Hollywood High • Home of the Sheiks
The Crimson Chronicle 1521 N. HIGHLAND AVE, HOLLYWOOD, CA 90028
Hollywood High School Acknowledged
School overcomes hurdle in the process to receive historical status karla samayoa Karina galvan Editors In Chief
A study made public in 1987 under a court order, showed that developers had been inter-
“I remember the Community Redevelopment Agency and [then] Councilman Michael Woo publicly tore up
along with the Leadership class, started a campaign to put Hollywood High on a National Register of Historic Places. The
fetched” idea today, it is a real possibility that the “priceless acres” of land upon which the school is built on might be at Hollywood High School risk in the future. has overcome one of the “I got involved besteps to being approved cause we had to stop under the National Histhis,” said Hayes. He, toric Preservation Act along with a few to become a national Leadership stulandmark. dents from the OutThe Hollywood High reach Committee, School campus was essearched through tablished in 1904. To archives and redate, the campus records to help create tains a high degree of the application for “integrity, and the nonhistorical status. contributing structures “We wanted to endo not detract from the sure that Hollywood historic settings.” High School mainThe earliest survivtains her footing and ing building on campus Photo Credit: Stephanie Chavez this is the one possiwas first constructed ble tool to ensure it,” in 1910 through 1956, Left: Hollywood’s Science Building in 1939. Right: Hollywood High’s Main Entrance. One of the most important Spencer said. marking it as the period stipulations to achieve historical status is lack of modernized architecture. Under Criterion A of significance for the ested in buying the Hollywood the report to thwart a media property is associated with (that is associated with events campus. “[Historical status] provides High School site to construct a storm over the possibility that events that have made a signifi- that have made a significant our students’ educations would cant contribution to the “broad contribution to the broad pata certain level of protection. shopping mall. When reports surfaced in take a back seat to tourist dol- patterns of our history” making terns of our history) Hollywood When something is provided historical status, any modifica- 1987 that developers wanted lars and shopping bags,” Spen- it eligible to become a national High has some level of signifilandmark. cance. It was the first school that tions of changes need to be ap- to buy the school, it caused a cer said. Since then, it has been in conHollywood High’s location is served the “newly incorporated proved. The architecture cannot huge outcry, according to Chrisbe modernized. Most impor- topher Spencer, Board Member tinuous use as an “educational “prime property,” and would be municipality” of Hollywood. a great source of money, said The final step to be categotantly, Hollywood cannot be and Publicity Officer for the facility.” In 2010, the Hollywood High Hayes. rized as historically significant bulldozed,” said George Hayes, Hollywood High School Alumni Association. School Alumni Association, Although it seems to be a “far- is to receive federal approval. special education teacher.
What a Difference A Day (or Five) Makes
Food supplier to change use-by date to “best if used by” on school food Vanessa Garcia Sports editor
The changes to the menu at Hollywood High School have received negative feedback from many students. Administrators such as Florentino Jauregui, have received several complaints from students that the lunches were past its “Used By” date. Students have also reported to the Nurse’s Office because they got sick right after eating school lunches. “I feel that the lunches can cause serious problems in your body, especially in your stomach. I ate some eggs with something green which I thought was some vegetable, but I later found out it was mold and throughout the entire day I couldn’t practice, move, talk, and I just overall felt sick,” said Jeffrey Puebla, SAS sophomore. “The food isn’t expired,” said cafeteria manager, Procle
2 • Op/Ed 6 • Features 4 • News 8 • Entertainment 10 • Sports
Boayes. “We dents have make sure that been getting our students sick. I am are provided scared that it with good food. can become a We make sure safety issue for the food isn’t the students cold by makand teachers,” ing sure the said Karla temperature is Coto, parent of more than 160 an SAS junior. degrees FahrStudents enheit.” report that She provided the salads are an email sent brown instead by the LAUSD of green and Food Service Photo Credit: Stephanie Chavez the eggs are Division statturning into ing: “Salads’ Use Food served frequently looks unappetizing to students who a peach type by Date: Five look forward to eating lunch. color instead Star Foods will of being not safety.” be changing the wording on white. Salads such as the quinoa and salads from ‘Use By’ to ‘Best if “The food now is really bad Caesar are regularly served five Used By.’ It is important to unand I can not believe that they to seven days after its “Use By” derstand that both options are would even serve food that isn’t date, according to students who simply a recommendation and good,” said Fabian Barron SAS have brought examples to the not an expiration date, and are Sophomore. Crimson Chronicle. mainly for product quality and Some students did not even “I have heard that some stu-
Man on the Street See page 3
What’s the craziest thing you’ve ever done in school?
Gears of War 3 Review See page 9
know about the food being expired, while others are frustrated by the lack of care in quality. “The School District and the school are cheap and need to pay more attention into what they feed us because it can become a health issue and they should care about the students and not feed them nasty food and especially since some are expired,” said Gaby Rodriguez, SAS Sophomore. Students in sports usually have lunch before a game and the food has caused some issue to a student’s performance, athletes said. Students and administrators had questions that demand an answer. “It is the cafeteria manager’s responsibility to make sure it is safe to eat,” said Principal Jamie Morales. “LAUSD follows rigid rules about how fresh each item is and how long it can last.” See Page 5
Athletes of the Month See page 10
Staff Editorial
Does LAUSD really care about student nutrition? Hollywood High School’s motto is to “Achieve the Honorable,” but how can we do so when the LAUSD district is being less than honorable when it comes to providing us with safe food? Rather than provide food that is safe to consume, and in the right direction away from the “Best by” date, the district chose to change the date to “Best if Used By.” This recommendation is nothing but a simple ploy to alleviate the concerns of those intelligent enough to want nonexpired food (i.e. the students of Hollywood High). We are meant to be doing our best in school, but how can we when the school district is not doing its best to provide us with nutritious, edible food? To add insult to injury, Jamie Oliver’s Food Revolution,
an ABC television show, has noted our district’s unhealthy and inedible food. The show’s purpose is to help decrease obesity in children. LAUSD did not grant Oliver permission to film in its schools, meaning that LAUSD would rather not reform its lacking menu. Making the school menu healthier is crucial, but what is the point when all the food is thrown away? It is a waste; is it really so difficult to serve food prior to its “Best by” date? Rather than suffer through another mystery meal, many students choose to eat the only food available not past the expiration date: the Student Store junk food. It seems that the Student Store has joined the league of the Underground Food Trade as Hot Cheetos are
now readily available despite a sign that states that they are to be sold before and after school. However, we cannot complain, as it is worse to suffer through the day without a “meal” in our stomachs. Several of our edible options that were previously offered (packaged peanut butter and jelly sandwiches, chocolate milk, and strawberry milk, for example) have now been removed from the menu, meaning that we eat expired food or air. Seeing the options, we may just have to hunt down whoever sells those chicken sandwiches from Carls Jr.
CA Passes Dream Act jennifer guido chronicle reporter
Undocumented students who have earned a high school diploma are now able to apply for scholarships, thanks to the recent passage of the California DREAM (Developement, Relief, and Education for Alien Minors) Act. These students can breathe a sigh of relief in the face of graduation.
Paying for college is already hard as it is; now imagine the stress undocumented students go through when they are not able to apply for financial aid or scholarships. It is simply too much money. The DREAM Act allows students to apply for financial aid and as a result, students are not left with a lot of debt when they finish school. The DREAM Act has started a new era for the state of California. We need creative minds for new inventions and great books. We need people who can serve as political leaders and are capable of improving the future of this country.
The DREAM Act has given hope to all those potential writers, inventors and political leaders who, because of their legal status, cannot afford college. Now that the state legislature has passed the DREAM Act, and Gov. Jerry Brown has signed it, it fills me with great joy to know that students just like me will be treated the same way and given the same chance to live their dreams. We can do anything when we are given the chance. A great door has just opened for all the students in California, and there are surely inventors and writers ready to take full advantage of this opportunity.
port it. It is great that people can evoke such strong emotions from the events that are occurring in society. This clearly indicates that people protesting corporate greed are not the counter-culture. They are the culture.
eryone that has suffered from the ever growing social gap in income. They are placing the blame where it should be, Wall Street. These rallies should not stop and why should they? If sitting in front of City Hall brings much needed attention to our more than faulty economy, then they should keep at it. I do not stand with anyone who remotely disagrees with the cause. These people are not asking for radical changes and they are not imposing on any civil liberties. In fact, they are fighting for them. These protesting Americans feel the need to oppose unjust financial policies that are currently in place. It would be undemocratic and unconstitutional to strip them of their First Amendment right to peaceful assembly.
Sheiks Support Occupy L.A. Alexis Segundo chronicle reporter Occupy LA, inspired by Occupy Wall Street, is a movement that is protesting the current economic and social inequality promoted by corporate America. These protestors camped out in front of City Hall are not alone in this cause. They have grasped the attention of youths, specifically here in Los Angeles, so much so that Dr. Steven Steinberg’s government students wrote letters defending this cause and those who sup-
They are placing the blame where it should be, Wall Street.
These are people who can inspire students to effectively stand for what they believe in even when it is inconvenient. These are people who are living embodiments of democratic ideals. How can there be any opposition to that? They are the voice for ev-
Letters to the Editor
All letters to the editor need to be signed, however, names can be withheld upon request.
Dear Editor, Occupy LA is nothing compared to anything I have been to. It is interesting how all of them are working together to get something they want. I had a really good experience and I just watned to say that what everyone is doing there is cool and I support them and for them to keep up the good work. - Carlos Xicara, 12th Grade
Dear Editor, Occupy LA protesters have been at City Hall day and night since Oct. 1, and are still planning to branch out with more tents. The majority of people at City Hall are young men and women who have recently graduated college. Occupy LA is a perfect example of the Ameican democratic principles. They have the right to freedom of speech and the freedom of assembly. -Eduardo Escobar, 12th Grade
Dear Editor, Having the chance to go to City Hall in downtown LA and seeing, meeting people from Occupy LA was a great experience. I had never seen such a thing in person and to just witness it myself was great. Many people gathered around to fight for the tax payment increase and other things such as: budget cuts and student loans. These people have been camping out for over three weeks showing that we are the 99% un-rich and that the rich should be taxed. The economic downturn is another thing all these people are fighting for. So many people are unemployed due to the bad economic system. - Jose Chavez, 12th Grade
Dear Editor, Occupy LA does represent because the people are occupying LA. Outside City Hall there were people with bikes and people that camped outside. It was about 400 people or more. This is a call out to the 99% who live, work, play and learn. -Miguel Urquieta, 12th Grade
Crimson Chronicle Staff Editor-in-Chief: Karla samayoa &
Karina galvan Managing Editor: MARIA ALCOSER Opinion Editor: Blanca gonzalez News Editor: maria alcoser Entertainment Editor: KARLA SAMAYOA Sports Editor: vanessa garcia Copy Editor: karla samayoa Photo Editor: STEPHANIE CHAVEZ Advertising Manager: William san nicolas
daniel boror Tania Dominguez jennifer guido nanette liberatori
edgardo lizama woaria rashid alexis segundo
Man on the Street
What’s the craziest thing you’ve done at school? “It had to do with attendance, and I thought I was getting away with it till the end of the year the vice principal asked me about the 20 different signatures, there were so many signatures and I didn’t know how to explain all of my relatives. “ Jeff Gilliam Graduated Spring ‘62
“Got caught by a teacher hopping over the fence to get back in school after going out and buying chicken sandwiches.”
Justin Garcia, 9th Grade, TCA
“When I was a sophomore, I fed this annoying senior that picked on me all the time a sandwich filled with alum. His face puckered up and he tried to hit me, he missed and fell on a bench and after that, nobody picked on me because they thought that I knew karate and I’d used it on them.”
“Climbed to top of the auditorium and danced up there for the Chicago auditions.”
David Labowitz Graduated Winter ‘60
Karissia James, 11th Grade, PAM
How in the World Do Seniors Do It All? Vanessa Garcia sports editor Films, TV shows, and books portray senior year as being over-the-top. Seniors get to go to the hottest parties, go to Grad Nite, and participate in other activities reserved for upper-classmen. But in reality,
it is more than anyone could expect, especially a sophomore like me. As I walk through the hallways each morning, I constantly seem to hear a senior asking someone else, “I did not get the homework, did you get it? Have you turned in the essay already? What colleges are you applying for?” Seeing them stressing out so much makes a sophomore like me get a little anxious about what is heading my way. The
majority of my senior friends currently have a lot on their plate. All this does get me a little nervous, but I know that senior year really is an unforgettable year with the school events and although some memories might not be as fun as others, either way it still makes a good memory. Knowing that seniors can handle it makes me feel better. My friends tell me to not worry about my senior year; they say
I should take everything step by step. A professor I met at a workshop at CSUN once told me, “Don’t worry about how you are going to get out of high school, think about how you are going to get into college.” I trust them. For now, I am going to try my hardest to make the best out of my time here at Hollywood High by joining clubs, participating in school sports, going to games and enjoying all the fun events Leadership organizes.
I shouldn’t worry too much about my senior year, but instead focus on my grades. Have a positive attitude and join as many extracurricular activities as I am allowed to, but it is to my advantage to know beforehand what seniors go through during their senior year and I cannot wait for my senior year, so that I can make the best of both situations.
in theaters this month. The Twilight movies are the end of real vampires. What are real vampires, you may ask? In the old days, that made sense, vampires were feared by their prey (usually humans) in movies and even by spectators in the audience. Those vampires were dressed in black and hated the sun. They hissed and slaughtered and showed their fangs to the world because they were supernatural, powerful and scary. Twilight vampires, on the other hand, are fashionably dressed and go out into the daylight where, unlike real vampires that shrivel and die in the sun, these vampires sparkle, much like jewels.
Real vampires are not perfect; they like every other thing have a weakness, but not Twilight vampires! Twilight vampires are flawless and can easily blend it with people, their natural prey! Vampires have changed from scary to sissy vampires in just a few books and movies. How does this happen? Real vampires are good enough with their super sharp fangs, cool cold attitude, demonic features like the thirst for blood and their abnormally large fangs that get the job done. In Twilight, vampires have evolved the ability to be controlled around blood. Edward, for example, is perfect and is able to control his thirst for
blood and be perfect. He even goes as far as to get Bella pregnant! It’s wrong because vampires are not human, they are immortal and detached, but with these new upgrades they have become more and more human-like. Vampires are real vampires because they need blood and cannot control their thirst that leads them to become killers and feared. On top of this, part of what makes vampires so interesting is their immortality and the misery that comes with it. Along with Twilight came the infamous “teams” which actually make the Twilight vampires look more like little pansies. The “teams” make it seem as if
the vampires couldn’t stand up for themselves or couldn’t have their own fans so they need to be promoted. Thousands of teens wear shirts supporting either Edward or Jacob. In the movie Vampires Suck, a parody of Twilight, these girls interrupted the beginning of New Moon and started a fight over who was better, Edward or Jacob which is true to some extent in real life. It was disappointing that people are willing to fight over lame vampires that exist. Twilight has ruined real vampires and made them into sissies. There is no telling how far things will go and it is up to us to keep the real vampires alive.
Twilight Turns Classic Vampires into Sissies
Stephanie chavez Photo editor We all know the Twilight Saga; Bella Swan and Edward Cullen are the new Romeo and Juliet. For those who don’t know Twilight, it’s a great love story about a normal human girl falling in love with a vampire. Their forbidden love gets them through several of supernatural obstacles. The latest movie, Breaking Dawn Part 1, arrives
Accounts Appear to Be an Open Book Proceeds from Cars 2 event are parked in film fund
After several questions from faculty regarding the use of $117,939 obtained from Disney during the summer, accounts have been released. Proceeds from filming and photo rental are held in Account 14242. This means that payment from Toy Story 3 and Cars 2 theme parks and filming shoots for which Hollywood High leases space is deposited into this account, according to Principal Jaime Morales. “I’m glad the information was made public. I hope that in the future, this information can be obtained by any member of the public; be it a student, a par-
Decathlon flash cards and event tickets for PAM’s Chicago, according to Morales. “I know for a fact that every field trip last year was funded out of this money,” said Morales. The money was also used by the athletic department to pay for sports equipment, football jerseys, and buses to transport football players. The administration will try to help the athletic department as much as possible said Morales. “Give us a request for anything that you need and we will try to help,” said Morales. The school is currently buying pitching machines for the boy’s baseball team and the girl’s softball teams, Morales said. The school also will provide
$3,000 in matching funds to replace the batting cages while the teams fundraise the remaining amount, he said. “Every expense that the school makes, in order for the district to pay, they have to make sure that it is an allowable expense,” said Morales,“Money never touches our hands.” Further,“It was a contract between Disney and the District with a general understanding that a good portion of the money was going to be for the school,” said Morales. LAUSD deposits funds to the school directly through specific accounts like 14242. Any one who has questions or wants to see an itemized list of the budget can visit the main office, said Morales.
Students who choose to be a part of this project earn servicelearning credit, which is one of the high school graduation requirements. It’s an opportunity to “beautify the campus grounds” and involves handson activity. “We’re trying to expand it, and we’re going to start planting some flowers in the flower bed in the quad, Mendizza said. Last year, the group attempted to form an “H” in front of the school to increase school spirit. The “H” was not leveled properly; instead, it was placed on a slope causing it to grow not as planned. After a while, the “H” was destroyed when one of the gardeners mowed over the entire project. “There is a lot of space around
that can be used,” said Mendizza. As of now, the only space being occupied to plant on is the main garden by the library. So far, they have cucumbers, thyme, basil, chives, one beet, and lemon verbena. Although many vegetables are planted, they don’t always grow well. “We do get a good amount of damaged vegetables,” Mendizza said. Because the products are organic, no pesticides or herbicides are used. The Garden Project group accepts any donations in materials made by students and teachers. Both James
B. Carmicle and Karen Cusolito have contributed to the garden project by donating seeds and some tomato plants. “Students seem really excited,” said Mendizza. While some students expressed their indifference for the improvement of the school garden, others were glad and
even made suggestions. “If there was a fruit tree it would be exciting,” said senior Ruben Melgarejo. If a student wants to be a part of the Garden Project, he/she must show up on shortened Tuesdays by the main garden. Be “dressed to get dirty” and bring water.
al Program (ROP). The loss of auto mechanics is due to budget cuts, according to school and ROP officials. Hollywood High is slowly eliminating vocational electives in favor of A-G electives. Assistant Principal, Emma Jeanette Burns, said that she is fine with losing auto shop in order to provide A-G electives that everyone can benefit from such as new media and computer classes. Winston Arnold instructed auto shop, and the class was classified as applied technology under the New Media SLC. Auto mechanics was considered a technology class; therefore, it fulfilled a graduation requirement. Arnold taught 215 students
last year, which averages to 36 students per class. Without that class, all the remaining electives should see an increase in their class sizes, counselors said. “I would have loved to take that class if it was still offered,” said Oscar Lopez, PAM junior. “I would have wanted to learn how to fix my own car instead of having somebody else charge me money just to see what is wrong with it.” Vocational classes are important because some students may want to receive a short career after high school, said Aldana. As far as future electives, the school plans to have at least “three different pathways for each SLC that students can choose from,” said Burns.
These Students Get Their Hands Dirty Amateur gardeners complete servicelearning while helping beautify the school karina galvan editor in chief
The Garden Project started back in the middle of 2008 and its main purpose was to supply the culinary arts program with vegetables. “It was an empty patch and really it was a waste of space,” said Joseph Mendizza, teacher. In past years, the project was only offered to HNAS students; today, it is open to all students. The Garden Project is not a club, but a group of students who meet on shortened Tuesday’s for an hour and a half to plant vegetables with the help of Mendizza and [name] Santiago. There are close to 20 people signed up, but not all have showed up.
william san Nicolas
ent, teacher or any member of ed into several sub-accounts. the community. They all have a Funds from account 14242 right to know where their taxes have already been encumbered; go,” said Michael Ulmer, UTLA $75,085 to pay personnel salaChapter Chair. ries, $6,173 to pay government The most recent and signifi- pensions, taxes, and insuranccant influx of mones that the ey into account must Account 14242 school 14242 is that from comply with, the Cars 2 event has a balance of according to that occurred the LAUSD $260,558. spreadsheet. this summer, for However, a which the school received $117,939 after LAUSD good portion of the money has received its share of 32 percent, not been touched said Morales. A total of $123,006 was deaccording to administrators. Account 14242 has an avail- posited into sub-account 4310able balance of $260,558 for Instructional Materials and the 2011-2012 fiscal year, ac- General Purpose. Last year, funds from this according to a budget released by LAUSD and obtained by The count were used to pay for Crimson Chronicle. school supplies like books, magThis account, however, is divid- azine subscriptions, Academic
Auto Mechanics Class Joins the Elective Junk Heap edgardo lizama chronicle reporter Auto mechanics has joined metal shop and wood shop on the list of retired electives. Hollywood High School once offered metal shop, sewing, wood shop, marching band, screenwriting, music, and musical instrument electives. The school lost auto mechanics and band two years ago due to a lack of funding. This is a loss for students; technology electives are now limited to computers, food science and stage, said Tony Aldana, MET counselor. Auto mechanics was a vocational elective provided not by the school but by an outside program, Regional Occupation-
By the time students are seniors they have already completed most of their graduation requirements. This will leave periods where students would choose an elective that will give them a chance to learn a skill that can help them in everyday life. Media classes are important, but variety can open many doors for students.
Past Electives no longer Offered
Current Electives
Auto shop Ceramics Drum line Electric shop Foreign language (German) Instruments (musical) Marching band Metal shop Photography Screenwriting Sewing Wood shop
Astronomy Choir Computers Decathlon Digital imaging Drama Drawing Film making Food science Foreign languages (French, Italian, and Spanish) Geography Journalism Stage Painting Psychology Yearbook
Happy Hands Teach Sign Language Advisory assignment leads students to create new club
william san Nicolas chronicle reporter
The Happy Hands Club is all about speaking with hands. This club teaches members how to use sign language to effectively communicate with one another. Club members are currently reviewing the alphabet and simple greetings. “I would like to get to the point where we can communicate for an entire meeting using only sign language,” said Hope Guzman, club president. In addition to Guzman, an SAS junior, is vice president Zaimor Mercado, SAS junior, treasurer Gabby Sosa, TCA junior, and secretary Alexa Rosella, SAS junior.
Juan BurShe picked ciaga, sosign language cial studies and soon found teacher, is herself teachthe sponing it to her sor who sufriends, one of pervises the whom, Zaimor, meetings in had also develroom 307 oped an interevery Tuesest. The two of day during them combined lunch. their efforts Named as and developed a reference the Happy to the hit Hands Club. comedy NaGoals the offiphoto credit: william san nicolas poleon Dynacers would like mite, the Happy Club members are excited to learn sign language. They to accomplish Hands Club was hope be able to conduct conversations by the end of the include getting founded by Guz- semesterThey meet every Tuesday is room 307 members to man and Mersign comfortably and using cado. gave the class an assignment to Hope explained that her ad- research a topic of their choice. their new tool for practical purposes. visory teacher, Stephen Lange,
“I want to see growth in the sense that there would be more people capable of using sign language for things like helping the deaf,” said Mercado. Club attendee, SAS sophomore Eirika Rosas said, “It is a useful skill to know.” The rest of the members, who are mostly female, believe that the club needs more males to sign up to add diversity. Aside from that, general feedback from the club seems positive and the attendees appear involved in their meetings. The Happy Hands Club is one of several new clubs to have taken root in the fertile soil of the school.
eral places, such as Selma Elementary School, Presbyterian Hospital, Wilcox Police Station, and Hollywood High School, according to Ramirez. Summers and Ramirez are working on acquiring more locations at different places so that students can have a variety of choices. WIA requires that the student be an official Hollywood High School student, have a low income, have passed the CAHSEE
and are planning on applying to colleges. Acceptance also depends on zip code and any type of financial aid the student’s parent may be receiving. Proof of financial aid guarantees acceptance into the program. The WIA also requires for senior boys over the age of 18 to register for selective service, according to Ramirez.
Coninued from first page...
are all made under a recipe created by several chefs to provide students with the right amount of nutrition.” The cafeteria manger responded, “I asked my supervisor through email about how many days could we use the salads after their “Used By” dates labeling. Teachers and worker that eat the lunch as well haven’t complained or brought it up as an issue. The salads are in good quality since we do our very best in handling each item with special care. They may not look good but they are fresh and are put away in a proper temperature.” She said once the food has been taken out of the refrigerators, it must be disposed of. “I do not know how fresh each meal is but they are not expired,” Boayes said. “If they were, LAUSD can be in serious problems. I understand that now we see more of those label around campus but it is because they are shipped here since we now only serve packaged food.” Boayes said if any student or teacher sees something really wrong to contact her immediately.
WIA Helps Pay an Expensive Senior Year STEPHANIE CHAVEZ PHOTO EDITOR
Seniors interested in a job to pay for an expensive senior year should see Adriane Summers or Daisy Ramirez in the work experience office, room 224. The Workforce Investment Act (WIA), which provides work for youth ages 14-21, is in Hollywood to provide jobs for seniors
only. The WIA also tries to work with those who are underprivileged to get hands-on training in a field that they are interested in, according to Ramirez. Each student participating in the WIA program has a chance to work with as many as hours as they can for the minimum wage of $8 an hour, according to Summers. WIA tries to collaborate with the student’s interested major. They have job placement in sev-
WIA tries to collaborate with the student’s interested major
NEWS BRIEFS LACER upgrades computer lab
The after-school program Literacy, Art Culture, Education, Recreation (LACER) has received new computers from a $52,500 grant given to the school by the Youth Policy Institute (YPI.) They were given a new computer lab that allows have more computers for student and more tutors, which was a requirement of the grant. LACER is also offering software classes such as Microsoft, Excel, and PowerPoint. At the beginning of November, SAT prep classes will be offered every Monday. There will also be a workshop at the end of November to help prepare for the Senior Project. “Our numbers are triple what they were. More students are receiving tutoring. We all work together,” said LACER Director Jeanine Di Tomasso. JENNIFER GUIDO
All Sheiks turn in proof of T-Dap vaccination
Hollywood High was one of the few schools that had all of its students to turn in proof of T-Dap vaccination, according to Nurse Noel Santiago. Last month there were 275 students that still needed their immunizations and within three weeks all students had completed that requirement, said Santiago. Three students were expelled for not turning in proof of vaccination after three weeks but subsequently turned in their proof and were enrolled back into school the next day, Santiago said. JENNIFER GUIDO
Grand opening of the Open Market Place
The Open Market Place, a French-inspired outdoor market, will have its grand opening on Nov. 5. It will open on the first Saturday of every month and will generate funds to support various programs at Hollywood High School. As of now, there are 75 vendors. The Open Market Place will pay rent to the school and 25% of the profit from admission tickets will go directly toward the school. David Pilcer, the founder of the Open Market Place wanted to create a Parisian atmosphere in Los Angeles where one can discover one-of-a-kind merchandise, he said. On Nov. 5, David Martinon, French Consul General for Los Angeles will make an appearance, along with various city officials. Woaria Rashid
Expired food? “We make sure we follow certain rules and regulations to maintain the meals in the proper temperature it is our job to make sure we handled each item with special care.” Morales said the school works around what it gets from the district. “We have reported these issues to LAUSD and asked questions but we have not gotten a complete answer either. We heard this from many students already and they need to understand that we get only frozen and packaged food now twice a week. LAUSD is trying to be 100 percent healthy now and trying new things that some students may enjoy, but there is always going to be others that won’t.” He continued, “Especially now with budget cuts, we see more packaged food than actual cooking here at Hollywood High. Some items use to be made in the kitchen but some workers had to be lad off and there was less human resource and manpower. We have to work on what the district sends us. A factory assembles our meals, but they
6 NOV 2011
COLLEGE REP DAY! Tenth grader Daniela Torres (TCA) is rockin’ her UCLA sweatshirt.
spirit week TWIN DAY :) Seniors Cheryl Elizaga (SAS) and Maria Samano (SAS) are “twinned” up from their braids down to their shoes.
Senior Summer Cureton (PAM) goes back to the 80s with her neon colors.
PAJAMA DAY Freshmen Arrieiana Cowan (PAM) and Solene Flores (PAM) are ready for bed at school.
HoMeCoMiN GaMe
Juniors Olivia Johnson (PAM), Hayley Goldschein (PAM), Abby DeMauri (PAM) show their school spirit by dressing in our school colors.
Spirit Friday!!!!!
“Go, go, get em’ get em’. Let’s go Sheiks!”
Drill team shows off their precise and sharp moves during the Homecoming Game.
Drumline gets ready to end halftime by playing alongside Cheer.
With the beats from Drumline, Sheiks prepare for the Varsity game Hollywood High’s cheerleaders demonstrating their acrobatic abilities.
NOV 2011
Sophomore Kira Morrison (SAS) flaunts her beautiful evening dress to promote proper attire for the homecoming dance.
Junior Dulce Gutierrez (SAS) shows off her grey and black dress to match the theme of Phantom of the Opera.
Senior Tawny Ramirez (SAS) wears a flowy Greek -like dress.
Senior Yasuien Ramos (MET) is the modern version of the phantom in the Phantom of the Opera.
Senior Elliott Ramirez (SAS) and Junior Shyla McCall (SAS) are ready to get their groove on.
Ariadna Angulo expresses her funky personality with hot pink and hair feathers.
Homecoming Dance Students and guests swing their hips from left to right and from right to left for four hours.
2011 Homecoming Court gather to take their first of many pictures of the rest of the night. From left to right Chris Diaz, Selena Reyes, ∆ennifer Capuz, Marina Sangit, Katherine Cardoza, John Reyes, and Cassie Beran.
Students are dancing to the song “Cha Cha Slide” in unison.
An Insane Asylum Students Pay to Enter Woaria Rashid Chronicle Reporter
Vacant-eyed mental patients wrapped in bed sheets and tormented by manic doctors lent a little Halloween horror to campus last month, courtesy of the Thespians Club. Thespians hosted Haunted House: Hollywood High School’s County Insane Asylum, on Friday Oct. 21. The Haunted House raised money for the Thespian’s trip to New York next semester. …Thespian Club is planning to hold other fundraisers for their trip to New York such as a Dance-athon, a TV show taping to Rob Schneider’s new and upcoming show, and other activi-
ties. The Thespians plan pians] scared to visit Ellis Island to see people. I heard a the Statue of Liberty, have 9th grader peed a question/ answer seshis pants,” said sion with theatre compaJonathan Renoj, nies, attend five Broadway SAS junior. shows, and other activiAccording to junior Devon ties. New York was chosen Yaffe, president because some Performof the Thespians ing Arts Magnet students Club, the club rehope to be on Broadway ceived the props because it is considered from members to be the highest level of commercial theatre. who provided Before the event, Thespifake blood, hosans advertised by dressing pital gowns, and Photo Credit: ALEXIS SEGUNDO as psychopathic patients sheets for fake in hospital gowns and of- Mae butryn rose from the dead during the cadavers. ficious doctors. The wild- haunted house. “The process haired, wild-eyed patients in creating the fright. walked around campus, Haunted House “It was funny how [the Thes- was stressful because it has to causing students to jump in
be scary enough to amuse teenagers,” said Devon. Junior Jade Hill, vice president of the Thespians Club and project manager, came up with the theme “insane asylum.” Her job was to distribute the roles of patients, doctors, and cadavers amongst the Thespian members. The sets were a creation of the collaboration amongst the members. They took their time during school hours to help set up. Those who missed the performance will have to wait until next year. “We’re going to do it every year since everyone enjoyed it and we received positive feedback,” said Devon.
This album is filled with great songs that express what a teen goes through everyday: heartaches, school, family problems, etc. A song that is all about being a teen is “Take a Look at Me Now,” which talks about how criticism and insults are painful, but only make a person stronger. Greyson demonstrates that he has put much effort and dedication into making a great first
album. Greyson Chance is on top of the charts just like Justin Bieber another famous artists found on YouTube. Greyson went from hearing screaming girls in his school auditorium in Oklahoma to hearing screaming girls all over the country. He has a very bright future ahead of him and this album is going to be one of many albums that will definitely be successful.
Greyson Chance Receives a Chance to Inspire
Jennifer Guido Chronicle Reporter
Photo Credit: goMoxie.org
Greyson Chance is part of a long line of artists that have become famous after being seen by the right people on YouTube. Greyson was videotaped doing a cover of Lady Gaga’s song “Paparazzi” during a school assembly. Ellen DeGeneres saw the video and immediately put him on the show. His first album, Hold on to the Night, is filled with energetic and expressive love songs. His
first song on album, “Waiting Outside the Lines,” describes how any goal needs to be accomplished by taking risks that may cause one to stumble, but are necessary. Another song that is also very emotional is called “Home is in your Eyes” which describes how someone can have the power to make one feel safe and at home even when not. It is a very moving song.
ENTERTAINMENT Edward Cullen (robert Pattinson) and Bella Swan (Kristen Stewart) make extensive use of baby powder, glitter, and ice in the latest Twilight Saga movie, Breaking Dawn Part I.
Photo Credit: EPK.TV
How to Be a Vampire
Woaria Rashid Chronicle Reporter
Since Dracula, vampires have become a part of popular culture. They have evolved from undead, blood-sucking fiends to polished, human-friendly fashionistas. They make men envious and women swoon (or vice-versa). Because vampires are so common, you will need to make your costume stand out from the mundane crowd. For starters, select a current movie where vampires are immensely popular like the Twilight saga, which is the current obsession of millions of vamp fans. In Twilight, the vampires are pale white, and ice cold. If someone touches your skin, you must be able to get a reaction from them. To achieve reaction-worthy ice cold skin, you must bathe in a tub of ice. Try to relax so you can allow yourself to stay in there long enough until your body temperature drops. Afterwards, dab an ounce of Johnson’s Baby Powder- specifically because they leave the skin feeling fresh, soft, and comfortable- so you could turn a shade lighter but do not apply too much or you will look like a geisha. Hold on to the bottle because once you start turning back to your human, you can apply more. Twilight vampires are very glittery when exposed to sunlight. You must remain glittery at all times or else you
will be dubbed a failed vampire. Purchase tubes of glitter and shower in them so they will stay put on your skin. Step into the sunlight “accidentally” so you can show off your glittery self. Vampires take long strides when they walk so fast that measly mortals cannot keep up with their elegant listlessness. When you walk, you must walk fast without looking like you are trying too hard. On top of that, keep an aloof expression as you nonchalantly glide past others. This may be difficult to maintain, but you cannot be a quitter because there is no reason to continue trying look like a vampire if you cannot walk fast, very fast. If you happen to run, you must be faster than Dash from The Incredibles or Barry Allen as The Flash. You must be able to stir up a dust storm. Unfortunately, fangs are not required with this costume since Twilight vampires are vegetarians. Disappointing, yes, since we were all looking forward to seductively bite at another’s neck. However, you can look forward to eating your “vegetables” now, right? Keep in mind, the definition of “vegetarian” for the Twilight vampires is eating cows, sheep, goats, etc. So eat up! Standing out from all the other vampire costumes will not be easy but with these simple instructions, you can be the crown jewel of the occasion. You will be the illuminating lighthouse, standing through the storms of life. Aside from all the metaphors, you will be the world’s best predator because everything about you will be inviting - your voice, your face, even your baby powder smell.
GoW 3: Millions Sold tional,” said Manuel Castillo, SAS senior. After the heart-stopping campaign, the action packed versus mode is the way to Epic Games Gears Of War 3 is an excit- go. Two new game types have been adding and emotional third-person shooter ed. There is the team Death Match, where video game, dealing with a new enemy, both teams start off with 20 lives and the mutant Lambent. fight to the death, and Capture the Leader, Gears of War 3 sold three million cop- where the objective is to capture the enies its first week. The previous games emy leader for a specific amount of time. have been successful, with the first and There has also been an upgrade to second winning “Game of the Year” and Horde mode. Players are now able to buy other awards. Gears of War 3 is avail- defenses such as barricades, turrets, deable for the Xbox 360 console just like is coys, and plenty more. predecessors. In the game, single-player Epic Games has also introduced the boss and multi-player modes are available. wave to Gears of Horde War 3 bemode, gins where where the previevery ous games te n t h ended. In wave a Gears of boss will War, the appear. Coalition Mutaof Ordered tors can Governalso be m e n t s enabled Photo Credit: XBOX (COG) orduring dered Mar- The Delta Squad, led by Fenix, must destroy the lamHorde bent and save the world again. cus Fenix, or Camthe main paign. character in the campaign, and the Del- These mutators can be helpful, harmta Squad to protect the humans of Sera. ful, or useless. In order to have access to Gears of War 2 takes place six months these mutators, they will have to complete after the Lightmass bombing that de- tasks. Overall, there are 15 mutators. stroyed the Locust tunnels. The COG “[Horde] is down! I like the retro-lancer,” hope to kill the remaining Locust by said Johnny Escalante, SAS junior. sinking Jacinto and exterminating the There is also Beast mode. In this mode, Locust within. the player is able to play as certain types The latest campaign deals with the of Locust and the objective is to fight and Lambent, mutated Locust who were defeat the COG Army and Serans. overexposed to Imulsion, a type of fuel. Players have to execute the army under The war continues between the Serans a time limit; the more Serans that are exand the Lambent. ecuted, the more time added to the clock. Delta-One has taken on the mission There are four tiers that players can use to get rid of the Lambent. Fenix and his but in order to get access to them the squad must save the world again. player has to kill a certain amount of enThroughout the campaign there are emies or destroy a certain amount of formultiple boss fights. The Locust queen, tifications. Myrrah, is trying to stop Fenix from savThe Gears of War franchise currently has ing Sera and sends Locust to impair the amassed over a billion dollars. mission. “[The campaign] was sad. Very emoDaniel Boror Chronicle Reporter
The Problem with Homecoming William San nicholas Chronicle cartoonist
Hey man, I think I just realized that events like homecoming matter a whole lot to some people!
What led you to that conclusion?
That’s what she said...
A little lower! E M E AK R M YOU EN! E QU
I don’t know, just a feeling I guess…
10 NOVEMBER 2011
Photo Credit:Vanessa Garcia
September’s Little Super Stars
dANIEL bOROr Tania Dominguez CHRONICLE reporter Every months, two athletes will be recognized for their hard work and dedication. The Athletes of the Month for September are senior Nicole Gozum for volleyball and senior Jamal Teague for football. They were selected because of their dedication and outstanding performance in their teams. Nicole was chosen for the var-
sity volleyball team because of her good grades and her good sportsmanship. “I was in a club meeting and when I heard player of the month, I was super surprised when I heard my name,” said Nicole. “She keeps us focused, helps us communicate more. She takes time out of practice if we need help,” said SAS senior Veronica Davis, a teammate. Nicole is dedicated to helping the team improve so they can be at their very best every game.
“...selected becasue of their dedication and outstanding performance...” “Part of me was interested in sport and the other part of me was to be a mini version of my mom,” said Nicole, “My mom
was inspiring.” Jamal Teague, number 11 linebacker on the varsity football team, said it felt good to be honored. “It was unexpected. There are a lot of hard working members on the team, I wonder why I am player of the month,” said Jamal, PAM senior. Supporters said Jamal goes 100% in every game and does all he can. He has the dedication and determination to do everything he can for the team to win.
Jamal was chosen for his good grades and sportsmanship. “I started in ninth grade and after that I could not stop playing football.” “Jamal works really hard, more than last year, he really stepped it up,” said teammate Jeremi Ross, “I was not surpised when I heard Jamal was player of the month he really earn it.”
Lady Sheiks in a Three-Team Playoff
Lady sheiks end their season with a three way playoff
Senior Areli Baires is waiting for the whistle to blow to start the game against Belmont High.
aLEXIS Segundo chronicle reporter The Girl’s Varsity Volleyball season has come to a close with a record 9-3. They finished strong by beating of Belmont High 3-1 on Oct. 26. “The girls handled the new season with excitement and with an open mind,” said Coach Eric Burns. As a result of the win over Belmont, there is now a three-
Senior Nicole Gozum, captain, preparing her team before the game.
Senior Veronica Davis is ready to hit the ball coming her way.
way tie between Belmont, Hollywood, and Helen Bernstein. All three teams won against each other, which made them all eligible for the Tri-Champion Central League during the regular season. Being tied for first place makes the win against Belmont that much sweeter for the graduating seniors. The team had a ceremony highlighting those players that
“It is exciting to get an opportunity to see how the girls respond under intense pressure.” led the varsity team to victories throughout the year. ”It is exciting to get an opportunity to see how the girls
respond under intense pressure,” said Burns. Before the game, Burns made it a priority to give special recognition to the team’s captain, Nicole Gozum. He praised her for her strong commitment to the team and her incredible drive. During the game, the Lady Sheiks played a grueling four matches and came out victori-
photo credit: alexis segundo
ous. A key player that made it possible was senior Areli Baires who was the blocker in the game. After the game, the girls celebrated their victory and thanked each other for their great work and dedication. Playoffs are next in line for the Girl’s Volleyball team in November.
Photo Credit: Karla Samayoa Altar photos- Clockwise from top left: Frida Kahlo, “Children Killed in the Salvadoran Civil War,” Diego Rivera, “Women Killed in the City of Juarez,” Che Guevara.
Day of the Dead Project Connects Cultures Students create altars for those who have passed on to the afterlife Karla Samayoa Editor In Chief
In Ana Estangui’s AP Spanish Language class, students connected with those who have passed on to the afterlife by creating the traditional altars of the Day of the Dead, which occurred Nov. 1-2. The topics and people Estangui’s class covered were: “Children Killed in the Salvadoran Civil War,” “Women Killed in the City of Juarez,” “Immigrants Killed While Crossing the United States Border,” Che Guevara, Frida Kahlo, Cesar Chavez, Diego Rivera, David Alfaro Siqueiros, and Emiliano Zapata. The project was part of the Project Based Learning program, which promotes connections between different subjects. Students were able to
connect history, social studies, art, and Spanish within their projects. “It requires students to do research, it gives a voice and a choice, and through the process, [students] can learn to explain something to adults and students. It is connected to their culture. There is a final project that is visible and creative,” said Estangui. The Day of the Dead is part of the Latin American cultural tradition of honoring the dead by creating a representation of them on the altar. The altar has three levels, which represent the sky, limbo, and the Earth. Each level has specific items that must be placed on it. Orange and purple are the traditional colors on the altar, and represent mourning. Marigolds are the traditional flowers for this day, and must be present in the altar. Other elements,
like candles to illuminate the path for the deceased, incense to ward off evil spirits, pictures, food the deceased person liked, water to quench the thirst after a long journey, papel picado that allows the spirit to pass, and so forth must be present to represent the person. The four elements, water, air, fire, and earth must be present. The papel picado represents air, the candles represent fire, the ashes represent earth, and the water represents water. “The projects are very amazing. It shows the level of depth and understanding of this day,” said Alejandra Sanchez, Assistant Principal, who was present to see the final products. “The students knew all of the details about the different elements they used, like the candles, the salt, etc.” Miguel Martinez-Lafuente, Spanish 1 and 2 teacher, took
his fifth period class to view the altars. “We’ve been working on this. They were 2-D projects on posters, but here, they see the actual representation of the three levels. They are reinforcing what they’ve learned. The altars are the real thing.” Throughout the process, students have learned about the significance of topics they may have not known about previously. Nayely Ramirez, SAS junior, worked with her group to create an altar about the women killed in Juarez. They were deeply affected because of how young the victims are. “These women work in factories late at night. They are adolescents or even as young as twelve. Coming out of work, they have a high risk of being murdered, violated, or both,” said Nayely. Her group partner, Melissa
Curiel, PAM senior, pointed at the crosses on the altar and said, “These crosses are painted pink because they represent these women. Some are blank because they could not be identified because they were so disfigured when they were found.”¬ The project is deeply significant to students, as it provides a way to connect with Hispanic culture, history, and recent events, “The students have created something they like. They learn that they can make something better than they thought they could. It is rewarding. Students like that they have created something tangible and beautiful and meaningful. Essays are abstract. This is something valued and appreciated because they know it and feel proud of that. People come and see and enjoy,” said Estangui.