Savage-Leigh Lavisha-ET, VG-89, EX-MS
Regancrest Toystory Benissa-ET, VG-87
TOYSTORY exemplifies profitability through production, fitness, fertility, conformation ‌ and outstanding offspring.
Five-Star Favorite ★★★★★ Since his debut, TOYSTORY has proven to be of the highest caliber. Throughout his career, the genetic evaluations of this five-star favorite have escalated to amazing levels. Omro Toystory 11703
Schmitt Toystory 529
He debuted in November 2005 at +$464 Lifetime Net Merit (LNM) with 99 daughters in 66 herds. His proof, even at that time, caused great excitement around the globe with an attractive linear and conformation numbers like +2.71 PTA Type, +2.92 Udder Composite and +1.89 Foot & Leg Composite. Today, TOYSTORY stands at +$477 LNM with over 7,416 milking daughters in more than 2,949 herds. He has risen to a solid +3.06 PTA Type, +2.98 Udder Composite and +2.11 Foot & Leg Composite with over 1,000 daughters in his conformation evaluation. Over time, he has maintained his positive Productive Life, production numbers have risen to +1689 PTA Milk, +62 Fat, +50 Protein and additional outstanding credentials have shone forth: +1919 TPI™, 7% Sire Calving Ease, +3.4 Sire Conception Rate and +1.5 SynchSmart™. This all-round proof and outstanding linear, backed by the reliability of second crop daughters, confirms TOYSTORY’s superiority.
+$477 Lifetime net Merit PTA Type +3.06 +2.98 Udder Composite +2.11 Foot & Leg Composite (+$464 LNM 11/05)
Dias & Dias Toystory 160
(+2.71 PTAT 11/05)
(+2.92 Udder Comp. 11/05)
(+1.89 Foot & Leg Comp. 11/05) 1HO07235 TOYSTORY 1089 Dtrs. INTERBULL-MACE-Trait Profile -2
Dias & Dias Toystory 705
Receiving Rave Reviews
Short Stature Frail Strength Shallow Body Depth Tight Rib Dairy Form High Pins Rump Angle Narrow Thurl Width Posty Rear Legs-Side Vw. Rear Legs-Rear Vw. Hock-In Low Foot Angle Low Feet & Legs Score Loose Fore Udder Attach. Low Rear Udder Height Narrow Rear Udder Width Weak Udder Cleft Deep Udder Depth Wide Front Teat Place. Wide Rear Teat Place. Short Teat Length -2
Tall Strong Deep Open Rib Sloped Wide Sickle Straight Steep High Strong High Wide Strong Shallow Close Close Long -1
2.6 1.1 1.7 3.0 1.2 1.7 0.2 3.1 1.9 2.2 3.9 3.8 4.7 2.5 2.3 3.1 2.8 0.3
USDA/08-09, HA-USA/08-09, IB-M/USA/08-09, HA-M/USA/08-09, Genex/08-09, unless otherwise indicated.
Over 1 Million Units Produced and Sold!
Achieving Nearly Unimaginable Heights “This amazing bull has surpassed our very lofty expectations,” explains Doug Wilson, Chief Operating Officer, Genex. “He has and is making his mark on the dairy industry throughout the United States and around the world. His impact will not be soon forgotten.” Adding to TOYSTORY’s remarkable impact on the Holstein breed is his extraordinary semen production capability. In April 2009, just shy of his eighth birthday, TOYSTORY produced his one millionth unit of frozen semen. This semen production record was attained just as his second-crop daughters began to enter the milking strings of dairy herds across the world. Three months later, he achieved another major accomplishment as Genex members and customers have purchased one million doses of TOYSTORY semen. Over one million doses produced and sold! This is nearly unimaginable as the last Genex sire to reach such an extraordinary level did so at the age of 13. This illustrious sire is only eight years young.
Starring in the Lead R ole for Profitatbility
TOYSTORY combines type, fitness and productio n into a powerful profit perform ance. His fans give him “two thumbs up” for profi t (PLI £44), type (+2.64), fertility +2 ERCR and calv ing ease. TOYSTORY owe s much of his success to his ama zing cast of leading ladie s.
Casey Toystory #95
£29 per straw
DeGroot Toystory #1677
Omro Toystory #11703
Schmitt Toystory #529
505725 Jenny-Lou Mrshl TOYSTORY-ET *TV KluesnerxToysto ry #322 BW Marshall x VG-89 Patron x VG-86 Luke x Rotate Juggler Inspiration x Roybrook Tempo x Triple Threat
Stärke Schmal Körpertiefe Wenig Milchcharakter Derb Beckenneigung Ansteigend Beckenbreite Schmal Hinterbeinwinkelung Steil Hinterbeinstellung (von hinten) Hackeneng Flach Klauenwinkel Neidrig Fundamentzuchtwert Lose Vordereuter Tief Hintereuterhöhe Schmal Hintereuterbreite Schwach Zentralband Tief Euterboden Weit Strichpl. vorne Weit Strichpl. Hinten Kurz Strichlänge
Breit Viel Scharf Abfallend Breit Gewinkelt Gerade Steil Hoch Fest Hoch Breit Stark Hoch Eng Eng Lang
0.9 1.3 2.3 2.2 1.5 0.8 2.7 0.9 0.9 2.7 2.8 3.4 2.6 2.5 3.5 2.6 0.8
Rel. HA-USA (2-07)
©2007 CRI
84% Rel. USDA, 88%
* $ 45.000… … erzielte ein Toystory Tel: 0808 20 2320 e-mai l: info@bullse Kuhkalb men.comauf dem „Stars of Please contact us for further information or visit www Savage-Leigh Sale” * $ 20.000… …Spitzenpreis auf dem „ New York Spring Sale“ für eine Toystory Tochter *$14.500... De Groot TOYSTORY #1677 De Groot TOYSTORY #869 …zweithöchster Preis für eine 505725 TOYSTORY weitere Toystory auf dem 5/07 HA-USA BEWERTUNG DER KÖRPERMERKMALE -2 -1 0 1 2102 Töchter „New York Spring Sale“ 2.4 Gross Grösse Klein ZW-Interbull Verden 05/2007 +1.716 -0,21 +49 -0,14 +44 RZM 122 Mtyp. 119 Kö. 127 Fund. 111 Euter 135 RZE 138 RZS 108 RZN 106 RZG 131
CRI GENETICS Boakenstiege 18, 48341 Altenberge, Deutschland Telefon 02505-948860 Fax 02505-948890 ©2007 CRI
Receiving Rave Reviews
Crowd-Pleasing Appeal Pictures of outstanding TOYSTORY daughters along with his evaluations for profitability, productivity and improved conformation have impressed herdsmen, dairy producers and dairy judges across the world. In fact, TOYSTORY semen has been purchased by dairy producers in 45 different countries around the globe. From Japan to Mexico and from Brazil to Germany, dairy producers are experiencing the thrill of watching TOYSTORY heifers develop into beautiful mature cows. TOYSTORY’s strong appeal has lead to record numbers of daughter registrations in numerous countries. In Brazil, the Holstein Association recognized TOYSTORY for his popularity. He had the most registered offspring as compared to any other dairy sire. When compared to the next most popular sire, TOYSTORY accounted for 82 percent more registered daughters!
DeGroot TOYSTORY #1677
Se ha Ganado el Resp eto generando Gana ncias Ahora en el 98th percentile (mejor 2%) en Mérito Neto Vitalicio, TOYSTORY combina tipo, estado físico y producción en una performance poderosa y redituable. Con 76 hijas clasificadas, es el líder indisc utido para ganancias y tipo (+2.84 PTAT). ¡ Y es el único toro con más de +3.00 en Compuesto de Ubre que aparece en las listas de los 100 mejores toros en TPI™ y en Mérito Neto Vitalicio $!
Wing TOYSTORY #602
Omro TOYSTORY #11703
Liebenstein TOYSTORY
Kluesner TOYSTORY #322
Over 1 million doses produced! 13
First Australian daughters impress! Proven profitability package
Dias anD Dias TOYs TORY 160
Dias and Dias ToysTory 160
t Check ou E L O C pr,oven genomic-RY son TOYSTO SRF-ZBW ToysTory Louanna, VG-89 “We are really happy with our TOYSTORY daughters. They have soft silky udders with particularly good rear udder height and width. Their temperament is exceptional and they compete really well at milking time. They are clean boned with ample width of muzzle and front end and should develop into long lasting cows” -Mark Dee, CLYDEVALE HOLSTEINS, Cohuna, Victoria
BOS Trading
2/22 Garden Drive, Tullamarine, Victoria 3043 e-mail: Tel: 03 9335 3499 • Fax: 03 9335 4199 Peter van Elzakker • Mobile: 0409 276 972
Stewart Mancer, Northern Victoria and S.A. Tim Weller, Northern Victoria, Riverina NSW Peter van Elzakker, Tasmania Kerrie Harman, Gippsland Mike Huth, Western District SA and Queensland Coleman Baulch, Western District, W.A.
Ph: 0409 003 069 Ph: 0408 126 958 Ph: 0409 276 972 Ph: 0409 000 243 Ph: 0409 555 042 Ph: 0409 012 235 ©2009 CRI
With the addi tion of over 350 mor e daug hter s, this shoW prod ucer -plea sing -sto ppin g, sire stan ds stro ng. rely on toys tory for prod uctio n, impr oved the incre ased conf ormation, stan d out udde rs and fert ilit y you’ ve com phen omen al e to e xpec t from this spot ligh t sire.
Available today fro
m CR I distributors
Cooperative Reso
urces Internation
Shawano, WI (USA) +001 715 526 2141 CRI Europe +44 (0)29 20754715 info@cri-europe.c
al USDA/01-09, HA-USA/
01-09, IB-M/USA
/01-09, HA-M/US A/01-09 ©2009 CRI A1966-01 9
A must use bull! The South Africa Holstein Association deemed TOYSTORY the “Most Popular Bull.” His number of registered daughters for 2008 was almost double that of the next highest bull. Through registry activity within France, TOYSTORY was noted as one of the most heavily used foreign sires. In the United States, TOYSTORY consistently ranks among the top sires for number of new registered daughters in the biweekly calculation by Holstein Association USA.
Second Crop Confirms Superiority TOYSTORY daughters have captivated and enthralled audiences across the world for the past four years. From first-crop daughters, to standout second-crop heifers and now producer pleasing second-crop milking daughters, the intense interest has not strayed. Each new daughter, each new photo and each new addition to TOYSTORY’s proof confirms he is truly a profit-packed sire. “In my 230-cow dairy herd I am currently milking six TOYSTORY daughters. I like them not only because of their very good feet & legs and udders, but also because they are all trouble-free cows that milk a lot and show a good persistency. I think TOYSTORY is the best BW Marshall son and he is a big time improver for udders and feet & legs. Up until now I have not seen any weaknesses. Since the first calved in I started to use him heavily again.” Christian Bielefeld, Berge, Germany
SRF-ZBW Toystory Louana, VG-89, EX-MS
Brook-Corner Toystory Elite, VG-86
“TOYSTORY is one of the best bulls I’ve ever used! I have 60 fresh TOYSTORY heifers and there isn’t a bad one. I’ve used many of the popular sires over the past 30 years and I haven’t seen any sire with such a consistent group of daughters. You get a combination of both style and milk with TOYSTORY. He’s the full package!” Richard Dias, Dias & Dias Dairy, California “We are really pleased with our TOYSTORY daughters. They have great appetites. We like their dairyness and they milk extremely well. They will be our top two-year-olds this year!” Jimmy Perreault, Ferme Vieux Sale, Canada
Bocaina Zaira Sara Toystory
“TOYSTORY is good at getting cows in calf. We had a good conception rate. The calves are good drinkers and thrive well. Our bulling heifers look good – sharp and very dairy type.” Derrick Calvert, United Kingdom Caresse, VG-85-FRA
“We are really happy with our TOYSTORY daughters. They have soft silky udders with particularly good rear udder height and width. Their temperament is exceptional and they compete really well at milking time. They are clean boned with ample width of muzzle and front end and should develop into lasting cows.” Mark Dee, Clydevale Holsteins, Cohuna, Australia “I was looking through my nine to 10 month old heifers and the TOYSTORY heifers stood out. They were tall and strong and looked like the type of heifers I wanted to breed.” Seymour Currie, Joyce’s Dairy, South Africa “Without doubt, TOYSTORY has been on this farm. From two months of age, their type shows well above other calves. They are exceptionally bright from the minute they are born. They seem to get going from day one. I am very excited about the prospect of these animals.” Richard Pike, New House Farm, United Kingdom
SL Toystory Nana 8, VG-87-GER
OCD Toystory Patrice-ET, VG-97
“Our TOYSTORY daughters have nice udders, well-attached fore and rear with a nice balance. They show dairy strength through the front end, displaying openness of rib and outstanding dairy character through the head and neck.” Bill Peck, Jr., Welcome Stock Farm, New York Louiselle Toystory Esperance, VG-86-CAN
Around the Ring TOYSTORY daughters drew much attention at the August 2009 International Intrigue Sale held at MilkSource Genetics in Kaukauna, Wis. The second high seller of the day was TOYSTORY daughter Savage-Leigh Lavisha-ET, VG-89, EX-MS (pictured at right). She sold for an astounding $340,000. Another daughter, Regancrest TS Benshae-ET, VG-87, sold for $196,000 and BKB TOYSTORY Adeline-ET went for $15,500. Ms Champagnes TOY Chanel-ET received a 2008 All-American nomination as a spring heifer calf. She was named Honorable Mention All-American after placing third at the International Holstein Show. The June 2009 Morningview Sale in Durango, Iowa, drew a crowd of Holstein enthusiasts. The sale excitement heightened as Lot 1, Morningview Tstory Amaya-ET, VG-87, EX-MS, stepped into the ring. As the sale’s high seller, Amaya sold for a stunning $75,000. This daughter of Oman Annette VG-87, sold with multiple embryo and A.I. contracts.
Savage-Leigh Lavisha-ET, VG-89, EX-MS
Regancrest TS Benshae-ET, VG-87
Back in October 2007, TOYSTORY heifer calf Ernest-Anthony Amaretto-ET brought the second high selling price ($71,000) at the World Classic Sale. Now at 2-06, Amaretto has scored VG-88 with an EX mammary system. This dynamic TOYSTORY daughter is out of the two-time Reserve All-American EK-Oseeana Ambrosia-ET, EX-92.
Ms Champagnes Toy Chanel-ET
Morningview Tstory Amaya-ET, VG-87, EX-MS
Now VG-88, EX-MS
Ernest Anthony Amaretto-ET
Like Father, Like Son Globally, TOYSTORY has been one of the most heavily used siresof-sons. Through cutting-edge genomic technology, producers around the globe are able to capture the value of exciting new TOYSTORY progeny more quickly. The first TOYSTORY son to be released was 1HO02571 Co-op Toystory COLE-ET *TV. Two-yearold COLE was released in April and proved to offer the same traits his father was known for. This fall, 1HO09928 Co-op Toystory CORY and 1HO09673 Berksons Toy MONTAna CRI-ET joined the ranks of active sires. Just like their half brother, they too offer profitability.
Like TOYSTORY, COLE, MONTA, and CORY combine type, fitness and
1HO09673 Berksons Toy MONTAna -ET *TV
TOYSTORY X LYNCH X ONWARD Birth Date 03/26/07 • USA Reg. 63285306
2-11 2x 305d 30,020m 3.7 1107f 3.0 906p lbs. aAa 351 1HO09673 MONTA DMS 561135 HA-Trait Profile -2
Short Stature Frail Strength Shallow Body Depth Tight Rib Dairy Form High Pins Rump Angle Narrow Thurl Width Posty Rear Legs-Side Vw. Rear Legs-Rear Vw. Hock-In Low Foot Angle Low Feet & Legs Score Loose Fore Udder Attach. Low Rear Udder Height Narrow Rear Udder Width Weak Udder Cleft Deep Udder Depth Wide Front Teat Place. Wide Rear Teat Place. Short Teat Length -2
Tall Strong Deep Open Rib Sloped Wide Sickle Straight Steep High Strong High Wide Strong Shallow Close Close Long -1
1.5 1.7 1.5 1.2 1.2 1.7 1.4 2.9 2.1 2.2 4.3 2.5 2.5 2.3 2.5 3.2 2.6 1.2
USDA PTA 08-2009 +$615 97% ile Net Merit +$640 67%Rel Cheese Merit +$571 Fluid Merit G Herds G Daughters +997 71%Rel Milk +59 +0.09% Fat +42 +0.05% Protein +4.4 SCS +2.83 Prod. Life HA-USA PTA 08-2009 +2.66 68%Rel Type +2.67 Udder Comp. +2.03 Feet & Legs Comp. +2017 TPI™ 6% 73%Rel Sire Calving Ease 64%Rel Dau. Calving Ease 5% 6.8% 56%Rel Sire Stillbirth 7.4% 55%Rel Dau. Stillbirth FERTILITY USDA, CRI 4/2009 73%Rel Sire Fertility (SCR) +2.2 60%Rel Dau. Pregnancy Rate +2.0 NA SynchSmart™
USDA PTA 08-2009 +$718 99% ile Net Merit +$711 70%Rel Cheese Merit +$722 Fluid Merit G Herds G Daughters Birth Date 10/22/07 • USA Reg. 64541632 +2290 74%Rel Milk +83 +0.00% Fat Sire JENNY-LOU MRSHL TOYSTORY-ET Dam CO-OP SHOTTLE CREIGHTON-ET, GP-84, VG-MS, DOM +67 +0.00% Protein 2-00 3x 276d 25,130m 4.2 1059f 3.0 760p lbs +4.0 SCS +2.63 Prod. Life aAa 312 1HO09928 CORY DMS 123234 HA-USA PTA 08-2009 +3.36 70%Rel Type HA-Trait Profile +3.14 Udder Comp. -2 -1 0 1 2 3.2 Tall Short Stature +2.34 Feet & Legs Comp. Strong Frail Strength 2.2 Deep Shallow Body Depth 2.2 +2223 TPI™ Open Rib 2.4 Tight Rib Dairy Form Sloped High Pins Rump Angle 1.2 9% 66%Rel Sire Calving Ease Wide Narrow Thurl Width 2.8 Sickle Posty Rear Legs-Side Vw. 0.2 7% 61%Rel Dau. Calving Ease Straight Rear Legs-Rear Vw. Hock-In 2.7 8.5% 56%Rel 2.8 Steep Low Foot Angle Sire Stillbirth High Low Feet & Legs Score 2.3 6.7% 56%Rel 3.8 Strong Loose Fore Udder Attach. Dau. Stillbirth 4.5 High Low Rear Udder Height FERTILITY USDA, CRI 4/2009 4.3 Wide Narrow Rear Udder Width Strong Weak Udder Cleft 3.4 75%Rel Sire Fertility (SCR) +1.2 Shallow 2.3 Deep Udder Depth 3.2 Close Wide Front Teat Place. -0.3 62%Rel Dau. Pregnancy Rate Close 3.0 Wide Rear Teat Place. Long Short Teat Length 1.8 SynchSmart™ -2 -1 0 1 2
1HO09928 Co-op Toystory CORY *TV
production into a powerful
1H0O2571 Co-op Toystory Cole -ET *TV
profit performance.
Birth Date 08/19/07 • USA Reg. 64631968
2-00 3x 305d 26,520m 5.2 1383f 3.4 913p lbs. aAa 231 1HO02571 COLE DMS NA 0 Dtrs. HA-Trait Profile -2
Short Stature Frail Strength Shallow Body Depth Tight Rib Dairy Form High Pins Rump Angle Narrow Thurl Width Posty Rear Legs-Side Vw. Rear Legs-Rear Vw. Hock-In Low Foot Angle Low Feet & Legs Score Loose Fore Udder Attach. Low Rear Udder Height Narrow Rear Udder Width Weak Udder Cleft Deep Udder Depth Wide Front Teat Place. Wide Rear Teat Place. Short Teat Length -2
Tall Strong Deep Open Rib Sloped Wide Sickle Straight Steep High Strong High Wide Strong Shallow Close Close Long -1
2.6 1.7 2.4 3.5 0.4 2.4 0.3 4.3 3.5 3.1 3.0 3.7 3.5 2.8 1.9 3.4 3.8 1.5
USDA PTA 08-2009 +$776 99% ile Net Merit +$816 74%Rel Cheese Merit +$708 Fluid Merit G Herds G Daughters +1502 78%Rel Milk +113 +0.22% Fat +64 +0.07% Protein +3.2 SCS +2.79 Prod. Life HA-USA PTA 08-2009 +3.28 70%Rel Type +2.53 Udder Comp. +3.16 Feet & Legs Comp. +2237 TPI™ 7% 70%Rel Sire Calving Ease 65%Rel Dau. Calving Ease 6% 6.1% 60%Rel Sire Stillbirth 5.9% 60%Rel Dau. Stillbirth FERTILITY USDA, CRI 4/2009 79%Rel Sire Fertility (SCR) +2.8 66%Rel Dau. Pregnancy Rate -0.2 SynchSmart™
…a five star favorite …an international sensation …the world’s most complete sire
Lindenright Toystory Destiny, VG-85-CAN
Morningview Toystory Ashley-ET, VG-85
©2009 CRI