MiSiS came in like a wrecking ball The new ‘My Intergrated Student Information System’ causes frustration among students and staff alike Ray Reyes & Erika Salazar COPY EDITOR & EDITOR-IN-CHIEF
MiSiS (My Integrated Student Information System) is LAUSD’s new student information system- a sort of combined online gradebook and attendance log that teachers can edit, and students and parents can view. However, the changeover to MiSiS created headaches because it was implemented too quickly. Just weeks prior to the beginning of the school year, the counseling team had difficulties inputting student schedules because the MiSiS servers were unable to handle the traffic of the whole district, according to school principal Alejandra Sanchez. In order to have all student schedules done by the first day of school, counselors had to work on the programs overnight, when there wasn’t as much internet traffic. “Counselors were working overnight. We were able to pull it off but it wasn’t perfect,” said Sanchez. On the first of day school, there were about 150 pupils who were enrolled,
but not on MiSiS. They hand to receive handwritten schedules. A month after school started, there were still 30 students in classes, but not in MiSiS. Other schools had more severe problems. “Hamilton had 400 kids sitting in the auditorium without schedules,” said Sanchez. MiSiS analyzes, manages, and reports student data. Its intention is to create greater transparency by allowing parents and students access to the same platform, with student support, scheduling, grades, and attendance all on one portal. After making sure that all the students had a class schedule, the counselors began working on students’ requested class schedule changes. “It usually takes three weeks for changes to be made,” said Raul Grijalva,
SAS Counselor, “but this time it took a good four to five weeks.” When the counselors tried to change a student’s classes through the program, they experienced many problems, the most prevalent one being that class changes would not save onto the system. It was “a lot of double work,” according to Grijalva, because counselors had to make the changes the oldfashioned way: by hand. To actually change a student’s schedule, counselors had to search by the student’s last name in a transcript that did not list by SLC or counselor. Despite these problems, the district is still making a hard push for a complete transition to MiSiS by January. “If there are as many glitches with the grade book as there are for atten-
“Counselors were working overnight”
Breakfast is served
dance, it’s going to be really problematic,” said PAM English teacher Judith Bridges. The new system is not inherently flawed, however. During summer school, MiSiS was utilized for scheduling, with less difficulty than at the present moment. Assistant Principal Dr. Travis Brandy attributes the current problems with MiSiS to the greatly increased amount of traffic the program is seeing. “During summer school we had some issues, but not to this level,” said Brandy. Once the server and program bugs are resolved, MiSiS is expected to deliver what it promised. “As with any new system, especially one for the second largest school district in the nation, there are new issues identified to resolve every day. You are telling us what to improve, and we are creating the fixes,” said LAUSD superintendent John Deasy in an email to LAUSD employees.
Free breakfast will begin on Oct. 17 Erika Salazar EDITOR-IN-CHIEF
Breakfast in the Classroom, a districtwide initiative that aims to offer morning meals to those students who do not eat one on a regular basis, will be implemented on Oct. 17. According to an article posted on the NBC News website, LAUSD Superintendent John Deasy said that not every pupil can afford a healthy breakfast, so a program like Breakfast in the Classroom is necessary. The goal of this program is to provide every pupil with a nutritious breakfast. Samuel Dovlatian, assistant principal, said that Breakfast in the Classroom will allow “all students to eat in the morning, being the most important meal of the day.” According to the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA), “eating breakfast can help [improve] math,reading, and standardized test scores.” The USDA also said that it “helps students pay better attention in class, perform problem-solving tasks, and improves memory.” The cafeteria will be ready with the breakfast prior to the 15 minutes of eating time. The teachers are responsible for assigning a delivery team (which will pick up the food from the cafeteria) and a clean-up team, as well as checking off the names of students who ate the breakfast on their rosters. Afterwards, the teacher will dispose of trash in designated trash cans that will be placed in the hallways. This all must be done within the 15 minute time range and teachers must make sure they keep their classrooms clean. Students who do not want to eat breakfast in the classroom are not forced to do so; it is optional. The food that is
not eaten will be given to the Parent Center, as long as it is not opened, according to Dovlatian. This was originally designed to occur during advisory, but since the schedule now only has six periods without an advisory, time must be taken from first period. According to an article posted on Recently renovated kitchen in room 127 lies empty. PHOTO CREDIT: Azniv Derdzakyan the NBC News website, United Teachers Los Angeles, the teachers’ union, alleges that although this is a good-intentioned initiative, it deducts a substantial Azniv dERDZAKYAN amount of time from valuable instrucOPINION EDITOR tion time. School Based Management After 21 years, the award-winning culinary class. “It is our hope we will Committee on Monday approved taking culinary class has been canceled, open a few sections next year,”said 10 minutes from period two and adding much to the dismay of students. David Brandy. them to period one. Papa, home economics teacher, was Along with cooking, the sixth period Some teachers agree with the amreassigned as a PE teacher when the soccer class was cancelled- rather bition to provide every student with school year started. “I love what I am abruptly. Coach George Wilson Maldobreakfast. “I’m okay with it, it’s a good doing right now. I miss the cooking a nado does not have a teaching credenchange,” said Jonathan Lee, TCA social little bit,” said Papa. tial for Physical Education; therefore, studies teacher. Yet many instructors According to assistant principal Dr. the students in the soccer class could worry about keeping their classrooms Travis Brandy, the school needed to not get PE credit, only elective credit. clean like Boi Hien, SAS English teacher, offer more P.E classes. The six-period Student schedules also had to be who said she already has “cockroaches schedule triggered this need. changed. the size of buses” in her room. Culinary Arts at this school has “It was frustrating because they The implementation of Breakfast in gained $350,000 in scholarships. The threw us in any open class without letthe Classroom means that food will no awards have sent students to New ting us know ahead of time,” said PAM longer be served during nutrition, but York, Italy, New England and several Junior Ivette Priego. the hash house will still sell snacks. Stu- local community colleges that have The class was later opened for students will still have a 15-minute break, culinary programs, said Papa. dents who did not need the P.E. credit. according to Dovlatian. “I am very disappointed there isn’t The Latino Studies class, taught by Despite the possible elimination of a culinary class this year, because I social studies teacher Johnny Wood, food distribution during Nutrition, it was planning on entering competiwas cancelled because there was a will not affect current cafeteria staffing. tions to get scholarships for culinary child development class at the same “They will be busier than ever because school. That class was going to be period which needed students. Instead they have to prepare meals for every where I practiced for that,” said NMA of another elective class that period, single student in the school,” Dovlatian Senior Buzand Emilyan. In order to he was given a government class. “I do said. get a culinary scholarship, one has to think as a district we should include
Cooking gets chopped Teacher David Papa is reassigned to P.E.
Steven Montoya contributed to this article.
attend a school which offers a culinary program. The classroom is still reserved for a
ethnic studies more, but graduation requirements come first,” said Wood.
2 september 2014
Staff Editoral: Freedom of the press The Crimson Chronicle is a student-run newspaper that has certain set principles and the responsibility to inform its readers with the truth. In accordance with California Education Code 48907, a student run newspaper must assign “pupil editors of [the] official school [publication that are] responsible for assigning and editing the news, editorial, and feature content of their publications.” Of course, like any other publication in this country, we have freedom of speech protected by the First Amendment, but we do not abuse this right. This is also stated in Education Code 48907, “pupils of the public schools shall have the right to exercise freedom of speech and of the press including, but not limited to, the use of bulletin boards, the distribution of printed materials or petitions, the wearing of buttons, badges, and other insignia, and the right of expression in official publications.”
However, this student run newspaper is not a tabloid. We do not print rumors- we seek the truth by going straight to the source. No matter what the story, we make sure we get the interviews to support our claims. In order to assure we comply with this responsibility, we have an adviser “to supervise the production of the pupil staff, to maintain professional standards of English and journalism” in correspondence to Education Code 48907. Since we are considered an “official school publication” the “material produced by pupils in the journalism [class must be] distributed to the student body either free or for a fee.” The Crimson Chronicle is of no cost to Sheiks because we ensure that every issue we find advertisers to fund our newspaper. We hope that you will enjoy our content for this school year. We encourage our readers to submit a letter to the editor to: hhsthecrimson-
chronicle@gmail.com, and also to follow us on Twitter, @hhschronicle. Letters must be signed and should be about 150 words long.
Crowded classrooms more like musical chairs
With summer over, it is a pain for students to have to go through another year of classes and stress, but it is even more annoying to have to enter a class with 40 kids! This year, classes have gone from consisting of about twenty-five students, to forty or more. Obviously, this becomes a problem for many students, and for teachers too, because being packed in a crowded classroom with forty strangers is just frustrating for many people.
Being in a class that is too full makes the working environment uncomfortable and frustrating. For one, in the first month of school, I was left having to run to my next class to make sure I did not lose my seat. There was a day I was left without a desk and it was difficult to try and get comfortable enough to take notes in class. Not only that, but it was also very difficult to pay attention when there are forty other voices asking different things, or being unproductive. Other students have to sit in the back of the classroom and are left unable to see past many people’s heads to see the board. Plus, all the side conversations also takes a toll on
the teacher’s patience. For teachers, many find themselves struggling with keeping so many students in one room. Teachers run into the issue of not having enough desks and calling the plant manager to get more in. With calls from other teachers as well, many are left to figure something out on their own. Some teachers have even had to borrow desks from neighboring rooms as counselors balanced schedules. With students being accustomed to having easy access to a teachers’ assistance and attention, being left without much of that attention is a dramatic change. On the other hand, a pro to having more students is that they will depend less
on the teacher. Yes, sometimes we just need assistance and class sizes get in the way of that, since there are too many students for one teacher to juggle around. However, a solution to this is to seek help amongst their peers or be the help that their fellow students need. The bodies in a single class have practically grown by about one half, so why not try to work together to find a solution. This may even show to be useful when it comes to both social skills and twenty-first century skills of communication and cooperation.
For a school that is big on technology, we sure do lack it. Hollywood High is supposed to be big in the drama, music and film departments, and it is. But there is something that is missing. Since this school is divided into smaller SLCs, not all of everyone’s needs are met. The one thing we do share is the library’s computers. And putting it bluntly, they suck. How are we expected to do all of our work when the school does not provide any decent technology? I am lucky that I have a computer with internet access at home to do all of my work. Not everyone else is so lucky, and they have to
is a catch. One of them is that it is always full. Before school, at nutrition, and at lunch I am in there, I see others, working on their assignments. And let’s face it, we don’t have top notch technology. So something always goes wrong. There might not be paper or the printer’s toner runs out. And then it feels like my world is crashing down and there is nothing I can do but wait. And wait. And wait… I do not understand why we have so many computers and none of them work. I remember in my English class, we had a whole cart full of laptops for the Smarter Balanced tests. We got to use them then, so why shouldn’t they be available for everyday use now? We as students have the right to use them, don’t we? Before teachers start assigning us online work, they should consider the situation we are in, because this
Editor-in-Chief Erika salazar Mangaging Editor Gaby Cordova COPY EDITORs Steven montoya Ray reyes OPINION EDITOR AZNIV DERDZAKYAN Entertainment/features SUSAN CIFUENTES Sports editor kurt nightingale
Chronicle reporters
Give me technology or give me death look for other ways to finish their work. This is where the library computers should come in. Sadly, students go to the library, but in the end, nothing gets done. Why? Because the computers are so slow. It takes 10 minutes to get the monitor running. And when you finally get it on, it takes you another five minutes to log onto the internet. That right there takes all of nutrition, not to mention the fact that you tried to do your work and wasted that time. It is truly a slap in the face, which will progress into a punch to the gut once you tell your teacher you couldn’t do your work. There is always another option, of course: going to the college center. In essence, it is a great idea. The computers are there, the internet works fine and there is a printer. Seems perfect? Well like everything, there
the Crimson Chronicle Staff
school really does not have a surplus of computers; we barely have any functioning ones. Or maybe we do have them, but we are not allowed to use them. Whatever the reason is for the lack of working technology there must be a way to have access available at all times, not just when someone feels like distributing them. This is 2014. Why are we still using stone-age computers?
jessicaacuna Ana Amador brandon argueta Albert atshemyan vanessa centeno Abril Chuvac felipe de bedout sergio espejo franklin franco peter galindo Elosia Garcia jocelyne gutierrez
scarlette helena leila johnson
kiyoshi koiwai Hovhannes-
dulce mandujano thomas medrano maria montiel jenifer oliver Josue Perez Angie quintanilla amaany ruiz silas samayoa estefania valencia
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@HHSchronicle ADVISER: Karen Cusolito
Man On The Street:
September 2014
How do you feel about students no longer being allowed to go out during lunch?
“I think that not being allowed to go out is stupid because no one has ever been hurt in the past.” - Luigi Mangosing, 11th NMA
“I think that they should let people go outside, like especially people who are eighteen. If there was a contract between the school, the students, and the parents I would totally sign it. It’s the same thing as field trips. When you sign off on field trips you cannot sue the school even if you die.” -Keitty Calderon, 12th SAS
“If you look from a legal standpoint, once you come to school you’re part of the school meaning we have liability for you. So if you would leave there would be no supervision...It’s called en loco parentis. (in place of the parent)” - Mr. Martin, School Officer
“I don’t think it’s fair because not everyone eats food in school...” -Keynia Smith, 10th PAM
Interviewed By: Jocelyne Gutierrez, Jenifer Oliver, Angie Quintanilla
Private vs. Public Schools
Not only did I switch schools my senior year, but I went from private to public school. After two weeks of trying to convince myself that I enjoyed my new school, I realized how much I missed my old one. The perfect way to describe my emotions is homesickness. My old school was like home because the friendships I made were more of a sisterhood. When I came to public school, I felt like reality slapped me on the face. Walking in on the first day was the most terrifying day of my life. I could not navigate through the humongous crowd of students and felt lost and alone. I eventually found my way, but did not have anyone to hold my hand and guide me. I did not know anybody and people could tell that I was new. It was definitely not like
the movies. There are many differences between public and private school. A typical day at my old school consisted of getting to school at 7 am, eating breakfast with friends, then proceeding to our classes. Every day would start with a prayer for the world and for ourselves. Classes were about 90 minutes and we would only have three or four subjects every day, getting out at 2:15 or 2:45. Private school is very privileged with small classes and advanced technology. One could not go a day without having their lunch eaten by a squirrel, getting scared by a lizard, or dealing with ants. Relationships with both my friends and teachers were unique. My friends and I were very close and considered ourselves sisters. There was always a shoulder to cry on or someone to go to for motivation or a feminist rant. As for the teachers, they were very helpful and friendly. Although public school is not my forte, I do not entirely hate it. I enjoy new experiences and have met some very interesting people here. However, it is weird not having
Public vs. Private Schools teachers who I know and am close to. I still find it weird that I need to ask to use the restroom and take a hall pass with me; it feels like there is not a sense of trust. At my old school we had an honor code, so we could leave our lockers unlocked, leave our laptops in the hallway, or just step out of class without anything bad happening. It also feels abnormal not praying everyday, seeing a cross, or having mass. To be honest, I have already run out of clothes and had to repeat outfits, which is something I would never do. I miss wearing a uniform. I have worn one everyday of my life for 12 years. I feel very lost and tired everyday because I am not used to short classes, or six periods in one school day. I prefer private school over public school because it is smaller and more unique whereas here I am just another face in the hallway.
Going from a public school to a private school was difficult at first. I had never really had the experience of focusing on both religion and academics, and what I imagined was completely different than what I went through. I had visualized extremely religious people that would throw rocks at you for sinning. And I know it sounds completely immature, but I didn’t know much about Catholic schools back then. The teachers, for example, were incredibly nice and taught at your own pace. And if you ever needed something they would do anything to help you. The schedule was also new to me. Once every week we would have a religion class or mass before lunch. And every day we would have a different “elective,” P.E. on Wednesdays, Media on Fridays, etc. But there were also some
things that were similar to the public school system.Teachers, as well as parents, might think that the students are little angels that only do good just because of the fact that it’s a private Catholic school, but they’re wrong. Some of the students could be as rebellious and daring as any other public school students. Some would even go make out in the church! However, they were like family to me, even though they could be scandalous at times. Nobody was even near to being perfect, but that’s what made it interesting. They each had their flaws and that’s what made it a real middle school experience for me. Having gone to a private Catholic school didn’t change me, but influenced me. I learned new customs and met new people, that’s all I needed to see things from a different perspective.
4 September 2014
Trying to get to the root of the problem Pipe blockage forces students to eat lunch elsewhere
Steven montoya Copy editor
Tree root blockage in the school’s main sewer line caused spillage in the cafeteria, prompting a closure of both the cafeteria and the quad in the weeks of Aug. 24 and Sept. 2. Flooding occurred in the cafeteria kitchen and the LACER room, according to Plant Manager Frank Muniz. “We had to make a critical decision. We would either have to shut down for the day and not serve the students lunch, or come up with an emergency back up plan,” cafeteria manager Sergio Galicia said. The emergency back-up plan was chosen, with the cafeteria cooperating with other school cafeterias to get food. All the food had to be thrown away after the flood-
ing to avoid “[compromising] students’ health,” Galicia said. The reason why the cafeteria took a long time to reopen was the fact that district plumbers did not cover the problem permanently the first time, Muniz said. Soon after the first visit from plumbers, spillage started again in the cafeteria. To solve the problem, plumbers have to remove the roots from the sewer line involving running a snake-like device that “shakes the roots” away from blocking the pipes. When the problem was not contained the first time, plumbers had to send a snake with a camera attached and sent it through the pipes to ensure the problem was completely fixed the second time.
Before the cafeteria could be opened, water samples also had to be taken. “It takes two days for clearance,” said Muniz.
line next to the hash house, “which took a couple days to set up.” In addition with the back-up plan, students were also offered barbecue, which was prepared in the vacant kitchen that was formerly Mr. Papa’s room. Because only the roots were cleared from the sewer line, the trees have the potential to repeat the blockage in the future. One possibility would be to eventually replace the invasive-root ficus trees in the quad with a tree that is less dependant on water, said Assistant Principal Samuel Dovlatian. It would therefore become more cost effective and rule out the option of bringing in plumbers every time there is a sewer blockage.
“[The root blockage] becomes an inconvenience for the students, since it closed the cafeteria, and the sewer affects all the water we use,” Dovlatian said.
amount of criticism about how fast the CCTP was working and deploying the new tablets. Many problem had occurred due to the speed. An article on LAUSD’s website says, “The Common Core Technology Project was designed in phases for exactly this purpose…to take the time to pause and reflect along the way. Only then can we take stock and make refinements as we continue to broaden the program to additional schools.” Apart from deployment problems, issues had arisen over the security of the devices. The problem of students “hacking” the tablets and changing settings.
However, LAUSD reported, “No student has hacked into a device, compromised security, nor has any wireless system failed to function. In truth, some enterprising high school students were able to switch the settings on their tablet in order to access non-educational content outside the District’s firewall.” Deasy has also announced that the CCTP will restart in the future, along with a laptop pilot program that will supply schools with laptops. LAUSD will take this time to “learn from their mistakes” and improve the program. Deasy said “it will also give us time to take into account concerns raised surrounding the CCTP and receive new information from the California Department of Education regarding assessments. We will incorporate
When the problem was not contained the first time, plumbers had to send a snake with a camera attached It was a challenge for the cafeteria staff to handle serving students without the convenience of the cafeteria. “For the first day, yes, it was very hectic, since this never happened,” Galicia said. The only way for students to get served nutrition and lunch was through a temporary service
LAUSD cancels contract with Apple Iniciative that planned to supply students with iPads is halted jOSUE PEREZ Chronicle reporter
A contract with Apple that would supply LAUSD schools with iPads has been halted, Superintendent John Deasy announced Aug. 25th. Before Deasy announced the suspension of the contract, ties were discovered between him and former Deputy Superintendent Jaime Aquino, as well as with executives of Apple and Pearson, providers of curriculum on iPads. According to an LA Times article, “Emails… showed detailed… contacts between Deasy, Deputy Supt. Jaime Aquino and the corporate executives.” Before Aquino had become Deputy Superintendent of LAUSD, he was an executive at Pearson. “In one email… Aquino seems to strategize with higher-ups from Pearson on how to ensure that it got the job. ‘I believe we would
have to make sure that your bid is the lowest one,’” the Times reported. Apart from the political side of the suspension, an internal report of the iPad rollout showed that there were serious problems. “The iPad rollout, I’m all for it, [but] I would prefer to have laptops,” Principal Alejandra Sanchez said in a news conference. Apart from supporting the Common Core Technology Program (CCTP), she said the logistics of the program were not worked out and many things were not thought through. Schools were not adequately prepared for the job of handling the new equipment.
In the past year, the district has been hard at work improving the network infrastructure for the CCTP. However, admin-
istrators and teachers have not been properly trained on how to handle and use the tablets. LAUSD received a large
New classes help students prepare for college entrance exams Extra Math and English courses keep students out of remedial classes in college GABY CORDOVA mANAGING eDITOR
Earl Yi teaches his discrete math class. Photo Credit: Susan Cifuentes
Two new classes have been added to the school called Discrete Math (introduction to college math) and Expository Reading and Writing, to prepare students for entrance exams in college. Both classes are part of the California
Partnerships Grant that gave the school $80,000 that will keep the classes going for three years. “It will help the students become successful to go to college,” said Geoffrey Buck, math coordinator. According to the Cal State University system, 60% of students who take the entrance exam end up in remedial math or English, which does not count for college credit. Many seniors decide not to take math and often forget what they have learned. The discrete math class will keep math nicely fresh in their mind to keep and ready to take the entrance exam.
If they pass the class and Los Angeles City College’s final they will not have to take the placement exam. Already both Discrete Math and Expository Reading and Writing students went to LACC to take a placement test to see where the stand and where they need the most help in. If Expository Reading and Writing students score conditional on the CSU Early Assessment Program and pass the class, they would be allowed to enter college in English 101 at any California State University without taking the placement exam. Last year, juniors took the EAP and only 23% of those students were ready for college English. In addition, the students taking the course have to take a separate English class to complete
their senior project. “It helps students get help with their academic writing and reading,” said Viktorija Lacan, English Department chair. One issue with the EAP is that after students took the placement test last May, they did not receive their scores until September. This makes it difficult for teachers to see where their students are place at and what they need to improve in.
Meet the new staff on campus Sergio espejo chronicle reporter
Freshmen are not the only new members of the school community. This year, the school hired new faculty and staff to fill in vacant classrooms. Among these are seven teachers, an administrator, and a new PSA counselor. Here is some information to get to know them better: Fola Adisa
“Education is the way out” is Adisa’s mentality towards difficulties he had to face throughout his childhood. Adisa was born in Ghana but immigrated with his family to Nigeria during his early teen years. He lost his father at the age of 15 while he was still new in Nigeria, and considers a miracle how he got through in Nigeria. Adisa eventually came to the U.S. on a government scholarship to study industrial engineering at USC. Once he finished school, Adisa returned to Nigeria to perform youth service for a year. He worked for a couple of years for a British company called Coopers and Lybrand before returning to the U.S. to become a certified teacher. Adisa has been teaching in California ever since.
Sharon Teich
Sharon Teich, the new special education teacher, has taught in a variety of schools in the Burbank, Pasadena, and Las Vegas school districts. She graduated from the University of Phoenix with a master’s degree in counseling and a bachelor’s degree in special education from the University of Nevada. Fola Adisa, the new calculus She prefers public schools teacher, graduated from USC over charter schools because with a bachelor’s degree in “charter schools are run more industrial engineering and a like a business,” Teich said. She master’s degree in business believes that parent particiand administration. pation is a key development to the overall effectiveness of schools. She applied to Hollywood High because of the location and high school Principal Alejandra Sanchez tried to introduce a larger garden setting. Despite her master’s for the students to plant vegetables near the cafeteria. It is known degree, she did not apply for a that we already have a garden, but it is very small. The idea of a counseling position. “I would bigger garden was immediately shot down by the district because like to be a counselor eventuit costs about $240,000 to tear down the bungalows to make ally, but I feel I am effective in space for the garden. the classroom. I’m using a lot This bigger garden is related to the wellness initiative. The of my counseling skills in the wellness initiative was instituted by Kaiser Permanente Hospital classroom,” Teich said. about three years ago. This was part of the agreement to encourJohnathan Lee age kids to make better choices for their physical health, and in exchange, Kaiser would give the school money. Sanchez is determined to get this garden off the ground so instead of removing the bungalows, she is trying to get a grant called the Seeds of Change grant which would give the school about $20,000 to start a garden. If the school were to receive this grant, planters would be set up near Dr. Keisler’s room in order to start the garden. PETER GALINDO
Garden to promote healthy living
ASB elections just around the corner ASB elections will take place in the auditorium. Our candidates from Hollywood High school will be giving speeches to the students. Of course, all of the students in the campus want to be treated equally. None of the candidates would give up, they said they will try their best to be elected for their position. “I will make sure everyone in this school gets treated equally making sure things go right without mistakes,”said Chelsea Nava, TCA Senior, and currently running for school secretary. Nava gives everyone advice to join leadership to help our community better place to live in. Noe Guzman, SAS Senior, running for ASB President said, “If you want to be someone you always try your best rather than giving up, learn from your mistakes.” He also said, “I will do my best to make the school better place for everyone and to help unify the school’s voice and in force more awareness of the club.” Elia Villanueva, from SAS Senior, running for secretary said, “I will be responsible with all of the organizations hopefully I can make a difference in Hollywood High.” ALBERT atshemyan
Johnathan Lee graduated from Hollywood in the year of 2008. He felt that his high school years at Hollywood were rewarding and had good times. This is his first year ever as a teacher. He sees many of the teachers that were teaching him back in 2008. He joked around ”I think that my former teachers still see me as their student rather than their colleague.” He went to Georgetown University at Washington DC. He took a semester abroad in the Czech Republic. He states that the food was meat heavy, but everything was fresh. The Class of 2015 have begun meetings to discuss how they There is no organic label in are going to graduate at the world-famous Hollywood Bowl. produce because organic is While the “Goal is the Bowl,” seniors gather all the available something normal in Europe. resources to raise enough money for graduation. One oddity is that they use Last year, the Junior Class Council tried their best to raise green mayonnaise as guacaenough money in order to not pay as much during their senior mole. year. They were not as successful to make any significant price Lee returned to California difference, so this year they are going to have to raise even more. to finish grad school at USC. Seniors who need more information about the senior meetMs. Brown and the Gates Milings and upcoming events associated with the senior class are lenium Scholarship Program advised to go to Room 305 every Wednesday during lunch. influenced his decision to CASEY KOIWAI become a teacher.
Seniors get the 411
Hacob Antonyan
Although you may never have to find out the tangent line of a quadratic formula in “the real world,” Hacob Antonyan, one the new math teachers, believes that math is important because it exercises one’s logic and helps a person make quick, smart, and wise decisions. He was born in Armenia. Ironically, Antonyan was failing math until his dad’s friend starting tutoring him. Antonia’s tutor influenced him in his decision of becoming a teacher. Antonyan immigrated to the U.S. after his sophomore year when he was still in the Polytechnical Institute of Armenia. He was frustrated and embarrassed because he could not communicate in English. He decide to attend Evan’s Adult School and eventually took advance English course at Los Angeles Valley College. He started working for a mechanical engineering firm when he started taking extensive math classes that were required in order to get a degree in mechanical engineering or architecture (two of the professions Antonyan was leaning toward instead of becoming a math teacher). He graduated from Cal State Los Angeles with a BA in pure mathematics and a Masters in Education from National University in 2013 and has been teaching math ever since. Earl Yi Earl Yi is one of the new math teachers. He went to William Taft High School and graduated from UC Riverside. He believes that life starts after college and that the college you go to does not determine the person you will be. College is what you make of it. He loves sports and supports any sports team that represents Los Angeles. “I love Southern California, I don’t think there is a better place.” Before working at Hollywood High he was a teacher at Los Angeles High School. He spent his summer break taking care of his newborn child.
FUN FACT: In 1922 Hollywood High boasted its highest enrollment ever: 2,717 students. The average waiting period for lunch in the cafeteria was a solid thirty minutes.
Samuel Dovlatian
Samuel Dovlatian , the new assistant principal stated “I strongly believe that education is the great equalizer in our society and that is why I made a career in studying how best to provide all students access to rigorous coursework that will prepare them for college and careers.” Dovlatian believes that the gap between social classes can be closed through education. Although Dovlatian found an interest in art, architecture, and law, he decided to study English at UCLA. He came back to UCLA after a few years of teaching to get his masters degree in education. He believes that there are many opportunities out here in this school that students should take before it’s too late. Dovlatian champions the spirit of adventure, out there to try new things. Dovlatian has learned Spanish, knows how to surf, and has traveled around the globe to see at work of his favorite artist,Caravaggio.
Michellle Alexander
Michelle Alexander went to Dorsey High School. She decided to be a teacher when her mother (a retired teacher) came to her class as a sub. She says that her mother is her motivation and mentor. She graduated from CSU Long Beach with a masters degree in Professional Studies and a BA in Child Development. As an educator of child development, Alexander has taken the role of a counselor, a parent role and someone that can be an outlet for students to express themselves. She has to expect the unexpected In order to have such a connection with her students. Alexander lets the students voice their own respectful opinions about issues in life.
Continued on page 10
Hollywood Un
Be ready to reign theanswers nightduring hom Superintendent Deasy the big Let’s shimmy the Milky Let’s shimmy downdown the milky way Way
estefania valencia
Chronicle Reporter
ership this year are Another Students are enromantic experience. imvery enthusiastic,” said to couraged provement to look forward is the not to miss Randall Fenderson, wider variety of music therethis willyear’s be. HomecomLeadership sponsor. so purchase Students are encouraged ing notdance, to It isthis expected that this your tickets now! miss year’s Homecoming dance, dance willtickets be an now! soyear’s purchase your even bigger success and many students believe it will be a romantic experience. Another improvement to look forward to is the wider variety of music there will be.
Students can can look lookforward Leadership members Thedecided goal they seek Students to “A cess, Leadership to start forward to “Athe Night inspired theme, tosoon achieve is to creNight Under Stars” at this year’s thispreparations as as possible. Under the Stars” at whichand will be they ate Hollywood/ homecoming dance willbelieve take it The goal seeka to achieve is this year’s homecoman enjoyable Red Carpet glamour. place on Saturday, Oct. 4 between 7 tonight. create a Hollywood/Red Carpet ing dance which The venue’s glamour. location Therefore, Therefore, decorations p.m. and 11 p.m. will decorations take place on Saturday, willasinclude as Everyone will literally becertainly under complements will include stars well asstars colorful Oct.twinkling 4 between 7 p.m. the idea because it will well as colorful comthe orbs for this year’s combinations of gold, red, black, and 11will p.m. create a more realistic binations of gold, red, venue be in the open air of the silver and white. To top off this very Everyone will courts. atmosphere. black,have silver and white. outdoor basketball Leaderformal event, they decided to literally be under the this theme, To make sure this Toarch top off this very forship members inspired create a golden as well. twinkling forbe this event is a success, event, they and believeorbs it will an enjoyable “Students inmal Leadership thishave year year’s The venue will be in Leadership decided” said to create a night. venue’s location certainly decided are very enthusiastic, Randall the open air ofthe theidea out-because to start golden arch as well. complements it preparations Fenderson, Leadership sponsor. It doorcreate basketball as soon as possible. in Leadwill a morecourts. realistic atmois expected that “Students this year’s dance sphere. will be an even bigger success and To make sure this event is a sucmany students believe it will be a
Shine bright like a diamond on the red carpet
Amaany Ruiz
Chronicle Reporter
As most people know, the homecomJordan’s.” Stars” in style. wear, don’t panic! jewelry to dress up sophomore, said she As most ing dance is coming uppeople and the theme iswant to wear. Girls, meanwhile, are thinking dresses “I am planning to here are some tips to your with little ablack would be wearing, know, the homecom“A Night Under the Stars.” But the student and heels. Boys: a white button down nice dress. wear dress up shoes, “Dress, long, dark. help make your night The modern chignon ing dance is coming body won’t be packed in a hot gym regret“I was probably just going to wear a white jacket or cashmere sweater can be worn regular dress up A silver necklace “Under the Stars” in with a hair accessory up and the theme is ting to come to the dance. Instead, the tight dress,” said Ilene Casillas, junior, SAS. with dress shorts or dress pants and if pants, aLuisa vest, Portugal, and a with three bracelets. “in.” Since “A Nighton Under the dance will be outside the basketball TCA sophomore, said she style. you’re feeling bold, addisavery hat or a tie. Youlace long sleeved collared Shoes… I don’t know is also in style, don’t Stars.” But the student courts, looking at stars, while making would be wearing, “Dress, long, dark. A don’t necessarily have to wear dress shoes, shirt,” said Javier about that yet.” Boys: a white butbe afraid to take body won’t be packed memories and having a good time. silver necklace with three bracelets. Shoes… because some nice high tops from Aldothat can Moro, senior, Smith, SAS risk and go there. in a hot gym regrettondo down with a nice The one question that’s on everyone’s I don’tPAM. know aboutRaven that yet.” the trick. TCA Based on our hometo come jacketGirls: or cashmere think “The Great Gatsby.” Hollymind is: What ting are we goingto tothe wear? Kenji Lomax, Raven Smith, SASjunior, junior,isisalso alsogoing going sophomore, said he dressy. “Strapless dance. Instead, the sweater can be worn coming theme, Based on the theme, students have come dressy. “Strapless black dress. Black heels. wood, red carpet. Classy, with silver oryou gold would wear,“a button black dress. Black dance will be outside with dress shorts orup your canlittle baseblack yourdress. color up with some ideas on what they want to Gold jewelry.” jewelry to dress down shirt withothers little favor heels. Goldand jewelry.” on the basketball and chignon if scheme with whites, wear. While simple elegant. dress Thepants modern with a hair accessory anchors and khaki While others favor courts, looking at you’re feeling bold, black, blue, silver, and “I am planning to wear dress up shoes, “I don’t really want to go with an all out is very “in.” Since lace is also in style, don’t shorts, and the latest simple and elegant. “I stars, while making add a hat or a tie. You even gold. regular dress up pants, a vest, and a long dress, “ said Emily Salazar, NMA freshman. be afraid to take that risk and go there. don’t reallypretty want to go don’t memories andJavier having necessarily have sleeved collared shirt,” said Moro,Jordan’s.” “I want to go with something simple Based on our homecoming theme, you can Girls, meanwith an all out dress, a good time. to wear dress shoes, senior, PAM. but chic.” base your color scheme with whites, black, Salazar, The one question said hewhile, are some nice thinking In case you“ said find Emily yourself not know- because Kenji Lomax, TCA sophomore, blue, silver, and even gold. NMA freshman. “I that’s on everyone’s dresses and heels. high tops from Aldo would wear,“a button down shirt with little ing what to wear, don’t panic! here are some wantnight to go“Under with somemindshorts, is: What are we justmake your can do the trick. anchors and khaki and the latest“I was probably tips to help the thing pretty simple going to wear? going to wear a white but chic.” Based on the tight dress,” said Girls: think “The Great In case you theme, students have Ilene Casillas, junior, Gatsby.” Hollywood, find yourself not come up with some SAS. red carpet. Classy, ideas on what they Luisa Portugal, TCA knowing what to with silver or gold
nder the Stars
mecoming and dancewith your friends questions about his projects and plans New test brings a ‘smarter balance’ Revised standards change the way studentsHistory take testsof the Sheik
Photo Editor
The world famousAngeles Hollywood got its has his The sportswriter coined ‘sheiks’ and rescues Lady Diana and they both ship started four years is allHigh about dream set on who their voices. mascot in the early 1930’s from a local as a nickname, was inspired by Rudolph ago when they met at the constant chaos, attending UCLA and If you want realize the strong long that they feel for sportswriter who first called the football Valentino’s starring role in the silent school. According to moving from one place studying business or to talk to them, pleaseeach other. team “Sheiks,” which would later become movie ‘The Sheik’. The film filmed in them. The movie reflects that the sheik Alessandro, they broke another. They miss the marketing. If he does do was not bombard the official mascot. 1921 and was directed by George Melford, never gave up and proved his strength to the ice when Lupo slow pace of Italy. The not make it to UCLA, A simple hi is fine. Be According to the book “The History of starring Rudolph Valentino.The film is Lady Diana and to his enemies. The same started to make him art of walking is gone. he still plans to attend friendly, but rememAmerica’s Most Famous Public School,” about a powerful sheik called Ahmed Ben way the Hollywood High sheiks have Los Angeles is just a laugh. They have been an American college. ber they are still by John Blumenthal, in the early 1920’s, Hassan, and a young girl named Lady Didemonstrated their strengths to their opbest friends ever since. huge melting pot with Now for the getting used to Holthe school’s sports department members ana Mayo (Agnes Ayres). The film is about ponents. new experiences wait- big question: Are Even though lyweird. So until then, known as the ‘The or the powerful romantic love between they arewere best friends, ing forFoothillers’ them. Alessandro andand Lupo “Ciao.” ‘The Filmmakers’. These nicknames were Ahmed and Lady Diana. Lady Diana is they are the complete It is a big leap single? Well ladies, too long and not a good fit for the athabducted by Ahmed and is forced to stay opposite. While Alesto get from Italy to Los they had no comletes. However in the early 30’s, Sheiks with him. Later in the film, he decides to sandro likes soccer, Angeles, so why did ment, so maybe they became the new nickname for the athletes let her go, which makes her realize the Lupo prefers football. they jump? Alessandro are, maybe they are first, then the school newspaper, before strong love that she Verona, the wants to explore this not, but Lupo loves allhas for him. She is finally becoming Hollywood High’s official then captured by bandits. Ahmed goes out city of a pair of Shakecity with Lupo and women. As for Alesmascot. looking for her. He fights with the bandits spearean star-crossed become even more sandro, it depends if lovers, is indescribable independent. His real he likes the girl and if to both Alessandro goal is to be fluent in the girl likes him back. and Lupo. Reminiscing English because it will It is a bit hard to have where they are from, open more opportuni- a relationship with they proudly declare ties for him to travel an American for him that Italy is the best to around the world. He because his English is live. While they enjoy is not sure if he plans not so well. Who cares Susan cifuentes, gaby cordova and AZNIV DERDZAKYAN Editors sunny California, they to attend college, but if though? They have miss the drinking age of he does, he would like ever amazing The students Hollywood friends since. accents that in school. One day, both of UCLA and studying business of 18 back home. to study fashion. Lupo, everythey girl will swoon them were walking around High haveThey seen every hot ceEven though are best or marketing. If he does not also hatelebrity that Los other right when they hear during lunch when some girls walk downon thethe Walk of hand, friends, they are the complete make it to UCLA, he still plans Fame, but now there are some opposite. While Alessandro stopped them out of nowhere to attend an American college. likes soccer, Lupo prefers new hotties roaming these and asked them to take a selfie Now for the big question: football. Are Alessandro and Lupo halls. Capturing the hearts of with them. They agreed but Verona, the city of a pair of single? Well ladies, they had no every Lady Sheik and makwere a bit weirded out. Then Shakespearean star-crossed Lupo at random got hugged comment, so maybe they are, ing the guys green with envy, lovers, is indescribable to both by a girl and he didn’t know maybe they are not, but Lupo Alessandro Barbi and Lupo Alessandro and Lupo. Remiwhat to do but hug her back loves all women. As for AlesBenatti have come straight awkwardly. from Verona, Italy to see what niscing where they are from, sandro, it depends if he likes It is a big leap to get from this school has to offer. And they proudly declare that Italy the girl and if the girl likes him Italy to Los Angeles, so why so far, Hollywood High hasn’t is the best to live. While they back. It is a bit hard to have a did they jump? Alessandro disappointed them. enjoy sunny California, they relationship with an American wants to explore this city with But who really are these miss the drinking age of 18 for him because his English guys, and why are they makback home. They also hate that Lupo and become even more is not so good. Who cares independent. His goal is to ing all the girls swoon? While Los Angeles is all about the though? They have amazing Mayo (Agnes Ayres). never gave up andaccents that every girl will The world famous the early 30’s, Sheiks be fluent in English because many speculate that they are constant chaos, moving from the more proved his strength High gotare, became theanother. new nickwill open opportunirelated;Hollywood they are not. They one place They The missfilm isitabout swoon right when they hear powerful and roto Lady Diana and their to voices. its mascot in the early name for the athletes however, the best of friends. the slow pace of Italy. The art ties for him to travel around his enemies. The same 1930’s from a local first, then the school mantic love between Their friendship started four of walking is gone. Los Angethe world. He is not sure if he If you want to talk to them, way thebut Hollywood sportswriter newspaper, before Lady years ago when theywho met first at les is a huge melting potAhmed with and plans toDiattend college, if please do not bombard them. High sheiks have A simple hi is fine. Be friendly, the football becoming HolDiana is he ab-would school. called According to Alessan- finally new experiences waitingana. for Lady he does, like to study demonstrated their team “Sheiks,” which lywood High’s official ducted by Ahmed and dro, they broke the ice when them. fashion. but remember they are still strengths to their opwould later become mascot. is forced to stay with Lupo started to make him However, the most notable Lupo, on the other hand, has getting used to Hollyweird. So the official mascot. The sportswriter in dream the film, laugh. They have been best experience they had hashim. beenLaterhis set onponents. attending until then, “Ciao.” According to the who coined ‘sheiks’ he decides to let her book “The History of as a nickname, was go, which makes her America’s Most Fainspired by Rudolph realize the strong love mous Public School,” Valentino’s starring that she has for him. by John Blumenthal, role in the silent movShe is then captured in the early 1920’s, ie ‘The Sheik’. The film by bandits. Ahmed the school’s sports was filmed in 1921 goes out looking for department memand was directed by her. He fights with the bers were known as George Melford, starbandits and rescues ring Rudolph Valenthe ‘The Foothillers’ Lady Diana and they tino.The film is about or ‘The Filmmakers’. both realize the strong a powerful sheik These nicknames long that they feel for called Ahmed Ben were too long and each other. Hassan, and a young The movie not a good fit for the athletes. However in girl named Lady Diana reflects that the sheik
The new Italian men in our lives
Phot credit: susan cifuentes
Left -Right: Alessandro Barbi and Lupo Benatti
The students of Hollywood High have seen every hot celebrity walk down the Walk of Fame, but now there are some new hotties roaming these halls. Capturing the hearts of every Lady Sheik and making the guys green with envy, Alessandro Barbi and Lupo Benatti have come straight from Verona, Italy to see what this school has to offer. And so far, Hollywood High hasn’t disappointed them. But who really are these guys, and why are they making all the girls swoon? While many speculate that they are related; they are not. They are, however, the best of friends. Their friend-
Eliosa Garcia
There is a new doctor in town
Anxious fans rejoice for the eighth season of “Dr. Who” Ana Amador
To people who have no idea what Doctor Who is it might sound a little strange and confusing. This British sci-fi TV show has been quickly gaining popularity here in the States, since its comeback in 2005. Doctor Who focuses on the main character, the time traveling Doctor, an alien (more specifically a time lord), and his companions. The tricky part is there isn’t just one doctor there is currently 12. Since The Doctor regenerates after he dies there has been 12 different doctors and 12 different actors. Once The Doctor regenerates his entire physical aspect and personality changes. Sometimes, the doctor’s companions change too. Some might die while others live on and keep the doctor just as a memory. On Aug. 23 the show came back for its 8th season and the new 12th doctor being played by Scottish actor Peter Capaldi. Co-star Jenna Coleman is
playing the doctor’s companinconspicuously insulting ion, Clara Oswald. One of the everyone he comes across. key components of the show This makes it a little harder is the T.A.R.D.I.S (Time And for the audience to receive Relative Dimension In Space), that fun eleven doctor tone. the doctor’s spaceship also travels through time. The ship is disguised as a 1960s style blue police box. They use the spaceship to time travel, leading to some pretty crazy adventures. Although PHOTO CREDIT: facebook.com/doctorwho Capaldi had been in the very end of the Christmas special, his personThis twelfth doctor is made to ality hasn’t really been relook like a more serious one. vealed to the eager audience. Though Capaldi is a little more While the eleventh doctor harsh, fans will not miss The was a bit quick with jokes Doctor’s familiarity. Like the and puns, Capaldi’s character doctors before him, Capaldi is is even faster at joking and witty, doesn’t appreciate guns,
and is of course clever. The premiere episode goes on to show an uncertain Clara who at the beginning isn’t sure that the new doctor is The
Doctor she knew at all. As they solve the mystery of the combusting dinosaur in Victorian London she ends up certain that she wants to keep traveling with The Doctor; Clara’s uncertainty helped transition clingy fans from the eleventh
to twelfth doctor. Though the past doctors are all classic and irreplaceable, these first five episodes of the new season show a lot of promise for Capaldi’s take on The Doctor. Old-time fans as well as newcomers are excited for what is to come. Despite its popularity, the show has been controversial over whether or not it’s sexist that The Doctor can’t ever be a woman; and though not all companions have been portrayed by women most have and some fans complain they aren’t given strong enough roles. The confusion is all worth it in the end because of The Doctor’s fun, scary, and crazy adventures traveling through time and space.
Alien hottie takes over and invades hearts ABRIL CHUVAC
“Obsidian” is the first book in the Lux Series, by Jennifer L. Armentrout. The series is about three different types of species called the Luxen, their rivals the Arum, and the Humans. The Luxen and Arum are aliens that escape to Earth after their home planet was destroyed due to the war they had with each other. No human is supposed to know that both Luxen and Arum are on Earth, except the
United States’ secret department who first met them when they arrived. Still, that doesn’t stop Katy from finding out the truth about her new next door neighbors, Daemon and his twin sister Dee. At a glance, Daemon seems to be the perfect male specimen. He is tall, green eyed hottie making all the girls drool. But once he opens his mouth, it all goes down the drain. He is arrogant and an
egotistical jerk-face. Yet, Katy seems to tolerate him enough to save her own life when she is being chased by the Arum. Of course, the only reason this could have happened was because of Daemon. By spending time with him to make his sister happy, it ended up in Katy receiving his alien mojo. This meant spending more time with his sexy face until the trace has faded so that both her and
tually having friends. She asks Henry Higenbottam (Cho) for help. He accepts the challenge knowing that maybe her free spirit might help fix him too. Would it be something worth watching? Maybe. Having a likable person play an unlikable character is something that would be interesting to watch. Having Cho portray the character will turn the obnoxious character to a pleasant one. This makes both
stars an amazing match on this upcoming comedy. This series has the potential to become worth-watching. They will go on an adventure which brings two different people and put the struggles that they will
“Selfie.” Gillian, who most recently appeared in the film “Guardians of the Galaxy” and as a former companion from “Doctor Who,” takes her TV career in a different direction, playing the main role as Eliza Dooley, an annoy-
soon face. Karen Gillan and John Cho will star in ABC’s upcoming comedy fall series
ing and unpleasant social media-obsessed young woman. Henry Higenbottam, her clammed up co-
Dee stay safe. Armentrout gives “Obsidian” a little bit of everything in this 360-page book. It has comedy, drama, suspense, and mystery, but most of all it has action, romance and, of course, smoking hot aliens. It is not everyday that you come across a book about aliens. It brings the meaning of aliens and humans to a whole new level.
OMG! A premiere that does not require any filter DULCE MANDUJANO
We all take pictures and go on our media accounts. We see the world with a screen. There are media users and there are super media users in which want to be liked in the world. Can an obsess Super Media super star be changed to a world she left behind so many years ago because before she was ugly and lonely? Eliza Dooley (Gillian) is a girl wanting of attention and uses abbreviations for almost every word, but after she gets embarrassed by a vomiting incident on a plane that goes viral, she wants to change herself. She realizes that being friended is not ac-
PHOTO CREDIT: comingsoon.net
worker, is played by Cho. He will try to make her live the life offline even if she does not like it or is to hard. “Selfie” is a more of an interpretation of the classical musical “My Fair Lady.” In which in “My Fair Lady,” the flower girl takes speech lessons by a professor who bet he could make her pass as a lady in London’s society. Since this is the 21st century, it revolves around social media. “Selfie” premieres on Sept. 30 on ABC at 8 p.m., but the pilot episode is available on Hulu and ABC.com.
‘Frozen’ thaws your heart again Disney’s hit characters head for the small screen JIMMY VASQUEZ
all together to create new stories and adventures that are fit for all ages. Nevertheless, you might re-
PHOTO CREDIT: comicbook.com
When people around the world hear the word “magic,” they think of fairy tales, fiction, and simple childish thoughts. Over time, adults as well as teenagers lose their childish beliefs and imagination. They don’t believe in stories or fairy tales anymore. They stopped believing in Snow White, Prince Charming, Peter Pan, Mulan, Red Riding Hood, Captain Hook, Pinocchio, and Sleeping Beauty. However, all those stories and characters come back to life on ABC’s “Once Upon A Time.” This show, which premieres season four on Sept. 28, features all the characters that you once heard of when you were a kid and puts them
member them differently with different personalities or different storylines, they all bring
back that feeling that magic gave us when we were kids. Since “Once Upon A Time” is mostly based on fairy tales from children’s books, the Season 3 finale introduced the new characters from the 2013 film “Frozen.” Yes, indeed. Elsa, Anna, and other characters from “Frozen” will appear on the new Season 4 of “Once Upon A Time.” Will this new Elsa be the villain in this new story? Discerning from the season 3 finale, it looks like she may be, or might not. We’ll have to wait until Sept. 28 to find out!
Punks with heart: compilation benefits no-kill shelters THOMAS MEDRANO
Punk Aid 3, a compilation of 104 bands from all over the world, has come together to share their social and political ideas, as well as bring awareness to animal abuse. All of the money made from this compilation will go directly to the NKLA (NoKill Los Angeles) animal shelter. When I first found out about this, I was excited because the owner Mike Virus (Michael Rothstein), lead singer from the punk band The Virus,
made this happen. He which has been invited contacted bands from all to play the Vans Warp over the world to be a Tour this year. People part of this compilation, in the East LA backyard and for six dollars, it is not a bad deal. Bands include Total Chaos (USA), Corrupted Youth (USA), Street Voices (Indonesia), and cLOSERS (Italy), just to name a PHOTO CREDIT: PUNKAID MEDIA few. Also featured on scene are having mixed the album is a band thoughts about this, and coming straight out of are saying they sold out. East Los Angeles- Underground Alliance, Another local band on
the compilation, Corrupted Youth from East LA (a band I myself have played along with in the backyard scene), really shows their style with the song “Heartless Bastards”. This album is only available by digital download because having 104 bands on one CD would cost way too much and would defeat the purpose. From the digital download, you get the album on most popular formats (flac, mp3 etc.) and a high quality PDF
file insert that you may print. There is no reason not to at least check it out; you can stream it off their website for free before making a purchase. The album has been out as of Sept. 6. This is a must have for all punks and people into helping out the cause of ending animal abuse.
adulthood arrives, Allen works for the Central Police Department as a scientist and investiga-
nine months in coma, the awakening of the superhuman power of speed reveals a new force within him. Movies are great to watch, especially coming from childhood comic books and super heroes. The transformation and keeping fictional characters alive is what captures the audience’s attention. “The Flash” is expected to be filled with action, mystery, and of course start off with the original plot and who knows what surprises can appear and with actors having to
deal with this new challenge. Making a movie deals with a lot of work, and the production of this show will be worth watching. The excitement has made the public anxious to see the DC Comics character’s story into a television series. So do not miss out on the series premiere of the “The Flash” on Oct. 7 at 8 p.m.
The fastest man alive will ‘Flash’ to your TV screen JESSICA ACUña
PHOTO CREDIT: followingthenerd.com
From the speed of light, the DC Comics superhero Flash is created into a television series on the CW. The creation came across from the producer, director, and co-editors from the television show “Arrow.” On episode three, season two Barry Allen’s, who is the Flash, first appearance will lead into the new show. The plot begins with the protagonist witnessing his parents death and later on become adopted by a detective’s family. As
death. As his dedication increases, a chemical reaction creates an explosion and a thunderstorm
tor looking for clues and trying to find the truth behind his parents’
which strikes Allen with lightning. The moment he opens his eyes after
Athlete Of The Month
Spiro grammenos sas senior- varsity football
CC: How is the season going so far? SG: Seasons looking pretty solid and the team is looking pretty strong.
CC: What are your thoughts about the new field? SG: The new field is amazing, It’s given us the opportunity to master the craft. CC: Do you think joining a sport benefits you in school? SG: Being part of a team teaches you to behave in class, have respect for the sport as you do for the school.
CC: Was there ever a time when you didn’t want to join a sport? SG: Nope there was never a time, i love sports and being active. It is part of my life. INTERVIEWED CONDUCTED BY: MARIA MONTIEL
Sophomore Girl Is ‘Just As Good As The Boys’ Mireya Carrera Plays On The JV Football Team
Mireya Carrera, SAS sophomore, has recently joined the junior varsity football team making her the only Lady Sheik on the team this fall season. Football has been regarded as the sport that boys will continue to join in the hopes of becoming a part of the macho clan that defines their manly ego. And although society’s mindset is accustomed to the boys on the field and girls to cheer, Mireya took it through one ear and let it out through the other. No man can stop Lady Sheik Mireya from bringing Sheik pride. Mireya declined to be interviewed, but after interviewing a few of the JV players, they all agreed that Mireya was either just as, or better than, the boys on the team. “I don’t like to pick favorites, but she is better,” said Alex Jimenez, SAS sophomore. “She is just as good as the boys; she can actually
do more bench presses than most of them,” said JV Coach Michael Fernandez. As Mireya proves to be just as or even more diligent in the game, the common question is raised: Does Mireya receive different treatment because she is a girl? Being taught to respect women and treating them with delicacy was always the common courtesy. Though the respect and kindness should still stand, all is put away when playing the game. Being a girl or a boy is not what labels one as an athlete. Mireya continues to be treated as a team player and not as a delicate flower. “It doesn’t matter who you are as long as you have commitment and work for the victory. Our entire team respects her on and off the field,” said Levi
The Lady Sheiks lost a scrimmage three games to two on Sept. 10 against the Sotomayor Wolves. Today they play another non-conference game against Lincoln at home. But JV pulled through with the win when they hunted down the Wolves in their game. Elizabeth Perez (pictured above) pulled through with powerful serves for the JV team. While varsity did lose, they put in a valiant effort playing to the fifth set against the Wolves. New varsity team member Jennifer Fadersaer showed off her skills with powerful serves and tough returns. Dominique “the Dominator” Robinson controlled the game with her strong defense and her demolishing spikes. PHOTO CREDIT: KURT NIGHTINGALE
Velasquez, NMA sophomore. “Football is a universal sport and nobody is treated any different, no matter what,” said JV Coach Fernandez. Although Mireya is the only current female football Sheik, all hopes are that she won’t be the only one. Girls all around campus are always encouraged to test their strengths and join the team. “The doors are always open, even if you missed out this season,the next one is still coming,” said JV Coach Fernandez. There is no male chauvinism on this block and the limits are endless, as Mireya continues to prove while playing the game she loves.
New Staff
Continued from page 5 Alexander has an innovative approach to getting her students to be open to communication and active participation. She has something called “Real Talk Tuesdays,” a process in which students anonymously submit real life questions related to the topic they are learning. Every Tuesday, Alexander holds an interactive seminar in which students discuss the questions that were submitted. The topics include things such as teen pregnancy and child abuse.
Although she is not a teacher at Hollywood High Ms. Torres, the new PSA counselor, teaches a parenting class on Saturday mornings at Cal State University, Los Angeles. However, she is not a professor in that university. Ms. Torres can recall beautiful memories about her childhood in Cancun, Mexico. One of her favorite memories she recalls is at Xel-Ha, an island that you could feed fishes that would nibble on your finger. She remembers it much more beautiful than how it is now. Back then it had fresh water and was abundant with coral reefs. Torres immigrated with her family when she was ten. She spent the remainder of her childhood in Lynwood. She graduated from CSULA with a bachelor’s degree in child degree in Child Development and a master’s degree in school counseling.
Sheiks get served by Barristers 40-25 JV Wins The Case 26-18 Brandon argueta CHRONICLE REPORTER
DATE SEP: 26 OCT: 3 17 24 31 NOV: 7
yards passing and 65 yards rushing. Reese Rothernberg scored two touchdowns and had 12 receptions. Sheiks clashed with the View Park Knights on Sept. 5, the first home game, winning 24-0. “It felt great knowing we beat the city champions when we were expected to lose,” said Christopher Fernandez, linebacker and PAM senior. The crowd, filled with students, friends, teachers and loved ones, cheered the varsity team on as the game begun. In the first quarter, the Sheiks scored 3 points taking the lead. Just after the first quarter of the game, SAS senior Abraham Garcia, playing center, was injured and immediately taken to the hospital suffering a knee injury. The injury was just motivation for the rest of the players as they scored a touchdown in the second quarter. The touchdowns only continued
DATE OCT: 2 9 16 23 30
After winning two games against Wilson and View Park high schools, the varsity team fell to Marshall 40-25 at home on Friday. The Barristers scored three touchdowns and a two-point conversion in the first half, making the score 26-0 at halftime. Marshall and Hollywood both scored touchdowns in the third quarter and Hollywood scored a safety and an extra point, for a score of 34-9 at the end of the third quarter. Marshall scored another touchdown in the fourth quarter. Hollywood scored two touchdowns and two-point conversions with each for a final score of 40-25. While our varsity team faced their defeat to the Barristers, the JV team defeated the Marshall Barristers by a score of 26-18. On Sept. 12, the Sheiks kicked the Wilson Mules 54-16. Quarterback Spiro Grammenos had 297
from there as the Sheiks pulled off another two touchdowns in the third quarter and carrying the win on to the fourth. The team seems to be heading into a great season in contrast to the past. They are determined to make this season their best by coming together not only as a team but as a family. “This team works together as a family to win as one. We always give it the perfect effort,” said Fernandez. “The goal for the football players this season is to stand beside my brothers throughout the entire season and to prove the people who doubted us wrong,” said Henry Munoz, safety and SAS senior. The Sheiks face the Marquez Gladiators at Marquez High School on Friday. Both teams have records of three wins and one loss.
DATE SEP: 24 OCT: 2 7 9 14 16 21 23 28 30 NOV: 4