FLECKVIEH The magazine for Fleckvieh breeding
2017 / 2018
Index / Contact
SPD Veselé farm – Fleckvieh breeding brings the profit
Historia de la raza de gando Fleckvieh en el Perú
Dairy farmers from North America see Bavarian Fleckvieh in three countries
Compact TMR – A Revolution in feeding
Fleckvieh crossbreeding the Netherlands
A real Austrian Family Farm – Fleckvieh as usual
„All of them have super Protein!“
Excellent Lactation Value
Dual purposes sires
Horsti Riedel / Namibia celebrated his 70th birthday
A great study trip to South Africa – Simmentalers attract Aussies and Germans
Whom to contact
Headquarters Grub Senator-Gerauer-Straße 19 Germany-85586 Grub / Post Poing Phone: ++49 (0) 89 - 99 15 20 - 0 Fax: ++49 (0) 89 - 99 15 20 - 66 eMail: grub@bayern-genetik.de
Headquarters Landshut Altenbach 2 84036 Kumhausen Germany
l Fleckvieh x Holstein, Compact-TMR and a special sand bedding is a way of keeping cows in high performance, top fitness and exceptional fertility! This concept is run by our friend Petro Pelgrum in Denmark with best success! Happy cows is the only thing we want! Photo: Grupp
Print and Design
Ludwina Peter Reprint and duplication of the contents are not allowed without approval of publisher.
FLECKVIEH The magazine for Fleckvieh breeding
Herimert Print GmbH Hirschberger Straße 12 37154 Northeim / Germany Phone: ++49 (0) 55 51 - 97 31 - 0 Fax: ++49 (0) 55 51 - 97 31 - 20
The Fleckvieh-World is real! The cattle photos published in the Fleckvieh-World are not retouched. Cattle that are photographed are only allowed to be shared, washed and treated with oil, powder and gloss spray.
Cover: l Lichtenberg Show 2017/South Africa - Reserve Senior Champion Bull - Leeuport Loubser. Very good looking bull with excellent type. Photo: George Cassar
Dear Fleckvieh breeders, dear customers and friends of Bavarian Fleckvieh Genetics The Fleckvieh world was changing rapidly in the last 20 years and BayernGenetik is privileged not only to be part of this exciting global journey but also to set some amazing trends. The WSFC in Dallas 1992 was a milestone – the huge framed Simmental cattle in North America, late maturing types with heavy bones and not enough flesh came to an end and breeders remembered the medium Fleckvieh type from Bavaria. Bayern-Genetik got a lot of attention with bulls like BALIST, BALU, BALTOR, BALATON, EISENHERZ, ELDORADO, HAXENT, ROGANT, HASALZ, HUMBERG or HUSALDO and many others which put a stamp on many beef breeding programs. Nowadays we still can see the influence of our bulls. It was in 1997 when Bayern-Genetik started the idea of „improving“ Holsteins with Fleckvieh. Unimaginable for the dairy industry! Today, absorption cross with Fleckvieh is the solution for thousands of dairy farmers and this
trend will speed up, for sure! In 2004 Bayern-Genetik launched Fleckvieh in Holland – in 2017 Fleckvieh is the second largest dairy breed in the Netherlands. Bulls like ENGADIN, RUREX, REGIO, RANDY performed exceptional well – more and more reports now from healthy, fertile and high yielding „dual purpose“ cows reaching 100.000 kg lifetime production. It´s high time for Bayern-Genetik to take the chance and credit our friends all over the world for joining and living our philosophy. Without you, the enthusiastic transformers, we would be flouted right from the beginning. In 2010 Fleckvieh entered the genomic world and we welcomed this technique and appreciated the promised possibilities by the geneticists. Only seven years later Bayern-Genetik is realistic again! Yes, genomics can be a great help for the farmer, especially to detect hereditary diseases and to work with single-gene markers, but the overall
hype is gone! The bull itself, 50 % of the progeny, does not matter when the papers are right. Is it justifiable to neglect the exterior of a bull, just because the „figures“ are right? We say: „No“! Bayern-Genetik is the most enthusiastic genetic company in the world with regard to Fleckvieh and its prosperous future, but we are also the most critical organization when we spot developments, which are detrimental for Fleckvieh and the breeders. Have a look at our Fleckvieh-World magazine and on „Facebook“ – you are not lost with your Fleckvieh – Bayern-Genetik is always with you! Yours sincerely
Czech Rep.
Soth Africa
North. Ireland
Great Britain
Dr. Thomas Grupp CEO
New Zealand
l European Export-Team visiting the station of IMPULS in Czech Republic with presentation of the bull Lanslide. Photo: Mahlová
Fleckvieh in Slovakia
SPD Veselé farm – Fleckvieh breeding brings the profit ˇ farm manager SPD Veselé l Ing. Jozef Mlynarcík, l Ing. Ján Morihladko, herd manager SPD Veselé l Ing. Vladimír Varchola, Bayern-Genetik Veselé village lies at an altitude of 161 m above sea level, near the world-famous spa ´ town Pieštany. One of the largest breeders of Fleckvieh in Slovakia, SPD Veselé, operates in this village.
SPD Veselé is operating an area of 1711 hectares of arable land in two neighboring villages, Veselé and Dubovany. The distance between the villages is less than 3 km. The total yearly turnover of the company is 3.44 mil EUR, income from cattle breeding is 1.23 mil EUR (35.6 %), income from pig breeding represents 609.000 EUR and plant production generates an income of 1.02 mil EUR. The cooperative creates jobs for 50 employees, of which 20 are working in animal pro-
duction. The basic activity of the company is agricultural production and since 2011 the production of energy from a biogas plant with an output of 0.99 MW. As part of the crop production, the cooperative grows commercial crops, forage crops for livestock production and „feeding“ of biogas station as well: Corn for silage 380 ha (65 % for biogas) Corn for grain 230 ha Oil Rape 230 ha Alfalfa 150 ha
l Production barns for 450 cows on Vesele farm.
Photo: Varchola
Wheat Barley Sugar beet Sunflower Bean
420 ha 90 ha 126 ha 25 ha 40 ha
After the pan-European crisis in pigs, only a few breeders who are rearing sows remained in Slovakia. SPD Veselé is one of the „enduring“, it carries about 100 sows with a very nice breeding result of 28.6 piglets/ sow. The decisive share of the cooperative's revenue in livestock production is milk
production. This year, the management of the company expects production of about 3.3 - 3.4 mil. liters of milk with an average total number of bacteria up to 20,000 and a number of somatic cells up to 250,000. Milk is produced from 450 Fleckvieh cows. Until the year 2016 they kept two stocks of cattle separately on the farm, 50 % Holstein and 50 % Fleckvieh. In the year of 2011 the pure Fleckvieh herd, thanks to its excellent results, was recognized as „TOP breeding
l Green area surrounding the barns is used during the summer as a free space for cows. Photo: Varchola
Fleckvieh in Slovakia
farm“. In 2016, the management decided to focus only on Fleckvieh for the future, maybe due to the award of 2011. The main advantages of this breed compared to the Holstein breed is a better beef evaluation, excellent health traits, especially the number of somatic cells, as well as longer lifetime production of the cows.
l Table 1:
Thanks to the good reproduction parameters and the perfect management of rearing heifers, the cooperative gets extra money by selling 100 heifers each year. Current milk performance in 305 days lactation is 8,349 kg of milk with 3.82 % fat and 3.42 % of protein. In average heifers are calving at an age of 26.5 months and cows stay in the herd in almost three lactations (2.77).
The feeding ration for TOP cows contains the following ingredients:
The cows are fed with 3 different feeding ratios, one for the TOP cow, the other for the cows in the 1st lactation and the third for the dry cows. GM crops are not used in the feeding ration for more than 1.5 years now.
Development of milk performance in 305 days since 2011 Year
All lactations
Fat kg
Fat %
Protein kg
Protein %
Corn silage Alfalfa silage Sugar beet pulps Concentrates Rapeseed Protected Canola Straw
25 kg 8 kg 7 kg 7 kg 1.5 kg 1.5 kg 1.0 kg
The cows and land are highly appreciated in Veselé. Part of the cows are housed on deep litter, while the manure is used on the fields to improve the arable land, the same happens with the digestate from the biogas plant. Liquid manure, collected from the cow corridors, is transported to the biogas plant.
l Calves are reared in individual hutches up to age of 8 weeks, later on in igloos next 21 days. Photo: Varchola
Milk kg
This is a perfect example for a good nitrogen cycle. The rearing of young cattle is carried out in two stages. Bull calves are sold up to one month of age with a live weight of 68 - 70 kg. The heifers are kept on Veselé farm in individual hutches up to 8 weeks of age. The first two weeks they are fed with native milk, in the third week they start feeding milk replacer. After weaning at 8 weeks they are housed in igloos for the next 21 days. After 11 weeks, they are transported to the heifer barn in Dubovany, where they are reared, inseminated at the age of 16 months and transported back to the dairy farm in Veselé.
The breeding goal on the farm is clear – dual purpose cattle – Fleckvieh breed. Selection is focused on kg of produced protein, fertility, udder health and longevity. The aim is to have an efficient cow in the barn with a long productive life, low veterinary costs and muscling appropriate to this type of cattle. What are the business objectives of the cooperative in the future, we have asked the farm manager of SPD Vesele, ˇ Mr. Jozefa Mlynarcík.: „Our ambitions are very clear and defined by two fundamental objectives. As soon as possible we want to achieve a milk performance of 9000 kg of milk per year.
l Herd Manager Ing. Ján Morihladko has accomplished overview about all the cows. Photo: Varchola
Fleckvieh in Slovakia
l Feeders are regularly filled with high quality feed.
If this succeeds, we want to invest in building a new farm, which will be logistically connected to the existing biogas plant. This will allow us to keep a high humus content in cultivated land and enables a more efficient use of the machinery and the labor pool.
Photo: Varchola
What bothers us most and where we loose a lot of energy and time, is a valid Slovak legislation and bureaucracy related to the allocation of subsidies. We miss transparent and clear systems in which subsidies will be allocated fairly and objectively,
l Close to the rear barns for heifers in Dubovany was built biogas plant with power 0,99 MW. Photo: Varchola
not only in Slovakia, but also within the whole EU. We believe that business plans of SPD Veselé will succeed and the Fleckvieh breeding program will achieve the goal on which we have been focusing for years – breeding of an universal
type of cattle, that enables efficient production of milk and beef while maintaining and improving excellent health characters, that this breed certainly has.“
l Cow No 5090, Don Juan daughter on her 4th lactation, average 305 lactation 10288 kg milk, 3.66 % Fat, 3.33 % Protein.
l Cow No. 3438, Waldhoer daughter with lifetime production on 3 lactations. 30133 kg Milk, 3.59 % Fat, 3.33 % Protein. Photo: Varchola
Photo: Varchola
l Heifer No. 8211, Waldhoer daughter produced on her first lactation 8928 kg milk, 3.93 % Fat, 3.36 % Protein. Photo: Varchola
Fleckvieh in Peru
Photo: Goñas
HISTORIA DE LA RAZA DE GANADO FLECKVIEH EN EL PERÚ l Mario Luis Vizcarra Rodriguez En el año 1970 llega la raza de ganado Fleckvieh al Perú, atraves de una cooperación entre el gobierno Peruano y Alemán; en ese entonces llegan 80 vacas y 2 reproductores machos procedentes de Alemania.
Durante la ejecución de una obra de irrigación en el departamento de Lambayeque en el norte del Perú, ejecutado por una compañía alemana, dichos animales llegan a un lugar conocido como
Photo: Goñas
plantel de recría de Lambayeque. El manejo estaba a cargo del Ministerio de Agricultura del Perú por un tiempo aproximado de 15 años. En ese entonces criadores de gana-
do vacuno de la provincia de Cutervo en el departamento de Cajamarca específicamente en los distritos de: San Andrés, La Ramada, La Lucma, Socotá, compran terneros machos de pocos meses
de nacidos y lo llevan a sus lugares de origen y comprueban que eran animales extraordinarios para producir carne y cruzan con otras razas de su lugar y obtienen muy buenos resultados.
Photo: Goñas
Fleckvieh in Peru
l Rijeka calves in Peru.
Esta raza de ganado Fleckvieh se adaptó muy bien al tipo de pastura y clima de dicho lugar, generalmente frio. Hoy en día esta raza se ha extendido a otros departamentos como Amazonas, La Libertad, en el Norte del Perú; luego el plantel de recría en Lambayeque que era conducido por el estado se desintegra y desaparece, en ese entonces también algunos ganaderos del departamento adquieren algunas vacas las cuales se siguieron inseminando con semen Alemán importado por el Dr. Cristóbal Duarte Bode, luego en el año 2007
Photo: Goñas
Photo: Goñas
por un tema sanitario SENASA en el Perú prohíbe la importación de animales vacunos y sus derivados procedentes de Europa y es así que transcurrieron aproximadamente 10 años que no contábamos con semen alemán para el cruzamiento de estos animales, hasta que en noviembre del año 2016 el Sr. Mario Luis Vizcarra Rodríguez, Representante de Bayern-Genetik en el Perú logra importar un lote importante de semen alemán de doble propósito y de carne con el cual se viene trabajando en este momento con semen de toros como
Waldbrand, Raffzahn ,Zauber, Holzmichl y otros ,de los cuales ya tenemos crías en este momento lo cual es un logro muy importante para refrescar la línea de sangre de nuestro animales y evitar la consanguinidad. Desde el mes pasado estamos en conversaciones con el Sr. Mario Luis Vizcarra Rodríguez Representante de Bayern-Genetik para que en el menor tiempo posible nos pueda vender embriones de Alemania.
Feria de Chiclayo En octubre del año pasado se realizó la Feria de Ganado Fleckvieh en la Asociación de Ganaderos de Lambayeque la cual contó por primera vez con la presencia del juez internacional el Sr. Reinhard Scherzer y del Dr. Martín Mayer como traductor, esto se hizo posible gracias a las coordinaciones entre el Médico Veterinario- Máximo Luna Olivera-Presidente de la Asociación de Criadores de Ganado Fleckvieh-Símmental
de Lambayeque con el Sr. Mario Luis Vizcarra Rodríguez, Representante de Bayern-Genetik en el Perú, en este evento participaron un aproximado de más 100 cabezas de ganado Fleckvieh. El éxito fue rotundo En este año se llevara a cabo el XII concurso Nacional de Ganado Fleckvieh-Simmental en el Perú los días 03 y 04 de noviembre del presente año para lo cual esperamos superar la cantidad de ejemplares ya que se trata de un evento nacional con la participación de ganaderos de los departamentos vecinos de Cajamarca, Amazonas, La Libertad y otros, y nuevamente esperamos contar con la presencia de jueces internacionales auspiciados por Bayern-Genetik de Alemania y desde ya agradecerles por su colaboración que contribuye al desarrollo de la ganadería de la raza Fleckvieh en nuestro país. Atte
Photo: Rodriguez
Fleckvieh in three countries
Dairy Farmers from North America see Bavarian Fleckvieh in three countries l John Popp, Ph.D. – Big Bear Genetics Canada and the United States are such large countries it is hard for farmers to imagine that you can see so much in different countries in a short time. Over the past 16 years, we have strived to create opportunities for dairy farmers to see Fleckvieh in different operations, different management systems and of course different countries. Bavarian Fleckvieh has proven to adapt to a lot of different conditions.
In the spring of 2017 we did a different tour idea again. This time, we flew into Copenhagen, visited farms in Denmark, drove through Germany and saw farms in the North, in Bavaria and also attended a dairy show in Austria. A busy agenda and lot of time on the bus, however, the experience was unique and it left farmers convinced of what Fleckvieh can do. The first two farms we visited in Denmark were 450 cows and 150 cows milking respectively. Denmark is a country
that is very innovative in agriculture and farmers employ many new technologies. Both farms were feeding compact TMR, an idea developed by the Agricultural Research Center. The concept promotes feeding a diet high in moisture and properly mixed, therefore eliminating all sorting by the cows and creating very calm and non-competitive feeding behavior at the bunk. Dr. Niels Bastian Kristensen with the Dairy and Beef Research Center in Aarhus, Den-
l Waldhoer daughters on the Nijhuis farm.
Photo: Beunk
l Gerda and Bennie Nijhuis with a Rustico daughter. Photo: Beunk
l Checking texture of Compact TMR with Bennie Nijhuis. Photo: Beunk
Fleckvieh in three countries
l Waldbrand daughter at the show in Maishofen, Austria. Photo: Popp
l View on the barn for young heifers on the Nijhuis farm. Photo: Beunk
l The Pelgrum family with their favorite cow. Photo: Beunk
mark published a paper entitled „Implement Compact TMR to increase productivity, feed efficiency and health in dairy herds“. With the implementation of this system, both dairies saw a substantial increase in milk production. In some cases increases in milk yield are as high as 8 pounds. The feed mixing process consists of three phases: A soaking phase for the grain component, a structuring phase and a finishing phase. One of the dairies I work with in Canada implemented this system of feeding upon my return and we also saw some positive results there. Stef Beunk with Bayern Genetik works with both these
farms on the use of sires. We saw exceptional milk yields at both of these dairies with fat corrected milk approaching 100 pounds.
Petro en Ellen Pelgrum, Struer. (DK)
the leadership of Martin Seidl, this station is a marketing center and quarantine station for Bayern Genetik. As there are still a large number of dairies in this area using natural service, this local station acts as a supplier of top breeding bulls. Also with the ability to do quarantine periods the station is able to supply markets that are out of country. We continued on to see two more dairies. The farms in this area deal with very high rainfall and regulations for housing are very strict with the high amounts of run off. The first farm was using closely related genetics for natural service breeding bulls, while the second farm used AI.
l Mahango son in Maishofen. Photo: Popp
• 20 years in Denmark
Here is a brief snapshot of the farms:
• Huidige veestapel: 150 cows milking and 120 young stock (at a different farm)
Bennie en Gerda Nijhuis, Viborg. (DK)
• All animals on farm are Fleckvieh cross
• 25 years in Denmark
• 2 x milking with a production of 11.200kg / 305 day Intercalving period: 373 days
• Current farm operation: 430 cows and 420 young stock • Approximately 50% of the herd is Fleckvieh Genetics with a target to gain more • 3 x milking - Production: 11.700kg/305 days Intercalving period: 390 days • Using compact TMR for 3 years
l Gut Sprillbek.
• Using compact TMR for 3 years Our tour continued into northern Germany where we had the opportunity to see two more dairies and also the Northern Station – Gut Sprillbek of Bayern Genetik. Under
Photo: Peter
l Bulls for sale in Sprillbek. Photo: Popp
Fleckvieh in three countries
l Crossbred cows on the Pelgrum Farm.
The consistency of the cattle, as expected, was higher from AI breeding. Both farms had respectable milk production specifically when seeing the climatic challenges they are faced with. Our group then continued on to Bavaria. At the Bayern Genetik headquarters, we received a warm welcome and Dr. Thomas Grupp introduced the vision of Bayern Genetik. Dr. Grupp’s words are always inspiring and the quote that stood out the most was „I am Thomas – the non believer; I don’t believe a bull is truly proven until I see his daughters in milk“. We have had a long history of supporting heavier use of proven bulls over genomic bulls.
With Schmallenberg virus and limitations to the export of a number of sires this has been difficult, however, we have been able to maintain a good amount of proven genetics in our offering for North America. „Keep focus toward dual purpose and the phenotype (appearance)” Dr. Grupp emphasized as being critical to continued success of the Fleckvieh breed. It is evident from research studies now that strong muscular cows can produce abundant milk while lasting longer. Our group continued on to see one more dairy in Bavaria of pure Fleckvieh. The strength and muscularity of the cows was remarkable.
l Group in front of the bus.
Photo: Beunk
l Feeding Compact TMR, no selection of feed. Photo: Peter
Participants of our tour were taken aback by the 700 year old farm home and the long history of the farm. The last component of our tour was to take in the annual Austrian Fleckvieh show in Maishofen. The purpose of this component was for visitors to see differences within the Fleckvieh breed. A comparison of cows with more character toward dairy type vs. dualpurpose. Genetics from many different breed centers could be seen. Foundations of genetics were also defined in seeing daughters from some prominent sire lines of Fleckvieh. Most enjoyable for me is always to see the classes for cows
Photo: Zendmann
with five and more lactations. Those cows leave an impression with every farmer I take from North America to see Fleckvieh in Germany. At the end everyone was nearly exhausted with all the things they saw. Several farmers told me at the end of the trip how happy they are that they have switched to Fleckvieh and just how impressive it is to see the cows perform under so many different production situations. I am truly grateful to be able to work with Bayern Genetik and promote their vision to farmers in North America. A special Ludwina Peter for facilitating a truly unique experience.
l On a Bavarian Fleckvieh Farm.
Photo: Popp
New feeding concept
Compact TMR – A revolution in feeding l Felix Lavandier l Ludwina Peter The author: Felix Lavandier, 25 years old, did his Bachelors degree at the University of Applied Science in Weihenstephan and finished his Master in Agricultural Management at the TU Munich. Today he is working for a big agricultural trader in Luxembourg. This article is a summary of his Master Thesis from 2017. The Master Thesis is divided in two parts. The first part discusses the theoretical basics as well as the experience from practical work. The second part is a field trial, showing that Compact-TMR can’t be separated into single parts by the cows and is suitable for ruminants event though structure feed was completely removed from the ration.
Let’s begin with the theoretical basics of Compact-TMR. The main goal of the team around Niels Bastian Kristensen was to eliminate the selection of feed by soaking the concentrate components, intensive mixing of all ration ingredients, and complete abstinence of structure feed like straw or hay. This should make it possible to balance the five rations (calculated ration according to
feedplan, produced ration, fed ration, digested ration and effective used ration) and therefore fill the rumen as consistent as possible. The produced ration is supposed to look the same as the leftover feed. The stress level of the herd will decrease since the cows will have equal feed at any time. To prepare Compact TMR three steps are necessary:
l Concentrate pellets in conventional TMR.
Source: Kristensen
- Soaking: The concentrate components are filled into the mixing wagon, water is added under constant mixing. Water and concentrate should be added in the ratio 1:1, this is an orientation value. The ration calculation should aim for a dry matter content of around 36-38%. The mixing is important to get a homogenous pulp and to prevent clumping. After-
l Feed pulp in the mixing wagon.
wards the feed needs to rest, while the concentrate components swell. Time is an important factor at this point. With a high amount of pellet feed it takes between 8-12 hours, with a high amount of mealy feed it only takes 1-2 hours. - Structuring: In the second part of making Compact TMR, mineral feed and
Source: Lavandier
New feeding concept
l Finished feed in the mixing wagon.
grass silage is added. The grass silage functions as a kind of skeleton for the whole ration. The mixing time takes about 15-20 minutes. The exact mixing time depends on the combination of the grass silage with the feed pulp. The pulp should be completely stick to the grass silage and the whole feed should never come to a stop in the wagon, but always move. - Final phase: In the last working step, the corn silage is added. The corn silage needs to be mixed in completely and look homogenous. This step also takes 15-20 minutes. The time for mixing in every step has to be adapted to the look of the feed but not be extended or reduced too much. Otherwise, the feed will be either to mushy or still a heterogeneous mass. There are no special requirements on the technical side. All vertical and horizontal mixers are suitable for making Compact TMR. Paddle
Source: Lavandier
mixers are not recommended since they do not work intensive enough on the feed. For mixing all knives are required and the counter blades. You always have to keep in mind the deterioration and sometimes it is necessary to adjust the mixing wagon to keep the residual as low as possible. In some cases, it is also necessary to mount guiding plates to keep the ration moving in the wagon. In general horizontal mixers are better and make a „more compact“ TMR than vertical mixers. This is due to their higher mixing intensity.
l Finished feed ration in the barn.
Source: Lavandier
l Compactness of horizontal mixer for making Compact TMR. Source: Pelgrum
Practical experience was collected from four different farms. Two farms are in Denmark, they are pioneers for
l Adjustments to keep the feed moving.
compact feeding and practice this system already since the beginning together with Niels Bastian Kristensen.
Source: Kristensen
New feeding concept
two Bavarian farms. The time for taking samples was chosen based on the milk recording. A sample was taken from the compact TMR ration as well as from the left-over ration. Both rations were weighed to calculate the real feed intake.
l Excerpt from milk production recording shortly after feed change.
The other two farms are located near Landshut in Germany, they moved to compact feeding in 2015. The trial was done on the German farms. Experience on the farm was always the same picture. Milk yield increased in average for 1000 l without increasing the amount of concentrate. Additional the milk yield of heifers also increased compared to the heifers before compact feeding. Since heifers are very often ranked lower in the herd and they have to feed on the
remains of the higher ranked cows. Now the feed is the same at any time and all cows in the herd get the complete ration, there is no selection. The herd also gets very calm. At feeding time only 1/3 of the herd is at the feed bunker. The animals do not rummage around in the feed to search for concentrate anymore and therefore the condition of the cows is more even. Due to the equal feed the cows do not get too fat, ketosis is hardly seen in
l Segmented ration after using the shaking box.
Source: Nijhuis
the herd and the health status is improving. Another aspect of compact TMR that was observed is the positive acceptance of the young animals and their excellent development. The chart above shows the development of the milk yield. It is clearly visible at which point the danish farm changed from regular TMR to compact TMR. For the second part of the master thesis, a 3-month trial was conducted on the
Source: Lavandier
The samples were examined with the shaking box to get the composition of the feed. One goal was to see if the composition of the three components has changed, the other goal was to control, if the guidelines of the Bavarian Research Institut (LfL) for the partition in the three segments could be met and therefore a statement concerning a ruminant suitable feed could be made. The two feed samples taken on the farms were also sent to a laboratory for the analysis of the ingredients and interpreted if they are suitable for ruminants. The results are considered very positive. I was able to show, that Compact TMR is not or only to a small extent possible to select. The shaking box trial data of the first farm is shown below to give an example. It shows that the components of the three fractions have changed only to a minor degree, which could also be as an error of measurement. The guidelines of the Bavarian research institute (LfL) have been met. Only the third fraction the concentrate „is missing“, which is positive in this case since it shows, that all concentrate components stick to the grass silage.
New feeding concept
l Table 1:
Measurements with shaking box compared with LfL guidelines Average over three measurements Test
DM content (%)
Average (g)
1 2 3 1 2 3
33.10 122.67 88.40 31.03 127.47 86.03
Average (%)
Deviation LfL (%)
13.58 50.21 36.21 9.80 54.27 35.94
226.30 164.36 60.36 163.28 180.89 59.96
Looking at the Weender analysis of the second farm we can see clearly, that the ingredients between the feed ration and the left-over ration do not show significant changes. The conclusion of these results is that there is no selection after the feed is on the feeding table. l Table 2:
Overview Weender Analysis Farm 2 (Source: Lavandier) Test 1 Analysis
Crude Protein (Nx6.25) % Crude fat (HCl) % Crude ash% Crude fiber % NDF % aNDFom % ADF % ADFom % Lignin % Starch % Sugar % DM content %
Test 2
Test 3
Sample 1
Sample 2
Sample 1
Sample 2
Sample 1
Sample 2
13.60 2.90 7.60 22.20 41.30 41.30 25.40 25.10
14.00 3.00 7.90 23.30 43.60 43.60 27.50 27.10
3.90 36.10
0.97 35.10
16.00 3.90 7.40 19.80 39.20
16.40 4.10 7.70 20.20 40.80
3.60 8.80 21.30 49.30
3.90 8.80 22.20 50.10
5.20 19.30 6.40 40.70
5.10 19.00 4.30 40.90
5.60 15.80 0.46 33.70
5.10 14.60 0.25 33.90
VDLUFA, MB III, 4.1 VO (EG) 152/2009, AN VO (EG) 152/2009, AN VO (EG) 152/2009, AN VDLUFA, MB III, 6.5 VDLUFA, MB III, 6.5 VDLUFA, MB III, 6.5 VDLUFA, MB III, 6.5 VDLUFA, MB III, 6.5 VO (EG) 152/2009, AN VO (EG) 152/2009, AN
The last part is the interpretation of the ration concerning the suitability for ruminant feeding. The results have been compared to guidelines in established literature and it is shown that all requirements have been complied. l Table 3:
Overview fiber supply Test 1 Sample 1
Test 2
Test 3
Sample 1
Sample 2
Sample 1
Sample 2
TMR Analysis
Crude fiber NDF aNDFom ADF ADFom
% % % % %
22.47 kg
22.76 kg
23.73 kg
22.20 41.30 41.30 25.40 25.10
19.80 39.20 39.20 27.20 27.20
21.30 49.30 49.30 34.10 34.10
Min. 16% 28-30 % 28-30 % 19-22 % 19-22 %
Experiences from practical work show only positive results, the milk yield increased and even health benefits could be observed. The trial has clearly shown that compact TMR, if produced correctly, can’t be selected by the cows and although straw and hay are excluded from the ration it is still suitable for ruminants. As a conclusion it is to say Compact TMR is a revolution in feeding.
Fleckvieh in the Netherlands
Fleckvieh crossbreeding in the Netherlands l Stef Beunk Three things have changed everything on the farm of the Douma family: a new milking robot, the crossbreeding with Fleckvieh and the improvement of the fertillity because of crossbreeding. „We have never produced more milk as we do right now: 38 kg of milk per cow and day", Fopke Douma says. This top performance becomes even more interesting with the combination of high biodiversity and „birdsland“.
Survey of the farm Fopke Douma is the farmer and his father Mient is helping wherever it is necessary. They farm a total of 55 ha, with 9 ha being „birdsland“. This is a special area where birds can make their nests. The farmer cut the grass only beyond a certain date. In the Netherlands they call this system „nature included milkproduction“ or „circular milk production“.
Herd 80 dairy cows and 50 young cattle. The farm is clean and well organized.
Feeding The cows are in the barn all-year-long. During summer they have summerfeeding with fresh grass, hay from the „birdsland“, spent grains and concentrate. During winter they feed grass silage of perfect quality, spent grains and beet pulp. They do not use a mi-
xing wagon, but feed the silage by a shovel. The spent grains and beet pulp is spread with the shovel on top of the grass and the silage.
The grassland A high biodiversity in the grassland and the special areas for meadow bird management make up a big part of the birdsland and are home to rare birds such as the black-tailed godwit, lapwing and oystercatcher. Last year they had 70 colonies, though it is often destroyed by predation. These areas produce the hay for the combination with fresh grass. This hay is also fed to the young stock and the dry cows.
Milking system and milk production The 1st milking robot was purchased in 2008, the 2nd one in 2013. Current situation: average of 3.4 milkings/ cow/day. In total 80 dairy cows of which 40 are cross-
l The Douma family realises top milk yield in combination with meadow bird management. This is an example of sustainable agriculture or so-called „Circular milk production“. l.t.r.: Fopke Douma with his mother Rieneke and father Mient. Photo: Beunk
breds. The youngest generation is completely crossbreds. Highest herd production per day: 41kg/cow/day. Highest individual production: A 2nd calf Fleckvieh cow with 15.622 kg milk in 305 days. Lactation Value: 133 (that means 33% above average). Milk recording march 2017, moving average: 83 cows: 11.548 kg milk/cow with 4.00% fat and 3.44% protein.
Milkrecording march 2017, 305 day production heifers: 26 crossbred heifers: 10.252 kg milk with 4.02% fat and 3.45% protein.
Average day production Crossbred heifers: 2.01 years, 35.5 kg/cow/day Second calf cows: 3.02 years, 37.9 kg/cow/day Older cows: 5.06 years, 39.1 kg/cow/day
Fleckvieh in the Netherlands
Breeding „In former times we used the best Holstein bulls from Holland, the US and Canada. We also went to shows with our cows. But today we do not want the skinny cow anymore that is requested for that. I want strong cows without problems. Cows that easily calf and stay on the farm for more years. After visiting Bavaria I started using Fleckvieh a little bit. The first bull we used was Hippo. His daughters produced so good that we started to use more Fleckvieh bulls. Bulls like Ettal and Ralmes have delivered us perfect cows. In 2012 we decided to go completely for Fleckvieh. For our bull selection we have our first emphasis on production and second on health traits. We have used and still use bulls like Rijeka, Walfried, Westkreuz, Waldhoer and Waldbrand.“
Experiences with Fleckvieh - „They have production power and they are very robust!“ - „Transition between fresh grass and silage is no problem for Fleckvieh. In that period the Holstein cow is losing always a lot of condition.“ - „Fleckvieh is producing more milk out of roughage. We increased milkproduction per cow since we milk the crossbreds.“ - „They are easy to handle.“
- „They have less trouble with feet & legs.“ - „They stand up easily in their boxes. They kind of push themselve up with their musceling on the back“. - „They have less mastitis. Somatic cell count in the tank is 125.000.“ - Fertility has improved enormously. „In 2012 we used 4.5 inseminations per pregnancy, now we need 1.8 inseminations per pregnacy. We inseminate the cows 100 days after calving.“
l „I want strong and troublefree production cows“, Fopke Douma says. A nice example is the robust 2nd calf Fleckvieh crossbred Jonge Mina 736. She realised a 305 day production of 13.053 kg milk with SCC of 10.000. Photo: Menop
- „The calving interval has decreased to 395 days. We are satisfied about that. We do not want it lower. Because otherwise we have to put cows dry with 30 - 40 kg of milk per day.“ Fopke Douma evaluates the current situation: „Although we already had some experience with crossbreds, we are still astonished about the high production of Fleckvieh. It comes from their good fertility and their muscularity. They become pregnant very quickly and can take a beat. That is the basis for everything. With improved fertility and the second milking robot we have increased the milk production around 2000 kg per cow. At the moment we reach a milk yield that has never been that high before.“
l The youngest generation crossbreds are projected to produce more than 10.000 kg of milk in their first lactation. On the picture the youthfull BFG Westkreuz daughter Jonge Mina 761 with a milkproduction of 40 liter/day and a SCC of 8.000. Photo: Menop
l The roughage is of perfect quality and is fed by a shovel. No mixing wagon is used. Fopke Douma likes to keep it simple. Photo: Beunk
Fleckvieh in Austria
A real Austrian Family Farm – Fleckvieh as usual l Lucas Fritzer The province Carinthia is a well-known tourism spot in Austria. Wonderful lakes embedded into gentle hills and mediterranean climate invite tourists from all over Europe. In the heart of Carinthia, close to the river Drau, you can find the farm of the Fritzer family, called - the „Richter-Farm“. This typical family farm has a very long tradition, the Fritzers farm already since 350 years in the village Ferndorf. During the last 10 years this farm went through an exciting development.
The Farm The new era started with a terrible incident! On 29th of July in 2008 the farm was hit by a lightning strike and burned down. The whole barn, the forage, the grain and straw storage and machinery got damaged by the fire or the fire-fighting water. Fortunately no family mem-
ber was injured and all cattle got rescued, even the 20 chicken and the 3 pigs. This dreadful shock welded the family together, they started a new mission – building the dairy farm a bit outside of Ferndorf. Lucas, who applied for a job at BayernGenetik quit his former job in order to help his parents and his brother. It was a hard
time, all the negotiations with the municipality and other stakeholders plus the horrible management of a Fleckvieh herd, which was split into different barns up to 20 kilometers away. Milking and feeding was done by the Fritzer family, a very unpleasant situation, keeping in mind that the construction site also had to be supported
by the Fritzers. The financial advisors recommended selling the registered Fleckvieh herd in order to save money but passionate breeders think different, they were not willing to sell the genetics they created during the previous decades. It was a great relief for all family members when finally in April 2010 they moved into
l The „Richterhof“ Photo: Isop
Fleckvieh in Austria
l Table 1:
Development of herd and herd average Year
Ø Cows
Milk kg
Butterfat %
Protein %
the new barn with 37 Fleckvieh cows and 60 heads of young stock. During the first two years they were able to fill up the barn with their own genetics to 65 cows without any loss in milk production. Even all young cows were introduced into the growing herd without a strict selection scheme; the rolling herd average went up.
Breeding program The breeding philosophy of the Fritzers is a clear statement to dual purpose. The breeding goal is a well framed, later maturing cow, with good capacity and a high potential for development of body and production. The young stock spends two summers on mountain
l In cheerful atmosphere - gathering of old & young - Young farmers can make money with old cows. From left to right: Barbara, Christof with Matthäus, Hans Fritzer - with the golden girls - Prescilla, Luna & Brasilia. Photo: Fritzer
pastures up to an altitude of 2.200 meters. An average first calving age of 30 months is accepted because of the positive influence of grazing and the rough conditions on health and longevity. Hans, the senior farmer compares it with the development of a tree: „If a tree has enough time to develop and the year
rings grow very narrow, like a stone pine in the mountains, it is much more sustainable. And I think we can see it in our herd!“ This statement is also verified by an outstanding success. At the moment there are 3 cows on the farm which reached a lifetime production of more than 100.000 kg of milk.
Fleckvieh in Austria
l Brasilia at the „Kärntner Landesrinderschau“ in her 7th lactation. Photo: Nolli
„Luna“, „Prescilla“ and „Brasilia“" were at the age of 3 years when the barn burnt down but all of them survived. A really special cow is „Brasilia“ - an example that you can breed for lifetime production and fertility - her dam „Bea“ and grandmother „Basl“ also reached the 100.000 kg mark in 2012, so Brasilia is 3rd generation with 100.000 kg of milk. And she is not only an outstanding dairy cow she even is a show cow and won the senior competition at the „Kärntner
Landesrinder Schau 2015“ in her 7th lactation. Christof Fritzer, who will take over the farm from his dad, and his wife Barbara put a lot of value to animal welfare, perfect management and milk quality. In Table 3 you can see the milk quality reported by the dairy factory in the year 2017. Also in the years before they never exceeded a somatic count of 100.000 cells. This low cell count shows the health of the cows and this actually reduces the time per cow.
l Brasilia (S: Humid - DS: Panzer) 9 calvings/8 lactations. Born: 16.12.2005. Photo: Fritzer
l Table 3:
Somatics in 2017 Month
Ø Butterfat %
Ø Protein %
Somatic cells/CC
33.000 38.000 40.000
33.000 35.000 33.000
29.000 32.000 30.000
61.000 39.000 53.000
l Table 2:
Production of the „Golden Girls" Name
Birth Date
10/9 High yield – 6. Lact. ICP
Butterfat %
52.000 58.000 38.000
380 days 10.687
HL: 9.
383 days
HL: 7
374 days
Protein %
Milk kg
40.000 47.000 44.000
46.000 40.000 69.000
Fleckvieh in Austria
l Luna (S: BFG Astrov - DS: BFG Radau) 9 calvings/9 lactations. Born: 14.07.2005 Photo: Fritzer
l Prescilla (S: BFG Waterberg - DS: Diran) 9 calvings/9 lactations. Born: 17.01.2005. Photo: Fritzer
Selection of bulls
l Table 4:
Which bulls are used in the Fritzer herd? Since Lucas got a staff member of Bayern-Genetik for sure they use their genetics. But not in a way that they are the first and the fastest rather they look for the progeny and they rely on their eyes instead of a nice paper. A bull which fits into the herd is used for quite a long time. Mainly daughter proven bulls are used and during one year they select about 3-4 new bulls. These bulls are used in small numbers but if they perform well they always get a second chance. Around 15 % of all inseminations are performed with
test bulls (genomic bulls) and some polled genetics. They look for a good variation of types in the bulls in order to balance and compensate the type of the cow. At the moment, most of the younger cows (1st - 3rd lactation) descend from: BFG Haertsfeld, BFG Passion BFG Samland, BFG Waldbrand and BFG Zauber. The heifers trace back to BFG Hagwirt, BFG Rotwild, BFG Sandstein and a Carinthian product, BFG Walfried. The final selection of females is normally done after first calving. The Fritzers are fortunate to bring the young stock to the mountain pastures and they are blessed to raise every single heifer. All
Farm statistics Altitude
510 m
1.100 mm
Average Temperature
ø 6,5°C
Farm size
195 ha
Mountain pastures
138 ha
11 ha
Corn, Grain, Grassland
46 ha
Cows Rolling herd average
70 10.204 kg milk - 4.05 % butterfat - 3.58 % protein
cows which do not fit into the herd are sold at local auctions. Another branch of the farm is the production of mating bulls for dairy & beef farms. A peaceful family is the prerequisite of this kind of dairy
farms and the best insurance for the future but it is also a fact – you have to farm with the right breed to be successful in the industry – Fleckvieh is more than an alternative!
l Heifers at the mountain pasture. Photo: Fritzer
Westkreuz progeny in the Netherlands
„All of them have super protein!“ l Stef Beunk Together with Martine Maalderink we have been in the meadow to look at the first Westkreuz daughters. In the herd of 160 dairy cows we found 4 of the 5 Westkreuz daughters and took pictures of them. Here you find the pictures and the youngest milkrecording figures.
The 5 BFG Westkreuz daughters were projected to produce in 305 days: Cow Nr. 8730: 7860 kg milk with 4.41% fat and 3.72% protein, 113 Lactation value.
Cow Nr. 8683: 7018 kg milk with 5.06 % fat and 3.73% protein, 104 LW Lactation value. Cow Nr. 8669: 7807 kg milk with 4.04% fat and 3.86% protein, 108 Lactation value.
Cow Nr. 8717: 7544 kg milk with 5.18% fat and 3.89% protein, 113 Lactation value.
„They all have super protein“, Martine says. „And we are satisfied because the heifers are well-built. They have a lot of length. The rolling average of the whole herd (mainly Fleckvieh crossbreds) is: 9220 kg milk, 4.32 % fat, 3.63 % protein. Calving average is 367 days.“
l Cow Nr. 8669.
Photo: Beunk
l Cow Nr. 8683.
Photo: Beunk
l Cow Nr. 8724.
Photo: Beunk
l Cow Nr. 8730.
Photo: Beunk
Cow Nr. 8724: 7893 kg milk with 4.86% fat and 3.75% protein, 112 Lactation value.
Letter from a farmer
Excellent Lactation Value l Letter from Hidde Harbers (Holland) „Herewith I sent you the picture Cato 210. She is a 50 % Fleckvieh heifer. Her father is the Fleckvieh bull BFG Westland. We have tested this bull in our herd and have several top daughters from him in milk. Cato 210 is well-built with a super udder, strong suspensory ligament, very good teat placement and nice milk veins. On paper she is excellent with an lactation value of 124! That means she is 24 % better than the average of the whole herd. Cato 210 is 167 days in milk now and has produced in average 35 kg milk/day with 3.90 % fat and 3.70 % protein. She is projected to produce over 10.000 kg of milk. This is the type of cow we like on our farm“.
l Cato 210, a Westland daughter from the farm of Hidde Harbers. Photo: Harbers
Dual purpose sires
ERBHOF 10/166911 Born: 2011/05/03 Breeder: Löhrlein, Stadelhofen S: EILMON TA 10/166000 D: ENRIKE DE 09.40176480 DS: WEINOLD 10/169367 DDS: RANDY 10/68122
Bio Index
ERBHOF 10/166911
Line: Eder
Allroundsire Good milking speed Alternative Line Daughter Lolla.
gTotal Merit Index Milk Index Daughters Milk-kg Butterfat-% Butterfat-kg Protein-% Protein-kg
Photo: Gruber
131 124 112 6891 4.14 285 3.59 247
Fertility ±0% 101 71% Calving Ease 112 99% 99 86% Vitality 109 88%
+858 -0.08 +28 +0.12 +40
Beef Index
Net Gain Dressing Percentage Carcass Conf. Score
107 97% 112 91% 117 96%
Productive Life Somatic Cell Count Milking Speed Persistence
107 93 113 107
79% 91% 92% 95%
Pigmentation Body 42% darkred 38% red 40% spotted 38% covered
Pigmentation Eyes 9% both eyes
9 % one eye
96 % Fleckvieh, 4 % Red Holstein Evaluation of the progeny Number of the evaluated animals: 76 64 Body 91 Muscularity 97 Feet & Legs 110 Udder 110 Cross Height 91 Small Body Length 89 Short Hip Width 94 Narrow Body Depth 93 Flat Pelvic Angle 83 Flat Hock Angularity 89 Posty Hock Development 100 Well-developed Pasterns 110 Weak Hoof Height 96 Low Fore Udder Length 106 Short Rear Udder Length 103 Short Att. of Fore Udder 108 Loose Suspensory Ligament 98 Not marked Udder Height 102 Low Teat Length 108 Short Teat Thickness 97 Thin Teat Placement 105 Outwards Rear Teat Placement 105 Outwards Udder Purity 90 Added teats
relative figures for each trait 88 100 112 124
Daughter Pinie.
Photo: Gruber
Daughter Sofie.
Photo: Gruber
Big Long Wide Deep Sloped Sickled Dry Posty High Long Long Firm Clear marked High Long Thick Inwards Inwards Pure Udder
aAaCode 513642 A2-I
Dual purpose sires
10/188759 Born: 2005/08/11 Breeder: Wagner, Weilach S: HULOCK 10/178434 D: HELINE DE 09.34087386 DS: LOTARRY 10/2724000 DDS: ROMEN 10/7553 HAERTSFELD 10/188759
Line: Huch
Bio Index
Persistence Perfect dual purpose Outcross Fabia. Purebred from Ginter family.
gTotal Merit Index Milk Index Daughters Milk-kg Butterfat-% Butterfat-kg Protein-% Protein-kg
Ornassi. Purebred/Germany.
Nanni. Purebred/Germany.
Photo: Gruber
Photo: Gruber
111 105 1348 6734 4.06 273 3.41 230
Photo: Menop
Fertility -2% 102 93% Calving Ease 99 99% 112 99% Vitality 99 99%
+441 -0.17 +5 -0.09 +8
Beef Index
Net Gain Dressing Percentage Carcass Conf. Score
105 99% 101 99% 103 99%
Productive Life Somatic Cell Count Milking Speed Persistence
104 105 99 114
97% 99% 99% 99%
Pigmentation Body 36% red 25% darkred 81% covered 19% spotted
Pigmentation Eyes 36% both eyes 15% one eye
98 % Fleckvieh, 2 % Red Holstein Evaluation of the progeny Number of the evaluated animals: 338 64 Body 103 Muscularity 109 Feet & Legs 101 Udder 98 Cross Height 102 Small Body Length 105 Short Hip Width 103 Narrow Body Depth 105 Flat Pelvic Angle 113 Flat Hock Angularity 87 Posty Hock Development 87 Well-developed Pasterns 97 Weak Hoof Height 104 Low Fore Udder Length 110 Short Rear Udder Length 95 Short Att. of Fore Udder 111 Loose Suspensory Ligament 77 Not marked Udder Height 101 Low Teat Length 103 Short Teat Thickness 98 Thin Teat Placement 96 Outwards Rear Teat Placement 98 Outwards Udder Purity 95 Added teats
relative figures for each trait 88 100 112 124
Big Long Wide Deep Sloped Sickled Dry Posty High Long Long Firm Clear marked High Long Thick Inwards Inwards Pure Udder
aAaCode 516342 A2A2
Dual purpose sires
ILION 10/185090 Born: 2002/10/22 Breeder: Bell, Baiern S: REGIO 10/191190 D: KARLA DE 09.30189399 DS: ERFURT 10/21773 DDS: ZEULOT 10/7377
Bio Index
ILION 10/185090
Line: Redad
Top exterior Good persistence Attention to delivery Anke. German Champion 2014.
gTotal Merit Index Milk Index Daughters Milk-kg Butterfat-% Butterfat-kg Protein-% Protein-kg
99 17240 6576 4.10 269 3.45 227
Photo: ?
Fertility +1% 105 99% Calving Ease 83 99% 106 99% Vitality 99 99%
+37 -0.07 -3 -0.01 +0
Beef Index
Net Gain Dressing Percentage Carcass Conf. Score
112 99% 103 99% 107 99%
Productive Life Somatic Cell Count Milking Speed Persistence
113 104 100 94
99% 99% 99% 99%
Pigmentation Body 52% red 31% dark yellow 51% covered 34% spotted
Pigmentation Eyes 16% both eyes 12% one eye Belinda. 50 % Fleckvieh/50 % Holstein/Germany.
95 % Fleckvieh, 5 % Red Holstein Evaluation of the progeny Number of the evaluated animals: 3087 64 Body 114 Muscularity 106 Feet & Legs 108 Udder 110 Cross Height 114 Small Body Length 116 Short Hip Width 117 Narrow Body Depth 113 Flat Pelvic Angle 98 Flat Hock Angularity 103 Posty Hock Development 100 Well-developed Pasterns 106 Weak Hoof Height 108 Low Fore Udder Length 107 Short Rear Udder Length 102 Short Att. of Fore Udder 111 Loose Suspensory Ligament 95 Not marked Udder Height 104 Low Teat Length 103 Short Teat Thickness 107 Thin Teat Placement 113 Outwards Rear Teat Placement 105 Outwards Udder Purity 96 Added teats
relative figures for each trait 88 100 112 124
Photo: KeLeKi
Big Long Wide Deep Sloped Sickled Dry Posty High Long Long Firm Clear marked High Long Thick Inwards Inwards Pure Udder
Champion cow 2013. Czech Republic/Purebred.
Photo: Basovnik
aAaCode 546132 A2A2
Dual purpose sires
10/198533 Born: 2009/01/20 Breeder: Kappelmeir, Maisach S: RAU 10/605345 D: LITANI DE 09.35126369 DS: WATERBERG 10/195500 DDS: HUSALDO 10/4811 RIJEKA 10/198533
Line: Redad
Bio Index
Top milk production Functional udder Milking speed 96180. Purebred/Germany, 3rd lactation 8500 kg milk. Photo: Menop
gTotal Merit Index Milk Index Daughters Milk-kg Butterfat-% Butterfat-kg Protein-% Protein-kg
Sarusa. Purebred/Germany.
Photo: Menop
Progeny group. Presented in Osterhofen June 2016. Photo: Marconato
116 114 114 6831 4.05 276 3.53 241
Fertility +1% 109 78% Calving Ease 107 99% 102 90% Vitality 104 95%
+530 -0.11 +13 +0.08 +25
Beef Index
Net Gain Dressing Percentage Carcass Conf. Score
88 97% 89 94% 97 96%
Productive Life Somatic Cell Count Milking Speed Persistence
111 109 109 90
83% 92% 93% 95%
Pigmentation Body 43% darkred 21% red 87% covered 13% spotted
Pigmentation Eyes 59% both eyes 10% one eye
89 % Fleckvieh, 11 % Red Holstein Evaluation of the progeny Number of the evaluated animals: 69 64 Body 88 Muscularity 102 Feet & Legs 104 Udder 113 Cross Height 88 Small Body Length 87 Short Hip Width 83 Narrow Body Depth 97 Flat Pelvic Angle 96 Flat Hock Angularity 99 Posty Hock Development 104 Well-developed Pasterns 105 Weak Hoof Height 101 Low Fore Udder Length 102 Short Rear Udder Length 104 Short Att. of Fore Udder 89 Loose Suspensory Ligament 130 Not marked Udder Height 104 Low Teat Length 89 Short Teat Thickness 91 Thin Teat Placement 104 Outwards Rear Teat Placement 104 Outwards Udder Purity 102 Added teats
relative figures for each trait 88 100 112 124
Big Long Wide Deep Sloped Sickled Dry Posty High Long Long Firm Clear marked High Long Thick Inwards Inwards Pure Udder
aAaCode 432516 A2A2
Dual purpose sires
ROSSKUR PS 10/179513 Born: 2008/04/19 Breeder: Nickl, Trabitz S: RALMESBACH PS 10/169545 D: LAURA DE 09.39531433 DS: MERKUR FH2 10/184530 DDS: RALLEX 10/22521
Bio Index
ROSSKUR 10/179513
Line: Redad
Top milk production Milking speed Suitable for heifers Lilli. Purebred/Germany.
gTotal Merit Index Milk Index Daughters Milk-kg Butterfat-% Butterfat-kg Protein-% Protein-kg
108 114 1320 6994 4.14 290 3.44 240
Photo: Menop
Fertility -2% 97 94% Calving Ease 121 99% 98 99% Vitality 106 99%
+876 -0.17 +22 -0.14 +19
Beef Index
Net Gain Dressing Percentage Carcass Conf. Score
97 99% 96 99% 97 99%
Productive Life Somatic Cell Count Milking Speed Persistence
99 90 107 96
96% 99% 99% 99%
Pigmentation Body 58% red 26% darkred 42% spotted 38% covered
Pigmentation Eyes 19% both eyes 13% one eye
95 % Fleckvieh, 5 % Red Holstein Evaluation of the progeny Number of the evaluated animals: 370 64 Body 92 Muscularity 92 Feet & Legs 113 Udder 81 Cross Height 93 Small Body Length 91 Short Hip Width 94 Narrow Body Depth 89 Flat Pelvic Angle 99 Flat Hock Angularity 102 Posty Hock Development 114 Well-developed Pasterns 108 Weak Hoof Height 90 Low Fore Udder Length 104 Short Rear Udder Length 116 Short Att. of Fore Udder 84 Loose Suspensory Ligament 82 Not marked Udder Height 81 Low Teat Length 102 Short Teat Thickness 105 Thin Teat Placement 84 Outwards Rear Teat Placement 89 Outwards Udder Purity 100 Added teats
relative figures for each trait 88 100 112 124
651. Purebred/Germany.
Photo: Menop
Zyprese. Purebred/Germany.
Photo: Menop
Big Long Wide Deep Sloped Sickled Dry Posty High Long Long Firm Clear marked High Long Thick Inwards Inwards Pure Udder
aAaCode 513642 A2A2
Dual purpose sires
10/186364 Born: 2010/10/14 Breeder: Berghammer, St. Wolfgang S: SALVATOR 10/197088 D: WALLI DE 09.42547088 DS: VODACH 10/184878 DDS: RUAP 10/191085
Bio Index
Top milk production Suitable for heifers Cells Line: STREIK
gTotal Merit Index Milk Index Daughters Milk-kg Butterfat-% Butterfat-kg Protein-% Protein-kg
Daughter Astrid. Pohn, Zell am Pettenfirst.
Photo: Menop
Daughter Hoeness. Wolfswinkler, Oberรถd/Kastl. Photo: Menop
122 135
Fertility -1% 75 83% Calving Ease 108 99% 101 97% Vitality 111 99%
175 6897 +1401 4.19 -0.13 289 +46 3.51 +0.05 242 +53
Beef Index
Net Gain Dressing Percentage Carcass Conf. Score
106 99% 98 98% 106 99%
Productive Life Somatic Cell Count Milking Speed Persistence
95 81 112 100
85% 98% 99% 99%
Pigmentation Body 47% red 38% darkred 47% covered 44% spotted
Pigmentation Eyes 12% both eyes 12% one eye
98 % Fleckvieh, 2 % Red Holstein Evaluation of the progeny Number of the evaluated animals: 180 64 Body 96 Muscularity 94 Feet & Legs 100 Udder 103 Cross Height 94 Small Body Length 100 Short Hip Width 95 Narrow Body Depth 103 Flat Pelvic Angle 97 Flat Hock Angularity 101 Posty Hock Development 106 Well-developed Pasterns 96 Weak Hoof Height 102 Low Fore Udder Length 128 Short Rear Udder Length 123 Short Att. of Fore Udder 92 Loose Suspensory Ligament 98 Not marked Udder Height 84 Low Teat Length 105 Short Teat Thickness 105 Thin Teat Placement 108 Outwards Rear Teat Placement 108 Outwards Udder Purity 101 Added teats
relative figures for each trait 88 100 112 124
Big Long Wide Deep Sloped Sickled Dry Posty High Long Long Firm Clear marked High Long Thick Inwards Inwards Pure Udder
aAaCode 546123 A2-I
Dual purpose sires
SEEWALCHEN 10/605955 Born: 2011/08/04 Breeder: Wimmersberger, Frankenmarkt S: SAMLAND 10/183655 D: UFER AT 685.954.809 DS: WINNIPEG 10/182562 DDS: RANDY 10/68122
Bio Index
SEEWALCHEN 10/605955
Line: Streik
Perfect dual purpose Top udder quality High fertility rate Daughters of Seewalchen at Seewalchen near the lake Atter in Austria.
gTotal Merit Index Milk Index Daughters Milk-kg Butterfat-% Butterfat-kg Protein-% Protein-kg
Photo: Menop
124 110 29 6990 3.95 276 3.45 241
Fertility +3% 101 63% Calving Ease 89 96% 112 80% Vitality 101 81%
+488 -0.18 +5 +0.04 +20
Beef Index
Net Gain Dressing Percentage Carcass Conf. Score
133 97% 111 93% 107 96%
Productive Life Somatic Cell Count Milking Speed Persistence
114 114 110 93
76% 88% 92% 92%
Pigmentation Body 36% red 24% darkred 60% covered 33% spotted
Pigmentation Eyes 18% both eyes 16% one eye
100 % Fleckvieh Evaluation of the progeny Number of the evaluated animals: 66 64 Body 111 Muscularity 106 Feet & Legs 99 Udder 118 Cross Height 112 Small Body Length 115 Short Hip Width 107 Narrow Body Depth 105 Flat Pelvic Angle 96 Flat Hock Angularity 89 Posty Hock Development 81 Well-developed Pasterns 109 Weak Hoof Height 109 Low Fore Udder Length 108 Short Rear Udder Length 94 Short Att. of Fore Udder 105 Loose Suspensory Ligament 111 Not marked Udder Height 109 Low Teat Length 99 Short Teat Thickness 90 Thin Teat Placement 115 Outwards Rear Teat Placement 107 Outwards Udder Purity 113 Added teats
relative figures for each trait 88 100 112 124
Spinne. Purebred/Austria.
Photo: Menop
Kimsel. Purebred/Austria.
Photo: Menop
Big Long Wide Deep Sloped Sickled Dry Posty High Long Long Firm Clear marked High Long Thick Inwards Inwards Pure Udder
aAaCode 426153 A1A2
Dual purpose sires
VOTARY P*S 10/172966 Born: 2012/03/02 Breeder: Bachmaier, Triftern S: RUHMREICH PS 10/179596 D: GRANADA DE 09.44413959 DS: RUMGO FH2 10/605406 DDS: HOCHKOGEL 10/605325 VOTARY 10/172966
Line: Redad
Bio Index
Polled Maternal calf characteristics Top milk production Daughter Narbe. Manhart, Schliersee.
gTotal Merit Index Milk Index Daughters Milk-kg Butterfat-% Butterfat-kg Protein-% Protein-kg
Daughter Olivia. Schmid, Winzer.
Daughter Marcillo. Hofstetter Au/Hallertau.
Photo: Gruber
Photo: Gruber
123 118
Photo: Gruber
Fertility -1% 100 61% Calving Ease 114 99% 118 88% Vitality 117 93%
95 2701 +1015 4.06 -0.10 110 +33 3.16 -0.18 85 +20
Beef Index
Net Gain Dressing Percentage Carcass Conf. Score
121 97% 92 76% 99 96%
Productive Life Somatic Cell Count Milking Speed Persistence
103 109 101 87
75% 91% 93% 94%
Pigmentation Body 58% red 23% darkred 40% spotted 27% mostly white
Pigmentation Eyes 10% both eyes
1% one eye
94 % Fleckvieh, 6 % Red Holstein Evaluation of the progeny Number of the evaluated animals: 76 64 Body 115 Muscularity 114 Feet & Legs 103 Udder 113 Cross Height 113 Small Body Length 119 Short Hip Width 113 Narrow Body Depth 118 Flat Pelvic Angle 97 Flat Hock Angularity 97 Posty Hock Development 91 Well-developed Pasterns 111 Weak Hoof Height 108 Low Fore Udder Length 111 Short Rear Udder Length 116 Short Att. of Fore Udder 113 Loose Suspensory Ligament 90 Not marked Udder Height 104 Low Teat Length 103 Short Teat Thickness 108 Thin Teat Placement 120 Outwards Rear Teat Placement 117 Outwards Udder Purity 92 Added teats
relative figures for each trait 88 100 112 124
Big Long Wide Deep Sloped Sickled Dry Posty High Long Long Firm Clear marked High Long Thick Inwards Inwards Pure Udder
aAaCode 564132 A2A2
Dual purpose sires
WALFRIED 10/605904 Born: 2010/10/22 Breeder: Moser, Spittal S: WAL 10/605218 D: FLORA AT 432.974.609 DS: MALEFIZ 10/15079575 DDS: REGIO 10/191190
Bio Index
Allroundsire Suitable for heifers Persistence Line: HOREX
gTotal Merit Index Milk Index Daughters Milk-kg Butterfat-% Butterfat-kg Protein-% Protein-kg
133 115 154 7202 4.12 297 3.47 250
Fertility -1% 106 81% Calving Ease 112 99% 108 95% Vitality 104 99%
+724 -0.08 +23 -0.05 +21
Beef Index
Net Gain Dressing Percentage Carcass Conf. Score
106 99% 98 94% 103 98%
Productive Life Somatic Cell Count Milking Speed Persistence
126 122 95 127
84% 96% 97% 98%
Pigmentation Body 55% red 31% dark yellow 40% covered 37% spotted
Pigmentation Eyes 15% both eyes
5% one eye
100 % Fleckvieh Evaluation of the progeny Number of the evaluated animals: 117 64 Body 105 Muscularity 110 Feet & Legs 103 Udder 108 Cross Height 107 Small Body Length 104 Short Hip Width 97 Narrow Body Depth 104 Flat Pelvic Angle 104 Flat Hock Angularity 89 Posty Hock Development 95 Well-developed Pasterns 101 Weak Hoof Height 104 Low Fore Udder Length 106 Short Rear Udder Length 117 Short Att. of Fore Udder 97 Loose Suspensory Ligament 99 Not marked Udder Height 104 Low Teat Length 81 Short Teat Thickness 89 Thin Teat Placement 100 Outwards Rear Teat Placement 101 Outwards Udder Purity 101 Added teats
relative figures for each trait 88 100 112 124
Daughter Iller. Schwimmer, St. Wolfgang.
Photo: Gruber
Daughter Thea. Stocker GbR, Schiltberg.
Photo: Gruber
Big Long Wide Deep Sloped Sickled Dry Posty High Long Long Firm Clear marked High Long Thick Inwards Inwards Pure Udder
aAaCode 432516 A2A2
Dual purpose sires
WALLENSTEIN 10/192421 Born: 2006/03/10 Breeder: Krautenbacher, Waging S: WAL 10/605218 D: DAGMAR DE 09.35104574 DS: RANDY 10/68122 DDS: HORWEIN 10/21199 WALLENSTEIN 10/192421
Line: Horex
Bio Index
Suitable for heifers Super cow family Top milk production Rebe. Purebred/Germany.
gTotal Merit Index Milk Index Daughters Milk-kg Butterfat-% Butterfat-kg Protein-% Protein-kg
Jadika. Purebred/Germany.
Rosi. Purebred/Germany.
Photo: Menop
Photo: Luca Nolli
111 105 5085 6771 3.92 265 3.39 230
Photo: Menop
Fertility Âą0% 99 98% Calving Ease 108 99% 104 99% Vitality 108 99%
+614 -0.34 -2 -0.10 +13
Beef Index
Net Gain Dressing Percentage Carcass Conf. Score
105 99% 99 99% 106 99%
Productive Life Somatic Cell Count Milking Speed Persistence
112 102 97 98
99% 99% 99% 99%
Pigmentation Body 52% red 26% darkred 50% spotted 28% covered
Pigmentation Eyes 32% both eyes
9% one eye
95 % Fleckvieh, 5 % Red Holstein Evaluation of the progeny Number of the evaluated animals: 919 64 Body 92 Muscularity 113 Feet & Legs 108 Udder 103 Cross Height 88 Small Body Length 95 Short Hip Width 98 Narrow Body Depth 102 Flat Pelvic Angle 96 Flat Hock Angularity 92 Posty Hock Development 97 Well-developed Pasterns 107 Weak Hoof Height 113 Low Fore Udder Length 99 Short Rear Udder Length 107 Short Att. of Fore Udder 106 Loose Suspensory Ligament 93 Not marked Udder Height 98 Low Teat Length 82 Short Teat Thickness 109 Thin Teat Placement 95 Outwards Rear Teat Placement 107 Outwards Udder Purity 105 Added teats
relative figures for each trait 88 100 112 124
Big Long Wide Deep Sloped Sickled Dry Posty High Long Long Firm Clear marked High Long Thick Inwards Inwards Pure Udder
aAaCode 456321 A2A2
Dual purpose sires
WEIDENBERG 10/166960 Born: 2011/11/16 Breeder: Nickl, Speichersdorf S: WEBURG 10/166195 D: HEDWIG DE 09.42768206 DS: ILION 10/185090 DDS: ROGEN 10/165091
Bio Index
Top milk production Top exterior Allroundsire Line: HOREX
gTotal Merit Index Milk Index Daughters Milk-kg Butterfat-% Butterfat-kg Protein-% Protein-kg
118 115 20 6740 4.26 287 3.52 238
Fertility -2% 101 57% Calving Ease 95 92% 98 76% Vitality 96 74%
+583 +0 +24 -0.02 +19
Beef Index
Net Gain Dressing Percentage Carcass Conf. Score
108 95% 110 78% 104 93%
Productive Life Somatic Cell Count Milking Speed Persistence
105 91 116 111
74% 85% 89% 90%
Pigmentation Body 62% red 35% darkred 58% spotted 19% spotted
Pigmentation Eyes 23% both eyes
4% one eye
97 % Fleckvieh, 3 % Red Holstein Evaluation of the progeny Number of the evaluated animals: 60 64 Body 111 Muscularity 108 Feet & Legs 104 Udder 114 Cross Height 112 Small Body Length 107 Short Hip Width 109 Narrow Body Depth 116 Flat Pelvic Angle 93 Flat Hock Angularity 104 Posty Hock Development 107 Well-developed Pasterns 102 Weak Hoof Height 103 Low Fore Udder Length 115 Short Rear Udder Length 104 Short Att. of Fore Udder 100 Loose Suspensory Ligament 115 Not marked Udder Height 104 Low Teat Length 107 Short Teat Thickness 106 Thin Teat Placement 111 Outwards Rear Teat Placement 121 Outwards Udder Purity 100 Added teats
relative figures for each trait 88 100 112 124
Daughter Obea. Schweiger, Altomünster.
Photo: Menop
Daughter Ossi.
Photo: Müller
Big Long Wide Deep Sloped Sickled Dry Posty High Long Long Firm Clear marked High Long Thick Inwards Inwards Pure Udder
aAaCode 534162 A1A2
Dual purpose sires
WOLGASAND 10/177286 Born: 2011/02/01 Breeder: Weiss, Kirchberg S: WONDERFULL 10/175366 D: WENUS DE 09.43012913 DS: RUREX 10/178755 DDS: SAFIR 10/184538 WOLGASAND 10/177286
Line: Horex
Bio Index
Super ďŹ tness Top exterior Perfect dual purpose Ufo. Miss Osterhofen 2016 from the Birgmeir GbR.
gTotal Merit Index Milk Index Daughters Milk-kg Butterfat-% Butterfat-kg Protein-% Protein-kg
260. Purebred/Germany.
Wolgasand progeny in Osterhofen.
Photo: Menop
Photo: Marconato
123 109 98 6544 4.24 278 3.52 230
Photo: Menop
Fertility +2% 105 71% Calving Ease 100 99% 102 88% Vitality 98 95%
+316 +0 +13 +0.03 +13
Beef Index
Net Gain Dressing Percentage Carcass Conf. Score
103 96% 111 91% 103 94%
Productive Life Somatic Cell Count Milking Speed Persistence
120 118 97 112
78% 91% 92% 94%
Pigmentation Body 32% red 35% darkred 54% spotted 19% spotted
Pigmentation Eyes 11% both eyes
6% one eye
96 % Fleckvieh, 4 % Red Holstein Evaluation of the progeny Number of the evaluated animals: 67 64 Body 104 Muscularity 114 Feet & Legs 112 Udder 110 Cross Height 102 Small Body Length 105 Short Hip Width 109 Narrow Body Depth 105 Flat Pelvic Angle 101 Flat Hock Angularity 97 Posty Hock Development 95 Well-developed Pasterns 110 Weak Hoof Height 114 Low Fore Udder Length 110 Short Rear Udder Length 113 Short Att. of Fore Udder 115 Loose Suspensory Ligament 96 Not marked Udder Height 102 Low Teat Length 97 Short Teat Thickness 95 Thin Teat Placement 100 Outwards Rear Teat Placement 95 Outwards Udder Purity 98 Added teats
relative figures for each trait 88 100 112 124
Big Long Wide Deep Sloped Sickled Dry Posty High Long Long Firm Clear marked High Long Thick Inwards Inwards Pure Udder
aAaCode 456213 A1A2
Dual purpose sires
ZAUBER 10/170014 Born: 2006/08/18 Breeder: Pilz, Kallmünz S: ZAHNER 10/187899 D: GRACIA DE 09.34569364 DS: RANDY 10/68122 DDS: UTNACH 10/21784
Bio Index
ZAUBER 10/170014
Line: Zander
Top milk production Super fitness Super feet & legs Barbara. Purebred/Germany.
gTotal Merit Index Milk Index Daughters Milk-kg Butterfat-% Butterfat-kg Protein-% Protein-kg
117 12251 6798 4.38 298 3.45 235
Photo: Menop
Fertility +1% 111 99% Calving Ease 103 99% 100 99% Vitality 102 99%
+402 +0.32 +42 -0.02 +12
Beef Index
Net Gain Dressing Percentage Carcass Conf. Score
96 99% 98 99% 99 99%
Productive Life Somatic Cell Count Milking Speed Persistence
105 107 106 120
99% 99% 99% 99%
Pigmentation Body 46% darkred 44% red 49% covered 34% spotted
Pigmentation Eyes 35% both eyes 16% one eye Gracia. Purebred/Germany. Mother of Zauber.
96 % Fleckvieh, 4 % Red Holstein Evaluation of the progeny Number of the evaluated animals: 2758 64 Body 93 Muscularity 97 Feet & Legs 113 Udder 103 Cross Height 93 Small Body Length 94 Short Hip Width 94 Narrow Body Depth 93 Flat Pelvic Angle 108 Flat Hock Angularity 92 Posty Hock Development 115 Well-developed Pasterns 103 Weak Hoof Height 98 Low Fore Udder Length 101 Short Rear Udder Length 113 Short Att. of Fore Udder 96 Loose Suspensory Ligament 101 Not marked Udder Height 98 Low Teat Length 102 Short Teat Thickness 103 Thin Teat Placement 102 Outwards Rear Teat Placement 105 Outwards Udder Purity 104 Added teats
relative figures for each trait 88 100 112 124
Big Long Wide Deep Sloped Sickled Dry Posty High Long Long Firm Clear marked High Long Thick Inwards Inwards Pure Udder
Gitte. Purebred/Germany. Grandmother of Zauber.
aAaCode 234165 A1A2
Celebrations in Namibia
Hauk MOREI – used in Namibia and South Africa. Photo: Riedel
Hauk ESCHEL – S: BFG EISENHERZ PP with a BFG ZIMBO calf at foot. Photo:Riedel
Brenair Park FORMBY – sired by Hauk MOREI, an outstanding product from Namibia. Photo: Cassar
Horsti Riedel / Namibia celebrated his 70th birthday Dr. Thomas Grupp Gobabis is a little town in the eastern part of Namibia, the home of Horsti Riedel, who celebrated his 70th birthday in August 2017. The Riedels are already 5 generations in Southern Africa and have a great family history in breeding Simmentalers. Even his farm „Frisegewaag“ is one of the last commercial farms in front of the Kalahari desert, the Hauk Simmentalers perform extremely well under these circumstances.
Bayern-Genetik and all its staff is privileged to send our best regards to Horsti, a great Simmentaler breeder who did a lot for the Beef-Simmentalers/Fleckvieh in Namibia and the rest of the world and we
would like to say „Vielen Dank / Baie dankie“ for all his great breeding work. We only ask and pray for „better health“ for our Namibian friend! Genetics from his stud is worldwide available.
Reini Rusch, Horsti Riedel & Thomas Grupp at the Windhoek Show 2003 – The Hauk stud was very successful! Photo: Simmentaler Society
Bayern-Genetik produced semen form Brenair Park FORMBY, a Hauk MOREI son in Australia. We are more than confident that this genetics will be in high demand.
Attached please have a look at some of his top genetics and you will understand why Horsti and his family with Renate, Gunner and Hagen.
Hauk ERZ Pp – a BFG EISENHERZ PP son bought by Bayern-Genetik. Photo: Riedel
Study trip to South Africa
A great study trip to South Africa – Simmentalers attract Aussies and Germans l Dr. Thomas Grupp A long planning came to an end in April 2017 when a group of Australian Fleckvieh breeders arrived in South Africa for a two weeks study trip. In cooperation with enthusiastic SA Simmentaler and Simbra breeders from the Simmentaler Society of Southern Africa and Bayern-Genetik respectively all participants got a phantastic overview of the breeding standard of a European breed which was first introduced in South Africa in 1905.
Wisp-Will Simmentaler & Simbra stud Llewellyn Angus, the owner of a prominent pioneer breeding stud of Simmentaler & Simbra cattle welcomed the group in Johannesburg and took us to his farm near Arlington. Llewellyn was already well known by the Aussies. He was privileged to
judge the Fleckvieh cattle in Dubbo/Australia in 2016 and was part of a two day Visual Assessment and Breeding Technology Workshop at the McColl family´s Daraabah Farm with 50 participants. Great hospitality was given to the guests and even more important we got a wonderful lecture about the breeding goals in the Simmenta-
lers & Simbras for the Freestate province. Llewellyn started his on farm tour with the young breeding stock which he selected and discussed with the participants. Showing the positive and negative traits of an animal is prerequisite for every breeder to improve his herd. Llewellyn is closely working in a balanced way with the bree-
ding values from Breedplan and the visual evaluation as a senior judge. The Australian breeders could see in practice how his selection of breeding bulls works. The basic message: „Medium sized, very correct masculine looking bulls, in very good balance with strong feet & legs and of course good muscling“.
l The well known Kykso Simmentalers under extreme drought conditions. Photo: Grupp
Study trip to South Africa
l Inspecting Simbras - from left to right: Johan Styger, Fanie Mare, Llewellyn Angus, George Cassar. Photo: Grupp
The cows in the fields, both Simmentaler and Simbras showed exceptional femininity, very good udders and the ability to raise under difficult conditions a top weaner.
Dannhauser Feedlot On the Goedgedacht Farm of Johan Dannhauser and
his family near Parys, the group got an impressive view on the feedlot industry in South Africa and the reason why the Simmentalers are so high in demand. The feedlot has a capacity for 2.500 calves for slaughter in two cycles per year. After a horrible drought situation in 2015 and 2016 the outlook for beef industry is accor-
ding to Johan and his son quite „bright“. They buy in weaners with an average weight of 250 - 260 kg with a preference for Simmentaler and Charolais bull calves. They normally don´t like to have heifers (< 10 %) in the feedlot but Simmentaler heifers are an exception. Their growth potential is as high as bulls from other
l Llewellyn Angus - visual inspection of Simmentaler & Fleckvieh. Photo: Grupp
breeds. In a 90 days intensive feeding Simmentaler & Charolais bull calves have daily gains of 2,3 kg. The Dannhauser respect our breed a lot and are also well known Simmentaler and Droughtmaster stud breeders.
Study trip to South Africa
l Breeders on tour - the Fleckvieh Society of Australia felt to be at home down under.
National Simmentaler Championships 2017 in Lichtenburg The high standard of Simmentaler breeding in South Africa was demonstrated in Lichtenburg, where the local Prosim Study group with chairman Andre Ellis organized a wonderful Simmentaler Show – the „Nationals 2017“. A total of 42 exhibitors and 360 show animals were judged by Martin Seyfferdt, Dr. Ollie van der Lingen and Joel Heroldt.
Really something special for all Fleckvieh friends was the gathering of highly valuable and great people like Peter Massmann, the former breed director and Fred Dell, the inspector for many, many years. Fred assisted the judges in his professional way. A stunning event was the Breeder´s evening for all of us. Meeting with great breeders, good talks to new friends and the speeches of Mr. Bester, the president of the Simmentaler Society,
l Big show rings - great cattle. The Nationals in Lichtenburg 2017. Photo: Grupp
Photo: Grupp
Andre Ellis for the Prosim Study Group and Peter Massmann who remembered the „Story of Success“ of this breed in Southern Africa. The most successful exhibitor was the Leeuport Stud of PJ Nienaber from Rustenburg.
BTB Simmentalers Johan Styger, a successful business man, was our tour guide and host for two days.
It was amazing to see, how people can get involved in genetics. Johan gave us a perfect introduction in the genomic work and the impact performance testing will have in the future on Simmentaler breeding. All participants were pleased to get this lesson from a former „Breeder of the year“ and teacher at a Stockman–School. The inspection of his herd and the discussion of his breeding philosophy were highlights to the whole group. In his paddocks, he explained the proper combination of breeding values, selection for special traits and the improvement of type traits actually a wonderful experience. A very good decision was the selection of Stefmar Simbras to get a look at the preparations for the herd dispersal sale. Outstanding Simbras with huge potential were gathered for a very successful auction. The Fleckvieh breeders from Australia were highly impressed from the quality of the inspected Simbras.
l A young bull from Bothasim with extreme daily gain - no other breed can do this. Photo: Grupp
Study trip to South Africa
Close to Stefmar Simbras on the Rhino farm of John Hume, the group witnessed the necessity of a strategic change to protect the Rhinos. More than 1.500 Rhinos are on his farm and highly protected. The horns are cut every second year and could be sold on the international market. John Hume is more than convinced that the Rhinos will get extinct, if the actual prohibition is carried on. The free trade of Rhino horn would bring down the prices tremendously and help farmers to make a living by breeding Rhinos but also creating new jobs. On our last day in the Johannesburg area we met Dr. Michael Bradfield/Breedplan South Africa for an interesting discussion.
The Southern Tour The group took a flight to Port Elizabeth to visit some more breeders along the touristic Garden Route. The
l John Hume's Rhinos near Klerksdorp - almost as good as Simmentalers.
Botha family just arrived back from the Nationals in Lichtenburg. They are farming with 2 Simmentaler studs, the Bothasim and the Kyksim herds and already they are very successful on the shows. The latter one was sold completely to the Bothas and they are already on their way to carry on with the success story. On the farm of Thys Swart, Fleckvieh Boerdery, the guests first got in contact with the dual purpose indust-
l This is the type for the Southern hemisphere - feminine cows with great maternal abilities. Photo: Grupp
ry in South Africa. Even though the drought situation was severe, breeders could see the ability of Fleckvieh in a crossbreeding program with Jersey. Koesanie the home of the Kykso stud was another highlight. Bulls like Kykso Hadau, Kykso Haped or Kykso Kaino are well known all over the world. The frame size of the Kykso herd is slightly bigger than in other regions even though the pressure from droughts and low rainfall is tremendous.
Photo: Grupp
Finally the group reached one of the most popular spots in South Africa – Cape Town – for many people the most beautiful city in the world. Here we relaxed and passed review of our trip. For all of us it was a trip to remember – thank you all, especially the Aussie group with their president, George Cassar, to accept a lonely German but mad of Fleckvieh and South Africa.
l Top Simbra bull - Stefmar Simbras.
Photo: Grupp
Whom to contact
Bavarian Fleckvieh Genetics BAYERN-GENETIK GmbH BAYERN-GENETIK GMBH Senator-Gerauer-Straße 19 85586 Grub / Poing phone: ++49 (0) 89 / 99 15 20 - 0 fax: ++49 (0) 89 / 99 15 20 - 66 eMail: grub@bayern-genetik.de web: www.fleckvieh.de Fleckvieh-Northern Germany Theo Vermöhlen Niersstraße 38, 47626 Kevelaer phone: ++49 (0) 28 32 / 89 95 44 fax: ++49 (0) 28 32 / 93 08 67 mobile: ++49 (0) 1 60 / 8 86 12 80 eMail: theo.vermoehlen@bayern-genetik.de Benelux countries Stef Beunk Nelissenstraat 6, 7156 MC Beltrum phone/ fax: ++31 (0) 5 44 48 23 06 mobile: ++31 (0) 6 51 49 00 52 eMail: stef.beunk@bayern-genetik.de web: www.fleckviehkoeien.nl Ireland, Scotland, Nothern England David Hazelton Cohannon House 25 Bovean Road, Dungannon Co. Tyrone BT71 6HR Northern Ireland fax: ++44 (0) 28 87 72 79 57 mobile: ++44 (0) 78 41 74 87 64 eMail: RanfurlySimmentals@hotmail.co.uk United Kingdom Molecare Genetics Ltd. Exmoor House Lime Way Pathfields Business Park South Molton, Devon EX 36 3LH United Kingdom mobile: ++44 (0) 17 69 57 64 73 eMail: enquiries@molecaregenetics.com Sweden Georg Brunner L. Stâltorp, Ugglum, 521 94 Falköping phone: ++46 (0) 5 15 72 04 20 fax: ++46 (0) 5 15 72 04 21 mobile: ++46 (0) 7 03 08 69 72 eMail: brunner@bayerngenetic.nu
Fleckvieh Denmark Stef Beunk Nelissenstraat 6, 7156 MC Beltrum phone/ fax: ++31 (0) 5 44 48 23 06 mobile: ++31 (0) 6 51 49 00 52 eMail: stef.beunk@bayern-genetik.de web: www.fleckviehkoeien.nl
Austria Rinderzuchtverband Vöcklabruck Sportplatzstraße 7 4840 Vöcklabruck phone: ++43 (0) 7 67 27 22 58 fax: ++43 (0) 7 67 22 76 33 eMail: rzv@lk-ooe.at
Czech Republic Impuls Chovatelské Družstvo Bohdalec 122, 59255 Bobrová phone: ++42 06 04 21 64 57 eMail: info@chdimpuls.cz
Slovakia Vladimir Varchola Lesnicka 22 08005 Prešov phone: ++42 19 05 30 37 05 eMail: vladimir.varchola@bayern-genetik.de
China Senator-Gerauer-Straße 19 85586 Grub / Poing phone: ++49 (0) 89 / 99 15 20 - 0 fax: ++49 (0) 89 / 99 15 20 - 66 eMail: grub@bayern-genetik.de ying-taubner@t-online.de web: www.fleckvieh.de Balkan states Dr. Antonio Orak Demetra 20 43000 Bjelovar mobile ++3 85 98 73 33 73 eMail: tony.orak@bayern-genetik.de
Whom to contact
worldwide Fleckvieh Romania Karpaten Meat SRL Str. Principala fn - Ferma 557135 Marpod/Sibiu, România phone: ++40 269 232 977 Fax: ++40 269 232 717 eMail: info@karpaten-meat.com web: www.karpaten-meat.com Italy Südtiroler Fleckviehverband Gen.m.b.H. Galvanistraße 38 39100 Bozen phone: ++39 04 71 06 38 20 fax: ++39 04 71 06 38 21 eMail: sfv@dnet.it Representative of Italy: Dr. Martino Ermàcora DVM mobile: ++39 32 76 30 97 06 web fax: ++39 17 82 74 09 46 eMail: martino.ermacora@ bayern-genetik.de web: www.pezzatarossa.it Southern Africa Thys Swart Kykso Simmentalers Posbus 131, Suurbraak 6743 phone: ++27 (0) 2 85 14 15 27 mobile: ++27 (0) 8 24 98 87 88 eMail: mjswart@worldonline.co.za
New Zealand Willy & Jeanet Leferink 2 Torbay Ave RD 4 Ashburton New Zealand 7774 legro@orcon.net.nz leferinks@gmail.com phone: ++64 3 3026891 eMail: ++64 21796037 Canada/USA Big Bear Genetics Dr. John Popp P.O. Box 94, Erickson, Manitoba R0J 0P0 phone: ++1– 2 04 – 6 36 – 23 87 fax: ++1– 2 04 – 6 36 – 77 05 eMail: bigbeargenetics@inetlink.ca Mexico Reproducción Animal, S.A. de C.V. Apartado Postal 142 Ciudad Satelite C.P. 53102 phone: ++52 53 62 09 96 fax: ++52 53 62 11 51 eMail: servicio@ reproduccionanimal.com.mx Central and South America Dr. Martin Mayer Export Latinoamerica phone: ++43 664 224 7937 eMail: export@bayern-genetik.de
Namibia Hauk Simmentaler Horst and Renate Riedel phone: ++26 4 62 56 88 53 eMail: riedelhw@iway.na
East Africa (Kenia) Fleckvieh Genetics East Africa Ltd. Gerard Besseling P.O Box 19055 – 00501 Nairobi, Kenia Oil Libya Plaza Muthaiga Road phone: ++254 712 095 555 eMail: info@fleckviehgeneticsea.com web: www.fleckviehgeneticsea.com
Australia George Cassar Karova Simmentals 20 Riverview Rd, Caffreys Flat NSW 2424 phone: ++ 61- 2 - 65 50 76 61 eMail: ozfleckvieh@yahoo.com.au
Georgia, Armenia, Azerbaijan L.T.D. Caucasus Genetics Giorgi Khatiashvili phone: ++995 (55) 38 89 28 mobile: ++95 (599) 560 960 eMail: g-khatiashvili@hotmail.com
from Bayern-Genetik:
- milk & beef - perfect type - used worldwide