She checks all the boxes for Power, Bone, Foot, Skeleton, Muscle, Dimension, Shape, Body and Look! Think of what the future holds and how these kind of females can be mated.
Rudow’s Grit 928
Sire of Lots 13 & 14
10/18/22 • Tattoo 269
Rudow’s Draft Day 667
SIRE Rudow’s Grit 928
Rudow’s Scarlet 670
Rudow’s Ace In The Hole 318
DAM Rudow’s Erica 817
Rudow’s Miss Kitty 912
AI’d to Duff Absolute 216 (AAA# 17793338) on 6/1/24. Ultrasounded safe, with an estimated due date of 3/11/25. Rudow’s Erica 269 14
AND THEY JUST KEEP COMING…. Another Powerhouse of a female and a daughter of Rudow’s Grit 928. Just check out the running gear, perfect feet and legs, skeletal design, and extra body that this one possesses. I haven’t even mentioned her best rating. She might very well be the most stylish and cool looking bred heifer in the entire offering. Old School genetics; DCC New Look, OCC You Bet, OCC Just Right, OCC Emblazon, Duff Jetset just to name the sires in the pedigree. Bred to the 2023 bull sale topper, Rudow’s Capital Asset 153. Genetics that work!
PAR Blackbird Jeanne 215 Maternal Great
Rudow’s Blackbird 252 15
Rudow’s Draft Day 667
SIRE Rudow’s Grit 928
Rudow’s Scarlet 670
O C C Just Right 619J
DAM Rudow’s Blackbird 613
Rudow’s Blackbird 110
DCC New Look 101
O C C Primrose 932L
O C C You Bet 800Y
CRCC Miss Scarlet 0326
O C C Emblazon 854E
O C C Juanada 709V
Duff Jetset 7122
PAR Blackbird Jeanne 215
AI’d to Rudow’s Capital Asset 153 (AAA# 20551210) on 4/5/24. Ultrasounded safe, with an estimated due date of 1/13/25.
Rudow’s Draft Day 667
SIRE Rudow’s Grit 928
Rudow’s Scarlet 670
O C C Zenith 620Z
DAM Rudow’s Dixie Erica 473
Rudow’s Dixie Erica 065
Ultrasounded safe, with an estimated due date of 3/11/25. Rudow’s Dixie Erica 251 16
DCC New Look 101
O C C Primrose 932L
O C C You Bet 800Y
CRCC Miss Scarlet 0326
O C C Rancher 680R
O C C Blackcap 872K
Rudow’s Trustee 716
Cane Ridge Dixie Erica 2260L
AI’d to Rudow’s Capital Asset 153 (AAA# 20551210) on 6/1/24.
Here is a super complete, nice made, ultra-sound and functional young female with a extra shot of look and eye appeal from the heart of our herd. This one is built to be a front-pasture kind. Grit x OCC Zenith / Dixie Erica. These genetics can be found multiple times in the pedigrees of some of our best cows. These Grit daughters will impress you with their overall symmetry, look and design in a stout, soft-middle functional package.
Paternal Great Granddam of Lots 15-17
Rudow’s Blackbird 253 17 O C C Primrose 932L
This is the final Grit in the sale offering and boy oh boy did we leave one that is special for the end of this section. Style, elegance, look are all terms for this runway model. This one sure fits that as well. But back to the cow world; she is powerful, stout, big-legged, and good-looking, one that sure has a big opportunity for greatness. It won’t take you long to find this one on November 23.
Rudow’s Draft Day 667
SIRE Rudow’s Grit 928
Rudow’s Scarlet 670
DAM Rudow’s Blackbird 652 O C C Joker 620J
Rudow’s Miss Kitty 004
AI’d to Rudow’s Capital Asset 153 (AAA# 20551210) on 4/5/24. Ultrasounded safe, with an estimated due date of 1/13/25.
Lot 18 leads the pack of the next sire group of heifers in this years sale catalog. Rudow’s Capital Gain 74 is a direct son of Capital Gain 50 (OCC You Bet x Empress Pride 262). Let me take a minute to brag on 262. She is a Duff Amigo (New Edition / Merle) out of a New Look x E&B Empress Pride 142. Every daughter out of 142 has made a major impact for us at Rudow Family Cattle. Back to Lot 18; she is a OCC Zenith back to a Merle. We aren’t afraid of line breeding these powerful females. Two shots of greatness could result in impressive results.
Not to sound like a broken record, but all of these females are bred to look alike. They have been mated for generations to maintain the overall fleshing ability, structure, dimension, and power but still give you that killer look and eye appeal. These females specifically out of Capital Gain 74 all look alike, so when you breed them to a variety of bulls or even in a crossbreeding program the results will still remain constant and uniform. 264 has been one we’ve really loved from the moment she was born. She combines a very predictable maternal backing with Duff Instinction and OCC Judge on the bottom side of her pedigree. Don’t overlook this powerhouse female.
Rudow’s Blackbird 264 19
Rudow’s Capital Gain 50
SIRE Rudow’s Capital Gain 74
Rudow’s Erica 814G 813
DAM Rudow’s Blackbird 438 Duff Distinction 9105 PAR Blackbird Jeanne 215
AI’d to Duff Absolute 216 (AAA# 17793338) on 6/1/24. Ultrasounded safe, with an estimated due date of 3/11/25.
Rudow’s Miss Erica 265 20
Rudow’s Miss Erica 029
Looking for those young, moderate, power cows with proven pedigrees? Look no further than this Capital Gain x New Edition / OCC Missing Link. You have to appreciate this female for her killer look that has plenty of extras that never hurt when you’re breeding for replacements to make a premium. Females like these never disappoint, and this one has that extra punch with a stacked pedigree. this dandy has all the bells and whistles and is safe back to Rudow’s Capital Asset 153. Wow!
Rudow’s Erica 814G 813
Paternal Granddam of Lot 21
Empress Pride 142
Great Granddam of Lot 21
These kinds of females keep you in business. Body, look and soundness. Another daughter of Rudow’s Capital Gain 74. This female will overwhelm you with her total dimension and depth of body, a huge hip, and the sweetest neck and shoulder design you could ever want. She is good….She is REAL GOOD!
Rudow’s Capital Gain 50
SIRE Rudow’s Capital Gain 74
Rudow’s Erica 814G 813 DAM Rudow’s Empress 842 Coleman Knight 524
Rudow’s Empress 163
AI’d to EZAR Safe Deposit 2140 (AAA# 20350573) on 4/7/24. Ultrasounded
with an estimated due date of 1/14/25.
POWER FROM ANY ANGLE! This super complex powerful, sleek-designed female will blow you away with the amount of body, mass, and power that she gives you. She combines that width with a killer look and style and an extra shot of bone and stoutness. She is the first daughter out of “Otis” our Style son out of a full sister to Total Recall. Lot 22’s dam, 913 is a hard working Old Spice daughter back to a New Look. These genetics are all blended into one special package. She sells bred back to Capital Asset to not only keep the body and soundness in her, but you talk about a calf with the look and power, this mating has be as good as there is in the bred females.
Maternal Great Granddam of Lot 23
Rudow’s Miss Black Ida 260 23
Where has this one been? There is tremendous quality that runs throughout this entire offering and it’s never more evident than the quality found in this Power Cow. Another “Otis” out of an Old Spice x Gunsmoke. Purebred Angus with this much look, body, stoutness, and structure just don’t happen by accident, and when they become available don’t miss the opportunity to add these to your program. Bred Heifer
DAM Rudow’s Miss Black Ida 915 Duff Old Spice 16118
Rudow’s Miss Black Ida 963
PE to Schilling Crackerjack 1031 (AAA# 20182243) from 6/13/24 to 7/30/24. Ultrasounded safe, with an estimated due date of 4/11/25.
Rudow’s Capital Asset 153 Service Sire of Lot 24
Rudow’s Ace In The Hole 318
Rudow’s Blackbird 613
Rudow’s 709 O C C Just Right 619J
Rudow’s Blackbird 110
AI’d to Rudow’s Capital Asset 153 (AAA# 20551210) on 5/31/24. Ultrasounded safe, with an estimated due date of 3/10/25.
This Juanada Style 670F daughter has little more of an “Old School” twist to her pedigree. This spring yearling bred heifer is one stout, powerful bred heifer. The bottom side of her pedigree has OCC Bonanza and OCC Just Right bleeding through. What a rare opportunity to own these older genetics that have so much proof behind them bred back to our calving ease specialist Rudow’s Capital Asset 153. This younger bred heifer is deep, stout, and powerful with a good look; what more can you ask for?
You talk about a killer look with power, here she is. This GCC Juanada Style 670F heifer absolutely blows you away with presence, eye appeal and overall pattern and design. She has that square build in a moderate easy fleshing package. The You Bet daughters overwhelmingly blow you away on a Rudow Family Cattle pasture tour. Let these genetics work for you.
Rudow’s RIP 040
Sire of Lots 26 & 27
Rudow’s Primrose 939 Dam of Lot 26
Rudow’s Fire Away 88
SIRE Rudow’s RIP 040
Rudow’s Enchantress 839
Rudow’s Dead Ringer 619
DAM Rudow’s Primrose 939
Rudow’s Miss Doctor 02
Rudow’s Deplorable 60
Rudow’s Lady Arbitrator 024
Coleman Knight 524
Rudow’s Enchantress
DCC 814G Gunsmoke 564
Rudow’s Empress 163
Rudow’s Trustee 716
PAR Primrose 155
AI’d to OCC You Bet 800Y (AAA# 17191783) on 6/1/24. Ultrasounded safe, with an estimated due date of 3/11/25.
FIRST ROUND PICK KIND! When you see 313 on sale day, you’ll want to stand there and just stare at her for an hour or so just enjoying her look. This Rudow’s RIP 040 daughter back to DCC 814G Gunsmoke and OCC Doctor lines her pedigree up for greatness. You just can’t believe how much body, muscle, power and bone these genetics have left in this program. Rarely do you find a female with this much body, volume and dimension with the look of a show heifer. Get ready to mark this one on sale day. Look and Power ALL IN ONE!!!
Another RIP daughter and one of the final registered females in the sale offering and boy oh boy did we leave one that is special. This one hits you with a sharp look and a flashy front one-third. Get behind her and she doesn’t disappoint either.
Rudow’s Fire Away 88
SIRE Rudow’s RIP 040
Rudow’s Enchantress 839
Rudow’s Dead Ringer 619
DAM Rudow’s Blackbird 947
Rudow’s Blackbird 430
WHOA….We left a younger heifer for the end of the registered females. This is an ET direct daughter of the legendary 710 cow. When you see E&B Empress Pride 142 and Rudow 410P in one pedigree you should jump on these genetics.Full Throttle is a herd bull we went back to because he stacks OCC Legend, Gunsmoke, and Reyna 0566 in one package. One of the feature females in the front of the catalog is Reyna 0566 and for good reason. This one bred back to Rudow’s Capital Asset makes this one even more special.
Rudow’s Deplorable 60
Rudow’s Lady Arbitrator 024
Coleman Knight 524
Rudow’s Enchantress
DCC 814G Gunsmoke 564
Rudow’s Empress 163
O C C You Bet 800Y
Rudow’s 2546 614
PE to Schilling Crackerjack 1031 (AAA# 20182243) from 6/13/24 to 7/30/24. Ultrasounded safe, with an estimated due date of 4/18/25.
SIRE Rudow’s Full Throttle 212 O C C Next Step 762N
Rudow’s Miss Reyna 957
Rudow’s Wholesome 953
DAM Rudow’s Image 710
Rudow’s Erica 814G 813
O C C Legend 616L
O C C Blackbird 768H
DCC 814G Gunsmoke 564
CRCC Reyna 0566
DCC New Look 101
E&B Empress Pride 142
DCC 814G Gunsmoke 564
Rudow 410 P
AI’d to Rudow’s Capital Asset 153 (AAA# 20551210) on 6/1/24. Ultrasounded safe, with an estimated due date of 3/11/25.
WHOA….I don’t care if the mother of this one is registered or not. This is one good hussy! This super complete, well-designed, stout-built female may be towards the back of the catalog, but she is far from being the last on many lists. Grit x You Bet combines powerhouse pedigrees and this one is bred up early to calve in January to have a 1/2 blood Simmental by the popular calving ease sire Loverboy.
If this bred heifer was a registered angus and was bred to calve early she would likely be the lead off bred heifer in the catalog!!! Not holding anything back on this females. She is ELITE!!! Deep bodied, powerful from every angle and has the look and presence to burn. Her mother is a You Bet back to a A+ which is a non-papered red angus female. As I sit to write this footnote is still stings just a little that this bred heifer we aren’t featuring at the front of the catalog. I’m telling you, drive to Pana on November 23 and buy Lot 30. You won’t be disappointed.
Silveiras Style 9303
SIRE GCC Juanada Style 670F
GCC Juanada W912
Rudow’s Draft Day 667
DAM Non-Registered Angus
Non-Registered Angus Gambles Hot Rod
Silveiras Elba 2520
O C C Missing Link 830M
O C C Juanada 741K
PE to Schilling Crackerjack 1031 (AAA# 20182243) from 6/13/24 to 7/30/24. Ultrasounded safe, with an estimated due date of 4/3/25.
It takes years of collecting maternal cows and proven genetic pedigrees to create females with this much mass, depth of body, dimension and a productive look. Lot 31 is no exception. Bred heifers like this make powerful cows in the future for generations to come.
CRCC Reyna 0566
Maternal Great Granddam of Lots 31 & 32
Musgrave Crackerjack
SIRE Schilling Crackerjack 1031
Schilling Ester 9068
Rudow’s Deplorable 60
DAM Non-Registered Angus
Non-Registered Angus
Musgrave 316 Stunner
Musgrave Rito Jet A649
G A R Ashland
Schilling Ester 7598
AI’d to THSF Lover Boy B33 (ASA# 2983443) on 5/31/24. Ultrasounded safe, with an estimated due date of 3/10/25.
Lot 32 is exactly why we are so excited about these Schilling Crackerjack 1031 “Shrek” daughters. They are moderate, good looking and powerful. I don’t want to tell you which bred heifer fits your program, but if it was up to me, I would have this one on the list. One of the most stylish, good looking bred heifers in the sale offering. She is bred back to Loverboy for a 1/2 blood Simmental.
Maternal Great Granddam of Lot 33
Schilling Crackerjack 1031 Service Sire of Lot 33
Rudow’s Lilly 317
These F1 super baldy females put so many real-world cattle traits into an atractive, sound package. Here is another daughter of RIP back to 77 Mr Big Time. This baldy has the same look and performance as our purebred females. They are only adding the heterosis piece to the puzzle. 317 has been one of our very favorites since the day she was born. Always has had a look at me attitude and will impress you for her balance and symmetry.
Rudow’s Fire Away 88
SIRE Rudow’s RIP 040
Rudow’s Enchantress 839
77 MR BIG TIME 16B C33 63D
DAM 1/2 Angus 1/2 Hereford
Rudow’s Blackbird 468
• Non-Registered
Rudow’s Deplorable 60
Rudow’s Lady Arbitrator 024
Coleman Knight 524
Rudow’s Enchantress
PAR Blackbird Jeanne 215
PE to Schilling Crackerjack 1031 (AAA# 20182243) from 6/13/24 to 7/30/24. Ultrasounded safe, with an estimated due date of 3/29/25.
LLW Cardinal Crosshair 18L Service Sire of Lot 34
Bred Heifer • BD 3/2/23 • Tattoo 3L • ACA# 419521
Bred to LLW Cardinal Crosshair 18L (ACA# 420662), observed service on 6/8/24. Ultrasounded safe, with an estimated due date of 4/10/25. KQM HOLLY 3L 34
WHO DOESN’T LIKE A LITTLE CHROME? Here is the first of the consignments brought to us by our friends and partners Classic Genetics from Oklahoma. This Chi heifer is not just a baldy but a darn good one. These cattle are as maternally sound as they come with look and presence to burn. She is stout boned with all the extras. One of her best attributes is she is safe to LLW Cardinal Crosshair 18L. Buy with confidence.
Classic 25L 35
Bred Heifer • BD 3/5/23 • Tattoo 25L • Non-Registered
This powerhouse combines tremendous body, volume, shape and stoutness. She has all of the look, profile and presence you’d ever want. You can’t help but to be drawn to this snake faced female by the popular sire LLW Cardinal Black Gold 32H.
DAM CA x Sim x Angus
PE to Rudow’s Trump 32 (AAA# 20853185) from 4/20/24 to 6/20/24. Ultrasounded safe, with an estimated due date of 3/13/25.
Chubby, Chubby, Chubby. If you love them huge-bellied and stout, Lot 36 is your girl. This female is a perfect example of what proven, predicable genetics look like from a program built on proven performance and a commitment to breeding soundness. Moderate, big belly, huge feet, and power with look are all words that come to mind when you describe these females. If you want to start a program from scratch, you’d want to find a whole truckload of these females.
SIRE Limestone Darkhorse U322
Tridge 5768 DAM Comm. Hereford x Angus
Tridge 8694
PE to Rudow’s Trump 32 (AAA# 20853185) from 4/20/24 to 6/20/24. Ultrasounded safe, with an estimated due date of 3/10/25.
PE to LLW Cardinal Black Gold 32H (ACA# 405565) from 2/5/24 to 4/10/24. Ultrasounded safe, 7+ months on 9/12/24.
This baldy is a daughter of Darkhorse. She has all the look, profile and presence you’d ever want. You can’t help but be drawn to this female as we absolutely love her overall muscle and soft design. These baldy females work!
DAM Comm. Red Angus CLASSIC
PE to Rudow’s Trump 32 (AAA# 20853185) from 4/20/24 to 6/20/24. Ultrasounded safe, with an estimated due date of 3/10/25.
These Red Baldies sure stand out here at Rudow Family Cattle. Not only are they red in color, but you can’t stop looking at them. They are complete in their design, balanced and overwhelming in the body volume they possess.
PE to Rudow’s Trump 32 (AAA# 20853185) from 4/20/24 to 6/20/24.
Ultrasounded safe, with an estimated due date of 3/3/25. When you combine the look, body shape, and muscle with the calving ease Red Baldy genetics they will have at side soon, you will keep them all for replacements and build a program for years to come.
DAM Comm. Red Angus
PE to Rudow’s Trump 32 (AAA# 20853185) from 4/20/24 to 6/20/24. Ultrasounded safe, with an estimated due date of 2/7/25. These red baldies are very unique in their look and build. They are good looking and square built and sound as they come. Deep, soft, and sound are exactly what they are bred to produce.
Lots 41 and 42 are both sired by the Hereford influenced bull Duff Ching which is out of a stacked pedigree in the Hereford Breed coming from pedigrees reading Cracker Jack, Outcross, Online, CL 1 Domino just on the top side alone.
PE to Rudow’s Trump 32 (AAA# 20853185) from 4/20/24 to 6/20/24. Ultrasounded safe, with an estimated due date of 3/13/25.
PE to Rudow’s Trump 32 (AAA# 20853185) from 4/20/24 to 6/20/24. Ultrasounded safe, with an estimated due date of 4/3/25.
These Red Baldy heifers have been strategically bred to Rudow’s Trump 32 an elite herd bull that was purchased in the 2024 Rudow Bull sale. As the female bred heifer division started with Rudow’s Gage’s, Trump is a powerful Gage son that is so stout, so massive in his rib cage and comes with calving ease and maternal genetics built into the equation.
DAM Comm. Red Angus
PE to Rudow’s Trump 32 (AAA# 20853185) from 4/20/24 to 6/20/24. Ultrasounded safe, with an estimated due date of 2/7/25. These Duff Chings are special. The red baldies are so unique in their build with growth and power to back it up. I love the look they give you when you hit the pen. They have presence that demand your attention.
Comm. Red Angus
PE to Rudow’s Trump 32 (AAA# 20853185) from 4/20/24 to 6/20/24. Ultrasounded safe, with an estimated due date of 1/22/25. Another Ching daughter that has limitless potential. These red baldies should have beautiful udders and efficiency to make real world cows moving forward.
PE to Classic Doc 2020 (ACA# 405617) from 1/12/24 to 4/1/24. Ultrasounded safe, 7+ months on 9/12/24. As we close the bred heifer division with another red baldy the breeding potential of these commercial red cattle is limitless. I am expecting the winning bidder to calve these out and be calling for more because they are so excited with the results.
Open Heifers, Lots 46-55: The open heifers in this section of the catalog we are selling in small groups. This group of heifers has been hand selected from some of the top cows and cow families. Rudow Family Cattle would traditionally keep and sell these as bred heifers next year. We have a large group of fall open heifers already targeted for that group and to keep our numbers in check we have decided to offer these to the public now.
Terms: Winning bidder must take at least 3 until all 10 heifers have been sold. Lots 46-52 can be registered. If the winning bidder would like the cattle registered there will be a $50 fee added to each lot they would like registration papers on.
O C C Jet Stream 825J
SIRE JBob Jet Stream 126
J J J Juanada 1650
O C C You Bet 800Y
DAM Rudow’s Scarlet 670
Sells open.
CRCC Miss Scarlet 0326
O C C Emblazon 854E
O C C Juanada 968G
Emulation N Bar 5522
Cole Creek 104 Juanada 8M
O C C Jet Stream 825J
O C C Dixie Erica 603N
S A V 8180 Traveler 004
Jauer Broadside 799 3121
O C C Jet Stream 825J
SIRE JBob Jet Stream 126
J J J Juanada 1650
Rudow’s Ace In The Hole 318
DAM Rudow’s Blackbird 886
Sells open.
Rudow’s Blackbird 613
N Bar 5522
Creek 104 Juanada 8M
C C Bonanza 880B Rudow’s 709
C C Just Right 619J Rudow’s Blackbird 110
J Juanada 1650 DAM Rudow’s Dixie Erica 955
Knight 524
Dixie Erica B 426
Sells open.
C Emblazon 854E O C C Juanada 968G
Miss Wix 007 Angus Alliance Winchester975
Dixie Erica 2565
SIRE JBob Jet Stream 126 O C C Jet Stream 825J
J J J Juanada 1650
Rudow’s Capital Gain 74
DAM Rudow’s Persphone 026
Sells open.
Emulation N Bar 5522
Cole Creek 104 Juanada 8M
Rudow’s Capital Gain 50
Coleman Knight 524
Rudow’s Persphone 789 O C C Emblazon 854E O C C Juanada 968G
Rudow’s Erica 814G 813
Rudow’s Persphone 46
SIRE JBob Jet Stream 126 O C C Jet Stream 825J J J J Juanada 1650
Rudow’s Full Throttle 212
DAM Rudow’s Miss Rosalynn 576
O C C Juanada 968G
Emulation N Bar 5522
Cole Creek 104 Juanada 8M
O C C Next Step 762N
CRCC Rosalynn 4305 O C C Emblazon 854E
Rudow’s Miss Reyna 957
Jauer Gladiator 077 760
Jauer Anchor 844 232 Sells open.
C Juanada 968G
Emulation N Bar 5522
Cole Creek 104 Juanada 8M
GCC Missing Link 906U
Rudow’s Molly 830 O C C Missing Link 830M
DCC NL 652K Merle 443
Sells open.
Rudow Family Cattle
Bill & Nancy Rudow
875 N. 100 East Road
Pana, IL 62557
Travel West of Pana on Route 16, one mile, turn South (Left) on 2200 East Road, travel three miles.
Travel South of Pana on Route 51 for three miles, turn West (Right) and travel one mile, turn North (Right) and travel one mile, turn West (Left) and travel one mile. Farm is ahead on your left.