3 minute read

Are You Calling Me?


I was asked to share with you a little story — a small moment that pulls back the curtain on a big idea. My only hope is that it might in some way encourage your faith and perhaps even invite you to ask the Lord, “Are You calling me?”


The Chihuahuan Desert is a fantastic breadth of countryside shared by Mexico and the United States of America, filled by all manner of improbable scenery and life. And right now, my wife Caroline and I call it home.

We moved to Marfa, Texas in 2018, feeling called to work with Young Life to the many high school kids scattered about the area. We believe strongly that they deserve to have caring adults in their lives who demonstrate Christ’s love and have earned the right to be heard. Though we live in Marfa, we share a lifestyle with the other small neighboring towns like Fort Davis, Alpine, Presidio, Boquillas (Mexico), Camargo (MX), Delicias (MX) and Ojinaga (MX).

Fast forward a year into living here, and we find ourselves in a living room completely full of Marfa high school students. We had just wrapped up a Bible study, but no one seemed to be leaving. Caroline and I laugh, chat and listen to the various conversations ping-ponging about the room.

But above the noise, I hear one student, Juanito, say, “Why don’t kids have something like this in Ojinaga?”

Suddenly everyone’s attention focused on him. It was one conversation now. Before I could respond, another student chimed in.

“The call of God to love one’s neighbor was more real than the boundaries separating them.”

“Totally! I wish my friends and cousins could hear about Jesus like I have.”

Another said, “Yeah, me too.”

What they didn’t know is that we had been praying (ever since we arrived in Marfa) that a ministry might be established in Ojinaga, Mexico. Additionally, we had even started to raise the money and build the relationships necessary to support it.

So I told them, “You’re absolutely right. Ojinaga kids deserve this too, but we are waiting for people who will step up and be leaders in that mission.”

Without missing a beat, Ethan goes, “Well, I’ll do it.”

After that, kid after kid offered up their time and ideas for reaching their neighbors in Ojinaga with the gospel. The average age in that room was 16.

For a long time, we asked God for leaders brave enough to share their faith in Ojinaga. Of course, I had just assumed that they would be adults with impressive ministry resumes. Instead, we got a living room full of young passionate missionaries, whose natural response to God’s grace was simply to go and share it. No border line was discussed. Age was not a limiting factor. The call of God to love one’s neighbor was more real than the boundaries separating them.

Who has God put seemingly “just out of reach” in your life? Who is it that you expect someone else to take care of? Like my young friends in Marfa, please consider asking God, “Are You calling me?”

Photo | Connor Travis BROTHERS IN CHRIST | Working for Young Life, Connor Travis gets to connect with students like sophomore Christian Ontiveros.

TWO POINTS OF VIEW | The land around Marfa, Texas has its own beauty with its high desert landscape.

Photo | Jacqueline Knox

INTO THE UNKNOWN | The Chisos Mountains have the highest elevation in the state and attract visitors from all over the world.

Layout | Gracyn Freiling Photos | Provided Photo | Jacqueline Knox

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