Course Excerpt: Emotional Well-Being

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Course Excerpt: Emotional Well-Being Emotional well-being is well within your grasp. You can train your emotional body to gravitate toward certain emotions rather than others. It is possible to choose emotions at will, rather than let your life be run by emotional “weather.” The Law of Attraction is inescapable in physical reality. It is the most powerful law of the universe.

Like attracts like on all levels. Not only do your thoughts attract experiences, but so do your emotions. If you are to create a wonderful reality you must address your emotions with the same intensity that you address your thought processes. The Law of Attraction responds more to your feeling, than it does to your words. Words are empty if a powerful feeling does not accompany them. You can say as many affirmations as you would like, but if you do not feel them nothing will happen. “Creating your reality,” takes on a whole new meaning when you realize that the emotional body is just as much involved in the process as your thoughts. Emotional Overtones & General Attitudes Your emotional overtones, your essence feeling, your general patterns and outlook—all of these are involved in attracting to you what you experience. If you have a general emotional tone of depression, you will attract what matches it. If you have a general emotional tone of peacefulness, you will attract this in turn. If you learn to control your emotional body along with your mental body, you can become a deliberate creator. You are a transmitter and a receiver of vibrational

patterns. The patterns that you transmit are the patterns that you receive. It is as simple as that. If you are focused on what you lack, and “feeling despair because of lack”, this is what you are transmitting, and thus what you receive. If you focus on what you want, and feel the energy of having it, this is the vibration that will come back to you. It is not that you do not desire it enough, or that you are not intelligent enough to achieve what you want, but you most likely learned emotional patterns that keep you immersed in a reality that you do not like. Esther Hicks says in Ask And It Is Given (2004), “The reason you have not already gotten what you desire is because you are holding yourself in a vibrational holding pattern that does not match the vibration of your desire… And an important thing for you to now understand is that if you will stop and think about it, or, more important, stop and feel about it, you can identify your very discord.” She continues by saying, “Your attitude or mood is always pointing toward what is coming, but you are never stuck with your current point of attraction. Just because you have picked up these thoughts, beliefs, attitudes, and moods along your physical trail does not mean that you have to continue attracting in response to them. You have creative control of your own experience. And, by paying attention to your own Emotional Guidance System, you can change your point of attraction.” She also says, “Your emotions indicate the degree of your alignment with Source.” This in essence is saying: the closer you are to who you really are, the happier you feel. The further you are from who you really are, the worse you feel. If you constantly feel depressed, then you’re constantly separate from who you really are. For instance, when you think a thought that is in alignment with who you really are, you feel harmony and joy. When you think a thought about lack, this is more distant from who you really are, and thus you feel depression. Developing the Habit of Feeling Positive Emotions It is one thing to switch from a negative emotion to a positive emotion quickly, but it is quite another thing to develop the habit of feeling positive emotions as a natural state. Many people have learned to constantly feel a negative emotion, even if nothing negative is going on. It is just a conditioned habit. That emotion has been felt so often that the pattern has been “learned.” You can unlearn this habit just as easily as you learned it. It may take practice and time, but it can be done with conscious awareness. Positive emotions are patterns of energy, just like negative emotions. Consciously explore positive emotions and learn their patterns. You can easily move into them even if you’re not feeling them because you have learned the energy pattern and can duplicate it. It can

be thought of as a “fake it to you make it” strategy. In one moment you might be feeling a negative emotion, then you adopt a learned pattern of a positive emotion, and in the next moment you are feeling the positive emotion. The only way to learn positive emotional patterns is to explore them as fully as you experience the negative emotions. Next time you are feeling a positive emotion, explore it fully. Taste it, smell it, feel it, hear it, see it as energy. Use all your senses to find out what its energy signature pattern is all about. Feel what it is like to have it in your body. Feel it at the molecular level, the cellular level, and the atomic level. You’ll notice that even your cells feel happier, not just your heart. Memorize this pattern so that you can move into it even when you’re not feeling it. Learn the “notes” of the scale just as a musician learns notes and scales, and you will be able to move about in the emotional frequencies with ease and speediness. Nancy Ashley suggests in her book Create Your Own Happiness (1988), that the practice of gratitude and appreciation is a powerful way to create a positive reality. She says, “If you find that a lot of people in your life do things for you that you appreciate and feel like giving heartfelt thanks for, you created that reality for yourself… it feels great to express appreciation and thanks, and it feels great to receive it. You just want to get that person [who expressed gratitude for your actions] more and more.” Nancy Ashley suggests an exercise in the habit of happiness. “Every day, take 10 minutes to write a thank you note to yourself for all the beautiful things you have created in the past twenty four hours: the sun in the trees, the purring in your lap, the smile of a child, the joke someone made at work, the insight you had, the letter from a friend. Revel in how good it feels to do this and savor the appreciation and gratitude you’re giving to yourself. Notice how much more you want to do for yourself.” How Do Emotions Create Reality? In Power Vs. Force: The Hidden Determinants Of Human Behavior (2002), David R. Hawkins tells us about the presence of “attractor fields” in the realm of energy and human consciousness. He tells us that, “Each of us possesses a computer far more advanced than the most elaborate artificial intelligence machine available, one that’s available at any timethe human mind itself. The basic function of any measuring device is simply to give a signal indicating the detection by the instrument of slight change. In the experiments to be described in this book, the reactions of the human body provide such a signal of change and conditions. As will be seen, the body can discern, to the finest degree, the difference

between that which is supportive of life and that which is not.” He goes on to say “This isn’t surprising: after all, living things react positively to what is life supportive and negatively to what is not; this is a fundamental mechanism of survival. Inherent in all life forms is the capacity to detect change and react correctively-thus, trees become smaller at higher elevations as the oxygen in the atmosphere becomes scarcer. Human protoplasm is far more sensitive than that of a tree.” Emotions are part of this human bio-machinery that discerns what is life supportive or not, and reacting to events at an emotional level is a natural part of this sensing mechanism. We could say that the emotional field of a human being is the detection system of the human brain, which gives signals identifying thoughts and actions as supportive of life or not. Hawkins agrees with Esther Hicks that a negative emotion is an indication that one’s thoughts or actions are out of balance with Source, and a positive emotion is an indication of resonance. In the attractor field theory of David Hawkins, which is supported by other scientific research, is the proposal that there are hidden attractor fields within the realm of human consciousness. These attractor fields pull us, as with gravitational pull, toward what is supportive of life. The actions and thoughts most supportive of life resonate with the strongest field, and actions and thoughts which are the least supportive of life resonate with the weakest fields. Positive and negative emotions are the indicators, to us, of these hidden fields. This is a fascinating way to look at emotions, to begin to understand their importance as direct messages to us about how to think and act in life‐ supportive ways. Course continued…

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