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George Billing

Beirut, Lebanon

I'm the CEO of 'The Sisters Olives Trees of Noah' a non-profit with its main objective of preserving and promoting the ancient pre-Biblical olive trees of 'Bechealeh' in Northern Lebanon. If you are devoted to biological conservation or like to see those ancient treasures survive several more generations, please support us by purchasing one of our unique products such as our rare Ultra Premium Extra Virgin Olive Oil & Soaps that were extracted from the olives of the oldest olive trees on earth. The Sisters Olive Trees of Noah is an award-winning Lebanese olive oil. It is unfiltered, has very low acidity 0.18° - 0.24° very high in polyphenols and is made through the exclusive process of cold crushing. According to that, the olives are pressed within a maximum of 4 hours after picking. 'The Sisters Olive Trees of Noah' is solely made from an undocumented olive tree variety which is the Ancestor of the Baladi-Ayrouni olives, the most Acclaimed olive tree variety in the Mediterranean and
