True North Cattle Authentic Direction Bull Sale - 2023

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SC Online Sales,

This is an online sale located at sconlinesales com Pictures and videos of bulls may be viewed by visiting our sale link listed on their site

If you do not have an account with sconline, please register for one prior to the sale in order to bid If you would like to place bids over the phone, please contact Keela or Chris Trennepohl or Colby Taber at 309-335-1939 Colby will also be available to assist you with setting up an account on show circuit to receive a bidder number .

The sale will have a race horse style close starting at 7 PM on 3/1/23 . Bidding will open at 8 AM on 3/1/23 . You may bid anytime between 8 AM and 7 PM and will receive a text message or email communication when you have been outbid The close of the auction at 7 PM will only be open to those individuals that have previously placed a bid so be sure to get a bid in prior to 7 PM If you get outbid on the lot you were bidding on, you will be allowed to bid on a different lot Please reach out if you have any additional questions as to how this bidding process will work


Bulls may be viewed at True North Cattle in Macomb, Il at any time leading up to the sale

Photography and Videos by Codee


The sale offering is guaranteed to be fertile and reproductively sound in accordance with the terms and conditions as recommended by the American Angus Association All bulls selling for $3,000 or more qualify for our breeding guarantee If your bull is found to be infertile during the first breeding season, which is defined as 90 days from first turn out, the buyer is responsible for returning the bull to TRU If it does not respond as a satisfactory breeder, then we will provide a replacement of equal quality if available If a replacement is not available, we issue a sale credit equal to the bulls purchase price minus a salvage value of $1,500 Claims on bulls sold in the spring need to be made by September 1st of the year in which they were sold


Bulls will sell under the terms and conditions of the American Angus Association and SC Online Sales Retaining 25% semen interest on all bulls sold


All bulls have had genomic data submitted allowing for increased EPD accuracy on these young sires


Jarod Mohnen, Dakota Ag Insurance


Contact Jarod for options and rates Purchaser assumes the risk for death or injury to their livestock immediately after they are sold and insurance is recommended


Bulls did not receive creep feed At weaning, bulls were fed a complete pellet with a NEg of 0 .495 Mcal/lb and 12% CP . The ration consisted of 73% highly digestible fiber sources (wheat middlings, soyhulls, and cottonseed hulls), 22% corn, and a vitamin-mineral premix with rumensin This ration adds in developing bulls by optimizing gain without compromising breeding ability and foot quality Bulls also had free choice access to long stem grass hay

Trennepohl 805-440-8421 Chris Trennepohl 360-201-3699
Taber, SC Online Sales 309-335-1939 Jeb Schwager 563-495-2530

Welcome to our 2nd annual TRU Authentic Direction bull sale on SC Online Sales The 11 head offering we have put together has been carefully mated and selected based on a foundation of elite donors highlighting: S A V Blackcap May 4136 and S A V Emblynette 2369 We strive to produce performance cattle with the TRU look and balanced genetic profiles At the end of the day, cattle that look good and perform well, sell well, but we don’t ignore EPDs as they still are the best source of genetic prediction We started our program with the skills and knowledge acquired over two lifetimes in the cattle business but were inclined and encouraged to start our own program that was uniquely us Our family is working hard to bring our vision of providing TRU quality cattle and creating a TRU community to fruition . We raise cattle, like many of you, because we can’t imagine not being in the cattle business We don’t do this because it’s easy or inexpensive We do it because when we are outside with our daughters working with cattle it’s worth it . It’s worth it to see the smile on their faces and in their eyes when a new calf is born It’s the best way to teach them the value of hard work and how to process difficult situations like the sale of a favorite . We want to love and serve others well and to be a light while living out our big dreams, not just watching from the sidelines It’s not easy to live our own TRU authentic path our way, but that’s exactly what True North Cattle is to us .

We are so grateful to our current cattle community and current clients . Your support is bringing our vision for True North Cattle to life We believe at our core that building a purebred operation that stems from a select few elite donor cows is critical . Then mating them to top tier sires that share common ancestry creates a predictable, reliable progeny that is ready to work for our clients

Purchasing cattle from TRU means you support our small business, our dream and as a result become a part of our team We would love nothing more than to work with you .



TRU Bloodline 2160

SAV Rainfall 6846

SAV Bloodline 9578

SAV Emblynette 2369

SAV Ten Speed 3022

TRU Blackcap May 7205

SAV Blackcap May 1234

Coleman Charlo 0256

SAV Blackcap May 4136 SAV 707 Rito 9969

SAV Emblynette 7566

A performance powerhouse who has dominated the bull pen with extra growth, muscle, power, and pounds He supports his 6 3 frame with an excellent foot and leg build allowing for his majestic stride and presence If you’re in need of a power bull, look no further – he ranks in the top 10% for WW and top 5% YW EPDs with a top RADG EPD meaning he has the potential to sire progeny that excel in terms of efficient post weaning gain His dam, TRU Blackcap May 7205, is our number 1 weaning ratio cow with 3 @ 111 and carries on the powerful Blackcap May line His prolific granddam by Net Worth has left her mark on our herd and multiple others across the country .

S A V Blackcap May 1234 Maternal granddam of Lot 1 TRU original donor dam S A V Blackcap May 4136 Maternal great granddam of Lot 1 TRU Blackcap May 7205 Dam of Lot 1
Angus • BD 1/11/22 • Reg# 20407469 • Tattoo 2160 CED BW WW YW SC CEM Milk -7 +5.8 +81 +146 +1.59 +4 +16 CW Marb RE $M $W $B $C +64 +.37 +.66 +32 +45 +146 +221
SA SAV Madame Pride 1134 SAV Net Worth 4200 SAV Blackcap May 4136 Act BW 85 Adj WW 784 Adj YW 1435 Act SC 39.5 Adj IMF 4.40 Adj RE 14.2 Act BF 0.26


A maternal made beef bull whose impeccable phenotype has made him standout since his pasture days He captured a 121 IMF ratio with only 0 2 inches of backfat His dam, a wedding present from Kelly and Martie Jo Schaff, stems back to one of the all time favorites at S A V – Blackcap May 1435 His dam is a moderate, easy fleshing cow with an ideal udder Her first daughter in production and the dam of lot 9, is set to be our best cow yet

TRU Bloodline 2151

SAV Rainfall 6846

SAV Bloodline 9578

SAV Emblynette 2369

SAV International 2020

TRU Blackcap May 7415

SAV Blackcap May 1435

Coleman Charlo 0256

SAV Blackcap May 4136

SAV 707 Rito 9969

SAV Emblynette 7566

SAV Harvestor 0338

SAV Emblynette 5483

S A V Bloodline 9578 Sire of Lots 1, 2 and 3 $250,000 top-selling bull, 2020 SAV Sale S A V Resource 1441 Pathfinder sire and full-sib to 1435 S A V Blackcap May 1435 Maternal Granddam of Lot 2
Angus • BD 12/31/21 • Reg# 20407470 • Tattoo 2151 CED BW WW YW SC CEM Milk -1 +3.7 +73 +132 +.27 +6 +24 CW Marb RE $M $W $B $C +42 +.54 +.59 +66 +59 +129 +233
Rito 707 of Ideal 3407 7075 SAV Blackcap May 4136 Act BW 80 Adj WW 641 Adj YW 1257 Act SC 34 Adj IMF 5.02 Adj RE 14.9 Act BF 0.17


S A V Emblynette

TRU Bloodline 2158


SAV Rainfall 6846

SAV Bloodline 9578

SAV Emblynette 2369

SAV Angus Mountain 1871

SAV Emblynette 3413

SAV Emblynette 8586

Coleman Charlo 0256

SAV Blackcap May 4136

SAV 707 Rito 9969




TRU America 1131

TRU Revity 7211

A powerfully constructed herd bull with muscle, mass, and depth throughout His rugged nature is backed by maternal legends allowing this sire to be dual purpose in the production of replacements and feeder cattle His WW an YW EPDs are ranked in the top 10% with his genomic rank at top 2% for WW His direct dam will be ten and has a 356 d calving interval She exemplifies fertility, longevity, and maternal value Her herd sires have highlighted our bull sales each year Several have been selected by Broken Arrow Ranch in NE due their ability to perform at a high level in their herd We retain one daughter who has raised one of our best calving ease sires to date offered as lot 6 This one is a sure fire choice

Maternal brother to Lot 3 by S A V Renown 3439 Maternal brother to Lot 3 by S A V America 8018 Top selling bull in the 2022 TRU Authentic Direction Bull Sale Purchased by Broken Arrow Ranch, NE 3413 Dam of Lot 3
• BD 1/9/22 • Reg# *20407468 • Tattoo
CED BW WW YW SC CEM Milk -4 +5.4 +79 +143 +.84 +9 +25 CW Marb RE $M $W $B $C +60 +.74 +.58 +28 +53 +160 +236
SAV Net Worth
SAV Emblynette
Act BW 85 Adj WW 724 Adj YW 1345 Act SC 35 Adj IMF 4.15 Adj RE 14.9 Act BF 0.40
SAV Iron Mountain 8066


A fall born Rainfall son that carries an unmatched boldness through the center portion of his body along with a big square hip and top He is a big scrotal bull who is gentle and maternally driven with herd bull properties that will make you money in the feeder pen and out in the pasture His genomic enhanced EPD profile ranks him towards the top of the population for weaning and yearling weights He is uniquely triple bred to S A V Blackcap May 4136, the all-time high income producing female of the Angus breed

TRU Rainfall 1942

Coleman Charlo 0256

SAV Rainfall 6846

SAV Blackcap May 4136

SAV Sensation 5615

TRU Primrose 7316

SAV Primrose 3276

OCC Paxton 730P

Bohi Abigale 6014

SAV 8180 Traveler 004

SAV May 2397

SAV Registry 2831 SAV Blackcap May 4136

S A V Rainfall 6846 - Sire of Lot 4 Breed leader for registrations and headliner sire at Select Sires S A V Primrose 3276 Maternal granddam to Lot 4, and can be found in the pedigree of lot 6
• BD 9/5/21 • Reg#
CED BW WW YW SC CEM Milk -1 +3.3 +73 +133 +1.72 +6 +21 CW Marb RE $M $W $B $C +44 +.05 +.73 +52 +56 +112 +197
+*20350630 • Tattoo 1942
SAV Resource
SAV Primrose 0109 Act BW 76 Adj WW 923 Adj YW 1328 Act SC 38 Adj IMF Adj RE Act BF


S A V Raindance 6848

Sire of Lot 5

ST Genetics choice of the 2017 S A V Sale

TRU Raindance 1943

Coleman Charlo 0256

SAV Raindance 6848

SAV Blackcap May 4136

SAV Ten Speed 3022

TRU Blackcap May 6978

SAV Blackcap May 1234

OCC Paxton 730P

Bohi Abigale 6014 SAV 8180 Traveler 004 SAV May 2397

TRU Blackcap May 6978

Dam of Lot 5

TRU Black May 0104

Full sib to Lot 5

Selected by Sarah Riggins of Macomb, IL

Top selling heifer in 2021 TRU Authentic Direction Female Sale

This fall born bull is an absolute stud of an athlete He moves with such ease and agility He has a legit perfect foot and is built to make females with a maternal edge in terms of shoulder and neck design He is long spined, stout, and ready to use on heifers and cows This bull’s pedigree traces twice to S A V Blackcap May 4136 His dam is currently working as a donor for Derek Porter of IL

Selected as a donor for Derek Porter, IL
CED BW WW YW SC CEM Milk +3 +2.6 +64 +117 +1.26 +4 +21 CW Marb RE $M $W $B $C +55 +.13 +.77 +30 +51 +133 +203
Angus • BD 9/6/21 • Reg# +*20348946 • Tattoo 1943
Ten X
SAV Net Worth 4200 SAV Blackcap May 4136 Act BW 78 Adj WW 834 Adj YW 1303 Act SC 38 Adj IMF Adj RE Act BF
Madame Pride 1134

Connealy King Air

Sire of Lots 6 - 10

Owned by Vermillion Ranch

Our heifer bull choice in 2020 and 2021

Recommended for heifers. A bull that demands attention with a regal beef bull look His superior structural creates an effortless stride A true calving ease bull in performance bull uniform He has an elite phenotype ready to fulfill his legacy as a herd-improver His productive dam is the only daughter of 3413 and is proving herself ready to carry forward the traditions of the Emblynette family line She combines two of our original SAV females, 3413 and 3276

S A V Emblynette 3413

Maternal granddam to Lot 6

6 TRU King Air 2152

LD Capitalist 316

Connealy King Air

Pasha of Conanga 557P

TRU Sensational 8236

TRU Emblynette 0106

SAV Emblynette 3413

Connealy Capitalist 028

LD Dixie Erica 2053

Plattemere Weigh Up K360

Pastah of Conanga 030L

SAV Sensation 5615

SAV Primrose 3276

• BD 1/1/22
• Tattoo 2152 CED BW WW YW SC CEM Milk +5 +.5 +57 +101 +1.04 +8 +22 CW Marb RE $M $W $B $C +38 +.56 +.47 +65 +55 +126 +228
• Reg# 20407462
Angus Mountain
SAV Emblynette
Act BW 65 Adj WW 691 Adj YW 1195 Act SC 35.5 Adj IMF 3.34 Adj RE 13.6 Act BF 0.32

7 TRU King Air 2162

Angus • BD 1/22/22 • Reg#

LD Capitalist 316

Connealy King Air

Pasha of Conanga 557P

SAV President 6847

SAV Emblynette 0503

SAV Emblynette 7813


Connealy Capitalist 028

LD Dixie Erica 2053

• Tattoo 2162

Plattemere Weigh Up K360

Pastah of Conanga 030L

Coleman Charlo 0256

SAV Blackcap May 4136

Diamond in the Rough

SAV Emblynette 2369

Recommended for heifers. A complete bull that has plenty of power yet balances that with strong lines and maternal grace His +15 CED is in top 2% of the breed combined with a BW of a -1 2 His feminine, stylish, perfect-uddered dam was acquired by Maroska at the 2021 S A V sale Her grandam is the prolific breed leading pathfinder dam, S A V Embylnette 2369, who has brought in more than $3 million in progeny sales She is the dam of S A V Bloodline 9578, S A V Emblem 8074, S A V Ajax 8885, S A V Celebrity 2188 and had 49 progeny sell in the 2023 SAV Production Sale

S A V President 6847 Maternal grandsire of lots 7 and 10 S A V Emblynette 2369 Maternal great granddam of Lot 7 Maroska sitting on S A V President 6847
CED BW WW YW SC CEM Milk +15 -1.2 +59 +107 +.28 +13 +33 CW Marb RE $M $W $B $C +30 +.23 +.25 +77 +70 +91 +195
Act BW 65 Adj WW 699 Adj YW 1206 Act SC 32 Adj IMF 3.34 Adj RE 13.3 Act BF 0.41


Recommended for heifers. A bull with superior shape, soundness, and eye catching style This one has a unique appeal to a commercial cattleman looking to market feeder or fed cattle while changing the landscape their cow herd A combination low birthweight, double digit CED sire that ranks in the top tier percentiles for RADG, YW, SC, RE, $W, and $F He has an ADJ REA of 17 0! He is out of Chris’ favorite cow going back to S A V Blackcap May 1234

TRU King Air 2159

LD Capitalist 316

Connealy King Air

Pasha of Conanga 557P

SAV Raindance 6848

TRU Blackcap May 0103

TRU Blackcap May 7425

Connealy Capitalist 028

LD Dixie Erica 2053

Plattemere Weigh Up K360

Pastah of Conanga 030L Coleman Charlo 0256 SAV

S A V Blackcap May 4136 She can be found in the pedigree of lots 1-10, most multiple times S A V Blackcap May 1234 Maternal Great Granddam of Lot 8 Last natural calf of S A V Blackcap May 4136
Angus • BD 1/9/22 • Reg# 20407464 • Tattoo 2159 CED BW WW YW SC CEM Milk +11 +1.1 +71 +135 +1.50 +10 +36 CW Marb RE $M $W $B $C +62 +.28 +1.05 +59 +75 +160 +267
SAV Registry
SAV Blackcap May 1234 Act BW 65 Adj WW 739 Adj YW 1350 Act SC 38 Adj IMF 3.91 Adj RE 17.0 Act BF 0.34
May 4136


TRU King Air 2154

LD Capitalist 316

Connealy King Air

Pasha of Conanga 557P

SAV Raindance 6848

TRU Blackcap May 0101

Recommended for heifers. He is thick and muscular while representing classic maternal quality in terms of depth and balance His dam is a pasture front female: deep, easy fleshing even as a 1st calf heifer, tremendous udder, sound, with a combination of femininity and power that every cow should possess She is next on flush list His grandmother is the dam of Lot 2

S A V Blackcap May 1435 Maternal great granddam of Lot 9 S A V Raindance 6848 Maternal grandsire to Lots 8 and 9 TRU Bloodline 2151 Maternal brother to Lot 9 - Sells as lot 2
Angus • BD 1/2/22 • Reg# 20407463 • Tattoo 2154 CED BW WW YW SC CEM Milk +10 +.2 +72 +129 +1.13 +12 +27 CW Marb RE $M $W $B $C +61 +.30 +.62 +79 +73 +145 +267
LD Dixie
K360 Pastah of Conanga
Coleman Charlo
SAV Blackcap May 4136 SAV International 2020 SAV Blackcap May 1435 Act BW 67 Adj WW 694 Adj YW 1300 Act SC 37.5 Adj IMF Adj RE Act BF
TRU Blackcap May 7415
Capitalist 028
Erica 2053 Plattemere Weigh Up



This bull has herd bull swagger He is a stunner with a superior build and design He ranks in the top 10 and 15% of the breed for WW and YW EPDs His genetics predict he will sire progeny that slick off well in the summer months His dam a result of a terrific mating of the dam of the lot 1 bull and the $750,000 S A V President 6847

TRU King AIR 2265

LD Capitalist 316

Connealy King Air

Pasha of Conanga 557P

SAV President 6847

TRU Blackcap May 0210

TRU Blackcap May 7205

Connealy Capitalist 028

LD Dixie Erica 2053

Plattemere Weigh Up K360

Pastah of Conanga 030L Coleman Charlo 0256


TRU Blackcap May 7205 granddam of Lot 10 TRU Clean Air 1133 - Full brother in blood to Lot 10 Purchased by Wilcoxen Angus, IL in the 2022 Authentic Direction Bull Sale
Angus • BD 2/23/22 • Reg# 20407465 • Tattoo 2265 CED BW WW YW SC CEM Milk -1 +4.1 +78 +133 +1.18 +6 +20 CW Marb RE $M $W $B $C +56 +.52 +.75 +53 +60 +146 +242
SAV Ten Speed
SAV Blackcap May 1234 Act BW 74 Adj WW 721 Adj YW 1203 Act SC 32 Adj IMF 4.95 Adj RE 14.0 Act BF 0.26
SAV Blackcap

TRU MF Oreo 2155

W/C Loaded Up 1119Y

BTYL Doc Holliday 202G

JS Black Satin 9B

MR HOC Broker

TRU Iva Jean 9370

STCC Vanity Flaire

Remington Lock N Load54U

Aubreys Black Blaze III Mr HOC Broker

A crowd favorite here in Macomb, everyone loves to admire Oreo His high-quality phenotype includes superior muscle and mass on an ideal foot, levelness of top, and a proud front-end build This bull is owned with Macie Falk who came to us to start her own cow herd Help Macie have a great first herd bull sale!

BTYL Doc Holliday 202G Sire of Lot 11 MR HOC Broker Maternal Grandsire of Lot 11 and of Doc Holliday
3/4 SM 5/32 AN 1/32 CA • BD 1/4/22 • Reg# 4078732 • Tattoo 2155K CE BW WW YW MCE Milk MWW 10.2 0.3 67.0 104.2 4.6 19.3 52.7 Stay CW YG Marb REA API TI 8.1 17.5 -0.34 -0.06 0.62 90.1 62.9
O C C Anchor
STCC Vanity Fair 324 Act BW 72 Adj WW 625 Adj YW 1300 Act SC 35 Adj IMF Adj RE Act BF
JS Flirt A-Way 59Y SVF Steel Force S701

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