Design Studio in Iberian Peninsula

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A series of Plays In Iberian Peninsula


2022 Spring Studio: CAFA in IBERIA (Portugal and Spain) Instructors: Tagiuri Peter, He Keren, Wu Xiaohan

CONTENTS Assignment 1: Reading the regions of Spain & Portugal Assignment 2: Forensic drawings Assignment 3: Scientific autobiographies of architects Assignment 4: Walk to world’s end,the outbuilding on the pilgrim’s route Assignment 5: Pavilions for the Alhambra

Assignment 1 Reading the regions of Spain & Portugal

Madeira Green like Spring

The airport of "Madella", adjacent to the cliff, is one of the few most difficult airports in the world to land.

a volcanic island last erupted about 400,000 years ago.

• Funchal : a 17th-century city painting The capital of Madeira is Funchal, which is located on the main island's south coast. This kind of beauty has been lost in the 20th century and is almost invisible.

In the city of “ Funchal ”, I met several very interesting things:

• Location: Madeira, is one of the two autonomous regions of Portugal, the other being the Azores. It is an archipelago situated in the North Atlantic Ocean. Its total population was estimated in 2021 at 251,060.


The old man who sticks to the tradition Once I had already selected an angel statue in a store.The owner of store,an old man saw it, went to get three of the same angels and packed together and give me.

"I just need one” "No, four together." "One is fine." "If you don't buy the whole set, you won't have to talk!"

clay sculptures decorate the roof 4 corners for one set

"This is not traditional, and it has never been sold individually.Then he walked away and left me in the store.

Madeira has many different bioclimates. The islands are strongly influenced by the Gulf Stream and Canary Current, giving it mild to warm year-round temperatures

Pine branch roast

Funchal sells Portuguese food, which is very delicious. I tried it in a small restaurant one by one, and would never repeat it.

"Five bunches of roasts," "A bunch.”

“Eat by yourself?” “yes.”

“One punch?“ “Five.”I answered.

One day, when I saw barbecue on the menu, and I wanted to eat it.


120cm long

Residents of deep mountain villages who ignore tourists

After a long time waiting, and then I saw the waiter walk out of the kitchen with both hands raised, like surrendering on his head, that smoking roast was like a brown broom. the length was about 120cm, nearly closed to a kid’s height.

Three hundred kilometers of flowers

The car drove more than 300 kilometers, and the flowers always followed. them were not wild, but planted by all residents with the government‘s beautification plan. in ten years, they created a miracle.

Kind tour guide scolded tourists for picking flowers He was always kind and polite, and his face suddenly flushed red, looks like a lion, and walked over to the two ladies, he picked up the microphone and started humiliating them in front of the whole car, everyone was horrified.

In the deep mountains of the island, a small village called "Santana" still maintains the style of ancestral immigrant houses. The thatch covers the sloping roof, which slopes to the ground. The walls are made of wood. There are windows, chimneys, and small narrow doors.

There are small flowers blooming on the thatched roof, fluttering in the wind, leisurely, if the little girl picking beans in the field has green vegetables on her head, I would not think it’s strange.

Flowering roof & bean picking girl with greens on her head


Body & Soul • The Body Nowadays, many people are amazed by the advanced urban design concept after learning about Barcelona. But people living in that era may not realize how lucky they are to have enjoyed the ideal city in the eyes of people a hundred years later.

Ildefons Cerdà

He wants the city to be smooth that residents can have the sam household has good ventilation

The picture above shows the Gothic quarter of the old town of Barcelona (El Gothic)

More than 200 years ago, the population explosion made this ancient city unbearable. Narrow streets, dirty and poor community hygiene, and unshared urban resources make the city need an "emergency." In 1854, the walls of the old city were demolished in that year, and the expansion and renewal of the city had become imperative.

However, taking this as a foundation, he innovated and conceived his own unique "checkerboard format" urban planning.

After five years of research by Zelda, he found that both the original Indus Valley Civilization and the Spring and Autumn and Warring States Periods in China all had the concept of urban grid layout.

· The Birth of the Octagon block·

h and free from congestion, that tourists won’t get lost, me resources and the same convenience, and that every n and lighting.

Therefore, he divided the city into "blocks" of almost the same size (units of 133m x 133m), with a 20-meter-wide common road between the "blocks" and two 50-meterwide diagonal lines. direction avenue.

The avenues divide blocks neatly so that at each intersection an octagon appears, making room for the narrow avenues to turn around.

In addition, in order not to affect the driving of the vehicle, Zelda will also make a 45° chamfering angle for the "square unit".

Example:the largest urban area in Barcelona, was formed under such circumstances. Blowout construction continued until 1885, during which time Barça's population tripled.

In 2014, Barcelona launched an initiative called superblocks. Divide the city into small fortresses in the form of small nine palaces, and reduce the number of motor vehicles inside the fortresses.

Can you imagine not having to avoid vehicles on the sidewalk?

Nowadays Eixample still inevitably changed.

Barcelona has never forgotten the spirit of Cerdà. Taking advantage of the opportunity of the 1992 Olympic Games, another round of urban renewal began, and the reconstruction and expansion targets were mainly concentrated in the coastal areas.

The depth of the building reaches 35 meters, beyond the 24-meter limit set by Cerdà, and people have to use the building's narrow patios and skylights for light and ventilation. Within the grand façade and regular plan,the chaotic interior creates an interesting contrast that reminds us of the city's past and present.

This time, the blocks of the Olympic Village adopt the classic Cerdàstyle octagon, regardless of whether the layout is neat or cluttered. The depth of the three typical residential areas is greatly reduced. The center of the octagon is a vast green space and a square. It is finally realized. Cerdà's original design.

· Gaudí is a “mad"!

Body & Soul

Gaudí aspired to become an architect from an early age. But when it comes to construction, he doesn't want to follow the rules of the architects of that era, he wants to build something like nature.

• The Soul

Antonio Gaudi

This lunatic gave the city fresh life

“why does a bird have wings to fly, but a duck can‘t?” Only a madman would try to describe what does not exist in the world!

“Why did the construction start but the drawings were not seen? Why no budget? Why is there no design plan?”

· No budget, no design drawings · As for those question, he could only take out the crumpled piece of paper in his pocket and say, "This is my apartment design plan!"

The entire design avoids straight lines and planes, but is downright abstract and organic, looking a bit like a piece of melting cheese from a distance. 1906,Casa


Sagrada Familia

Park Guell

· It is such a silly and crazy Gaudí who has built one amazing world building after another for Barcelona. For example, the Sagrada Familia, which has been under construction since 1882 and has not been completed since then.

From a distance, Gur Park looks like a children's paradise, very healing, just like sometimes seeing a delicate cake with a charming color in a dessert shop, I think Gaudi must have a child hidden in his heart.

the Vincent House

The use of a lot of clear lines, bold color schemes, and a magical atmosphere make it extremely prominent in the city, and at the same time very representative.

Fish drying rack The Kuskokwim River originates on the western slo pe of the Alaska Range and drains into the Bering Sea at the YukonKuskokwim delta. Extending for 724 miles, it is the second largest river in Alaska.

In Alaska

Assignment 2 Forensic drawings

Bethel (Central Yupik: Mamterilleq) i s a city in Bethel Census Area, Alaska , United States. It is the largest com munity on the Kuskokwim River.

Drying rack near Bethel,Alaska on the Kuskokwim River, used in 2018

Scene 1: Fishing restriction “Catch 100 fish today ! Otherwise we have to wait for the next brief window…”

Scene 4: The fish

“Yes,long time waiting for it, a humid day.” "Oh, my dear, you should go and have

In recent years, restrictions aimed at conserving king salmon have changed how people fish. Fishery managers have restricted subsistence salmon fishing to brief windows, 6 to 24 hours long, as the kings pass through the lower and middle river.

Scene 2: Cut the fish “ Dad, I want to see how you cut the fish.” “ Ok.Cut first from the head of the fish, then cut it from the back of the side, but don‘t cut it off..."

“ oops, I cut it off! " “…Fine, it doesn't matter, we can make dinner with it."

"Dad, what can we do? The fish we worked so hard to dry will be ruined."

Last summer, stories of spoiled f the Kuskokwim River. The rain se the flies relentless. Families lost fishing openings to rot and magg

Scene 3: Hanging the fish “We hang so many fishes. Will bears come to steal it at night?"

"Son, it's a bit high. You hand me the fish below, and I'll hang it."

"It's possible. But don't be afraid, we have pistols and bear spray, and we will spray the bears when they come."

Scene 5: Find the problem •


Hello,I’m Moses,

a federal fishery biologist. The fishermen put mosquito nets on the fish racks, but the ventilation is very poor, allowing only 5% to 15% of the air.

a look.”

Is there a material that allow more air to flow into?

fish traveled along eemed constant and catches from entire gots.

I looked around and finally found the answer on a visit to one of my orchard dudes.

"Oh, hey guys, long time no see, I want to ask you what kind of mosquito repellant do you use on your farm?

The difference is that the webbing is woven into triangles, rather than squares, and the design allows 85 percent or more of the air to flow through it. It’s also made from PVC and highly durable.

Scene 6: Change the net I gave this insect net to the residents of the river for free, and it's not bad, 15 families have accepted the trial, let's see how it works.

PS: Alaska has a lot of wild Bears & Bear Sprays

“Thank you so much! This net is really useful, This is the first time there’s no flies on the backbones of my salmon.”

"No more birds can come in and peck at my fish."

Assignment 3 Scientific autobiographies of architects

Enric Miralles Thinking Method


of Designing

Carme Pinós

I'm Enric Miralles, a Spanish architect. Born in Barcelona in 1955, a beautiful seaside city, growing up in a city full of Gaudí's architectural masterpieces gave me the inspiration and motivation to become an architect. I graduated from the Barcelona School of Architecture in 1978 and 5 years later received my PhD from Columbia University. For the next 7 years, I worked on architecture with Carme Pinós, who graduated from the same school as me, we worked and lived together. Carme Pinós is a hard-working and talented architect,through our working together we built our early successful works, broke into a career in architecture, until we parted ways in 1993, and then we established our own offices separately. I started EMBT with Benedetta Tagliabue, Carme Pinós founded Estudio Carme Pinos, and went further and further down the road of architecture. In the following pages, I will introduce our thinking method of designing buildings from several of our building projects.

we envisioned a new type of cemetery, starting to take into account those who were buried and the families that still exist.

1.Abstract concept

We conceptualize the poetry of the cemetery, allowing visitors to begin to understand and embrace the cycle of life as a link between past, present and future. We understand it as a "city of the dead", where the dead and the living are more closely connected in spirit.

Igualada Cemetery

“Compared with traditional design concepts, I prefer to seek abstract concepts as the source of design. Even if you don't know the details of the project, you should be able to describe the entire project."

Thinking Method Of Designing

2. Generate lines “Too many lines waiting to be discovered, some of which are so long that they fill the corners of the project."

“contour line”

“the flow of people” Olympic Archery Range,1991

Olympic Archery Range,1991.Plan It used to be a crowded sports park for rugby and football fields. The design added two new archery facilities to the complex - a competition hall and a training hall. The two buildings are visually distinct but brought together through a common design process that carefully considered the location of the buildings in the landscape. Neither follows a rationally ordered program or tectonic system, and the plan stems from extrapolation of the existing topographical contours, taking into account the planning needs for sports facilities and changing rooms.

This is a type of collage that I often use, stitching together various design elements with the photos of the site, so as to analyze and compare the on-the-spot effect of the design elements. Through this method, I can constantly break through the mindset, like a dry sponge, to absorb a lot of fresh ideas into the existing program system.

3. Collage

cut-out on a service sheet Igualada cemetery (1992)

"My work method is closely related to the idea of distraction. Once the problem is identified, the next thing to do is to forget the ultimate purpose of what you are doing... This means Every time you redesign, you build on the original."

4. Interacting with the base scene “It's similar to an archaeological excavation. The design should use the existing ruins at the site to create a document about the site and investigate the characteristics of the site at different times.”

”It's like rummaging in the pockets of old clothes and then putting What is found is rearranged on a clean surface."

Igualada Cemetery, is an earthworks that is integrated with the landscape, the cemetery was designed by us as a layered landscape that unfolds into the landscape as a continuous and fluid progression, embedded in the Catalan Rhonia hills, as if it were a natural feature of the land.

The design scheme should be integrated with the complex surrounding environment, and if the environment changes, the building should be constantly revised and improved. The base is not just a material presentation, it is the accumulation result of the state that changes over time, including geography and hydrology, people's collective memory about it, the spirit of the site, and so on.

Conceptualized as the River of Life, the windy path flows from an open field in the Catalan Hills to a secluded memorial space dug below the horizon. The loop through the cemetery follows a more parade effect, focusing less on the organization of the cemetery and more on the experience.

· 10 corten steel poles · concrete "loculi"

· the River of Life

an earthworks that is integrated with the landscape

We carved a series of walkways underground, and the entire cemetery is buried in it.

5. Generation: Structure, Material and Repetition. Structure – even if overly complex – formed an integral part of a design project's point of departure, as opposed to an afterthought left to consultants.

When you master ability of this aspect, you can be less tied to technology and can shape some a more free and open form, and the form itself has structural significance.

prefabricated modular wall system

In terms of materials, I mostly use steel and concrete. I believe that the characteristics of a material should be maximized, such as the flexibility of steel

for free bending and the plasticity of concrete.

Scottish Parliament Building

Of course, I do not exclude the use of various materials, such as piecing together wood, glass and ceramic pieces to form complex shapes.

Assignment 4 Walk to world’s end

The outbuilding on the pilgrim’s route

End of the Feast,

My Location on the Pilgrims’ Route

Santiago de Compostela the destination of the Way of St. James, a leading Catholic pilgrimage route since the 9th century.

Beginning of the

Final Journey.

Route from Santiago to Finisterre,

the end of Feast.

Final Journey The Feast day of

Westernmost extent Destination of a pagan pilgrimage

Saint James July 25 The city virtually explodes with activity for several days previous, culminating in a great spectacle in the plaza in front of the cathedral on the eve of the feast day.

During all this time, the city is alive with fireworks, parades of gigantes and cabezudos (giant puppets), plays, people running around in costumes, and every kind of music imaginable, including Spanish Celtic folk music…

“The trip is not really complete, in my opinion, without the final three-day journey on foot to Finisterre…”

Route from Santiago to Finisterre,

the end of Feast.

Porto School of Architecture Alvaro Siza

Route from Santiago to Finisterre,

the end of Feast. There will be a sloping roof hut, lovely and suitable to have personal space for 4 guests. The hut has sloping foundations and piles driven into the ground. The foundation forms a cavity where animals can be raised. The next is a dining room for 13 people with a high space, a dining experience like in a cathedral. Caretakers room is on the side of it.The roof is covered with red tiles, a tradition of the surrounding Spanish architecture. The walls are made of bricks, a common local material. The outside is covered with wooden boards for a natural effect.


Meditation house

Dinning house

mild to warm and somewhat dry summers, usually below 35°C

Temperate oceanic climate, Outdoors


mild, wet winters. Outdoors 👈




prevailing winds from the Atlantic and the surrounding mountains

Spain's highest rainfall about 1,800 mm annually Frosts: month 12, 1, 2 , just 13 days per year Snow: 2-3 snowy days per year


👁 My Site height:221.6m

Outdoor Theater

←up down↓

Symbol of the hill way Theater for the village

Santiago de Compostela Cathedral

Section A-A

During the day, the pilgrims pack their bags early in the morning, eat a simple breakfast in the restaurant, and say goodbye in the theater then go on their final journey. Passing pilgrims see the tower on the hill and climb up to take a look over the cathedral. Then they will go into the meditation room and sit for a while. Sometimes villagers would sit and chat in the theater.

At night, pilgrims from all over the world climbed the hillside to get here, the theater was lit up, everyone was on the open-air steps, and they exchanged their different life and travel experiences with each other. Some people danced around in the center. There are occasional small stage plays performed here. Tired pilgrims sat around the restaurant eating, drinking and toasting, which was very lively.

Section B-B


• Islam

Muslims are required to worship five times a day. Direction towards Mecca, the holy city

Mosque of Alhambra was demolished in 1576

Muslim Worship

Purification before worship

Assignment 5 Pavilions for the Alhambra • Christianity The basic religious image of the Mass rite is a rational combination of gestures, words, vestments, songs, sacraments and offerings

Church of Santa Maria de la Alhambra

Christian Worship


Decoration Concept Geometric, Plant, Inscription Carving.

Beauty and cruelty The Lion's Court Bloody Case, 36 people died

Dense or Blank : Comparing to Chinese art

Combine Oriental arts with Western arts Roman columns Byzantine craftsmen Persian stonemasons

Muqarnas and Dome in the Hall of Ambassadors at the Alhambra.

Eid al-Fitr, break their fast at the end of the month of Ramadan

Ceremony Saint John‘s Day, Lighting bonfires and setting off fireworks on the evening of June 23.

( to eat the first meal of the day after a night of not eating) The Night of Destiny, do collective supplications in mosques or their own house the whole night Layla al-qadr, Muslims seek to increase their good deeds, including giving charity Related architecture:Mexuar introduced

+absorbed by

Christmas Day, the Nativity of Jesus


The famous celebration of the mawlid In 1362 during the Sultanate of Muhammad V


Mawlid : The celebration of the prophet Muhammad’s birth

The Great M osque

Story Islamic & Christian aesthetics

Demolished Mosque

These interventions in the Nasrid palace area culminated with the construction of the great Renaissance palace, between the years 1528 and 1537, designed by the architect Machuca. The Great Mosque (which had already been 'blessed' a Christian church in times of Isabella the Catholic) was demolished in 1576 and the church of Santa Maria de la Alhambra was built on its site, during the rule of King Philip III.

“Beautiful Mosque loved it hope it gets back to its origin as a mosque” “I’m a Muslim but I visited the church ⛪, it’s nice, authentic, and artistic building. Take a look there LOCATED IN GRANADA, ALHAMBRA 📍”

Remaining space And my site is just located on the site of the demolished mosque. Right now, this space is seen as a residual space between two western monuments, the palace, and the church. What my design to do is sanctifying it, suggesting that it has a much more layered life with oriental culture of Islam.

The church of Santa Maria The great Renaissance palace

Change of dynasties, change of beliefs Left a monument on the ruins, a memorial to the past. Looking inward is the palace of Moorish, “The abode of beauty... as if it had been inhabited but yesterday.” The war was raging, guards under the city had attacked Elegance and glory were the fleeting past. Don’t bring regret, don’t bring hatred That’s the nature that cultures rise and decrease. In the space between the Renaissance and Christianity, through the past of the mosque, we reach the present of the Maria church.

“Fragment of a floor plan drawn up by Juan de Orea around 1580 with the location of the Alhambra‘s new church and the site of the mosque, the latter drawn by Juan de Herrera. “

From this Archaeological Map we can find the existence of Relics. But it is a pity that the ruins of the former mosque can no longer be seen in this place. Even if people arrive here, they will not realize that there was such a magnificent mosque here.

“…it was possible to determine the original perimeter of the mosque: towards the exterior of the church, jutting up from the ground was a third of what must have been the building, with the qibla wall and the base of the mihrab. According to this document, the southern side of the former mosque ran parallel to Calle Real, today bordered by a parapet that covers the difference between the level of the street and the parcel of l and on which church is located .”

This Palimpsest nicely shows the relationship between the ruins and the existing buildings. What it reminds me is how to presents the effect of palimpsest visible in reality.

Invisible Mosque Will there be a celebration of the old mosque? Not because we looked at it like tourists, but because we were able to discover its spirituality again, even when it was not physically there. How about Making an outdoor mosque? a mosque without a roof. when there's a really big gathering, the mosque won't hold all the people, there's still the possibility of praying. Relics footprint

Plan is based on the archaeological map, mean to not disturb the existed church.

With transparent barbed wire I make 2D footprint into 3D volume making visible the invisible. The ruin comes back to life in different ways. Plan

3 Artifacts in the day STUCCO

Ablution Muslim washing their hands, feet, etc.

Mosque Fragments Mihrab Each mosque has a wall facing Mecca with a niche carved into it called "Mecca". That is the door to heaven.

Prayer rugs Prayer rugs: People would kneel on blankets for worship.

Everything suspends on the ground and doesn’t adjacent to the wall.

Castelvecchio Museum By Carlo Scarpa

As one archaeologist said, I need a minimum of objects or fragments to reveal a cultural phenomenon, to tell the story of a cultural practice. In the daytime, we see only these three things. A place of ablution, a surface to kneel on, a wall to pray. It's like finding these three artifacts, but not knowing what story to tell.


In the day time, sometimes time passes through it and sometimes you can't see it. Beautiful shadow changes through the time passing.



Nasrid Architectural Glass

The stained glass bricks and native clay serve as a tactile and visual reminder of Islamic culture. The windows of the houses and palaces of the Alhambra are usually decorated with glass. The only surviving examples from this period that remain are those in the ceiling of the Balcony in the palace of the Lions.

Ghost of returns Ephemeral during the day, have substance at night, shining in a theatrical moment.


Lights tell the story at night. At night, of the mosque, return at night. The

the mosque at night.

the volume surrounded by light becomes larger. The return of the mosque, the spirit of the mosque, the ghost magic of the light in the dark gives the minaret its conjuring power, drawing people from all sides to it.

Screen at night These are not self-supporting structures, but are actually tension structures that you can pull into place at night. They depend on connecting to adjacent structures. The structure is strained against the neighboring buildings.

Relationship between wall and existing building: It permit passage, door opening for observation, and its silhouette overlapping.

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