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Induction Speech of Incoming President 2020-2021 Spyros Seremidis

Dear members and friends First of all, I would like to thank you for your congratulatory messages and kind wishes. This year, as President of “Lions International Stamp Club” I will have the great pleasure and honor to collaborate and work together in harmonious atmosphere, for the long - term continuity and activity of the LISC. Although all of us felt sad and disappointed from the cancellation of the 103th International Lions Convention in charming Singapore, we decided finally to prepare our lives for that necessary strange change. Although, under difficult circumstances and constraints due to the Covid-19 pandemic, the Lions Clubs and the Lions International Stamp Club/LISC members will try to continue and thrive. We are looking forward to work closely all together under the necessary new technology rules. Any proposed innovative idea, as well as our past acquired experience would be our basic resources for our priorities. The Board members, Directors and Chapter’s officials would be asked to give their good spirit and best activity to achieve those targets. Further, every year the President and his Council submit a few new proposals and modifications, trying to contribute with targeted additions and initiatives for another better, improved form of LISC. President’s Letter............. 1 One of the main issues that will concern us during this fiscal year, would be LISC Committees.............. 2 the general (global) and the local (Chapters) arithmetic membership to be placed in a new, safer frame. I am sure that the skills of experienced in Nomination message....... 2 technology LISC members are ready to present their proposals and solutions. An equal important issue that will concern my presidency, will be the Very important notice....... 2 improvement and the revision of some articles of the LISC Constitution and LISC Board members ....... 3 Policy. That task would be assigned to a team of experienced officers. At the same time they will check the correctness and publishing of a few of already Cyprus’ stamp history ...... 4 approved Minutes of past Convention General Assemblies. Concerning the republishing of the “Philatelist” magazine, I want to inform you Secretary News ................ 4 that they are a few existing ambitious plans and steps. Signed, sealed and The Lions technical team of the President and the support of webmaster Lion Peter, would surely be the best tools for helping toward that direction. (re) sold........................ 5 Last but not least, I hope that through our Philatelic magazine pages we would show also the Lionic face of LISC social donations and service to LCIF and surely LISC mission statement.... 5 to the community. Obviously all the above thoughts, suggestions and plans were Lions’ 2021 International in the intention of previous Boards, but perhaps their time period exceeded or for other coincidental reasons were not possible to be realized. Convention in Motreal.. 6 I want cordially to thank the past Presidents and Board members for their continuous responsible job during their office, as well as for their personal Delegation events form .. 7 support offered to me from 2010 till today. New Issue Service............ 8 I want also to express my appreciation to all Lions friends from different Chapters and countries, who were present in our last AGM during the 102nd International Lions Convention in Milan (Italy). Dear members, please unlock your best potential for another innovative LISC year. Pay attention - Stay Safe!

Spyros Seremidis

In this Issue

Sincerely in Lionism and Philately, PCC SPYROS SEREMIDIS, Ambassador of Good Will LISC President 2020-2021




A new Website has been introduced. It is essential that we receive the latest information about your personal data as well as your annual contribution or dues. The dues for 2020-2021 are $ 20,00 for the US and € 15,00 for all other members. 1. Dues have to be paid to your Chapter, or 2. Individual dues have to be transferred either by Bank transfer, or Pay Pal to the Belgian LISC Bank account at the KBC Bank: IBAN: BE59 7310 2248 0026 BIC KREDBEBB - PayPal: 3. American LISC members should mail their checks to Lion Douglas Schembs Jr, 321 Lamberts Mill Road, Westfield NJ, 07090-4738. 4. All due and payments for deliveries from the New Issue Service and Webshop are to be paid to: IBAN: NLI IINGB0006653537 BIC: INGBNL2A or PayPal Thank you for your kind cooperation.

Secretary and Treasurer DAVID McKIRDY/MICHA GELBER-NIS and Webshop


The Nominations Committee invites LISC members to nominate candidates for the Board of Directors for the year 2021–2022.Voting will take place at the Annual General Meeting of LISC at the Montreal Convention in 2021. It is every membe’s responsibility to obtain qualified and interested Lions, who will be dedicated to LISC programmes and projects, working with the President to achieve our goals. In making a nomination the sponsoring member MUST have the prior approval of the member being nominated. If possible a short resume of his/her activities and achievements should accompany the nomination along with the name of a seconder. As per our Constitution ALL Board members must be nominated every year and the following Board members are needed. President, 1st Vice President, 2nd Vice President, 3rd Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer and Three - Two Year Director. (The One Year Directors will already be in office). PLEASE send in the names of members you wish to nominate as soon as possible. All existing members of the Board are eligible for re-nomination. The committee must submit the list/slate of candidates to the secretary at least 30 days prior to the AGM. Nominations can also be accepted from the floor during the AGM but as members will appreciate, it is far better to have all the formalities in place before the AGM. NOTE: All Sponsors, Seconders and Nominees must be fully paid up members of LISC for the year 2020-2021 to take part in the vote. Please send Nominations to: Lion David Jones, 18 Caebryn Avenue, Sketty, SWANSEA, SA2 9AT, Wales, U.K. Tel:+44(0)1792 204520. E.mail: - Skype: davidjones18.

LISC COMMITEES 2020-2021 Executive Committee

Spyros Seremidis – Chairperson (President 2020-2021) Peter Brandenburg – 1st vice President & Webmaster David McKirdy - Secretary / Treasurer Micha Gelber Executive Director

Nominating Committee

The Committee consists of the last three Presidents.The Nominating Committee prepares the list of candidates for the year 2021-2022. Nominations are always welcome. David Jones – Chairperson Ted Henebery Dianna Lim Spyros Seremidis

Membership & Extension Committee

The Committee is responsible for recruiting new members, the establishment of new Chapters as well as the administration and up keep of the database and collection of dues. It has always been my idea to involve Chapter secretaries and area managers where there are no Chapters. David McKirdy – Secretary-Treasurer Peter Brandenburg - Webmaster Diana Lim Chapters Far East 12, 16, 17, 19, 21, 22, 23. Ivan Wong – Hong Kong Ted Henebery – Australia, New Zealand Doug Schembs – USA Joel Liechtmaneger – France etc. Spyros Seremidis - Chapter 20 Greece Cyprus Antonio Marte - Italy Jan Pieter Bal – Benelux Alain-Pierre Schmid

Convention Committee Montreal

The Committee deals with all matters pertaining to the organization of the booth, contacts with Oak Brook the preparation of cachets, pins, stamps and sales. Spyros Seremidis - Chairperson Dianna Lim – PIP David McKirdy – Secretary/Treasurer Alain-Pierre Schmid – Pin & Cover

Stamp Quality and Verification Committee – NIS

The task of this Committee is verification of new stamp issues and collectables in accordance with Policy Manual PS 0017. Micha Gelber – Chairperson Thierry de Wandeleir Ton van Vliet – ROS (Rotary)

Editorial Committee

Spyros Seremidis - Editor Philatelist Peter Brandenburg - Webmaster

Audit Committee

To check the financial report as presented by the Treasurer before the Board Meeting. Ted Henebery – Chairperson David Jones Spyros Seremidis Emilianos Chrysopoulos

Constitution & Policy Committee


SC WEBSITE VISIT OUR NEW LI l/ https://www.lisc.n

The Committee reviews the Constitution and Policy Manual, proposing and presenting amendments to the Board and AGM. Spyros Seremidis – Chairperson Ted Henebery Howard Leverson David McKirdy – Secretary

LISC BOARD 2020-2021 President

LISC BOARD 2020-2021

Lion Spyros Seremidis (Greece)

1st Vice President

Lion Peter Brandenburg (The Netherlands)

2nd Vice President

Lion Alain-Pierre Schmid (New Caledonia)

Ted Henebery Immediate Past President

Spyros Seremidis President 2020-2021

Peter Brandenburg 1st Vice President

Immediate Past President Lion Ted Henebery (Australia)

Secretary & Treasurer

Lion David McKirdy (United Kingdom)


Alain Pierre Schmid 2nd VicePresident

Lion Peter Brandenburg (The Netherlands)

David Mc Kirdy Secretary & Treasurer


Directors 1 year

Lion Wong Chi Fai (Hong Kong - China) Lion Chai Ming Voon (Singapore)

Directors 2 years

Wong Chi Fai

Lion Soh Wee Boon (Singapore) Lion Frank Marcus (The Netherlands) Lion Danny Howard (Australia)

Alain Pierre Schmid

Chai Ming Voon

Danny Howard

Frank Marcus

Micha Gelber

David Jones


Executive Life Directors

Lion Howard Levenson (USA) Lion Micha Gelber (The Netherlands) Lion David Jones (Wales-UK)

Soh Wee Boon

Howard Levenson





The first indication of an item being sent from Cyprus that we know of dates back to 1353. This was an entire from Famagusta to Venice. The various conquerors of the island can be traced via the postal history with letters existing from all period, i.e. the Lusignans (1192-1489), the Venetians (14891571 and the Ottomans (1572-1840). The first “organised” system was during the Ottoman period for letters going outside the Ottoman Empire. These letters used initially hand-stamps and later postage stamps of the Austro - Hungarian Empire. For mail to Turkey, Turkish stamps were used. These are quite rare as only a very small number exist. It was not until 1878, when the British first came to the Island, that a proper postal system was set up, initially covering the main towns and some military installations. British stamps were used with barred cancellations, dedicated to the place of origin. On 1st of April 1880, six stamps, the most commonly used denominations, were overprinted with the word “CYPRUS”, giving birth to the first Cyprus issue. Up to 1928, the postage stamps issued depicted the King or Queen that reigned at the time, i.e. Queen Victoria, King Edward VII and King George V.

After this date, the design and size of stamps were modified in order to depict scenes from Cyprus, thus making them more interesting. Since 1960, when the Republic of Cyprus came into being, the stamp of Cyprus have been displaying the culture, flora and fauna of Cyprus, including a large variety of international event commemorations. In this context, the Cyprus Postal Authorities in an effort to honour one of the largest known charity Organisations the “LIONS CLUBS INTERNATIONAL”, issued two times stamps on the subject. The first was in April 1990 to commemorate the Europa Forum of the Lions that took place in Limassol. The second in March 2017, to commemorate the 100th Anniversary / Centennial of Lions Clubs International from the Clubs of the Multiple District 117 / Greece – Cyprus. Furthermore, over the years many slogans related to Lions were issued commemorating the many aspects of their activities including anniversaries, Conventions and conferences. The Cyprus Post has won a number of prizes in world competitions and intent to continue on the same line, with the aim being to promote Cyprus and important events.

Secretary News - Membership


Thank you to those Chapters and individual members, who have already remitted their 2020/21 dues. When you receive an emailed invoice, please retain in your records in support of the payment already made. Chapters - At the time of writing our new method of collecting dues is about to be launched. The system devised is based on the LCI method of invoicing that we are all familiar with. From now those members who are affiliated to a Chapter will be invoiced via their Chapter Secretary. Members are therefore requested to remit their membership renewal to your Chapter Secretary. From now on it is a Chapter Secretary responsibility to maintain the accuracy of Chapter membership. LISC will invoice each Chapter annually based on the membership on the database as at 1 July. Chapter Secretaries will be issued with a Password to enable them to maintain their Chapter database. Where there is a Chapter Treasurer, they will also be given access to update receipt of dues. Chapter Presidents will be given Read Only access. The deadline for payment has been extended to 30 September and it is suggested that Chapters remit funds to the Belgian Bank once all dues have been collected to minimise your Bank Charges, please remember that it is the senders’ responsibility to cover any costs in order that LISC receives payment in full. Individual Members – In respect of non-aligned Chapter members an individual invoice will be forwarded to the email address registered on the LISC database. If members have changed their email address then they are requested to inform the LISC Secretary to enable records to be updated. Please ensure you email the LISC Secretary ( when payment is remitted. Please also advise the LISC Secretary of any changes to contact details. a. U.S. Members: Lease forward a US$ cheque (currently $20) to Lion Doug Schembs who will bank it with the Harris Bank in the US. Members can if they wish remit (currently €15) to the bank in Belgium but please remember to pay the bank charges, the US cheque option is probably the easiest and cheapest method. b. Members from the rest of the world: Please remit dues direct to the Belgian Bank (currently €15). Please remember that any charges are the senders’ responsibility.


Lion DAVID McKIRDY, LISC Secretary & Treasurer

Signed, Sealed, Delivered and (Re)sold

Lion Ross Paine has 53,000 reasons why people by JOAN CARY The stamp contributions are collected by about half should recycle stamps. of the 1,200 Lions clubs in Australia. The Australian Chapter of the LCI Stamp Club has just “Trimming the stamps is very relaxing for the small amounts completed a record 12 months in which they sold more than that come to me”, says Sanders, “but the bulk are sent to 400 kilos of stamps at auction, raising AUD $ 53,000 to Ted and Ross for tidying”. help children with cerebral palsy Buyers come from all over Australia walk. and Asia, where the hobby and Jaydyn, a boy with cerebral palsy, business of stamps as an takes his first steps with the help investment is booming. of his brother and a walker. Paine personally stopped collecting Every stamp donated was sold around 2014 when the hobby was and every cent raised by Lions was taking over his free time and the given to the Australian Lions number of stamps being issued was Children’s Mobility Foundation increasing. Now, as a 79 year old (ALCMF). Between July 2019 and retiree, he can spend as much time July 2020, the foundation supplied on the project as needed. 63 walkers, bikes, tri/quadricycles At auction, the stamps are sold in to people under the age of 18. bulk lots of 5 kilos which is about The stamps needn’t be collectible 5,000 stamps or 10 kilos. or in vintage condition to be worth money, (stamp no longer Combining a Hobby with Lions Service Ted Henebery in wanted, postage stamps clipped from envelopes, e.t.c), New South Wales, amalgamates them into boxes and is what the Lions have received and sold. The thought to delivers them to the auction center. The money that comes recycle and sell the stamps as a fundraiser didn’t come goes straight to ALCMF. about until 1991 when Paine of Queensland and the Lion The funding from the Lions stamp project takes away the Max Laurie attended the Brisbane LCI Convention. pressure of having to ask clubs individually for contributions Both were active members in the LCI Stamp Club and in these times of COVID-19, says Danny Richardson Laurie was the president. Chairman of ALCMF. But members also benefit, as this Lions originally gave their stamp sales to a children’s project combines their hobby with an important Lions’ service. school for the deaf and blind, but in 2006 switched to “I find it can be very relaxing just having the old brain ticking ALCMF where the motto is “Walk With Pride”. along in neutral and not involving myself in anything Anne Sanders a teamworth Peel physical,” says Paine. “We have several octogenarians Valley Lion in Australia, helps by assisting with the clipping, they feel too happy to be involved trimming and sorting stamps at and feel useful within Lions contributing to a social project”. home. That year the Lions made AUD $ 1,197 with the project. By 2016 they had increased sales in AUD $ 13,500, in 2018 AUD $ 25,500,2019 they made AUD $ 48,000 and by April 2020 their annual haul was AUD $ 53,000. In total, AUD $ 200,000 have raised by Lions for ALCMF by recycling 4 tons of stamps. Originally a Lions-only project, recent articles in Australian newspapers and trade journals have drawn attention to the cause. The project grew so quickly that they had to appoint used Stamp Coordinators in each Australian state just to receive, prepare, and sort the philatelic donations.


LISC was formed in 1951 during 38th International Lions Convention (Atlantic City USA), by the Lion Peter Keller. Mission statement: To foster and develop the avocation of Lions stamp collecting to increase international goodwill of Lionism. Members can participate in the NIS and activities such as stamp exchanges and used stamp collection programs for charitable and community service.The “Philatelist” a newsletter that includes articles on Lions stamps and covers together with many offers, publicizes the many philatelic activities of Lions. More than 100 countries have issued postage stamps with Lions logo on it, in recognition of Lions club activities in their countries. Covers with Lions cancel have existed since the 1920’s.



creations, Montréal is a The members of the Lions Clubs hotbed of creativity and of Québec are proud to welcome exciting exchanges of ideas. you to the 103rd International If you have an appetite for Convention 2021 in Montréal, in the beautiful province of Québec. fabulous meals, you’ll find Montréal has hosted the that Montréal is a food Host Committee Message International Conventions twice, lover’s dream. in 1979 and 1996 and we are Parisian-styled bistros, lively delighted to welcome you again cafés, casual eateries and after 25 years. The Convention will be a wonderful opportunity upscale restaurants dot the city end to end. Montréal’s master for Lions around the world to reconnect with old friends and chefs creatively craft the city’s platinum reputation for culinary colleagues, and to make new friendships for the future. excellence in restaurants across town, rivalling top destinations Montréal is the cradle of Lions movement in Québec with the around the world. establishment of the Montréal Central Lions Club, which will celebrate its 100 years of service in 2022. Easy to get to, easy to love The Lions of Québec are honored to serve you in both of All of this is easy to get to from anywhere in the world. The Canada’s official languages, French and English. YUL Montréal-Trudeau International Airport, just 20 minutes The world has changed a lot since we last hosted Lions, but from the downtown core and is easily accessible from most Montréal remains as safe, friendly and welcoming as ever. The major cities. Safe, friendly and easy to navigate, Montréal city’s new health and security protocols, led by Tourisme serves up all the excitement of a major urban centre, yet its Montréal in partnership with the City, provincial and national compact size and laid-back the vibe gives it an appealing governments, hospitality industry stakeholders and citizens, will hometown feel that’s all its own. The Palais des congrès de ensure the safety and comfort of all delegates and their guests. Montréal convention centre and the Bell Centre are both From the airport to hotels and from event venues to restaurants, within close walking distance to official convention hotels, Lions can rest assured that every measure has been taken to reducing the need for travel by taxi or public transportation. provide world-class service in a fully secure setting. However, whether delegates choose to walk, take taxis or use With this peace of mind Lions will be delighted to discover the city’s clean and efficient public transit system, they’ll find Montréal’s unique mix of European charm and North American that getting around is a breeze. energy, offering a world of discoveries for all ages and interests. If you can, consider adding on a few days to explore Late June is a wonderful time to explore the city, from the Montréal’s many different neighborhoods, and to sample the historic district of Old Montréal to the lush green spaces of fabulous food and world-class culture that has made the city Mount Royal and beyond. Most of all, we know that you will enjoy a warm welcome famous. In the coming weeks and months, more information wherever you go in the city. Montréalers are passionate about on things to do during your stay, including itinerary ideas and life and are renowned for their friendliness, openness, and special offers for Lions Club attendees will be available in the in the Tours section of the LCI website. charm. We can’t wait to show you around! We know you will love your experience in Montréal, and we are committed to making the 2021 Lions Clubs International History, culture and gourmet discoveries Convention the most memorable ever. Although steeped in over 375 years of history, Montréal has a See you soon-à bientôt! young, free-spirited personality and always has its eyes on the

Welcome to Montréal

promise of tomorrow. With world-class museums and an eclectic cultural scene that ranges from internationally acclaimed classical arts to indie music and cutting-edge digital

YVES LEVEILLE 2021 International Convention Host Committee Chairperson P. I. D. 2013-2015

Explore Montréal’s 720° Safety Protocol

Lions Clubs International remains steadfast in providing the safest possible Convention experience for Lions visiting Montréal. As such, we are abiding by the recommendations of the World Health Organization due to 2020 Covid-19 spread and local governments to ensure the safest possible experience for the attendees of the 103rd Lions Clubs International Convention. To ensure the safest convention possible, we are working with Business Events Montréal, a part of the city’s local government that is helping event professionals understand the new landscape of planning meetings and Conventions in Montréal. Their 720° Safety Protocol is designed to keep business Organizations and their attendees feeling safe and welcome, and includes details about the Montréal-Trudeau International Airport (YUL), safety standards at the Palais des congrès de Montréal, sanitary procedures at hotels, the latest measures adopted on public gatherings and more. Visit the Business Events Montréal site to learn more about the new safety measures taking place.



The New Issue Service (NIS) does not expect that there will be many issues in the foreseeable future, due the Covid-19 worldwide spread problems to Lions clubs activities and communications. Regardless of this we inform that many countries still available at NIS, as well as the stock of the webshop contain substantial number of stamps from Cuba 1940 till today (basic collections, imperforate stamps, gutter pairs, deluxe sheets, first Day and Convention covers). Consult the catalog and the Encyclopedia 2020 and you will discover for your collection missing items. Convention Mem We gladly assist you in filling the empty spots in your ber Pins Gallery collection. Further, from the Convention Committee is also presented a proposed Montreal Convention LISC cover.

e cover n Committee for th tio en nv Co SC LI Proposal by nvention 2021 s International Co on Li h 3t 10 e th of


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