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THE CRIMSON CHRONICLE thecrimsonchronicle.com
The Earth Day Issue The place we call home...
Read up on Venezuela’s Crisis!
Man on the Street!
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Pssstt... It’s in Spanish too!
Want to know how to save the Earth? Check out these tips!
Baseball keeping it on top!
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2 APRIL 2019
Club Spotlight : Environmental club springs into action KATIE ADAYA & YADIRA ROMERO CHRONICLE REPORTERS
Go green and join the Environmental Club. This club spreads awareness of the environment and what we can do to sustain it. It’s important that students are educated and concerned about the environment because it’s the life support of all organisms and without it we would suffer the consequences, according to club members. “Our purpose is to inform and show fellow students on how they can help to improve the environment on a daily basis, how we can better maintain the environment, and what is going on,” said Joan Kim, president of the club. Viktorija Lacan, a TCA
English and ESL teacher, takes pride in being the sponsor of the Environmental Club because she wants to ensure that students are concerned about the environment and climate change. After years of sponsoring the club, she is most proud of “keeping the club alive.” Watching her students be passionate about planting, watering and growing the garden has also been one of her most fond memories, along with attracting and interacting with new members every year. Members of the club take care of the community garden and discuss ways to improve the school environment. She is
Ms. Lacan participates in the watering of the garden.
The Venezuelan crisis explained SHARON ULLOA
ESPANOL La economía venezolana ha estado cayendo en picado en los últimos años. Alrededor del 75% de la población del país se enfrenta a la pobreza y la escasez de recursos. Esta crisis se remonta a marzo de 2013, cuando el Presidente Nicolás Maduro asumió el cargo al fallecer Hugo Chávez después de catorce años de gobierno. En las elecciones presidenciales para un mandato de seis años, maduro derrotó al candidato de la oposición Henrique Capriles. En un lapso de dos años, el partido de coalición en la oposición, Unidad Democrática, tomó control por primera vez en 16 años del cuerpo legislativo de Venezuela, la Asamblea Nacional. Este hecho favoreció una ola de descontento popular, debido a una prolongada recesión e inflación tras la caída del precio del petróleo. Chelsea Becerra, 12º grado, estudiante de SAS cuyos padres son ambos venezolanos dice “él es un dictador, que no sabe lo que está haciendo. Todo lo que hace es para su propio beneficio y no para el país. Sólo piensa en el dinero para él y sus aliados. La gente está hambrienta, esperando en largas filas para conseguir productos que cubran las necesidades básicas de la vida. Si una persona tiene un trabajo, un sueldo, apenas puede permitirse alimentos y no puede mantener a una familia. Mi familia envía todo el dinero extra que tenemos a mi familia para que puedan
seguir viviendo.” “Es difícil comunicarse con mis parientes en Venezuela. Sé que es un momento difícil para todos en el país. No sólo una persona está siendo afectada por esta situación. Hay una falta de alimentos, dinero, trabajos, e incluso las necesidades como la atención médica “, dijo Melina García, 12º grado, PAM. La economía de Venezuela ha empeorado con esta administración,” y aunque las condiciones del país son terribles en este momento, no hay un tratamiento especial para los venezolanos. Son tratados igual que todos los demás. “ La administración de Trump está enviando ayuda, pero aún así los venezolanos luchan por huir del país. Muchos venezolanos están tratando de emigrar a los Estados Unidos, y están batallando para que el gobierno les conceda asilo.
Venezuela’s Economy has been coming to a downfall. About 75% of the country’s population is facing poverty and shortage of resources. The demand for food, clothes, electricity, and basic essentials are on high demand. This crisis goes back to March 2013 when President Nicolas Maduro took office after then President Hugo Chavez died after a fourteenyear rule. In presidential elections for a six-year term, Maduro defeated opposition candidate Henrique Capriles. Just in a span of two years, the opposition Democratic Unity coalition wins control of
Venezuela’s legislative body, the National Assembly, for the first time in 16 years. Allowing it to ride a wave of popular discontent with a prolonged recession and rising inflation after oil prices collapsed. “He is a dictator, who does not know what he is doing,” said Chelsea Becerra, 12th grade, SAS student whose parents are both Venezuelan. “Everything he does is for his own benefit and not the country’s. He thinks about money only for himself and his allies. People are starving, waiting in long lines for basic life necessities. If a person has a job, one paycheck can barely afford food and can not support a family. My family send all the extra money we have to my family over there so they can continue to survive.” Another student, Melina Garcia, 12th grade PAM, said it is hard to communicate with relatives in Venezuela. “I know that it is a difficult time for everyone in the country. Not just one person is being affected by this situation. There is a lack of food, money, jobs, and even the necessities like medical care,” said Melina. Trump’s administration is sending aid, but there is still a struggle for the Venezuelans trying to flee. Many Venezuelans are trying to migrate into the U.S. but they are battling with the government to be granted sanctuary.
Venezuela is going through one of the worst periods in the history of the country. The country is surrounded by poverty and the leadership is refusing help. Many cannot access food, water or basic needs like shelter. This was an experiment by the Crimson Chronicle to include the Spanish and Venezuelan community and raise awareness.
also very grateful for her club members and for the Big Green Organization, which is a “nonprofit organization that funded our school learning garden.” Members of this club plan on doing a water campaign, as well as a recycling campaign with support from the health teachers and the LAUSD board. Christina Park, NMA Junior, said the club wants “to incorporate the use of recycling bins more by putting one in every classroom and also make posters to encourage recycling.” As for the water campaign, the club plans to “encourage students to drink more water and also conserve more water in everyday use,” said Christina.
Lacan is proud as she watches the club members become more independent and “take initiative,” such as writing letters to LAUSD about the plastic utensils used at school. As this club continues to thrive, she hopes to gain more support from the district and start a recycling program at school. This club has big plans for the future in which you can be a part of as well. Make a change in your community by joining them every Wednesday in room 226 during lunch.
NEWS BRIEF Traditional Sheik-athon gets postponed The annual Sheik-a-thon is an event where all Hollywood students and their families are welcomed to walk together at Griffith Park. The event was postponed from April 6 to April 27 from 8:30 a.m. - 2:30 p.m. This event is held in support of a healthy lifestyle and to bring awareness to the environment and to get fresh air. Originally the event was to be held on Saturday, April 6, but got postponed because of scheduling difficulties with city officials who wanted to attend. Viktorija Lacan, one of the members helping coordinate this event, still had not heard back from from the LA Trust, a major sponsor of the event, a few days before the original date making it necessary to postpone the hike. This year’s Sheik-a-thon will
break tradition because it won’t take place at the Hollywood sign due to construction going on. The buses won’t be able to get up there which was one of the major problems causing them to change the location to Griffith Park. Not only that, but the route that would usually be taken was inaccessible and changing the route would complicate things. Samuel Dovlatian, the assistant principal, agreed that this change was breaking the tradition, but that the “spirit of coming together” to “perform a healthy activity” was what the Sheik-a-thon was about. The idea is to “celebrate the sheik lifestyle,” to simply get together to have fun., he said. Maria Alfaro
Express your creativity via poster contest All Hollywood High students are invited to participate in Assemblyman Richard Bloom’s 2019 Earth Day Poster Challenge in honor of Earth Day on April 22. Students have the chance to express their creativity on the environment through their posters so long as they promote the theme, “Protect Our Species.” In order to participate, the poster needs to be 8 1/2’’ by 11’’ and must be on recycled paper. Students are allowed to use any form of media, paint, photos, pencils, and collages to express this year’s theme. Each entry must include the student’s name, grade, and school name and a complete released formed signed by their parent or guardian in order to be in the contest. The entries are to be submitted to Bloom’s office at 2800 28th Street, Suite 105, Santa Monica, CA 90405. The deadline is on April 18 and any entry received after
that date will not be considered. There will be four winners in total. Three will be first prize winners that will be selected from grade levels: K-3, 4-6, and 7-12. There will be one grand prize winner selected from the entire contest. The winners of the contest will receive a personalized letter from Bloom, a State Assembly certificate of recognition, and have their posters showcased on his social media acc ounts. Black Art Supply, a supporter of the contest, will also award the student’s instructor art supplies for their classrooms. Not only that, but they have agreed to display the winner’s art at their Santa Monica store location. More information can be found on Schoology under Hollywood Senior High. Maria Alfaro
APRIL 2019
This is the last straw for Hollywood
Senior Corner
The Environmental Club has introduced the discussion over how to reduce the waste of plastic straws on campus. In August 2015, a video was published which showed a plastic straw being removed from the nostril of an olive-ridley sea “ turtle. The video recently resurfaced with companies such as Starbucks coming out to ban plastic straws. In 2018, California banned plastic straws for full-service restaurants. The ban stated that plastic straws should not be given to customers unless directly asked for. During a meeting, club president Joan Kim brought up the topic of plastic straws. The Environmental Club had been talking about the issue, concluding the school should
join the world community and take action in reducing plastic waste. “I see people during breakfast not using the straw or spork and I think it’s wasteful. Not only that but in general it’s been happening for a long time,” said NMA
giving metal straws out to my friends. I watched videos of my favorite animal, turtles and other animals as well getting harmed and I just wanted to help.” The plan is to first ban straws here at Hollywood through a schoolwide letter to raise awareness among the community. This awareness, they hope, will inspire others within the school to support the ban. Then they will propose the idea to administrators and further see what alternatives can actually be implemented. The Environmental Club intends to go even further and write to the Los Angeles Unified School District about finding and implementing alternatives in schools throughout the whole district.
Straws aren’t really necessary, and people who do use them don’t think of the impact or what they’re doing “ sophomore and Environmental Club member Liliana Lopez. “Straws aren’t really necessary, and people who do use them don’t think of the impact or what they’re doing,” Liliana said. This goes further than Environmental Club however, with SAS junior Krysten Bolaoen putting her own effort forward said “I’ve been
Prom will be held on May 18 at the Bonaventure Hotel with the theme “Once Upon A Time.” Those who have a prom ticket in their senior package can see Mrs. Payne in the student store to select their seat and pick up their ticket. Those who have two tickets, will need to pick up the Guest Form and will be allowed to select both seats for prom. Any student who has one ticket in the package wishing to bring a guest can pick up the Guest Forms and pay for the ticket before the tickets go on sale to everyone else. The prom committees consist of tickets/invitations, music, party favors, and decorations. The head of tickets is Yulissa Mendez, music
is Winston Oughourli, party favors is Ali Dugally and decorations Audrey Crabano. Seniors can use the form in Schoology to apply for senior prom court. Pay attention to the requirements and deadline. Ask questions ahead of time if you are unsure about anything--ineligible candidates and incomplete applications will be denied. Approved candidates will be allowed to advertise their posters with prior approval the week of May 13-17. In other senior news: Class Song: “We are the Champion” by Queen Grad Nite: May 10 Luncheon: June 4 Graduation: June 6 The last day to confirm admission to UC and CSU is May 1.
AP students run wild through Griffith Park AMERICA FLORES -HERNANDEZ CHRONICLE REPORTER
As AP exam dates apFor students, not only did proach, the AP Biology it engage them in these realstudents of Alycia Escobedo world observations and data and Christina Dempsey went taking, it may have helped on a field trip on March 26 to them realize just how imporGriffith Park to understand tant it is to be an ecological natural resources. scientist and surveyor. In ad“Ms. Dempsey and I dedition, an experience like this cided to have AP students could inspire others to take a look at real world examples of career in the ecological field. ecologi“ The cal sucgoal is cession,” to give said Escstuobedo. dents “We’ve an been in a equal drought opporfor tunity years, to get and now out with all and the rain, have we have fun new and while exciting learnCREDIT : ALYCIA ESCOBEDO blooms Students observe nature during an interactive field trip ing and difabout ferent sediments that we can their surroundings,” Escobeobserve.” do said. The field trip was also “I found it pretty cool how a study of ecology as our much of what we regularly environments change based see is pretty important to our on the Southern California ecosystem which also affects weather. our way of life not only within “Knowing how much the city, but in the outer knowledge the class itself aspects of it,” said Sophie needs, I thought maybe with King-Nichols, SAS junior. a hands on visual teaching The field trip was benefistyle, I’d be able to engage cial in showing how humans my class to get to know the and the environment interact ecosystem they dwell in while and how humans can better seeing factors that help our themselves to further the environment to prosper, plus environment. with the introduction to species we’ve discussed in the past,” said Dempsey.
Creating a greener campus JOAN KIM FEATURES EDITOR
Being environmentally conscious is a challenge to achieve in a community. Although students can create a greener environment by picking up the empty Cheetos bag on the ground, other factors can play into the idea of a sustainable school ground. For starters, Environmental Club sponsor Viktorija Lacan believes that there is a problem with plastic use. “Too much plastics are distributed starting with sporks. Plastic bottles and cans are not recycled which result being piled up in the trash cans.” These reusable items cannot be recycled because of the lack of visible recycling bins. Students become less motivated to recycle since there are not enough bins available in classrooms and the quad. Recycling can become an easier improvement to create a healthy environment, however, there are some issues that we will have to examine.
For example, since this is a learning environment, education requires using paper. Teachers each month are given the limit of 1,000 papers. Since there are 63 teachers, then the maximum usage amount is 63,000. This number has been reduced over the years since there is technology such as Chromebooks and Schoology. “Some teachers need more paper. For example, teachers who teach math and English are the ones that need the most papers,” said office clerk Rey Abuyan. Another issue comes from the cafeteria. Cafeteria Manager Karla Rosales says the amount of plastics are "Around 600-700 straws used every day (number excludes breakfast in the classroom) which means about 2,500 straws are thrown away per week. Honestly, high school students don’t really use plastic straws as much as elementary students but they are included in
the package,” Rosales said. When distributing foods, the cafeteria has environmental issues as well. “If we have left over food, we have to throw away these foods because the district does not allow us to redistribute it or let us compost it,” said Rosales. However, in order to act their best part into the environment, the cafeteria recycles boxes that were sent to them from the food distributors. When looking at these issues, students believe there should be solutions. “There are a lot of products that the school sells and people buy from the outside that are made of plastic,” said SAS junior Carmen Muniz “and they all usually end up being thrown in the regular trash cans with a mix of other trash.” Faculty and staff to students should be more aware about their own environments and how to improve them.
4 APRIL 2019
An introduction to saving the world In an attempt to save the environment, every effort has fallen short, and the environment worsens as each day passes. Students in Europe have started to boycott school to protest climate change. There’s no time left for the adults in the room to solve the environmental crisis, so the students are demanding urgent and radical change. With problems of pollution in the United States, to the deforestation in Venezuela, a new species has degraded our environment. That “species” is humans who have placed greed above the environment. This has disrupted biodiversity as well as preventing the environment
from thriving. In Brazil, poverty is widespread and many struggle to survive. Brazil’s poverty has resulted in people taking their struggles out on the rainforests. The action of deforestation is to make money, the Brazilian natives cut down trees and rainforests and develop farms and plantations. Cutting down these rainforests reduces biodiversity and harms the environment, cuts the oxygen output and carbon dioxide intake. Meanwhile, all around the world humans burn fossil fuels which increase greenhouse gas that pollutes the air, trapping the sun’s warmth and heat in the troposphere. There is
no steady rate of the earth but since 1880 the earth has gone up 1.4 degrees in Fahrenheit and a recent 0.15-0.20 degrees in Celsius for the past two decades, according to the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA). If that were not enough, pollution is another factor that disturbs the biodiversity of the world. Since plastic cannot be degraded, there are no effective solutions to pollution. Most plastic gets recycled but there are some plastics that end up in the sea. In the ocean, it’s hazardous to animals like sea turtles and fish who can mistaken straws and plastic bags as food.
At an International Coastal Cleanup, volunteers have picked up more than half a million straws. One way you can be part of this movement is by contacting your elected representative and putting pressure on school districts to change how they serve meals. A big idea with minor actions involves reusable products. Substituting plastic straws for metal straws in drinks stops more plastic from getting to the ocean The young generation is the future so we all need to speak up and try to save the world.
Global warming is not a new issue; it is not a topic that snuck up on any of us. We, the people, and also those who are in charge of passing regulations, completely had control over this pressing situation but chose to ignore it rather than act. I do not understand why global warming and the risks of possible
ing hate, it isn’t working towards any solution. His childish mannerisms are throwing fuel onto the fire. It is no surprise as to why certain people perceive this issue the way that they do, one look at who is in charge and it speaks volumes. The way things are looking at this moment we should be following in the footsteps of the students who are striking in hopes to see a change. High school students in the U.K have taken part in peaceful protests to show the magnitude of global warming and the possibility of a drastic climate change. Students across 30 towns and cities, some including London, Bristol, Cornwall,
and the Swedish Highlands, have gone on strike once a week to fight for new laws to support the change this world needs. A 16-year-old Swedish teen is the inspiration behind the current uproar. Greta Thunberg is the girl who spoke out and expressed her confusion and frustration on a TED Talk. The lack of our urgency towards this issue is resulting in the spiral of our environment. We should be the change that we all want to see.
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Novalee Lopez, an SAS senior, enjoys a yummy scoop of ice cream!
Earth comes down with something 45&1)"/*& 45"3,4
An old issue that needs new solutions drastic climate changes should had ever been an issue that warranted silence. For some odd reason, there are people who truly see global warming as nothing but a liberal scheme made up to make a joke out of society. It seems to me as though people are more concerned with social media and the news attention that Hollywood celebrities receive, rather than possible repercussions of our lack of urgency. There is not enough media coverage on the issues that will affect our lives if things continue the way they are. When our own president is abusing his position by preoccupying himself with Twitter wars and spew-
National Scholastic Press Association
APRIL 2019
Man On The Street:
What can you contribute to help out the planet?
I can use less plastic and instead use I can always help by telling others to reusable items. I can also recycle and do their part in disposing of items use energy efficient light bulbs since properly, such as throwing trash in the they save more energy. Another thing I trash can and bottle, cans, and paper in can do is repurpose items that I no lonthe recycling bin. Small things like this ger need into something more useful. helps keep the environment clean. Julia Rouillard, SAS, 9th grade
I can recycle and use less water by taking shorter showers, as well as replacing plastic bags with reusable bags. Also, I can be thoughtful when purchasing items by refusing to buy things I don’t need.
I can pick up trash when I see it and not litter. I could also recycle, reduce my water usage, use public transportation and stop using plastic straws. I could also advocate for it.
Angel Romero, NMA, 11th grade
Anthony Sales, TCA, 12th grade
Idalia Saravia, PAM, 10th grade
Satire: The question of global warming
45&1)"/*& 45"3,4 COPY EDITOR
Global Warming is a serious issue, but that does not mean that there are pros to outweigh the cons of the situation. Growing up in the warm, homely state of Alaska, my family made a living off of hunting polar bears for their fur. It was beautiful. There
was nothing that brought my family together more than providing warmth and decoration for other Alaskan families through the slaughter of a vulnerable species. Now that Global Warming exists, it will be easier for my family and I to provide our services. Global Warming results in a hot Earth. That means that the ice is melting. In conclusion, if there is no ice for them to lay on, the polar bears would be coming inland for shelter and refuge. It is genius! By us hunting the already decreasing population of polar bears, we could also be helping
progressing toward the end of Global Warming and bringing in more jobs. Adult male polar bears can weigh up to 900 lbs and females weigh almost 400 pounds less than that. If there are an estimated
the Global warming problem. If families like my own were to commit to getting polar bears to at least the “Critically Endangered” IUCN Classification, then we alone can contribute to helping Global Warming. Less polar bears means more fish, seals, whales, walruses and more hunting of these animals.
If there is no ice for them to lay on, polar bears would be coming inland... It is genius! 31,000 polar bears left, then that means that there is nearly 27.9 million pounds of polar bear on Earth. Not only is that a lot of meat, but that is also a lot of body heat adding on to
My family would like to personally thank the United States Government for providing more jobs for family businesses like my own. Without their help, Global Warming would not be as much of a popular
event as it is. I hope people take my idea into consideration. With the government behind our backs, funding our project so that we can buy oil to fuel our ice machines, we could make a difference. All of the other ideas are way too complicated and expensive to achieve, but with basic mathematics and common sense us hunters are hoping to single handedly end global warming. Stephanie, an SAS senior, enjoys drinking champurrado and giving high fives.
To be quite frank, the world deserves better
Global Warming, a topic that is filled with great controversy, is looked as a joke to the man that runs our country. Many people remain oblivious to the crucial condition our environment is in and before we know it we will be living underwater. Yes, underwater. Global Warm-
ing indicates the theory of us living underwater with the water levels rising and there have been multiple political cartoons in which mock this theory. According to USNews, the political cartoons show a vivid interpretation of how our life will result if the ignorance remains. If you think that’s a scary thought, consider this: we are the reason the glaciers are melting, wildlife is threatened and cloud forest is dying. When thinking of Global Warming, all one thinks about is the weather, but there are factors of the degrading of our environment falls between the extinction of animal
life, the air we breathe, the water we drink and the overall the daily life we live. Climate change has become a massive story to those across the globe. As the temperature rises
to be so much evidence and it still is considered a laughing stock to various people truly makes me question the knowledge and or awareness of those people. Will one come to understand that we are the reason for such a disaster when it begins to snow in Los Angeles or when there are no longer any glaciers to hold up the Atlantic life? There have been films emphasizing how life will be if these man-made conditions continue. Imagine living as they did in “The Day After Tomorrow,” freezing to death and realizing you were the one
We are the reason the glaciers are melting, wildlife is threatened and cloud forest is dying. the risk of sea level rising and temperature become abnormal making it difficult to all. I for one do not understand how one could look upon such a crisis, for one to deny Global Warming exists, is completely appalling. For there
to blame for not taking a topic such as Global Warming seriously. It has been synthesized that soon enough life will be turned upside down, but when 60% of our population remains oblivious, activist groups such as the Environmental Defense Fund can only do so much. As the sea levels rises, wildfires are seen as common and storm rates rise, we remain seated in the front of our TV screen finding importance in what is going on in a celebrities luxurious life rather than the matter at stake. Mayeli, an SAS senior, enjoys a good breakfast burrito.
6 APRIL 2019
Environmentalist of the Month: Dr. Keislar FRIDA LARIOS
his month’s Sheik of the Month has been awarded to Dr. Keislar who teaches chemistry, physics, and AP environmental science. Keislar has been teaching since 1979 and has been teaching at Hollywood High School for 14 years. “I feel very honored to be Sheik of the Month,’’ Keislar said. Keislar said he thinks Hollywood High is a great school, but to help our school environment students should throw away their trash after every meal. “We don’t need cups, trays, or napkins left around.
Look around, it’s a very simple thing to do and is also a great habit.” Since Earth Day is this month, he recalls celebrating the first ever Earth Day
which was on April 22, 1970. ‘’Seven friends and I all rode our bikes to school and took up the right lane. Cars had to go around us and now that I think about
Photo Credit: Frida Larios
it, it was a bit unfriendly but we did it to make a point that bicycles deserve to be on the road just as much as cars do.’’ Keislar celebrates Earth Day every year in his own way and usually enjoys going to the Pacific Ocean and at least touching the water if he can’t go all the way in or bodysurf, which is one of his favorite hobbies. To help the environment, he recycles as much as he possibly can, tries to buy as many eco-friendly products as he can, and teaches his students to recycle. “I think that he deserves to be Sheik of the Month,”
said Emelie Recinos, SAS junior. “He is really genuine and kind and cares so much about our environment.” Dr. Keislar is very passionate about the environment as he is about teaching. He believes that instead of fossil fuels we should start using higher-priced substitutes which are better for our environment and that cities should be reinvented so that we can walk or bike to wherever we need to go.
To reduce waste, think reusable RANDY SUAREZ CHRONICLE REPORTER
Graphic Credit: Randy Suarez
ittering is subconscious, but you can fight it by being eco-conscious by taking these simple actions. Think of these actions as investments that can reward you and the environment later.
Use a reusable bag, preferably a tote bag. They can be used more than just groceries. Its simplicity and potential in aesthetic value. Rather than purchasing 10¢ “reusable” plastic bags that are used once before ending up in the landfill, invest in a tote bag that works as an accessory and save more money in the long run. You get more value from a tote bag because of its versatility. Shop vintage/thrift stores Disclaimer for thrift store shopping: make sure to wash clothing first before wearing, and know
how to wash it, in regards of its material. Vintage shops’ clothes are curated fashionably, helping create a unique wardrobe. It indirectly helps in environmental and humanitarian ways by reducing carbon footprint, preventing the production of more clothes by fastfashion companies. It can help fight against fast-fashion brands that are reputed for severely underpaying their workers. Use a reusable water bottle. As obvious as this sounds, many people still use single-use bottles and recycle them, but unfortu-
nately, much of it ends up in the landfill anyways. Reusable water bottles reduces use of BPA, which contributes to air pollution and global warming when being produced by factories. Reusable water bottles encourages water consumption through portability, keeping you hydrated and healthy. It keeps drinks colder and fresher for longer amounts of time, which also encourages hydration. Not everyone enjoys refreshing luke-warm water after a hot day. Shop organically. It may seem a bigger task, but shopping organically in places such
Four easy tips to conserve water MELANIE AGUILAR
educing the amount of water used on a daily basis goes a long way towards helping our environment and saving the earth. Being resourceful and using less water limits the amount of money that needs to be spent on chemicals and reservoirs to obtain the amount of water necessary. The average family wastes approximately 9,400 gallons of each year. In countries where water is less accessible, it is a struggle to shower, wash
clothes, and even drink water. With saving water tips and procedures, we may be able to maintain our environment rich and healthy. Here are some helpful tips on how you can do your part to help save water: 1. Turning off the tap while brushing your teeth can save 8 gallons of water per day, this is equivalent to 2,920 gallon of water a year. When brushing your teeth only use the water when it is time to rinse your toothbrush or your
mouth. Doing this will decrease the amount of water wasted to perhaps one gallon. 2. Shut the faucet while you wash the dishes, letting your faucet run for five minutes while washing dishes can waste up to 10 gallons of water and uses enough energy to power a 60-watt light bulb for 18 hours. 3.Limit your showers to five to ten minutes. By decreasing the amount of time you spend in the shower you can save 15
percent, or nearly 7,600 gallons of water, annually. That’s the amount of water needed to take 480 showers. 4.Water your plants with recycled water. Put a bucket directly under your shower head to catch the water you waste while you wait for the water to cool or warm. Reuse this water and you will help the environment.
as farmer’s markets takes this further by supporting local farmers. Many of their products are already package-free or biodegradable, so you don’t have to put much effort to help the environment. You don’t have to go fullout (although it helps), just try minimizing the amount of items you purchase that produce a lot of trash. Single-use and packaged foods, like granola and candy bars tend to be guilty of this.
APRIL 2019
The meaning of Earth Day
arth Day is an annual event celebrated on April 22. The first celebration was on April 22, 1970. It was founded by United States Senator, Gaylord Nelson. Every year on this day, it’s a celebration of the earth’s modern environ-
mental movement. Some 20 million people nationwide took part that year in different activities to protest against the deterioration of the environment. Since the first Earth Day many events have grown to include raising awareness of environmental concerns, especially the threat
of global warming and the need for clean renewable energy sources. Earth Day is important because it shows us what we are taking for granted. We have been treating our home in an unfriendly environmental way. If people were to implement the changes in their behaviors
towards Mother Earth, then we would be able to make our planet a much better place to live in, also for upcoming generations. Celebrating Earth Day is very simple. Anything that contributes to saving the Earth is basically Earth Day. Using eco-friendly cleaning products, unplugging
More than 10% of the world's population is impacted by global warming. Eleven percent of the total gas emissions are caused by deforestation. Save the trees!
Saving the ecosystem is actually pretty cheap! For example, in Maldives building, a sea wall costs four times as much as it would simply preserving the coasts.
frequency, and duration of hurricanes have been steadily increasing since the 1980s.
95% of our Earth’s original ice has been melted. Think of the polar bears!
Currently, as it stands there is a 12% chance of a megadrought. However, if we keep emitting greenhouse gasses then that will rise up to more than 60% percent.
the television, turning the lights out, and recycling are all ways to celebrate. This event is now the largest secular observance in the world celebrated by more than a billion people every year according to the Earth Day Network.
More than 10% of the world's population is impacted by global warming. Facts provided by NASA Graphic Credit: Leslie Figueroa
A strawberry plant blooms and is a natural beauty at Hollywood High. Photo Credit: Maria Alfaro
Carrots are grown in our school garden Photo Credit: Joan Kim
Busy bee at work pollinating school flowers Photo Credit: Sidney Gonzalez
Flowers are soon to bloom near the SAS building Photo Credit: Elvira Roman and Elissa Martinez
8 APRIL 2019
Assemble your friends to watch “Avengers: Endgame” ELVIRA ROMAN
Avengers: Endgame is the sequel to Avengers: Infinity War. As expected, many people of all ages are excited to see the outcome of the Avengers after Thanos wiped off half of the universe’s population, including half of the superheroes. The movie is set to be released on April 26. For those who have not watched Infinity War prepare yourselves for a quick recap and spoilers ahead. In Infinity War the Avengers have to battle Thanos and collect all six infin-
ity stones. Throughout their battle, Thanos still manages to snap his fingers and kills half of the population because of his greed. In that population some superheros end up turning into dust: some being Spider-Man, Black Panther, Doctor Strange, and Star-Lord. Iron Man who is played by Robert Downey Jr., Thor is played by Chris Hemsworth, Sebastian Stan playing Bucky Barnes, and Brie Larson who is Captain Marvel are some of the cast in Avengers: Endgame. From what the trailers have revealed, all superheroes who survived Thanos’s snap will seek revenge and assemble to destroy him. The most unexpected people seem to have a very important role, such as Hawkeye and Ant Man. Captain Marvel will also be a new addition to the team that will help destroy Thanos.
Many people were wondering what would happen to Tony Stark and Nebula. Andy Martir, SAS senior said “I have many expectations for Endgame and I know it will live up to them because the Russo brothers are at amazing at what they do and they can not let Stan Lee down”. Jadine Ramirez, SAS senior said “From what I have seen in the trailers, I think Captain Marvel and Thor will be the ones to ultimately defeat Thanos given that they are the strongest Avengers”. Avengers: Endgame broke the record of being the number one movie to sell out presale tickets and it only took six hours. People who were online waiting to buy tickets crashed the website. The chaos to get tickets is even reaching the extent of people reselling their tickets on online websites for double the price or more.
The same day Fandango presale tickets were released, a new special look trailer was released for the film. A major reveal was shown when Tony Stark is being shown hugging Pepper Potts, meaning he came back from space and has been reunited with the rest. In the very end of the trailer Captain America, Iron Man, and Thor are walking up to Thanos again to what seems to be a battle between them. What many people can agree on is that they believe one or a few of the original Avengers die. A character nobody is ready to see get killed off is Iron Man; Tony Stark. Watch Avengers: Endgame this spring to be surprised and get answers from the previous Avengers film that left us wanting to know more.
Peele your eyes for the thriller “Us” ELISSA MARTINEZ
“Us” is an American horror thriller film written and directed by the Academy Award winning Jordan Peele. After Peele’s highly successful movie “Get Out,” many people have been waiting in anticipation for his next project. Peele brought something unique to the film industry. He brought his own style of horror that overthrew the usual horror films. Peele also casts people of color as the leads instead of your usual white person as your lead. The movie started of with the Wilson family wanting to get away from their busy lives. they all decided to take a vacation to Santa Cruz, California with the plan of spending time with their friends, the
Tyler family. On a day at the beach, their young son Jason almost wandered off, causing his mother Adelaide to become protective of her family. That night, four mysterious people broke into Adelaide’s childhood home where they were staying. The Wilson family were shocked to find out that the intruders looked like and talked exactly like them, only with distorted appearances. This film started off really well with the characters being
very likeable. Peele also added in some comedy into the film
which came out to be unsurprisingly on point considering it was a horror film. It was a nod to his career as a comedian
before he began directing horror films. As “Us” started playing in the movie theaters, it quickly became Peele’s second hit. He not too long ago started his directing career and currently has only two movies out so far yet his name is already a selling point. Previously, he starred in the show Key and Peele on Comedy Central.
Every actor in the film gave an amazing performance. Lupita Nyong’o performed incredible in her role. Lupita Nyong’o is an academy award winner who also acted in “12 Years a Slave” and “Black Panther.” She had the task of playing the role of the mom, Adelaide Wilson, and her doppelgänger, Red. Nyong’o brought life into her character because while watching the movie you feel for her trying to protect her family. If you are a horror movie fanatic, then “Us” will not disappoint because the storyline was well written and it definitely leaned more towards the horror elements than Peele’s other film, “Get Out.”
Girls soccer kick it into second gear with “The Wolves” MAYELLI ACUNA & KATIE ADAYA CHRONICLE REPORTERS
“The Wolves,” a play written by Sarah DeLappe and directed by Alana Dietze, made it their goal to emphasize a true “coming of age” story. This female-dominant play touched on controversial topics such as abortion, sex, mental disorders, and immigration that emotionally appealed to the audience as it spoke on subjects that are typically disregarded. This play revolves around a girls’ soccer team, discussing during practice and before or after their games. The stage consisted of a turf with props such as soccer balls and other equipment needed for practice. Although the characters did not have proper names and were referred to as their jersey numbers, it became easy to distinguish each individual by their personality. As the lights dimmed, the teenage girls’ yelling instantly left the audience attentive. The
raw emotion of each individual character was felt from the getgo. The role played by Connor Kelly- Eiding had a vibrant and bossy persona, considering that she played the role of team captain. The other roles were all distinctive, but there was one character that developed drastically throughout the play.Donna Zadeh, Number 14, can be distinguished as the “mean” and “rebellious” teammate. Her change was not only one that many teenage girls can relate to, but also left the audience questioning whether their adolescence reflected to this particular character. Number 14 started off as the sidekick for Number 7 (played by Katherine Cronyn), being disrespectful to those around her and doing things the average teen would
find “cool.” Later in the play, her “best
friend” Number 7, viewed her as a coward for not taking part in
sexual activity and number 14 did not feel threatened towards number 7’s actions; she remained proud and empowered. The other teammates grew in a different matter. Double 0 found her ease when involved in social activity and decreased her social anxiety. Number 46 became proud of who she is and grew out of her comfort zone. Every character symbolized worth and growth. Number 14’s tragic death brought every character together after their lack of unity. The idea of finding security through the people around you when downfalls are encountered is represented in the play. Having a rather ironic title, “The Wolves” is projected unity and in this case a “wolf pack.” Allowing every character to use their anger, sor-
row and fear to overcome their barriers just as every individual will. Throughout this play, there is a roller coaster of emotions, especially towards the end. The performance of these actresses made an impact on the audience, as they made them feel every emotion portrayed during the play. Overall, the play was one that many teenagers can relate to, having them indulge from beginning to end. It captures the different struggles that teenagers face, allowing them to feel a sense of connection through one of the characters. “The Wolves” plays at the Atwater Village Theater through April 22. Make sure to watch them perform at 8 p.m. on Fridays, Saturdays, and Mondays and at 4 p.m. on Sundays.
APRIL 2019
Catch Season 11 before it sashays away
“Rupaul’s Drag Race” is back for it’s 11th season and fans are gagged. VH1 is back with another season of the beloved four time Emmy winning show. This season premiered on the 28 of February with fourteen new queens and 1 reoccuring queen. Internet Meme and breakout star of season 10 of “Rupaul’s Drag Race” Vanessa Vanjie Mateo. Vanessa Vanjie broke the internet after only being on one episode. Vanessa Vanjie was sent home on the first challenge and when she was Sashayed Away she muttered six words “Miss Vanjie, Miss Vanjie, Miss Vanjie.” Now whenever anyone backs away slowly they say those six words. Now Vanessa Vanjie is back by popular demand. Vanessa Vanjie was the first one to enter the work room. She noticed she was the first one so she hid to scope out the other queens and to keep her
presence a surprise. Shuga Cain was the next to enter. Cain is 40 years old and is a New York queen who has only been doing drag for a year. Ariel Versace is a force to be reckoned with. She already had a huge fan base before she was casted on this show. She does not want to be known as the Instagram Queen, she is much more than that. Brooke Lynn Hytes is the first Canadian drag queen to be on Drag Race. She came in wearing. Plastique Tiara is one of the youngest queens of the season and she is a huge threat. Just from appearance people will categorize her as a look queen. Her drag mother is the highly
respected and beloved drag race alum Alyssa Edwards (Season 5). Being from the Haus of Edwards means you know how to perform. Soju is somewhat of a house-
hold name in the drag community due to her youtube show “Shot with Soju,” where she recaps episodes and interviews other drag queens. She is a Korean drag queen who loves
to add her culture to her drag. She entered the work room in a Taekwondo uniform. There are many queens who have famous drag family. Vanessa Vanjie Mateo’s drag mother is Alexis Mateo (Season 2). Ra’jah D. O’Hara is part of two drag families. The D. stands for Davenport which has produced the late Sahara (Season 2) and Kennedy Davenport (Season 7). The premiere’s guest judge of this new season is Miley Cyrus. While the queens were working on their maxi challenge, Miley Cyrus dressed in drag to pass as a production assistant. It did not take long for the queens to recognize her. Once she could reveal who she was, she gave advice to the contestants. She left the workroom so she could get ready to be on the judges panel.
The first mini challenge is posing with a drag race alum. Each new queen is paired off with an old queen. Silky Nutmeg Ganache won the first mini challenge. The main challenge is each contestant gets a luggage full of materials of a past queen. They have to use the materials of another queen but make an outfit that represents them. Brooke Lynn Hytes won the first maxi challenge. Plastique Tiara, Vanessa Vanjie Mateo, and A’Keria were in the top 4. Vanjie has redeemed herself from last season. In the bottom 4 was Kahana, Mercedes, Nina West, and Soju. In the bottom two was Kahana and Soju. They had to lip sync to “The Best of Both Worlds,” by Hannah Montana. Soju was sashayed away. Now 15 queens are left fighting for the title of America’s Next Drag Superstar. “Rupaul’s Drag Race” airs every Thursday on VH1.
The evolution of heartbreaking boy bands
From the screaming audience to the shadowy figure of three to six good-looking men on stage, the boy band genre has dominated a good portion of the music industry. This dates back to the early 1960s, with the unforgettable television performance of the Osmond Brothers with the Beatles preceding them and creating the explosion known as Beatlemania. Since then, boy bands have been cultivating armies of fans on a regular basis. Creating the concept of good looking individuals grouping up and performing pop songs. Here is a list of some of the most notable Boy Bands throughout the years. 1962 The Osmond Brothers Began singing what was known as “barbershop music,” and performing it on television. Later on they began releasing pop music as the “Osmond Brothers” in matching outfits. Alan, Wayne, Merrill, and Jay Osmond were the brothers who made up the group, recording
“Flower Shop,” as their first single. 1964 The Beatles They stared in a history making performance on the Ed Sullivan show. Their first television debut which was marked with a screaming crowd and raving fans. Their members included John Lennon, Paul McCartney, George Harrison, and Ringo Starr as their primary line up. Their success is unprecedented creating a wave of “beatlemania,” when they reached international fame. 1969 The Jackson 5 Signed to Motown Records, and released their first album, “I Want You Back” later on. They had their first four releases on Billboard’s Top music chart, but more than that they were among the first idols of color to appeal to a mainstream white audience. The members consisted of the Jackson family including Jackie, Tito, and Jermaine, Marlon, Michael Jackson. 1977 Menudo A Puerto Rican based Latin
pop group was founded that dealt with a changing performing line. They reached international fame in the early 1980s and are one of the most well remembered latin band that launched the careers of many. The original members consisted of two sets of brothers, Fernando and Nefty Sallaberry, and the Menendez brothers, Carlos Meléndez, Óscar Meléndez, and Ricky Meléndez. Their members often switched and in the end had 38 members in total. 1991 Boys II Men Debuted their album “Cooleyhighharmony,” spawning the career as one of the industries most iconic R&B group.Nathan Morris, Shawn Stockman, and Wanya Morris were the original members and found success at Motown Records releasing their first five singles under the label. The most successful of them being “End of the Road,” which sat at the top of Billboard’s Hot 100 for thirteen weeks. 1996 The Backstreet Boys The group had an international
debut of their album “The Backstreet Boys” with members AJ McLean, Howie Dorough, Nick Carter, Kevin Richardson, and Brian Littrell. Following that up with a second album “Backstreet’s Back,” they made huge sells and became one of the most remembered boy bands. 1998 NSYNC In 1995, BMG Ariola Munich (a label company) launched the careers of Chris Kirkpatrick, Justin Timberlake, JC Chasez, Joey Fatone, and Lance Bass as a boy band by the name of NSYNC. Creating many singles, “I Want You Back,” “Bye Bye Bye,” “This I Promise You,” “Girlfriend,” “Pop,” and “It’s Gonna Be Me,” have all reached the list of Billboard’s Hot 100 at their time of release. The last one even reaching the number one spot for 5 weeks. 2006 The Jonas Brothers Formed in 2005 brothers, Kevin Jonas, Joe Jonas, and Nick Jonas, created the Jonas Brothers. Popularity for them grew as they signed with The Disney
Channel, and aired their own show. 2011 One Direction An English boy band, consisting of members Niall Horan, Liam Payne, Zayn Malik (former member since 2015), Harry Styles, and Louis Tomlinson. They came together after winning third place in the x-factor, and signed with Simon Cowell’s recording studio Syco Records. Having five albums under their discography they consisted of, Up All Night (2011), Take Me Home (2012), Midnight Memories (2013), Four (2014), and Made in the A.M. (2015). 2018 BTS Recent international K-pop sensation, the South Korean boy group are formally called Beyond The Scene (BTS) consist of group members stage names, RM, Jin, Suga, J-Hope, Jimin, V, and Jungkook. They were formed by Bighit Entertainment in 2013, and debuted with their album
It might be costly to see Bazzi. How much? $429 SALMA RODRIGUEZ
Coachella is the most anticipated and talked about music festival of the year. People go to enjoy music of all genres, food, drinks and overall just to have fun. This is the most talked about festival of the year. This festival is held over two weekends in Indio, Palm Springs. This year, the first weekend of the festival will be April 12-14 and the second
weekend should be expected on April 19-21. For the Friday, April 12 and 19 artist lineup includes performances from Childish Gambino, Janelle Monáe, the 1975, DJ Snake, Diplo, Kacey Musgraves, Juice Wrld, Los Tucanes De Tijuana, and Jaden Smith. On Saturday, April 13 and 20 the lineup includes Solange, Kid Cudi, J Balvin, Billie Eilish, Wiz
Khalifa, Bazzi and Sheck Wes. On Sunday, April 14 and 21, artist appearances will be Ariana Grande, Khalid, Zedd, Bad Bunny, YG, Playboi Carti, H.E.R, Pusha T, and Rico Nasty. Tickets can already be purchased and have been available for purchase since Jan. 4. Tickets $429 and $509 with a shuttle pass which is transportation service. VIP admission tickets retail for $999 and VIP parking is $150. By the time Coachella rolls around, the weather will be much warmer, because of this, it is recommended to wear breathable and comfortable clothes and don’t wear shoes
you really like because they will end up being dirty from all the dust. It is also recommended to bring a water bottle, sunscreen, comfortable shoes, a small backpack, a hat, and a portable charger.
all things that must be planned out such as a place to stay, transportation, and essentials to bring with them during the trip. This festival not only allows you to see artists live, but you might even bump into other celebrities and YouTube stars like Vanessa Hudgens, Katy Perry, Paris Hilton, and Emma Roberts who are yearly committed attendees of the festival. What people are mostly looking forward to is dancing their heart out to their favorite music, looking at art installations, and even meeting up with friends they haven’t seen in a while.
“This is the most talked about festival of the year.” Coachella is an event people should and need to put a lot of thought into, a year in advance might even be necessary due to
10 APRIL 2019
Athlete of the Month
Crimson Chronicle: What does it feel like to be AOTM? Jose Saban: It feels honored and accomplished to be athlete of the month. CC: How long have you been playing your sport? JS: I’ve been playing volleyball since my sophomore year. CC: What do you find to be your reason to play?
JS: I decided to play volleyball because it looked like an interesting sport to do so I wanted to give it a try and be able to interact with other athletes. CC:Any goals for the rest of the season?Any memorable moments from your season?
SPORTS CC: Is being a student-athlete hard for you? If so, why? JS: Yes, being a student athlete is difficult but being able to manage my time wisely, I was able to get comfortable with handling a sport and homework at the same time.
JS: To go as far as playoffs with the team and continue making great memories with them.
Photo & Interview Credit: Jasmine Cortez
Sheiks claw Bobcats 10-1 RAFAEL HERNANDEZ
CHRONICLE REPORTER The Sheiks slayed the RFK playoffs right now, we want to 12 to 4 win you know, “said day of the week including Bobcats at a home game with a be number one or two in the Mike Mejia, varsity coach, Saturdays. final score of 10-1 on April 8. league and that’s the goal and “there’s always room for im“Everyday is playing catch, Hollywood Sheiks are curwe really think we can make provement and I was actually hitting drills, and conditionrently undefeated with a winning streak of four games in league, ranking them first in the Central League baseball standings. Last year they ended their last game on a 6-0 win game and ending their first game on 12-4 win against Belmont High School things are looking up. Varsity Coach Dylan Early said, “Things are looking good. We got started a little late but I think that we’re ready to start league and guys are definitely excited. Senior varsity player Nick Macadaan hitting at the home game against Roybal on April 3. I like the atmosphere Photo Credit: Jasmin Mejia around the school and also around the community. that happen right now.” pretty proud of the guys. They ing. Their favorite thing,” said We had an awesome alumni “First game was a learning showed me a lot that I wasn’t Coach Mejia. game, which a lot of people experience for everybody, a lot expecting which is always a Varsity coaches know what showed up to so that was of young guys on the team so good thing,” they are doing and feel very a really good start. I think it was good to get some game The baseball team practices confident about the players the hopes for the season are experience but it was a good from 3:30 pm to 6 pm every this year.
JV’s first game was on Mar. 18. TCA 10th grader and JV Captain Jesse Chavez said, “ This year I feel that it’s going to be challenging but we’re still gonna get through with it. My hopes are to do more work and move onto varsity.” He said being captain can be stressful, “But not because of my own team it only puts stress on me to know what I have to show these guys the right way and how the right path has to work in baseball. I always tell them that the only way to be better at yourself is to always improve and listen to each other. If we give each other advice don’t take as a insult, take it as more of an opening so you could improve yourself.”
This season, softball’s main goal is to achieve the title of league champs again this year. The Sheiks have been going on strong in league, playing at home against Roybal on April 4, taking a win with a score of 20-6. The Sheiks had a great comeback against Mendez on Mar. 28, beating them 19-0. They played against Bernstein on Mar. 26, and came home with another win of 15-2. They then beat Contreras on Mar. 21, with a score of 11-1. They had their first league game on Mar. 14, with a 17-2 win against RFK.
“My expectations for this season are to lead my team to become league champs once again this year by working together and communicating,” Itzel Firchau said. “Personally, my goals as a pitcher are to start off the games in positive note.” The first preseason game kicked off on Feb, 15, at home
better and work harder. The pre-season game heads up.” Soon after that on Feb. 28, against Northridge Academy After spring break, softball the Sheiks faced Gardena High took place on Mar. 12, resultfaces Contreras once again on School. This game resulted ing in a score of 20-5. April 23 before ending their with a score of 13-3, regular but this did not make season them lose motivation. game A close pre-season against game against Mendez Bernstein High School ended on April with a score of 13-8 25. that took Keep a place on close eye Mar. 4. out for the Tensions softball with Royteam bal High as they School Hollywood Sheiks getting ready to hit at the game against Roybal. continue were season Photo Credit: Yearbook high due undefeated to both schools Delilah Peraza, PAM 11th, and work hard for a title that being very second base, on varsity they desire. serious about explains her thoughts regardthe sport. Hollywood came ings the game. “I think we did through with a no hitter game really good defensively and no of 19-0. matter the score we kept our
“My expectations for this season are to lead my team to become league champs once again this year by working together and communicating “ going against Discovery High School. The score was 9-0 but that only pushed them to do
Marielle Sanchez: I don´t feel much but I do feel grateful to be nominated for Athlete of the Month. CC: how do you motivate yourself before a game? MS: Before a game or track meet, I try to think positive. CC: Any lucky charms or routines you have for a game or during practice?
Athlete of The Month
MS: I believe in having a positive mindset to being able to perform well. CC: What do you do when you’re not concentrated with your sport?
MS: When I´m not concetrated, I try to clear my mind or center on my focus on my intial goals and not my long term goals so I don´t stress out.
goodbye to the sport?
MS: Closing this chapter, running at Hollywood does make me feel slightly sad because I have met many great people through the program and the coaches have highly contributed to making the athlete that I am today.
CC: (if they’re a senior) How does it feel having to say
Photo & Interview Credit : Jasmine Cotez
Crimson Chronicle: what does it feel like to be AOTM?
Cheer places first place in Central League SIDNEY GONZALEZ CHRONICLE REPORTER With cheerleading competition season here, the Hollywood cheer team has been at work. Cheerleading is considered year-round sport since they begin with football season and then around February and March compete in their own competitions. The latest competition was on March 15 at Wilson and the team once again earned first place. The competition included 10 schools with John Marshall High School in second and Eagle Rock Senior High School in third. The series of cheer competitions began with the show-
case, where teams performed Senior High School. The team got redemption by placing first in front of a panel of judges to earned first place in the comin the following competition. demonstrate I hope that our their rouhard work and tines. problems we’ve One of the had within the purposes of team pay off this was to and we make ensure that it all worth it,” none of the said SAS senior, tricks are Heidi Paniagua. illegal. The She has been showcase on the cheer this year reteam her entire sulted in the school career, team placing The Hollywood Cheer Team stunting for the judges in the Central League Compition and is captain Photo Credit: Jason Durant last. and main base. Following that, the first petition. The last competition will be competition took place on “We put out a bad perforRegionals on April 26. March 1, at Woodrow Wilson mance in the showcase, but we Juan Jimenez is a sophomore
SAS student who started cheer last year, but it’s his first year competing with the team. He has some advice for anyone considering joining the team.“It’s been very nice and welcoming. Just have an open mind and be prepared to try new things. Even if you’re shy, the team will make you feel welcome and part of the family.” “Cheer is a real sport and we practice for three hours and put as much effort as any other sport team,” said sophomore PAM student Zoey Montgomery. “We have a lot to prove.”
Volleyball put to the test by Bernstein STEPHANIE STARKS AND GUADALUPE HUERTA
COPY EDITOR AND SPORTS EDITOR Despite the mishaps, the place to second place in Cenboys have been spiking their tral League. way to the top, currently plac“This year it’s a different set ing in second place in central of players and I feel like: Do league. On April 10, Hollywood fought in their last season game against Bernstein which proved to be the match of the season. Taking vengeance for the 3-1 loss on Mar. 18, the Sheiks slayed the Bernstein Dragons in Jose Saban Setting the ball for the hitteres to hit. three sets. Leading up Photo Credit: Yearbook to this game was the face-off we deserve to be first? Yes, if against Contreras on April 8 we win our games,” said Coach and, to make up for the forfeit Beverly Kilpatrick,”but we loss, Hollywood took another have to deserve it.” ‘dub’. 3-1. Hollywood attended the On Mar. 13, the Sheiks had a 2019 Atlantic Classic Invitahome game against Contreras. tional Tournament to boost Although they won fairly with their stats, bringing home a score of 3-0, an issue regard- wins against Fairfax and Elizaing CIF, Hollywood High, and beth and almost taking home Miguel Contreras High ended 1st place of their division. That with a forfeit loss. title was given to New West This resulted in their first Charter, however. league ‘loss’ followed by the An intense game that was very anticipated Bernstein definitely one for the books, game on Mar. 18. the boys took New West The Hollywood team Charter to the last set where received their second loss in they lost with a close score of league, taking Bernstein to 15-11. the 4th set with a score of 3-1. ”The tournament helped us This dropped them from first with our communication and
teamwork. It built our foundation for going far in championships” said SAS sophomore Christian Guevara.
This fervor carried on after the tournament with the Sheiks blowing out the Belmont Sentinels and RFKs Bobcats. This year was a big leap compared to the last two
Their record was 17-5, similar to the 17-3 record of the following year. Hollywood went to playoffs again in 2018. Their first game was against the previously mentioned Elizabeth High School where they were knocked out in the first round. Now, in 2019, with a 10-7 record, Hollywood built strength with a new team. Out of the eleven boys in the roster, currently only three of them are varsity . “I’m not gonna lie they had us in the first half of the season, but were progressing and becoming better,” said Captain Matthew Herrera, SAS junior. Of these new players were some of Hollywood’s most notable athletes who started playing the sport for the first time this season like Julian Berzonetti. “I think they have come a long way, I think they’ve
“ Do we deserve to be first? Yes, if we win our games,” said Coach Beverly Kilpatrick,”but we have to deserve it.” years. The year 2017 brought the highest level of respect to the boys’ name, carrying the Hollywood name all the way to championships.
done a great job.” said Coach Beverly, “They’re definitely fearless.” For a completely new team, JV made Hollywood proud, fin-
ishing season with an overall record of 9-5. Starting the season on the right foot, the boys won their first game against Northridge Academy High school with a final score of 3-2. With every first, follows a first loss. That 3-0 loss was against Lincoln High School in a preseason game. On Feb. 25 the Sheiks officially started in league. They defeated Mendez High school with a 3-0 win. Coach Beverly Kilpatrick wants the team to stay active and keep pushing themselves. With that being said, the Sheiks played against Roosevelt on Feb. 28 which resulted in a 3-2 loss. The Sheiks redeemed themselves by winning three of the following games putting them in first place in Central League. They won Roybal on Mar. 4 in 4 sets with a score of 3-1, RFK with a similar score, and Belmont with a 3-0 win.
For updates go to thecrimsonchronicle. com
12 APRIL 2019
Track team run to first place in league CRISTAL RINCON CHRONICLE REPORTER Hollywood High School’s track and field teams most recent meet was held on April 5, against Roybal, resulting in a win for both teams. The girls received a final score of 105-13 and the boys got 117-1. The team’s fourth race was held on March 29 against Bernstein High School and ended with a tie for the boys team and a win for the girls team. The team’s third race was held on March 22 against Belmont High School, while the team’s second race was held on March 15 against their longtime rivals Miguel Contreras High School. Both teams triumphed in all three events and brought Hollywood three more wins. Linnssy Munoz, SAS Senior, said, “So far, the season’s been great, we’ve gone to two invitationals, we’re undefeated, and we beat one of our main
rivals, Contreras. Both teams School and resulted in a win on Fri., March 1. Since January right now are doing really for both the boys and girls the team has been practicing, good.” team. usually running three to seven Her miles goals every for the day rest after of the season include keeping this winning streak going. “I hope that everyone makes Jose Saban,Anthony Sales, and Oscar Perez (front left to right) running the 600 meter it to against the bernstien dragons. city school. together Photo Credit: Jasmine Cortez Jefand possibly to city finals.” A week before the first frei Arriola, SAS sophomore They started their season league race, the team had a and new runner said practice strong on Fri., March 8. preseason race against Abrahas been the hardest aspect. Their first race was against ham Lincoln High School and “I didn’t think it would be Downtown Magnet High Esteban E. Torres High School that hard, but the biggest chal-
lenge has been working on my grades and going to practice every day at the same time.” Since the season started, the team has attended two invitationals, City of Angels Track and Field Invitational, and USC Trojan Invitational. They participated alongside various other high schools in Los Angeles. This served as a chance for them to gain experience and practice at a higher level. Track and field remains one of the most successful teams on campus, with a current standing of first in their league. Patrick Sangalang, SAS senior, credits this to the team’s commitment to the sport. “Everyone’s hardworking, dedicated, and passionate about the sport. They got heart, and that’s what drives them to do their best.”
LA Sparks adopts the girls basketball team SIDNEY GONZALEZ AND CRISTAL RINCON CHRONICLE REPORTERS At a surprise event held request for basketballs quickly to the one she received when for the sport, and motivated on Mar. 28, the Los Angeles became an unforgettable she played basketball as a high her to pursue a career in the Sparks revealed the adoption experience. Kristen Welch, LA school student. sports world, even after she of the Hollywood High School girls basketball team to recognize them and celebrate their accomplishments this past season. As part of the Adopt-ATeam Program, the team was granted a $2,700 check, season tickets, exclusive practice with the team, and STAPLES Center court time. Each year, the Los Angeles Sparks adopts different teams with the support of community partners, like the Hollywood Rotary Club. “It is my hope that this motivates our young girls to continue to play basketball to pursue careers in either sports management Girls basketball stood in front of the Hollywood HIgh mural in honor of being adopted by the LA Sparks. Photo Credit: Cristal Rincon or whatever they desire,” said Natalie White, Senior Vice Sparks senior manager, saw Her own experiences like stopped playing basketball. President of the Sparks. this request as a chance to getting to play at the STAPLES “I love to provide for girls What started with a simple provide an opportunity similar Center furthered her passion because I know what it’s like
to play basketball,” Welch said. “Girls programs don’t get as much support. I hope that it opens their minds to what is possible.” As soon as they heard the news, the girls faces lit up with both shock and excitement. Alyssa Cabahug, SAS sophomore said, “We’re very honored to be selected. We appreciate all they’ve done for us. I think it’ll improve our confidence because we’re able to see people care and want us to grow.” In the midst of Women’s History month, this partnership supports gender equity within the sports community. The administrative team felt it was important to celebrate the girls basketball team, following their 15-1 season. “We want to emphasize that female athletes are valued and that they are deserving of every chance and opportunity,” said Assistant Principal Pacino Furioso, who is responsible for organizing the event.
Swimming out of the season on a better note KENYON DAWSON CHRONICLE REPORTER With swim’s season coming to a close, the swimming Sheiks look to end their season better than it started. They have had a rough season so far, cancelling the majority of their meets, whether it’s pouring rain or the opponent’s school not having a pool. Whatever the case may be, they continue to go out of their way and practice at Bernstein High School’s pool from 4-6pm every school day except Tuesday. “It’s been tough. Some days we’ve had to miss practice
because there’s no bus to take results during their upcoming us to Bernstein’s pool. It would meet versus the R.F. Kennedy be extremely easier to swim in Bobcats at 2:30pm on April 10. your own pool instead of borPrior to this meet, there rowing someone else’s.” said Kiko Gulley, TCA junior. All negativity aside, Swimmers compete against the Marshall Barristers. they have Photo Credit: Cristal Rincon swam their hardest at the were a string of cancelled meets they have competed at meets. On Mar. 27, the Hollyand hope to put out positive wood Sheiks were supposed to
compete against the Contreras Cobras, but due to Hollywood not having a usable pool, the meet was cancelled. On April 3, the Hollywood Sheiks were supposed to compete against the Bernstein Dragons, but due to Bernstein not having a swim team, this meet also got cancelled. The last meet on Mar. 20
against Marshall Barristers resulted in a 14-0 loss with the boys and a 23-4 loss with the girls. “This has been a tough year for them. Not to many results.” said Athletic Director Raul Grijalva. Hoping to end their season on a high note, swimmers are looking to give it their all in league finals on May 1 at Birmingham Community Charter High School.