Brochure Project Objective: Students will create a tri-fold brochure to review the terms, definitions procedures, and /or formulas for a chapter review. Process: Students will choose 10 or more concepts from a chapter. They will decide on a “theme� for their brochure. The brochure must include a cover page, with the major concepts, including illustrations and definitions, where applicable, on the inside of the brochure. A summary of why these concepts are important to this chapter of study is to be located on the back page of the brochure. Rubrics: Front cover: 10 points Concepts Definitions*: 30 points Illustrations: 30 points Summary: 10 points Creativity: 10 points Theme: 10 points I advise you to do a mock brochure first and let someone critique it before you turn in your finished product. *This may also include formulas.