UNESCO Global Geoparks in Portugal

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New UNESCO scientific program dedicated to Geoparks, text of Ambassador Ana Martinho, President of the UNESCO National Commission

Geopark Azores

6 Geopark Naturtejo

Director/Editor: Sérgio Dinis

publicidade@ilikethis.pt www.ilikethis.pt


Portuguese Forum of UNESCO World Geoparks: by networking towards a sustainable regional development, text of Elizabeth Silva, senior technical responsible for the sciences sector of UNESCO National Commission; Coordinator of UNESCO World Geoparks Forum and UNESCO expert for the International Geoscience Programme and Geoparks

18 Geopark Terras de Cavaleiros

20 8 Arouca Geopark I like This® trademark. All rights reserved. Prohibits the reproduction, even partial, of text, photographs or illustrations in any means and for any purpose, including commercial. The advertisements and opinion articles, its contents and the impact of them are the sole responsibility of their authors.

“The UNESCO Chair puts UTAD at the forefront of training in Geoparks”, interview with the coordinator of the University Chair, Artur Sá.

10 Opinion of the presidents of UNESCO World Geoparks in Portugal

22 Aspiring Geopark Estrela

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NEW UNESCO SCIENTIFIC PROGRAM DEDICATED TO GEOPARKS The United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) is a specialized agency of the United Nations system that aims to contribute to the maintenance of peace and security by increasing, through education, science and culture, of collaboration between nations in order to ensure universal respect for justice, law, human rights and the fundamental freedoms that the United Nations Charter recognizes to all peoples of the world, without distinction of race, sex, language or religion. His areas of activity are education, natural and exact sciences, the humanities and social sciences, culture, communication and information. Among its priorities are highlighted issues such as quality education for all; promote research on the natural and social sciences contributing to sustainable development; protection and enhancement of natural and cultural heritage of the world and cultural diversity; promoting intercultural dialogue and a culture of peace; freedom of speech and press. It is in this context that the concept of UNESCO World Geopark is gone developing since 2000. As a result of work spurred by a growing number of European and Asian geoparks and its positive impact on sustainable development of these territories, was approved by UNESCO in November 2015, the International Geoscience and Geoparks Programme, which is part of the World Network of UNESCO World Geoparks. Currently this network encompasses 120 Geoparks spread over 33 countries, and has shown strong growth in response to the interest and support expressed by local authorities, business, scientific and academic associations, among others. In Portugal, there are four UNESCO World Geoparks (Naturtejo, Arouca, Azores, Terras de

Cavaleiros and foreseeing more candidates, as the region of Serra da Estrela), which in this edition will have a particular focus. In conclusion, the UNESCO World Geoparks looking in general to meet the objectives set by the UNESCO program, such as the preservation of geological heritage for present and future generations, educate and teach the general public on topics of Earth Sciences and its relations with environmental issues, ensuring sustainable development of socio-economic and cultural level, promote multicultural bridges in heritage

and conservation and maintenance of geological and cultural diversity through partnerships, stimulate research in the territories and actively contribute to the existence of the World Network of UNESCO World Geoparks through joint initiatives.

Ambassador Ana Martinho, President of the UNESCO National Commission



PORTUGUESE FORUM OF UNESCO WORLD GEOPARKS: BY NETWORKING TOWARDS A SUSTAINABLE REGIONAL DEVELOPMENT In 2011, under the coordination of UNESCO National Commission (CNU) was created the Portuguese Forum of UNESCO World Geoparks, which currently includes four Geoparks (Naturtejo, Arouca, Azores, Terras de Cavaleiros) and as an observer member the Aspiring Geopark Estrela. This forum aims at a true networking, aiming to promote in the national and international scale the Portuguese geoparks belonging to UNESCO World Geoparks Network. It also provides technical and scientific support to new national applications and issuing binding opinions on the same, which are taken into account in the pre-evaluation and selection by the CNU. In this process, it is also considered the opinions of the Portuguese Committee for the International Geoscience Programme (IGCP). The Forum also aims to promote and foster the concept of UNESCO World Geopark. According to the International Programme of Geoscience and Geoparks of UNESCO, the geoparks are a unique territory, with a unified geographical area where the sites and the international geological significance of landscapes are managed based on a holistic concept of protection, education and sustainable development, in addition to be constituted as areas of excellence for scientific research. To sensitize the local population to the importance of the geological heritage of the area, geoparks contribute to the sense of belonging and pride of local communities in their region. This concept thus implies the involvement of the local community, an assured basic funding and a strong regional management structure, always based on a bottom-up development strategy. Thus, a geopark is not a single institution in a territory, is actually the aggregator

element that aims to involve all stakeholders in a common purpose which is to contribute to the sustainable development of a territory, in its various components: educational, scientific, environmental, cultural, tourist and economic. It is in this context that the Forum defines its annual activities, including joint educational projects, such as Project “GEA - Mother Earth�, in partnership with the Portuguese Committee for the IGCP and since 2013 in partnership with the Araripe Geopark UNESCO World (Brazil), as well as organizing conferences, training events, traveling exhibitions, documentaries and participation in tourism fairs. Since the Forum streamlines many of these activities in close cooperation with other UNESCO programs and networks, it has been so referenced internationally, as an example of good practice and a model to follow by other counterparts Forums.

Elizabeth Silva, senior technical responsible for the sciences sector of UNESCO National Commission; Coordinator of UNESCO World Geoparks Forum and UNESCO expert for the International Geoscience Programme and Geoparks



“THE UNESCO CHAIR PUTS UTAD AT THE FOREFRONT OF TRAINING IN GEOPARKS” UNESCO recently approved the creation of a Chair in UTAD in “Geoparks, Sustainable Regional Development and Healthy Lifestyles”. This is the first UNESCO Chair to address this issue and allows the research on World Portuguese Geoparks, explains the coordinator of the Chair, Artur Sá.

What is the importance of the UNESCO Chair conquered by UTAD? The existence of a UNESCO Chair allows UTAD to develop a set of advanced training initiatives related to the themes of it. In this sense, this being the first of the universe of UNESCO Chairs to address the issues of Geoparks and Healthy Lifestyles, assumes a significant relief, to the extent that fits subjects of the new Geoscience Program and Geoparks of UNESCO and goals of the Agenda 2030 of United Nations for Sustainable Development. Being UTAD located in a region in whose radius of influence are two classifications of UNESCO World Geopark, two World Heritage two border ratings of Biosphere Reserve, besides the natural parks of Alvão, Montesinho, International Douro and Tua Valley, the existence of a Chair on these issues gives a number of opportunities to investigate, learn, discuss and promote these territories. In short, this Chair puts UTAD in the international forefront of higher education in Geoparks and Healthy Lifestyles, contributing to the Sustainable Regional Development of the regions. What are the objectives inherent to the Chair? This UNESCO Chair aims to create an innovative and integrated network of research, teaching, knowledge transfer and joint research and communication projects, sensitizing society to these issues, in close cooperation with other higher education institutions in CPLP and in the

Ibero-American space. In this context, the specific objectives are to provide training and resources for students and researchers on geoparks, sustainable regional development and healthy lifestyles by promoting exchanges between partners, based on the principles of sustainability; increase inter-university cooperation and to strengthen scientific networks leading to the creation and development of new geoparks, especially in CPLP countries and Latin America and the Caribbean; promote the transfer of knowledge between partners and encourage the development of educational programs and scientific projects in the Chair.

The UNESCO World Geoparks in Portugal are today four territories (Naturtejo, Arouca, Azores, Terras de Cavaleiros) which are distinguished by their natural and cultural heritage. Corresponding to different realities of territorial management, do not fail to base their development strategy on the pillars of science, education and culture, which project a distinctive and economically important tourist offer. It’s not an easy task to discriminate the full potential of the Portuguese geoparks, say that their great competence has been the capacity demonstrated by the four territories to actively involve local populations in these territorial development projects. These are based, first, on the existence of a geological heritage of international significance, but also use natural biotic heritage and cultural heritage, tangible and intangible, in a holistic approach, synergetic and inclusive of everything and everyone in the territory.

What is the potential of World Portuguese Geoparks?







PERSONAL MESSAGE OF THE CHAIRMAN OF THE DIRECTORATE OF THE AZORES GEOPARK (...) As men, we are soldiers historically the people where we came from and rooted by habitat to a lava hills of loose own entrails a substance that penetrates us. Geography, for us, worth as much as the story, and it’s not for nothing that our memories written fall fifty percent of earthquakes reports and floods. As the sirens have a dual nature: we are flesh and stone. (...) Vitorino Nemésio The analogy to the soul of this people and the geology around us, makes us externalize that our culture and political autonomy, which in much of it is based, would be very different without the influence of Vitorino Nemésio. This Portuguese, from the Azores, was the one who best epitomized in the whole of his literary work, the historical product of five centuries of human life at sea and solitude, storms and volcanoes, which once marked as Azoreanity what we irreverently, we recognize as our soul. Based on the motto “9 islands - 1 Geopark” the region was launched a unique challenge, unpublished until then in the European and Global Geoparks Network, which passed the application to the network of all nine islands of the archipelago, breaking barriers and uncertainties, consubstantiated by the excellent work done over the years by those who promoted its vast and rich geodiversity, its geological heritage and the preservation of the environment of the Azores. The singular and unique archipelagic strand to present, is the archipelago of the Azores, a point of reference worldwide. As such, and taking into account the principles of the European Geoparks Network, all development work and pro-

moting this place of excellence and international reputation, is based on the basic principles of the creation of the Association Azores Geopark: Geoconservation, Environmental Education, Regional Development and Geotourism. The strong links with the Azores Regional Government, the important partnerships established and the availability and voluntarism of technical and scientific employees are key to the sustainability from this development. We anticipate, therefore, a promising future for the islands, with hard work to the mix for sure, but we believe that the synergies already implemented and those that will emerge will be extremely positive and particularly decisive for the future of the Azores as a reference destination and unique location in Europe to aggregate the four seals: UNESCO World Heritage site, Ramsar Network, Biosphere Reserves and Geoparks. The work done over these six years by the Azores Geopark deserved recog-

nition this year, with distinction, for the 2nd time, as one of the 100 Most Sustainable Destinations by Green Destinations, being considered “an example for its environmental practices and by the way harmonizes the relationship between man and nature”, which makes us very proud.

Luís Filipe Goulart Botelho, Chairman of the Directorate of the Azores Geopark

Geopark Naturtejo Meseta Meridional, first Portuguese Geopark, this year marks its 10th anniversary. The balance, extremely positive, reflects a pioneering project in the introduction of new paradigms of sustainable development. A decade later it is undeniable the contribution of Naturtejo to the remarkable tourist maturation of an entire region, it’s national and international affirmation. Brought, for example, a very particular focus on nature tourism and certification and qualification of accommodation, catering, entertainment, traditional products. At the same time, also promoted the emergence of new investors, inspired by the Geopark Naturtejo, created a wide range of geoproducts. Nature, culture and traditional know-how gained projection by creating integrated and competitive tourism products. In numbers, the balance of these 10 years of Naturtejo translates into a growth of 228 percent in hotels, for all its territory – from Raia to the Beira Interior, through Pinhal Interior to Alto Alentejo. The size of 5,000 square kilometers gives us scale, it allows us to be a quality destination, diverse and with numerous factors of attraction. We offer a wide range of tourism products sustained in our heritage, values and ​​ people, history and culture. They range from geotourism, adventure tourism, sports in nature, birdwatching and other activities that contribute to the environmental education of visitors. This classified area is also particularly sought after by national and international schools to develop learning and research in areas such as geology, natural sciences, biology, among others.

In order to meet the needs and requirements of all kinds of visitors, we promote an increasingly innovative offer, to the responsibilities that we play in the official representation of the UNESCO World Geopark Network in major world tourism fairs such as FITUR in Madrid and ITB in Berlin. On the other hand, Naturtejo has a single connection to the local community. We realized early that the great value of the project lies in the involvement of local people in the development, conservation and enhancement of heritage that characterizes it. Thus from the start and only then it makes sense. The sustainable development of the territory is a goal that must be always present. Armindo Jacinto Chairman of the Board of Directors of Naturtejo, EIM







Dear reader,

Arouca Geopark is unique for several reasons. First, the classification given by UNESCO, but also and above all, for what led to this recognition. In fact, natural resources and social dynamics have always existed and always have been jealously guarded and perpetuated by arouquenses as an integral part of the identity that proudly cherish it. But Arouca knew to look at herself differently and see what distinguishes as an opportunity to differentiate.

In September, Geopark Terras de Cavaleiros pointed out two years of its integration in the European and Global Geoparks Network. Throughout this period, we have witnessed with great satisfaction the establishment of the Global Geoscience and Geoparks Program by UNESCO, definitely integrating the above organizations, for some time already worthy of its supervision. This was the step that said the geoparks as territorial areas of global dimension, as enablers assets of the sustainable development strategy, its first dimension and transversal objective of all management entities or promotion of territories. As such, Macedo de Cavaleiros and his county, also won this dimension - that purposely use without quotes - and worldwide exposure. And who are the prime beneficiaries? Its inhabitants, of course. Are those who do their day-to-day in these classified territories earning opportunities to generate capital gains, in various fields of their interests. Basically, we talk about wealth generation, whether in the context of historical value, cultural preservation and the economic dynamism of the different sectors of activity. Focused on people, the work is developed with an ever-present concern, involvement of the local community, agents, the value of all the potential, placing them precisely at the service of people. It is a continuous process, materialized in the range of educational programs with the identity of the territory always inherent, a work and persistence that is well accepted by the locals. But it is also thinking of you, dear reader, in giving you rewarding experiences and

well-deserved rest on your holidays or short breaks, that under this distinctive mark is the Geopark Terras de Cavaleiros, our action develops. If, on the one hand, the various distinctions attest to the different predicates of the territory, there is a whole offer of events and annual tourist programs that can serve as a motto for your visit. That’s why I can not finish without directing the invitation to visit us in the coming months, at Christmas, in January at the Fair of Hunting and Tourism, or in the Carnival, in the genuine Shrovetide Chocalheiro, in addition to multiple sporting events. Especially do not forget: The Geopark Terras de Cavaleiros receives with opening arms. Duarte Moreno Mayor of Macedo de Cavaleiros and President of the Direction of the Association Geopark Terras de Cavaleiros

Recognition of the Arouca Geopark as a UNESCO World Geopark results from its own dynamics, where arouquenses, with their traditions, with their way of living, to receive, but also to invest and innovate, played a key role. As the pedagogical/ educational perspective, both in schools and in guidance/interpretation of visits. We believe that we you can only preserve what we know. Therefore, we have made our most accessible geosites, interpreted and often associated with a unique experience, from the point of view of direct contact with nature, is just across the landscape of enjoyment extending from there to the farthest horizon. Today, Arouca Geopark can reconcile the preservation and dissemination of its natural resources with investment and innovation, experience the traditions and identity of the area with the contemporary, knowledge and experience, adventure and history. Here it comes. It is a place of passage. Here, we welcome people as in our home. We savor a gastronomy of tastes and knowledge, with arouquês and convent sweets assuming the leadership. We guide visitors on a journey through history, beginning for 600 million years, from the time that the trilobites lived in ancient seas that covered this area and left

ASPIRING GEOPARK ESTRELA: ONDE A BELEZA SELVAGEM SE FUNDE COM A HISTÓRIA MILENAR! here traces of their movement (Cruziana), through the appearance of Parideiras stones to the heydays of Arouca Monastery, reaching the present day. All this, tempering the visit with the adventure of the fast river or the calm of the Paiva Walkways, the discovery of the footpaths or simply enjoying the scenery.

Geoparks represent, on a global scale, a recovery strategy and qualification of territories that, by its geological values for ​​ biodiversity, cultural identity and ways of life, should be the target of a classification, which supplies them with international recognition, promoting geoconservation, education, tourism and development.

Today, Arouca Geopark is an international destination, that the trophy “World Travel Awards” has a dimension hitherto unimaginable time. For this reason (and many others), we are unique. That to know, you have to live.

The Aspiring Geopark Estrela has its genesis in a partnership model between the institutions of teaching degree (Polytechnic Institute of Guarda and University of Beira Interior) and the municipalities of the region: Guarda, Seia, Gouveia, Celorico da Beira, Fornos de Algodres, Manteigas, Belmonte, Covilhã and Oliveira do Hospital, a territory with a total area 2737.72 square kilometers and 171,668 inhabitants. Its implementation was widely reflected and debated at various times, it has been embodied in a collective understanding memorandum.

Margarida Belém President of AGA and vice president of the Municipality of Arouca

The application will promote ongoing improvement of the quality of life of the population, giving ample emphasis on education, appreciation of heritage, arts, culture and tourism, promoting territorial competitiveness of the Serra da Estrela destination. The geosites, the morphology of the mountain and its magnificent landscapes (marked by glaciers and periglacial actions), produce in the space of a veritable living laboratory, where the interpretation of nature and the experience of visitors to take a single dimension. This Geopark develops in the territory an important role in promoting integrated development, fostering appreciation of the heritage and its dissemination, qualification of associated resources and services, developing new products and businesses. The joint applied research and

R&D centers with the territory and their communities, promote the development of educational programs, the stimulus of new tourist markets and a new perception of the most massive Portuguese mountains. Geopark also bet on the network of social responsibility, as well as strategic partnerships with the various actors, public and private, to promote the strengthening of the territory, territorial cohesion, increased quality of life and products and high added value services and territorial brand. Constantino Mendes Rei President of the Association Geopark Estrela





GEOPARQUE AÇORES Azores archipelago Azores archipelago consists of nine islands and several islets. Located in the North Atlantic Ocean, is, together with the archipelagos of Madeira, the Canaries and Cape Verde, Macaronesia, a name which means “fortunate islands”. The archipelago has a rich and vast geodiversity and an important geological heritage that portrays elements intimately linked to the dynamics of planet Earth and, in particular, volcanism and geotectonic of this region of the Globe, constituting a natural laboratory of volcanic geodiversity. Azores Geopark: “9 islands, 1 geopark” Based on the geodiversity, its geological heritage and the importance of its landscapes, was created in 2010 the Azores Geopark, being recognized as a European Geopark on March 21, 2013 and as a UNESCO World Geopark in November 2015. It provided the first truly archipelagic geopark, where the nine islands that comprise it are populated and have infrastructure and services to ensure the development of geopark activities. Geopark Azores is based on a network of 121 identified geosites and scattered throughout the nine islands and surrounding marine area, which ensure the representativeness of the Azorean geodiversity and translate its geological and eruptive history, with common conservation and promotion strategies. The Geopark combines a geoconservation strategy to environmental education and awareness policies and promoting sustainable socio -economic development based on geotourism through a networking that unites the whole team and the various geopark partners scattered in the nine islands. In addition to the geological heritage in the archipelago are other benchmarks, such as a rich biodiversity and architectural,

cultural, ethnographic and immaterial heritage of undeniable value. Geoconservation Since the settlement of the archipelago, in the fifteenth century, the natural and landscape wealth of the Azores is an important source of interest. Since the last decades of the twentieth century there is an increase in concerns with the safeguard and valorization of the Azorean geological heritage, reflected in legislation, implementation of geoconservation measures and, in recent years, with the implementation of the Azores Geopark. In this context, due monthly monitoring of environmental conditions and visitation of land geosites Azores Geopark, in cooperation with the Vigilantes Nature of the Azores, and is being tested monitoring of coastal and marine areas geosites. Education and Awareness for the Geological Heritage Since the late 1990s have been developed several education activities and

environmental awareness in the Azores, mainly associated with Ecotecas and Ecoescolas and, more recently, the Azores Geopark. The education of Geopark programs focus on geodiversity, geological, geoconservation and other issues related to the geosciences, society, environment and sustainability, intended as vehicles for promoting the study of Earth and Environmental Sciences and stimulate critical and scientific spirit of the student population. They are available content and activities adjusted to school curricula and the various levels of education and monitoring of study visits. Geotourism and sustainable development Geotourism has been practiced in the archipelago since its settlement, but only in the past has been developed and promoted in a structured way. The tourist industry is an important valuation tool of a geopark, as a promoter of local or regional economy through sustainable tourism grounded in geology and appreciation of geo landscapes. In this con-

text, the integration of existing services and infrastructure, with new interpretive services and products can implement a quality geotourism in the region, in close connection with other aspects of nature tourism. The Azores Geopark is contributing through its partnerships, training for tourism professionals and fostering the creation of geoproducts. Geodiversity in Azorean culture Early Azoreans have learned to live day to day with volcanoes and earthquakes, taking advantage of fertile soils, geological resources and beautiful landscapes to promote their socio-economic development. The man/geodiversity relationship is evident in everyday activities such as cooking in the heat of volcanoes or soak in the hot springs, conditioning also the regional architecture (popular, religious and military), culture (art, gastronomy and place names), ethnography (customs and traditions) and own intangible heritage (stories and legends), in addition to the great influence they have on biodiversity of the islands. Knowing volcanoes, lakes, tea plantations, watch whales, dive into the blue ocean, walk the islands and enjoy the stew from Furnas, regional sweets and regional wines are some of the many suggestions to enjoy the archipelago. Come, know the volcanoes of the Azores and enjoy a rash ... … of flavors, aromas and experiences!





GEOPARK NATURTEJO UNESCO Naturtejo Geopark is a vast territory, with about five thousand square kilometers, between Raia, the Pinhal Interior and Alentejo, which includes the municipalities of Castelo Branco, Idanha-a-Nova, Nisa, Oleiros, Penamacor, Proença-a-Nova and Vila Velha de Ródão. A landscape region of the oldest existing in Portugal, and flattened on the banks of the Tagus, from which rise some mountains, as the mountains of Alvelos and Gardunha, which are deeply cut by valleys, such as the Zêzere, Pônsul or Sever. A geo-diversity of landscape, where rise magnificent quartzite mountain ridges and hills island; a beautiful landscape dominated by cork oak and holm oak, the pine forests in the mountainous areas and the thickets of rockrose and rosemary. A landscape full of history, with the Templars and Hospitallers castles and ancient villages still with a strong medieval imprint on the border; the bucolic villages of schist that disperse in the deep valleys of the mountains of the Cordillera Central, from where arrive the most vivid memories of the experiences of an ancient rurality. This is the first Portuguese Geopark, a land of conservation, education, tourism, innovation and sustainable development that integrates the UNESCO World Geoparks Programme, an international seal that promotes balance between Man and Nature.

wide range of tourist programs for the discovery of this territory and has a team always available to help the visitor to prepare his holidays, according to their interests and expectations. Of the experiential activities, ranging from active tourism, hiking, biking, climbing and kayaking, the Great Route Muradal-Pangaea on the International Rail Appalachia, linking this territory to the US, for the daring, the accompanied and affordable visits to all by local guides who explain the ecological importance of a tree or geodiversity just as they introduce the local history and the memories or experiences present. The numerous festivals and thematic fairs, the local products from the Templars, from the international Boom Festival to Save the Earth, always with an ecological concern and the individual and collective well-being. The tourist programs unfold in the thematic nature, sport and adventure, history and heritage, well-being and culture or may be developed by visitors themselves.

Educational programs, pre-school education to higher education, are one of the best opportunities to discover the Geopark Naturtejo. Activities range from classes at school, field trips, workshops, school competitions, exhibitions, annual projects, thematic guides, training activities and educational resources. Geopark Naturtejo has a vast and rich geological heritage, with more than 170 geosites, places of geological recognized interest, among which are 16 geomonuments, illustrating the main stages of geological history of the past 600 million years in the region. More information www.naturtejo.com

Geomonument of Almourão Doors Proença-a-Nova / Vila Velha de Ródão

Canyon Zêzere Oleiros

Segura Mines Idanha-a-Nova

Geomorphological viewpoint of Corgas Proença-a-Nova

Hills-island of Monsanto Idanha-a-Nova

Ponsul Failure - Nisa / Vila Velha de Ródão/ Castelo Branco / Idanha-a-Nova

Fossils Logs of Vila Velha de Ródão Vila Velha de Ródão

Meanders of the River Zêzere Oleiros

Cannons of River Erges Idanha-a-Nova

Waterfalls of Fraga da Água d’Alta Oleiros

Natural Monument of Portas de Ródão Vila Velha de Ródão

Granitic Morphologies of GardunhaCastelo Branco

Pedunculated blocks of Arez-Alpalhão Alpalhão - Nisa

Miner complex of Monforte da Beira Castelo Branco

Gold Mine of Conhal do Arneiro Nisa

Ichnological Park Penha Garcia Idanha-a-Nova

The starting point for regional development of this whole area is Geodiversity as a unifying element of a region with great cultural diversity. There are 600 million years of Earth’s memory, recorded in rocks, fossils and landscapes. UNESCO Naturtejo Geopark offers a





GEOPARK TERRAS DE CAVALEIROS Terras de Cavaleiros Geopark is in the heart of the northeastern, an exciting territory with approximately 700 square kilometers, which coincides with the geographical boundaries of municipality of Macedo de Cavaleiros. This territory is part of the “World Programme of Geoscience and Geoparks of UNESCO” and combines the essence and serenity of the interior north/northeast of Portugal and inspired by its stunning scenery. Its multiple and unique internationally recognized geological phenomena enable us to travel to the interior of the Earth, a history of more than 500 million years. The territory of this UNESCO World Geopark offers 180 kilometers of walking trails, one Biodiversity Station and a Geological Route 110 kilometers long. The Protected Landscape of Azibo Albufeira is a place whose fauna and flora translates into absolutely worthy remarkable species of this true natural sanctuary, here is one of the Seven Wonders - Beaches of Portugal, Praia da Ribeira, the only one in north of the Tagus River.

A territory TO TEACH AND TO LEARN From north to south, are many schools that elect this territory to carry out the educational programs that the Terras de Cavaleiros Geopark develops. For the school year 2016/2017 the Terras de Cavaleiros Geopark proposes a set of 16 educational programs designed to meet the different levels of education in the different areas of knowledge, namely, geology, biology, history, geography, among other. Programs that are linked to the different curricula, from primary to secondary education and to enrich a playful way for the student learning and narrow the relations between the territory and the local community. EDUCATE TO PRESERVE is one of the premises of these educational proposals. The geoconservation and environmental education are thus two of its priorities, with

the main objective to safeguard the natural and historical heritage, fostering the progressive transformation of values, attitudes and behaviors of young people, as well as its people. Find out more about Educational Programs of Terras de Cavaleiros Geopark at: http:// www.geoparkterrasdecavaleiros.com/pt-pt/ content/programas-educativos SUSTAINABLE TOURISM ... ... CREATIVE TOURISM “Rocks That Tell Stories”, “Finding Treasures”, “Explore Nature” and “An Adventure in Terras de Cavaleiros Geopark” are some examples of a tourist offer that provides, above all, unique experiences at the level of the natural heritage and history, the gastronomic level and also at the social level. These holiday programs

and packages provide visitors the opportunity to participate in social experiences that allow them to contact and involve with the local community, a perspective of learning the arts and mastery of the people who inhabit the territory. Terras de Cavaleiros Geopark is a destination that offers, through its Programs and Vacation Packages, the possibility to enjoy landscapes hold an unsettling and unique beauty, to discover extraordinary chromatic, textual and morphological differences that seem to have no end and that enchants its visitors.

Protected Landscape of Albufeira do Azibo – Ribeira Beach

These holiday programs and packages reconcile the “best of both worlds”, the Material and Immaterial Heritage, allowing the knowledge that so well characterizes this territory. Geology, Biodiversity, history, culture, tradition, gastronomy and hospitality, are the ingredients that invite you to visit the Terras de Cavaleiros Geopark! Tourist Programmes

Terras de Cavaleiros Geopark is a charming territory where nature and rurality are a perfect symbiosis. A territory whose natural and cultural heritage deserve to be (re)visited.

Geopark Terras de Cavaleiros

One TERRITORY, two CONTINENTs and an OCEAN ... In the territory of the Terras de Cavaleiros Geopark is well documented the geological history that began over 500 million years. This complex history is preserved in 42 geosites and is one of these geosites having the opportunity to put one foot in an ancient ocean and another in an old continent. Can you imagine?! Be adventurous! Set out to explore the interior of our planet Earth!

Geosite Carreamento of Foz do Azibo

Educational Programmes




In this line of action, the focus on teaching/educational component was from the beginning a priority. Educational visits and information sessions, which involved nearly 60,000 students since 2008, have played a decisive role in this dynamic awareness for preservation. To this end, the Arouca Geopark Association has invested regularly in training interpreters capable of interpreting the territory and provide a unique visit to all who seek the magic of this geopark. For all that, it was not slow to appear content on the Arouca Geopark in school textbooks of geology, biology and even Portuguese. Proof of recognition of local, national and international heritage.

With half of the territory classified as Natura 2000, AGA has focused on recovery and preservation of biodiversity and, to this end, we implemented the Merujal Biodiversity Station and Paiva Biospots with the objective of contributing to the promotion of biodiversity, identifying the most emblematic species of fauna and flora of Arouca Geopark; promote know-

More recently, the publication of books such as “A Serra Encantada”, the “Enigma da Pedra Negra” and the “Guia da Diversidade do Arouca Geopark”, and the implementation of the route of geosites and respective guide emerge as strategic actions for a better experience in this territory where you have, always, his place in history.

Early on, the international dimension was also given attention, with several networking initiatives, especially in 2011, with the organization of the International Congress of Geotourism, and 2012, with the organization of the European Geoparks Conference, which was attended by about 350 people from 43 countries. These were some of the events that gave Arouca Geopark international reputation by promoting the establishment of new networks and partnerships.

Paiva Walkways

The Route Geosites of the Arouca Geopark is a journey that allows us to know stories that date back at least 600 million years ago to the current geological phenomena. Organized in three car routes, with small pedestrian sections, the Guide of the Route of Geosites makes known 31 of 41 geosites clearly infrastructure and marked, combined with aspects of natural and cultural heritage of this area, strengthening the holistic perspective of the concept of geopark. The Route A ‘Freita: a serra encandatada’ welcomes 11 geosites and immense beauty landscapes. The itinerary B ‘Pelas minas e cantos desconhecidos do Paiva’ integrates 8 geosites and hides the story behind the unbridled pursuit of black gold: the wolfram, where German and English shared peacefully the same roads. The itinerary C ‘Paiva: o vale surpreendente’ makes known 12 geosites of which 5 are along the Paiva Walkways, considered by the World Travel Awards as the most innovative European project of tourism development. There are places, tastes, experiences that rave us from the first look, to the first test, the first contact. By the intensity or with singleness holding our attention. For the surprise that give us. The discoveries we make along the trip. Thus the Arouca Geopark. A territory where it comes with curiosity in the luggage and the watchful eye. A territory of unique experiences, the beauty of landscapes cutting the adventure that runs along the wild waters of the river Paiva, the host family of the accommodation units, the traditional flavors of the cuisine, the grandeur of heritage, historical, geological and ethnographic, the spontaneity of the people. Nowhere else can write their place in history as here.

Arouca Geopark

Detrelo da Malhada ©Gabriel Soeiro Mendes

ledge and conservation of biodiversity; complement and enrich the educational programs of AGA in the field of biology and promote direct contact with nature.

Parideiras Stones ©Avelino Vieira

There are almost 330 square kilometers, the area corresponding to the whole municipality of Arouca, that UNESCO recognizes as a World Geopark, with 41 geosites of great importance, whose strategy is monitored by AGA - Arouca Geopark Association since 2009. This was the year that marked the entry of this territory in the European and Global Network of Global Geoparks, connecting territories with common objectives: a joint promotion of territorial values, with a view to differentiating territorial dynamics.

At the same time, a number of rehabilitation work and appreciation of the various geosites (classified geological sites), as Frecha de Mizarela, Detrelo da Malhada, Boroas stones of Junqueiro, the Folds Field of Castanheira, the Ichnofossils of Cabanas Longas, the landmark of São Pedro Velho and the construction of the House of Parideiras stones, as well as the panoramic floor of the Costa da Castanheira (located in Arouca Weather Radar). These measures allowed the public to know and preserve, in a structured way, natural resources, enhancing the sustainable development of the region, giving priority access and a deeper knowledge.

©Avelino Vieira

A territory lives of two aspects that distinguish it: the heritage and people. It is in the valuation of these assets that some territorial brands differ, to look attentively to what they have different, for the better. Briefly, this was the path taken by the Arouca Geopark, started about 10 years ago, when Arouca municipality adopted a territorial development strategy as innovative as sustainable, supported the conservation of the natural geological heritage (internationally recognized), in science, education and tourism, always with the active involvement of people. Because we can only preserve what we know.



©Avelino Vieira


Paiva Walkways


A territory composed of the municipalities of Belmonte, Celorico da Beira, Covilhã, Fornos de Algodres, Gouveia, Guarda, Manteigas, Oliveira do Hospital and Seia in central Portugal, the Aspiring Geopark Estrela aims to be an opportunity for promotion, (re)appreciation and interpretation of their heritage, while fragment of memory of their people and the brands that successive generations were leaving, a highly distinctive landscape with the mountain as a backdrop.

With a network of approximately 100 sites of geological interest (geosites), this aspiring UNESCO World Geopark is intended to be a real development strategy based on the relevant geological heritage contained therein, with particular emphasis on the remains of the last ice age, approximately 18 000

© Manuel Ferreira

years. So, this is an application for Geopark Ice Age in which the marks of this period originated a landscape where the magnificence of its horizons and the history of its forms constitute a legacy that must be preserved, valued and, above all, played so that future generations can live and feel this star is that of all US. With 2,700 square kilometers, this is an area where the wild beauty merges with the ancient history, a history that created the geology and man appreciated. Know and learn this Aspirant Geopark is a unique experience where science, education and culture are the basis of their own future. This application project aims, in Serra da Estrela widely publicized, assign

scale to developed strategies give international visibility to network shares and enhance their existing local resources. This is an opportunity to jointly redefine priorities, set goals and reposition this Serra as a territory of the XXI century. However, a geopark is not only a welldefined territory, which holds a vast geological heritage. It is, in essence, a dream. A dream made of people, heritage and landscape, in which the star appears as the visible memory of infinitely greater geography than we can describe. It is this dream that is born Aspiring Geopark Estrela, the result of the will of a territory much larger than its limits, an estate the size of your Mountain and a stateliness that agigante when through it write your story! Having a territory like this to contemplate is much more than observe. You feel a part of, understand and, in the end, and again, like the first time, do not have words for such beauty. One day this aspiring Geopark is to look at the sky full moon night, feeling the first rays of morning, contemplating a sun that “kisses” the mountain, run through the landscape towards its history when it we belong, and stand with all that we can live in Estrela, where the words are insufficient to describe what we feel when she delivered us!

Aspiring Geopark Estrela © Manuel Ferreira

Based on the awareness of its geodiversity, the Aspiring Geopark Estrela is a unique opportunity to promote a territorial development strategy from an integrated view of the entire territory. Associated with the relevance of its geological heritage, Estrela has distinctive spaces where the beauty, diversity and caracteristical lead us on a journey in history that time has shaped your way. Along this journey we are invited to watch brands that ancient glaciers have left us, the wealth of heritage that its people have transformed and the character of its landscape, appealing and mysterious.

It is unquestionable the importance of Serra da Estrela classification as a UNESCO World Geopark. This classification represents an innovation in strategies that the whole country can promote more fruitful and consistent manner. From the resources that are at the root of this mountain, we will be able to build valid paths to a space clearly low density, which becomes urgent international recognition of its value.

© Manuel Ferreira

ASPIRING GEOPARK ESTRELA Recovering the words of the geographer Suzanne Daveau, “Serra da Estrela is a landscape of alpine type in the heart of Portugal”, marked by the mountain environments and the unparalleled experiences, not only resulting from its natural heritage as well as the cultural dimension that offers us visible in their ways of life, gastronomy, traditions and architecture itself. This is, in fact, the imaginary landscape of the Portuguese, where the altitude, the magnificence of the forms, the rigor of the winters and snow white give this space a unique sensory dimension, enigmatic and unparalleled in the country.



© Manuel Ferreira


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