Management Society
Proposed by Genette Sekse’12 September 27, 2011 1
Final Proposal
Business Management & Communication
Genette Sekse ‘12 Advisor: William Sonnega
A study combining psychological, anthropological and media perspectives that will provide a critical and holistic approach to management and communication in business. The combination of these perspectives will create a comprehensive understanding of related skills and ingenious approaches to real world issues in business and society while embracing a liberal arts perspective. Table of Contents MAJOR DESCRIPTION................................................................................................................................................. 3 MAJOR RATIONAL ....................................................................................................................................................... 4 COURSE PROGRESS ..................................................................................................................................................... 5 BUSINESS MANAGEMENT ................................................................................................................................................................5 COMMUNICATIONS ............................................................................................................................................................................7 WHY A CIS MAJOR? ..................................................................................................................................................... 9 WEB PORTFOLIO DESCRIPTION .......................................................................................................................................................9 SENIOR PROJECT ...................................................................................................................................................... 10 STRATEGIC MEDIA PLANNING & BUYING................................................................................................................................... 10 Procedure of the project ................................................................................................................................................................ 11 Books ...................................................................................................................................................................................................... 12 Internet Sources.................................................................................................................................................................................. 12 COURSE PLAN ............................................................................................................................................................ 13 FRESHMAN YEAR ............................................................................................................................................................................ 13 SOPHOMORE YEAR ......................................................................................................................................................................... 13 JUNIOR YEAR .................................................................................................................................................................................... 14 SENIOR YEAR ................................................................................................................................................................................... 14
Major Description I plan to study Business management through a broader liberal art perspective. In order to understand my subject area, I will foremost need to develop a core understanding of basic business principles. In addition, I will study different aspects of communication to become an effective creator and conveyer of ideas, concepts, and information to develop a deeper understanding of social issues and new media. I will accomplish this through coursework on our global society and human conditions and tendencies in psychology. I will also develop my communication skills though courses focused on written and oral communication to be able to reach out to different people in diverse cultures. To be able to do so it is important to have a solid understanding of the sociological and anthropological nature of our society. With Sociology/Anthropology courses I will be able to better understand this nature through different perspective of gender in contemporary cultures. The knowledge and skills gained in this assortment of classes will be applied in experiential learning and concrete business experiences in communication. The validity of this major will be created through an understanding of business principles and human tendencies, as well as communicative proficiency, critical thinking abilities, and how to craft effective messages and to use new and emerging technologies. I will also explore the challenges of communicating in a globally diverse market with different regulations and media requirements and learn how to use media planning and modeling tools to develop a media strategy and plan with the widest reach and impact.
Major Rationale: This major draws from many academic disciplines. While management studies classes provide a foundation, I will be incorporating psychological, anthropological and media perspectives to provide a critical and holistic approach to studies in management and communication. I will also include psychology courses so as to better understand how people think and act in the business world. This ties together the emphasis on communication in the major. In order to better understand society, it is important to have a good knowledge base of interpersonal and psychological skills. Mass media courses are important in order to gain a better understanding of the media’s effect on society. Being able to identify characteristics of news, advertising, entertainment, and social media and to how those media serve as forums for cultural negotiation in our society is crucial. In today’s culture, a successful businessperson has to have a comprehensive knowledge of the media and its influence in the world of business. By incorporating media classes into the major, I will be able to develop skills that will allow me to be successful and competitive in the business world. After also examine the conceptual framework for ethical decision-making in media I will be using sports as a prism to examine normative perspectives to tie it into my senior project. Varied ethical perspectives are analyzed through the conflicts presented in sports-related questions but also learning how to reflect on ambition as an irrepressible human passion and an unavoidable element of civic leadership. Furthermore, it is important to have a solid understanding of the sociological and anthropological nature of our society. With Sociology/Anthropology courses I will be able to better understand this nature through different perspective of gender in contemporary cultures. With an emphasis on “identifying, analyzing, and solving organizational problems,” it will provide insight in my focus on community development and more importantly, sustainable social change. This major is representative of St. Olaf College’s ideals and views of education because the college’s departments can supply the major’s necessary components and because the major promotes creative activity and critical thinking by using ethical reflection as a base. This major connects a broad spectrum of departments, classes, and subjects to build a major that will effectively develop my knowledge and interest in the field of Business Management and Communication.
Course Progression BUSINESS MANAGEMENT Understanding Business principles. With the progression of Management studies courses I will get a basic understanding of the inner working and practical details of business, specifically from a managerial perspective. MANAGEMENT (MGMT 251)
Management provides students with a background in the functions of management in terms of “planning, organizing, leading, and controlling.” This class has provided me with an academic background necessary to develop management skills, manage a team and how to be a team player. We completed a business simulation that contains four different departments. These departments include R&D, production, finance, and marketing. MARKETING (MGMT 250)
This course will work to engage and provide me with the basic knowledge and skills of evaluating market opportunities. I’ll learn about the elements of marketing principles, and I’ll be able to apply these principles through real life scenario projects where we are creating a marketing plan for a real company. MANAGEMENT POLICIES & STRATEGIES (MGMT 383)
As the capstone academic experience for this CIS major, Management Policies & Strategies will provide an academically rigorous course on the planning and decision-making skills of business management. With an emphasis on “identifying, analyzing, and solving organizational problems,” this course will provide insight in my focus on community development and more importantly, sustainable social change.
This course introduces important entrepreneurship and building a business. I will get a greater understanding of the entrepreneurial process: a process of opportunity recognition, resource marshaling, and team building driven by communication, creativity, and leadership. Studies concentrates on the entrepreneurial process from idea creation to ultimate business or other organizational activity. A leadership theme permeates these discussions where we as a team are building our own business plan. RELATED COURSE WORK AC/EC 218 Economic Progress in China (abroad) ECON 121 Principles of Econ STAT 110 Principles of Statistic PSYCH 125 Principles of Psychology
Communication Oral, Written and Production. PUBLIC SPEAKING (THEAT 120)
Public speaking will give me a strong foundation on how to translate my ideas into something coherent. I have learned how to make an effective speech by understanding my audience, relation to the topic, and by learning how to not overcomplicate ideas. It is important in business to have a strong knowledge of how to communicate though speeches. FOUNDATION NEW MEDIA (ART 104)
This class helped me to create digital media reflecting my own artistic expressions. Foundation New Media gave me the tools and skills to translate a visual idea into something tangible. We also learned how to communicate through social media, creating web pages, audio documentary advertisement in new media. MASS MEDIA (MEDIA 160)
Mass Media introduced me to the reality of the communication industry. It gave me a different view of the media around us. We discussed mass media in ideological, cultural, aesthetic, and ethical perspectives, which gave me new skills to better, analyze and differentiate the form and content of mass media. To further expand this critical process and to go more in depth the second course MEDIA/CONTEMPORARY CULTURE (MEDIA 260)
This will allow me to understand how film and television advertises; not only creating consumers but also creating products and producers of contemporary cultures. It “focuses on a contemporary media, primary film, and television, from theoretical and critical perspectives. Primary emphasis is given to the specific identifying characteristics of new, advertising and entertainment media and how those media serve as forums for cultural negotiation in our society.� Both these media courses have provided me with perspectives on how media, culture and individuals interact and affect business and communication
This course compares gender patterns and issues in various cultures around the world, such as Latin America, the Middle East, India, the U.S., and East Asia. How do cultural expectations for women and men vary? Why do some societies have more gender equality than others? How does economic and political change, including globalization, impact gender roles? How do U.S. and Third World feminism compare? How do you reach out to these people, and how do they respond to different topics. SOCIAL PSYCHOLOGY (PSYCH 249)
This course helps me understand the thought process that affects the people working in society. The course ask questions about human cognitions, social norms, decision-making process and “the way people interact and think about each other” to build an understanding of human tendencies. This understanding can provide me insight in how consumers perceive and react to decisions businesses make. SPORT ETHICS IN SOCIETY (ESTH 290)
This course examines the conceptual framework for ethical decision-making using sports as a prism to examine normative perspectives. Varied ethical perspectives are analyzed through the conflicts presented in sports-related questions. We will also learning how to reflect on ambition as an irrepressible human passion and an unavoidable element of civic leadership in a sport management situations. ACADEMIC INTERNSHIP HUBBARD BROADCASTING (MEDIA 394)
I’m spending 7 months at Hubbard Broadcasting as a Sports Reporter Intern. This internship has allowed me to understand and investigate the career I’m entering. I have given me valuable work experience and a great network. It has been beneficial in initiating and encouraging skills that I have not use in the classroom; this internship fulfills a more complete learning process for me. I’m attending and participating in press conferences for all professional and collegiate sports teams in Minnesota. I write nightly scripts for sports anchors, and interview athletes for on-air content. I shoot games, edit and select shots for highlights. Write stories for online website and produce video to go along with the story. It has given me a better understanding on how to better complete my Senior Project.
RELATED COURSE WORK ART 205 Photography IS 218 Top: Chroni-Am Immig Exper WMNS 212 Intro to Women Studie
Why A business Management & Communication Major for Genette Sekse? When I first came to St. Olaf College, I hadn’t figured out what I wanted to do with my life. That was one of the reasons I wanted to attend a liberal Art College. After my first year at St. Olaf College, and working with one of the biggest TV stations in Norway, I realized I wanted to pursue a career in the Business aspect of Media. My options at St. Olaf College were slim and I considered transferring to the University of California Berkeley to pursue their Media Studies major. And yet, today I am still here at St. Olaf College and couldn’t be happier. Even though my eventual career is important to me, my identity as a curious student remains. At St. Olaf College, proposing a Business Management and Communication major that allows me to study in the liberal arts environment that I deeply value, while gaining concrete business management and media knowledge. After taking Media and Management courses I found that I really enjoyed these courses and I’m good at them too, which is a reason I want to pursue a career in Business Media. The Business Management and Communication Major will effectively prepare me for this by creating a critical thinking and ethical mindset while also providing the principle business media knowledge and experience applicable to my anticipated graduate studies.
Description of Index Page (Web Portfolio) The main page of my web portfolio will be similar to a TV News Studio. The main page will contain links to my class schedule, class description, the description of my major and rationale. I would also like to include what the digital portfolio that is required for Media Studies concentration. The portfolio will include movies that I have made, resume, resume movie, audio documentaries, research papers, marketing plan, business plan, links to my blog, and other projects relating to the required courses I have included in my major.
Senior Project STRATEGIC MEDIA PLANNING & BUYING I want to study strategic media planning, and the process used to place a message in media in order to reach the particular audience. Different areas I will consider in general are the following: • The challenges facing strategic communicators, specifically media planners, in an era of media fragmentation and proliferation and increased audience choice and control. • The response of media planning professionals to these challenges in the form of integrated marketing communication, connections planning, and marketing public relations. • The basic mathematical concepts involved in media buying/planning, including the calculation of audience ratings, media share, reach and frequency, and gross rating points. • The strengths and weaknesses of various media as message carriers, including newspapers, magazines, television, radio, outdoor, telephone, and the Internet. • The basic elements of an strategic media plan, including the advertising and media relations objectives, strategies, and tactics. I am going to create a media plan for a specified product or service. I will have to engage in primary and secondary research to understand the marketing problem for this specific product or service, formulate clear media objectives related to advertising and public relations. I will also have to and determine core media strategies and tactics. This study will serve as the process of critically evaluating media options, purchasing or placing strategic communications in media outlets, scheduling media weight in a manner that achieves communication goals, and evaluating the impact of media on audience members. It will provide a simulation of how a strategic media plan is researched, conceived, and executed. Basic Procedures for the Project: First Semester: Develop Situation Analysis Marketing analysis (annual reports, news articles, government resources) Target Audience analysis (Simmons Market Research Bureau, Mediamark Research) Competitive analysis (Bureau of Advertising Research, Leading National Advertisers) Define Media Objectives Target audience – Define primary & secondary audiences Seasonality – selling period and pre-promotion Geography – regionality and DMA concentration Plan Performance - Reach and Frequency - Effective Frequency Goals Scheduling Strategy – Flighting, Pulsing, or Continuity. 10
Second Semester: Determine Media Strategy Media mix and vehicle selection for purchase (media buying) Media vehicles for press placements (public relations) Attainment of performance objectives – Especially Effective Reach CPMs and GRPs by medium for advertising; GRPs by medium for public relations Detail Decisions in Media Flowchart Detail monthly spending and media distribution of paid and unpaid media The results after both semesters 1) Executive summary of the media plan. 2) Marketing objectives and strategies that relate to media. 3) Copy strategy statement -- how media supports copy. 4) Competitive Media Expenditures Analysis 5) Clearly stated media objectives that are tied to marketing strategies and objectives. 6) Clearly stated media strategies tied to the media objectives. 7) Media plan details and documentation. • Criteria for determining media values. • Data showing monthly reach and frequency • Data showing effective reach levels • Detailed account of selected media classes, or subclasses, including CPMs • Yearly flowchart for national and spot
Books: 1. Jack Z. Sissors and Roger Baron (2002). Advertising Media Planning, 7th edition. New York: McGraw-Hill. 1. Clarke Caywood (ed) (1997). The Handbook of Strategic Public Relations and Integrated Communications, New York: McGraw-Hill. 2. Esther Thorson and Jeri Moore (eds.) (1996) Integrated Communication. Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum 3. Dennis Martin and Robert Coons (2002). Media Flight Plan IV. Provo, Utah: Deer Creek Publishing. (This is a software program that I might purchase to help me with the study)
Internet Resources: • Advertising World: a site sponsored by the University of Texas-Austin’s advertising department. Simply, the most extensive collection of advertising related links on the web. Special section on media buying and planning and interactive marketing. o • American Marketing Association: The AMA is one of the largest professional associations for marketers, with over 38,000 members. This site is an essential resource, providing relevant information. Look under “marketing o • Newsweek Media Research Index: a site containing a bibliography of over 700 studies, journal articles, conference papers, and books on media research. o • U.S. Census: a site permitting access to Census data on the U.S. population. Alphabetized directory for easy access into a wide-ranging resource. o • Advertising Age: the website for the leading advertising industry magazine. o • Brand Week: another website for a leading industry magazine. Tracks brands and branding efforts through a marketing lens. o • Media Week: another website for a leading industry magazine. Tracks trends in the media marketplace and media vehicles performance. Sours: Professor Dhavan Shah Louis A. and Mary E. Maier-Bascom ProfessorDirector, Mass Communication Research Center University of Wisconsin-Madison 12
COURSE PLAN Freshman Year Fall GE 107 Intro/Academic
Mass Media
Intro to Theater
Action for non-Majors
Writing Interim NURS 110 Nutrition & Wellness Spring GE 111 First Year Writing
NURS 120
REL 121
Images of
Voice & Phonetics
Sophomore Year Fall HIST 224
MGMT 225
Modern Germany Media Comtempt Culture Principle of Accounting
STAT 110 Principles of Statistic
Interim SWRK 125 Racism/Sexism/Am fam life
Spring ART 104 Foundation New Media
ECON 123
MGMT 252
Principles of
Public Spealing
Junior Year Fall
MGMT 250
MGMT 256
SOAN 260
Interim BIO 135 Thinking & Doing Biology Spring REL 230 Theology/Creation
IS 218
ART 250
WMNS 121
Chron-Am Experience
Women Studies
Summer MEDIA 294 Academic Internship
Senior Year Fall
IS 391
NORW 371
ESTH 290
Senior Project 1
Principles Psych
Norsk Lit 1819
Sport Ethics in Society
Interim Econ in China Spring
IS 392
MGMT 383
Senior Project 2
Policy & Strategies
Social Psychology