Music studios are unveiled
Live Nation grants money to NMA and PAM Gabriella Martinez COPY EDITOR
The long-awaited unveiling of the new and remodeled recording studios occurred on Oct. 19 amidst a crowd of distinguished guests including LAUSD board members, representatives of Live Nation and Artivist Entertainment, school staff, and even former and current students. LACER’s rock band, Hollywood Live, performed multiple covers of songs. This event would not have occurred without the diligent work of the PAM/NMA magnet coordinator Ali Nezu, and Alberto Lopez, one of Artivist Entertainment’s co-founders and a skilled musician in his own right. “I think what we want is students to have the skills to be able to, when they do graduate, fully operate within any professional recording studio,” said Ramiro Segovia, LACER’s coordinator. “Everyone wants to be able to make music, create music and be able to produce, but our focus is giving students the tools necessary to produce that work.”
It was approximately a year and a half ago when Nezu brought in Artivist Entertainment, specifically the company’s founder Aloe Blacc, in for a four-day workshop where he and the students recorded music. Afterwards, they continued to work together, where it became an internship where students created webisodes after school. NMA students utilized high-tech equipment to create the video, according to Antonio Manriquez, NMA video instructor. The song that was created in the process, titled “The Best is Yet to Come,” was shot as if it were a web series, and showcased the work the students did during the workshop itself. “After the showcasing, the song and video will be released for purchase, and the proceeds from the song will go back to Hollywood High, where they’ll help our community,” Nezu said. After this was shot, Nezu took it to LiveNation, where the $25,000 grant she wrote was
approved. This then led to the renovation of the rooms at the beginning of 2016. “I had a great experience at Music Forward (the House of Blues foundation). It was heavy on the business side of music and we job-shadowed people that worked at Live Nation,” said Rafael Linos, a former SAS student. “We also had resume workshops that showed us how to build a strong resume and how to properly present ourselves, like our appearances and our oratory skills. It was overall an amazing experience.” Before the renovation, the studios were desolate and filled with outdated equipment, acting more as storage rooms rather than functioning recording studios. “I thought that it was fantastic,” said Principal Alejandra Sanchez, “I’d much rather have people from the industry come on and donate their time and talent to help students and nurture their talent and potential.”
Dance show will premiere tomorrow Katherine quezada
Constant rehearsals after school, and on weekends have dancers preparing for this fall dance production “Memoir” coordinated by Lisa Goldschein. The dance classes have been practicing daily during school, afterschool, and even weekends to prepare. “Memoir,” is set to showcase tomorrow through Nov. 6. The show will not differ from any other years and just like previous dance productions it will have numerous dance pieces performed by students of all grades. The Nightmare Before Christmas is a long piece that tells a story using modern ballet and the soundtrack from the 1993 film by Tim Burton. “I’m really looking forward for people who plan to attend to watch that piece,” said Goldschein. This year the production will also have several performances that send a message to the audience. ‘Body Love’ that was student choreographed by Jes-
Dancers practice all day this week preparing for tomorrows opening. PHOTO CREDIT: VANESSA CENTENO
sica Olano, Angela Friedman, Johana Cervantes and Kaelyn Norwood “sends a message of self acceptance no matter how you look like and to love yourself and your body” said Goldschein. Another piece that sends a message and is using word audio instead of traditional music is a powerful poem by Alicia Keys called ‘P.O.W- Prisoner Of Words.’ This piece tells a story of a women imprisoning herself. Tickets will be sold at the box office:7$ for adults, stu-
3 qNews: Mock election 4 qOp/Ed: Marijuana may become legal results released
dents and seniors for $5 and students with their school ID for $2. Opening night is set to be the same night as the anual “Battle for Sunset.” The battle is a rivalry between Hollywood and Bernstein and is an anual event that many students look forward to during the year. Students are still encouraged to support the dancers during the weekend on Sat. Nov. 5 at 7pm, and Sun Nov. 6 at 2 pm.
6 qFeatures: Sheik of the
Month: Aleksander Berg
Rock band students perform at the grand opening of the music studios. PHOTO CREDIT: GABRIELLA MARTINEZ
Students now have access to using the studios to practice their skills. PHOTO CREDIT: GABRIELLA MARTINEZ
Los Angeles Community Colleges offers free tuition Vanessa Centeno
Students now have the opportunity to attend LACC or any community college in the Los Angeles community college district for free, provided they attend full time. There are nine total community colleges in Los Angeles including: Los Angeles Mission College, Pierce College, Los Angeles Valley College, Los Angeles City College, East Los Angeles College, West Los Angeles College, Los Angeles Southwest College, Los Angeles Trade-Technical, and Los Angeles Harbor College. This new program was implemented by the current mayor Eric Garcetti, who promises free first year tuition for any LAUSD graduate going into community college. After being inspired by “America’s College Plan” started by President Barack Obama and Vice President Joe Biden, the program took off. “It is terrific that LACC is facilitating student access financially. Not everyone has the money or the desire to acquire so much money at such a young age,” said Principal Alejandra Sanchez.
8 qEntertainment: New
Netflix original premiered
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Instead of taking out loans their first year, these incoming freshman will now have the option to begin their career path debt free. “I think this is an opportunity that many students should take because not everyone is UC material, but it doesn’t mean they’re not capable,” said SAS Senior Stephanie Ramirez, who is planning on taking advantage of this new program for students. This is meant for students who have the capacity to be successful in any university, but for certain circumstances they choose to study in a less conventional way. Financial obstacles are what may keep students from attending a more “prestigious” university, and LACC has made it their goal to keep that from allowing students to continue studying. “The worst thing that can happen is to get stuck in a job and not pursue an education,” said Sanchez. Classes will fill up very quickly, therefore, it is recommended to begin the step into college soon.
11 qSports: The battle for Sunset is tomorrow
Opportunities for parents
LGBT Club made history by hosting the first LGBT assembly at this school Above, Rosalia Chung in a skit displaying the LGBT timeline. PHOTO CREDIT: LORENA ROBELO-LARA
Sheiks working the polls
melissa viera news editor
Sheiks have been granted the opportunity to serve as poll workers in the Los Angeles County for the 2016 presidential election ocurring on Tuesday. This rare opportunity is one that only the class of 2017 will be able to take advantage of because presidential elections take place every four years. “Students have the opportunity to be good citizens and really see civics working. Also, this is a historical election, we’re on the cusp of having our first female president, and they will witness that first hand,” said Heather Brown. The requirements to serve as a poll worker consist of being at least 16 years of age, being a United States citizen, and being a resident of California (to work a poll in California). Poll workers are to arrive at their polling place at 6AM and have until 7 to set up the polls. Poll workers work the polls from 7AM to 7PM. Poll workers store away the polling equipment and clean up their location from 8PM to 9. If a student is working the polls, their absence will be excused
as if they were on a field trip. Originally, poll workers were to be paid $105 dollars, $25 to attend the training and $80 to work the polls, but the stipend increased to be $140, $40 to attend the training and $80 to work from 6AM to 9PM for unknown reasons. Poll workers are to attend an in-person training session at least once to earn the training credit. Online training is optional and provided as a source of information poll workers can use to learn at their own pace in the comfort and privacy of their home. However, online training does not replace the in-person training session poll workers must attend in order to receive the training portion of the $140. The training informed poll workers of what to do in unusual situations. Poll workers were informed on what to do if voting by mail voters, voters with disabilities, unregistered voters, or voters who are not English speakers come into their polling place. The key duty of a poll worker is the assist the voters
efficiently so that successful voting and a fair election can take place. This experience will be beneficial because it provides the poll workers with customer service experience they will need in the future when applying for jobs and colleges. “I think this opportunity is great because it involves the students in the process… and they’re getting paid for their efforts,” said government teacher Robert Schwich, whose students recently studied the election progress, “This hands-on first person experience would be very beneficial because textbooks and lectures can only teach you so much.” “Each high school was given a goal of 50 students to participate and we met that goal. I am so proud that such a large amount of students took advantage of this opportunity and stepped up for the electoral process,” stated Heather Brown. For more information on working the polls, visit LAvote. net.
In November, several parent meetings will be held by Children’s Hospital’s Therapist Nancy K. Hernandez at the parent center from 8:30am to 10. The meetings will take place on Nov. 4 and 18, in the parent center in room 404. The date for the third meeting is still to be announced. Each meeting will take on different topics such as saying no to drugs, how to control and express your anger in a healthy way, and how to strengthen family ties. The purpose of the workshops is to provide parents with useful information so that they can guide their children in the right direction. These meetings will be beneficial to parents because they can take part in their children’s lives.The people conducting the meetings hope to address any concerns parents might have about the topics discussed at the meetings. Parents are highly encouraged to go to these meetings. All parents are welcome to come. “Financial status should not stop them from coming” said Alejandra Sanchez. If parents are interested, they can go to the parent center. The meetings allow a sense of community and are an opportunity open to anyone. So far, the parents who have attended the meetings love it because they are able to help their children with the information they received. “Parents love it, just like the zumba class we also offer here on campus” said Alejandra Sanchez.
Discovering the world in one place Friday a group of students in Robert Keislar’s class went on a field trip to the California Science Center. The science center is a place to learn a lot about the environment, physics, the universe, biology and all other types of science you could think of. The entire trip lasted the entire day. The students took the metro to get their and were released at 2:00 to go home after watching an hour movie about living sustainably. Most students decided to be released while other had to attend the football game so went back to school. The science center was a very good choice to go because Dr. Keislar is a science teacher and this gave him a great opportunity to show the student how important it is to learn about the world around us.
New choir teacher planning musical hakop ovsepyan
Lisa Casalino takes Scott Lehmkuhl’s place as a new choir teacher. She will be our choir teacher until the end of the semester. Casalino studied at Crane School of Music, State University of New York. She has bachelor’s degree in music and a master’s degree in education. In 1995, she moved to Tampa, Florida to begin a music program at Durant High School. She worked as their music and choir teacher and she even wrote their alma mater.
After eight years at Durant High School, Casalino left to pursue her dream. She moved out to Los Angeles to become a full time singer and performer. She has produced two albums, “ Introducing Lisa Casalino” and “I’m Old Fashioned.” Although she will be teaching at Hollywood High for a short while, she has very big plans for the choir class. “I want students to reach their full potential, I have a feeling that if students dedicate themselves they will be able to do anything,” said
Casalino. Some students are thrilled to have a new choir teacher. “She is very organized and fun, she really wants us to be our best”, says SAS Senior Andrea Ignacio. Casalino is now working to prepare the students for their performance on Dec 15.
Lisa Casalino playing the piano in her classroom PHOTO CREDIT: HAKOP OVSEPYAN
Clinton wins student mock election KARINA olivera
The results are in, and Hillary Clinton has won the mock election with 91 votes. Jill Stein’s green party came in as second place with 11 votes. Republican Donald Trump placed as third place with 10 votes. Gary Johnson, part of the Libertarian party, received 9 votes. The mock election was the idea of Sherri Withham, the school librarian. The poll is important because it, “encourage[s] participation and [provides] a real-world experience, to learn about the political issues, candidates, policies,” said Whitham. This is the first time she has conducted a mock election. Whitham said she wants
Propositions impact today’s youth
people to think about the elections in order for them to be informed voters in the future. “I voted for Hillary Clinton because I like her policies and she seems more suited to be president compared to the other three candidates,” said Sergio Molina, SAS senior. Students voted by going to the Hollywood High School Library website and clicking on the election ballot link. An LAUSD email was needed to access it.
From banning the death penalty to allowing bilingual education, there will be 17 different propositions that Californians can vote for in 2016, all of them affecting everyone in at least one way. Propositions are laws that apply only to certain states such as legalizing marijuana or forcing pornstars to wear condoms while “performing.” These measures have been controversial and are finally going to be determined democratically. There are a total of seventeen propositions in California this year. This year, being a presidential election, voter turnout should be exceptionally higher than usual. One that has been one of the most controversial is the legalization of marijuana for recreational use, Prop 64. Some people believe that marijuana is a gateway drug that could lead to worse substance abuse later on. They also argue that it causes damage to lungs, your brain, and even your heart. At the same time, there are people who feel that it would benefit us more than hurt us. They believe that it has capability to be therapeutic.There have been cases of people all around the world that have benefitted from medical use of the substance. It helped with their headaches and even helped some cancer patients. Marijuana would also allow some people a chance to destress using a more natural alternative than drugs produced in labs. Some people look forward to this proposition being passed.“If they legalized weed I’d smoke weed everyday,” said SAS senior Abigail Hernandez.
Another proposition that will affect lives of many students is proposition 51. This will give schools a total of $9 billion. It would use $3 billion on construction, $3 billion for modernization of public schools, $1 billion for charter schools, and $2 billion of community colleges. With all this money public schools can recover from its current state. According to calmatters.org, this will help teachers keep their job, buy new and updated books, and allow more access to modern methods of learning. If this proposition gets passed, schools will be able to get rid of textbooks from 10 years ago that contain outdated information. Schools would be able to afford relevant materials and be able to learn accurate information. Proposition 58 would also affect schools in a dramatic way. This would not force children to learn English before being able to enroll in classes taught in English. Some propositions will even save lives, such as proposition 63, which strengthens restrictions on gun control, and 62 which would ban the death penalty. This would save the lives of countless people. The outcome of all these propositions will have direct impact on youth, so it is important to use one’s voter voice.
Two 7/11 locations donated $1,422 all together to provide for equipment for every sports team on campus PHOTO CREDIT: PAULINA RAIGOSA
Trump’s star destroyed by man with a sledgehammer Aniello angrisano CHRONICLE REPORTER
Early Wednesday morning. Oct. 26 Donald Trump’s star on the walk of fame was destroyed by a man dressed as a construction worker with a sledgehammer going by the name of Jamie Otis. The incident was recorded by people passing by the man dismantling the star and was shared on social media. He was able to successfully remove Donald’s name from the star and the television symbol but not able to remove the star itself completely. In an interview with TMZ, Otis said he wanted to remove the star to send a message to Donald Trump. He also said he wanted to auction off the pieces of the star he has to raise money for the women accusing Donald Trump of
sexual assault, which is 11 women in total. Trump’s star, located near the Dolby Theater, will be replaced and fixed within days. The Hollywood Chamber of Commerce which chooses the stars on the Walk of Fame said that it will cost thousands
star in 2007 for his work on the show, The Apprentice, has not commented on what happened. This is not the only incident involving vandalism on Trump’s star. Earlier in the year it was spray painted on twice and had a tiny wall built around it mocking Trump’s plan to build a wall on the Mexican border.
He wanted to remove the star to send a message to Donald Trump. to replace it. There has been much scrutiny to remove the star and even a petition online was formed but the committee said they would never consider removing any star saying that each star is part of the history of the Walk of Fame. Otis will face felony charges once he turns himself in. Trump, who received his
Keeping up with the elections With the upcoming elections, it is critical that the youth realize the significance of their knowledge on political changes that can easily influence their lives. Although it is also important to know who our political candidates are, it is necessary to become informed and understand what it means to support either party. Identifying as a Republican or Democrat should not be the only deciding factor in electing a candidate. Their moral, political, and ethical values should be what measure their capability in being president not the color of their tie. Today it is very easy to
get caught up with any news about the election with a click of a button. Twitter has even allowed anyone to live stream the debates and watch the harsh banter between Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump. So why is it that our generation is walking around only knowing about emails and a wall, jumping to conclusions about both candidates regardless of their actual political stands. For one, it should be more clear to the youth exactly how influential their votes can be. Voters ages 18-35 make up about 31 percent of the voting electorate, however have the lowest rate of
participation. Why is it that these young voters have every tool to participate, yet choose not to? Why is it that they would rather be kept up with the Kardashians rather than learning more in depth of their future? Many adolescents believe that there is no point in getting involved or being informed in politics because they think it does not apply to them. But what most youth do not know is that there are several propositions that are affecting them and their education at this age. For example, Proposition 51 will give about $9 billion to public schools grades K-12.
Or Proposition 58 will allow schools to provide instruction in a second or foreign language that is not English. If this proposition were to be voted against, that means that English will be the only language taught at school no matter what your native language is and that creates a lack of diversity and culture. Millennials should be encouraged and be involved in any way that they can regardless of their eligibility to vote. Encouraging a person like their parents or older siblings to take part of this election can make all the difference because in this generation the voice of the youth matters.
If passed, this proposition could help California’s economy by providing a new source of income through marijuana taxes for dispensaries and growers. According to NBC News, in California alone there are over 50,000 illegal cultivation sites. If each and every one of these sites were to be taxed, the state would easily be able to make more than $500,000. This new found tax money would go towards marijuana research to study its effects and its benefits. About $10 million dollars of this tax, every year for 11 years, would be going to public California universities for research to see the impact of the passing of Proposition 64. Youth programs would also be created to prevent adolescents from doing drugs and offering them treatment if already
exposed. It has been predicted that the tax revenue from marijuana and hemp would pass the $1 billion mark. Alongside making such an abundance of tax revenue, it would also reduce criminal justice costs spent on detained people charged with possession of marijuana, and other marijuana related crimes. Proponents say it will reduce the criminal justice costs by more than $10 million every year. Yet, Prop 64 would also reverse the ban of tobacco ads on TV. Opponents claim it will allow marijuana ads to be shown, while also allowing the growing of marijuana near schools and increase the black market activity in California. The election on Tuesday will bring Proposition 64
under the limelight once again, as it was rejected once in 2010. The passing of this proposition could positively influence California’s future. The economy would improve and marijuana would be produced properly. This would make both government and users alike very happy. Proposition 64 should be passed because at the end of the day the pros outweigh the cons and the economy and users will thank the voters for a long time to come.
campaign and monitors the Latino vote (as it plummets). The founder of the organization, Marco Gutierrez, states that if we let undocumented immigrants, like he once was, stay in the United States, we will see “taco trucks at every corner.” Most taco lovers would consider that a pro to keeping undocumented immigrants in the U.S. even though they are beneficial for many other reasons. Gutierrez continues to criticize “his culture” saying “it’s imposing and causing problems.” “The Mexicans are responsible for all the crime that happens here. They rape our people and bring drug cartels to the U.S,” one of Trump’s most iconic statements. With all this said, he still manages to have a 22% support among Hispanic voters, according to MSNBC. The wall he said he was going to build to keep Mexicans away should be reason enough for Latinos to vote against him. On Aug. 25, 2015, Trump
was holding a press conference in Iowa when MexicanAmerican journalist, Jorge Ramos, confronted him about wanting to deport 11 million immigrants and about his desires to build a wall on the Mexican border. Some questions that should be asked are: Where is Trump planning on getting the money to do that? Is he planning on borrowing it? Well, we already owe $6 trillion to other countries, mainly China. And with his prejudicial remarks towards foreigners, it is doubtful that many foreign countries would help fund his project. Another solution could be to raise taxes, but one thing that the right hates more than anything is imposing taxes on the wealthy. The people Trump expects to help him the most are stingy, 1% conservatives that think taxing the rich is unethical. Due to his lack of sympathy for Latinos, many companies have removed him from their contracts such as his collaboration with Macy’s for
his cologne and clothing line or from having any appearances on ESPN, Univision and other networks. Yet a handful of Latinos still manage to support the oppression towards their own people, even their own families, because they put themselves at a higher stature than other Latinos. Conforming to a conservative, Anglo society as a minority does not make you their ally; it makes you vulnerable to their prejudice. The hypocrisy of Latino Trump supporters along with the indecency of agreeing with the crude comments he has made towards their own people is astounding. But those Latinos with integrity and pride for their culture will out-vote those who don’t value their heritage and upbringing.
Legalize my friend Mary Jane
During the upcoming election in California on Tuesday, voters will vote on Proposition 64, which, if it were to be approved, would legalize marijuana and establish cultivation and sales taxes. This proposition would allow anyone 21 or older to use marijuana and hemp recreationally, but not in public places.
Contra Trump, more like con Trump
Donald Trump has recently become a household name because of the outrageous comments he’s made that belittle minorities, specifically Latinos. He’s known for hating on Mexicans (he means Latinos but he categorizes every undocumented immigrant as Mexican) and blames them for the self-proclaimed unpleasant state America is in. Although he speaks ill of Latinos, there is a group of Latinos that support him in his campaign. The organization Latinos for Trump advises Trump’s
Angie Dueñas is senior class secretary.
the Crimson Chronicle Staff
Editor-in-Chief Vanessa Centeno opinion editor lorena robelo-lara news editor Melissa Viera features editor joan kim Entertainment Editor Jasmine cortez Photo Editor Jin Lee & Catherine Lee Copy editor hakop ovsepyan Gabriella Martinez CHRONICLE REPORTERS Joshua alejano aniello Angrisano Lizeth Carranza aNGIE DUEñAS Esteban Garcia Gabriel garduno anayareli Huerta Guadalupe Huerta Novalee lopez
julio Mazariegos allison oliva karina olivera pablo Pamal Katherine quezada Ruben Salazar stephanie starks lilyana summerton sharon ulloa
THECRIMSONCHRONICLE. COM For exclusive stories and videos
Lorena Robelo-Lara is president of Debate Club and Latino Student Union.
november 2016
Man On The Street:
If you could choose one person to run for president who would it be and why?
“Shawn Mendes because he is a good role model. The way he expresses himself through music and giving ideas to the country is amazing.” Hellen Amaya, 9th PAM.
“I’d go for Bernie Sanders because he actually had ideas of what to do. He would’ve made college tuition free anywhere and making all schools balanced, making them have similar stuff. He would also tax the rich, making the economy have more money.”
“Bernie [Sanders] because he was actually going to do good and not treat us like animals.” Gretchy Hernandez, 11th TCA.
“I would choose myself because I believe I’m most qualified and can make America great again.” Simon Berd, 12th grade, SAS.
College education for no college tuition
Over the years, more and more students have been given the ability opportunity to go to college with new scholarships and programs. Now there is a possibility that college may have free tuition if students attend a Los Angeles community college full time in the LAUSD
district. The fact that students entering college have a chance to study without the burden of paying fees or having loans is incredible. All students should be able to go to college without having to pay for tuition. Mayor Eric Garcetti is part of the reason this is a possibility in the future. He has worked on what he believes is the correct way of allowing students to continue their studies without worrying about being economically stable. This would give college students a higher chance to exceed in their fields of study and move on in their studies. They call it the “Los Angeles College Promise.” College is a right that students have worked hard to
achieve and should be able to apply wherever they feel like it and wherever they believe they can do the best without financial worries. Some students decide to stay somewhere they feel they
With a free college tuition, there are higher chances of a student applying can manage themselves instead of applying to the school they wanted to go to in the first place. It’s difficult to comprehend how not all students are given the chance to advance toward their future because the tuition
Scholarship season, relax
Seniors are already struggling with graduation requirements, submitting applications for scholarships and financial aid. Well, it is their future on the line. Planning ahead is always great and having a good, solid plan will keep them on the path of scholar-
is so high. Many students build themselves up in high school, taking additional AP classes, extracurriculars, and signing up for clubs only to find out that there is still the possibility of not attending the school they chose because the fee is too much for them to handle. Everyone should be given the chance to study, to do something, be someone, but that may not be possible if tuition becomes such a critical problem for students. With a free college tuition, there are higher chances of a student applying to more community colleges in the Los Angeles area now that the worry of fees is gone. There are nine schools that
ship success, but remember that path can become bumpy and stressful. It’s also their last year and they should make the most out of it. Having a good memory about one’s senior year will be truly awesome in the future. Donate, do community service, go volunteer, join clubs or go start your own club. Make yourself stand out, and make time for yourself. Be productive with your last year of high school. The hard working and prepared student knows that at the end of the day who you are and what you’ll be is completely up to them. Besides, it’s your last year
until you become independent and go live on your own, that’s if you don’t get stuck living in your parent’s basement. Education always comes first but you should also have a social life too.
scholarships out there available for anyone. “Some scholarships reach out to you, just for them to help out.” said Tommy Youn, 12th, SAS. Some scholarships are so easy that all you need to do is sign up. Take it slow, you have so much ahead of you, this is all just the beginning. Relax and don’t stress yourself out too much, it all workouts at the end. Being calm isn’t just a good way to handle all of this but it’s also good for your health. Struggling with scholarships wouldn’t be a good story to tell your college peers in the future anyways. It’s time to act, but it’s also
There are so many opportunities for you, it is not the end of the world when you don’t get what you want in life It is not that you shouldn’t hassle for scholarships but you should realize that everyone gets help when it comes to paying for college. There are so many, maybe too many,
will be a part of the change. A few colleges that are being included are the East Los Angeles College, LA City College, LA Harbor College, Pierce College, and West LA College. It’ll be a positive change in the system because there could be a lot more jobs being created and many more people well prepared to tackle life. It can be a much better society if there were no financial concerns because students would only want to further educate themselves in the field they applied for in college. Jasmine Cortez is private first class in JROTC.
time to enjoy everything while it last. There are so many opportunities out there for you, it is not the end of the world when you don’t get what you want in life. Remember, “Achieving doesn’t come before failing.” Sharon Ulloa is a 10th grader and planning ahead for the future.
Corrections from last issue: On the story “Throwing it back to the 90s,” we said Spirit Week was the week of homecoming when it’s actually in two weeks. On the story “Kristine Tserunyan is back” we mistakenly said she was a doctor when she is not. We regret our mistakes and will strive for better in the future.
6 november 2016
Sheik of the Month: A president that hovers over the student JIN LEE
If you have ever seen the tallest guy walk around campus, you know it’s Aleksander Berg. Some people may also know him as the president of the student body, the former Sheik mascot, or that one guy who adds fun facts or riddles during the morning announcements. And for the people who have no idea who Alek is, this may be an opportunity to know him. Entering high school as a freshman, Alek was much different than the senior he is now. He was an oddball with a bowl cut hair, and the one thing that had gotten him to be involved with school was to join leadership as one of the two freshmen. “It had really introduced me to the concept of Sheik Pride,” said Alek. Being part of leadership had also helped Alek to build relationships with peers that varied from sophomores, juniors, and seniors,
experiencing many things that not every freshmen would. Alek continued in taking parts of school activities by joining the volleyball and basketball team. His involvement in sports had showed him a different side of the school, and had also given him the chance to meet new people, see and experience different things. During his third year of volleyball and second year of basketball, Alek was given the position as a team captain. “That was something I thought I could never do,” said Alek, “It’s not necessarily skills sometimes, but it’s also commitment.” Many other students may lack the confidence or have doubts about themselves, but Alek believes that as long as people put their minds into it, they will succeed. Another new challenge that Alek had accepted was to run the
elections to be the next president of the student body. Using a slogan, “Feel the Berg,” the much
heated election had turned to Alek’s favor in which he believed that the student body was willing to put support into his ideas. All the new challenges and
Message to the Next President
responsibilities that Alek was wrapped up in would most likely stress him out, but he was willing to give up most of his personal time in order to maintain being a student, athlete, and president. “It’s the things that I love doing... I like to do the things that I like to do,” said Alek. Alek remains positive in everything that he does and believes that there is “light at the end of the tunnel”. With all the leadership experiences that Alek had gained during his years in high school, Alek believes that these will benefit him towards the future in whatever career he decides to take on. Alek sees himself in the near future going to a good school and getting a great education, and eventually to take a part in a leadership position of his future career. Even his friends believe that Alek could achieve a successful future. “He’s
great, hardworking and responsible. He’s serious about what he does,” said SAS senior Gabriela Zakher. If anyone had ever wondered how tall he is, Alek is 6”8 with a shoe size of 16. The weather for Alek is very much different compared to most of the people. “It’s ten degrees hotter most of the time, and in the winter it’s the opposite. It’s ten degrees colder.”
with an excessive debt. Universities like USC or Harvey Mudd average at around $240,000 and universities like UC Riverside or UC Berkeley average around $132,000 - $140,000 for four years. It’s very disappointing to work hard your entire four years of high school in order to be able to get into college, but then have your dreams crushed when you can’t afford it.
Three words in this country makes murder okay. Three words can get you out of murder as long as you wear a badge. Three words: I was scared. It does not take much to say ‘Stop.’ It does not take much to address an issue of your own citizens getting murdered, over something as silly as color. Police officers seem to care more about protecting these clowns that are actually terrorising people, than protecting their citizens. Color does not make you any more scary than any regular person. A child could tell you that. The fact that minorities, especially Black minorities, are afraid that they might not see their father, their uncle, or their grandfather at home because another policeman was scared of brown, is just depressing. A white rapist, for example, Brock Turner, the Stanford swimmer sentenced to six months, is safer in America than a black boy with an ice cream truck brand bb gun, like Tamir Rice. Future President, just because we do not make up a big part of the population does not mean we are not here. Just because we are only 13% of the United States does not lower the probability of being targeted. We matter. Our voices matter. And we are tired of being treated like everything except equals.
Dear next President,
I’m hoping for the next four years to be stress free. Being a senior in high school and entering adulthood, I already have many burdens that a person my age should not be bothered with yet. Being of Latino descent, I already have anxiety of dealing with the fear of not being able to provide or help my family in a time of need because of the one factor that sets me apart from other families. That is having a parent that is undocumented. There is always that fear in the back of my mind that, one day, my parents will be stripped from me in a mere second and I will have to find a way to manage and provide for my siblings and I. That’s when college stops becoming a priority. With immigration reform, many students won’t have to grow up fast, we won’t have to come up with a backup plan in case our parents are taken away. I am here today because my parents came here in hopes of giving me a better life and to receive the education they never had. I am here today because my parents worked hard to get me where I am today, to get me through and onto college. I want to be guaranteed that their blood, sweat and tears were not for nothing. I want to be able to provide for them in the future and show my gratitude for all they did to raise me well. It is hard to give my full potential and put myself out there because of
the fear of bringing attention to me and my family. Students should come home and only have to worry about homework and not that their parents were taken away while getting the education their parents never had. When my family and I walk down the street, my heart picks up everytime I see a police officer, afraid they’ll approach my parents, and take them away from me. I, like many other students, experience that fear and anxiety on a daily basis from a young age. Students should not be troubled with this stress. If immigration reform were to be implemented, it would take some ease off of many families and will their lives without fear.
Allison Oliva
to be successful and have a stable life. However, as the time to apply to colleges approaches for my peers and I, college is no longer even seen as an option because of how expensive it has gotten. When I started discussing with my college counselor about universities and looking into how much it would cost to attend the schools, just the tuition was an amount that none of my friends and I could afford. If you are living on campus at a UC, it will cost around $34,200 annually and if you are living off campus it will cost $30,300 annually. Private college prices range from $40,000 - $50,000 annually. I knew some seniors last year who got into multiple universities, but were forced to attend community college because the universities were too expensive. I was also talking to a couple of friends and one of them told me that her aunt finished paying her college loans at the age of 54. Even with the abundance of scholarships that are offered, sometimes it isn’t enough and students are left
“Three words can get you out of murder as long as you wear a badge. Three words: I was scared.”
Chronicle reporter
Dear Future President Ever since I was little, college was always emphasized as a step in my life that I needed to partake in in order
Dear FuturePresident, This year has not been a happy one. Many injustices and undisguised racism plagued the United States, with a hushed government and a veiled president watching from the sidelines. Making speeches to kiss up to both parties will not stop prejudices. Blatantly ignoring it and sticking your fingers in your ears will not magically make it go away. It is about time for this problem to be solved and it needs to be done without censorship and without a second opinion. Watching the correlation in the court and constantly seeing on the news that another minority was killed, another policeman wasn’t found guilty is saddening. Why do citizens have to march the streets just to show the United States that murder is wrong? People of color should not have to work ten times as hard for what the white man can get at the 99 cent store.
Fashion: How to rock a spraytan and a pantsuit Vanessa Centeno Editor-in-chief
With a new president coming in, in a new year, you need a new look, and what better way to do that than dressing for success. Some of you may have different preferences, but there’s no need to stress or look like a mess, because you can easily follow one of the most loved presidential candidates: Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump. So trump over this hill with some of these fashion tips: Wear a suit: As many may know, both candidates have wonderful tastes in suits. Whether you rock a pantsuit or an imported suit from a foreign country (even if you’re advocating to bring manufacturing jobs back into America) it is important to
choose the right color. The best advice to that is: if the color isn’t on the flag, don’t wear it. Choose a tone: Always remember that when you dress well everyone will have their eyes on you so it is important to give them something to look at. If you can’t hire a makeup artist with a small one million dollar loan go ahead and be your own. Apply an orange foundation all around your face, but make sure to miss around your eyes to make sure everyone knows it isn’t actually your natural skin tone. Don’t forget: Orange is the new Barack. Pick a hairstyle: If you have a receding hairline, just make sure to comb it from the middle of your head forward.
There is absolutely no way anyone will ever notice the difference, plus it will lift in the wind. Also take notes from the youngest candidate running, Mrs. Clinton, and never let yourself be exposed with a white hair. You just can’t let yourself go white in the White House. It may be tough to keep up with these fashion statements, but keep them handy when choosing your next outfit. These looks are impossible to beat and the best judgement comes from our next incumbent. Latte. The address for the location in Hollywood is: 6314 Hollywood Blvd Los Angeles, CA 90028.
(above) Donald Trump (above) Hillary and her pantsuit
Waffle Jack opens on Hollywood boulevard Gabriel Garduno
Waffle Jack is now open on Hollywood Boulevard and Highland Avenue, from 10 a.m. to 10 p.m. every day. Located on the dining deck on level 3 across from Pokinometry, Waffle Jack is perfect for tourists as they walk down Hollywood Boulevard and for students after school who want a serving of warm Belgian Liege handcrafted waffles with a twist for toppings. They have a variety: from Waffle Jack serves a variety of waffles and other pastries. Churro Waffles, to Berry PHOTO CREDIT: GABRIEL GARDUNO Waffles, to more delicious
variations. You can also choose what to put on your waffle; if you want berries you can pick the kind of berries. The waffles are made just after you order, so they are nice and warm while you eat it. There are also plenty of beverages to wash it down. The price range does not go over $10. Hollywood has been getting more popular as these waffles are served in mustacheadorned dishes, making it
highly beneficial for Instagram photos and easier to eat on the go. Paired with an amazing view of Hollywood Boulevard, it should be quite the spot to stop for all.
style. ‘The Rain’ has the same mysterious and dreamy vibe as ‘Galaxy’ but with a faster tempo.”
Ladies’ code makes a comeback with Strang3r
The K-pop group ‘Ladies’ Code’ released their comeback single on Oct. 10, 2016 with their upbeat song “The Rain” and their new album “Strang3r.” The group is currently formed by members “Ashley,” “SoJung” and “Zuny.” The group gained popularity in Korea in 2013 when they released their song “Bad Girl.” However, after a fatal car accident in 2014, two of the members “EunB” and “RiSe” died. After the incident, the group decided to take a break from their performances. One of the group members, SoJung, said to the website Soompi, “We wanted to put out the album earlier, but because of the preparation time, it came out a little late.” On Feb. 2016, the trio released a single after two years called “Myst3ry.” This single
was one out of three singles for their album. The second part of the album is “The Rain”
produces music for other Kpop groups including Shinee, 2PM and Infinite.
cute like the color pink, Ladies’ Code will be going for a purple full of mystery.”
and the new album name is “Strang3r.” The new song was produced by MONOTREE, which
According to Soompi.com, the group said this about this song, “We won’t be doing something dark like black or
The group also said, “We spent a lot of time on the songs and concept so we could focus on Ladies’ Code’s unique
own. A ghost named Roger lead her to the basement and showed Doris hidden cash. Then the family tried to use it more, to ensure that it was real. Unexpectedly Doris was possessed. Lina and Doris got possessed. Father Tom performs an exorcism for Doris.
experiments from an evil doctor, had caused the problems, because of all the lost and angry spirits. The Ouija board reappears in the table in the main room. Alice gives up her life for Doris. Lina had to sew Doris’s mouth and the demons disappears.
body. Then, Doris appeared in the halls running at the doctor, who questioned Lina about Doris. The movie was very eerie and suspenseful. The story escalates very quickly. The story will give you shocks. It has a typical scary movie vibe, where
Ouijia: origin of evil has a history
The movie Ouija: Origin of Evil was announced last year, 2015 as a sequel to the 2014 movie Ouija. It was released this Oct. 21 2016. The movie Ouija: Origin of Evil, takes place in 1967 Los Angeles. It stars a mother/ fortune teller named Alice Zander along with her teenage daughter Paulina and her nineyear-old daughter Doris. The movie is filled with many jump scares that will leave you with nightmares. The plot was that Alice was explaining to her daughters that her job is fake and the purpose was just to help people. A friend named Lina suggest the Ouija board. She tried to manipulate the board, thinking that it was fake. Her daughter was possessed momentarily. Later in the movie, Doris tries the Ouija board on her
2014 movie “Ouija” had a similar theme. Someone uses the board, someone get possessed, people die, the end. The movie was more of a remake to the “Ouija” than a sequel. However, people who seek being scared and thrill should give it a try. The ideal theme of the movie may be similar to other “Ouija” movies, but the movie showed how a mother will initially react to the loss of their children. The movie shines on the love and care of family, and how they drive each other.
Then Alice, Tom, and Doris went to the cellar and burned the Ouija board. They realized the stack of skeletons left from
Two months later, Lina is in a mental hospital. The doctors questioned her to determine what has happened to Doris’s
you will know people will die, but the characters who end up dying are very unexpected. The movie, compared to the
For more information, on news, entertainment, and features, visit the Crimson Chronicle website. New stories are posted four times a week. WWW.CRIMSONCHRONICLE.COM
Miranda Sings creates Netflix series
Chronicle Reporter
Haters Back Off is a comedy series where a strange teenage girl named Miranda Sings pursues her dream of being famous. Miranda is an extremely confident self absorbed teen. The show was produced by Colleen Ballinger and she also plays the main character Miranda Sings. Haters Back Off is an odd show and it contains many funny moments. The show wasn’t really my taste and I didn’t like it much. Haters Back Off was released Oct. 14 and is a Netflix original. In the show Haters Back Off, everyone Miranda tries to impress people with her singing and acting . When Miranda Photo Credit: www.sidereel.com
started her career, she first posted a video on YouTube and received various hate comments on her video. Miranda thinks she has talent and so does her uncle, but most people think she is talentless. Miranda tries to start off her career but no one seems to appreciate her “talent”. Miranda had to pay a huge cost in her journey to become famous and that cost was her friends, and her family members. Miranda soon realized that she had been the one to abandon them first. The show was mainly based on actual events that happened in Ballinger’s life. I hope that they release a second season because it may
seem like Miranda’s life is now over. Miranda has yet to be famous and she will keep trying to reach her goal of becoming famous. In the end, Miranda thinks that her whole life is going well and that she earned her goal of performing somewhere and becoming famous, but everything turns upside down for her in an instant. Miranda feels as her life is over and she feels like she has no one. Miranda was very rude and she even fired her manager which was also her uncle Jim also played by Steve Little. She treated everyone badly but soon enough ended up regretting it. She was left with no one
was on season six of American Horror Story. She also just released her new album titled “Joanne” on Oct. 21. Her album has a very upbeat and enthusiastic vibe
It’s such a fun song to jam out to, the perfect party song. Lady Gaga’s album has sold out in many stores; it is in such a high demand it is becoming difficult for her fans
to it, although the lyrics to some of the songs may not fit the party vibe. Her song “Perfect Illusion” has that chipper tone, but the lyrics to it have a deeper meaning. My favorite song on the album is “A-Yo.”
to get their hands on one. She is aiming to have another No.1 on the Billboard Top 200. If she achieves this, it will be her fourth No.1. “Joanne” has sold about 140,000 copies within the last week, which is not too
and it truly seemed like her life was over. The show was given reviews ranging from good to bad. I personally think that the show had many moments where you actually enjoyed the show but overall it was mainly an ‘ehh’ type of show. I would recommend this show if you enjoy drama and comedy at the same time. The show has man funny moments but it also has a lot of drama. I would not recommend the show if you don’t like watching people who are overly dramatic and very rude.
Lady Gaga releases another No. 1 album NOVALEE LOPEZ CHRONICLE REPORTER
It’s such a fun song to jam out to, the perfect party song.
Photo Credit: www.billboard.com Lady Gaga has been out bum, “Artpop,” was released in of the music scene for quite 2013. Although she has been some time now, her last alout of the media’s eye, she
shabby for someone who has been out of the music limelight for three years. “... Joanne nonetheless beat expectations and had the fourth-largest debut week of any album this year, after those by Drake,Beyonce and Frank Ocean.” Lady Gaga’s album has surpassed all those who thought it was not going to deal that well. ”Joanne” during the first week of it releasing, it streamed 25.7 million times in the United States.
November concerts offer variety of genres LILYANA SUMMERTON
Nov 1 Jens Lekman – Hollywood Forever Cemetery
Nov 6 Sum 41 & Senses Fail – Mayan Theatre Photo Credit: www.discogs.com Nov 12 Lil Wayne, Schoolboy Q, A$AP Rocky, Chance the Rapper, Erykah Bandu, Tyler the Creator – Exposition Park
Nov 20 Red Fang – Teragram Ballroom
Suicide Boys – The Novo
Nov 14 Temple of the Dog – The Forum Nov 21 Lukas Graham - The Wiltern
Nov 2 Boy and Bear – Teragram Ballroom
Nov 8 Charlie Puth -The Wiltern
Nov 3 Crown the Empire Mayan Theatre
Nov 5 Bush – The Wiltern
Weezer – El Rey Theatre Nov 9 Morrissey – Bren Events Center, Irvine
Nov 19 Beach Boys – Fred Kavli Theatre
Photo Credit: www.genius.com
Nov 26 Seu Jorge – The Theatre at Ace Hotel, Downtown Historic Core Photo Credit: www.en.wikipedia.org
Nov 30 Two Door Cinema Club – Shrine Auditorium & Expo Center
10 NOVEMBER 2016
Athletes of the month
KELLY PERLA , sas SENIOR, volleyball Crimson Chronicle: How does it feel to be Athlete of the Month Kelly Perla: It feels good, shows how my hard work is paying off, not just for me but also for the team Crimson Chronicle:
How long have you been playing or training? Kelly Perla: The past 3 years. Crimson Chronicle: Why do you love or enjoy the sport? Kelly Perla: Because
it is not like other sports and it requires much communication Crimson Chronicle: What are some challenges you have faced this season so far? Kelly Perla: When I first started branching
Ruben salazar , tca senior, football Crimson Chronicle: How does it feel to be Athlete of the Month Ruben Salazar: first time, it feels really good because i’ve never been athlete of the month before Crimson Chronicle: How long have you been playing or training? Ruben Salazar: I started 10th, they encourage me to play for
freshmen year but I didn’t till sophomore Crimson Chronicle: Why do you love or enjoy the sport? Ruben Salazar: enjoy to tackle, and hit people Crimson Chronicle: What is your goal at the end of the season Ruben Salazar: I wanna get more than 110 tackles, have also a lot of interceptions
natalia aburto , PAM SENIOR, Cheer Crimson Chronicle: Why do you love or enjoy the sport? Natalia Aburto: because it is fun
and when i’m there it makes me forget about all of my problems Crimson Chronicle:
out and meeting new players
Crimson Chronicle: What would you like to change by the end of the season? Ruben Salazar: my attendances are not so great when it comes to practices, it is not where I want it to be
What are some challenges you have faced this season so far? Natalia Aburto: sometimes we do not work
together as a team, sometimes it is hard to memorize and I forget my routine, but I always get back on
Basketball season begins as fall sports end Aniello Angrisano
chroncile reporter
With the upcoming basketball season both the boys and girls basketball teams prepare for the approaching schedule. The boys’ varsity team who finished with third in their league standings at 6-4 and an overall record of 9-12 enter this season with a new hope for a great season. “I feel really good about the upcoming season and I feel the team is really bonding together,” said Varsity coach Rico Myers. He also said he feels the team has really been coming together in practice and hopes the new pieces added to the varsity team this year will improve their performance out on the court. “I really feel like this will be a new learning experience for all of us and give us the opportunity to gel together,” said Varsity point guard Thurston Gallardo. The boys’ basketball teams
have been practicing hard every Monday, Wednesday, and Thursday, even sometimes practicing before school. Coach Rico said he hopes that the team can play more of up-tempo, fast-paced game that will open good looks on the fast break for easy scores. He hopes he can model this type of game plan off of NBA teams like the Golden State
ing together and playing it by matchups. Lastly, coach said that hustle, effort, and determination on defense by the guys will be something he really look out for in games. He praised the work of Captain Aleksander Berg saying, “Alek is a guy that leads by example and is hardworking and that’s what we’re looking
Warriors and Oklahoma City Thunder. Coach Rico said he loves fundamental basketball and it will be a key toward figuring out matchups during the game. He also said that part of his game plan will be how well the five guys in the game are play-
for in the team. He’s also been able to run the floor efficient as well.” Coach Rico also added another member to his personnel adding new assistant coach Mike Davis. The two were former teammates in college. Varsity and JV play their first
This will be a new learning experience for all of us and give us the opportunity to gel together.
exhibition game at home on Nov. 28 vs Marquez. Girls’ basketball hopes to improve off of a good season last year with varsity finishing 11-7 and JV finishing 14-1. New head coach, Timothy Brown, will take over for the girls’ basketball as he hopes to bring a new mindset for a team that did very well last season. The girls have been conditioning after school preparing for the new season. With new players going to the varsity team they hope they can go further into the playoffs after their first round exit last year. Coach Brown said that he feels really excited about the upcoming season and is especially excited to work with the senior class. He feels this is a solid group of girls that have experience and can really take this team somewhere. As for his expectations he wants to take it one game at a
time but wants to go out and win games. He also wants to make league and hopefully win the city championship. “I want to go out and wreak havoc for the other team, make it the most difficult thirty-two minutes for anyone competing against us” said Coach Brown.
11 NOVEMBER 2016
Runners finish season at championships Joshua Alejano
chroncile reporter
Cross country will conclude their season this season after League Championships today. The team, however are deciding on practicing on their own in school as free running to maintain shape. The members face the sadness of the season ending “I feel sad about it ending, it brought new friends who can be considered as family, but I am excited for next year’s season,” said sophomore Linnssy Chavez. The members of cross
country have benefit from being part of the team. Many, like Wilfredo Molina said that it helped them lose weight and improve their lifestyle. Cross country was also recognized as a way to stay healthy. Many of the runners said that they have improved physical endurance and mental achieving. “Cross country helped me lose weight and improve my mile time,” said sophomore Wilfredo. The team members had practiced for the races since
the beginning of the year, before the school started. They mainly focused on endurance running. It improves the length of their run and it helped them keep a steady pace when they are running. “The competition were very hard to beat. They had a lot of endurance and they were faster than most of my team members,” said freshman Enrico Sangalang. Main challenges they faced was believing in themselves. The students lack the the
because the net broke before varsity could begin playing. “ Well I was actually very happy with outcome of our season no matter the scores, no matter the wins and the losses because basically the improvement I’ve seen from the ladies has exceeded my expectations,” said varsity captain, Courtney Kilpatrick. The game against Contreras on Oct.10 was lost by forfeiting due to the buses not arriving on time for JV to play. They were supposed to have a rematch with Contreras on Tuesday Oct.26 because during the game there were no officials causing the game to be unfair. Two Hollywood high students were refereeing the game.
For the playoffs, coach Beverly Kilpatrick said she will move up some of the girls from junior varsity to varsity. Coach’s goal to to have the team bond more and have the girls give it their all. This includes dedication. Coach Kilpatrick has only been with the girls for four months after replacing Coach LeWinter. Her goal is to get the girls past the first and second round of the playoffs.
Volleyball spikes away Guadalupe huerta
chroncile reporter
As their final season game, girls volleyball team faced Belmont on Monday Oct.24. JV won against Belmont 2-0, while Varsity lost 3-0. After a rough start, the girls volleyball came back to make it to the playoffs which begin today. Varsity’s season record is 4-6, while JV’s season record is 8-2. Varsity started their preseason games with losses against Northridge on Aug. 24, Chavez on Aug. 29, Sotomayor Sept.19 and Kennedy on Sept. 26. Their losing streak was ended on Sept.26 against Robert F. Kennedy. This was their first official game winning 3-1. On Aug. 26 varsity won by forfeit against East Valley
The improvement I’ve seen from the ladies has exceeded my expectaions
knowledge on believing themselves. The coach was a major inspiration and a key factor on their wins and achievements. “Well, what helped me get to a better position to where I am right now, was my couch. He had pushed me to my limits and by the end I had surpassed it,” said Enrico. Students like Enrico, in cross are going to try to maintain their physique and stay healthy. The team planned on allowing the runs to continue,
but it is under no command. It is all from the student’s choice. Many of them will return next year and improve upon their races and try to get a perfect season. “I am going to keep practicing on my own and get better and better, for next year,” said Wilfredo. The team will have a grace period of not running for 2-3 weeks. Then they will start training for track season.
Cheer is finally its own sport jUSTIN wRIGHT
chroncile reporter
Cheerleaders begin their training as the newest sport on campus and begin to prepare for future events. The girls and coach are as focused and determined than ever to prove all of the critiques based on the cheer team wrong. “We are very appreciative that we are being noticed as a sport because just like how any other sport would have to prepare and try your hardest to get the job done and cheerleading is the exact same,” said ,sophomore captain, Mariya Lashcheva Also since the cheer team is considered as a sport, they no longer have to pay more than $500 for uniforms; they are now provided by LAUSD. “They’re nice nothing spectacular but they’re very nice,” said co-captain Kaylie Perez.
Overall the girls are more than ready for the challenge to get to nationals and make a key statement on their season this year. Their practices consist of them having to go through conditioning such as running the track, always in the small gym working on every routine with a sense of urgency there is no let up at this point. “Their meets will start in December but the objective is to get all of the girls eligible with a 2.0 GPA because as of right now we have 10 ineligible but once that is handled their looking to go all the way to nationals and win something so they can really represent Hollywood High School,” said athletic director Raul Grijava.
League Champions face Bernstein tomorrow Vanessa centeno
Reaching the end of the season, the football team pushes through this final stretch right before the playoffs. On Sep. 30 the boys slayed the Cobras when facing Contreras and won 34-20 which also marked the beginning for an intense rise in their season. Following this game was their win against Legacy as they slayed the Tigers 45-20, leading up to the anticipated Belmont game on Oct. 20 After a bitter season last year, the boys were finally able to make their way back to the top after beating Belmont, their rivals at the 2015 CIF Championships. It was a milestone that the team had worked so hard to achieve. With a rough first quarter the game was in favor of the Sentinels who had a three point lead, but was quickly overturned the second quarter. The Sheiks scored 14 points the second quarter and made sure to end the first half with
the lead. Coming into the third quarter began an intense 12 minutes for the team as they lost the lead and were down by one point. This year the outcome was different than the last and the team scored one more touchdown before the end of the game giving them the final win of 24-18 Officially, after blowing out Roybal with a final score of 49-6, the boys were named League Champions. Within the first quarter of the game the Sheiks took a lead against the Titans and from there the Sheiks took off. With seven touchdowns the team made it clear that they deserved the name of champions and left Robal far behind on the scoreboard. The team currently has a 6-3 record, but is technically undefeated in their League. After annihilating the 5 teams in their League, the boys are going into playoffs seeking a second chance at the Champi-
Kyle Brammer (left) gets past the Cobras’ defensive line and takes the lead for the Sheiks. PHOTO CREDIT: VANESSA CENTENO onship title. Tomorrow marks the date for selves as the owners of Sunset The JV team has also been the final game of the season, Blvd. stepping up their game as but also the annual Battle for their season comes to a close. Sunset Blvd. After keeping the With one game left, the boys paddle on Sheik territory for will make it their strongest the past two years, both teams game to get their final win will fight to either redeem against Bernstein. themselves or rename them-
s e c i u J d n a s d n e l B g e i n i h t t a o e o S m o i S t r a e P d r • o s l o w t o B í a Made ç A e l b i d Incre
any Menu Item Not valid with any other offer. No cash value. EXP. 12/31/16
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