How to Reset a Lost Admin Password on Mac OS X? How to Reset Admin password on Mac OS X in easy factor. Ever forgot your password to your Mac? Well here's a solution! We are humans and being humans we are tend to make mistakes and forget things. One of the most common things, people forget is passwords. We usually put too much trust on our memory and consider that we won’t forget a certain password. However, if we don’t use the certain password for some time, there is a high possibility that we might forget it. So if you have forgotten the Admin Password of your MacBook OS X and your technical knowledge of handling such a tricky situation is limited, here are few steps that you can follow to reset your password and regain control of your MacBook. You can get instant MacBook OS X Support by dialing 1-800-749-0397.
Using System Preferences Let’s take the simple method first. Locate the Apple icon on the screen of your MacBook and click the Logout username option. Once logged out, there will be several accounts presented on the menu, choose the admin account and enter your password. On repeated failing, the system will ask for your master password that can be changed at the Security menu of the System Preferences options.
Using Single-User Mode In case you can’t regain lost control of your Mac OS X with the help of System Preferences, let’s take the harder and surer way out. First of all, shut down your system. Now perform a simple yet complex-looking exercise, using your left hand, press down the Apple or Command key on keyboard, along with pressing the S key. While simultaneously pressing the Command and S key, turn on the computer. Hold on to the two keys, don’t release them yet. Wait until few white characters appear on a black screen. You can release the keys now as you have entered Single-User mode now.
Check if you can see sentences like localhost:/root# on the very last line of the screen. After this, check for any drive errors and fix them if you find any. Don’t make any massive changes in the Single-User mode as it could make certain problems worse. Immediately after the # on the last line of the screen, type fsck –fy and press Return. Once the process is finished, localhost:/root#, also known as prompt will appear again. Before you go ahead and reset your password, you should mount the drive which will help you make changes to the files.
To perform this, type mount –uw / at the prompt and press Return. Now we have reached the final stages, at the prompt, type launchctl load/System/Library/LaunchDaemons/ and then press Return. After this type Is /Users and press Return. This will allow listing of all the accounts on your computer system along with Public. Now type dscl. Passwd/Users/username password at the same time when replacing username with one of the users displayed before and also replacing password with your new password. Press Return and ignore any error message that comes after entering this command. Finally, type reboots at the prompt and press Return. Your system will restart and you will be in control of your Mac with a new password. If the above process seems little tedious to you, you can always rely on our trusted Mac OS X Tech Support 1-800-749-0397.