others can be very serious. “In the high school age group, risks of serious illness or death with COVID are small. However, anyone who is unvaccinated is a risk to family and friends. Getting vaccinated against COVID is not just for yourself, it is to stop the spread of the disease through our schools, our families, our communities, and our country. It is something that is important to do as a good neighbor and citizen since anyone at any age can have a severe course of illness,” Smith said. As for the student who couldn’t get vaccinated at all, they have a plea for everyone who is on the fence about getting vaccinated. “If you have the option to get the vaccine, I beg you to get it,” they said. “Please choose to protect yourself and others around you. Be grateful that you even have the option. If you still decide on not getting it, try to wear your mask as often as possible to prevent an increase in cases.”