USC creates gaming project Games used to promote college awareness CLEMENCIA SOLIS OPINION EDITOR
Video games are not usually seen as outlets for education, but a new study being conducted by the University of Southern California will try to see if video games can have an impact on a student’s knowledge. The school has been chosen to participate in a research program that will incorporate college readiness into a video game that will be played by students in order to see its effects. “That is a component that we have been missing,” said Principal Alejandra Sanchez. “The school doesn’t have money to buy software and games, so I think that it’s going to be very interesting to see how students can learn about college [while] playing games.” This research study is being
directed by Dr. Zoe Corwin of the Pullias Center for Higher Education at USC. In order to participate for this study, the school had to apply to become a part of it. The school was chosen and now the juniors will be able to play the game which is meant to simulate the college application process, so that students have an idea of what to expect when they have to apply in real life. “They have developed a game that is very similar to what a video game would feel like. Students have an avatar and they collect power or coins and students go through an adventure that helps them learn, acclimate, and become exposed to the college admission process,” said college counselor Heather Brown.
There will be a kickoff event for the game research in collaboration with an organization called “Get Schooled.” The game that the juniors will be able to play beginning second semester is called “Admission Mission.” They will take a survey that will allow them to log into the game and experiment with it. After that they will be able to log in and play the game for the next six weeks. The school plans on conducting a contest to see who can play the game the most in exchange for prizes. Ultimately, the participation of the juniors playing the game will help determine if video games can have a positive impact on education.
Scores are the new white Smarter Balanced affects current junior class Estefania valencia COPY EDITOR
standards in math, showing juniors we have to go back to The Class of 2017 will now that there is a great need for having a standardized test as be required to meet or exceed standards in at least one of the one of the criteria for [a] white improvement. Sanchez said that the tests Smarter Balanced assessments cap and gown,” said Principal are “complicated” and “difto graduate in a white gown. Alejandra Sanchez. After receiving the results The results of this year’s ferent” but despite that, the from last school year’s Smartseniors showed that there was senior class did very well. This er Balanced test, administrayear’s junior class has the ada high percentage of students tion is planning to make advantage though because they who did well on the English justments to the requirements portion of the assessment. Acare being prepared for the to graduate in white, those of cording to the data, 70% met exam, unlike last year’s juniors which will apply to the Class of or exceeded standards, making who simply took it with no 2017 next year. prior knowledge Tradiof what it contionally, the sisted of. This requirements year, the juniors to graduare taking online ate in white practice assessincluded the ments using the minimum GPA 140 brand new and passing Chromebooks the CST, but that the school since the test received. was discontin“We expect ued the school that they will be could not use able to concenit as a requiretrate more on the ment anymore. content, on the Almost 30% of juniors last year met or exceeded scores in the Math Also, the results question that is besection of the Smarter Balanced test as opposed to other schools. of the Smarter ing asked of them,” Balanced test for said Sanchez. “I this year’s seniors were not the school “number one in feel that the junior class has a known until after the summer, [the] West” for the English huge advantage because they therefore the school could not portion among the schools have the technology, [and] the make a decision until recently. who took the exam. On the future junior classes are [cur“Now that we have the reother hand, only 29% of the rently] taking online courses, sults [and] the support for the students met or exceeded the (Continued on page 2)
2 qNews: “Rise of the
Legacy” fall dance show
4 qOp/Ed: Stress behind
college applications
6 qFeatures: Sheik of the
Month: Melissa Navarro
Quarterback, David Rothenberg, gets a first down by tricking the Belmont Sentinels with a quarterback sneak at the CIF championships. PHOTO CREDIT: VANESSA CENTENO See page 10 for football story
Spanish resource center inaugurated last Friday Estefania Valencia COPY EDITOR
After a year of planning and partnership with the Spanish consulate, the Spanish Resource Center wias officially innaugurated Friday, Dec. 11. This resource center is among the 12 centers spread across the country, but while 11 of those facilities are located on universities, this is the first one hosted by a high school. “[The resource center] is supposed to provide any material, audio or text material, that a person interested in Spanish may be looking for or be interested in,” said Spanish teacher Ana Estangui, who was part of the effort to establish this center on campus. “[The purpose] is to promote the culture and learning of the Spanish language.” Among those present at the inauguration was a Spanish NASA engineer named Fernando Abilleira who was part of the team that launched the Curiosity rover in 2012. AP Spanish Language student, Adriana Hernandez , also gave a speech on the importance of the Spanish language in public education and is a factor which unites the people. The idea for the resource center stemmed from the proposal for the World Language Magnet program that Principal Alejandra Sanchez attempted to create with Estangui. As they were putting the proposal together, Estangui, who keeps in touch with the Spanish consulate, mentioned that USC’s Spanish Resource
8 qEntertainment: The
Argonauts took the stage
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Center was relocating from the university. As a result, Sanchez said that they thought of ways that the resource center could help a World Language Magnet. “We feel that it could enhance the Spanish program at Hollywood High school and [also] LAUSD in general,” said Sanchez. Estangui said that she emailed the Spanish Resource Center about the possibility of cooperating with the school, and she provided them with a list of options as to how they could work together. She said she knew that the site where they were located was not an ideal place. The response was a positive one, and they immediately answered that they were interested in any ideas or suggestions that she had. The center will contain materials such as films, documentaries and books specializing in Latin American and Spanish literature. It will also hold workshops, training for teachers, and invite guest speakers such as famous writers, performers or movie producers. It will be more than just a library, it is a “cultural contribution” that will host events. The new resource center is located in room 101, a former computer class which has been vacant for the past few years. (For photos of the event see page 3).
10 qSports: Boys’ soccer is off to a good start
(Smarter Balanced story continued from page 1) so we are preparing them.” The decision of a new standardized test does not resonate well with the junior class. “The Smarter Balanced test is an unnecessary requirement
in order to graduate in white. No one is truly going the extra mile to pass a test that was just brought upon us since the CSTs are now gone,” said SAS junior Gaby Nava. There is expectation of promising achievement from
the new class this upcoming May, and with the proper preparation the junior class will be able to perform well.
New guidelines redefine “bullying” LAUSD implements the restorative justice system amaany ruiz features editor
LAUSD schools are now abiding by a new district bulletin’s policy which formats new guidelines to incidents of bullying. The policy removes the term “bully” and instead replaces it with the word harmer. It also focuses on the individual creating the disturbance, or “harmer,” in ensuring that the individual creates a healthy environment. “It’s all part of the restorative justice program,” said Dean Essick Allen. “This new system now focuses on the individual creating the issue.” LAUSD follows policy number 5212.2 which states that “LAUSD is committed to a safe and civil learning environment.” In order to follow this, the individual’s parents, the dean and a counselor sit down
and tackle the issue. “We still have to document the situation, but there’s more of a social and emotional approach,” said Principal Alexandra Sanchez. Any individual creating a disturbance does not necessarily get suspended, but is put through conferences that develop relationships between the fighting individuals. The purpose behind all of this is to “restore” a better character among students involved in these situations. It gives the “bully” another chance to try and see a better side to things. Suspending is no longer an option, so this counseling is meant to be the new solution. “We want to repair harmful relationships using conferences and problem solving circles,” said Allen. “Most of
the incidents that occur at this school are at a low level, but we want the students to understand what they should be doing and then they can join the community with healthy relationships.” Also, there is a new definition of what bullying is. According to Sanchez, she said she needs to know what really is “bullying” and what is “teasing.” The difference between the two is that bullying is “between strangers” and should not be confused with “teasing” which is between two friends. These new guidelines, along with being safe, responsible, and respectful ensure that the new restorative justice guidelines look more at the individuals, so they can create a better learning community.
LACER fundraiser brings $130,500
Singers prepare for choir show Join the Hollywood Choir on Dec. 17 from 7 - 8 p.m. for their concert in the auditorium. Admission is free. Unfortunately, Scott Lehmkuhl, the Choir substitute, is a professional singer and has rehearsal the night of the Choir concert. He said that his “December was already pretty booked up when he decided to sub at our school.” Although he will be unable to attend, Nick Pietropaolo who runs the “Voices of Hollywood” program after school will “take care of the concert.” Each choir class will perform 1-2 songs and the “Voices of Hollywood” will perform another 1-2. There will also be a few solos. Lehmkuhl is especially excited about his second period choir class performing a Nigerian Christmas Carol “Betelehemu.” “They seem to have taken to it pretty well, we’ve been working pretty hard on it,” he said. The class is excited to perform the song Lehmkuhl said.
Scholarship for student writers Students are going to be able to submit a piece in any style of writing next semester to have a chance at winning a $10,000 scholarship. According to Principal Alejandra Sanchez, the English department is finalizing some criteria for this competition which is being organized for students to be able to get their writing critiqued. Students will submit a work of their choice whether it is a poem, short story, or any form of creative writing they can do. Sanchez said that the English department will select 10 entries to send to be considered for the scholarship. One will win out of all the entries. More information will be available to students as the second semester begins. Sanchez said that she hopes that this will have a successful outcome so that the scholarship will be available on an annual basis, and start a “new tradition.”
A second chance at passing PASS Program helps students retake classes DIANA RYABCHIKOVA CHRONICLE REPORTER
L.A.C.E.R held their annual brunch celebrating their 20th anniversary of the program’s history at the Avalon Hollywood on Nov. 15. Students were given different awards and students performed on stage at the event. The benefit raised about $130,500, surpassing the goal of $120,000. PHOTO CREDIT: JUN LEE
Students who otherwise would not have graduated, now have the chance with the new PASS credit recovery program during mornings, before school. LAUSD is offering this oportunity for students, allowing them to make up missing course credits to be eligible to graduate. It also gives them credit allowing them to qualify for enrollment in colleges and universities. “PASS is a new credit recovery program that is going to help students get credits back from class that they didn’t pass and earn A-G courses for college,” said James B. Carmicle, PASS program coordinator. When enrolled in a PASS(Performance Assessment Student Support) course, students work with other selected students in a structured classroom environment at his or her own pace on a series of learning modules,which combine to build his or her skills, Carmicle said. When students have passed the assessments for each module,they will earn a letter grade of “C”,which will automatically be added to their school transcripts, he said. “The only reason it is called “PASS” is because students are only able to earn the letter grade of “C” to pass the class
and get those five credits for graduation,” said Lori Gambero, assistant principal. PASS classes began Nov. 2 and meet on Mondays,Tuesdays and Thursdays from 7:00-7:50 a.m. “We have two programs started in the Fall, one is English 10B taught by Viktorija Lacan and the other ones are Geometry A and B taught by Annabelle Domingo.In the next semester we are going to add Algebra and English 9,” said Carmicle. Students who fail to regularly attend the PASS Program will be given an incomplete with more than three absences,they will be removed from the program and will need to make up the class in summer school. “We have a list of other students that are waiting to get in.Upon a fourth absence students will be asked to leave the class and then we have to go with next students on that list.We can’t have students taking a seat if they are not showing up.If they come three days a week and do what they are supposed to do, they can finish the classes they need in five weeks,” said Gambero.
“Rise of the Legacy” showcases dancers’ talents
Fall show gave student choreographers a chance to take charge of the performance JOSINE TORRES
The annual fall dance show, “Rise of the Legacy,” was held Nov. 13, 14, and 15. Artistic director and PAM teacher Lisa Goldschein watched as her beginning ballet, advanced ballet, and choreography classes performed their hearts out. The hour and a half show featured student choreographed numbers as well as Goldschein’s classic arrangements. This season’s show was heavily influenced by music and the students involved. According to Goldschein, “I always consider the amount of boys that I have, which pieces I can do, and which pieces I can create with the students I have.” Preparation for the show differed for each class. For instance, Goldschein’s beginning ballet ensemble worked on choreography daily in class until the show got closer and
graph something exciting that they stayed an hour or so after five student-arranged performances ranging from contemwas comfortable, yet challengschool. porary to lyrical to jazz. PAM ing for my classmates,” said “It’s a lot of work, we constantly learn Dioh. Her new things fast paced and if we number aren’t learnfeatured nine other ing we’re students improving and was our techinfluenced nique,” says by a little PAM senior bit of hipand beginhop and ning ballet jazz-funk. student On the Isabel Cruz. other “We start hand, the working on advanced the pieces ballet class about a had a total month and Dancers took the stage with one of their many pieces on Nov. 13, 14, and 15. of seven a half before PHOTO CREDIT: JOSINE TORRES pieces to the show, so perfect. PAM junior and adjunior and choreography stuour time is limited. The week before the show can get very dent Cheyenne Dioh said her vanced dancer Noah Jackson stressful, but the overall expe“Work Me Down” piece took has been in dance shows rience is amazing.” her five weeks to arrange and since he was a freshman. “The The show also highlighted teach. “I wanted to choreotimeframe for preparation has
always been this small for the dancers,” says Jackson, “but that doesn’t stop us from putting our all into each performance.” One such performance titled “Ballerina Can-Can” was a difficult yet entertaining audience favorite. PAM senior and advanced ballet student Samantha Kayombo has been faced with these demanding numbers since her freshman year said, “ As a dancer you want to do something that you enjoy but is still challenging, which is something you have to keep in mind for the future.” Plans for the spring dance show are already underway. “What I really liked about this year’s show was the array of pieces, so I’m trying to do a program where we can continue to show a variety of dances,” said Goldschein.
school psychologist. “We just thought that it would be a good idea to find a way to support those kids and intervene in the ninth grade instead of waiting until they’re feeling behind.” There are five different workshops held by Crouse and Luz Torres, PSA counselor: effective study habits, effective time management, where to get help, problem solving, and stress management. Although they are offered for ninth grad-
and they were engaged and participating.” Since many students signed up, there is a second round of workshops being held. If you are interested in learning more about these workshops you can speak to Crouse in the nurse’s office or Torres in the attendance office.
Freshman workshops help with transitioning into high school
High school can pose many new challenges for the new students. As a result, workshops are being held during lunch to help with the challenges that new high school students may face. These workshops will help with a range of issues such as stress and time management. “I get kids that are in the tenth, eleventh, and twelfth grade that are stressed out and they don’t know where to get help,” said Cindy Crouse,
ers, there were some older students that were present at the workshop, sharing their own experiences. Ariana Ortiz, SAS freshman, said of the workshops,“They talked about how we could improve studying and work habits and time management. It helped me create more efficient ways to complete my homework.” They went to ninth grade classrooms and gave students the opportunity to sign up for
these workshops. If students signed up they received a summons on the day of the workshop so that they could attend. Space was limited because the workshops were held in a classroom. “We went to all the ninth grade classes and we presented the workshops and we had our sign-in sheets with us and we let the students sign up,” said Torres. “I think that the students that went were students that wanted to go,
Learn about Korean culture JU Hyun YEO
TOP PHOTO: SAS junior, Adriana Hernandez presents her speech during the inauguration on Dec. 11. BOTTOM PHOTO: Ivana Gomez, daughter of Spanish singer Paloma San Basilio, closes the ceremony. PHOTO CREDIT: ERIKA BUOT
With an aim to spread the intriguing cultural heritage of South Korea to students, TCA history teacher Jonathan Lee was inspired to form a Korean club that started on Nov. 13. The club was made with expectancy to promote essential awareness, understanding, and respect for the Korean diversity that exists among the students of distinctive cultures and the wider multiethnic crowd. Lee was sparked to come up with such an idea when his students “showed interest for K-pop and Korean dramas.” “[The club’s objective] is more like awareness of Korean culture [such as] traditional holidays and basic geography,” said Lee. “Since I’m a history teacher, I will be connecting more on the history and [prominent] leaders, but language is the ultimate goal.” Based on the amount of interest he gets from students, Lee plans to hold the gathering twice a week and improve on the criteria of his future lessons. Students are to learn c words and phrases along with English translation in order
to apply them into action and continue to the next level of the language. The exploration doesn’t just end with Korean sessions; students get to enhance their geography knowledge by obtaining the specific Korean geographic features. On Oct. 13, the first day of the club, all of the students had a chance to sample some palatable tastes of popular Korean snacks. “As a first meeting, I really enjoyed it,” said SAS senior Oscar Aguila. “I like how we were fully involved in activities that helped my understanding of Korean. With the introduction, I felt like I learned a lot and am looking forward to join[ing] this club.” This rare opportunity is open for all students who are inclined to get in depth with the various aspects of Korean culture like food, language, history and geography. So take this advantage to encounter the atmosphere full of friendly interaction where Korean can be learned in an enjoyable way every Friday during lunch in room 307.
4 december 2015
Gaming can be used for learning
With the increasing improvements in technology, we are able to communicate, find the information we need instantly, and play games all in one device. This is an incredible feat that has been accomplished over many years, but now we must face the consequences of these improvements. Now we have games and apps that can teach us new languages or let us control virtual worlds of characters. These technological advancements have made life easier for students and teachers alike. This can be a good thing, but some people may believe that it leads to laziness and that it prevents people from learning effectively. However, here at The Crimson Chronicle we believe that games and technology can help students in
their education. Programs such as Engrade and Remind can help teachers and students alike stay informed about their classes. Apps like 2K16, Duolingo and the Kim Kardashian game can teach students many things like career readiness, new languages and time management. Advancements in the devices we use to access these resources have also greatly improved. These devices allow all of us to instantly communicate with someone on the other side of the world or access millions of resources in seconds, all with a simple Google search on a device that fits in our pockets. Now the school has been chosen to participate in a USC research program that will incorporate college
readiness into a video game that will be played by juniors next semester in order to see its effects. The game is meant to simulate the college application process, so that students have an idea of what to expect when they apply in real life.
for us?” Truth is there is not much to freak out about. The seniors took the test last year without any preparation and yet most of them exceeded the standards in the English section. Most of them did fail the math section and it was pretty aggravating to find out, but we juniors have an advantage because we are preparing for the entire test this year. Recently the school purchased new Chromebooks which are being used to practice for the Smarter Balanced Test. We took the practice test for the English section before the Thanksgiving break and when we returned we took the math
section. It’s comforting to know we only need to pass one of the sections from the test to graduate in white, but this should not stop us from trying to score high on both sections. The pressure to score high overall is still there because our performance will determine Hollywood’s state rank as a high school. At first all I really did was whine about having to take the test, but as juniors we have a lot of growing up to do and part of it is accepting our responsibilities. This test is one more added to the list. I agree with the test being one of the requirements
of attention as each player wanted their team to win, going as far as playing in class. But what makes it so entertaining and addicting to the players who reach that point? “It’s one of the great innovations of the 21st century,” said Carlos Lemus, an SAS senior. According to some student gamers, the reason why there is a huge buzz is because they are able to play with their friends. They have competitions between each other and it brings out the “competitive fire” within. It might sound as if Madden has everyone on its team, but some people think the opposite. “I think it is a cancerous disease that has been infecting our school for the past year or so. And if you play that game, you should seriously stop,” said SAS senior Batin Brown In my own experience with playing the game, I can
see how it can be addicting and entertaining to people. You have the ability to create your own team and choose your own players. Gamers are also able to call plays during the matches. You can act like the general manager and be a player at the same time. I did not know a single thing about the sport and I found it pointless. However, the game actually taught me some things about football and made it interesting to watch. I just do not understand why students would play in class instead of doing work. I do not think that it should go to the extent of being a huge distraction in class. Sometimes I have seen guys cursing under their breath because a friend just scored against them in the tournament. It is okay to have fun with video games, but there has to be a limit. “We play in class [be]cause sometimes we have noth-
at school that may not have these resources at home or for those students who need to finish a project in class. For example, in our journalism room we use a piece of crudely cut white butcher paper as our projector screen. We do not have computers for all our editors or reporters. Hollywood has taken a step forward by investing in new Chromebooks which have been used for Smarter Balanced testing practice. We hope the laptops will be used for activities other than testing. This way students and teachers alike can benefit from the improvements technology has made from the last time the school invested in computers and software.
“Students should have access to updated forms of technology and software.” Since technology is evolving at a rapid pace and it is having an influence in the ways we learn, here at The Crimson Chronicle we believe that all students should have access to updated forms of technology and software. New computers, printers, and a better wifi signal would help students
Test scores are no reason to freak out Merisanda Finely Chronicle Reporter
Finding out that passing the Smarter Balanced Test is now a requirement to graduate in white has caused an understandable commotion throughout all the juniors. The biggest and most aggravating question we all ask ourselves is, “If it didn’t count for the seniors last year, why should it count
to graduate in white because there has to be some sort of criteria besides the GPA in order to wear white at graduation. Walking that stage in white should be a privilege and the only way to make it special is by working hard to get to it. Adding the test only complicates the process, but if your goals are set then you’ll pretty much do anything to get there. So if walking that stage in white is that important to you, you already know what you need to do.
Playing “Madden Mobile” is not fun for everyone Erika buot
photo editor
“Madden Mobile” caught and made a run with the attention of many students at school for half of the year, becoming more popular than Clash of Clans. The game is about managing your own football team and playing as a fantasy team. Friends compete with each other to be at the top of the league. You can play matches and tournaments to earn rewards and have the best team. It is available on the Apple Store and the Android Store for free. When the school year began, students were glued to their phones playing the game. It became their center
ing to do and that’s a great way to stay entertained. We laugh across the class and do a lot of things and it’s really fun,” said SAS senior Oscar Romero. Teachers have been oblivious to all of this but I have noticed how much this football mania has dominated the classroom. I myself was playing daily, but I do think that the “Madden madness” was going a little too far. One student said he had a test to take but the tournament ended in 10 minutes so he went to use the restroom to finish the match. As entertaining as that may sound, maybe we all need to be careful about getting too carried away with the pleasure of apps. Maybe next time there is a new phase of app madness, we all won’t get that carried away. Games are fun, but we still are students in classrooms, and disruptions are disruptions.
the Crimson Chronicle Staff
Editor-in-Chief Franklin franco COPY EDITOR EStefania Valencia OPINION EDITOR Clemencia Solis features editor AMAAny Ruiz entertainment editor Esmeralda zambrano Sports editor Vanessa centeno Photo Editors Erika Buot & Jun Lee Finance Manager Silas SAmayoa Chronicle reporterS
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National Scholastic Press Association
December 2015
Man On The Street:
How has college app season affected you?
“I don’t stress about college applications because I know that I have tried my best and now the schools will decide if I will get accepted or not.” Julio Alvarenga 12th SAS
“I feel that applying to college has been a scary and stressful experience for me because once you apply you need to wait for an acceptance letter.” China Phillips 12th PAM
“The college application process was overwhelming because many things had to be submitted and Ms. Brown had to look over everything, which made it a long process.” Diana Baires 12th NMA
“College app season gave me anxiety and it really stressed me out, but the help I received at school motivated me to finish my applications in time.” Penelope Centeno 12th TCA
Interviews & Photo Credit By: Clemencia Solis (Opinion Editor) & Jun Lee (Photo Editor)
Downloading music should be entirely free of controversy alexis gonzalez Chronicle Reporter
There has been a lot of controversy between downloading free music through streaming services and not having to pay for it, and buying music instead of downloading free music. Downloading music free is no issue. It actually spreads the
music and the artist is likely to get noticed. Some artists such as Jay Z and Taylor Swift want to get paid and oppose having their songs on FrostWire, the Beats app, and any other free apps where you can download free music. For example, in a YouTube video, an aspiring rapper from Las Vegas wanted to get noticed so he threw his mixtape on the ground. That is one way to get noticed by the public quickly. According to HipHopDX. com, most of what artists earn comes from touring. The illegal downloading of music actually
spreads the music and the artist is likely to get more listeners who will eventually want to buy that artist’s music. Music streaming services like Spotify are growing and motivates people to actually pay for the music. According to Spotify’s official explanation page, the average Spotify premium user spends more money on music yearly than iTunes users. The disadvantage of the Beats app is that ever since Apple bought the app, you now have to buy music. Back then, you used to download free music. It was such a popular app.
Senior year has its share of stress is a certain point that some students reach where they become overwhelmed with expectations and changes. When we come into high school our freshmen year, the very first thing we hear is to take courses that colleges will find impressive and all throughout high school our decisions are based on what looks good on your resume
what it’s like to be successful. We become prone to go through all these obstacles and extreme measures to gain a certain status or acceptance. We try to excel not only in academics but in sports and extracurriculars as well. We punish our bodies and never karen eustaquio really learn where our limit Chronicle contributor is.Especially at this age, where teenagers have such a vulnerSimply bringing up the fact that stress able mind we tend to think We feel pressured to create a pro- can take it all and become can possibly be causing a negative file that does not truly represent involved in things that we effect on a student, believe we can handle. causes parents as a student but rather a profile that Many of us never really well as teachers might have a chance at being seen seek help when something to quickly brush it in our bodies does not feel by a college. off, failing to talk right because the thought of to students about it or help stressed students is never spoor what you can put in your them cope with it in any way. ken about or acknowledged in college applications. We feel When a person is growing any other class other than in pressured to create a profile up she goes through a variety Fenderson’s health class. that does not truly represent of different changes: menTeachers will point out our a student but rather a profile tal, emotional, and physical. that might have a chance at be- flaws and tell us to “get used to She learns how to become a ing seen by a college. it because college is like this or great communicator as well Another kind of expectaworse” instead of ever helping as learning how to adjust to tion a student will face for us by giving us tips on how to society and the many different the majority of their lives is cope with stress or telling us changes and decisions she will the expectation that a parent that we should pay attention have to make. has for a child. We grow up to our health now more than Something that many older constantly hearing that we ever because we are fragile. people do not understand is should be someone in life and that although some stress is to be better than our parents “Application 4325” good and will help a student ever were. We grow up with By: Cassius learn how to cope with presa definition of success that sure and how to actively parour surrounding environment ticipate in different situations and families give us and that when they grow older, there becomes the only way we feel
The advantage of Spotify is that it’s cheap and you can download as many songs as you like. Today, a majority of people question why they should pay for music if they can download music for free, rather than having to pay about $1.30 for each song. A big fan of an artist might purchase the music; it is just up to the listener if they are willing to pay for music. An example of this would be Adele’s new album “25” which has officially sold over 3 million copies in the U.S. according to Nielsen Music. In the U.K., Adele made history by selling
over 800,000 copies in its first week of release. A couple of artists, such as a rapper named Immortal Technique, once said that he “do[esn’t] care if people illegally download [his] music because all music should be free.” I personally agree with free music downloads. All music should be free. There are people who would still buy an artist’s albums even though they know they can download the music for free. So it doesn’t really make a big difference if people buy albums or download artists’ music for free.
december 2015
Let go of 2015 and look forward to the new year Franklin franco Editor-in-chief
As the weeks go by we are getting closer to the end of the semester and to the year in general. As the New Year comes people begin to see the classic “New Years posts” all over Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, and other social media platforms. This year, take the time to let things go and have some personal time to appreciate the new possibilities waiting in 2016. To all those people who normally caption their New Year’s post with the classic “new year, new me,” why don’t you focus on changing your environment, not yourself. Think about it, do you really think you will actually make a 180 degree change in your personality in the time between Dec. 31 and Jan. 1? Be real. You shouldn’t have to feel like your character has to change because at the end of the day we are all who we are, it is what makes us, well, us.
As for my fellow students who may be afraid of “being left behind in 2015,” realize that friends come and go everyday. My mom always said, “just as you met them this year, you could have easily never met them at all.” Which is pretty true. Do not be afraid of losing friends because you may also gain some this new year. Once this year is over, leave all the bad things in 2015 too. Come Jan. 1, 2016, you should just realize that you made it, and so make the effort to make 2016 a better year. Freshman, congrats, you made it through your first semester as high school students so this New Year’s Eve, celebrate how 2016 will be the first year that you are high school students all year long. Celebrate the new friends you have and the new friends to
come. If you were at any time scared or shy to be starting high school, let all of that go. Come Jan. 1, be ready to be a confident freshman. Do not let any old fears control you. Sophomores, you are almost
year, test your limits and break through them so you discover more about yourselves. Try new clubs, join a sport or two. This year is one of the critical years for colleges so try new things next semester and push yourselves in both academics and extracurriculars. They say junior year is the hardest, and some agree while others may not. If you are a junior and agree, then congrats because you’re halfway through this stressful year. All the stress that first semester gave you should die at the end of this semester. All you have to do juniors is keep your head up high and be ready to face next semester with a better foot because you will know what is coming and you will be prepared for it all. To the Class of 2016, all there is to say is, this really is your year. Make it count. There are a lot of seniors still facing the
“This year, take the time to let things go and have some personal time to appreciate the new possibilities waiting in 2016. “ upperclassmen, keep it up! If you are regretting anything about this year, don’t, because it’s not worth it anymore. You and the juniors are in the middle of being teenagers so make mistakes, it’s ok. All the common teenage anxiety you might be feeling should stay behind and should not follow you into the new year. This
toils of life or the frustrations of teenage social life, but the adult thing to do is just breathe and be mature about it all. Now that most of the college apps have been submitted, just let go of all the stress they gave you. One word of advice is, even though the theme of all this is to let things go, do not think you can let go of your care towards your grades. The finish line will arrive the day you toss your graduation cap in the air at the Hollywood Bowl, not sooner. So this New Year’s Eve, let it go. Think of it as your time to let your hair down so you can be ready this New Year’s Day because you will take control of it. Take charge of your life. Maybe that was the underlining message to Frozen’s hit song.
This winter, turtlenecks make a comeback Amaany ruiz
Feature editor
he chilly weather seemed to arrive late and out of the blue, but it did come in strong. Get ready to go shopping for the cashmere sweaters and comfy coats because it’s winter season. If you’re feeling a little stuck or want to try something new, here is some winter fashion 101. The 70’s are back in style. You’ve seen some high waisted bell bottoms lately and a lot of denim pieces to include a few hints. You can use this to frame a winter style to go by or even find some cool 70’s pieces that were the trends at that time. Think “That 70’s Show.” Cashmere sweaters
and turtlenecks can be your go-to look to achieve this style. You don’t have to stop there. A key factor in what makes 70’s PHOTO CREDIT: AMERICAN APPARAREL
style so iconic is its effortless nature. Hair was often left wild while wearing minimal to no makeup. Hoop earrings often added that extra kick. Remember that you don’t have to try hard, but to just be a version of yourself. Another helpful tip into getting this seasonal vibe is finding the right color scheme. This season is filled with hunter greens and neutral colors. If they are not really your style, try getting these colors in for shoes or accessories. It also never hurts to go with traditional colors of winter. All shades of red, green, blue and white are helpful to creating this winter look. They can add a dash of color on your lips, a pop to your nails,
and can be the color of a funky jacket. One of the most important things to know about this
winter’s fashion is getting the right type of winter style. Since the weather is unpredictable (cold in the morning, hot during the day), it wouldn’t make sense to put on a giant ski jacket. It works to wear long sleeves with something shorter on the bottom or jeans with something shorter on top. Brands like American Apparel often help with this. Lastly, remember that it’s all about you and your comfort. If it feels right, be proud to be on fleek. It you’re not really feeling the style, try to take things that do fit you. Winter is a fun holiday and that should be enjoyed by everyone.
Finals give students anxiety as they make their grades Franklin franco Editor-in-chief
Finals are tomorrow, and many students have been stressed out for days, while others may not feel the full strain until later. Making the grade is difficult. For some, the best grade possible is that “A” on a report card. One may even have the ultimate goals of having “straight A’s” all semester long, but that might be a difficult goal to accomplish for some people. PAM junior, Akili Nkosi said, “I am so stressed. I feel like if I don’t study and if I don’t pass the finals, it will be the end of the world for me and my winter break will be ruined.” Some of the top students in this year’s class have managed to maintain excellent grades throughout high school, and that can add a lot of pressure. Most people might not really
take into consideration the “extra pressure” these students have. With finals being such a pain already, these students might have added weight on their shoulders since some of them might be after that illustrious title of class valedictorian or salutatorian. Getting that straight A report card is not impossible, and some of the top ranking students have dealt with stress just like everybody else. Maintaining high grades is difficult for everyone but there’s always a solution to achieving a balance. SAS senior Grace Jhu said, she “puts in a lot of effort and many sleepless nights studying for exams.” She also said that the key to maintaining any grade is in “consistency, determination, and effort.”
Now some may think that simply focusing on just academics can drain away from the other activities one wants to do in high school, but that is why there must be a balance in life. SAS counselor Raul Grijalva said that it all depends on the student. Being willing to achieve “good grades” does not necessarily mean that it will take away from one’s social skills. One just needs to be able to know when to give each aspect of their life some time. As mentioned before, finals week is notorious for the stress and frustration that it gives to every student. If the average student feels anxious around this time, how do the top ranking students feel? How do they cope? If one feels as if he has it rough, well imagine how they feel. Oscar Aguila, SAS senior
copes with stress by “taking some time off from everything.” He said that in order to cope with stress “put everything aside and take some time to think and see what is going on around you.” It is the end of the semester after all, so taking a breather seems to be what helps. For many students, final grades are the time to meet expectations, whether they are personal or external expectations. Everyone has expectations to meet and for these students, they are simply trying to meet the expectations held by families and friends alike. Nancy Cappa, SAS senior said that, being a minority “people expect [her] to go to a good college, especially since [her] parents weren’t able to go.” Social expectations have
proven to linger within student life which causes them to feel like they need to accomplish this goal so that they go to that “good college” everyone wants to see them attend. One thing that is for sure is that these students are not “better” than anyone. Grace said that no one is “naturally smart” and that passing any class in general requires a personal dedication. For these top students, making the grade is their way of fulfilling goals they set out for themselves so that they can feel accomplished somehow. This finals week, no one should feel as if they are not “smart enough.” Take it from these students, finals are hard for everyone, just keep trying your best.
December 2015
Football goes virtual with “Madden Mobile” Marvin anderson & Antonio Gomez Chronicle reporters
ith the generation of today, technology has become a big part of how a person does their daily activities. Think about it. We do work on the phone, play games on the phone, watch tv on the phone, and we can now pay for things on the phone. Apps and games are seen as this negative addiction, but they bring entertainment when we may be bored or stressed out. Although there are many apps there is always that one taking the spotlight and as of now, it’s the Madden NFL app. Taking the world by storm, the game is not just popular amongst the guys, but girls are playing it too. Everywhere you go you are most likely going to see someone playing the app. “The level of achievement you feel is great,” said SAS se-
phones too! nior Carlos Lemus. “You spend I can get better players at a faster rate.” Oscar Romero, SAS senior hours trying to build up your This app is more than just and avid player said “The team, picking the perfect playoutcome, like in the real NFL, ers, and training your team for that. It seems to drag a player reflects in the video game into this world of virtual the championships.” football and allows them to depending on how the players “Madden Mobile” is free on perform in real life.” the app store The game conand is available on any sists of legacy teams, device, both tournaments, events, android and and daily warm ups iPhone. The that help prepare the game offers player. The game has in-app purmany package offers chases, mainly in which app users can in the form of receive better players “Madden Cash” to swap out the lower which can help scored ones. These the player rack among many offers up rewards can be received for free Student plays a match on “Madden” , trying to improve his team. and earn more PHOTO CREDIT: ERIKA BUOT or paid for. money and The highest appeal play with their teams and try prizes. of the game is its competito be the best. Throughout this tive nature. Players have the “I jail broke my phone so that I could buy Madden Cash,” football season, the intensity opportunity to join “leagues” of the game was not just on said Aron Kaplan, teacher or specific teams in which the field, it was on people’s assistant. “It’s helped because they compete against one
another. You can easily catch two people facing their teams off with each other simultaneously, leading to the cheering and the frustration. It gives off a full football game effect. This semester, football season was not only extended into play-offs, but it also took over the spare time of other students as well. As the football season finally comes to a close for the Sheiks, it is more than likely that this virtual phenomenon will go away as well, but this season was definitely intense for everyone who played on the field, whether real or virtual.
special someone you have to take into consideration their likes and dislikes. Once you’ve examined that individual’s interests you are ready… to throw all that information down the drain and get them a nerf gun. It doesn’t matter who you are everyone loves a nerf gun.
Well well well ‘tis time to rhyme. For this Christmas season don’t commit treason stay in the United States for the affordable housing rates. That’s right you don’t need a kite to fight with all your might all you need this season is your favorite Christmas light.
Listen to Silas for glorious Christmas advice silas samayoa
Finanance manager
appy Christmas! Merry Hanukkah! Joyous Kwanza! The holiday season is always great but for some reason everyone expects a gift. Well don’t worry cool cats I’ve got your back (insert winky face here). Yes with my tips, you will be the greatest gift giver of all time.
Tip #1: The generic gift When finding a gift for that
kid standing around who says they’re not cold. Lies. But what is there to do against the cold? Either start burning more fossil fuels or take a hint from the onion and use layers.
TIp #2: You can never go wrong with layers Whatever you are celebrating this year we all have one thing in common. We’re all cold. Usually there’s that one
Tip #3: Save up with Secret Santa Christmas gifts. The perfect way to tell someone you care about them, use only a certain amount of money. Looking for a way to give only one gift instead of having to give everyone a present? Well you can always suggest Secret Santa. Yes the Santa of Secrecy,
sits in silence, fidgeting and waiting for the main event, the curtains open and the singer takes a step towards the mic, thus the show begins. With a mic as her tool, Melissa Navarro, PAM senior, wishes to be that singer one day. She takes center stage as Sheik of the Month for the passion she has for her art and the confidence she has as both a performer and a person. This 17-year-old girl has been known on campus for her strong presentation on stage both as a singer and an actress. In 10th grade, she was “Mina” for the play of Dracula, and for Arabian Nights, starred as “Scheherazade.” “I just finished wrapping up a film called “Whittier Boulevard” outside of school. I starred as “Sheila”, a rockabilly singer who falls in love with a transgender. This film took a special place in my heart! The trailer is up on Youtube, so
you guys can check that out.” Melissa said. Melissa has been inspiring many people because of her passion in singing and her confidence in who she is. Melissa said that when she was five years old, she would put a Shakira CD into the boombox and told all her relatives to watch her sing and dance. She used her stuffed animals as the audience. When she was seven, she would jam out to the band “No Doubt.” “From then on people would tell my parents that I have talent”, Melissa said. Her sister Amy Navarro inspired her a lot. “She has always been like a motherly figure to me and implemented traits of being a stronger person, she’s always there to advise me, she’s very smart and always tells me to get it together” said Melissa. In the future, she see’s herself writing music or starring
a time you only have to buy one gift with a set price limit.
Oh wait you don’t do this? Well have I got some news for you. You don’t like Christmas try out Hanukkah.
If celebrating anything is just not your thing, well make the best out of it. If you are told to have a lovely holiday, respond with a “Don’t tell me what to do.” You love the holiday season? First, tone it down a bit.
Sheik of the Month: Making the stage her playground Mary Paronyan
chronicle reporter
icture this, lights on the stage and a house full of audience members just waiting for the singer to come and rock the house. As the audience
in a TV show. She also would like to pursue her education and go to college. “I would want to go to a UC and major in biology and theatre. People get caught off guard when I tell them I wanna major in biology. I love science!” “I would love to make a Youth center for kids who have financial problems and help make their dreams come true,” said Melissa. “I want to motivate people and inspire them, not through music and performing, but by who I am. If you live your life without limits, beautiful things happen.” Melissa said she’s very critical of herself and always finds new ways to improve when it comes to being a human being and an artist. Melissa loves music of all genres such as rock, alternative, R&B, salsa, and pop. “Every performance isn’t just magical for me, it’s so real
and so in the moment, even though things can go crazy, life gets tough and there’s always a way to overcome the adversities.” “It’s up to people to make decisions and it’s easier said than done, but it’s not impossible,” she said. Throughout her performance, she wants people to know that anything is possible once you put effort in what you love doing.
A high price of desire and love at first sight Read the book that inspired the new film “ Carol” in theaters now eSMERALDA ZAMBRANO
The burning guilt of a love affair and high bids of sacrifice surround Patricia Highsmith’s classic, “The Price of Salt.” Inspired by personal events, this novel wraps itself around the struggle of two lovers in conventional 1950s New York, where the traditional norm for a family included a husband and wife, and gender expectations influenced individual behavior. This makes love a difficult idea to express for homosexual minorities. With an undeniable attraction, it conveys an honest story of a heart sitting on the line of resilience at the sight of change. The story is told from the perspective of Therese
Belivet, a young set designer and daytime toy department clerk. A girl flung out into space and dreaming of a fulfilling life until she finds herself enchanted by a customer’s pleasant voice. An elegant and alluring woman living a lifeless and convenient marriage, Carol Aird. For her love falls deep, Therese sends out an awkward Christmas card to Carol. Both women agree to meet and know each other. Served in the midst of their growing relationship they camouflage their love with their domestic lives. Their time becomes a combination of two: they sit in the kitchen and bedrooms,
discuss their lives as they brush their hair, and drive out of town while they laugh and relax- where they can express themselves freely and society cannot cast judgement. Yet, one should know Highsmith was famously known for her thrillers and suspension, and the magic that she unfolds in this love story is remarkably touching. A twist for each plot ratchets the anxiety. Ultimately, this novel affects the reader in means of thought because it stands out of Highsmith’s criminal suspense. It is like a revelation that is parallel with the mind of a criminal anticipating their fate, but in this case, it is the outcome of how
one stands in the relationship to the person they are falling in love with. Whatever the outcome is, the novel is eloquently written and first printed in 1952 under the pseudonym, Claire Morgan. Later republished under Patricia Highsmith, “ The Price of Salt,” shares a universe of wonders in postwar America. After having written several books like “Strangers on a Train” and “The Talented Mr. Ripley,” Highsmith takes a different turn with her romantic book that has hit the cinemas as,” Carol.” Although there are a few differences, the film is beautifully done. Directed by Todd
Haynes and screenwritten by Phyllis Nagy, the scenes of the film are heart-stopping and filled with an emotional grasp. The characters are exquisitely portrayed by Cate Blanchett (Carol) and Rooney Mara (Therese). The actresses create a realistic sense of who these women are and what they see in each other. Love is love and it comes differently for everybody. When you fall in love, you lose yourself and become emotionally naked- that is why it is called falling in love. This is a classic that will capture your heart and make you want to believe.
BTS is back with all new music
Album is filled with songs that cover almost all genres Lorena robelo
chronicle reporter
Adele says “Hello” after years Katherine garcia
chronicle reporter
After five years of taking a break from the music scene, Adele has made her monstrous comeback in today’s top music rankings. During the past few years of her absence in the music industry, Adele got married and had a child. When she came out in 2008 with the hit single “Rolling In The Deep,” she quickly sparked an interest in listeners, enchanting audiences across the world with her famous tones. Adele smoothly manages to produce captivating sounds and meaningful lyrics to create songs that relate with millions around the world. The title of Adele’s new album, “25,” represents the time she has been distant from music, and a new stage in her life. According to USAToday, Adele said, “My last record was
a break-up record and if I had to label this one I would call it a make-up record. I am making up with myself. Making up for lost time.” Adele has a fresh outlook on her life and it is clearly reflected in her album. The release of “Hello,” the first track released from the album, immediately hit the number one spot on Billboard’s Top 100 and has broken records for digital sales and music video views. The song “When We Were Young,” is another hit song from the album that also received positive reviews and that many of Adele’s fans enjoy.The album was released on Nov. 20.
The Korean hip hop group, The songs “Butterfly” and Bangtan Boys, mainly known “Autumn Leaves” were the two as BTS, made their comeback slow songs in the album that with a new album, “The Most can help one fall asleep. The Beautiful Moment In Life, Pt. beautiful lyrics talk about love 2.” and dreams. On Nov. 30, they released “Whalien 52” is one of the most unique songs they have their mini-album all over the world, ranking their album seventh place on the United States iTunes chart and second place for the world iTunes chart. Their new album experiments with various musical genres such as hip-hop, pop, and even R&B. BTS consists of seven members: four vocalists and three rappers. Each voice is very distinct but they compliment each other nonetheless. PHOTO CREDIT: ALLKPOP ever done. This song uses This mini-album consists of nine songs, each different from whale noises in the backthe next. The most popular ground, commending their song, “Run,” is a great moodvoices. setting song. It starts out slow Hip-hop being their speand when it gets to the chorus, cialty, the songs “Ma City” and the beat picks up and gets “Silver Spoon” were some of faster. their best songs on the album.
They were fun songs that one would play on repeat. On some of their albums, they have these audios they call skits where they act out an original scene but only the audio is heard. The new one added to their album, “SKIT: One night in a strange city”, talks about their experiences and the success of their last album. Their outro song, “House of Cards,” is one of their most popular songs from the album that does not have a music video. It has an R&B vibe and sounds similar to the Weeknd song, “Earned It,” but nonetheless has that BTS signature sound. Altogether, the album was a success and is one of the best they have done. This is an album one would play on repeat. It is difficult to pick a favorite song because they were all astonishing.
ble snow storm on them soon after Max tears up his Christmas letter which asked Santa to reunite his family again. After throwing the torn pieces out the window, you soon discover that a dark presence will soon be upon them. There was many suspenseful, gruesome, and funny moments throughout the film which does keep your eyes on the screen. While one moment towards
a valuable meaning of what Christmas is really about. Don’t forget that “the true meaning of Christmas spirit is becoming of people who are willing to give, to sacrifice and to keep believing.” Be good this Christmas season. “Krampus came not to reward, but to punish. Not to give, but to take,” said grandma Omi.
Experience a darker side of the holidays with “Krampus” alessandro Morales chronicle reporter
Krampus came out in theatres on Friday, Dec. 4. This horror film was far more than scary, it included a giant part in animation. Bringing different types of of unexpected foods and objects to life, all the creatures would not be leaning on to the happy and jolly side of Christmas spirit. Krampus, the shadow of Saint Nick, visits misbehaved children dur-
ing the Christmas season to punish them while Saint Nick (Santa Clause) reward the behaved kids with presents. The movie was very well put together, including the story line. It starts of with a young boy named Max, whom unfortunately is in a dysfunctional family which causes him to lose his belief in Santa as well as his joyous spirit. This soon unleashes a terri-
the end of the film stood out for its sincerity and sweetness it’ll give you quite a bit of a hilarious outcome. For those movie watchers who hunger for memorable endings, this film will surely stick with you soon after the movie end. I highly recommend watching this movie with family or friends, for not only will you gain laughs and suspenseful moments for it teaches you
“Argonautika” takes audience on an adventure erika buot
“Argonautika” set sail on stage last week from Thursday Dec. 3 to Dec. 6 as the final play for the semester. The play was directed by Kate Bridges, PAM English and drama teacher, while stage and costumes were designed by Dr. Bassim Sannah and Cher Mason, respectively. We are introduced to Jason and the Argonauts having to go on a journey to find the Golden Fleece. They are challenged by Jason’s uncle after receiving a prophecy that someone who is wearing one sandal will kill him. When he visits his uncle for his birthday, we see that Jason is wear, one sandal. As he goes on the trip, he is guided by the goddesses Hera and Athena along the way. The Argonauts go through different locations, such as the
Island of Lemnos and through fall in love as they plot against get the fleece and give it to Jathe clashing son, but they are chased rocks in order by the Colchian army. to reach ColIn an effort to avoid chis, the land capture, the goddesses where the intervene once again. Golden Fleece In the end, the Argonauts end up in a desert is. When they and die one by one, arrive, the with Jason betraying savage King Medea and leaving her Aeetes challenges Jason and their two sons. In a to yoke his moment of rage, Medea fire breathing slaughters the two little bulls, which boys and the play ends he successin tragedy. fully does. The set producHowever, it is tion was well crafted not enough to to be efficiently used get the Golden Argonauts meet Phineas, a prophet who tormented by harpies. throughout the show. Fleece. On the PHOTO CREDIT: ERIKA BUOT The ship was decorated sidelines, Athena and Hera King Aeetes in hopes of taking well enough for the audience must step in and have the the fleece. When the to experience the feeling of an king’s daughter, Medea, fall in day comes to yoke the bulls, actual ship. love with Jason to help him. Medea uses her spells to aid Costumes for the goddesses We see that Medea and Jason Jason. Then Medea is able to were elegant as Hera, Athena
and even Aphrodite walked on stage with a certain flair. The Argonauts wore costumes that were simple enough to fit their characters and the time frame. Overall, the costumes were befitting for every character. As the scenes were enacted, the background music lifted it even more. It was able to give life and matched the tone of the play. In relation to audio, there was one problem. The microphones of a few actors were not working at some points. It also gave off static sounds that were unpleasant to the ears. The actors still managed to execute a great performance and literally became stars.
Get high off this show
chronicle reporter
A riveting Netflix original, “Narcos,” depicts the rise of the most infamous drug kingpin in history, Pablo Escobar. There is also the DEA agents who brought him, his cocaine empire, and the Medellin Cartel down. The drama is set in Colombia during the 1980’s when the cocaine industry skyrocketed throughout North and South America. The show doesn’t beat around the bush; the first episode introduces drugs, money, and violence rather quickly. Instead of portraying Escobar solely in a negative light, the show makes him a complex character. Escobar is a hardworking man who is compassionate but the qualities that make him a ruthless businessman are never concealed. When Escobar’s dream of becoming a politician is
crushed, he completely immerses himself into the world of drugs and resorts to murder, extortion and kidnapping. Escobar becomes extremely powerful and successful from his rise in the drug world. He has thousands of dollars buried because he has run out of hiding places and has all of Colombia’s police force and judges scared or on his payroll. At that point the DEA is hot on Escobar’s trail but they meet various obstacles in their pursuit. Whenever they think they have an informant, Escobar has them ruthlessly eliminated. What makes this criminal drama compelling is its use of multiple perspectives. Escobar is someone you love to hate and the DEA agents aren’t portrayed as the heroes.
“Jane the Virgin” is back, baby LORENA ROBELO
chronicle reporter
“Jane the Virgin” came back to the CW with a second season. Their first season received reputable recognition with their Golden Globe nominations and win for Best Actress in a Comedy or Musical Television series. Last season, Jane Gloriana Villanueva, a 23-year-old, hard-working college student and writer, made a vow to stay a virgin until marriage. That was taken away when she went to her doctor’s appointment and her gynecologist mistakenly artificially inseminated her. The donor of that sample
is a man Villanueva met five years ago and is now her boss, Rafael Solano. The gynecologist who artificially inseminated her is also Solano’s sister. And to make matters worse Villanueva and Solano are both in relationships. Now in their second season, Jane has given birth and is facing new challenges being a mother. So much has changed then. She met her father for the first time, she broke up with her fiancé and was in a relationship with the father of her child, Solano until they had a falling out. The show airs on Mondays at 9 p.m.
“Jane the Virgin” has been critically acclaimed since the first season. It was nominated for two Golden Globes, a Critics Choice Award, an AFI award and much more. This show has received praise because of their racially diverse cast, the majority being of Hispanic descent and who speak Spanish. This show will be thrilling to watch and is recommended to many. It gives one a hilarious perception of a modern day Latino family that one will find easy to relate to.
to still strive for better things makes for an inspirational story for viewers and allows them to understand the issues other countries face. The program that teaches these students to play the instruments wants to give them all a chance to pursue something else in life instead of just falling into the most common job of picking up trash in the landfill as many other citizens of Cateura do. “Landfill Harmonic” follows these students for almost five years, giving the audience a chance to watch these children grow up. Not only is one able to see them mature physically, but one also sees the students mature as performers. It is depicted how the group began touring the world and earned a name for themselves
for using such unique and original instruments. As a viewer you watch how the students in the orchestra begin their journey practicing in Cateura, then eventually perform in other countries and even perform with Megadeth in the United States. Soon enough, the film is documenting their rise to stardom and how they are touring on their own from the Americas all the way to Japan. What adds a layer of humanity to the film is how the family life of some of these kids is being followed as well. One sees how some struggle with their family, with personal faults, and natural disasters, but in the end, the theme of family love fuels these kids to keep dreaming. Even though the film
focused on a small group of people within the orchestra, the program continues to grow in size and recognition. Inspirational and genuine, “Landfill Harmonic” gives the audience a narrative they can follow and become emotionally attached to. By revealing all the real life hardships that these children face in such an impoverished area, the film’s producers and directors give a reason for their audience to feel motivated and at the same time, raise awareness about the conditions people in Paraguay face. To continue promoting both the film and encourage support for the orchestra, “Landfill Harmonic” will continue to be screened in film festivals throughout the year.
“Landfill Harmonic,” making music out of garbage Franklin franco editor-in -chief
In a new drama and biographical film, directors Graham Townsley and Brad Allgood bring to life the story of children in Cateura, Paraguay. The documentary “Landfill Harmonic” follows the story of Paraguayan children who live in the slums of Cateura, an area renowned for its huge landfill that holds the garbage of the capital city, Asuncion. The story of the children involves fighting their living conditions and pursuing their dreams. What makes these children special is that they play classical music on instruments made entirely out of garbage from the landfill. This film documents the lives of a certain group of teenagers within the group as a way to give a deep perspective on the process these kids took
to become an internationally recognized group. It touches on the topic of poverty and is an empowering example of how certain backgrounds should not affect the dreams one aspires to fulfill. From the beginning, the film captures the first moment that the idea of instruments made of garbage came to be. Violins made of tin cans and cellos made of oil barrels decorate the orchestra and they’re all made by a local carpenter in Cateura who wants to help these kids accomplish their dreams. All of the hardships that were documented also give a good perspective on the things that happen in Paraguay, a country where most of its inhabitants live in poverty. The fact that these kids managed
10 DECEMBER 2015
Athletes of the month
surmier cunningham ,NMA JUNIOR, fOOTBALL Crimson Chronicle: How does it feel to be Athlete of the Month? Surmier Cunningham: It feels really good and it’s a great honor. Crimson Chronicle: How far do you think playing sports will get you or is it just a hobby? Surmier Cunningham: I honestly believe I can make it to college with the help of football and it helps that I really like it. Crimson Chronicle: what do you think you add to the team? Surmier Cunningham: I feel like I add a hype factor I can be that guy that can make a play
and get my teammates into a game. Crimson Chronicle: What is your favorite moment in the game? Surmier Cunningham: My favorite moment in a game is hearing over the intercom, “Touchdown Sheiks!” Then hear everyone cheering for me and the team. Crimson Chronicle: What inspired you to play? Surmier Cunningham: My inspiration to play was seeing friends on TV. Crimson Chronicle: Say you make it to the NFL, which football idol would you love to work alongside with?
Surmier Cunningham: I’d love to play with Cam Newton because he is a quarterback with great vision and an amazing arm. Crimson Chronicle: If you could change what is says on the back of your jersey, what would you have it saying? Surmier Cunningham: Brotherhood 2K15 Crimson Chronicle: What do you do before a game and what does it mean to you? Surmier Cunningham: I always make sure I have a talk with my little brother. It helps me focus on the upcoming game and inspires me to
jiOVANNY oRELUS, NMA SOPHOMORE, CROSS-Country Crimson Chronicle:How does it feel to be Athlete of the Month? Jiovanny Orelus: It feels great knowing how hard I had to work to get to where I am now .Crimson Chronicle:How far do you think playing sports will get you or is it just a hobby? Jiovanny Orelus: At first it was a hobby ,but now that i see how far it can take me. I am hoping to get a sport’s scholarship. Now I am in it for the long run. Crimson Chronicle: What do you think you add to the team? Jiovanny Orelus: I think i add that mark of perseverance. I
never give up. I make sure I start with that great determination of finishing the race no matter what! Crimson Chronicle:What is your favorite moment during a meet? Jiovanny Orelus: Seeing my team giving their all during a race and seeing them show great determination to cross that finish line. Crimson Chronicle: What inspired you to run? Jiovanny Orelus: Seeing my friends run and the joy it brought them and the joy it could bring to me too. Crimson Chronicle:Say you make it to the Olympics, which
track idol would you love to work alongside with? Jiovanny Orelus:Patrick Macau because he is a great distance runner and focuses on make it to the end no matter what. Crimson Chronicle: If you could change what is says on the back of your jersey, what would you have it saying? Jiovanny Orelus:I’d want it to say “Fearful”. Crimson Chronicle: What do you do before a meet and what does it mean to you? Jiovanny Orelus: Drink water the whole day and after the race go out to eat, so my body has no other work to do but to
impress him. Crimson Chronicle: If you could create a new sport that mixed 2 types of sports together, what would you mix and why? Surmier Cunningham: I’d mix basketball and baseball together because I saw a movie called BASEketball and it seemed really fun. Crimson Chronicle: If you could choose another Athlete of the the month who would you choose? Surmier Cunningham: Ray Hardy because when we needed him he stepped up and handle business like a vet.
give me enough oxygen to run my best during a race. Crimson Chronicle: If you could create a new sport that mixed track and another sport what would you mix and why? Jiovanny Orelus: I don’t know the name of the mixed sport, but it would involve biking and run. Crimson Chronicle: If you could choose another Athlete of the the month, who you choose? Jiovanny Orelus: Chelsea Herbert from varsity volleyball ,because of all the hard work she has showed during her practice and also during the volleyball games.
Football makes history after 88 years vanessa centeno
Finishing their season (12-2) the varsity team played their best season this year making history after playing at the CIF championship game on Dec. 5 for the first time since 1927. After their first loss against Belmont on Oct.30 ending 7-6, the boys redeemed themselves on Nov. 30 slaughtering the Titans with a score of 35-0, ending their school season and beginning their playoff games. The first playoff game was against Van Nuys was on Nov. 13, who felt the wrath of the red storm losing 49-7. Van Nuys was down the first half 28-7, and returning into the third quarter Tyree Moore
Max Perindze rushes the ball to get a first down against the Sentinels. PHOTO CREDIT: VANESSA CENTENO
scored two touchdowns keeping the team at a 42-7 lead. Max Perindze had a 40-yard run before scoring his first and the final touchdown of the game ending the game 49-7. On Nov.20 the boys faced
North Hollywood making it their second playoff game, winning 36-7, leading them to the semi-finals against Manual Arts, another win of 20-7. The first half of the game started slow with Manual Arts
boys who will transition into the basketball team will help build a stronger team. On Dec. 7 the next game against the Franklin Panthers was one to watch on the edge of your seats. The first half of the game was in favor of the Panthers
with a ten point lead of 34-24 and going into third quarter
in the lead 7-6, but after the halftime the Sheiks made their comeback and finished strong making history, yet again. After 88 years the boys made it to the division III city championships on Dec. 5, facing Belmont High school for a second time. Although losing 24-7, touchdown scored byPerindze, they finished second in the division. “It was a great season, it’s not about how I feel it’s about how the boys feel,” said head football coach, Frank Galvan. The team has a legacy to continue next season, as the seniors leave the team and the younger players move up. “It was a great experience,
I’m going to miss them I had a lot of fun,” said senior Perandize. The players left in the team have the hunger and drive to meet and pass the bar they set for themselves this year, and work with the new recruits they will bring into the team. “Younger players already had senior mentors, [hopefully], with this season we will draw in more kids. This year’s team was two times bigger than last,” said Galvan. This season made history, the coaches and players made their mark one touchdown at a time.
Coming into fourth quarter the boys kept handle of the ball and scored 29 points, with a last second winning three pointer by Gene Perindze ending their game 67-66. On Dec. 10 the boys faced Marquez and brought home a
win of 80-74. “Our goal is to win a championship,” said varsity player Malyk Adams. This season the boys have high expectations for themselves, hoping to earn and win the title of champions.
New year new team for boys’ basketball vanessa centeno
The boys basketball team starts the season with a new team of coaches and players will face Sotomayor on Thursday. After playing Marshall High on Dec. 4, the boys suffered a tough loss of 62-47. With football season ending, the football
“Our goal is to win a championship.” the boys still stayed behind 13 points, 51-38.
11 DECEMBER 2015
Girls’ soccer face Sotomayor on Friday Esmeralda Zambrano
entertainment editor
The girls soccer team faces Sotomayor at home on Friday after kicking off their season against Ulysses S. Grant High School. The varsity girls came away defeated on Nov. 30 with a score of 11-0. However, that did not slow the soccer team down. Edwin Sinecio, boys and girls soccer coach, keeps the girls motivated by telling them to,” enjoy day by day- they’re here because they love soccer.” On Dec. 7 the girls brought the game home against Franklin High School. Varsity girls played first on the field and defeated Franklin with a score of 2-1.
After the opposing team tried a few kicks, Ciara Little
ous positions to keep making goals.
Jessica Benitez defends the ball from the Lady Panthers. PHOTO CREDIT: ESMERALDA ZAMBRANO
scored the first goal, just 20 minutes after the game had begun. With one goal in, the girls kept kicking from vari-
During the first half of the game Franklin was given a free kick and made a goal. The girls were neck-to-neck
we have to make up losing the biggest members of the team,” said Leah. Expectations are lowered but the rigorous training is not.
to the gym where I continue to practice” said Eunice. It wouldn’t be a highly anticipated season without big rivals. Although the rivalry
when yet another goal was scored. A close game with Franklin turned out to be a winning score. Not only were varsity girls successful, but the junior varsity team stepped up their game. Even though the junior varsity girls lost against Grant 1-0, they were able to have an amazing win against Franklin 1-1. For the first half of the game Franklin scored a goal.One of the Lady Sheiks, Nataly Berrios TCA sophomore, said that they “do face challenges.” One of those challenges are a lack of communication and the need for good passes. Although
there were a few challenges, the girls managed to score a goal just seven minutes before the game concluded. The last few minutes were tense as both teams rounded up to make goals. It was a great surprise for the team, when Valerie Rodriguez NMA junior, captain of the team, scored the first and last goal. “ I felt like I was [going] to give up...just because they scored on us it doesn’t mean they have the upperhand on us,” she said. “ The game is about playing with your head, not your feet.”
players that every time that the Lady Sheiks play on Sentinel grounds they are defeated, but every time the Sentinels play on Sheik territory their fate is to lose. This season there are hopes of ending this curse and winning their first game at Belmont. The junior varsity team has had their own success losing only one game this season against Panorama on Dec. 4. The girls won their games against Grant and Franklin, making their record (2-1). The Lady Sheiks will work to meet the standards they set for themselves last season, as they train everyday to bring home wins.
If the team puts in full dedication and hard work they will have a successful soccer season. NMA junior, Marcos Ramirez Gonzalez, also soccer captain, believes in the team and its potential. He said, “Win or lose we are not just a team, we are a family.” Sheiks play their very first home game of the season on Jan.14 against Roybal. TCA senior Edwin Pastora invites his fellow Sheiks to come out and support. “Hollywood soccer teams, both girls and boys, should get recognition just as much as football and basketball players do,” he said. “We are a school. A school that is united and supports one another, we need support as well!” Soccer season has officially started.
Girls’ basketball feel the loss of key players vanessa centeno
The girl’s basketball team will face Sotomayor this Friday after their loss on Dec. 9 with Price. The girls’ faced off Franklin High in their first home game of the season on Dec. 7 with a final score of 57-41 with Franklin High coming out victorious. Last season the Lady Sheiks did better than expected. They went undefeated for 16 games and went as far as play-offs, finishing their season with a historical record of (17-2). This season, according to varsity sophomore Eunice Castillo, the expectations are lowered because their key players from last season graduated. Leah Sutherland, a junior and team captain, also inputted the loss of key players, “We have to push harder be much harder
Castillo goes the extra mile for her team, “after practice I go
between Bernstein and Hollywood runs deep, this season’s
biggest adversary is Belmont. Although the rivalry between Bernstein and Hollywood runs deep, this season’s biggest adversary is Belmont. There is history with Belmont, last season their team was the one to shatter their undefeated streak. There is also Price High who seeks to set the record straight after last year’s season. The Lady Sheiks, in their first preseason game, won with a score of 62-60. What made the game impressive was the fact that they started out slow, but later redeemed themselves in the second half of the game. The girls were behind 15 points but pushed through the second half and won with the help of two free throws the last quarter. It is known among all the
The junior varsity team played their first game against Grant and ended with a tie of 1-1, fol-
Head coach Jorge Maldonado said, “I still don’t have an idea of how strong or how weak we
play league.” This season the boys hope to keep up with the bar they
Yareli Henriquez guards the ball at a home game against Franklin. PHOTO CREDIT: VANESSA CENTENO
Boys’ soccer starts off strong with 3-1 record Angeline Angulo
Chronicle reporter
The boys soccer team begins their season this year with an overall record of (3-1). Facing Grant on Nov. 30 ended in a loss of 2-1, but the boys quickly brought a win after facing East Valley on Dec. 2 with a score of 2-0. Their next game was on Dec. 4 against George Washington Prep, also bringing home a win of 3-1. In their last preseason game, against Franklin, the boys once again were the winners with a score of 4-1. TCA senior Alexander Nuñez, is looking forward to his last season in high school. “We have a really good team this year. Each player is very talented [and] they work hard during practice in order to get themselves into a better shape,” he said. “This motivates the team into having a great season, and making it to playoffs again this year is our goal, alongside with our great coach Maldonado.”
Jorge Tapia passes the ball to his teammate keeping the posssesion of the ball away from the Genrerals. PHOTO CREDIT: MERISANDA FINELY
lowed by a slaughtering victory of 4-1 against East Valley High. The junior varsity team also slayed Franklin with an incredible win of 5-2.
are gonna be. I know we’re going to be competitive. It’s really hard to predict right now, we look solid but I don’t know how strong we really are until we
have set from last year. Last year they went to the first round of playoffs and lost to one penalty kick against Manual Arts.