Hollywood High • Home of the Sheiks
The Crimson Chronicle 1521 N. HIGHLAND AVE, HOLLYWOOD, CA 90028
Diversity on Campus Draws CNN’s Gaze Both the cable channel and foreign journalists visit school for stories on lives of students
Hollywood High School has recently been visited by CNN and a group of foreign journalists as part of separate stories on diversity in public schools. “The campus is very diverse and I’m glad it’s being recognized,” said Principal Jaime Morales. Three students who had com-
First Bell Period 1/5 Nutrition Period 2/6 Period 3/7 Lunch Period 4/8
pelling stories of their experiences in the U.S. were chosen to be included in a CNN feature that will focus on how people of varying backgrounds live, work, and learn together. Hollywood High is near the CNN bureau on Sunset, which made the school a convenient stop for the segment. Karina Galvan, and Karla Samayoa, and Farah Billah, all SAS
Start End Time Time 7:54 A.M. 8:00 A.M. 9:28 A.M. 9:28 A.M. 9:48 A.M. 9:54 A.M. 11:28 A.M. 11:34 1:02 P.M. A.M. 1:02 P.M. 1:32 P.M. 1:38 P.M. 3:06 P.M.
Schools such as Belmont, Eagle Rock and San Pedro use some form of block scheduling. One example is seen above.
seniors, were some of the students that will be featured on the segment. “It was terrifying, and I wasn’t sure what they were going to ask me,” said Karina Galvan. She told CNN of her challenges as a college-bound student, and how she will pay for tuition. “I talked about my Salvadoran heritage and about how diversity in the city has helped me
grow as a student and a person,” said Karla Samayoa. “The multiplicity of perspectives has allowed me to understand who I am.” CNN will run the segment on Feb. 20. In addition to CNN, a group of foreign journalists also visited the recently registered landmark. The U.S. State Department
wanted foreign journalists to see an example of diversity in Los Angeles and that is when Hollywood High was suggested as a visiting site. “The diversity in the school just happened so organically. Journalists kept asking how we did it and all I can think of to say was that it happens naturally,” said College Counselor Heather Brown.
Block Schedule Debated Faculty considers a change for next year MARIA ALCOSER MANAGING EDITOR
There is a possibility that Hollywood High School may trade its traditional class schedule for a block schedule within the next year. Implementing the block schedule may mean taking eight classes broken down into alternating four-class days. Each class would last approximately an hour and a half. Schools like Eagle Rock High School and San Pedro High School have already adopted this format.
“Block schedule has a lot of the benefits that we are looking for, but saying that we will definitely go into block schedule is getting ahead of the game,” said Administrator Tadeo Climaco. Implementing block schedule is a strong prospect because summer school is very limited and adult school will be cut so much it may almost disappear, said Principal Jaime Morales. Block schedule has many advantages; it would allow for a faster recovery of credits,
provide an opportunity to add intervention and enrichment classes, and provide longer periods of time for class activities, according to Morales and Climaco. Adopting a block schedule has been on the table for approximately a year and a half even before the school had its reconciliation of SLCs, said Climaco. However, the adoption of any new schedule must first be approved by a majority vote from the faculty. See Page 12
with events that have made a significant contribution to the broad patterns of our history. “The façade of the school cannot be changed, there are a set of rules that need to be followed,” said Morales. Placement on the national register entitles a degree of protection against federally funded
and licensed projects, according to Donaldson, and a number of incentives are given to preserve historic properties, including special building codes to facilitate restoration and certain tax advantages. This does not necessarily mean that Hollywood High has avoided all danger of ever be
It’s Official: HHS Is a Historic Landmark Register of Historic Places status makes it unlikely school will ever be torn down MARIA ALCOSER MANAGING EDITOR
After a long and tedious process, Hollywood High School was admitted into the National Register of Historic Places on Jan. 24. As a result, Hollywood High was also included into the
California Register of Historical Resources according to Milford Wayne Donaldson, State Historic Preservation Officer. The National Register of Historic Places is a “program to coordinate and support public and private efforts to identify, evaluate, and protect America’s historic and archeological
resources,” according to the National Register website. “This means that Hollywood High will continue to be Hollywood High for a long time,” said Principal Jaime Morales. Hollywood High was admitted into the National Register under Criterion A of the application. The school is associated
Minas Tarakchyan 1951-2012
Minas Tarakchyan passed away on Martin Luther King’s Day after an accident at his home that left him unconscious. Tarakchyan was a campus aide for nine years and was hired to work at the student store as well. “He was very cooperative, honest, hard-working,” said Senior Financial Manager Nina Jalos. “Of course we will miss him.” The funeral was held Feb. 1 where the faculty paid their respects. The staff held the Principal’s Conference Room for those who needed to grieve and also set a collection so the staff can purchase flowers for his funeral bed. “Even though he wasn’t a teacher and wasn’t able to know students individually, he cared about them,” said Principal Jaime Morales. Tarakchyan was born on May 6, 1951 and passed away on Jan. 16, 2012.
index 2 • Op/Ed 6 • Features 4 • News 8 • Entertainment 10 • Sports
Man on the Street
page 3
If you could cut something from the budget, what would it be?
Photo Credit: Stephanie Chavez
Although the school looks different than it did in 1929 (above) historic status means it is unlikely to change.
Valentine’s Day page 6-7
See Page 12
Want to know how to keep your New Year’s Resolution?
page 8
page 10
Fitness Tips
Staff Editorial
Thumbs Down on Block Schedule
Recently, the words “block schedule” have been on everyone’s lips as faculty debate whether to switch to a schedule in which classes meet less often but for longer periods of time. Although a decision has not been made, Principal Jaime Morales declared that a decision is to be made by April before a new schedule is to be decided for the next school year. The staff seems just as split as students on whether or not to adopt the new schedule, but what people do seem to agree on is that if it is approved, it could tamper with the natural flow of how school operates. Students would be at a disadvantage as they try to acclimate to the new schedule. The schedule may have no impact on graduating seniors, but it certainly will affect incoming freshmen and more dramatically affect current juniors, sophomores, and freshmen. Although the concept of making up credits and the possibility of graduating early
No More Racism on Youtube
VANESSA GARCIA SPORTS EDITOR In December, two eighteenyear-old girls made a video to give their opinion on immi-
gration laws in Arizona. They insulted immigrants by making rude remarks, calling immigrants raunchy and nasty. The video went viral instantly. The video caused problems between different ethnic groups. Several days later, many new stories were written describing how people had revolted against one another during school and during work. The news of all this fuss made me really angry, part of it was because I knew those girls’ opinions
didn’t reflect the opinions of the whole Caucasian community. Unfortunately, we live in a place were racism is alive and it continues to gain support in many places around the country, but what these supporters don’t take into account is that racism is hurtful. We are judged on what we wear, how we act, and how we look. Many different stereotypes have been born out of racist and discriminating people. Hispanics are branded “chunti,”
thing to feel spirited about. Our football team, something we all are required to feel proud of, isn’t yielding any good results on the field. Our cheerleaders aren’t going to nationals and winning. And we as a school never seem to give credit where it’s due. Our swim team wins, but we don’t have a homecoming game for them. Only in pep rallies we acknowledge that they are a team at Hollywood High. I think students do have spirit but they take pride in the uncon-
ventional high school traditions. Many students don’t always identify with football players or cheerleaders but more with flamboyant and outspoken kids. Many kids, even the jocks, feel that they too color outside the lines. Students don’t always root for what they should, but nevertheless students will always have pride and spirit in something. School spirit is relative to the time in which teens live in.
18, is legally treated as an adult. At 18 you are given the responsibilities of participating in juries, registering to vote, and you’re even prosecuted as an adult. These are only a few of many responsibilities that you are entitled to when you turn eighteen. In other words, why should a person be able to kill another person due to war, and put his own life at risk, but not be allowed to purchase a beer at any store? Going to war and ending someone else’s life is more harmful to the human brain and mind than taking a few shots of tequila. How is that right?
The minimum drinking age should be lowered to 18. Enforcing this law wastes a lot of government’s time and money, considering the actual results. Being 18 means you should be able to drink alcohol before serving in an army and putting lives at risk. Being 18 would mean more controlled environments without being in fear of a possible charge being filed against them. If everybody over eighteen is considered an adult and treated as one at eighteen, then everyone should be able to consume alcohol at 18 as well.
Death of School Spirit ALEXIS SEGUNDO CHRONICLE REPORTER High school students often ponder whether there is or isn’t school spirit. It wouldn’t be so questionable if we had some-
Drinking At Eighteen is Okay EDGARDO LIZAMA CHRONICLE REPORTER I personally believe that the legal drinking age should be lowered to 18 for many reasons. My strongest argument for such a dramatic change would be that everyone, as of
does sound inviting, the execution may not be successful and it may prove a risk to our grades, CST scores, and schoolwide API. Are the benefits worth the risk? Will the change increase the graduation rate or worsen it? Will the quality of our education remain the same? Will teachers benefit from extended hours or struggle to find material to teach? The newspaper’s staff strongly believes that adopting a new schedule is not worth the risk. Positive results are not guaranteed and students deserve more than a “maybe.” What happens if graduation rates do not increase? Will a new schedule be implemented again? The truth is that any positive results may be temporary and revert to the original problem. There needs to be a cure, not a band-aid for a disease.
blacks have big lips (both become automatic gangsters), Asians are bad drivers, and my personal favorite, Mexicans are “beaners.” Although we cannot force others to interact positively with one another, treating people with sincere respect should be more than enough. I have had to deal with racism and I’m sure many others have as well, but realistically there’s no validation for it.
Personally, I believe we can make our society better. Although we are not capable of demolishing racism completely, we can make life tolerable by not judging a person by their race.
Crimson Chronicle Staff Editor-in-Chief: KARINA GALVAN &
KARLA SAMAYOA Managaing Editor: maria alcoser
Opinion Editor: BLANCA GONZALEZ News Editor: maria alcoser Features Editor: KARLA SAMAYOA Entertainment Editor: KARLA SAMAYOA Sports Editor: VANESSA GARCIA
Man on The Street
What would you cut if you were in charge of the school’s budget? “I would cut an average of 2-3 percent off of everything. We shouldn’t cut one thing completely.” -Mr. Tuomala
“It should be administration. We should all share the challenge. Students have suffered enough.” -Mr. Hayes
“I wouldn’t cut any classes, supplies or anything to do with teaching aids. ” -Ms. Langer
“I would cut CAHSEE practice classes because teachers should teach their class that or mention it by including it in their schedule.” -Coach Adolfo
Hands on the Wheel and off the Phone
WOARIA RASHID CHRONICLE REPORTER Driving is a privilege that most teenagers do not comprehend. Every time I am behind the wheel, my mind seems to
wander off in ten different directions: to the pedestrians, the stoplights, the lane I am driving in, my dad’s voice screaming “FOOT ON BREAK, HANDS ON STEERING WHEELS, WATCH YOUR SPEED!” etc. It requires absolute concentration on the vehicle and the environment. After completing a course in Driver’s Ed where my instructor showed the class disturbing images of mangled bodies of teenagers after an accident, I was definitely disturbed to
learn about the fact that teens crash four times more often than any other age group mainly because of their lack of attentiveness, which is a euphemism for texting while driving. I had second thoughts about driving since there is access to public transportation in Los Angeles. I realized that even for conscientious drivers like myself, the streets are not safe. Since teenage drivers account for 12.6 percent of all drivers involved in fatal crashes as a
result of the use of cell phones, speeding, and peer pressure, I vowed to never use a phone (not that I own one—thanks mom and dad) while driving. After some extensive research, I’ve learned that talking on a cell phone can double the likelihood of an accident and no other hazard (i.e. suicide, homicide) comes close to the number of deaths among American teenagers every year. It’s a vicious game of survival in this fast-paced city especially
for a girl who has always traveled by public transportation. So, as a reminder to all teen drivers, be careful because one wrong move regardless of how minor it is like taking a quick glance at your phone, can be the catalyst of a fatal accident.
find it funny, but because all jokes that are permitted to be used often enough, it would become stale and eventually dry up and lose its steam. The best example of this would be the simple knockknock joke. Many know the structure of one inside and out, so well in fact, that just the set up(“knock-knock”) results in eyes to roll in annoyance. Theoretically, the same could happen with cursing, simply put, teens would wind up boring themselves into a cleaner vocabulary. Fortunately in America the first amendment of the constitution guarantees the freedom of speech, in this case the value of this freedom is that if someone is given complete access to vocabulary of his or her choosing,
then that person would choose whatever words they find most interesting. Swear words would not be on top of the list. That is, curse words would not be chosen so readily if they had rule breaking taboo marked on them. Why then, should we be prohibited from cutting loose with all kinds of sick and twisted feverish rants chock full of four letter fiends? It would be the catalyst of a brief and perhaps terrifying social explosion at first for sure, but in the long run, being able to let off some of that steam may be great for the mental health of the school as a whole and more importantly the common use of curse words will evidently blend in with other unused words.
*Statistics on teen views are from a recent Allstate Foundation survey.
To Curse or Not to Curse: That is the Question STEPHANIE CHAVEZ PHOTO EDITOR Cursing is inappropriate at any age and in any place. In school, cursing is disrespectful and pointless. There is no particular reason why anyone should use the “F” word during Algebra 2 or History class. Students have a tendency to exaggerate the foul language during school hours since they aren’t under the surveillance
of their parents. Modern culture has changed the meaning of words and has turned them to jokes and greetings. I hear the “F” and “B” word tossed around countless times each day for both unfriendly and friendly situations. Students however aren’t the only offenders. Teachers also occasionally misuse words that, in certain contexts, may become ugly. For example, the word “stupid.” Although it is not as ugly as the words that kids toss around during passing periods, “stupid” can be very traumatic for students. Teachers need to reciprocate the respects students give them.
WILLIAM SAN NICOLAS COPY EDITOR Ever wander down the hallway and hear a group of kids suddenly burst into laughter after a raunchy phrase complete with some four-letter no-no is whipped out at somebody? Admit it, somewhere in the dank, dusty, dirty parts of your mind you occasionally find it funny. That is why cursing should be allowed in school. Not because of the fact that some people
Floaters Cannot Use SLC Advantages
karla samayoa editor-in-chief
With the melting and molding of SLCs in the past year, students have struggled to acclimate in the new environment. Approximately 132 students, known informally as “floaters,” have not been sorted into one of the two pathways within the TCA/AVID SLC.
The selectivity of both cohorts has been a contributing factor in this current problem. The AVID program requires an application and an interview, since it provides benefits like tutoring and special electives. The TCA program gives students the opportunity to tutor younger students, provide field trips to colleges, and helps access the LACC child development program. Students lose the opportunity to receive a personalized education once they’re not on an SLC
track according to Kelly Bender, TCA/AVID Lead Teacher. Bender says that an SLC provides “something special [students] can identify with.” The TCA/AVID pathways are currently being worked on to expand access. AVID students are typically recruited prior to the 9th grade. To sufficiently expand the AVID program, there must be trained AVID elective teachers and AVID English teachers. They are specially trained and can provide
the education an AVID student needs. The greatest problem the “floaters” face is that AVID is a program, not an SLC, meaning that they need to be accepted into the program, according to Bob Smithberg, AVID teacher. Smithberg said that AVID presented a list of students from the “floater” pool to administration in order to receive more information about the candidates, but received no response. Tadeo Climaco, TCA/AVID administrator, stated that such
a list never reached him, and was the result of miscommunication. Currently, he and Alvin Jackson, AVID lead teacher, are trying to cooperate to meet the needs of the students. The AVID program must adhere to AVID requisites, or else it is not a valid AVID program. Jackson declined to comment. Bender expects that by next year, 100% of TCA/AVID students will be placed in a program.
projects in September. Four months into the school year, students are required to present a PowerPoint. Seniors are graded and judged by their SLC teachers and community members, such as local librarians. The senior project is part of the curriculum of twelfth grade English. Every student completes the project in Expository Composition class. AP English Literature students are still required to do their project but it is done after the AP exam in May. Seniors were excited and nervous to present the projects. “I am really nervous. I am hoping I impress the judges with
my presentation on genetically modified food and how companies should label the actual ingredients on our food,” said Maria Samano, SAS senior, prior to her presentation. Various topics were presented including how the mass media affects young women, organ donors, and addiction to Facebook. “I was proud and impressed with the students work this year,” said College Counselor Heather Brown. “They really photo credit: vanessa Garcia showed that they put a lot of Jonathan Martinez, SAS, did his pre- effort and dedication to their sentation on the housing crisis. He was projects. One that stood out was one of approximately 200 seniors who on a study based on how the presented on Jan. 24. amount of Latino college stu-
dents are slowly decreasing.” Ashley Marquez, SAS senior, said her project turned out “pretty well.” “I did my project on Girl Bullying and how it’s affecting teenagers at school. I provided (video) clips with examples of bullying and how everyone has a story either about bullying someone or being the bully.”
death experience. Reading Is the Way Up is a program started by City National Bank in 2002, whose main mission is to give schools access to books. Barnes and Noble, partnered with City National Bank, donated Fracture to every student in James Carmicle, Karen Cusolito and Emily Taron’s third period classes. Rebekka Grammenos, SAS junior said, “It was really inspiring because she went through a lot of phases through her life
before doing what she really loves.” Miranda studied in the science field and thought she would keep writing but she ended up not writing for 10 years. During those 10 years, she taught high school science, had children, and became a stay-at-home mother. Before sending the book to get published, she had her agent take a look at it and was told it didn’t have a plot. In her second attempt at writing the book she had to be more prepared.
Seniors Become the Experts in Presentations vanessa garcia sports editor
Seniors became experts for a day when they presented their Senior Projects on Jan. 24 on varied topics like teen bullying, teens on antidepressants, immigration, the housing crisis, solar power, and the effect of music on the mind. The Senior Project is a bridge between high school and college or the working world. It consists of a letter of intent, a 7-10 page research paper, 20 hours of hands-on learning and a 7-10 minute presentation before a group of adult judges. Seniors began to work on their daniel boror tania dominguez chronicle reporters
Megan Miranda always knew she wanted to write but it wasn’t until two years ago that she started on her novel. On Jan. 24 Miranda visited Hollywood High along with two representatives from Barnes and Noble to introduce her new book Fracture. Fracture tells the story of a teenage girl who acquires a strange power after a near-
Lois Harmon
January 25, 1923December 14, 2011
Lois Harmon taught mathematics at Hollywood High School for over 40 years. Following her retirement at the age of 75, Hollywood High honored her by naming the math building after her. Harmon studied at UCLA for her undergraduate education and attended USC as a graduate student. Geoffrey Buck described her as a fantastic teacher. Tadeo Climaco had her as his homeroom teacher and said she always tried to understand her students as people before approaching them as students.
Miranda needed to know what she was doing, she needed to know what kind of book she was writing, and she needed to have a plot with characters that people cared about. “The finished novel only contains the first four sentences from the original novel,” said Miranda. Miranda’s first book, Fracture is a stand-alone book and she is currently working on her second stand-alone book, which should be out in one year.
photo credit: tania dominguez
Author Shares How Fracture Came To Be
Miranda shared the story of how to she wrote her first novel. Miranda’s second novel should be published in a year.
JROTC Competes at MLK Parade karina galvan editor-in-chief The Hollywood High School ROTC team participated in the Martin Luther King Jr. Parade on Jan. 16. Aside from being a parade, it was also a competition for the schools involved and their ROTC programs. The judges inspected the teams’ color guard and drill team: both armed and unarmed. Each category received a trophy for best performance throughout the parade. Participants from school included the two ROTC banner girls: Diedra McKoy and Jasmine Fleming. The color guard was composed of Erick Avilla, Freddy
Garcia, Ronald Moreno, and Daniel C. The unarmed drill team was led by Ike Dayon and the armed drill team was led by Jorge Salvador. Lastly, the platoon was led by Lord Rigonan. Their performance involved marching down Martin Luther King Blvd alongside other school’s ROTC teams and marching bands as well as some news anchors. The parade was featured on ABC7 which began at 10 and lasted until past noon. Hollywood High School’s ROTC has participated in the MLK parade for more than four years.
Hollywood High School’s ROTC has participated in the MLK parade for more than four years.
Service Learning Provides opportunities for students to grow
Performing Arts Magnet will conserve buses Despite recent budget cuts, the Magnet program will not lose its buses as was feared. Budget cuts issued by Governor Jerry Brown will ultimately affect school districts in California and their resources. The Office of Integration provides funding for magnet programs. The magnet programs receive these funds because they are court appointed programs and magnet ensures integration in schools.
Tru Ace performs at attendance assembly An Attendance Incentive Recognition Assembly was given to the 9th grade class on Jan. 13 to honor their perfect attendance for the months of November and December. Musical guest Tru Ace provided entertainment for the students. “The assembly was held so the students can be encouraged to continue to have perfect attendance,” said Eric Burns attendance improvement counselor.
H2O to perform at the Staples Center
H20 choral group will be performing the national anthem at the Staples Center on March 14. They were asked to perform at a Clippers game after a viewing of an audition DVD they recorded and sent. H2O participants are selling tickets for $20 a pop to go see the Clippers and their performance there in an effort to raise funds. Only two hundred seats have been reserved for this event so space is limited. Tickets can be purchased at the Magnet office and for $21 online at www.hollywoodhightickets.com.
Upcoming Senior Breakfast and Panorama Picture
Senior Breakfast will be held at the Hard Rock Café on Feb. 24. Seniors must have cleared all absences and detentions by no later than Feb 22. in order to be eligible. Also, Senior Panorama picture will be taken on Feb. 16. All participants must be considered true graduating seniors.
Mr. & Ms. Hollywood Best Dressed Best Personality Class Clown Most Athletic Most Likely to Succeed Most Talented Best Friends
MET Mr. & Ms. Hollywood
Stephanie Jimenez
Enrique Lopez Del Real
Daniela Ramirez
Antonio Garay
Crystal Hernandez
Bryan Zepeda
Luiza Mikayelan
Miguel Romero
Rocio Reyes Crystal Hernandez
Class Clown Most Likely to Succeed Most Talented
Grace Masangkay
Luis Toledo Cabrera
Best Friends
McCauley Marroquin Zelada
Suzanna Asatryan
McCauley Marroquin Zelada
Nozima Niyozova
Marvin Gonzalez
Prisma Hernandez & Janelly Rodas
Marvin Gonzalez & Carlos Xicara
Helliete Medrano
Class Name Class Colors Class Motto Class Song
Nestor Hurtazo Magana
Antonio Garay & Enrique Lopez
Sheila Hercules
It has been several months since counselors began cracking the whip for students to get something done for the community. Where we are and what everyone is doing about their service hours is the question now. SAS counselor, Cynthia Ross said in an e-mail that, “Service learning hours are an LAUSD requirement.” As with most graduation requirements, it would seem like something to get done as soon as possible which is why counselors push their students, even the freshmen to finish them. However, some volunteer opportunities have age restrictions for safety’s sake, limiting the number of options for the age-impaired ninth graders. TCA freshman, Jairo Mejia said, “I would like a suggestion for a place to volunteer.” Some freshmen, however
Juan Reyes Abraham
Patricia Paredes & Luiza Mikayelan Female
william san nicolas chronicle reporter
Marvin Gonzalez
like PAM student Eden Calderon already have experience volunteering before their entry into high school. Having done some community service in his middle school years, Eden said,
Service hours are expected from our school district by the end of the senior year
“I don’t really feel any pressure, I know where to go.” The older students (juniors and seniors) whose options are less defined by their youth, seem to be encountering some trouble deciding on where to go. TCA junior, Jasmine Cabrera said that she “did not find a place to volunteer yet, but will find out soon.” Volunteermatch.org, volunteerlosangeles.com, and vcla. net, are excellent search sites
recommended in the SAS service learning packet that enable students looking for service opportunities to narrow things down and find what is right for them. Volunteermatch.org for instance, can filter your research based on age requirements and volunteerlosangeles.com is a search engine centering on what’s available in Los Angeles, which is excellent considering Hollywood High’s location. These are sites that should be looked at by those who have not completed their hours yet. Service hours are expected from the school district by the end of the senior year. Every SLC has separate deadlines. For example, SAS expects them to be completed by Feb. 24 while NMA expects them to be done by April 22. Should anyone be confused as to when their hours are due, SLC counselors are always a good place to start.
Class Favorites
Antonio Garay Jr.
Daniela Ramirez
Best Dressed Lucy Antunez Best Personality
SAS Mr. & Ms. Hollywood Best Dressed Best Personality Class Clown Most Athletic Most Likely to Succeed Most Talented
Best Friends
Chelsea Dandan
Chelsea Dandan
Class of 2012 Red & Black Don’t you wish you were 1, 2? Never Forget You, Lupe Fiasco Male
John Reyes
Juan Torres Garces
Trevor Chandler
Best Dressed
Leonie De La Rosa
Jose Guerra
Bernardo Sosa-Rosales
Jessica Perez
Justin Cornejo
Most Athletic
Carlos Rodriguez
Most Likely to Succeed
Veronica Davis-Girma Areli Baires
Justin Cornejo
Shanka Udugampola
Cheryl Elizaga, Joel M., Jaime B., Kevin Veronica A., Kevin B., Brando C., Davis, Nicole Kevin C., Jesus C., BerGozum & Ma- nardo S., Ervin T. &Henry ria Samano R.
Mae Butryn
Karen Hernandez Amanpreet Multani
Mr. & Ms. Hollywood
Best Personality Class Clown
Most Talented Best Friends
Aaleyah Pearce
DeAnthony Wilson
Asia Sanchez
Jamal Teague
Aaleyah Pearce
Tyrone Fisher
Jazmyne McNeese
Steven Bridgeman
Candice Clayton & Jania Watson
Jamal Teague & DeAnthony Wilson
Mae Butryn
Ian Stewart
Advice for the Unloved
Q. I did not get my girlfriend a present for X-mas but she bought me an Xbox 360, which I already own. What should I do?
A. I would sell the old Xbox and keep the new one. With the money that you receive, buy your girlfriend something that she would like or use that money to get as far away as possible from her because she did not like the crappy gift you bought her. Or you can always just lie and say you got robbed or just blame it on the economy.
Q. My robot girlfriend broke down. Now what? A. Get yourself a real girlfriend. If that is not possible, go to the junkyard and search for parts that can replace the broken ones. You never know what you can find there. You might find a thicker pair of legs. Throw some D’s on that bot.
Q. My mom looks pretty young for her age and every time I bring a boy home, they always check her out. What is a girl to do if her mother is more attractive? A. Having a hot momma as a mother is an issue, for you at least. There is a simple solution to your dilemma. Before you take a boy home, pretend to be sad. When the boy asks you what is wrong, you act sadder. The boy should persist and after the third time he asks, say your mom has herpes. That should make him think twice before looking at your mother.
Valentine’s D
In the 6th grade, I gave a girl roses and a card that said “W much, hugged me, and walked away. I was sad and laughin with her. I got over her and now I’m a ladies man. Jheron Staley PAM Sophomore
When I was 12, I baked a pie for this girl I liked. I Almost b with my mom. I didn’t really care because I really thoug turned me down. It would be the first of 47 women. ANONYMOUS PAM Junior
When I was in the third grade, I liked a guy named Carlo too shy to tell him, so I waited until Valentine’s Day to tell brother and they were identical twins, which sucked. I fin said, “I really like you and when I’m with you I get butterf feel loved.” Then I noticed that he was giving me a face. I w was staring at me, then laughed and “awwed” me. I knew he said to me, “I’m not Carlos!” I cried and ran out. ANONYMOUS TCA Junior
Q. How do I tell a guy I don’t like him? A. There are two reasons you why you might not like him: he’s ugly or he’s really ugly. He’s used to rejection at this point, so tell him you think of him as a brother. Incest is not best, so that should cool him off pretty quickly. Q. My ex-girlfriend broke up with me and started going out with my best friend two days later. I want revenge. What should I do? A. Eat some chocolate. The urge will pass eventually.
Q. I like this really cute guy from third period. How can I let him know without telling him? A. Tattoo it onto your forehead. That way, you won’t have to tell him anything. Duh. No, seriously, man up person! Just tell him how you feel, or else that person sitting next to you will do it before you.
-Young Folks by Peter, Bjorn, and John
Q. My friends don’t like my girlfriend. How do I deal with that? A. Are you sure you want them to like her? One of them will likely steal her away. You like your friends for a reason, and she’s sure to see that too. You poor, poor fool. Q. How do you deal with overly affectionate couples making out in front of you? A. You grab your little water gun and squirt them with it. They need to cool off, obviously. That should teach them that nobody wants to see their saliva.
Q. I have a boyfriend but my parents don’t let me have one. What should I do? A. Tell your parents you’re in love with a married man and he loves you and wants you to have his babies. Then, right before you are sent to a convent, tell them he’s completely normal. And NOT married. If that doesn’t work, good luck!
Cute Pet Names for your love: - Sweet Heart - Love - Mi Amor - Cupcake - Buttercup - Apple of my eye - Boo Boo
Worst Pet Names Given: - Oreos - Mami/ Papi - Daddy/ Mamma - Sweet Buns - Honey Bunch - Sweet Thang
Day Fails
Will you go out with me?” She said thank you very ng at the same time. I also felt like I wasted my time
burned my house down and got into a lot of trouble ght she would like me back. After all that, the girl
os. I had liked him for such a long time, but I was him how I really felt. Unfortunately, he had a twin nally bought him chocolate, gave them to him, and flies and when you share your sandwich with me I was scared because we were in class and everyone w he liked me because he had told me before. Then
I’m sorry I’m bad, I’m sorry you’re blue I’m sorry about all things I said to you And I know, I cant take it back. I love how you kiss, I love all your sounds And baby, the way you make my world go round And I just -Sorry by Buckcherry wanted to say, I’m sorry. Fun date idea she/he WILL enjoy: 1. Hiking: If she/he is into nature and is down for adventure take him/her to a park for a lovely afternoon hike. It’s the perfect way to bond and to get to know each other’s interests. 2. At home movie date: Not always must you take him/her to a movie theater to see the latest film. Instead, stay home and rent two or three different movies that both of you will enjoy, add some homemade snacks and blankets and you’ll have more fun than at the movies. 3. Museum: Take him/her to a museum of your choice. It could be an art museum or a historical type. A museum about plants or even animals. Point is that museums have a lot to offer and are good conversation starters. 4. The Beach: One of the all time best places to go on a date is the beach. Take your date to see the beautiful sunset and afterwards for a few games at the arcade and a ride in the ferris wheel. A perfect afternoon spent by the beach with a soothing view and many options for games.
Date ideas that will offer no second chance:
1. Fast Food Restaurant: Don’t be cheap, take him/her to an actual decent place like the Cheesecake Factory or at least to Chipotle. If you take him/her to McDonalds and share some milkshakes, although that might sound somewhat romantic, you will for sure not get a second chance. 2. Parent’s House: NO! You must be insane to take him/her to meet your family (parents). You’ll have him/her running for their lives. First of all, your parents don’t want to meet someone you are just beginning to meet and second of all, a date doesn’t mean you’re getting married so don’t tie him/her down. For all you know he/she could be a psycho. 3. Downtown L.A. (Los Callejones): Again this leads me to the word: cheap. What are you trying to show her/him? I’d understand if your were in NY and wanted to take him/ her to a Broadway show. But the Los Angeles Downtown? Seriously? Are you planning to buy her a dozen hair ties for a dollar? 4.Library: Yes, even the thought about a library bores couples to death. Don’t take your girl/guy to the library where you aren’t even allowed to talk. Especially, because you don’t know if he/she even likes books, let alone knows how to read.
Internet Blackout Highlights Threat to Free Speech
On Jan. 18, 2012 over 7,000 websites, including and Wikipedia, held a “blackout” in response to House bill 3261, otherwise known as the Stop Online Piracy Act (SOPA) and Senate Bill 968 PROTECT IP Act (PIPA), are copyright infringement bills. Major websites and search engines like Wikipedia, YouTube, Mozilla Firefox, Wordpress, and Reddit took part in the blackout protesting these bills. The open wording of the bills has led many proponents of free speech to worry about the future of the Internet. SOPA was basically intended to prevent copyright infringement and the sharing of files over the Internet by taking down web-
sites with such content. To en- SOPA is that PIPA does not “have a copyright holder for making force this bill on Search engines any provision that penalizes a false claim of infringement.” This lack of prolike Google, it vision means would redirect that a website Internet users accused of copyand prevent right infringethem from acment can be takcessing the en to court, but website. suffer no conseSupporters quence should of SOPA hope the claim prove that by proto be false. tecting private Naysayers of material it will the bills beserve as an lieve that it is incentive to hypocritical produce more to censor the original conInternet after tent. accusations According to of free speech Alice Marwick violations of the Social were launched Media Collecagainst China’s tive, the differGolden Shield ence between PIPA and Wikipedia and Mozilla Fireefox take a stance against SOPA and Project. China
similarly blocks websites as these bills would have us do. Many believe that should the United States enforce such conservative policies, other progressive nations may follow. Internet users in China circumvent the restrictions by using proxy servers. Users in the United States would have to resort to using foreign domain name systems to avoid the firewalls. Doing so would mean that foreign hands could have access to private information, which would prove a danger to Internet security. Should either of the acts pass as they are, what would they do to our definition of a worldwide-web? We may find it to mean access to some of the world, rather than all of it. Currently, the bills have been tabled and are planned be presented again in the future.
to a song or the appearance of a the meme scumbag Steve, add- and activities to the insult itself, funny image, memes are spread ing a history of scumbag jokes making it more effective and everywhere and surhumorous to the envive much the same gaged observer. as a popular greetMemes have being or handshake. come much more The reason a meme effective with the can last so long is popularity of the inthat it can exist as ternet, with the abilthe inside joke, the ity to share informapunchline everyone tion at high speeds understands. When across vast distancsomeone is “forever es, people can share alone,” that indimemes with more vidual is quoting a people with just the meme and can draw push of a button. laughter as a way That is why more to hide a revealing people understand knowyourmeme.com bit of honesty in the memes and that guise of a joke. When Rage Comic characters meet for Friday poker night. is why memes last somebody is called a From left to right: Trollface, Everything Went Better Than Exso much longer pected, Big Grin Guy, LOL Guy, Rage Guy, Cereal Guy, Poker scumbag, the accuser Face, Like a Boss, Forever Alone. and begin their existence so much may be referring to
easier: because of the Internet. The Internet provides a perfect spawning ground for memes. Like most social nuances, memes are excellent indicators of the stage of communication society has come to. Their use and presence actually can become social benchmarks historians may refer to years from now. Memes are great fun and interesting sources of fashion and general feedback of what people find to be funny or intriguing in the 21st century. Go ahead and look some up. Just be sure to avoid all of the trolls and you will have no trouble maintaining that me gusta face.
Know Your Memè? William San Nicolas Copy Editor
“Know your meme” is what they say. But just what is a meme? Can’t know your meme if you lack any clues as to what a meme is. For all of you out there who have no idea what a meme is or how it relates to trolls, hypno toads, and scumbag Steve, then brace yourselves for a crash course in modern internet lingo, the subject, memes! Meme is defined on Dictionary.com as “a cultural item that is transmitted by repetition in a manner analogous to the biological transmission of genes.” What it means is that memes are anything catchy. Whether they take the form of the lyrics
What did you do for fun as a child?
BORIANA iambolysky
“Drawing, playing with other kids outside.”
“Read a lot of books, listen to music, took stuff apart, went backpacking, and played baseball and football.”
“Handball, bicycling, building forts, and making traps, watching movies and T.V., play early versions of video games, and went to arcades.
How to Succeed in Completing a Resolution woaria rashid chronicle reporter
It’s that time of the year again, when we feel obligated to write down our self-improvement plans on a piece of paper for the sake of tradition. Let’s face it, you know you’re going to break your resolution within a two-month time period so why attempt it in the first place? Well, the idea of actually trying to improve ourselves and “turning over a new leaf” is pretty intriguing and individuals believe that since it’s a new year, they will acquire willpower and selfempowerment. The commonly made and failed New Year’s resolutions are: to exercise daily, to maintain a healthy and wellbalanced diet, to work, and to find the one true love. Exercise: This is the first one on everyone’s list and also the first to be broken. Within three
weeks, you will lovingly bite into an inviting and deliciously frosted donut that you have been fantasizing about. After the weak-willed first bite, it’s all downhill from there because then exercise hours will be shortened because there’s “too much homework” or simply “not feeling it today.” In order to continue your exercise regime, it is important to have self-control and recite the mantra “I must kill the beast” repeatedly. It is crucial to recite the mantra wherever you go during exercises so that your mind is occupied with your target; in the school halls so you remember to exercise after school; in the streets with a dagger in your hand as you walk fast to terrify pedestrians—why not have fun while you’re killing yourself to look good? Eat Healthily: This comes hand in hand with the exercise resolution because obviously, if you don’t watch what you eat, then
all the months’ worth of hard work will diminish and you’re back to square one. Remember: meat is murder. Temptation surrounds us, especially from those jealous peers who broke their resolution during the first week. Since fast food restaurants are common hangout spots for teenagers, you may find yourself among friends eating greasy chicken burgers. When your friend jokingly tempts you with the undercooked, over-processed meat piled on with wilted lettuce, decaying green-colored tomatoes disguised as “ripe,” enclosed in a Jack in the Box’s mini-sirloin burger type buns, with a side of fries dumped in sodium chloride; recite “meat is murder” and shove the burger in their face and make a dramatic exit. Get a Driver’s License: As if we need another manic teenage driver terrorizing the streets with their uncontrollable driv-
ing? Nonetheless, obtaining a driver’s license gives teenagers the impression that they are independent from their parents and do not need to beg them every time there is a onetime only sale at the mall or the when newest videogame is out in stores. So in order to be independent, prove to your parents that you are worthy of getting behind the wheel by first passing the written test. In order to pass the written test the first time, all you need to do is pretend it’s like any other test except you won’t have peers in the classroom with you. Barter with one of the adults; say that you are looking for a babysitting job or willing to wash their car in exchange for the correct answers. Chances are they’ve been in the room multiple times before so they probably know their material. After you get your license, the quickest and simplest way to learn how to drive is to pur-
chase videogames like NASCAR, Mario Kart, or Grand Prix Legends and use what you learn on the streets.
Find Love: It’s understandable that one might feel lonely at times, especially since Valentine’s Day is just around the corner and couples who exhibit their love can make others feel… unloved. However, since finding love is crucial amongst the teenage population, a good way to obtain a companion is to advertise one’s need of a partner. Simply create a banner with the basic contact information as follows: Name, Number, Address and an eye-catching slogan, for example: “For a limited time only, offering [insert name]. So come get it...while still available!” With these basic steps anyone can stick to their resolutions and have an empowering New Years!
The Unspoken Truth of Block Scheduling WILLIAM SAN NICOLAS COPY EDITOR
False Advertising Disappoints Teens Nanette liberatori Chronicle reporter
Everywhere around the world, we see advertisements of all sorts of products, like movies, health supplements, the latest electronics that are coming out; anything and everything, new and old. The entertainment industry especially exploits the trust we place on the ads that lure us in. When going to the movies, one spends at least a week planning it out, and most often, looks at advertisements to find what
to watch. Many are influenced by the advertisements that are displayed all around; whether on television, buses, bus stops, and billboards, the images we see hook and leave us anxious to see a movie. Unfortunately, these advertisements are often misleading and certain scenes may not even be in the movie, therefore tricking moviegoers into seeing a lousy movie. Movie trailers are notorious for capturing people’s interest by only showing the outstanding parts of the film. Trailers frequently spoil the entire mov-
ie, providing a summary instead of piece of the film. Movies like The Devil Inside, has been said to have been a major disappointment, since the trailer made the movie seem really scary (it wasn’t). It is a disappointment when a movie fails to deliver the excitement intended. It discourages people who were hoping on seeing a great movie only to have those thoughts crushed because the film they saw did not live up to what was expected. The film industry is all about making money. Yes they want
people to go out and spend money to see their film and they are aware of just how good the film really is. False advertising exists in infomercials for things like medical products that do not stress the side effects it can have on the buyer; weight loss supplements frequently say that the effects of the product occurred with the aid of exercise in small letters. Electronics bought do not guarantee the user exactly what they expect and can sometimes malfunction out of nowhere; Xbox 360’s can over heat played too long, but
no commercial exists that can say as much. They promise you everything you want and more and often fail to deliver it. That is the way many choose to make a good living today.
10 FEBRUARY 2012
Contreras’s Soccer Team Kicks in a Winning Score Stephanie chavez chronicle reporter
The boy’s JV and Varsity soccer teams were defeated by Miguel Contreras’s Mighty Cobras on Jan. 20, with an ending score of
2-1 “During the game, our soccer team was unfortunately dominated from beginning to end. They tried their best to finish strong,” said coach Jorge Maldonado. The boys attempted to be
Teaming Up against Miguel Contreras to score a goal
nothing but the best, but ended tal toughness” which encourup having issues by not trying hard enough towards the end of the game. The boys were making poor decisions, which resulted with a losing score. Maldonado has made the training more rigorous by having more practice games. Coach Maldonado teaches them to play smart within the rules. The team members are learning to control their tempers, understand the importance of playing within the rules, and estimate what their opponent’s next move might be. Photo Credit:Vanessa Garcia Maldonado teaches the Flores takes in the ball to aim for team that “Sports is about men-that goal
Basketball Shoots Up Their Season with Winning Scores The team has lost eight TANIA DOMINGUESZ players from last year’s DANIEL BOROR team. They are hoping CHRONICLE REPORTERS to rebuild the team with new freshmen, juniors, GIRLS BASKETBALL and seniors. This year’s girl’s bas“I think we’re going to do ketball team is hoping good. We’re a new team, to achieve yet another but we’ve learned how to league title. play as one,” said Juvilyn “We are working on lit- Bolaoen, SAS senior, vartle things: rebounds, free sity player. throws, and defense,” said “This year’s heart and coach Lou. soul of the team is Mari
Santos. She has really stepped up to the plate,” said coach Lou. “I try my best to play at a varsity level; it’s pressuring... I push myself more during practices,” said Sandy Perez, SAS freshman, varsity player. “It’s surprising about how well we’re doing since we’re all brand new,” said coach Lou, “Everything seems to fall in
place.” The girls are excited and ready for whatever comes their way. BOYS BASKETBALL
The boy’s basketball team is training hard for its games. “They work as a family, together as one,” said Coach Chang. They are expected to win the league back to
ages them to approach each game with strength and perseverance. The team has been practicing to play better. The loss of game was a shocker to the team because they underestimated Miguel Contreras’s team. “We are the better team, but sometimes you don’t win just by talent, you also have to play smart and that’s something we don’t do,” said Maldonado. With the Miguel Contreras game behind them, the team has been given the chance to redeem themselves and learn from their mistakes. Maldonado and his team are practicing harder for the upcoming game with Robert F. Kennedy.
back. During the game against Miguel Contreras, Hollywood showed what they were made of with an ending score of 40-30. “Varsity showed a lot of heart. [They] showed what Hollywood is about,” said Coach Chang. The members of the team help each other by giving advice when needed and so forth. Even when they lose, they use
that loss as an opportunity to learn from their mistakes and prepare themselves to overcome them for the next upcoming game.
Los Angeles Marathon Is up Next for Students Run LA Karla Samayoa editor-In-chief
Over 4,000 Los Angeles students will run the marathon this March 18, 2012. This surge in numbers has caused the Students Run LA program to put a cap on the amount of students
Fitness Tips
allowed to participate, making the students more responsible, according to Geoffrey Buck, SRLA sponsor. Each student is sponsored by Nike, which covers over $150 in costs. The students have been running miles that steadily increase as the marathon date nears. On
Feb. 5, students completed 18 miles, a critical point as they had to finish their miles within 6 hours. Buck strongly believes that the rigor and steady pacing involved in acheiving the set goal for the LA Marathon can help teens become better students.
LAUSD Promotes Integration
LAUSD created a program called “The Unified Basketball League” in select high schools “to promote attitude and foster acceptance and respect between students with and without disability.” Jennifer Overlock, the Adapted Physical Education (APE) teacher and Art Frescas, Special Ed Assistant, organized a team comprised of four general education students and nine special
Girl’s Volleyball Ranks up with the District’s Highest GPA
Photo Credit:Vanessa Garcia Their Studying Skills are put to use to make a plan to win Tania Domiguez Chronicle Reporter “I was very proud. It shows they value academics,” said coach Burns. Since day one, Coach Burns made it clear that academics are important. Coach Burns is a strong believer that school comes first so he had the girls go to study hall on certain days to keep up with their school work. “The girls were very successful on their own, they are extremely intelligent,” said coach Burns.
education students. “We’ve been practicing really hard the last couple of weeks,” said Frescas. “We’ve been improving.” A scrimmage will be held Feb. 9 at Los Angeles High School as a practice for the actual tournament between Santee, LA High, Hollywood, Belmont, and Miguel Contreras on Feb. 24. The tournament will be held in Roybal High School. “It’ll be nice for the students to come and support the team and give them a high-five,” said Frescas.
photo Courtesy: Arthur frescas
Woaria Rashid Chronicle Reporter
7. Eat Plenty of Fruits: They’re tasty.
The Girls Varsity Volleyball team won an award from the Interscholastic Athletic Committee for having the highest grade point average within the Los Angeles Unified School District. The average GPA for the girl’s volleyball team was around 3.665, Hollywood High School received a plaque for this accomplishment and each athlete received a certificate.
“We err on the side of caution,” said Buck. The purpose of the program is not to help students finish the marathon, but to help students complete goals. Moreover, running the marathon creates lifelong runners who lead healthy lives.
Creates a Special Ed. Basketball League Team
1. Eat Right: By this, I mean you should stay away
from soda and sweets. 2. Sleep Enough: It is important that you get more than 5 hours of sleep daily. Your body needs to be well rested in order to be able to function properly. 3. Stay Active: Participate in sports, walk your dog, or ride a bike to school. 4. Stretch for at least 15 min: Stretching is important because it improves flexibility, decreases pain and soreness after exercise, and it also improves circulation. 5. Be Responsible: Being responsible is important to a team. 6. Drink Water: Drink plenty of WATER. Water is essential to the human body because it hydrates and helps cleanse out toxins and waste products from the body. Water also helps reduce the risk of heart attack. People who drink more water also have a healthier “glow” meaning that their skin is much more clean and bright. A big factor in staying in shape is drinking a lot of water because unlike soda or energy drinks or other juices, water does not have any sugars or other ingredients.
“I’ve seen a lot of students improve their schoolwork. We have the greatest team,” said Buck. The SRLA program takes the health of its runners very seriously. SRLA only allows students above the seventh grade to participate, according to Buck.
A general ed student shows a jersey that special ed students will be wearing at their tournament.
12 FEBRUARY 2012
Ovation for Dance Recital Photo Credit: Carol Delgado Students from Lisa Goldschein’s, Keny Long’s and Freddie Thompson’s dance classes performed “Ovation,” the winter dance recital at Bancroft Middle School’s theater Jan. 27-29. The school’s auditorium is undergoing renovations to make it state of the art.
Donors Choose Funds Special Projects
Website allows people nationwide to donate to buy items that schools cannot afford JENNIFER GUIDO CHRONICLE REPORTER Hollywood High School received a gift card for every student to spend at the donor website Donors Choose thanks to a $4 million grant from the Wasserman Foundation, according to Principal Jaime Morales. Donors Choose is a nonprofit organization that helps teachers with school projects that are funded by different donors. Many teachers, including college counselor Heather Brown
and New Media Academy teacher Carolyn Fagan, have posted projects to help their students. “[It’s] really quick and easy to use,” said Carolyn Fagan. Fagan was one of the many teachers to take the opportunity as try to help her students. Since all New Media Academy students have many projects, she thought it would be useful to get flash drives for every student. College Counselor Heather Brown took this opportunity and put up a project for more
college bound books that way all students can take sat or act prep test on readers. Teachers can post a project online after approximating how many gift cards they will need. Teachers distribute them to their students who then give them to their parents who will be the “donor.” These gift cards were sent to every school in the Los Angeles Unified School District. “Any organization that is trying to help students is a good thing,” said Principal Jaime Mo-
rales. Teacher Elizabeth Cohen was able to purchase a digital camera for her junior and senior projects. “Thank you for fostering innovation through the addition of Art to STEM education,” Cohen wrote on her Donors Choose page, “The value of art and design to innovation is clear: Artists humanize technology, making it understandable and capable of bringing about societal change. The tools and methods of moving images offer
new models for creative problem solving, flexible thinking and risk-taking that are needed in today’s complex and dynamic world.” “At DonorsChoose.org, one can give as little as $1 and get the same level of choice, transparency and feedback that is traditionally reserved for someone who gives millions. We call it citizen philanthropy,” says a post on the website.
we have; one of our biggest issues is our retention rate,” said Climaco. The proposed schedules would allow students take extra classes or even finish high school by the end of their junior year, according to Morales. “Given that summer school is very limited, my concern is how will students be able to make up credits,” said Climaco. The opportunity to take recov-
ery classes is a great incentive for students who are lacking the necessary credits to move to the next grade level. However, there exist monetary disadvantages that the administration needs to solve. Applying the block schedule would require the school to hire at least six teachers, which would lead to an estimated cost of about half a million dollars, according to Morales.
Block schedule would also increase class size; therefore, Hollywood High would be out of compliance with the QEIA Grant, which requires that core subjects be kept at a maximum of about 27 students per class. Losing QEIA funding would put several teachers at risk of losing their job, according to Morales. There is a gap between what LAUSD requires to be the maximum number of students per
class and the maximum number that QEIA allows, according to Morales. Next year Hollywood High would be out of compliance with QEIA whether or not the block schedule is adopted. However, according to Morales, QEIA would allow a grace period, meaning funding will still be provided for an extra year after Hollywood High has failed to meet the needed requirements.
Faculty and Students Weigh Benefits of Block Schedule From Page 1
In order to decide what kind of block schedule, if any, is right for Hollywood High, several volunteer teachers will be asked to visit schools that are currently on block schedule to observe it benefits and disadvantages, according to Morales. Those teachers will report their findings in March. “I’m thinking of the needs that
From Page 1
ing demolished to construct a tourist attraction, like the Hollywood Highland complex, said Morales, it however, makes the process tedious and longer. Hollywood High has joined the ranks of other nationally registered schools, such as Little Rock Central High School in Arkansas, Booker T Washington High School in Georgia, and Carlisle Indian High School in Pennsylvania, all of which are
associated with desegregation events in a significant time period. “I will speak to the Alumni Association. If they want to do something, we will,” said Morales. “They are the ones that finally accomplished their objective.” The Alumni Association was the guiding force behind the preservation drive.
Historical Status
Established in 1904, the earliest surviving buildings on campus were constructed between 1910 and 1956. The push for historic status began in 1987 when reports surfaced that developers wanted to buy the school and demolish it. The Hollywood HIgh School Alumni Association then began a decadeslong effort to save the school permanently.