Horizons, Dairy Edition

Page 3

Adapting and Growing

for the Future By Huub te Plate, Chief Executive Officer

The past months have been the most unique period in

your family members and employees. Effective

global changes since 9-11. The worldwide pandemic

communication keeps all of us in the right state of

brought the economy and many supply chains to their

mind while the world around us is going 100 mph in

knees. Milk futures have never seen such fluctuations in

many directions.

a matter of months, changing from absolute disastrous prices to levels that allow producers to make a living.

And now at GENEX, we are using the pandemic

Beef supply chains have never experienced the recent

as an opportunity to make permanent changes

price variations from ranch to consumer plates. Right

in how we work. We have learned electronic

now, risk mitigation tools are as important as they have

communications can be as effective as in person. While

ever been. You will do yourself – and your family – a

face-to-face meetings are still “the cat’s meow” in

service by looking into these programs.

relationship building, we are stepping up our game in

At GENEX, as the pandemic spread, we decided

electronic communication.

continued service and supply of product was key for

Winston Churchill once said, “Never let a good crisis

short- and long-term member satisfaction. In fact, we

go to waste.” We are taking that quote to heart to

knew we had to step up and continue forward until the hay was in the barn! We showcased our farmers’ spirit; nobody outworks us, and we do what we say. At the same time, keeping our employees safe was also a top priority. The well-being of our employees and continued service to our members and customers was – and is – of utmost importance. We have also increased communications to keep everyone informed and motivated. We have held numerous calls via Zoom and Microsoft Teams, recorded video messages and held webinars. Too many to mention.

make permanent improvements in our cooperative business model. We expect these changes will not only contribute to the success of your reproduction and genetic programs but will also enhance your interactions with your cooperative. The governance changes you will read about on the following page started well before the pandemic. Your directors have done an outstanding job putting together a modern cooperative ready to engage the next generation of producers. We will be using the COVID-19 era to fast-track using modern electronic means to communicate with members, delegates and directors.

In my mind, communication rivals health and safety

The result will be accelerating the modernization of the

for the number 1 spot in this crisis. You cannot

cooperative. We are here to serve you and take on the

overcommunicate. This is also true for you with

future, whatever that will be. 




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