6 minute read
Ringing in the New Year


Ringing in the New Year
Written by Justin Gaynor
Launching into a new year is always exciting. New Year’s festivities range from quiet evenings at home with family, to lavish, some may say, excessive, celebrations. All around the world this moment of new beginnings stirs up gratitude for the previous twelve months and all that has been accomplished as well as hope for an even more eventful and prosperous future. With such an event, some may be wondering, what on earth am I supposed to wear?

Well, if you’re just kicking it with the crew at home there are some very comfy options that will still help capture the season and add to the experience for you and your loved ones.
If you will be attending something a little more formal, and you are single, let us not forget that “every girl loves a sharp dressed man”; however, we also know that “girl’s just wanna have fun”, and that is rarely as true as it is on New Year’s Eve. So, something that is memorable, and somewhat whimsical may be in order. Just make sure that your wit and charm can keep up with your outfit.

For the more casual celebration at your favorite local pub, with friends and neighbors that are all relatively well known, normal attire with some fun accessories from your local party store may be your best bet. Just make sure you bring extra to make your local crew feel more involved and connected.

Above all things though, please be aware that the level of alcohol consumption and foolishness is typically increased. Have a designated driver if you plan on enjoying adult beverages. Have a backup plan in case your DD has a failure of vocation… that is to say, make sure you already have the Uber or Lyft app installed on your phone, and the number of a local cab company stored as well.
We at Gentleman’s Purpose want to wish everyone, a happy, prosperous New Year!


Prosperity is Promised to the Wise and Righteous
Written by Justin Gaynor
With all the well-wishing and hopes for prosperity in the new year, one must consider how best to move towards that glorious future prosperity. The probability of hitting the lottery is still as low as it has ever been. Therefore, some wise planning, sober evaluation, thorough and consistent implementation, and regular re-evaluation is on the horizon for the Gentleman’s Purpose businessman.
As many of you know, GP eMagazine is a labor of love under the umbrella of General Media Consulting Co., where we help entrepreneurs build strong, fruitful businesses. Our readers often benefit from the types of insight that help our clients serve their communities well and make a lot of money in the process. So, my question to you is, first, where do you see those new levels of prosperity coming from? The Scriptures tell us that without vision, a people perishes and that poverty will come upon a sluggard like a thief in the night. So that means we need to have a clear idea of what we are heading into and towards, and we need to be action oriented.
Do You Have a Plan?
One of the first, best steps, is to sit down and have a prayerful brainstorming session on this specific topic. Jot down all your notes, organize, refine, get something, even if it is as simple as a one-page business plan that includes the five main items of importance: Truth, Assertions, Alternatives, People, and Money. For more on that, read Seth Godin’s Blog, “The Modern Business Plan.”
Gut Check Time
Being in business requires a certain type of character. Character is something, like wisdom, that you can develop intentionally. However, it is important to know what type of character has been proven to produce good fruit, fruit that lasts. The required character for success in business, along with other very helpful insights can be found in the pages of Don Miller’s books, “Business Made Simple”, “Marketing Made Simple”, and his upcoming release, “Hero on a Mission”, scheduled to hit shelves this January. I recommend you be thoroughly familiar with these resources. They will help you succeed at the art of business.

What Makes You Unique
Knowing your personal value proposition and being able to articulate it clearly is paramount. Not a lot of people like having to sell themselves; however, in the modern world where people’s attention and resources are being ferociously fought for at every turn, it is a necessary thing. You will need to know what the other guy is doing and why you and your products and services are better, and worth a premium to whatever else is out there. Don’t be afraid to market yourself. Do so wisely, and consistently.
Always Ready for the Funeral
Things don’t always work out the way we plan. We do our best to account for and plan for as many variables as possible, but the truth is that about 50% of new ventures in America fail within the first five years. Good planning gives you a 27% higher probability of success, but you need to think through exit strategies, risk tolerances, and you need to think these things through from the start. It will mean asking difficult questions and being brutally honest with yourself and your key stakeholders, but it will serve you well to be proactive in this.
You Need Professional Help
Is it possible to be lavishly successful as a one-man-rodeo? To a certain extent, but the reality of synergy within business almost guarantees that bringing in other people with skillsets and experiences that can compliment your own will almost always increase your long-term return on investment. So, who is in your existing sphere that can help you take your business to higher levels of productivity and fruitfulness? Where do you need to network and connect to meet the new people that you need in your sphere to break through to new levels of profitability? Get connected and continue growing those genuine, mutually beneficial relationships.
Fuel for the Machine
It takes money to make money. We’ve all heard it and it has proven true time and again. I started General Media Consulting Co. with $200 in January of 2020. Utilizing the right processes and making the right choices made it possible for me to go full time with it within three months and, as God’s grace has been with me, revenues have grown consistently during the last two years. This new year will be our third year in business and while I am excited about the possibilities, I am also very practical about the actual numbers. Being thoroughly optimistic, but untruthful is not helpful. Ever be the optimist, but honest, thorough awareness of your venture’s financial situation is vital to its long-term viability. You need to know where your money is coming from, and where it is best multiplied.
