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THE CRIMSON CHRONICLE thecrimsonchronicle.com
The end of an era: teachers say farewell
Bidding a warm goodbye to decades of teaching experience ,"5*& "%":" .":&-* "$6/"
As we say goodbye to the studied music and combined it Class of 2018, we also say with dance. farewell to five of Hollywood After years of teaching here, High’s teachers. The retiring teachers who will be dearly missed include, Abdoulaye Bah, Judith Bridges, James B. Carmicle, Patricia Furnare and George Hayes. Judith Bridges: The talented director of Hollywood High. After 23 years of teaching at Hollywood High, she will be remembered for all her amazing contributions, Judith Bridges especially for directwhat PHOTO CREDIT: Celine Gimpirea she ing 30 to 35 school plays. will Her fondness for theater miss the most is directing the began at the young age of 14, school plays. playing the role of Hermia “It’s exciting to put the show from “A Midsummer Night’s together. It’s really a lot of fun. Dream” and singing in her It’s great seeing the kids grow school’s choir. She has success- up before your eyes,” she said. fully directed and produced She hopes to “replicate that professional plays, having with adults in the outside
world” as she pursues her career in writing and continues working in theater. James B. Carmicle: After nearly 20 years of teaching at Hollywood High, we must say farewell to one of the most experienced, energetic and enthusiastic teachers. He has created such fond memories, one being Hollywood Idol. “Eight whole years seeing the wonderful talent; we give them a stage and they excel,” he said. Hollywood Idol can be described as a talent show, but Carmicle has always added flare to the production. Throughout his years teaching at Hollywood High, he has noticed some positive changes in the school community. The instruction and the inclusion of more students in certain classes has been a great improvement, he said. Carmicle said he believes the school community is all about “eq-
uity” and seeing life through different lenses. He will be leaving Holly-
“Honestly, I do not know what that is,” he said. “I could go back to being in the classroom, be a radio host as I was before. I may even possibly involve myself with a school system and work as head of a district.” Carmicle is a very wise and optimistic person who carries a load of advice with him. He said he wants to leave Hollywood High with a reminder to all students and all teachJames B. Carmicle wood ers. High PHOTO CREDIT: Celine Gimpirea “Learning never ends, learning never proudly, his contributions to stops, the more you learn the school involve being on the the more you earn. You learn committee to pick our princisomething new everyday. The pal, PASS class and his mentor- lesson of ups. Show up, keep ing in the SAS community. As up, speak up and measure up.” Carmicle ventures off to his new life, he remains skeptical Story continued on Pg. 2 about what his career will be.
Mandarin scholarship winners headed to China ,"5)&3*/& 26&;"%" ENTERTAINMENT EDITOR
Stacey Kasai and Ben Kersh, winners of the Chinese scholarship, will be going to Gaoxiong, Taiwan for two weeks to learn more about Chinese culture and perfect their Mandarin. This semester, students in Yan Yan’s Mandarin classes made short films in Mandarin to submit for a scholarship funded by East West Bank in partnership with the U.S International Education Center. Students of all grades except 12th were eligible to apply for an opportunity to visit Asia. Stacey, an SAS junior, and Ben, a PAM sophomore, will attend the trip and live in the dorm unit of a local high school alongside actual residents. “I’m happy, excited, anxious ‘cause I thought I would never win,” Stacey said.
Parents were required to attend an orientation that would provide more information on
ing. Activities include visiting famous sites like museums, learning about Buddhism,
The winners will be sharing a dorm with three other people that are taking part in the program. Stacey said they will have two actual residents from Taiwan that they will have to communicate with in Mandarin, allowing them to use their knowledge of the language in everyday situations. The residents will have to speak to the winners of the scholarship in English so they can continue perfecting their speaking as well. Ben Kersh, PAM sophomore Stacey Kasai, SAS junior “I look forward to PHOTO CREDIT: Michelle Munera PHOTO CREDIT: Michelle Munera learning more about visiting a farm and learning the culture and getting away what the students will be dohow to make their own pizza. from L.A. for the summer,”
Stacey said. The Chinese scholarship allows students a more handson experience to apply their skills in a real world setting. Having conversations, meeting new people and traveling to a different country are a few things that not many students get to experience. Stacey and Ben are not the only students from Hollywood High School who won the scholarship. Multiple students from Yan’s Mandarin Three class won, but could not partake in the program for various reasons.
History, Spanish Language, Environmental Science, US History, Government, English Language, and Computer Science, which overall makes eight more sections. Most students may be concerned about how the class will be taught and the teacher instructing it. The method used to choose which teacher
a positive factor since it showcases that the student body wants to challenge themselves to be college ready. They are also enticed by the fact that, if they pass the exam, they won’t have to take the class in college.
New AP classes to include computer science ".&3*$" '-03&4
Next year the school will offer 15 AP classes including AP Computer Science, which was once again added to the list after the class garnered interest from the students. However, due to low enrollment, AP Physics will not be a choice. There will be an increase of sections to certain subjects including: Psychology, World
will teach which AP is different for all the SLCs. For SAS, the majority of the teachers are required to teach at least one AP class, but for PAM, NMA and TCA teachers, it’s a different case. If a teacher is teaching AP for the first time, administrators examine their experience to determine whether or not they can teach
the class. In addition, they have to “take training during the summer about the subject that they plan on teaching,” according to Ms. Gambero. According to college counselor, Alyssa Pinedo, 378 students signed up to take AP exams this year, and there will be an increase during the next academic year. This increase is
2 JUNE 2018
TCA tutors say goodbye to their students -&9" 40350 +"3&% $"#3&3"
For TCA juniors, the end of the school year means their tutoring days with Selma Elementary School students have concluded. Once a week, the 11th grade TCA class takes a stroll to Selma Elementary, located a few blocks away from Hollywood High. Each student is assigned to either a kindergartener, first-grader or second-grader. During the months they spend together, each tutor has the privilege of helping their own student with assignments like homework or classwork. At the end of every visit, the
juniors reflect on what they learned that week with their students. On the last day of tutoring, the students took a walk over to Hollywood High, where the juniors performed skits demonstrating the five traits of a good character. After the skits had ended, the juniors and their students had one last TCA juniors interacting with their students. PHOTO CREDIT: Jared Cabrera opportunity to talk
before they left for the rest of the year. “It’s wonderful for both the Selma and the Hollywood students,” said Child Development teacher Augusta Udensi. “They each demonstrated characteristics of a good person.” Although it was a sad moment, the juniors were able to step into the shoes of a teacher as they made a tremendous impact on students that will cherish those moments for the
rest of their lives. “I really enjoyed the experience,” said Chris Beltran, a junior in TCA. “It was great I got to bond with kids and I had kids learn how to read and taught them new vocabulary and how to write cursive. I would definitely love to do it again!”
Schedule to remain the same next year -&4-*& '*(6&30"
This year, Principal Edward Colacion proposed a new schedule for the upcoming school year that included block periods and an advisory. However, the faculty voted two to one to keep the current schedule. What would the new schedule have entailed? Periods 1, 3, lunch, advisory, and 5 alternating with periods 2,4, lunch, advisory and 6. This would act
as a block schedule, though Tuesdays would remain the same. This would have introduced advisory, a new period that has not been present at Hollywood for years. The plan was that teachers would have an advisory class that would follow students from freshman year to senior year. This would have allowed the students and said teacher to form a deeper,
more comfortable connection with one another. “I miss having advisory,” said Lee Tuomala, SAS science teacher. But, some teachers had a negative experience because it wasn’t made clear what the purpose of advisory was, Tuomala said. Other benefits that would arise from the block schedule would have been longer periods, allowing ample time for
instruction. “I would have loved to have a block schedule for next year,” said Dylan Agra, an SAS junior. “It would’ve been really useful as I would have more time to do homework and make sure it is accurate.” Although next year the schedule will remain the same, there is a chance that it could be approved for the 20192020 school year. According
to Tuomala, the union representative and a member of the School Based Management committee, the main reason for it not passing was the lack of information teachers were given before casting their votes. Therefore, if people were given adequate information about the schedule before hand and really see the pros and cons, the results next year may change, he said.
ASB candidates face off in elections +&//*'&3 $"33"4$0 CHRONICLE REPORTER
As the year comes to a close, ASB elections are right around the corner. As they near, the most important question is… Who should you vote for? In the run for ASB President are Ethan Kong and Ariana Ortiz; running for ASB Vice President are Genesis Sanchez, Violet Tirado, Nathan Barukh and Kristina Jinanian. For ASB secretary Lara Colindres runs unopposed. Each of these candidates have proven to excel as leaders beyond the leadership room. They all had to undergo a process that ensured they were Teachers continued from Pg. 1. George Hayes: A teacher that has been a part of Hollywood High for 13 years, Hayes began instructing in 2005. He will be retiring and indulging in his love for travelling. He is a special education teacher and former Leadership instructor who has been nothing but a kind soul to the school community. Those who know him know he always brought a sense of cheer to the school and will carry the fond memories made here. “I really enjoyed working with the students and building school spirit when I worked with Leadership for four years,” Hayes said. ¨I also enjoyed being in the company of students and other teachers. Hayes will be remembered by all as “warm, funny and willing to take charge in vari-
leadership material. Ethan Kong, Genesis Sanchez and Violet Tirado have all been in leadership for three years, Ariana Ortiz and Kristina Jinanian two years and Nathan Barukh one year. All candidates not only participate in leadership activities, but also devote themselves to after school activities that showcase their hard work, aiming to represent the school. As ASB representatives, they communicate with administration and help approve activities students want. As of right now three of the ous situations,” according to Richard Gannett, a fellow instructor. Abdoulaye Bah: A very wise
candidates in the running are already the chairs of their department. Ethan Kong is treasurer, Genesis Sanchez is chair of public affairs, Kristina Jinanian is chair of fundraising and Violet Tirado is chair of marketing. This shows that they have experience in leading others. However, candidates like Nathan Barukh, who showcases his pep on the cheer squad, and Ariana Ortiz, who is Vice-President of Latino Student Union, have also proven their ability to lead. Genesis Sanchez said, “I’ve been in leadership since freshmindedness” of the students here, as he feels they are “more accepting of the people, regardless of their origin,
man year, put in the work, know how the school runs and know how to speak to administration. which is a key factor as Vice President. I can be part of the change to improve the school.” Ethan Kong has also been in leadership since freshman year and said “I have been a part of every event and deal with a lot of the responsibilities that comes with them. I know how the school runs and know how to handle major events. I’ve done so much for the school and I want to come out of the background build a school, beginning with preschool and kindergarten and adding a level higher each year.
George Hayes, Abdoulaye Bah and Patricia Furnare and optiHe said he is thankPHOTO CREDIT: Celine Gimpirea mistic math ful to former printeacher will cipal Floria Trimble also be leaving Hollywood religion or sexual orientation,” “who made it possible to be a High after 18 years. He has a which is one of the things part of the Hollywood dream.” positive outlook for his future he will miss. He hopes the Patricia Furnare: Although but will surely miss teaching students learn how to improve it has only been four years here, as he considers Hollytheir communication skills. since Furnare started teaching wood High his “second home.” As for his future, he will go here, she will be pursuing her Bah appreciates the “openback to Senegal, West Africa to passion for writing through
and show what I do and bring change to the school.” Ariana Ortiz said “I want to make a difference for the whole student body. My main goal is for people to feel welcome when they approach me to share ideas. With the input of students, I can work with the leadership class to make those into action.” Elections will be on June 4 and your LAUSD email will be needed in order to vote. The link will be on the Hollywood High website and Instagram.
the development of a pilot episode for a television series as well as spending quality time with her beloved family. She said she will carry the great memories she has had here, one being “seeing my ninth graders grow academically and socially over the past four years” and watching her “students become strong and socially conscious individuals.” Throughout her four years she said she has seen more project learning. As she leaves this year, she hopes this school has “smaller classes” and “less administrative paperwork.” Furnare is a teacher who loves to see her students grow from one year to another. “My advice to all students is to keep up their grades and always have a backup plan.” She said she will dearly miss teaching, as well as the students and the wonderful staff.
3 JUNE 2018 STAFF EDITORIAL: Reflecting on the wild school year As the end of the year quickly approaches, students are beginning to reflect on the school year. For seniors, it’s been a wild roller coaster. Seniors started off the school year without a college counselor to help them apply to colleges or for financial aid, which caused collective anxiety. It seemed like faculty were leaving the school left and right. Following Mrs. Brown, Principal Sanchez, Assistant Principal Lazo and Title I Coordinator Hermosillo departed as well, alongside other beloved teachers and members of the faculty. Juniors prepared for their first time taking the SATs and ACTs. Sophomores relished the fact they were no longer “freshies” as freshmen accustomed themselves to this new chapter of their lives. Despite the fact that there seemed to be a lot of things
going wrong this school year, there were also a lot of fun memories to make up for it. Once the school was able to fill the position, Ms. Pinedo didn’t waste time in creating new activities to engage the students and consistently sent reminders on Schoology for deadlines. The school dedicated a lot of time to bring awareness to issues like International Women’s Day or Teacher Appreciation Week. Seniors had their own celebration for accepting their colleges. Leadership pulled off two successful pep rallies and the first Spring dance in more than four years. Mr. Carmicle hosted his last Hollywood Idol which was better than ever. On a similar note, the Crimson Chronicle itself has flourished over the course of the year. While the staff has always been comprised primarily of SAS students, we have diversified to include
students from every SLC, which has only made our objective, to educate and inform the school community, that much easier to fulfill. We’ve also grown in number, filled to the brim with reporters and editors working to make the newspaper as eye-catching and enthralling as can be. The year also brought us more representation than before, as Principal Colacion bargained for the Chronicle to be included in the school’s budget, meaning better integration into the community. We no longer have to shoulder every cost ourselves, which means we can spend more time focusing on outreach in a variety of ways to improve the newspaper. The entirety of this year, what we emphasized more than anything else was change. As editors, each time we sat down in front of our computers to begin lay-
out meant another opportunity to implement something new. Reaching out to our reporters and utilizing their ideas has allowed us to improve in all aspects of the newspaper, and even though things didn’t always work out exactly as we expected (a photo that was a bit stretched out or even a misplaced sentence), what mattered was our intent to try something new. Without trying, nothing can come to fruition. On a personal note, as Managing Editor, I’ve been able to watch the process evolve before my very eyes. It was frustrating at times, when nothing went as planned, but it was a personal journey I was proud to undertake. Leaving the newspaper behind, I have faith that those I entrust the newspaper with will be able to improve it even more than I was able to do.
course they wish to teach and pass it with nothing less than a 5. If a teacher is able to score a 5 on the exam, that would show that they are able to master the material. Having the teachers take the test would allow them to have first hand experience on how it might be to take the exam just like a student would. In these classes, the subject is one students have already been familiarized with, but taught in a more thorough manner. The classes are equivalent to college courses and at the end of the year, students take an exam. If passed with a three or better, out of five, students can earn college units and even skip classes required by their colleges. Students often feel unprepared for the exam at the end of the year because they are not properly prepared for it. This is the result of AP teachers being unsure on how to teach certain concepts or providing work that isn’t as demanding as that on the actual exam. I took two AP courses, AP Biology, AP U.S. History, and the test for AP English Language and Composition without having taken the
course. In my APUSH course, the book was 42 chapters, which was roughly a chapter a week for 40 weeks. The book was supposed to be our main source in helping us prepare for the test. However, by the time the test came around, we were nowhere close to finishing the book. Biology has various topics: one moment you need to know how microorganisms were the base of evolution and the next you need to know how the Krebs Cycle functions. Obviously, Biology and APUSH being broad topics, should be emphasized by teachers who thoroughly understand the subjects. Despite frequent assignments and tests, a student can’t help but feel that they could have prepared more for the exam outside of the classroom. Students are always told that in order to thoroughly prepare for AP exams, they need to study at home as well. However, how is a student supposed to find motivation to teach themselves an entire course after school on top of all their regular homework just because their own teacher isn’t doing their job?
Of course, it is not always the teacher’s decision to teach certain AP subjects. Seniority is what determines what AP classes instructors will teach. Teachers knowing the subject they are assigned is not taken into consideration for AP classes. Sometimes administration thinks that because a teacher has a class in a specific subject, they are qualified to teach a more advanced class. In the past, teachers have not been prepared to teach the AP class they are assigned and end up having to learn the subject along with the students. This is not only unfair to the teacher who doesn’t know what to teach, but more importantly, it’s unfair to students who are pushed into taking these classes in hopes of impressing colleges they will apply to. It would be reassuring if administration picked someone qualified to teach the classes.
next year, the rejected block schedule had a goal of giving students more one-on-one time with teachers and allowing more time for homework. It would also have introduced advisory, enabling more studentteacher interactions. While the 94-minute periods give students a possibility to ask more questions, they also presents a chance of being less effective than our current six-period schedule. Students believe the block schedule leads to loss of concentration. “Half way during the class most kids are ready to go and are just distracted for the rest of the period,” said SAS senior, Aldo Jimenez. Another counter-argument would be against
having “more time to finish homework.” Although block schedules give students a break from certain classes until the next day, that does not mean they will have more time to finish homework. This might even persuade teachers to assign more homework. Scholars will have to tighten up their time-management skills. It will also negatively effect students’ attendance. TCA junior Winston Oughourli said, “It’s making it difficult to keep up with where I need to go, especially since it was sprung on us and they change the order every time we start up again.” Students would also find it easier to skip class since there would be only three
attendances being counted a day, instead of the usual six. Although advisory would be excellent to improve our students’ mental health and assist in creating a bond between peers, we already have an answer to low test scores and lack of communication. LACER provides homework help and afterschool activities, allowing students a chance at better understanding of materials and socialization. Hollywood can find the solution with promoting these programs and having more people attend.
New step towards a five
ETHAN MURGA CHRONICLE REPORTER Wouldn’t it be a shame if a student took a college level course for a whole year of high school and learned nothing? That’s the case for many students who take AP classes and score lower than a three on the exam. Advanced Placement (AP) teachers who teach AP courses should take and pass the course’s test they want to teach. To assure that students don’t waste money on the AP test or a whole year of their time in high school, administration should have a higher standard on who is qualified to teach AP classes. The teachers who teach AP courses should at least have to take the exam of the
Ethan, an SAS junior, likes to watch X-Men movies on his free time.
A block in the proposed schedule
TAIS BORGES CHRONICLE REPORTER Principal Colacion has had several innovative ideas to improve the experience of our 1,500 students. Some of these ideas, unfortunately, have failed to be approved by the teachers and administrators. Although this issue may be raised again
Tais, an SAS senior, likes cheerleading and hanging out with her friends.
the Crimson ChroniCle staff mANAGING EDITOR Gabriella martinez OpINION EDITOR alliSOn Oliva fEATuREs EDITOR jOan kim ENTERTAINmENT EDITOR Gabriella martinez phOTO EDITOR jOShua alejanO COpy EDITORs ChriStine COe Stephanie StarkS spORTs EDITOR jaSmine COrtez Guadalupe huerta WEbsITE EDITOR eSteban GarCia CARTOONIsT Stephanie StarkS
ChRONICLE REpORTERs jOSue abarCa mayeli aCuna katie adaya CarlOS aGatOn aniellO anGriSanO jOnathan bernardinO taiS bOrGeS jared Cabrera jeniffer CarraSCO leSlie fiGuerOa ameriCa flOreS eSteban GarCia Celine Gimpirea jaCOb hu
nOvalee lOpez niChOlaS maCadaan eliSSa martinez miChelle munera ethan murGa OSCar perez iSaak ramirez milaGrOS rObelO elvira rOman yadira rOmerO aline SanChez jOCelyn SOliS lexa SOrtO ryan tOOvi
National Scholastic Press Association
4 JUNE 2018
University of California Acceptances
California State Univer
Private School Acceptances
JUNE 2018
Class of 2018
rsity Acceptances
Community College Acceptances
Sheik of the Year: Saying Goodbye to a Legend OSCAR PEREZ CHRONICLE REPORTER
Everyone remembers
the alumni who turned into models, actors/actresses and screenwriters, but never the everyday legends who have been around long enough to see their daughter graduate and watch the school evolve into something better. Oscar Coates has been working at Hollywood High School for 46 years and is closing the curtain on his time working at this school. Coates has been working at Hollywood since 1972-- 46 years spent on the same campus. During his first couple of years, he would interact with the staff by providing them with a coffee machine and buying donuts for them. The school schedule had been different back then, allowing him to get to know the staff on a more personal level.
Oscar Coates retires after working 46 years at Hollywood High Photo Credit: Isaak Ramirez
“I am going to miss all the people, the staff and the students. I used to have a little coffee thing with the teachers for 10 years. They loved it,” Coates said. His time here has allowed him the opportunity to watch the changes Hollywood has undergone. “The place has changed,” he said. “The school is just so much better. The last few years, it has been a blessing to work here.” As he talked about his time here and his experience, he seemed as if he was reminiscing the years from when he had first started. He has seen many changes over the years, including IHOP being remodeled
multiple times and watching 12 principals come and go. “One of my best moments in Hollywood was seeing my daughter graduate,” he said. “She was taking AP classes and she was acing them. I felt so proud. I may be a janitor but I feel like a Sheik.”,Coates said. Hollywood bids farewell to someone who has been a part of the campus and the heart of the school for so long that he will be missed. His presence at Hollywood will be missed and he has no doubt that the memories he made here will not be forgotten.
6 JUNE 2018
Stars Wars riding Solo meets expectations
MILAGROS ROBELO CHRONICLE REPORTER Solo: A Stars Wars Story is the newest edition to the Star Wars Anthology Series that opened May 25 nationwide. This film is directed Ron Howard, who directed Apollo 13 and A Beautiful Mind. Jonathan Kasdan and Lawrence Kasdan wrote the script and it is based on the characters created by George Lucas. Actor Alden Ehrenreich has huge shoes to fill playing titular character Han Solo. His most notable roles are playing Cate Blanchett’s stepson in Blue Jasmine and being the lead in the film adaptation of the book Beautiful Creatures. Joonas Suotamo is back as Chewbacca. He was Chewbac-
ca in The Force Awakens and The Last Jedi. Woody Harrelson plays Beckett, a smuggler who works with Han Solo. Emilia Clarke, from Game of Thrones, plays the love interest of Solo, Qi’ra. Donald Glover, also known as the rapper Childish Gambino, plays Lando Calrissian, the original owner of the Millenium Falcon. Paul Bettany, who played Vision in Avengers Infinity War, plays the villain Dryden Vos. Jon Favreau plays Rio Durant, a four-armed pilot. The film is about Han Solo
before the events of the first Star Wars. Solo reveals Han Solo’s origins from the planet Corelia. The film also explores other aspects of Han Solo such as
Force Awakens. Along for the ride are criminals Tobias Beckett and Val Beckett, pilot Rio Durant, and droid L3-37. The film also includes Qi’ra a love interest for Han Solo, and gangster Dryden Voss, head of mysterious organization Crimson Dawn, who serves as the primary antagonist. The events of Solo take place a decade before A New Hope. Many fans were worried that Ehrenreich was not going to
“If you're unsure about seeing it, if you liked the trailer you'll probably like the movie." how he got his iconic ship, the Millennium Falcon, meets his future copilot Chewbacca and friend Lando Calrissian. The trio go on a series of dangerous jobs and missions, including the famed Kessel Run, mentioned in A New Hope and The
be the Han Solo we all love. In the film he actually did a good job playing Han. He had Han’s attitude and as the movie progresses Ehrenreich grows on you and begins to feel like the Han Solo we all know and love. Donald Glover recently mentioned that Lando is pansexual in an interview on Sirius XM Radio. Hollywood High School gave 10 students from each small learning community an opportunity to go to the premiere. NMA senior, J.J. Tolibao said “The movie is fine and should be enjoyable for a Star Wars fan. If you’re unsure about seeing it, if you liked the trailer you’ll probably like the movie.”
The Wade is over Deadpool 2 out now
ELISSA MARTINEZ AND ELVIRA ROMAN CHRONICLE REPORTERS The anticipated anti-hero movie Deadpool 2 is just as hilariously vulgar as you imagined it to be and it is now in theaters. The Deadpool movies are different from any other Marvel movies because they have many raunchy jokes, violence, and pop culture references. Although Deadpool is part of the Marvel comics, it is not part of the Marvel Cinematic Universe. However, that did not stop them from including certain Marvel characters and references. In the beginning of the movie, Wade Wilson is about to make a life-changing decision with his partner Vanessa. Wade is in a stage in his life where the “F word” does not seem
so bad and he feels as if he’s ready to take that step with his girlfriend. But a tragic event happens which leads to Wade mourning throughout the whole movie. Colossus later attempts to make Wade an X-men and takes him as a trainee. An issue later occurs in which it brought together a team of fellow mutant rogues to protect a young boy named Russell with supernatural abilities. Russell, also known as Firefist, is a mutant who has been neglected. It is later revealed that he teams up with another unexpected mutant. The young boy is not the only person who joins forces with another person. Wade Wilson created X-force in hopes of
creating a team with strengths and superpowers. The team consists of Domino, Bedlam, Shatterstar, Vanisher, Zeitgeist, and Peter. They all teamed together to try and help the situation between Firefist and someone by the name of Cable. Deadpool 2 will not disappoint because the storyline was well written and it was more heartfelt, but this does not mean that it was less funny than the first one.
Shawn Mendes’s album brings new melodies
Canadian-born singer Shawn Mendes announced the release of his new album titled “Shawn Mendes.” The self-titled album is composed of 14 songs, some of which he released early as singles. It took Mendes a year to produce the album. In order to produce this album he listened to other artists of different genres to get inspiration. This new album is more mature compared to his previous music. The lyrics to his new songs have a deeper meaning to them than his previous songs. Mendes strayed away from his go to acoustics and played with upbeat melodies in this album. He also played with his vocals, trying out different ranges instead of sticking to one. Some of the memorable songs include “In My Blood.” This was the first song Shawn released which charted No.72 on Billboard’s Top 100 after a day of streaming, sales track-
ing, and four days of radio airplay monitoring. This was the song he was afraid to release because fans would be able to see his vulnerable side he hasn’t shown. Overall the album met my expectations of how I thought the album would turn out. Though all songs turned out to be good, my top five would have to be “Lost in Japan”, “Why”, “Youth”, “Where Were You In the Morning”, and “Perfectly Wrong”. Disclaimer: This is based off my opinion, everyone has a different taste in music so it may not be accurate to your personal view on his songs. “Where Were You in the Morning”: The vibe to it is very laid back and the electric guitar adds into that feeling. Though it’s a song about a one night stand it still has a groove to it that would make you want to dance softly to it. “Youth” (feat. Khalid): The combination of Shawn’s and Khalid’s voice leads to a sooth-
ing sound that would bless your ears. The melody of the song is a mixture of acoustics and upbeat tunes that make you want to stay in your youth years. “Perfectly Wrong”: It’s very emotional but that’s what makes it so good. You can hear the pain in his voice and you can feel his raw emotions when he’s singing. “Why”: The vibe of the song is relaxing which contradicts the message of the lyrics. It’s a song that many teens can relate to. Like many teens these days, it’s a song you would listen to if you’re thinking about a certain someone. “Lost in Japan”: This song showcases how Shawn has become more mature from his previous albums. It has an upbeat tune that makes you wanna get “lost in Japan”. It has a groove to it that would make you want to dance or sing out loud.
The ResT Of Mendes’s AlbuM RATed fROM PeRsOnAl OPiniOn
“Because I Had You”: 5/5 “Mutual”: 5/5 “Like to Be You” (ft. Julia Michaels): 5/5 “Fallin’ All In You”: 4.5/5 “When You’re Ready”: 4.5/5 “Particular Taste”: 4/5 “In My Blood”: 4/5 “Queen”: 4/5 “Nervous”: 4/5
(1 Star being the worSt and 5 being the beSt)
7 JUNE 2018
Track season ends on a high note CARLOS AGATON
CHRONICLE REPORTER competing were the only ones the assistant of Adolfo, who Although the season may be who made it. departed as of this year, and Vaover for most of the team, those lencia raised to the occasion to Those who competed in city few that competed well in league finals now have the privilege to showcase their skills in city prelims. The track and field team finalized their season May 9. Their season consisted of a close winning streaks for both boys and girls. The boys and girls before league finals had a record of 5-1. This was impressive for both, but at the same time a loss for the girl’s three year winning streak, undefeated, leading into league. Coach Kenny Valencia said, “I think we did a lot better than last year. Last year we had a good team, but we im- Marielle Sanchez, 11th grade SAS, at the staring line during City Preliminaries Photo Credit: Linsey Munoz proved our record for boys.” Although there were some become the official head coach prelims consists of 11th graddownfalls and small negatives of the track team. ers Marielle Sanchez, Sareenah throughout the season, they Not everyone from the team Orelus, Fernando Munoz, Linssy persevered through it all and advanced to city prelims, as only Munoz, and 12th graders Matworked hard with their first those individuals who met the thew Ajin, and Anthony Hernanyear head Coach Valencia. Coach time requirements to continue dez. These individuals can now Valencia had previously been
prepare and practice hard while thanking their teammates and coach for not only being there
Edwin Garcia, SAS Sophomore, advances automatically to City Finals without competing in the preliminaries. “I see a lot of potential, certain athletes I’m hoping they come back because I feel they still haven’t reached their potential this year.”, Coach Valencia said. Coach Valencia said he has a lot of hope for his team in the future and he will continue to train them at a high level in hopes of performing well for the years to come.
for them but also for a successful season in hopes of shining not only in city prelims but also for the following season to come. Another member of the team,
Softball winds down Swim season concludes JONATHAN BERNARDINO CHRONICLE REPORTER
During the playoffs, softball beat Panorama with a score of 8-6 but their season was cut short on the quarterfinals of the CIF Championship against Discovery with a score of 7-2. As the softball season came to an end, the amount of hard work and determination that was shown this season will not be forgotten. The varsity softball team won their league and became League Champions with only one loss against Roybal throughout their regular season. They also twice beat their rival school, Bernstein, both home and
away. Once the regular season ended, the varsity team was awarded the third best school in Division 3. “This year to everyone we were just a team, but to each other we were a family,” said senior Monce Cruz. During the playoff game, Lesly Lujan, SAS junior, made a pop line drive making it to second base and then after Bianca Fonseca, TCA senior, almost made a home run making it to third base and she brought in two runners adding two points to the scoreboard. Discovery was a real competition making it a challenge for the softball girls to work harder and be prepared for next time.
“win their league and become League Champions with only one loss”
Despite the pool being broken, The swim season recently we managed to practice at RFK came to a close in the city finals and the boys made it to city fithat took place in early May. nals. The girls made it to prelims While both the boys and the girls as well.” team put up a valiant effort, neiDespite the issue involving ther found success at the event. The girls lost in the preliminary the broken pool at Hollywood, rounds, as they could not make the required time to place top 16 and make the cut. The team came close, however, as they placed 17th overall, one place away from making the cut. The boys had a similar result, as they performed well, but not well enough to earn a high placement. Hollywood swim team practing for City Finals. Photo Credit: Aurora Massari With the season coming to a close, the the team still managed to find team has reflected on the highsuccess in their season practicing lights of the season. at Robert F. Kennedy Community Noor Mansour, freshmen, said, School’s pool instead. “The season has been very good.
Now that the year has concluded, the team is looking ahead to next year. On the team’s potential strengths next season, Mansour said, “Our strengths are we are going to have the pool fixed to practice. Also, freshmen joined this year so we will have a good future team. Our coach is very determined and helpful in improving our technique.” While there is high hopes for next year, the team will need more members as the majority of the 2017-2018 team is made up of seniors, so the team will be looking for a lot of new members to join for the 2018-2019 season.
Basketball players receive scholarships RYAN TOOVI CHRONICLE REPORTER
Jonathan Strachan and Niko Gooden posing with one of their coach. Photo credit: Jacob Hu
While facing adversity, one student-athlete picked up a full ride scholarship to William Penn University even while sitting out half of the season due to CIF rules. That athlete is 6’2” guard, Jonathan Strachan, who transfered from Junipero Serra High School to chase his goal of being a CIF champion. Based on Strachan’s season, his statistics averaged to 12 points per game, eight rebounds per game, and five assists per game. Strachan faced a lot of adversity while coming to Hol-
lywood High. As an incoming player, the coach put him on a position he was not used to see what he can do, due to the lack of players on the team. He was put as a center player rather than guard. According to players, all his teammates took him in and treated him like he’s been there from the get go. Getting used to all of his teammates allowed him to make strong friendships within that time playing together. He grew really close to certain members on the team including Niko Gooden, Ishmael
Jasmin and Ryan Toovi. He said he considers them to be brothers to him from how close he feels to them. Gooden, a 5’10 point guard, also picked up a scholarship to William Penn University in Oskaloosa, Iowa. Gooden stated, “This is actually my first year playing a full season of high school basketball and to pick up a scholarship. I’m really grateful for the opportunity. And it’s going to be great playing alongside my brother for the next four years.” Receiving a scholarship
means a lot for students and earning one for a sport makes it even better for the athletes because they will be able to pursue their love for the sport.
IMPORTANT FACTS ABOUT THE HHSAA The Scholarship Program has been providing scholarships to deserving HHS Seniors since 1907. The Alumni Chronicle Newsletter brings news pertaining to the alumni and current events at HHS. Our Website established in 2010 at: www.hhsalum.org provides information to our members and is an interactive alumni site designed for chatting, messaging and sharing of information and photos, etc. The HHSAA Online Store at: shop.hhsalum.org was established in 2016 and provides merchandise to the consumer and all the profits are used to promote the HHSAA and the Scholarship Program for HHS.
The HHS Achieve the Honorable Ceremony is on June 4, 2018 this year. The Association is looking forward to seeing the HHS graduating seniors there! We will be serving refreshments and honoring deserving seniors with scholarships during the ceremony. Thanks to all who applied for this year’s scholarships. We wish you all a successful quest for a brighter future through higher education! Please join the HHSAA by mailing in the Annual Membership Form below, or leaving it in the HHS Administration office Association mail box. We are looking forward to welcoming our new Alumni Association members from the Class of 2018! New senior members join FREE for the first year!
Placed HHS on the State and National Register of Historic Places, California (November, 2011) and the National (January, 2012) Alumni Day, yearly since 1907, Art Contest Achieve the Honorable provide scholarships to HHS seniors June 4, 2018 Homecoming Game ticket drives Performing Arts events ticket drives A Day at the Races (Santa Anita Park) St. Patty’s Day Event
PAST AND PRESENT SUPPORT TO HHS Scholarships Academic Decathlon Athletics Leadership Performing Arts Senior Project Art Department The Crimson Chronicle Library Book Drives Cap & Gown Donations
(818) 505-3669
Seniors first year
MAIL TO: HHS ALUMNI ASSOCIATION 4821 Lankershim Blvd. F-301 North Hollywood, CA 91601 Attn: Renewals & New Members Visit: www.hhsalum.org