Speaker’s name
Title of talk
Genetics & Ireland’s early population
Gianpiero Cavallieri, RCSI
The Irish DNA Atlas
Tues 4
Ned Kelly, NMI
Secrets of the Bog bodies
Thurs 6
Paul McCotter, NUI Cork
Irish Surnames, a family heirloom.
Tues 11
Irish surnames
Maps and the Irish landscape
Bruce Durie, U. Strathclyde
Heraldry: obscure mediaeval mumbojumbo, or valid genealogical technique?
Kevin Whelan, Notre Dame
Using maps for thinking about history. An Illustrated talk
Thurs 13 Aug.
Tues 18
Thurs 20
Industrial & Design heritage
The fighting Irish: the military origins of the Irish disaspora
Andy Bielenberg, PhD
Social geography: ‘Was there a Protestant exodus from the south of Ireland 1919-1923’?
Rob Goodbody
What industrial heritage?
Tues 25th
Eve Parnell NIVAL
Archives to be explored in the National Irish Visual Arts Library
Thurs 27th Aug.
David Edwards NUI Cork
The Tudor Conquest of Ireland: Untold stories
Tues 1st September
Padraig Lenihan NUI Galway
The Irish in European warfare 17C; military origins of diaspora
Thurs 3rd September
Local History
Ray Gillespie NUI Maynooth
The house on Bunion Hill: an Irish Census project
Tues 8 September
Getting Started in Local History
Thursday 10th Sept.
Jayne Shrimpton
Dating and Understanding Family Photographs
Tues 15 September
Charles Benson Fellow T.C.D.
Primrose Pretty-face in Galway. Children’s literature, and the spread of the English language in 19th C. Ireland.
Thurs 17 September
Paul Rouse N.U.I. Dublin
Sport and the everyday in Ireland
Tues 22 September
To be confirmed
Family history and its’ role in Irish culture
Thurs 24 September
Seamus Ó Maitiú
The Printed Page
Popular pastimes